Manufacturers' Pure Food Exhibit '— ———— f niinr rAArvC YOUR FAMILY EATS MORE 1 UKfc rUUUO t/ ° eto BREAD THAN ANYTHING ELSE "Made in Harrisburg" too Be Sure It's Pure When you buy any of our food products you know that they have been U. S. When you make a bread purchase, just remember that your family's inspected and passe health is at stake. You can't afford to drop a nickel on the counter and sim- You'll be able to identify them by the Serial Numbei ply sa y "Give me a loaf of bread." It is a duty you owe to your family and ->Ol glad tO to yourself to see you Demand Schmidt's Bread which the Government permits us to put on our products only after U. S. inspector has w thoroughly examined and O. Kd. them. For years Bernard Schmidt has followed but one standard in bread-bak „ , 4.u 4. j- , tiU D „ , P uuu At* * n g—P ure ingredients and thorough cleanliness. True he bakes different Get acquainted with them at our display at the Pure Food Exhibit —.and for your , L J*. .® . V , thoroughly examined and O. K'd them. breads to suit different tastes, but everyone -nust measure up to the same „ , a * a standard of Premium Hams and Bacon, Dauphin County Lard Frankfurts Minced Ham— rOULDS Havory, nrm, Boiled Hams 291 Sausage and Dauphin County Sausage. ' . 4 11a •« 1 /"*] 1* If Your Dealer Can't Supp.y You 'Phone Us " . """"V", Absolute Purity and Cleanliness bpaghetti, served daily There's a Schmidt Bread to suit your taste. Your dealer can supply you. Brelsford Packing and Storage Company at our cxhibit ' No see that you get*. HARRISBURG, PENNA. < 11 """ F "' SH ™ I SCHMIDT'S BAKERY > r , Harrisburg, Penna. Egg** For Pure Food When You're Cake Hungry™ different brands on display at the Manufacturers' Pure Food When You Eat Rice Whether it be a little jumble to munch on between Insist on meals, or a dainty biscuit for the afternoon tea, or f : N . Domino Packnje Rice the maximum in quality, purity and* deliciousness, Packed in sanitary; dirt-proof cartons. Free from the danger Our J of contact with rats, mice, roaches, etc. It is the safe rice ThoHey Baking Company's Display aMm ™ u for your family. CAKES ° F MWI T Our Exhibit SIIOMT All first-class grocers sell Thorley Baking Company cakes. KW I Space No. 32 SMALL CAKES JT J —. V T . J „ - MARSHMALLOW COCOANUT I^lff Ralph Goldsmith Co. sensation-Vmbles lm7k D R J s T NAPs ES A/ / / And nany others ew r tans, a. DINNER CAKES D J 1. CHOCOLATEBARfi ICE CREAM CAKES W WYCkfill ft& ■v ANGEL FOOD SPONGE CAKES / FRUIT CAKES FANCY SMALT. PAIfFR ' SMALL LAKBb. At fhl< exh | h | t we W |U K | V e ample aMuranra «> to the au- DAM/ ItlSsA A f \Y%r% Birthdav and Other cakes baked on perlorlty of all "P. M. P. CO." product., and explain the care tnken IVCaI Jul Cc Ul Iff£ KJiaUk: special orders to your erocer or «• •"«»« the beat r«..ibi. mUk .. d ere.™. ..d the P r„«.. - ■ ' b under which they are prepared. RED M WING B S n 7¥ ,pany t-;, ImwA 6.h St. and Delaware Ave. HARRISBURG, PA. "Nissley-Reist" and "P-M-P" A Showing See Our display at the Pure Food Exhibit. BUTTER Handsome , Many f TUP*. ''kr.Bll." nr. n hi>n..h«ld imiA and tn h» " nr. mil h«I. i'V"ll'iiiniiii'iiiiViiii*' _ _ _ the beat milk obtainable, see that thla label la on every bottle. #ji;Vs SEE TOLEDO HEAVY „ . . - CAPACITY SCALES T& „.^ l ' nS - V , lvania ReCCiptS * M UICe - - For manufacturers and warehouses. Also jWI |J K Pfrjnil scales suitable for every need, at Purefood l»lIlH I lUUUvIj vUI I ex ' l i b ' t - Most marvelous weighing device v .II O *l_ n T>TVF ever mac^e ' Harris burg, ia. GIVEN FREE il Toledo Scale Co. , Ask the Red Wing Indian Maiden at Our Booth 313 Telegraph Bldg. Read the Harrisburg Telegraph Daily For News of the B. F. REYNOLDS, Sales Agent Manufacturer's Pure Food Show INDIANA COUNTY • CHEERS NOMINEES Republican Candidates Receive a Tremendous Greeting From Thousands of People Blalrsville, on the southern line of Indiana county, and across the Kiski minetas from Westmoreland county, gave the Republican State candidates a rousing reception last night, over 3,000 men gathering to hear them, while the people of the town, which used to be a hotbed of insurgency, decorated their homes and turned out In force to greet the candidates. Dr. Brumbaugh aroused tremendous en thusiasm by a vigorous declaration of lkis platform and Senator Penrose's denunciation of the Democratic war tax to hide the deficiencies of the Democratic tariff had many a sym pathetic listener. Some of the most independent men In the two counties turned out for the demonstration and prospects for the Republicans rolling up great majori ties are excellent, especially as the Democrats are Bplit wide open. The Republican meeting In Blalrsville was In striking contrast to the Democratic meeting In Greensburg. the county peat of Westmoreland, where a small audience greeted Palmer and McCor mlck and where the air resounds with the diatribes of James M. Laird and SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 10, 1914. other Democrats against the arrogant bosses of their divided party. Finn for Loral option Dr. Brumbaugh reiterated his stand for local option, saying he had been for it for years and that he was being misrepresented In the most outrageous way. Said he: "The teachers in this Commonwealth who have heard me for a generation lecturing throughout the State, and the army of children who have passed under my super vision in their training in this State, and the people in a thousand churches where I have spoken, know that any attempt such as now being made to misrepresent me on this issue is a slander and the besmirching of a rec ord which they cannot even approach, much less equal. Let the people know the truth, and let the righteous and decent issue follow. "I deplore the attempt being made to spread throughout this nation the slanderous implication that Pennsyl vania is a corrupted and a badly man aged Commonwealth. I am proud of my State, proud of the godly ancestry from which I have sprung in this State, proud of the great, splendid people of this Commonwealth. lam glad to be one of them, and I ask them to join with me in holding up the fair name of Pennsylvania to the world, and saying even to her traducers, 'Pennsylvania is too clean njid too splendid a Commonwealth ever to sur render its government to men who would besmirch its fair name and traduce its splendid Institutions for the sake of holding office and exploit ing the Commonwealth for their per sonal and selfish ends. For Children and Labor 'Better than jour forges and fur naces, your mills and mines, vour farms and factories, valuable, as these are. are the childrert who are to be the men and women of to-morrow, and who are to-day our most impor tant asset and our first concern. Un der the school code it is possible in Pennsylvania now, without further legislation save increased appropria tions, to carry on the work to establish here in Pennsylvania the finest school system in the world. "We need in Pennsylvania also an advanced employers' liability act, which, exclusive of domestic service and employment on the farm, will guarantee to our people in toll proper reward and suitable compensation for any injuries received while at work. "It is unfortunate that in this great, generous Commonwealth women are obliged to toll for their daily bread, but if In our economic conditions this at any time is necessary, as it seems to be, I wish to assure you that I stand absolutely committed to any legislation that will make easy the tusks of our women in toil, and that will protect them and safeguard their health while they work. "I have also given for many years earnest thought and consideration to the child labor legislation of this Com monwealth and of other States, and I love the State well enough to have given so largely of my time to its chil dren that I wish unequivocally to take the stand for the child labor legis lation that any community can pos sibly enjoy. I believe there are possi bilities in this direction that we have not yet touched. If in some vital and practical way we can link the toll of our children with their education, and make the transition from school to factory a gradual and not a sudden one, with proper restrictions aa to hours In the day and limits in age, we can render to the childhood of to-day a service of the greatest moment. Their lives must be conserved, their energy husbanded, their strength de veloped, their skill directed and their intelligence converted into the highest possible forms of utility. "In the open primaries of May I won the nomination for the office of • Governor with a vote of more than a i quarter of 4 million of qualified elect ors of this Commonwealth. In their I name and in their behalf I am making : ] the fight in Pennsylvania for a clean 1 and capable and intelligent adminis tration of our public affairs. There is no other influence in the world that controls me. no so-called 'boss' or 'bosses' have ever for one moment undertaken to dictate to me whether or not I should be a candidate or what I should do if elected to the office of Governor, and I wish distinctly to de clare that if chosen to that office I , shall be hand-free and heart-free to do absolutely the things which In my 1 own conscience I believe to be right, 1 and I shall allow no man in this wide world to dictate to me what 1 shall • or shall not do." Senator Peurose assailed the war : tax. "Why," he asked, 'is this extraor ■ dinary proposal to Increase the federal taxes by $105,000,000 at a time when, 1 because of business stress, all private , manufacturing and mercantile enter prises, and the people in their homes, ; are economizing in their expenditures , as they have not done for many years? "The answer is that the money is > needed not because of any war, not because of any external emergency, • but to cover up the extravagance of ■ the political party which, though It > represents only a minority of the I voters, is no.w in power in this nation ' and the utter breakdown of Its fiscal i policy of tariff for revenue only which 1 has failed to produce the necessary 1 revenue. 1 "The Democratic tariff has failed to 1 Justify the one consideration urged • for its existence, that it was a tariff for revenue only. That tariff has un dermined American industries, de moralized the country's business, ruined many a manufacturer and mer chant. and driven thousands of Ameri can wage-earners to Idleness and want. "Its pathway Is marked by silent i machinery aud cheerless homes; its monuments are the smokeless chim neys of the factories. "The free silver agitation, the free trade agitation, the radical and vin dictive assaults on business, for no other reason, apparently, than it was prosperous, year by year, have been driving out of the Democratic party in the Northern States those business and professional men who were once the best element of its membership. "One blunder after another, one un sound propaganda after anotheri has caused men of this type to abandon the Democratic party. Therefore, when the chance of politics has brought that party into control of the national government, these men are not available for Democratic councils. The party leaders are handicapped without them. No such tariff law as the law now on the statute books would ever have been framed if the business men of the country who used to be In the Democratic party had re mained with that party." PREPARE DI KING LEISURE TIME Young men and women who have the ability and ambition to master a Business Training and desire us to place In Stenographic and Book keeping positions should begin prepa ration immediately—you have no time for delay if you want to be ready when rush of business comes. If financial circumstances prevent you beginning now. call at School of Commerce, 16 South Market Square, und state the facts. We may be able to help you solve this problem.—Advertisement. TOWN REDUCED TO ASHES London, Oct. 10. 4.05 A. M.—The correspondent of the Dally Mail In France telegraphs that he learned • from refugees that the German bom bardment has worked terrible destruc tion at Arras, a large part of which I has been reduced to ushes. Thousands of destitute inhabitants have taken refuge in neighboring villages. I Letters to the Editor WILDMAN AND LYBARGEII To the Editor of the Telegraph: During the firemen's parade on Thursday last while Augustus Wild man, one of the candidates for mem ber of the House of Representatives on the Republican ticket, displayed his civic interest and patriotism by marching in the ranks with his men, his opponent on the Democratic ticket, Jesse J. Lybarger, exposed his caliber by following the parade in an auto mobile decorated with his political ad vertisement and distributing his po litical card with bombast and egotism on its face and villlttcatlon of his op ponent on its back. As a fireman I "have not forgotten the strenuous fight Wildman made during the closing hours of the last , session of the Legislature to save the ' State appropriation to our fire com -1 panies after the same had been stricken from the general appropri ation bill on acount of its illegality. Such conduct, Jesse, gets you no votes. Better cut It out. A VOLUNTEER FIREMAN. Gets Spark Plugs and $6 in Cash For Bad Check Signing his name as James MeCughy, a motorcyclist, passed a forged check last evening on the Excelsior Cycle Company, 1007-9 North Third street. McCughv told a hard luck story to Harry Feldsteln, manager of the com • pany. saying that his motorcycle was out of commission and thai he needed two spark plugs to enable lilm to run his machine. He gave a check for $8 to manager Feldsteln and was given sfi in change. I It was discovered this morning that Ithe check was void. Don't Pass Beardsley's Booth WITHOUT SAMPLING Ifegex . Purely Vegetable Extract. For bouillon, gravies, soup stock, sandwiches. ' ——— / IWttE ST. PISIOB ' RESIGNS CHARGE Before Eldership on Charges of Im moral Conduct; Details Are Not Made Public Following trial on charges of Im moral conduct before the Judicial committee of the East Pennsylvania. Eldership of the Church of God, now in session at Lancaster, the Rev. G. W. Danner, pastor of the Nagle Street Church of God, this city, resigned yes terday. His resignation was tendered after the committee had recommend ed his suspension from the! ministry for a year. The sessions yesterday were taken up with the trial of the Rev. Mr. Dan ner on the immorality charge and the Rev. I. A. McDonald, of Shippensburg, who is charged with slander and hy pocrisy. There are forty-three counts of slander and fourteen of hypocrisy against him. Details of the charges against the Rev. Mr. Danner have not been Issued, as the eldership disagreed oa the question of newspaper publicity. The trouble involving the Rev. Mr. McDonald dates back several years, when it is charged he repeatedly wrote letters denouncing Dr. C. H. Forney, of this city, to the secretary of the Board of General Eldership. This relates to the slander charge. Two years ago, at the Shippensburg convention, the Rev. Mr. McDonald presented charges of electioneering against a number of ministers. It is because of these actions that he is ar raigned for hypocrisy. The Rev. Mr. McDonald. It is al leged. signed a basis of settlement ad mitting Implication in slander and hy procrisy. This was accepted by the Judicial committee and the eldership to-day discussed the advisability of approving it. Columbia University Gymnasium Destroyed By Associated Press New York, Oct. 10. —The Columbia University gymnasium building, a two-story brownstone structure 75 by 175 feet, designed by the late Stanford White and built twelve years ago, was a charred, water-soaked ruin to-day with all but the walls and,the electric power plant in the basement destroyed by the fire which gained swift head way this morning. FRANK HOFFMAN ATTENDS fiOLDEN EAGLE CONVENTION Frank C. Hoffman will leave to morrow for Norfolk, to attend the Su preme Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle, which meets In that city next week. He will be accompanied by E. S. Hess, who expects to be made a member of that body. Norfolk has planned many social events for thA entertainment of its visitors. Mr. Hoffman is the only representative from Central Pennsylvania. Try Telegraph Want Ads 1 5
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