ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS JOSEPH C. (11 WILL BE BURGESS Dnncannon Council Petitions Court to Appoint Him in Place of Retiring Official CIVIC CLUB OFFICERS CHOSEN Annual Reunion of Perry County Veterans at New Bloom field Next Fall (.• Dnncannon, Pa., Oct. 1 —George Blain and Miss Clara Sickel were quietly united In marriage at the home of the bride's mother, on High street, on Tuesday evening. The Rev. Dr. George H. Johnston, pastor of the Presbyterian Church', performed the ceremony.—Mrs. Sarnh C. Wahl and Harry E. Wantz, both of this place, were united in marriage Saturday evening at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church by the pastor, the Rev. W. W. Sholl.—The forty-second annual reunion of the Perry County Veterans' Association will be held at New Bloomfleld, next Fall. The date will he announced later.—The annual meeting of the Civic Club was held in Municipal hall on Saturday afternoon, and the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Ralph Smith, president; Miss Josephin George, first vice-president; Mrs. R. Stiles Duncan, second vice-president; Miss Catharine Hamilton, secretary; Mrs. Jason Pass more, treasurer; Mrs. H. W. McKen zie, Mrs. James E. Wilson, Mrs. J. W. Deckard and Mrs. T»ane S. Hart., direc tors.—At the regular meeting of bor ough council on Monday evening Joseph C. Cogan was approved and the courts petitioned to appoint him as burgess to fill the unexpired term of E. E. Rich resigned. SNYDER COUNTY FARM SOT.D Mlddleburg, Pa., Oct. 1 o.—The Rev. H. A. Stauffer, pastor of the Lutheran church is attending the sessions of the Lutheran Synod at Mifflinburg.— Mrs. Laura Keiter spent several days at OH City.—Mrs. D. A. Rhoads is visiting friends in Mifflinburg.—lsaac Seiler, of Selinsgrove, was here this week.—Joseph Lombard. of Selins grove,' spent Monday and Tuesday with his daughter, Mrs. M. t. Potter. —Paul Grinn, Of North Dakota, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grimm.—Editor William Rrown of the Frieburg Courier, called on Triends in town on Monday. The \mos Bowersox farm, east of Middle surg, was sold at public sale, Satur lay to George Travlty for $l,BlO. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed wetting. There la a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Bo* W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her successful home treat ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your chil dren trouble IU in this way. Don't blame the child —the chances are It cant belp it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difo eulties by day or night. EYE GLASS COMFORT Some persons say they can't wear eye-glasses. Try our new style mounting. Holds fast and feels comfortable. We grind lenses and can dupli cate any broken lens. Reasonable prices. Gohl Optical Co. (Our new Location) 31 N. Third St. Never Mind How Strong You Are — What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits —and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn —that win. "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory—between "wages" and "salary"—between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 23 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 students write of promotions or salary increases through I. C S. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men thev caii do for YOU. y No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. S. can train you in your own home, during your spare time, for a more important and bettar-paylng position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate you in the least—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and easy methods. It will cost vou nothing to Investigate—it may cost a life time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. Please explain without any obllgntlon to me how I can qual ify for the position before which I mark X. Blrctrlcal F.nalneer Mechanical Drafts Show ( aril Writing Klec. LlghOni! v npt. ItcfrlKcratlnn Knglnrer Advertising Electric Wlreimin t Itll ICnßtncer Salesmanship Tel. <S Tel. Kngineer Surveyor Teacher Architect l.oco. Fireman .t Kng, Kngllwh Branches Architectural Draftsman Civil Service Agriculture Structural Knislneer Itnllwuv Mail Clerk Ponltn- farming Hnlllllng Contractor llookkccpins; Flumh. A Steam Fit C'onc-ete Construction Menu. A.-Typewriting Chemlstrv I Mcr lMinlcnl Kntfluccr Window Trlmn.lna Automobile Running Name St and City State Present Occupation r SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 10, 1914. Wormleysburg Congregation Surprise Their Pastor fly Special Correspondence Worinl<■ jsliurg, Pa., Oct. 10.—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw left on Wednes day morning to attend the United Brethren conference at Mechantcs burg.—Mrs. J. J. Hemmer is enter taining her sister and niece from New Kingstown this week.—The Rev. and Mrs. Getz are at the meeting of the eldership of their church at Lancaster and before leaving on Monday evening they were given a great surprise by his congregation and the Church of God people. There were about one hundred present and they spent a very enjoyable evening. The minister was enticed to the United Brethren pa£ sonage until all things were ready.— Mrs. Wesley Geiger have as their guests relatives from Lebanon and Coatesvillo. Two New Bank Barns JBuilt on Perry Co. Farms By Special Correspondence Ttlnln, Pa., Oct. 10.—Veterans Jacob Snyder, John Eichelberger and Sam uel G. Smith, of this place, and W. H. Garber, of Stony Point, attended the soldiers' reunion at Newport on Sat urday.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hostettler, Harry and Raymond Hostettler, of Walnut, Juniata county, autoed here on Sunday to visit J. A. Snyder.—Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Garber, Mr. and Mrs. I D. P. Stokes and Mrs. Matilda Mor row motored on Sunday to visit the family of John Seitz, near Newville.— W. H. Woods, dealer In Florida real estate, who spent the summer at this place, returned to Sarisota, Fla. —J. F. Shannon & sons, who have built a large bank barn for S. W. Bernhelsel on his home farm, are building an other one on the Comp farm, now owned by Mr. Bernhelsel. —David Gut shall and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gutshall are visiting at Rossville, Kan., and Rritt, lowa.—Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kline are on the sick list.—R. K. Hench and family visited in Harris burg.—J. C. Gutshall, Mrs. M. Camp bell. Mrs. E. Kline and Mr. and Mrs. S. Reen autoed to the soldiers' re union at Newport.—C. R. Hench, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Riekard and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gutshall autoed to Middle town on Sunday.—Miss Ruth Don nally, of Donnally's Mills, who accom panied her father, L. E. Donally, here, visited her friend. Miss Lee Dromgold. German Study Added to Dillsburg School Course Dlllsbiirtr, Pa., Oct. 10.—William M. Ellicker, editor and manager of the Dillsburg Bulletin, attended the print ers'-convention In New York city this week.—Mrs. John Gasswint, of Car rol township, is seriously ill.—Miss Grace, Cassel. of Harrisburg. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cassel, over Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. ftdward Wenger returned, to their home In Harrisburg street on Sunday after a several weeks' trip through the West. —Professor I* N. Bell spent Sunday with his father at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wireman retruned to their home on Sunday after spend ing some time In Buffalo, N. Y.—Mrs. Charles Lehmer visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Reiver, in York, over Sunday. —The study of German has been added to the course of study of the Dillsburg high school. This branch will be taught by Professor L. W. Bell. —J. M. Karns is confined to his homo by illness caused by being kicked on his head by a horse he was shoeing.— J. S. Kapp and C. W. Gross repre sented the Dillsburg Fire Company at the State convention in Harrisburg this week. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of thin caper will be pleased to learn that there la at feaat one dreaded dlaeaae that aclence has been able t« cure in all Ita Btagcs, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Ciiro Is the only positive cure now known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting dlreetlr u|«m the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and glrlng the patient strength br building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing Its work. Th» proprietors bava so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred I>ollars for any caae that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall'* Family Pills for constipation M 111 HOKOR OF MISS HONE HER Miss Anna Hoffman Gives Delight-1 ful Entertainment For Phila delphia Guest SUPPER SERVED AT MIDNIGHT Dauphin Ladies' Aid Society Meets at Home of Mrs. Sam uel Mehaffey By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., Oct. iO.—A delight ful five hundred party was given on Wednesday evening by Miss Anna Hoffman, In honor of Miss Arne Shaf fer, of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, who Is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaffer. The rooma were beautifully decorated in pink and yellow dahlias, and a mid night supper was served to Mrs. Wil liam Rodenhaver, of Harrisburg; Miss Arne Shaffer, Miss Bertha Sel lers, Miss Bertha t'offrode, of Johns town, Miss Ora Bickle, Miss Ann Miller, Miss Ruth Shaffer, Miss Carrie Gerberich, Miss Sabra Clark, Miss Anna Hoftman, Walter Shaffer, Bion Welker, Ernest Shaffer, Edgar For ney, and Ray Hoffman.—The prize winners were Miss Ora Bickle, Miss Sabra Clark, Walter Shaffer and Ed gar Forney.—Mrs. Nlmrocl Smith spent several days with friends at Lancaster.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Greenawalt and daughter, Miss Mary Ellen Greenawalt, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fishbaugh, at York, this week.—Mrs. I. Lick Feaser returned home, on Tuesday, after a months' visit with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Berkey, at Sommerset, Pa.— Parker Coffrode, of Johnstown, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Coffrode.—Mrs. W. F. Reed re turned on Sunday from a visit to Bal timore and Washington.—Miss Myrtle Ballets, of Norrlstown, and Miss Maude Ballets, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Charles Lighter.—Mrs. H. M. Reed and son Russel, who spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. Charles Bowman, Renovo, have returned home.—Mrs. Fred Schneider and Courtney spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Sponsler.—Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, of Decator, 111., are spending the winter with the latter's father, John Bricker.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hocker and Charles Kitzmiller, of Marysvllle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Shoop, on Saturday and Sunday.—The Ladles' Aid Society of the UDlted Evangelical Church, met at the home of Mrs. Samuel Mehaffle, Harrisburg, on Tuesday evening. After the iregular business was transacted refreshments were served to twenty five guests.—Miss Emily and Miss Mary Frankem, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer. The house on Church street, opposite school house, lot, 9&X123 ft., Is for sale for $1,200. See H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg, P«. Dog Injured by Automobile Severely Bites Man's Hand MllJersburg, Pa., Oct. 10. Aaron Rreobt. employed aa a hostler at the Hotel Charles, whose leg was broken by a heavy key falling; from a wagon was taken to the Harrishurg Hospital for treatment.—J. E. Kahler, residing on R. D. 2 east of Mlllersburg, wps remembered by his many friends on his birthday anniversary with a pipe shower. Jerry is a veteran smoker. —While returning: from a tramp in the country Sunday an automobile ran over a bird dog owned by Robert Gil bert and when his brother Gleim, who had the dog out, went to him, the animal snapped two of his fingers and died shortly afterwards. Mr. Gilgert had the wounds cauterized. —Mrs. H. A. Carqjany, who was stricken with paralysis last week, is said to be im proving.—An unusual sight to be seen near the central part of Millers burg Saturday was a large covey of partridges. The birds took refuge at the rear of the home of Jofin B, Miller in Market street.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Duffy, of* were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sausser this week. Mrs. Duffy is a sister of Mrs. Sausser.—Jack Zook and Miss Ruth Gilbert, of Harrisburg, were enter tained by L. E. Campbell and family Sunday.—Miss Ilah B. Smith has gone to Brooklyn. ATTEND DCNKARD LOVE FEAST Jonestown. Pa., Oct. 10. Aaron Blouch spent Sunday with relatives at Reading.—Elias D. Hess and family and son, Charles E. Hess, and family visited Mrs. Hess' sister, Mrs. Amos Wolf, of Suedburg.—John G. Light re turned home after a trip of several weeks through the Central .States.— Aaron B. Kern, of Annvllle, spent Sun day with his brother, John H. Kern.— Mr. and Mrs. John L, Shuey spent sev eral days with Mrs. Ida Shuey at Linglestown. Quite a number of Dunkards of this section attended the love feast at Rehrersburg on Tuesday. —Or. Samuel T. Gilbert spent several days at Philadelphia.—Relatives from Maryland and New Jersey attended the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Gottschall. Aunt Este's Stories For Children In Sl* >car«*». THE AMAZING ADVKNTURBS OF Till'. Timtl.Rl.Y TWINS SCARE NI'MBER FOUR. me see, the Inst we heard of (I. j Tiddlely Twins they were trying to fly to Germany In an aeroplane. well, poor Tiddlely Winks and Tiddlely Wee got pretty tired of that trip. Somehow or other as they looked out over their gold howl—(for that was the only wAy to see the views)—they were not well pleased. All they could see were white fluffy tilings the men called clouds and funny winded creatures known as lilrds. They much preferred swimming alone through sea moss and dark holes: they much preferred seeing fish and mermaids. As I say they were not pleased—so they cut up awful capers in that howl. They just bumped against the sides, and fussed and fussed. I don't know whether they really effected the machinery or not—hut something or other go wrong with that aeroplane. It just cluigg-chugg-ed and chugg-chugg-ed and would not go properly. Several tlmea after they had left the eapltol and the palace of the Czar, they had to come to earth and that wasn't a pleasant sensation at all. Well, at last the big fellow who drove the machine and wore the horrible goggles, just got mail. "I believe those old fish, down here at my feet, are hoodooing us," said he. "Mascot indeed. They have brought us nothing but bad luck, ever since we started." "But we dare not throw them out," said the fellow who was with him, "because the Czar sent them along with us." So, on, on they went, farther and farther toward the great capital of Germany. At last after many troubles they arrived there —and hovering in the «|r —they slulited everything. The little Tiddlely Twins peeping out of their howl could see tha* everything was in an uproar There were armies ready for battle; there were navies ready to sail everywhere, were signs of the thing they most hated war. "Where can we find peace?" they asked. Rut It seemed Im possible to get an answer. Then the great machine circled off toward the South. Farther on they flew until they reached a beautiful city. Then with a slow fall they dropped to earth. "Where are we now?" asked Tiddlely Wee. "J don't know." said Tiddlely WinJ<s. "but it seems we are in a marvelous place. I can see a winding river, and great build ings and wonderful paiksf." And then bless my soul, dear little ones If those two Tiddlely Twins didn't land right in the wonder ful City of Paris. For the aviator had come to see what the French were going to do about all this trouble. Soon as they reached the earth a lot of boys hovered around the great machine, as bovs qre wont to do, and tirst thing they saw were the two little fl»h. • t Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Coriespondcnce Shlppenxbtirß. Jacob S. Bentstield, of Menthelies, Virginia, is visiting in Shlppensburg. Nelle Beldel leaves to day for New Jersey, where she will lie engaged as a teacher. Dr. and Mrs. Runkel, of Lishurn. lowa, are visiting friends in town.—Miss Rhoades, a new music teacher of town, has met witli great success in securing pupils.—Miss Burns, of the Normal School, has been engaged to sing In the choir of the Messiah United Brethren Church. New Cnmhrrlanil, Mr. and Mrs. George Attlcka, who have been visit ing relatives in Ashland. Ohio, return ed home. Mrs. Lloyd l«'ishel, of Granthum, was the guest of Mrs. G. Fackler, this week. John Springer, of AJtoona, visited friends here this week. Mrs. Clute, of Sherman, New York, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Demey. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Shu,er and two daughters, of Ches ter, Pa., and Mrs. Errfckson, of Phil adelphia. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shuler. Mrs. Harvey Bixler was In Philadelphia this week. Mrs. Herman bong, spent this week with friends at Carlisle. Chester Shuler. of Hlghsplre, visited friends here this week. Mrs. Dlvler and sons, of Phil adelphia. are guests of Mrs. Lizzie Negley. Miss Julia Sutton, of Lewis berry, Is visiting frbnds In New Cum berland.- —Mrs. H. A. Hanker has re i turned from a visit to Huntingdon. I.e«lnherr }•. Mrs. Licking, wife of Sheriff Licking, and Miss Ueorgie Lyons, of York; and Mrs. Mann, wife of Dr. Mann, and son. Charles, of Dal lastown. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rudlsill, at Meadowbrook farm, on Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Sutton, daughter, Frances, and son. Millard, of Lemoyne; R, M. Spangler, of New Cumberland, and C. E. Knaub, of Red Lion, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Mil lard. George W. Smith, of Baltimore, returned home on Sunday after a few days' visit with his mother. Mrs. S. Myers. Mrs. John Laucks and Miss Catharine Gerber, of York, were recent guests of relatives In town. Lloyd, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Relff. of New Cumberland, spent Saturday and Sun day at the hon»e of his uncle, L. S. Relff. John Grove, of Steelton, visit ed his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Grove, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy and children, of Harrisburg. were Sunday guests at the home of Daniel Hutton. Miss Lillian Macban, of Le moyne, was a Saturday guest at the hoi e of Mrs. Laura Herman. J. A. Kilmore and daughter. Miss Lorena, re turned to Meehanicsburfr after a few days' visit at the home of Mrs. Annie Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney, Mrs. Edward Wolfe. Miss Helen Wolfe land Robert Wolfe attended the fire man's parade at Harrisburg. on Thurs day. Ilnllfnx. Harry Miller was confined ! to his home several days this week.— ; Mrs. J. S. Gemberllng spent Tuesday at ; Sunbury. Charles Balr, of Washing ton, D. C., spent Sunday with his aunt, I Mrs. G. W. Westfall. Miss Helen [ Westfall. of Harrisburg, was home with I her parents over Sunday. Charles ■ Bowers, of Highland Park. Philadel -1 plila, spent Wednesday with J. C. I Marsh. Otto Richter and Miss Edna [ Tilton. Atlantic City, N. J., are spend- I Ing the week In town with his mother, I Mrs. Carl Richter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed , ward Miller, of Millersburg, spent Sun- I day at the home of Mrs. Valentine Har | per. Misses Marie and Winifred I Smith spent Monday at Millersburg, the guest of friends. Miss Olive Nelson spent Sunday with friends at Harrls j burg. William Reinberger spent I Sunday with his son, Henry E. Bein | herger, spent Sunday with his son, ; Henry K. Reinberger. and family, at I Millersburg. David W. Chubb and ! daughter. Katie, and N. C. Matter, wife land son, were Lykens over Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Ungst, of Har ' rlsburg. Is In town visiting her sister, | Mrs. Rebecca Bowman, who Is very 111. I Harvey Sheesley and wife, of Lykens, . were town callers on Sunday. Thnnipnoirlimn. Misses Mary and Esther Long, of Altoona. were week end guests of their granoi.iother, Mrs. Maria Long. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brubaker spent Saturday In Harrisburg. —Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Sowers and C. C. Melser attended the State Sunday school convention In Scranton. this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. M.-Nalght, Mrs. Grace Johnson and Bess and Dorcas Allen motored to Donnelly's Mills, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Haines spent the. week in McClure. Miss Hazel Colyer and Roy Hlmes were mar ried at noon. Saturday, October .1. at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. George Colyer. The Rev. Mr. Charles Himes, of Millerstown. a brother of the groom, officiated. Mrs. Ella Wilt Is spending the week with Mrsl A. P. Dimm. J. C. Tennis, of New York, Is spending his vacation at the Tennis home and expects to take advantage of the hunting season. MlffllntOMrn. Miss Flora Selheimer, of tiewlstown, spent Saturday with Mrs. Margaret Irwin. —Mrs. Susan Ar bogast, of Mexico, and Mrs. Joseph Ar bogast, of this place, spent Tuesday in Lewistown. Mrs. Albert Hacken berger returned Monday after a visit with her daughter in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Mrs. Harry Eoyd and little daughter, Sara, of Ft. Wlngate, New Mexico, who have been visiting Mrs. Wilson Eoyd, left Thursday for New York City. Mrs. Tristan. of Phoenlxvllle. Is visiting at the home of her nephew, Guy Auker. and family.— Henry Scholl returned Thursday from a trip to Atlantic City. Miss Margaret Liftird left Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives in Spruce Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rlalr Speoneberger, of Hunting don. spent Sunday in town. Waynesboro. The Rev. and Mrs. Mrs. Austin A. Kelley entertained a few friends at the parson age over the week-end. The euests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Remmle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaner. all of Harrisburg. and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bushman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rude sal! and son. Wendell, all of Gettys burg. Paul Criswell Is spending some time at Harrisburg."— Miss Margaret Grove Is spending two weeks at Phamokln. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Rutler. of Easton. Md., are visiting their daughters. Mrs. H. S. Morgan thall and Mrs. H. S. Todd. Miss Katharine Hare, Harrisburg, is the guest of Joseph Ryder, East Main street. David Anderson. Jr.. and Wil liam .\tlnt\Jck. of Mercersburg Academy, spent the week-end with their parents, VETERAN FIGHTERS IN FAVOR OF PEACE i Ancient and Honorable Artillerists of Boston Have Services at Gettysburg HARRISBURG BOY GETS CUP Made Highest Average on Col lege Team During Base ball Season By Special Correspondence ! Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 10.—Earnest' jhope for European peace was express-! I ed by the members of the Ancient and i j Honorable Artillerist of Boston, Mass.. In the National cemetery, Sun-| [day afternoon, at a service marked! ] with impressiveness and solemnity.' I —-Sixty-five members of the Columbia, i Mum of the Union League, of Phila-j deip'hla, made their annual trip to j i Gettysburg Saturday..—The flag at i ' Meade's Headquarters was placed at 'half mast Tuesday, at the time of the | funeral of Francis J. Aumen.—ln the .Citizen division of the Firemen's pa jrade in Harrisburg on Thursday, Mil-1 iton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Plank] was the mascot for the local com-| Ipany.— The Penn and Sword Society i lof the college presented Warren Hall, | jof Harrisburg, with a silver cup In i recognition of obtaining the highest 1 batting average for the season of 1914. —John Cunningham, aged 91 years, residing on East Middle street, fell down the steps at his home, sus taining severe bruises. Division Foremen of P. R. R. Entertained at New York ! By Special Correspondence | Miilerstown, Pa.. Oct. 10.—Mr. and j Mrs. Howard Bollinger and daughter Helen, of Newton Hamilton, were guests of their sisters. Misses Mazie | and Anna Bollinger, over Sunday.— I Lewis Dimm and daughter. Miss Olive Dimm, and Miss Maude Shover were I entertained at the home of Charles I Beaver and family in Pfoutz Valley Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Brown, of l Huntingdon, visited Miss Nan Hough i over Sunday.—William S. Gregg, o[ j | New York, spent the week end with' his family at the' home of James Brandt.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones,' of Altoona, spent the week end with I the former's uncle, Jerome Jones, who has been quite ill.—Mrs. David Snyder is visiting her son, William Snyder, at Harrisburg for several weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. DeVolt. of Altoona, were the ] guests of Mrs. William Spangler Sat j urday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Klpp and I Mrs. J. C. Brlnton spent the week In | Harrisburg. The supervisor of the 1 Middle division of the Pennsylvania I Railroad entertained the foremen of ! his division In New York Friday and I Saturday. W. D. Bollinger and J. I. Crane, of this place, were with the party. Thomas Nanklvel, Jr.. has purchased the residence of the late Malcolm Buchanan. In Main street, I into which he will move shortly.— Mrs. Sarah Longenecker, who has been the guest of her brother, D. M. j Rickabaugh, for several weeks, has] 'returned to her home In Altoona. — Miss Pearl Roush, Emory Fry, Wil liam Moore, Dorff Lahr and D. Gilbert Rickabaugh attended the firemen's convention In Harrisburg Thursday. I Valuable Cows Killed by Eating Green Corn By Special Correspondence j Klizabethville, Pa., Oct. 10.—Jona than Kllnger, one of our old residents, jis ill.—Dr. <\ S. Martyn spent a few I days with his father at Beaver Mead lows. —-Messrs. A. M. and Earl K. Roin ] berger, spent several days at Phlla jdelphla.—Rural Carrier P. E. Stine ! (ost three valuable cows this week by (them having broken into a cornfield. | —IT. S. Daniels spent several days at 'the Capital Cilv.—Mrs. I. W. Mattis was the guest of Mrs. John Miller at Harrisburg on Wednesday.—Mrs. H. M. Miller is collecting a box of cloth ing for orphans in the war zone.—Mrs. Lucy Osterhondt. of Saiamauce, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. M. A. Miller.—Mark I. Uhler Is home from Muhlenberg Col lege.—Francis Boyer, of Reading, spent several days with the Misses Bender.—Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gaupp entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ, of Pine Grove.— Harry Kitzmiller, of Philadelphia, is visiting his father. Henry Kitzmiller. —Paul K. Ruhl, the freight clerk at the Pennsylvania Railroad, is spending his vacation at his home.—The Rev. M. H. Miller will move to his new charge at Denver, Pa., next week.— Mrs. Harry C. Swab visited at Harris burg several days this week. in this city. Dr. Joseph Ennis and Mrs. Ennis and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dreyfuss spent to-day at the Wayne- Mar Club, along the Potomac. Mrs. Ira Grove, North Broad street, has re turned home from a visit with friends in [ Harrisburg. The Rev. J. W. Grimm, [ York, is visiting his son, the Rev. J. Ij. Grimm, D. !>.. thin city. George Carbaugh, Carlisle. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Barns. "Dear me, what do you thing of dragging lish along in an aeroplane?" said they. "Say, mister, give us your Hsh?' Then the two men who had come In the aeroplane looked at one another. "I'd be glad to be rid of them," said the one. "But how about the Czar?" "Well they really worried me," said the other, "and Ihe Czar may think they died of fright In the air. I.,et us give them to these boys." And the next thing Tiddlely Winks and Tiddlely Wee knew they were carried to the humble home of one of the boys. There they lived once again in peace for a few days. "At last our troubles are over," said Tiddlely Winks. "Surely France is not groins to RO into this terrible war. We can end our days in this beautiful Paris, and. perhaps, who knows, by some chance we may Ret to end them In the beautiful water of the Seine. What would our folks think if they could see us now?" But once again Tiddlely Winks and Tiddlely Wee didn't know what they were talking about. It was not many days after that that they beard all sorts of war rumors. Everywhere were sounds of guns' and soldiers and bands playing the Marseilles hymn. Everything was bustle and exclteint«it. One morning a rap came to the door. The mother of the little boy opened the door and there stood the soldier to enlist the poor little boy's father. My. but there was crying and sorrow In that home; but the father was a brave man, and went, when his country called. So the mother and the little boy were left alone. Day after day the little fellow talked to his fish In the bowl. One day he came over to them with tears. "Little fish." said he, "we are going away. Mother and I must leave Paris, for we have heard that the Germans are marching on to the city. We want to go away up to our grandma's, who lives way up on the North sea. But I'll take you along." So again the Tiddlely Twins traveled afar in a train. At last they came to/ the North Sea. It was here while the little hoy was stepping on to a boat, that something made him stumble—crash, went the howl, and over Into the deep vater of tile North Sea splashed the two lltle fish. "Glmlny crickets," said Tiddlely Winks, "salt water again. Now what will happen to us? .Ugh! Hut I hate this ealt stuff. But perhaps we have reached peace, and we may get used to It, so let us be happy." "I wish I had as cheerful a disposition as you have." said Tiddlely Wee. "I'm afraid there is peace nowhere," and with a sigh he settled down into a dark corner of the Nor';h Sea. Next week If you are sure to look for it —you will find the fifth at th« Tlddlalv Twiiu Hero of Ohio Flood Visiting at Dallastown By Special Correspondence Dallastown, Oct. 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. John Castello, of Snell. W. Va„ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Taylor, parents of Mr. Taylor. It is Mr. Tay lor's first visit home since he was classed as the hero of the flood along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for whom he is a telegraph operator.— Benjamin Seitz Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. D. Rojohn. at New Cumber land.—Spurgeon Raah, of Keedysville, Md., was at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Raab for a few days.—The Alda-Semhrlck Choral So ciety has accepted an invitation to sing at a social function at York. — Jacob Stlne, of Dresden, N. J., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stlne, is on a visit to them.—Rev. C. C. Miller, entertain ed at the United Brethren parsonage, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. May. and daugh ters, of Altoona.—Sophia Trout, of |Stewartstown, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tarbet.—Mrs. Stacey Peters, of Downingtown, is on a jvisit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Hamilton B. Kauffman. —Charles Mc |Dowell, Sr.. connected with the York j railways, is down with an attack of : typhoid fever.—The Rev. and Mrs. J., 'H. Stabley, of Fishersville, Dauphin county, are guests of the latter's j mother, Mrs. Cornelius Ness. Hershey Men's Club Was Reorganized on Monday By Special Correspondence j Hershey. Pa., Oct. 10.—A meeting was held on Monday evening for the . purpose of reorganizing the Hershey Men's Club on a self-governing basis. The following officers were elected: President, James W. Millard; first vice-president, Joseph E. Hills; second vice-president. Dr. H. G. Mumma; third vice-president, Daniel S. Graeff; recording secretary, George C. Hench. —The Rev. N. L. Linebaugh, pastor of the United Brethren Church, has been returned for another year. The j Rev. O. G. Romig has been appointed Ito Tower City. During the recent | membership campaign of the Young j Women's Christian Association 159 I new members have been added. Water in Reservoir Is Covered With Dead Fish By Special Correspondence Tower City, Pa., Oct. 10. Mrs. Gurney Troutman is seriously ill. Her father, James Updegrave, of Philadel phia, is visiting her.—Mr. and Mrs. . Charles Adams spent a pleasant day ! with relatives in town.—Dr. Daniel Berney, of Scranton, is visiting his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Berney. | —Miss Sadie Poticher, of Harrisburg, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ira Hoffman.—Mr. and Mrs. James Balmer and son James and Miss Ma rlon Salem, of Pittsburgh, are being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salem. Mr. Balcner was a delegate to the firemen's convention at Har risburg.—The Rev. Mr. Hake left for Grantville, where he was stationed as United Brethren pastor. The Rev. O. G. Romlg will take his place.—Mrs. Joe Kehler will spend Sunday with her husband, who Is ill in Shamokln Hospital.—Several people from town walked to the reservoir and reported the surface of the. water covered with dead fish.—Miss Jessie Rupp returned home after a two months' vacation j spent with her brother at Sharon. Blind Evangelist Closes „ Series of Bible Readings Newport, Pa., Oct. 10.—Mrs. J. Ed gar Leiby is spending the week In Philadelphia.—Miss Mary Harris Irwin was the guest of friends in Hunting don for several days.—Hugh F. Tom linson, of Harrlsburg, visited his mother, Mrs. Albert L. Dunn.—Mrs. Allen Sailor has returned from a Ave weeks' visit to Illinois. —Mrs. S. Ella Kell. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Fry and Miss Hazel Flurlc are In attendance at the annual convention of the Penn sylvania State Sabbath School Asso ciation at Scranton.—Miss Verna My ers, a student at Cumberland Valley State Normal School, Shippensburg, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. George W. Myers.—Mrs. Weir Miley and baby, of Anderson, Ind., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith. Mrs. S. Bruce Mingle, another daughter, visited her i parents on Wednesday.—Mrs. William M. R. Glanding and daughter. Miss Margaret Glanding, of Bellefonte, after spending ten days in Philadelphia are visiting Mrs. Glanding's sister, Mrs. Horace Beard.—Mrs. Fred V. Heckert has been entertaining her sister, Mrs. Amelia Alleman. her son, Ebert Alle man, and grandson, Albert Alleman, of Shamokln.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Coble, of Rochester, N. Y., are vis iting Mr. Coble's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Coble.—The Rev. Thomas Hous ton. the blind evangelist, of Philadel phia, has closed a very successful two weeks' series of evangelistic services and Bible readings in the Presby terian Church.—The management of the entertainment course has arrang-ed the following program for the winter: The Metropolitan Concert Company, October 23; Wallace Concert Com pany, November 14; Illinois Glee Club, November 30; Bessie Leigh Company, January 18; Bogert and Brandt, Feb ruary 1. and Rounds Orchestra. Feb ruray 9.—Th* Rev. William Dorwart will officiate in St. Bartholomew's Church at Millersburg to-morrow morning. "SINGING PIRTY" WILL GIVE COIICEIIT Quartet of Young Ladies to Ap« pear at Irving College October 19 SOCIAL BY MITE SOCIETY 160 Persons Present at Entertain ment Given at Church of God By Speiial Correspondent * Mechanicsiiurg, Pa., Oct. 10.—Un der the auspices of the Ladles' Mita Society of Trinity Lutheran Church, the "singing party," a quartet of young ladies from the Ithaca Conservatory will give a concert in Columbian Hall at Irving College, on Monday evening, October 19.—Mrs. C. Egbert Brlndel is spending some time in Waynesboro, the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Wash abaugh.—On Tuesday evening a pleas ant social was given by the Mite So ciety of the Church of God in tha lecture room of the church. Follow ing an interesting program, refresh ments were served. About 160 persona were present.—Colonel and Mrs. W. C. Brambtck, Mr. Stuart, Miss J. Martin. Miss Helen McLaUghlin, Mrs. Haines, Miss Brisbane, Miss Bertha James, of the Scotland, Orphan Industrial school, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Harper, of Chapi bersburg; Mrs. Jajnes Shull, of New Bloomfield; Mrs. Walter Stuart, of Carlisle, and Miss Anna Helstand, of Lancaster, were in town on Wednes day attending the funeral of Mrs. Bosa Van Baman.—-Miss Grace Witmer at tended the opening meeting of tha State Association of Charities and Poor Directors in Carlisle on Monday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Will Hensel. of Indianapolis, Ind„ are visiting tha former's aunt, Mrs. C. 8. Williamson, South Market street. Missionaries From China Tell of Country's Customs Newvllle, Pa., Oct. 10.—Charles E. Hayes, of Johnstown, spent the. week end with his mother, Mrs. Annie Hayes, —Miss Kdna Ellott has returned from OH City, where she attended the W. C. T. U. convention.—Paul Zook spent the week-end in Harrisburg with his sister, Mrs. William Orr.—Miss Lolita Borst has gone to Washington, D. 0., for n month.—Mrs. Rebecca Bower and Mrs. Charles Huntsberger, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Harrisburg and York.—Mr. and Mrs. Althouse and daughter, Dorothy, have gone to York, for a few days visit.—Mrs. Charles Eby and daughter, I,onea Catharine, have gone on a trip to Binghamton, N. Y. -—Dr. and Mrs. John Snoke, returned missionalres from China, who are visiting their parents here, had charge of a special missionary meeting in Zton Lutheran Church last evening. They told of their work, also the manners and customs of China.—The regular monthly meeting of the Civic Club will be held at the home of Mrs. George Hursh, "Oakhurst," on Monday even ing.—Caleb Brinton, of arlisle, was elected borough attorney at a meet ing of town council. Squire Remsburg Catches String of Bass in Swatara HummHstou'it. Pa., Oct. 10.—Mrs. Walter M. Shoop after spending sev eral months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miller, returned to her home at Felton, Oriente, Cuba.—Mrs. Samuel Alwine and daughter Bessie spent the week at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mrs. John Bennett spent Wednesday with friends In town. —V/. H. Rickcr, of Philadelphia, vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ricker, over Sunday.—Three special trolley cars passed through town Wednesday afternoon filled with fire men from Harrisburg for sightseeing at Hershey.—The Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Games left on Tuesday afternoon to spend soveral weeks at Pittsburgh.— The funeral of Mrs. David Zelters, aged 84 years, took place from her late resident Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. H. S. Games, of the Lutheran Church, officiated. — Charles Bale, of Scranton, called on friends in town on Wednesday. Scitiire J. T. Remsburg caught a string of fine bass at the Springs on Monday. New Machinery Ordered For Greencastle Knitting Mills Oreenpastle, Pa., Oct. 10. Addi tional machinery has been ordered for the Windsor knitting mills, in South Carlisle street. Since the plant Is now equipped for the finishing of the hos iery, a number of extra( hands have been employed and the mills will be increased in size.—Dr. E. W. Palmer has been appointed medical inspector of the Greencastle public schools.— The First National Bank of Green castle this week received $20,000 emergency currency. This is the first emergency currency received by any Imnk In Franklin county.-—The Rev. Karl K. Quitpby, Madison, N. J., was a recent visitor with Greencastle friends.—Miss Margaret Davison en tertained a number of her little friends at a birthday party at her home in South Washington street. —Miss Julia Rert has returned from a visit with relatives in Yonkers. N. Y. The Greencastle Branch Auxiliary of the Children's Home and County Hospital this week sent 181 quarts of jarred fruit to the hospital. Many Visitors Spend Week at Linglestown Homes l.lncl<*Mt<>ivn. Pa., Oct. in. Church services will be hold Sunday morning; nt the Bethel by HIP pastor, the Rev. George slglor; nt Wenrlch's Chur«li, unday mornlnn l>y the Reformed pax tor. the Rev. Lewis Roltor; at the United Brethren Church Sunday even ing by the pastor, the Rev. niydo Lynch. Mrs. Frank Hell, of Reeds vllle, was a recent visitor In town. Mrs. Mary Hicks, of Lebanon, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. I". Hicks. Dr. and Mrs. Gerherlch and Dr. and Mrs. Beaver, of Shaniokln, mo tored here Saturday and spent the day with Mrs. Rebecca Maker. Miss Sara Shrelner, on Monday, left for Shoemak er's School of Klociitlon at Philadel phia. Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser, and Mrs. Ida Shuey were recent visitors at Hershey. Miss Minnie Mcllliennv, of Harrlsburg. t>n Sundav wan the truest of Mrs. Annie Smith. Hilda Thomas, of Hummelstown, and Anna Mehring. of Harrlsburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Shrelner. on Sundav. Mrs. John Nagle spirit last week at Millershurg. The Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Dohner, of Shlppensburg. are spend ing sometime with relatives here.— Miss Flora Clay Is spending the week with her sister. Mrs. Harry Rlcker. at Hum melstown. Elwood Rohrer and son °i Philadelphia, were week-end guests of C. R. Pare. Mrs. Chester Johnson and daughter. Ruth, of ?teelton ar<» guests of Mrs. Mary F»*"»- 3
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