ROTMIIIINS GUESTS IIBELLEVUE PIHK Mr. and Mrs. Rufus McCord Enter tain in Honor of W. S. Essick, Club President Harrisburg Rotary members were de lightfully entertained last evening- by blr. and Mrs. WUliam Rufus McCord at their home, in Bellevue Park, at a re ception given in honor of William 8. w Essick, the club president. Mrs. James F. Bullitt assisted Mrs. McCord in re ceiving, and the Rev. Dr. Bullitt made a very excellent presentation of the causes and conditions leading up to the present war in Europe. During the evening Thompson Mar tin sang several tenor solos and George Chambers, of Wormleysburg, recited. Refreshments were served. The feature of the evening was an auction of articles contributed by mem bers and so wrapped that their con tents were not apparent Mercer B. Tate WHS auctioneer, and demonstrated his ability as a coin extractor by sell ing George Bogar two cigars for $1.20. and various other valuables at prices equally reasonable. Somebody gave City Clerk Charles A. Miller a loaded cigar and when the explosion took place he yelled that the Germans were coming, and hid behind a door. An interesting story by Dr. Bullitt related the naming of Bellevue, and of its original settlement by a German nobleman, who named all the country roundabout Bellevue. because he said the scenery in the vicinity of Harris burg was the most beautiful in the world. Official Statement From Berlin Says That Battle Line Has Been Extended By Associated Press Berlin, Oct. 7, via Amsterdam and London, 11.55 A. M.—The following official communication was given out by the headquarters staff of the Ger man army the evening of October 6: "Continuous French outflanking movements against our right wing have extended the battle front until it is now north of Arras.. West of Lille and west of Lens, (nine miles north east of Arras) our advance guards are in touch with the enemy's cavalry. "No decision yet has been reached in in our counter attacks along the line between Array, Albert and Roye. "The situation remains unchanged along the battle front between the Olse and the Meuse in teh vicinity of Yerdune and in Alsace-Lorraine. "There is no news from Antwerp. "In the eastern theater of the war the Russians advancing "against East Prussia through the province of Su walki have been checked. We have been successful in our attack against the enemy near the town of Suwalkl. his movement began yesterday. Rusarian Poland our troops on > ■: ' er 4 dislodged a Russian brigade of the Garde fusilliers from an en trenched position between Opatow and Ostrowiec. The Russians lost 3,000 prisoners and several machine guns. "There was an engagement October 5 in the vicinity of Radom between our forces and two divisions and a half of Russian cavalry together with Portions of the Ivangerod reserves. The enemy was repulsed and driven back on Ivangerod. Three German Vessels Said to Have Been Sunk By Associated Press F- Tokio, Oct 7, 6.30 P. M.—The be lief was expressed at the war office to-day that the German cruiser Cor moran and two other German gun shots had been sunk in Kiao Chow bay. The Japanese army has occupied the Shan-Tung railroad as far west as Chi-Nan. Von Kluck Attempts to Outflank Allies By Associated Press London, Oct. 7.—The conflict along the rivers of Northern France, al though now in its twenty-sixth day, shoys fewev signs of an early end than it did two days ago. Then General Von Kluck appeared dangerously threatened by the envel oping movement of the allied armies. To-day that resourceful German com nander, having obtained from an un known quarter heavy reinforcements apparently is engaged in his turn, in attempting to outflank the French and British lines. Kingsley A. Price, of New York Life, Dies Following a brief illness Kingsley A. Price, 2 7 years old, 2015 North Second street, cashier of the New York Life Insurance Company, died suddenly at the Harrisburg Hospital last evening at 9 o'clock. Mr. Price was stricken Several weeks ago while on a business trip to Mer cersburg. He was brought to this city and later taken to Philadelphia, where physicians believed an operation necessary. His condition too weak ened to stand an immediate operation, he returned home. Several days ago he was stricken again and was taken to the hospital. Born at Grand Junction, Col., Mr. Price spent his early boyhood and youth on a ranch. He was a name sake of Darwin G. Kingsley, president of the New York Life Insurance Com pany. He was sent to Harrisburg about four years ago. llis wife, an infant daughter, father, mother, two brothers and two sisters survive. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from his late residence, the Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, officiating. The body will be taken to Bloomfleld, N. J., Friday morning, where further services will be held and burial made. MRS. ANNA REBECCA STEEVER Mrs. Anna Rebecca Steever, aged 75, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lillie Sturgeon, 510 North street, this morning. She was a member of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Lillie Sturgeon, Mrs. Susan Fa gen. Mrs. Katie Neal. Mrs. Elizabeth Doan, Miss Mary Steever, John W Robert F. and George W. Steever. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in th» Harrisburg Cemetery. SHOVES HEAD THROUGH WINDOW Not knowing that the window was closed, Dan, the colored waiter of the Social Club, 306 Market street, this morning shoved his head through the pane, slightly damaging the gla-ss. He was in a hurry to view an Incoming fire company. His head Is badly cut CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Chicago, 111., Oct. 7.—Board of Trade closing: XVheat December, 1.07%: May, Corn—December. 67; May, 69%. Oats—December. 48: May, 51'*. Pork—January. 18.55. l>ard—October. 9.40; January, 9.70. Ribs—October. 10.65; January, 9.72. WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 7, 1914. SHOP A! FACTORY STQUGH MEETINGS Thousand-voice Choir Organization I Nearing Completion; 164 Prayer Services As the time for the f actual opening of the i Stough campaign tabernacle approaches ■ members of the musio , -> committee have re- C* 1 Jut doubled their efforts jt MBM to recruit a choir of v* r 'Mi- more than 1,000 voices. Last evenliig - 1 executive com -1 WhLl' mlttee learned that i nearly 1,000 had al ready volunteered in addition to many In strumentallsts for the Neighborhood prayer meetings were held In 164 homes last evening. Meet ings will again be held Friday night. 1 It is planned by leaders to unite the ] meetings of the First and Second i wards and hold them In St. Paul's Methodist Church. Three simultaneous shop meetings ] were held at noon to-day. At the i Relly street shops Homer Black, of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, spoke. "Billy" Shannon had charge of the meeting at the Summer dale shops. Miss Josephine Colt was the speaker at a meeting held at the Blough Manufacturing Company. All : were well attended. Mass meetings in the interest of the neighborhood prayer meetings were held this afternoon at 3 o'clock In Westminster Presbyterian Church and in the Maclay Street Church of God. "Billy" Shannon and Miss Colt both spoke at each meeting. Presbyterian Cleric Meets. —The first Fall meeting of the Presbyterian Cleric of Harrisburg and vicinity was held in the Y. M. C. A. yesterday after noon. The Rev. Harvey Klaer. of Covenant Preshyterlan Church, read a paper on "The Second Coming of Christ." After the meeting the Rev. Dr. George. M. Reed, of Newville, en tertained the members at dinner. U. B. Conferem-©.—For a confer ence upon denominational problems and policies, a meeting of the churches of the United Brethren in Christ of this city has been called by Dr. D. D. Lowery, conference superintendent. The meeting will be held next Wednes day evening at 7.45 o'clock in the First United Brethren Church, Boas and Myrtle streets. EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE TO MEET IX YORK IX 1916 Chicago. 111., Oct. 7.—A motion to limit the time that Evangelical clergy men may occupy one pastorate to five years was voted down to-day by the United Evangelical Church Confer ence at Barrlngton, Til. The confer ence voted to hold- its next meeting in 1916 in York, Pa. CHIEF MAISI'S ORDERS AIOUNCED [Continued From First Page] street, right resting in North Second street. Seventh Division—Form in Calder street, right resting In North Second street Eighth Division—Form in Broad street, right resting in North Second street. Ninth Division—Form in Cumber land street, right resting in North Second street. Tenth Division Form in Herr street, right resting In North Second street. Eleventh Division Form in Boas street, right resting in North Second street. Twelfth Division—Form in Forster street, right resting in North Second street. J Thirteenth Division Form in Briggs street, right resting in North Second street. Fourteenth Division Form in North street, right resting in North Second street. Chief marshal's headquarters will be at 420 Market street. Room No. 1, second floor, until 11.30 a. m. After 11.30 at 126 Broad street. Division marshals will report as soon as they have arrived at place of formation. Aids can secure their badges at headquarters. Rules For Paraders Parade will move promptly at 1.30 p. m. All divisions are expected to be In their place of formation at 1 o'clock. Any division not at its place of for mation at proper time to take its place in line of march, will lose its position and the next division will take its place. All companies shall march at least four abreast and each line shall be six feet apart. A space of twenty-five feet shall separate divisions. Positively no drilling in the line of march. No vehicles of any character will be allowed In the line except those at the head r>f line for the city officials and officers of the State Association. Marshals are requested to keep out of line all persons who may be so in discreet as to become intoxicated. Marshals are requested to not allow dancing or any funny antics in the line of parade. Marshals are requested to request all persons to refrain from smoking in line of parade. All companies are expected to not fall out of line until after they have passed the reviewing stand. The parade will be reviewed by the chief marshal and his staff at review ing stand in Front street near South street. Says Love of Fine Clothes Is One Cause of the Girl Problem In a paper on "The Solution of the Delinquent Girl Problem," read be | fore the Association of the Directors I of the Poor, Charities and Corrections of Pennsylvania, at Carlisle yesterday, Mrs. Elsie V. Mlddleton, secretary of r the Harrisburg Children's Aid, de clared the question practically defied j solution. , She says the problem is one of the 5 most important facing the country , to-day. It is caused largely by a girl's innate love of fine clothes and amuse- ments. Mrs. Mlddleton asserted that ' a corps of highly bred social workers, a system of preventive preliminary and parental work in the homes would do much toward the solution of de s linquency. TWO CARS COLLIDE Two street cars collided at North and Capital streets this morning, when both attempted to round the corner at the same time. Both cars were slightly damaged. DECLffi MAYOII FEIRED "FRIME-UP" Commissioners Lynch, Bowman and Taylor Say This Is Real Point of Controversy Behind Mayor John K. Royal's per sistent objection to granting Patrol man Andrew E. Murphy a hearing on charges of drinking on duty, insobor dlnatlon, etc.. In the fear that the move may really be a "frame-up" to retain the officer, according to City Commis sioners Lynch, Taylor and Bowman. "After the effort to have the Mayor grant Murphy a hearing Monday fail ed, we—Messrs. Lynch and Bowman and myself—went In /and conferred with Mr. Royal, and tried to urge htm again to give the officer a chance to be heard In his own defense," declared Commissioner M. Harvey Taylor in the presence of Mes&re. Lynch and Bow man. "Wo asked him frankly why he wouldn't give Murphy a hearing and he told us that he believed we—the three of us—were planning & 'frame up.' What Do You Mean, Frame-up? " 'What do you mean by a 'frame up?' we asked him." " 'Why,' he said, 'I thought this was a scheme to keep Murphy on to please the committee of Moose and Eagles who came to see you about it.' We told him." went on Mr. Taylor, "that we had not been visited by any com mittees and had not been consulted with in any way at all and we asked the Mayor why he declared these committees came to see us." " 'Why,' said he, 'I Just surmised that they did.' " " 'Why?' we insisted." " 'Because.' said he, 'they came, too, to see me.' " Commissioners Bowman and Lynch who heard Mr. Taylor's talk corro borated this statement.- The Possible Developments Just what will develop at the meet ing of council Tuesday when Mayor Royal's report In writing of the results of his investigation relative to the con duct of Murphy and the officer's de fense, will be received has municipal circles on tip toe with expectancy. That Commissioners Lynch, Bow man and Taylor are perfectly willing to support the Mayor In his desire to dismiss Murphy, has been Indicated by each of them repeatedly from time to time since the question was first opened In council. All they have In sisted upon, however, is that Murphy be given a chance to defend himself on the charge in question. Why? Mr. Mayor, Why? .The Mayor declares he has heard Murphy on previous occasions and that part of his punishment was the threat that if he committed the of fense again, he would be dismissed. On the floor of council yesterday aft ernoon Commissioner Taylor hinted at some other reason. "Why don't you really tell why you don't want to give this man a hearing. Mayor?" asked the park head. What is the REAL reason?" "Why shouldn't I be permitted to conduct the affairs of the department of which I am head?" demanded the Mayor. "If council Is going to run my department then 1 might just as well quit. The chief of police recom mends for the good of the service the dismissal of a man for drinking on duty, for insubordination, etc. If coun cil is not going to back this up of what use would there be to try to maintain discipline. "The chief doesn't enter Into this," replied Mr. Lynch. "You do. All that we ask is that you give this man a hearing. For us to do so is irregular, and you know this." The Voice of Council In order to settle the question that had frequently come up as to the right of council In handling the Mur phy situation, ConmiSßioner Taylor called attention to the section of the Clark act which provides for the ap pointment and dismissal of city offi cials. * "Council, if you will notice by the law," said Mr. Taylor, "has the power of appointment and dismissal." Mayor Royal says he doeßn't know what he will do about the councilmanlc action directing him to Investigate and report in writing. "However," paid he. "I don't believe council can direct me to do anything. I'm not a creature of council. However, I don't know what I shall do." And in the meantime Murphy is un der suspension, Jacob Kinley's name has not been acted up and pprobably never will—Klnley Is the Mayor's ap pointee—and the department still lacks a policeman. President Wilson May Tour State After All The Democrats are making strenu ous efforts to get. President Wilson in terested in the State campaign and he may speak in Pennsylvania after all. It was announced that he would re frain, but apparently things are get ting desperate. A Washington dispatch says: "'The campaign of Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania, for the Senate Is receiving the Presi dent's hearty support. Mr. Wilson has been invited by Mr. Palmer to speak at an anniversary meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association at Pittsburgh and may accept." Bankers of City Go to Convention at Richmond Local bankers who are among the hundreds attending the annual con vention of the National Bankers' As sociation at Richmond, Va., are James K. Brady, president of the First Na tional; Charles A. Kunkel, president of the Mechanics Trust Company, and j W. L. Gorgas, cashier of the Harris burg National. They will be gone all ! week. Elaborate arrangements have been i made for the entertainment of the ] visitors during their stay In Richmond. I They will be taken to all places of 1 historical interest, will play for the \ national bank golf championship and will be dined and feted by prominent organizations. Bridge Co. Denies That Firemen Paid Toll When Going to Lemoyne Blaze Allegations that the visiting fire men who volunteered to man the truck of the LaFrance Company were forced to pay toll at the Market street bridge yesterday while going to the Lemoyne fire, were denied by the bridge company this afternoon. The rumor started in the streets this morning. Harrisburg firemen made haste to ascertain the true con-, dltlon of affairs and assured their guests that it was not true. REPUBLICANS BEGIN CAMPAIGN IN EARNEST League Will Meet Tomorrow Even ing and Mass Meetings in County Are Announced The Republican campaign in Dau phin county will be in full swing by the beginning of next week. County Chairman Horner announced to-day that a meeting of the newly organ ized Dauphin County Republican League, which will act as an auxiliary to the city and county committees, will be held to-morrow evening at the party headquarters in the Wyeth Building and that one or more branches of the organization are in process of formation throughout the county. On Saturday evening a mass meet ing has been announced to be held at Penbrook, at Twenty-seventh and Main streets. Congressman A. S. Kreider, candidate for re-election, and John C. Nissley, candidate for Assembly, will speak. Dr. A. L. Shope will preside. On Monday evening there will be meetings at Swatara Hill and Deo date, and on Tuesday evening at Fort Hunter and Dauphin. Firemen Pour in From Many Cities With the sessions of the convention of the State Firemen's Association ended, interest in the gathering of fire-fighters is transferred to the ar rival of the uniformed companies pre paratory to to-morrow's monster parade. Many additional companies arrived to-day, and to-morrow morning, ac cording to word received at head quarters, the crest of the Hood of in coming companies with their appa ratus and bands will reach its height. The strain on the various commit tees having charge of assigning, es corting and housing the flre-fighters will he terrific. To clear the decks for the big parade it will be necessary to have the thousands of men settled no later than noon. Committeemen feel positive, however, that, aided by the natural hospitality of the city, they can easily perform the task. Motorcyclists Parade Forty-seven members of the Key stone Motor Club, with cutouts wide open, chugged over the route of to morrow's parade last night. The pro cession was headed by Motorcycle Po liceman Fetrow. Exhibitions of interest to firemen are being given by the local commit tee. This afternoon the La France motor tire apparatus, which rendered efficient service at the Lemoyne fire, gave a pumping demonstration at Front and North streets. The Mount Vernon firemen, accom panied by its guests, the Union com pany, of Reading, will march to the Paxtang Cemetery Friday morning, where memorial services will be held over the grave of the late president of the York company. In the evening the two companies will be banqueted by Charles Reife at Linglestown. Many Band Concerts This evening a concert will be given hy the Commonwealth Band at the Hope tirehouse. The big Bethleliem Steel Company Band, which will be the largest in line, will give a concert to-morrow evening in front of the Mount Vernon house. The Middle town Band will play for the Mount Vernon lads this evening. One slight accident late yesterday afternoon momentarily cast a pall on the Taylor Hose Company, one of Philadelphia's oldest. While the mem bers were parading in Market street Robert Crawford, 7<5 years old. stum bled and fell under the wheels of their heavy carriage, Examination at the hospital, however, disclosed only slight bruises. Accompanied by an auto chemical engine and B band, seventy-five uni formed members of Company No. 2, Huntingdon, arrived last night. They are guests of the Good Will. The West End Band, compased largely of members of the Good Will and wearing Good Will uniforms, de voted the day to escort work. During the morning they met and paraded with the Hughesville company with its band of sixty-six pieces. The Co lumbia company, accompanied by lis auto chemical apparatus, also arrived during the morning. Post Offices Will Close Tomorrow From 12 to 7:30 Because of the firemen's parade, the main Post Office, Hill and Maclay street stations will be closed to-mor row afternoon from noon until 7.30 In the evening. Carriers will make the 7.15. 9 and 10 a. m. deliveries and the night collections. Good Will's Fire Auto Reaches the City Today The new auto fire apparatus for the Good Will Fire Company, built by the I.a France Company's plant, Elmlra, N. Y., reached Harrisburg this afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock, and was unloaded at the foot of Third street. The new com bination flre-flghting equipment will be seen In the parade to-morrow, along with the new auto-comblnatlon wagon of the Friendship Company. BERKS COUNTY DELEGATES In the State convention. Berks coun ty. firemen are represented by the following delegates: Rainbow. Henry Steiner; Junior, Daniel Beaver: Reading Hose, Ezra High; Neversink, Charles Ehman; Friendship, Frank Goodman: Liberty, James M. Cummlngs; Keystone. Harry Hllzinger; Hampden, Alfred Gunkel; Marion, Thomas Evans; Riverside, Harry Legler; Union, Peter Matthias; Firemen's Union, Charles J. Becker; Firemen's Relief Association, William Weldner; Berks Firemen's Associa tion, John F. Ancona; Veteran Fire men's Association, William Lelthelser. Altoona's Quota Reaches City in Coat and Helmet Altoona's quota to the big crojvd came yesterdaj. The delegates are: W. S. Arbie, F. A. Bagley, E. B. Bart let, B. Berkowltz, W. V. Bowers, J. H. Creighton, W. F. Crcighton. W. M. Gardner, John Gasdorf, T. J. Haley, George W. Ha'rtle. J. H. McMurray, John Martin, B. F. Miller, H. E. Mit chell, Kobert S. Rose, William M. Rose, Patrick J. Sheehan, George Schtmminger, Richard Smith, W. F. Theurer, W. H. Wolf, H. E. Wolf, Jo seph Cruise, Scott Bowers, H. T. Mc- Cune, S. C. Decker, Charles W. O'Don nell and Charles Filer. The Altoona body will parade under William C. Brennecke as marshal and Richard Smith and William Rose, for mer Vigilant company members, as aides. Captain Walter Allen will have charge of the Altoona degree team of twenty-five in the drill. The Altoona volunteers ill be attired in the old Are coats and helmets in the parade. MILES HUMPHREYS 1 STATE FIREMEN HEID [Continued From First Page] ' ~ \ FIREMEN'S CONYEXTION ACTIVITIES OF THE DAY To-day 8 P. M.—Dress ball for visitors at the Chestnut Street Auditorium. 8 P. M.—Dress hall for Hope Fire Company's guests at City Grays Armory. 8 P. M.—Masquerade ball of Har risburg Mummers' Association, Winterdale Hall. To be preceded with a parade of Nlnety-nlners and Princes of Bagdad. Carnival, Seventeenth and Chest nut streets. Thursday 7-11 A.M.—Arrival of visiting fire companies. I P. M. —Movement of \ companies to place of parade formation. 1.30 P. M.—Movement of parade. 7.30-9 P. M. Band concerts at Hope', Mount Vernon, Paxton, Good Will, Relly Hose, Camp Curtin, Mount Pleasant and Alli son company flrehouses. Carnival—Firemen's night. Route of Procession Head of parade moves from Second and Verbeke streets to Market, to Fourth, to Mulberry street bridge, to Derry street, to Seventeenth, to Market, to Fourth via the subway, to Sixth, to Wood bine, to Fourth, to Reily, to Third, to North, to Second, to State, to Front, to Chestnut, to Second, to Market Square and dismiss. Drills and Contests All drills and contests will take place at Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, starting at 10 o'clock Fri day morning. Entries for drills and hose races > will report to the Judges not later than 9.45. * 1 dustrlal power than could prob ably be attended when the sword is resorted to in order that per sonal ambition may be gratified. Balloting for officers was carried on during the business session, the ballot boxes being In an adjoining room. These officers were declared elected and Inducted into office: The Xew Officers President, Miles Humphrey, Pitts burgh; first vice-president, Samuel T. Phillips. Mount C'armel: second vice president, John Shupp, Steelton; third vice-president, O. Meyer. Jr., South ampton; fourth vice-president, Wil liam Bonsall, Darby; recording secre tary, W. W. Wunder, Reading; corre sponding secertary. Fred W. Hoy, Scranton; financial secretary, Irvin W. Hahne, Philadelphia; treasurer, A. L. Reichenbacli, Allentown; chaplain, the Rev. Samuel H. Stine, York. Secretary Again Elected The re-election of William W. Wun der as recording secretary was almost unanimous. Mr. Wnder has been re cording secretary of the State associa tion for twenty-seven years. There was no opposition to the election of the other officers. The retiring president. George S. Kroll. named Jacob Weaver, of' York, and John Zudrell, of Allentown, a committee to escort President-elect Humphreys to the chair. In thanking the delegates for the honor conferred upon him. President Humphreys referred to the excellent administration of his predecessor and as has been the custom in the past, made the annual presentation to the retiring president. The gift this year was a Victrola, and came from the members of the State association. As the presentation address was in prog ress the Victrola was carried to the front of the hall, wound up, and start ed with a lively march selection. In accepting the gift ex-President Kroll thanked the nembers of the State Association for their kindness and hearty co-operation and urged that the name co-operation be accord ed his successor. Resolutions of thanks to the firemen and citizens of Harrisburg for their royal entertain ment, kind hospitality were adopted. The usual vote of thanks; was also given the retiring officers. The con vention adjourned until 2 o'clock to allow President-elect Humphreys to name his appointments for the year. The final adjournment took place this afternoon. Memorial Exercises At the opening of the memorial ex ercises Gilbert Greenburg, of Hunt ingdon, offered resolutions on the death of the late James A. Green, of Carlisle, former corresponding secre tary. In behalf of the family of the deceased, he also presented to the State Association records of the State Association for the past thirty-five years. The motion to adopt the reso lutions by a rising vote, also included a vote of thanks to the members of the late James A. Green, who were present, and Instructions to the sec retary to have the records bound and placed with the archives of the State Association. Dr. G. W. Berntheisel. of Columbia, read a memorial on the deceased members. Appropriate selections were I sung by the choir of the Westminster Presbyterian Church under the direc tion of George A. Hutmrfn, Including the following hymn, which was adopt ed by the association and will be sung every year during the memorial exercises: FIREMEN'S MEMORIAL HYMX In fond remembrance, gathered here to-day, Tribute to pay to brothers passed f way: Garlands of flowers placed upon the dead, Spring's brightest blossoms deck tlielr quiet bed. When duty called them, bravely they would go. Ever undaunted, met tlic fiery foe. May guardian angels o'er them vigil keep, While they He resting in eternal sleep. Father in Heaven guide us on our way. Through storm and sunshine to etcrn V day. And wliv our duty here on earth Is o'er. Vouchsafe our Journey to the golden shore. Between each verse taps were played on the cornet. At the con clusion "America" was sung by the choir and congregation and the serv ices were closed after eulogies by President George S. Kroll and others, with benediction by the Rev. Seth Russell Downle, of Bath, Pa., a former Harrisburger and originator of the memorial service idea. Cliailor Will Be Amended While the judges were counting the ballots, a number of reports were pre sented and adopted. The report of the committee on amendment of charter recommended that it be made Ht once. The amendment provides for a beneficial feature. The com mittee in its report stated that the original charter does not provide for beneficiaries and fearing that the ab sence of a proper amendment might pause trouble In the future, the amendment ought to be made at once. I In hla report for the year the sec- FIREMEN'S j Convention Week! SPECIAL j This "Week Only i WE WILL POSITIV Free Without Cost 1 AS A SOUVENIR ! A $5.00 Article to every customer ordering a Suit or an Overcoat. Choice of 250 Styles of Regular S2O & $22.50 Suitings Tailored f* d\£\ Measure #|j I 11 1 For *T * V#VV A GUARANTEE OF Unconditional Satisfaction Goes With Every Order Harrisburg's Oldest and Only Original Popular-prloe Tailor*. Standard Woolen Co. Branch of the World's Greatest Tailoring Organization. I» NORTH TIIIH1) STREET, Corner Strawberry Avenue AIJEX. AGAR. Manager I NOTIPF • ** ou ~an °rdor your suit now for future delivery and still * have the privilege of the $5.00 souvenir. I WE DELIVER FREE AIJi OVER THE STATE ertary, W. \V. Wunder, recommended that a bill be passed by the legisla ture providing for the payment of one per cent, of the salvage recovered by insurance companies to the support of the firemen's pension fund. A resolution authorizing State rep resentatives to the International Fire men's Association convention to vote against an increase in the annual dues was adopted. A resolution presented by Fred E. Lewis, of Allentown, Washington party candidate for Secretary of In ternal Affairs, condemning the action of any officer of the State Association in using his intluence for the election of any political candidate was passed. The resolution also provided for an amendment to the by-laws of the constitution, fixing as the penalty the removal from office of any officer of the State Association who resorts to methods in interest of political candi dates while in office. Memorial Services For Deceased Members In accordance with the recom mendation of President George S, Kroli, one hour was set aside this morning for memorial services. The list of dead for the year numbers fourteen, and Includes the name of the late James A. Green, of Carlisle, former corresponding secretary of the State association and a charter mem ber of the famous "Gooseneck" Club. Brief eulogies were given on each member. Many of the delegates told of their acquaintance with the late James A. Green, and to his many goodly qualities. In his tribute to de ceased members President Kroll made special reference to the former corre sponding secretary. After referring to Mr. Green's twenty-five years' service as corresponding secretary, and to his early activity in the interest of the State association, President Kroll said in part: "I do not wish to be understood as eliminating from membership in our association any firemen or class of firemen of the State of Pennsylvania, but it is onl • just to the association and to oursel' s that membership In our association should be held in much the same regard as membership in our organizations and institutions carry ing on a work of humanity perhaps similar to ours and calculated to pro duce the same results. "Your humble servant had scarcely assumed his official position ore the sad news of the death of James A. Green, one of the official family, was announced His funeral took place in Carlisle, and was attended by your president and other members of the association. "Brother Green was always active in fire matters, and in all lines of ac tivity which made for the good of the association he was prominently Iden tified. He was one of the organizers of the Firemen's Association of the State of Pennsylvania, and served upon all the Important committees of the association up to 1913. At the conven tion held In Butler In 1893 he was elected corresponding secretary and held that office to the time of his death. He was present at every ses sion of the association, lending his aid and assistance In making the conven tion a success. "He was always affable, kind and courteous. His every endeavor was to please those with whom he came tn contact. He had the broadest char ity for bis fellow men. He made friends quickly and readily, and his frankness and sincerity endeared him to them and they to him. He was ad mired and respected by all who knew him. "To him death came as the shadows steal at evening over the earth, softly dosing the flowers and touching them to sleep, silently and lovingly, in the promise of a brighter awakening. "I would recommend thru one hour he set apart at each convention of the association, to engage in memorial services to those of our brothers who have gone to that bourne from which no traveler returns, and T suggest that at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning's session would be a suitable time for such service." MKCHAXTCSBVRG FIRKMFX ARK COMING Mechanlcsburg. Pa., Oct. 7.—A short street parade will be given by the Washington fire company with the Bilsby steamer, and new hose wagon, headed by the celebrated Indian Band, on Thursday morning before leaving for Harrlsburg to participate In the big firemen's parade. The Citizen ftre company with the Dlllsburg Band, and the Rescue Hook and company will also parade la the Couoltal City. 5 Philadelphia Firemen to Wear Brumbaugh- Penrose Badges in Line At the right of the line of Philadel phia's contingent in to-morrow's great parade will be nearly 150 scarlet shirted firefighters of the Quaker City, who, in addition to their other badges an decorations, will wear attractive little Brumbaugh-Penrose ribbon baoges. The decoration is surmounted by a button bearing a picture of the G. O. P. elephant. On the ribbon is the inscrip tion: "We are for Penrose for U. S. Senator and Rrumbaugh for Governor." The decoration was planned by Thomas Malone, chairman of the decorative committee. Thomas Bigger is marshal and George Nace Is assistant marshal, of the contingent. The Tivoli Hose Com pany will have thirty-five men and fif teen wives and daughters in line. The Taylor Hose Company will have thirty five men and ten women, and there will be about twenty members "f the State Volunteer Firemen's Association. The Liberty Band, one of Philadelphia's crack musical organizations. \~ll fur nish the music for the visitors. Reily, Camp Curtin and Shamrock Boys Entertain Big Quota Visiting companies to be entertained by Reily No. 10 are: Moyamenslng Hook and Ladder Company, Chester; Cumberland Valley Hose, Chambers burg: Independent, Wilmington, Del.; Independence. Shamokln: Rescue, Middletown; Miltonian, Milton; Allen. Allentown; Rescue, Lebanon; Bald win, Steelton; Vigilant, No. 2, Colum bia; Liberty, Lykens; Pioneer, Hazle ton; Shawnee, No. 3, Columbia; Em erald, Renovo; Keystone, Unlontown; Greensburg. With the Camp Curtln Fire Com pany, No. 13, are the Good Will Com. pany, Lebanon; Union, Shamokln; Eagle, Hanover; Mclnnis, Canton; Mt. Union; "Washy," Sunbury; Reliance, York; Union, Middletown; Ft. Hunter. With the Shamrock Hose Company are Empire, Carlisle; Pleasant View; Star, Port Allegany; Mechanics, Waynesboro. Change Trolley Schedule During Firemen's Parade Felix M. Davis, superintendent of the Harrlsburg Railways Company, has planned a temporary schedule for cars during the hours of the mammoth pa rade here to-morrow afternoon. Sched ules have been changed considerably between the hours of 1 o'clock and 4:30. The Square must be cleared of cars at 1 o'clock. Third street cars will run as far as Third and Walnut streets after 1 o'clock: Fourth street, Pen brook and Llnglestown cars will run as far as Fourth and Walnut; Reser voir, Oberlln, Steelton, Middletown, Hummelstown and all Hill cars will run as far as Fourth and Market streets until the parade prohibits running to that point. Steelton cars will later run as far as Second and Chestnut streets by way of Race and Vine streets. Rockville cars . will run straight down Fourth and ' Sixth streets to Fourth and Walnut, Instead of Second street by way of Reily. Cars will not run on the Capi tal street line between the hours of 1 and 4:30. The Valley Railways Company will run Its cars to the Walnut street bridge entrance at Front and Walnut streets, until the parade has finished. Dubois Company Has Chartered a Sleeper "A very unique method of sheltering firemen," phones a subscriber, "i« shown by twenty-eight members of thi Dußols Fire Company. Dußois, Pa., who have chartered a special sleeper for their home during tne convention here." The men left Dußols Monday evening, having the entire car to themselves, and arrived In this city yesterday. The car Is located north or the Reading Station, near Market'street, on th*) Pennsylvania Railroad siding. Old "Hivers" Emblem /j on Hope Decoration* Exciting the curiosity of all behold-J ers are the quaint emblems, ropresent-] lng a bee hive, which has been plaaedl on the decorations of the Hop* Com pany. This company, in olden day*, wma I known as the "Hivers," and notwith standing the years have passed slncai that name was dropped, members of th»4 HOM lliU faithlull* alllMV j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers