*IOO Alarm Clock. /.ft Robinson s % n * ale i n Bars:, " n o"c Kooinson s i r TlMlD iaittii Basement . . . . . . TTHBOMUMIUI -* i Striking New Fall Suits For ~~Z New in Millinery"- W l mm J^^Z iVe ri The Velvet Tricorne The ECONOMY OF jg| SHOPPING UPTOWN A smart little affair in black velvet in ? „ j. i_ the tricorne shape. There are two sizes and IS well illustrated in these both are trimmed with the very fashionable two popular priced lines of Women's Suits. 11 \ /IVJ $2.98, $5.00 and $7.50 At $25 00 V \ Broadcio'th m satiny, beautiful shades Two Specials For Saturday predominates—but there are plenty of rough * I $1.50 to $2.00 Hats SI.OO Hats kinds, too. Tete de Negre, chocolate brown, " Black velvet and Outing hats for Russian green and French, navy and cor- IMfftf p* plush in the new girls. Green, brown bean blue are some of the pretty colors. N shapes, 98c an(l retl plalcl 49c At $15.00 ggf ' 1. We cannot say too much about these "$16.00 Specials." They are easily worth H ml fll J\ _ $25 and constitute an opportunity which \ H W lU n %If aa I |AMf no woman can afford to overlook who seeks jA_ II M lIC k/lIUC 1/CUla to combine the exclusive with the inexpen ' Arn-Mx skirts N pi Is Making a Special Blue and black Serge tunics with un- C L £ 117 9 derskirt of Roman stripe ac- $5 98 /Vtf rCatUf© Ol fV OIHCII S *llO cordion pleated silk THE PLAINER MOPF.li— jVlicepc SItACS G* 1 f - A Blue and black Serge—with <t"J QO _ »JIWC3 f LI 1 € t-< y"., | 17 3 u r ,V rilr>\7p« In a doaen different styles—a sufficient Fownes Gloves raoric \jlOVes variety to meet every requirement for Aiir imnorted eloves like A fresh . I ® t of e ® u * ♦ street and dress wear. There are patent ?lV the re/t of our stock. * lo Y® B ln tan vP° ngee^^ t " leathers with the full cloth top—some will not be advanced In ural,_ gray, white 50c wlth > ,he graceful Louis heels, others with Drlce on account of the Bnd h,a<,k the more conservative Cuban heels. Also war till our present supply , y , ni '" iy in g " n metal and Mrl kid. is exhausted AH (ti cn Pandora Vestees - the new shades . Swiss vestees with £)oc PLFTE 1® COM- fk© Glace Kid Gloves with Tassels Our sl9« Shoes LOOkX I UX Guaranteed kid gloves in They come in all color*-- WELL. WELL andtJJI»7U blacks, tans and t1 Art l irP, «>' Ro " 19r i WELL/. whites ipI.UU man stripes . A V.. ' ' ' AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS , 'YORK FAIR' 1914-October 5,6, 7, 8,9-1914 Premiums $12,000 Purses $6,100 For the Greatest Racing Event by the Best Horses in the Country, Including Running Rat es. ONE MILE O ...FAIR AT NIGHT... A Precedent and an Epoch WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS nf Fair Week there will he exhibitions to delight everybody, including Phenomenal Fireworks. The Managers also announce the following FREE ATTRACTIONS Fverv day and Wednesday and Thursday nights, Fink's Comedy Cir rus LaFavette Stock Farm's Champion Bis Six Horse Team in the World- Lozano Troup of Seven People, largest and greatest troup of 1 ive Wire performers in the world; Carwile Brothers' Balloon Lady Aeronaut: Wallace s Famous Singing Orchestra of Cleveland. Ohio; I*l*ol* Fit/. Gaul's Military Bund of Baltimore. Md.; Florence Hursley Troup phenomenal American Acrobats, eight people; Flying Her berts six people, the greatest original aerial act ever devised; Four Marvelous Mells. aerial ring novelty; Riding Seabrets, American Fquestrians; The Frederick's Comedy Foot Jugglers and Acrobats; Four Herman Sisters. Ladies' Aerial Act, Thrilling Suspensions by the Teeth, any height between Heaven and Earth, and others. LARGEST TWENTY-FIVE CENT FAIR IN AMERICA NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE PRICE ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR 213.000 EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS H. C. HECKERT, Sec'y., York, Pa. ■ „ - gSIM HOUSE OF RIG FK.ATI RI'SHHHBHMi Palace Theater MaS st. TO-DAY AND SATURDAY PROTEA 2 A thrilling photo-drama in five reels. ALSO UNIVERSAL, PROGRAM Florence Lawrence and Matt Moore in 2 reel comedy drama "THE COUNTERFEITERS" Eddie Lyons, Victoria Forde and Lee Moran in Nestor Comedy, "FOR LOVE OR MONEY" Adults, Children, 50 COMING TUESDAY—"THE TREY O' HEARTS ■ | t THE SWEETEST PICTURE EVER Lonesome Lassies SURROUNDED RY RIO SHOW HomeSweetHome And n Good Show of NEXT WEEK VAUDEVILLE Lasky's Society Buds _ . w,T„ ,x,.« and The Man Monkey m¥l S*TADI A 225 » ETST VICTORIA;"—" "THE DEVIL'S FIDDLER" A strong 4-part Apex special feature. A TALE OF THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED—2 parts. PATHE DAILY NEWS—I,OOO feet of news events. SIS—An unusual offering. TO-MORROW—"THE CLUE OF THE SCARAB." ADMISSION 10c CHILDREN Be FRIDAY EVENING, SXBIUSBDRG t&Hf&bl TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. I Second Fly Contest of the Civic Club AUGUST 8 TO SEPTEMBER 26 |S for flrwt prlr.fj «*veral other prise*, nod B rent* n pint for all fllen brought In on the 20th of Sep tember. v- ■ —/ It is Just Natural To Adiuire Babies Our altrustlc nature Impels love for the cooing Infant. And at the same time the subject of motherhood Is ever beforo ua. To know what to do that will add to the physical comfort of expectant motherhood is a subject that has Inter ested most women of all times. One of the real helpful things Is an external abdominal application sold in most drug stores under the name of "Mother's Friend." We have known bo many grand mothers, who in their younger days relied upon this remedy, and who recom mend It to their own daughters that it certainly must be what its name Indi cates. They have used It for its direct influence upon the muscles, cords, liga ments and tendons as it alms to afford relief from tne strain and pain so often* unnecessarily severe during the period of expectancy. Every woman should mention "Mother's Friend" when the stork Is the subject of conversation. An interesting little book is mailed free upon application to Brad field Regulator Co., 405 I.amar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. It refers to many things that women like to read about. Oet or recommend a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to-day and write for the book. M.' e i' Wilmer, Vincent Majestic & Appell, Mgrs. TO-DAY & TO-MORROW MATINEES DAILY ADULTS, a&o. 35ci CHILDREN, 15c I yman 1-1 IJowe's Travel "• 11 Festival Nrw Hide on n Runaway Train. Electrolysis of Metal*. Growth of PlnntN—Bird Life. Down Into the Crater of Vesuvius. 20 NEW FEATURES NIGHT TRICES, 25c. 85c and 50c Week moS; Sept. 28 MATINEE DAILY HARHISRURG'S FAVORITE ! KIRK J|g\ BROWN Excellent PRESENTING HIS HIGH CLASS PRODUCTIONS Mon„ Mat., "Thais," only one per formance. Mon. Eve., "Raffles," the amateur cracksman. Tun, Mat. A Eve., "Life's Shop Win dow." Wed., Mat. it Eve., "The Woman In the Case." NOTE THE PRlCES—Matinee, 10c, 20ct Evenings*, 10c, 20c, ,10«. A few nt 50c. Seats reserved for all mat inees. Seats for the Entire Engagement On Sale Now ———— Photoplay To-day Klaw & Erlanger Present MEN AND WOMEN In 3 Acts. Man's weakness, woman's con stancy and the understanding heart —a story of powerful motives. DICK POTTER'S LIFE A Modern Fairy Story, HE DANCED HIMSELF TO DEATH 2-act Vltagraph Comedy. BRUMBAUGH CHEER FROM LEWISBURG [Continued From First Pnjte] took up the campaign work with them. Most of the day was spent in Sny- j der . county, where a series of Rplen dtd meetings had been arranged by Garfield J. Phillips, the county chair man. The first stop was at Sellns grove, where a visit was made to Sus quehanna University, of which Pro fessor Charles T. Aikens is president. Dr. Brumbaugh presided at the formal opening of the college for the year and In his address to the students praised the smaller collegiate instl ; tutions of the State. These smaller I colleges, he declared, offered more | advantages to the students than the larger, since the former hope to de velop individuality, the student not be ing lost as he is in the great throngs which attend the larger universities. The ringing of the courthouse bell caused a cessation of activities in Mid dleburg when the candidates entered the town. They were met by a band at the outskirts of the place and es corted to the courthouse, which was filled to the doors. John A. S. Schock presided at this meeting. Late in the day Dr. Brumbaugh. Secretary Houck and the party motor ed to I.ewistown and arrived Just in time for the meeting. The courthouse was crowded, the aisles filled and the doorways blocked by citizens anxious to hear the princi ples of the Republican party in State and national affairs explained by the candidates. - Dr James M. Yeager, former United States marshal and former State rep resentative from Mifflin county, pre sided. In Home Valley "I was born in this valley, upon thi6 soil; I have worked in Its schools; I have taught Its people; I have enjoyed constant and friendly relations; and I love the dear old valley of the Juni ata—its farms, its villages, its valleys, and its mountains. "A considerable portion of the area of this county has been purchased by this Commonwealth and made a part of the State Forest Preserves; still larger areas should be acquired and this section of the State should be come a great pleasure ground for the people of Pennsylvania. "Here our people should have ample opportunity to fish, to hunt and to live under a restored forest with their wives and their children tar in the re cesses of our mountains where the birds sing and the laughter of our children shall ring round our moun tain streams. "Here we should build memorials to that Rplendld Pennsylvanian, the man of vision and courage. Dr. J. P. Roth rock, a native of your county. "I believe absolutely in tlio conser vation of all our natural resources, and shall lend every influence of my administration to the care and protec tion of the soil, the minerals, the waterways and the forests of this State. We are not good enough citi zens If we leave a less valuable herit age to o\ir children than our fathers bequeathed to us. Chance For Farming "It is possible to live and live boun tifully in this Commonwealth, and at the same time add to its natural re sources and a wise constructive policy for the people, rioh in future develop ments, should be inaugurated and en couraged by all right-thinking "citizens on the hillsides of Mifflin county. Fruit of all suitable sorts should be culti vated. There is no reason why this should not be one of the great apple, peach, pear and grape-producing com munities in Pennsylvania. "We must turn by reason of our impoverished soil from the mistaken thought that we cannot compete with the great Western areas in the pro duction of the common cereals and select, after scientific investigation, the type of products which our soil, the intelligence of our people and the markets of our neighborhood will best produce. "It is easy to double the income of the farmers of this community and the Commonwealth owes it as an obli gation to the people in this neighbor hood. by proper object lessons and in structions and demonstrations, to point the way for this needed reform. "If we had a fair and equitable pro tective tariff and reasonable regula tion governing the ownership and cus tody of dogs in this community we could raise thousands of sheep and thus create a profitable industry, well adapted to the conditions of our soil. As to the Itoads "It is also manifest that when a farmer has produced a good crop he ought to be able tr» transport It to markets over a decently-constructed and properly maintained public high way. Surely Pennsylvania cannot af ford longer to rest under the stigma of having the poorest roads In the FOR thirty-two ye«n dwcrim- JA inating women have placed // their confidence in my toilet ulMar\ No * just m flood" substitutes offered have be- hind them the long experience, the /. BKfffUcv exact knowledge of what each in gradient will do. and the expert 1 W\S ' •kill in compounding, that enter into rAw* ' the malting of Mme. Ise'bell's Toilet Preparations. VKjf\ My Exquisite Face Powder is absolutely pure and wholesome. It blends perfectly with the natural lone of the complexion and softens the skin while beautifying it. Many women have told me that they never have found a powder that can be applied so smoothly and evenly. Properly applied, its use is not noticed, yet it produces a thoroughly desirable effect. Watch for the Beautiful Red Package* on Display in All Leading Store*. Mme. Ise'bell's IS It tl' Exquisite Face Powder..... 50e mj T* Cold Cream 50c and... ...$1.25 ra \* f d Tuikish Bath Oil ......... 1.00 R Skin Food fit Wrinkle Paste. 50c lavV \ rrf Heatherbloom Talc.Powder 25c Nahiifcl Blush R0uge...... 50c I. Rrwc Blush Stick Rouge... 25c -t f Lilac Hand Whitencr 25c o Flesh Worm Eradicator....sl.oo D.C. Depilatory Powder.. 1.00 Made by Mme. Ise'bell Tha World's Most Famous Beauty Expert FH'. a QL aMMAM the famous actress writes: Cffie Shannon "£>«, MM. Ue'bcß-lir.O me much pleasure to recommend Mme. Ise'bell's Toilet Preparations. I find the Turkish Bath Oil and Ex 'uisite Fare Powder especially useful and delightful. "Yours sincerely. EFFIE SHANNON." GEO. A. GORGAS IS N. Third Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. GEORGE A. GORGAS Pennsylvania Railroad Stutlon Hill District W. B. GOODYEAR Nineteenth and Derry Street* Central GOLDEN SEAL/ DRUG STORE 11 South Market Square West End C. F. KRAMER Srd and Broad Sts., Harrlsburg, Pa. Hill District BRINDI-E'S PHARMACY Thirteenth and Derry Street# -usanas- It Will Pay You to Soloct Your SUIT or COAT This Saturday j kales' Su/7sJ||jV ißi s In Many Different t J HL~-4|| Iff f f r^B«CDl' &<les 11 Fab- yV H H wfvi)w CHOICE AT ••• 111 Ik ' IPili Values up to $lB. B 9 as I 1 11 Credit TILL u ve If You Want It 8 150 Msn ' s Mew Fall Suits SIA &r< ln "trip® of Blue and Brown, fine pinstrtpea ————— '' and solid colon. Choice at ■ Bovs' M d*o BLACK MESSALINE (ftp Altering Done e V at «h.l SILK DRESSES S.h rD r r Slij/S vu Values, sl2. PRICE, VW f 1 It L t T IVINGSTON'C ' No. 9 SOUTH Market Square Stand Up For Pennsylvania! STAND up for Pennsylvania!" cried Dr. Brumbaugh. Well, why shouldn't we stand up for Pennsylvania? Pennsylva nia stood up for us, for the country and the world. It has stood up first time in so many things that a cata logue of them would much more than till this column. Pennsylvania stood up and gave the new world its first iron furnace and later its first steel mill. Out at Coates- Yllle was rolled the first boiler plate in what is now the Lukens works. Allegheny county In Pennsylvania still makes more steel than any other In America, and its city, Pittsburgh, originates more freight tonnage than any other city in the world. Without fuel nearly all Industries would perish, and Pennsylvania gives to industry more fuel than any other commonwealth. Pennsylvania gave this country its first petroleum in paying quantity, its largest supply of lumber, for gen erations and most of what the late John Fritz used to call the "imperial metal." steel. In Pennsylvania is Lancaster county, which produces more from its farms than any other like territory on this hemisphere. Of the twenty Eastern and South ern States, Pennsylvania yields the most wheat and the greatest crop of corn. There are more reasons why we should stand up for Pennsylvania. Here is the only spot in the land where a battleship can be built from keel to quarterdeck, armored and armed, without crossing a State border for any material. One city In Pennsylvania stands first in all knit goods, carpets, rugs, hats, locomotives, upholstering materials, street railway cars, ships, oilcloth, sporting goods, saws and surgical ap- eastern part of the Atlantic States. Our farmers have a right to a good road, and a road that is good for the farmer will be good for all our popu lation. "These roads should beso construct ed that a dollar's worth of roads should be given for every hundred cents' worth of taxes used for the purpose. In other words, there must be honesty and efficiency and dispatch in the treatment of the road question of Pennsylvania. We are too rich a Commonwealth to be niggardly in the treatment of our transportation ways. When these roads are builded and opened for traffic, they should be kept In perfect condition. Men should be chosen and placed in charge of the several sections of these highways who have been trained to take care of the road, and mere political henchmen should no more be allowed to have charge of a piece of highway than they should be allowed to have charge of a good orchard about whose care they know nothing. "If you will support us in this lofty endeavor, I can pledge to you an ad ministration which 1 reverently trust will add one more chapter to the fine annals of this imperial Common wealth. Farmer's Side Should Be Heard "It is general agreed that our farm crops are marketed In an extravagant way. The consumer's dollars is so divided up that only about one-third of it reaches the farmer. He certainly deserves a larger share. A careful study of the systems of food distri bution now in operation is going on. Much of this work is commendable. But the real producer of food has not yet been heard. His side of the case as yet has not been brleled. Perhaps, in some large co-operative way, the farmers of Pennsylvania will solve this problem. We need to know un der what condition crops can most economically be produced, transport ed and distributed. The many socie ties that are organized to improve rural conditions can aid materially in this Important work. I favor a com mission made up of representative men of large vision and practical judgment, experienced in the several phases of this work, whose function It would be to study in a practical way and formulate such corrective meas ures as will give the farmer a larger return for his toll and tjie consumer a cheaper supply of food. I am con vinced that this can be done. Distribution Plans "I recognize the importance of the necessary distributing agencies that have to do with the products of the farm. The so-called middleman or commission merchant must necessar- pliances; that city being Philadelphia, In Pennsylvania is the world's rich est and biggest railroad. This is the only great State that has no debt. Pennsylvania outranks almost every other State In genuine conservation with its great preserves, exceeding 1,000,000 acres. The Keystone State Is the home of the world's largest store and America's biggest publishing house. But when Dr. Brumbaugh invites you to stand up for Pennsylvania, maybe he had in mind its intellectual achievements, as well as Its Industrial and financial works. Very good, and what have we to "stand up for" In the brain line? Beyond compare. America's fore most man of letters before the last century was Franklin, and his contri butions to science are acknowledged everywhere. America's first public library was started here. Pennsylvania gave this continent John Bartram. its first renowned botanist. The quadrant is the product of another Pennsylvania brain, that of Thomas Godfrey. This country has not yet produced an astronomer of more initiative than David Rittenhouse and certain of his inventions are still used in the great est observatories. Kobert Fulton, of Lancaster, is pop ularly credited with creating the first steamboat, but If he didn't, another Pennsylvanian, John Fitch, of Bucks county, did, so you may "stand up" for one or the other of them. The first bridge to span an Ameri can river was flung across the Schuyl kill. That prince of all bird men, John James Audubon, did much of his ablest work along the Perklomen, where he resided. Joseph Leidy was the master of lly form the Intricate part of the chain of service that carries the products to the tables of our - people, and he, among others, must have justice and consideration in a proper working out of the question oX the products of our farms. "A neighbor of mine in charge of an established business has recently applied scientific treatment to his out put. He has discovered that his by products are more valuable than his major product. He has more than doubled the returns of his honest en deavor. In like manner It is manifest that farming is the most prodigal and wateful industry of our people. The by-products of the farm go practically unconsidered. There is in a scientific treatment of agriculture the assurance of a double income. Nothing should go to waste. 'Turn to use' is as true on the farm as in the schoolroom. "It is a common saying that the by products of industry produce its larg est revenues. The by-products of the farm are as yet untouched. Here is a vast and profitable field of study. We should make every effort of the farmer count in his income. We cannot hold people on the farm unless we make it worth while in dollars, and in a so cial, educational and religious uplift. For Child Labor Law "We are pledged to an advanced child labor law, which shall conserve the working hours of our children and see to it that by wise legislation we shall make It hard for a child to go to work In Pennsylvania, but easy for him to remain in school in Penn sylvania until he is completely equipped to serve our industries capa bly and satisfactorily. "We are likewise pledged to the en actment of fair and oven generous laws for the protection of those of our women who are obliged to work More Young Men Are Needed to fill the demand for Stenographers and Bookkeepers. We have a call right now, from one firm, for six graduates. Enroll any Monday, in Day or Night School. Call or write for information without obligation to you. 15 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. American scientists, and no other was ever more widely honored by tho other nations of the earth. But these are war times and per haps Dr. Brumbaugh referred to Pennsylvania's patriotic spirit as a reason for our standing up. Let's see about it. Just across the street from my office window our national independence was born. In the same building was created the Constitution of the United States. When it came in the early sixties to a question of whether a "nation so conceived and so dedicated" should long endure, Pennsylvania gave Its fields at Gettysburg for the war's most decisive battle. It also gave its full quota of men to do the fighting and the leading. The most picturesque figure In American art was a Pennsylvanian, and Benjamin West's name lives on both sides of the Atlantic. In this State is the center of Ameri can medical education. Here resides the leader of the American bar—John G. Johnson —and for a large part of last century the country's ablest legal talent was universally accredited to Pennsylvania. So it would seem that when thft "Republican candidate for Governor invites us to "stand up for Pennsyl vania," we may do so without a blush, remembering that in industry, science, art, invention, finance, education, as well as in natural advantages, Penn sylvania has stood on her very tiptoes for all of us. And, just think! Pennsylvania has a half more people and five times ther wealth of Prussia in the days when Frederick the Great as her king wag licking all Europe and making a mili tary record comparable to Caesar's.—* "Girard," In the Philadelphia Ledger. nnd those of our men who are engaged in hazardous occupations. "I also believe in such a wise treat ment of the sanitation of every popu lous community and of every farm house In Pennsylvania so as to safe guard the health of our people. Firm For Local Option "This county enjoys the distinction by a special act of the Assembly, of being practically under a local option law. 1 have spoken, and spoken In no uncertain terms, upon the question of local option as a practical means of regulating the liquor traffic In this State. I stand for the extension of this privilege to the people In every county In this Commonwealth, believ ing as I do, that the people should de termine for themselves the issues of this important question and I ask your support with the assurance that I shall be glad to co-operate with all good citizens and use every honest endeavor to secure the enactment of such a law. "Finally, I like to stand here ap pealing to you good, staunch, sturdy men and women of Mifflin county, to protect the fair name and the splendid record of this great Commonwealth from the slanders and the insults heaped upon it by men, who to satisfy their own greed for power and patron age, would degrate the State our fore fathers have made sweet and glorious. "Just as I would stand up and de fend the honor of my family, so I stand heer to defend the honor of this great imperial Commonwealth, and I ask you to support those of us who believe that the finest culture and the cleanest living and the loftiest ideals of our best people should find expression not only in the legislative enactments o four Commonwealth, but in the administration of all public affalrß in your State." 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers