i*spoßTinft>news>i [Other Sports «n Page 13.] RAIN STOPS RAGES" AT CARLISLE FAIR Good Crowd Today Witnesses Dou ble List of Events by Fast Horses Special to The Telegrafh Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 26.—1n spite of the threatening: rain yesterday morn ing the crowd started coming early at the Carlisle fair. Special trains were run from Harrisburg and Ha gerstown, Md., and by noon the fair ground had a good crowd. The after noon rain spoiled the racing, only one race being finished. The postponed races were run this morning. This was Carlisle day at the fair and the attendance was very large. Following is a list of a few of the vis itors registered at the Harrisburg Telegraph tent: Sol. F. Ross, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; J. R. Edmonds and D. L/. Davidson. Hagerstown, Md.: L. M. Lemitt, Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hunter. Wilkinsburg. Pa.; Lester Jones, Carlisle; Robert R. Otto, Huntsdale, Pa.; Mrs. J. R. Bentline; Miss Margaretta Meals, Harrisburg; Jennie Smith, Newville; Helen Michael, Mechanlcsburg; Anna Kountz, Ha gerstown; C. C. Wardick, Carlisle; M. Ij. Kuhns, Carlisle: William A. Spahr, Carlisle; John T. Sheafer. Carlisle; H. W. Huslo, Carlisle; Harry C. Kutz, I>emoyne; Norman Eshelman, Car lisle; Leßue Hess, Harrisburg; Mar shall Vanderan. Chambersburg; Hilda IjUdwlg. Chambersburg; John W. Mountz. Carlisle: Miss Francis F. Meek, Harrisburg; J. A. Slentz. Har risburg:: Mrs. J. A. Slentz. Harrisburg: Master Lester Slentz, Harrisburg: i>. M. Snyder. York, Pa.; Mrs. W. E. Reigler, Mechanicsburg; Charles Fel ker, Carlisle; John Booz, Newburg; Robert Witherow, Shippensburg; J. B. Rice, Atlantic City, N. J.; Miss Mae Elder, Harrisburg. Result of Raoes 2.15 trot— Azora Axworthy, b. m., R. Hentschel, Arlington, Md.. 11l Pen Mar Bell. b. m„ Ij. C. Corbin. Washington. P. C.. 4 3 4 Ludwicka, g. m., Thomas McFarland, M.t Holy, N. J. 3 4 2 Bertie Chimes, bl. m., Thomas McFarland. Mt. Holly. X. J. 2 2 3 Time, 2.21 >4. 2.20i/i, 2.48^4. This race finished. 2.16 pace— Gayle Elma, s. m., U. G. Eppley, Carlisle. Pa 4 4 General Bell, b. g., A. D. Foll mer. Lebanon. Pa Dls. Astrola, b. s., Frank Barnes, Baltimore 3 1 Bag Pipe. bl. g„ W. H. Robin son. York, Pa 5 5 Tommy Nelson, ch. g., E. R. Woodward, Yarnalls, N. J.... 1 3 Crystal Lewis, b. s.. W. E. Mil ler. Washington, D. C 2 2 Time. 2.17y 4 , 2.lfti4. Unfinished. Free-for-all pace— Mary Ellen, b. m., W. E. Miller, Washington, D. C. . . . 1 Sam Re Sure. b. s., W. L. Karper, Shippensburg 4 Directneer, bl. s., Joseph Carr, Free- hold. N. J 3 Ashline, b. g., F. R. Shreve, Lan caster. Pa 4 Alice M. W. E. Miller 2 Time, 2.lfiU. Unfinished. . Other races postponed. Postpone Tennis Meeting Because of Wet Weather Because of the wet weather last evening the meeting of the tennis players of the city, which was sched uled for the purpose o'f organization, had to be called off until some time next week. The date has not been fixed definitely, hut it is probable that Tuesday will be selected. In addition to discussing the or ganization the tennis enthusiasts will decide upon some plan for distributing the lockers In the new Reservoir club house. The building has been prac tically completed and it is hoped to determine how the lockers can be given out with out confusion. There are some 200 lockers. While the new clubhouse is nearly completed, the big pavilion in the woods on Cherry Hill is rapidly going up and within a few days it will be under roof. Windup of Baseball; Pottsville an Attraction Baseball will have its last chance to-morrow. Central League games will wind-up. Middletown will raise the pennant at home and will play a doubleheader with Steelton; New Cumberland will close the season at Hlghspire. The final independent games of im portance will be played at Island Park between Pottsville A. C. and the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. team. This game will complete the series with the Har risburg railroaders. YORK CUTS FOOTBALL; MATERIAL IS SCARCE Special to The Telegraph York, Pa., Sept. 24.—The York High school will not have a representative football team this Fall. This was de cided at a meeting of the athletic as sociation yesterday. The issue was thoroughly considered from every viewpoint, and the decision was only reached after a careful study of con ditions and after the sentiment of the pupils was learned. The lack of ma terial was the principal reason for the discontinuance of the gridiron game at the high school. Up until Tuesday, which marked the close of the time limit for the signed permissions of parents to allow the candidates to play, less than eleven had been handed into Coach Rilheim er and Professor A. A. Holden. This will be the first time in the history eff the game that a represen tative eleven has not been formed at the high school. CHEERS FOR L. V. TEAM Special to The Telegraph Annvllle, Pa., Sept 5.—A Aiusing reception was given the football team of Lebanon Valley College yesterday morning in chapel when President Gossard announced that the exercises were in charge of the cheer leader That the game with the Indians Is taken as a victory, notwithstanding the 7 to 0 score against Lebanon Val ley, is explained In the fact that this Is the lowest score than any former Lebanon Valley eleven has held the redskins. Cheers w t ere given each Non-greasy Toilet Cream keeps the skin soft and velvety. An ex quisite'toilet preparation, 25c. GOKGAS DRUG STORES m K. Third St., and P. It. H. Station FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRIBBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 25. 1914. These Immense Savings Should Be of Interest to Eveiy Person W Store Opens 8.30 A. M. Closes 9 P. M. To-morrow, Saturday t Save on Your New Fall Suit Now §1 Women's & Misses' Women's, Misses'& women's and Misses' |jj HHRL- |j SUITS Juniors' Suits . SUITS jj jj \ 7C On Millinery ; 1 M Ie m jr w ■ w Evbry style taste can be suited, the variety is so great. The ! QJr # V fcKM © 11 ;[ showing of street and walking hats, dress shapes, and the nov worth up TO $30.00 worth UP to »is.oo ™ nno°or two IMI elties of trimming are so abundant, so bright, so varied, so in- ; Of Chiffon Rroadcioth Pontin ei V s wp s r ® erse * of a kind, made of imported Rroad- ;; ;» teresting that there is nothing else to be desired. Then again, ! * wiiiiun nroancioin, Cheviots, Diagonals and Crepes; cloth, Poplin, mannish Serge and ! ! . . ° ' * , Ber *? ; newes ' colors, including black, jabardine; all the newest and rich- <! <> those splendid hats designed and made in our own workrooms ! newest Regingote stjles. also plain navy, Copen, brown and Russian st shades. !! ! «. , . Arable ntodels. De- green; pretty styles In plain tail- Never have we shown such beau- <| } offer you Such unusual savings. J -Irable colors, black, navy, Copen, ored, trimmed and Redingote mod- tiful suits at this price fnrlo > » . ! AU B izes%or°women a ß „Ti a , n Kroen ' p , ,s; b f ox plPat and >' oke Bklrts - A » models. Aii sizes for women ! ! Trimmed Hats $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 and up to $25.00 All sizes for women and misses. sizes for women and misses. . misses. !; » TT . • Ju . os* Oil ok coo- . «»« | <; Untrimmed Hats 9 $1.95, Sp*2.9o up to $7.50 < | lhe New College Coat and Women s Misses and Juniors Beautiful I the New Cape Coat - CLOTH AND SILK DRESSES ißiaap«f Rnv's flntliina I !p r „ T"'. ? ISSe , S :VT; S /& CLOTH & SILK CL , UOtning I College Coats and $6 Q$ |l| DRESSES DRESSES I Value in this City fM) upe w„ r ?h Up ; o sZo ' M $6 95 Here To-morrow at E Of all-wool Novelty Mixtures, Diagonals and Two-tone - li, l ; TO %AJ> Ji a\J 5 B • _ _ _ __ . _ \ [ | Effects, In all sizes for women, misses and juniors. :| JAji'li wj; , * #' ]! »I • Q 1 £l} O K V "Collmp foau" wi worth up to $12.50 Worth u P to $16.50 ji tins oale or Doy S L t 'saSg?B- 5 C 13 |Pfi|if;|y 1 Pretty basque, semi-basque and Reautiful styles for street, even- '! ri C 11 O • tP/ltf/ •W/.lk (1^ i ff £% r* ISfißi H P' a 'n tailored styles, of all-wool Ing or party wear. Made of Satin !' Konff \nif( mm \ ' , Tk C# JHil!|| (i |'! Serges, Silk Poplin and Silk Messa- Duchess, Silk Poplin, French Serge '! i ulllS liUl I OllV J Ull OWm \ \Y/ H JHk ; ' ♦ I Jj IJ l'n p ; colors, black, navy, chocolate and mannish Serge in basque, semi- !' njtVUJB t >V /W UsSL- brown and Russian green; hand- basque, long tunic and combination !' f \ Worth lln tn Si? somely trimmed; all sizes for wo- effects. All the newest shades, in <! II: V WII St''l\Vo P tch%?rdsand <T all sizes for women and misses. liSWU ll^i f iW Zlbellnes. In excellent col- ■' jaitl i T 'jU ors - Relted effects. All ]i Tl ■ f* r* _Waf an<l Jun'ors. '»'»•• women's and misses' /KB 111 bat Compare ravor- wl fFlSmk "College Coats" CLOTH DRESS SKIRTS || ably With Suits That Are \ Dre" Skirts Cloth Dreis Skirts Cloth Dress Skirts if 11 | I Sold Elsewhere at $6.00 m I iiwh $2 45 53 95 54 95 W-j' Ik I 1 V k. ;' i4e; \ C f kj/*/# ✓«/ J) tmmrj J| v •|j full cut knickers Sizes 7to 17 jßy T * Worth $3.50 Worth $5.00 Worth $6.50 It Hw. V j| years. V |BT Jf** Worth Up to $15.00 Made of Mannish I Of all-wool serge I Of heavy Men's A,SJ || n ) n p • p , All n °r cut Chinchilla. Im- Serge. Colors black and Shepherd Plaid, Wear Serge, Crepes WITTI |i DOy Sc. - SIT i 3.111 S All* p. . „|, j. , . ///\i lords' 1 R and navy blue; newest newest styles, includ- styles!° r includ- i' ! i' Wnnl QoN AH DOV S UflU lYllicker (7 mi.A'i onlf e f„ni women ' Fall styles, including Ing the yoke and box ' n * th « VoWe, long 2f Tf UUI UUII3 UUIU /Til , . D J. T the favorite tunics. plait and plain tunics, styles. I I Over at $7.50 Special oc ' ter ' ants *°- I Men! You Can Buy a $12.00 or $15.00 Suit Af\ a L:> 49c __ _ * 1 ■ 3 tm V- belt to match. A neat watch fob comes Sold elsewhere at 75c and _ s 1/ r 7 T . .|{ H ■bMb W 3\\ with the coat. The two-pant Norfolk SI.OO. You can get them in Cor at Kaufman s io-morrow at ... tp § •it/ o ur r7 ya y^. caßslmereß ' Slze " 3 One hundred Men's and Young Men's Suits of the newest fabrics and models; the materials are _ __ , Blue Serges, fancy Worsteds and Mixed Cassimeres. Sizes are 32 to 44 chest. Jl/XCCIICIIt V 3.1V16S lfl 0111611 S ~ ~ ~ ; i MWfjfc ' Newest Fall Blouses-Special IVI ' AYM Tn'r. dtio r-A i Offering For Saturday lVlen s and Young Mens Wew rail ouits, fflO l A 1 women's new fall women's handsome Best $15.00 and SIB.OO Grades .... I I I crcpcs and fancy mercerized.L or even j n g an( j street wear I . j I : J\ |MI All the newest models; values ' These Men's Suits at $12.50 are fresh from the manufacturer. Every new style and feature. I ml to $1.50. Underselling price, ever y one a new model, values 1 lie new 1 artan plaids; the newest models.' You will realize, if you see these suits, that you can I ' nIbBI QO „ Special at save money at Kaufman's price. P J_J 3 g W rT Wil <!* O QC! ■nHMHHHHaMBBnBHHaMHMMMHBHBBHHMHMaiaBMB /j\ IJ U WOMEN'S NEW FALL Extra Special Sui,s J° r H and s ' ou ' Two Hundred Pairs of J f I[ou K s E s^„ A ev" 8 EW A FAN D^E E S N H CWftI men. Kaufman s can show you , tfOA/v \l A 1 shade, newest models, made of DRESSES ' made . of Satm and pni« the lar s est selection in town, and Meil S PailtS Good f3.00 \\ messaline, China silk, voiles, Messaline Silks, in black, blue *or Odiuruay save y OU on your new Fall 11 net and laces; values to $3.00. and white; $6.50 value. Spe- Just 50Men's $10& sl2 "SPECIAL FOR TO-MOR. Values ® t N, 1 ' " $195 ' $4 95 All Wool Suits at $5.00 38 to 48 sl-49 p ZLzl —— They are made with Venetian and These pants are made and cut in the fjl m w - __ _ Mohair lining- The materials are S\l < Kl I newest style. They come In hand- II „.. r | _ - _ || Mi _ __ - _ L_ „ f 1 * 1 _ mixed cassimeres and hlack Thibcts. V * cItUV some worsteds and cassimeres. llCilluSOlllC JT Ol VjlllS The Largest Selection of Men's, Women's and A Handsome Variety of & , , . y C nAr :„ 1D- Infants' Sweaters in This City at Prices Women's Newest Gloves at *tJ * ■ That Will Save Money Prices That Will Save Money Co p o f; s r v^e Dresses ' sizes 6 Boys' and Girls' wool mixed Coat Women's and Men's Wool Shaker Women ' s 2-button clasp kid Gloves; SI.OO Special at tOC Special at $ 1 .t/D Sweater in red, blue and gray, values K nit Coat Sweater; heavy weave, roll value; all shades. Underselling 7Q- undersel'iing K price F °... °...... 95c orice value " Under " $2.98 prlce Girls' Wash Dresses, all new models, Girls' All Pure Wool Serge Dresses, „ , „nd Girls' Wool Weave Coat S " sizes 6to 14, values to $1.50. AQ sizes 6to 14, newest models, Q Q[J Sweaters; all colors; $7.50 tfji Women's and Men's Wool Coat Women's 2-button clasp kid Gloves; $1.60 Special at O C $4.00 value. Special at ... «I)m«&/0 value I'ndersclling price... .«P * .4D Sweater; pi' colors; values <{■/! iQC value; all shades and styles. Un- QCC,. — to $6.50. Underselling price. . dersclllng price *7OC Women's and Men's plain weave Girls All Wool Serge Dresses, every Girls Wash Dresses, made of galatea Cotton Coat Sweaters; all colors; roll Infants' All-wool Coat Sweaters; Women's Chamois Washable Gloves; all new model sizes 6to 14 tf* A t\ C 1 and rep cloth, very stylish, tf» f% At* asß9c si.9B jss . u . nd ""'.". ln " 24c .os>.oo. ™iu«to4m spicu.... 9Z.45 man that played in the game, and! I short talks were made by different members of the faculty. , BITS OF SPORTS Football battles will be many to morrow. West End A. C. will play Hockers ville on North Sixth street grounds to morrow afternoon, starting at 3 o'clock. All Gettysburg football players will undergo a physical examination be fore they get into the game to morrow. Pitcher Adams, of the Indianapolis Feds, has signed to pitch for Chicago Nationals next season. The bowling alleys and the gym nasium at the Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A. have been thrown open for the season. The classes, however, will not start until after October 16. Central League season wilf close to morrow. LEARN THE NEW DANCES At home. A Victrola, perfect dance records and our free book of instruc tions make it easy. Ask about the outfit. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square. Advertise ment. Miner Killed by Fall of Rock at Tower City Special to The Telegraph Tower City, Pa., Sept. 25.—Milton Strohecker. while at work at the West Brookside Colliery, had his leg severe ly crushed. Hearing a noise in the slope, he started up, when he saw a large rock working loose. It being too late to go hack, he jumped he hind some timber when the rock fell and struck his leg. He was hurried to his home and two doctors sum moned. They advised that he. be sent to the hospital, but on the way to the hospital he died. He was a member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America and also of Washington Commandery. He is survived by a wife and three children. PASTOR RE-EIJKCTED Mechanicsburg, Pa., Sept. 2 s.—At a congregational meeting of the Church of God last evening the pastor, the Rev. Charles F. Roach, received a unanimous re-election to the pastorate of the church for the ensuing year. W. C. Templin was elected delegate to the eldership, which meets next month in Ijancaster. He was also elected elder for one year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sam uel Houston. 8. S. Dlehl and William Chapman were re-elected elders for three years. H. S. Markley and Har per Myers were re-elected deacons for four years. TO AWARD PRIZES FOR RUN TO STAUNTON THIS EVENING At the regular weekly meeting of the Keystone Motorcycle Club, this evening, prizes will he awarded to the winners of the trl-State endurance run. Harrls burg to Staunton and return. A run to Newport, Pa., where the club will en- Jo-<- an old-fashioned ham and egg din ner, will be planned. The lady member, who recently form ed an auxiliary, will elect officers this evening, at 8 o'clock. Merrhnnt* A Miners Trans. Co. DELIGHTFUL TRIPS "BY SEA" RAI.TIMOKE TO JACK SON VI 1,1,E and return »33.50 SAVANNAH nnd return 125.M BOSTON nnd return 925.00 Including meals and stateroom ac commodations. Through tickets to all points. Fine steamers. Best service. Staterooms de luxe. Baths. Wireless telegraph. Automobiles carried. Send for booklet. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A.. Baltimore. Md. Try Telegraph Want Ads 5
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