Laces, Braids and Dress Trimmings For the New Fall __ A __ Oriental laces, edges and flouncings, 3to 45 CALL 1991-ANY'PHONE. ♦ MAY MANTON inch ß\ck Y ctmn-^™B^« B f„ches^;de s | FOUNDED 1871 9F Fall Fashion Number Yard SI.OO to $3.95 THE LADIES' WORLD—Four months' sub- Black tailored braids, to *^ nc ' ie s wide. A J# #y B Mm scription—October, November, December and January |° r ' Regular price 40c.) As* for theni at Pat. to select from to $1.50 HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE tern <«• M .,„ rIo _ BOWM4N . a . Neckwear and Ribbons QM APT QTTTTC FOR ONE DAY ONLY Large lot of collars and cuflfs in all the models now r v3AU ' tIAV 1 v,UiA J ! Gray Hair Switches and Laundered cuffs and collar sets, and embroidered at $15.00, $16.50 and $17.50 Transformations laundered collars • v .™ ........ 50f v vv 7 A f AL f /\ UKTL * V 1 A Plain linen cuff and collar sets—2so for cuffs and About one hundred and twenty-five suits arrived here to-day and will be on sale At ADOUt UnC-Halt iheif Value -o? for collar. to-morrow morning. Not on in the lot but would be considered excellent value if your hair is K n.y and thin, you should not fail to Dainty organdy vestees and a t $25.00 in most stores —the most of them in reality are $25.00 suits. take advantage of these positive values. oOf, <oo, 89f Th e materials are imported poplins, Gabardines and broadcloths—the colors ™ sw!Se« ZZZIZ 5!« are black, navy, Russian green, dark brown, Copenhagen, dregs of wine and dark 22-tnch wavy switches, to-morrow V\ helio. The models are the smartest of the season —with the long coats in Redin- 24-inch wavy switches, to-morrow $4.75 II 25c and 39c wide ribbons in Persians and moires. gote, basque and paddock designs. The linings are heavy yarn-dyed satins and transformations to morrow si'r JI S Yard •• • • .—w.-.*.—• • .. 190 peau de cygnes. The tailoring is the top-notch of excellence. " Experts J m 'match! *'** WT 59c fancy ribbons, 6 to 9 inches wide, excellent None will be sent on approval. second FIoor— HOWMAN-S. values, suitable for girdles. {Yard 350 __ # ment for children's school ribbons. Yard . b !?..!!25f ' . New Fall Waists ;j Infants' Wear and Children's Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Arrived here yesterday in a great variety of styles, most beautiful models; complete CI I I\ ~ f color assortment of those wonderful crepe de chine waists. uCllOO! UfCSSCS Home Owners and Builders' Sale WSft J! J w0 bea " tif "' models at sl.9B—pure Infants' long white coats in cashmere, serge and At VPrice 117 II rt kl 1/ P.!™ 9^/1 Sllk crepe de ch.neT-.n black, white apple bedford cords, plain and embroidered edges and capes. At y 2 rrice 11 U At y 2 rnce f BL 7 1 1 g reen . salmon, light blue, mats, pink and Prices are SI ..-,0 to Sit'tS and Less "««* afCI 5 an d Less JA n \7 , , ... ™ .... ,«. Infants' capes with hoods in serge, cashmere, pop- We have a larsre and varied stock of first class wall LJ9 ¥<W iRL. .New models at $2.98, $3.98 and So.OO, lin and bedford cords—hoods silk lined with cords, we a\ a an ft v , ck ot hrst class wall /mBK V>Tl V*"3r More than a dozen styles in a wide range of Prices $1.98 to $lO 00 papers that are offered at about one-half of their original new and staple shades. Infants' short whitecoats lone waist eff«ts and values. Bring your measurements. Estimates for pa- Mm/// k fr/\ r\ j jir-ij * A t lt -tonis. if, waist ettects ana per hanging-submitted ( I f \ Over a dozen new models of voile and or- double breast styles, embroidered collars, silk and Extra Special at roll Over 5 000 11 f 1 I J gandy waists in the latest and most approved braid trimmed. Prices $2 25 to SB.OO good paper'in light an'd dark tones for bedrooms, H / st >' les . at «-°® , Girls' gingham dresses in Scotch plaid gingham* kitchens and back halls. Regular 5c and 7y 2 c values. iSTA'TM ' 1$ Plaln J ap s,lk walsts and J ap silks w,th em ' !°" g W j K 5"J ec . ts . and \ un,c skirt . models, long sleeves, Over 50 patterns of handsome paper for bedrooms jj? / I broidered figures at .$1.50 tnmmed with plain and contrasting Sizes 6to in the verv latest satin stripeandfloralcretonnes—some i 1 Crepe de Chine waists in various models ruMj'")" j to $3.98 very pretty allover prints with straight or cutout bor- \ \MSK at $2.98 and $3.98 . ( h,lflren ? dresses of plain chambray and ging ders to match, at, roll 60 Rf; . liyi . £ an ?' ,on f a,st styles with belt and long sleeves; em- Parlor, living room and hall papers—imported !\ \\ WEL+ l' j College CoatS and White PHcesare C S " ' Slze «o and domestic grades and mica glazed effects. Many /t\\\\ M second" FIoor— BOWMAN'S". " * to s3—o st>les to select from. Regular 50c to 60c qualities. RcOl. TO J Chinchilla Coats, $5.98 to sls || T , wn dmcT Tt Regular 25c and 30c wall papers of exceptional College Coats-the fad. Mixtures and Will Be INO bChOOI 1 OmOrrOW co oring in red, brown, green. These papers are mostly ( . plaids—belted or plain, with or without pock- jv >llll All H for first floor rooms. Cut out borders 18 inches wide to | \\\\ |W T ets, at $5.98, $8.50, SIO.OO and $12.50. and IOU II Have All Day ma We have a'special iin'eof me'tan'ic'and fabric' effect! tt\\\\ 1 White Coats-going to wear them all win- to Bring YoUrßoy in and IZ*/ for the most approved decorations. These papers sell * woo j chinchillas Outfit Him For School in first-class shops in large cities at /5c and SI,OO roll. M* ' OEA , i nr. . w W\ « Special roil . m SIO.OO, sl2.soand $15.00 and Winter Wear JmMl #4 ' Fourth "FlOOV—bowman's!* 1 * 3 * * * * s " eoni BOWMAN'S. White Velours $6.98 . mm — New showings in Boys' Fall xJffgM The MTT T TNTTPV Our Toy Fair Is Now Ready Everv garment of guaranteed cloth, » » 2-JVJ X lUXjuJLIJII J2yXV X Buy your toys now. Full and complete selections. we,t tailored and lined, n're gray, » A more complete line of Domestic and Imported toys than brown and blue suits at Hat Rppn AfriviflO 1 FarK n»w Qlnrn ft HI. you would expect to see at this time—when all Europe is at $3.98, $5.00, $7.50 and SIO.OO Hds Deen /irriving Eacn Uay Oince Ulir Upeninff war. As a twelve months in the year Toy Department we were a .' ' • n „. ' f Fall R „ f ' cfr r MlMsfl Our accnrfm n * t, , , f 5 fortunate to receive our foreign toys rather early. We are now A shmving of Fall Reefer, for Uur assortments have never been bet- prepared to serve you—bring the children. B °}' s 2 /z to 10 >' ears of age—just ter. Dolls, trains, tracks, automobiles, fire engines, soldiers, can- the coat for these cool evening at H ■■ The trimmed hat section is crowded ' " on air rifles - sames, blocks, books, stuffed animals, Teddy $2.98, $3.50 and $4.95 |i IS •■ll . . j • ~ , X /// \ bears, automatic toys, machine shops, china and tin tea sets, p„vc' TTaic an A Tarn: it JK ■ Ammk _ with hats embodying all the very new- / W \ doll furniture, children's desks, chairs, tables, hobby horses, "nl «1 HO \ <«1 -O fl H ■ est ideas and trimmings. / \ velocipedes, bicycles, tricycles, automobiles, Irish mails, ex- -Of, OUf, ffil.liu ana <T*I.OU /&P' tW Our nntrimmPfl bat Jo { -W \ P ress wa gons, wheelbarrows, doll carts, perambulators, fric- Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Q' W , untrimmed hat section is one of / M \ tion tovSi horns> pianos _ and everything to be had in the toy the largest in the State, and here you / Hne. raw CAO V,Je 1 $ will find every new shape of the season. I p J / In selecting an untrimmed hat here, you \ J HOUSCWtirCS ' Remnants, Worth OC and (Ip yQ A have the service ° f thorou S h milliners \ J 79c extra heavy galvanized wash tubs, wood handles .. 59* FrOHl the Piece, Special at .. . J J IJ ' and the advantage of copying any model S 10c faultless skirt or trouser hangers 7* \2y t z Outing Flannel, 36 inches wide, yard l]/ 2 t \\ at a small cost. ' 1-4 ? large s . ize cec ? ar t ub , stave liandles #l.lO Shaker Flannel, 27 inches wide, per yard ' c c*. i . •. . M i/m $1.25 domestic folding ironing table 98* Pillows and feathers at special prices; odorless and perfectly boft crown velvet sailors in different Wk 59c railroad workman's grub box 39* sanitary. • • -izes and brims | A sl-00 floor shine oil of cedar mop, pointed to get into cor- .SOc Feather Pillows 38* at Wir "T' co " l P' ete ..^ ith ft - p° ,ished handle and P' nt can of 75c Feather Pillows 50*1 $2.00 Feather Pillows. .#1.50 Visit the Bowman Millinery Department 2nd Floor. ce ar 01 1 -P ec,al SI.OO Feather Pillows ... 75* $4.00 Feather Pillows. .#3.00 ___________ ' BOWMAN S Basement. Majn FIoo ,:J. BO WMAN'S. Corsets and Muslin Wear Furniture Sale Saturday Men: Inspect Our New Line of $2.00 model Roval Worcester Corset, light weight u , n 11 n •. l f* . Q . 1 coutil, free hip, bone model, low bust, very long skirt, r , For ear |y I<a ll selhng we offer our entire line of sample pieces consisting of fojl Slllfc ai|d lOD LOftlS UcltlirdaV three pair hose supporters, satin bound and lace trim- ,cs>! »e Chiffoniers Buffets, Library tables, Brass Beds and Mattresses. A? J med at top, draw string. Special SI.OO Sample DreSSerS and Chiffoniers New Suits and Balmacaans have been received in our Men's Coutil Corset, medium bust, long hips, draw string 0 nl» one .nd two of a kind-beautiful design Clothing Department during this week and will be shown here for the at top. Sizes 19 to 30. Special a nd fine finish. time to-morrow. SI.OO Brassieres,'hooked front and crossed back, $15.50 Quartered Oak Dressers #IO.OO Beautiful English cut suits for the dapper young man—semi lace and embroidery trimmed, broken sizes. Special, $19. ( >8 .Mahogany Dressers #12.98 ~~T\ English and conservatives for subdued tastes. The colorings this t —Tartans, Roman stripes, illuminating dots $1.25 to 51.50 White Skirts, made of cambric and •= r uarte r cd ak Chiffonier checks, and combination stripes in every wanted shade. We show and n Hbboir^n\ e ciaT lth hnC embr ° idery ' laCC ' inse S Circassian Walnut Chiffonier'.'.' #15!oo a very comprehensive selection of these suits at r - ' , , r S2IOO Quartered Oak Dresser #15.75 \ . J xfh. Gowns with high neck and long sleeves, yoke of $21.00 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier .... #17.50 fi J C Ji 1 cluster tucks, embroidery insertion; embroidery trim- $49.00 Fumed Oak Buffet #36.00 I \ / med at neck and sleeves. Special .>()<♦ $24.00 Golden Oak Buffet #18.50 .... M Kii iii Hinv;v] A $12.75 Fumed Oak Library Table #10.50 and at $12..)0, $l«>.00 and on up to SJ.>.IK) —every garment car Bed wear and Linens t ,, , • . BEDS EXTRA SPECIAL F 'L Uvu WCdi utliU Only a few items listed but we include our entire line of samples on the Q • /v irvw ».. .• T . r n , r _ floor. Some as illustrated—large continuous post and square tops. Stlit Or UVCrCOat tff 1C OA -r T 1 " YvT?V"' Attractive Items Culled For Saturday s Selling. "mno Brass Bed MADE to ORDER V \T' Mercerized Damask Table Cloths, size Bxß—square cloth with t_ $35.00 Brass Bed #27.75 I » AL,L 1® vIVI/LIV « Willi■djl Y round patterns, hemmed ready for use. Mill hurts—scarcely g ji * $25.00 Brass Bed #IB.OO Worth $20.00 and $22.50 ffMlrV/» '<¥&} noticeable. Regular $1.50 quality. Saturday f $29.00 Brass Bed #19.00 * r lc S f/A/ /F Beacon Blankets—a splendid showing in baby crib blankets $24.00 Brass Bed #15.00 Fit guaranteed—2s patterns to select MURI | 'vmLjf at 50f, 75e, #1.25 and #1.75 LiLiLLIIJLA Rrass Bed • #10.75 from. #i* Babv Bags—something new, at #1.75 a ' |7 T I $15.00 Brass Bed i #10.0(1 TT nTT . T? ** jvr */i yr4fi ' .w Ml Rath Robes at #2.50 to 9X.W I MATTRESSES Fa " Hats For Men and Young Mcn 1 ll Indian Blankets at #2.50 and #3.75 jrl *SO high grade mattresses from 801 l Bros, to New high crowns, telescopes, dia- \\ IIIV^. Bed ComfortaMes—jacquard design, at ... #3.75 to #5.00 M il' ii K° on sa,e Saturday at these low prices. All mond crowns; contrasting bands, at 'St I' \l ill Mercerized Batiste—inches wide, soft lustrous finish—small SS?tS guaranteed. , o»o WUliilm i ill oil - I 1 Crochet Quilts —full bed size, handsome Marseilles patterns. $7.00 roll edge felt Mattresses #4.98 Genuine Austrian Velours in green, rMlj ' v Sr Saturday #1.59 $5.50 felt fibre roll edge Mattresses #3.95 black and seal brown at ....... .;$4,95 . | jjlll Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. $3.50 COttOn top Mattresses #2.50 Thlrd FIoor—BOWMAN S. FRIDAY EVENING. RAJRIUSBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 3
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