~ r* o -' HE " NO ™ ,EF Bur Ha Jl THt Fouß CAMocsn w WIE „ If 1 ' HA6 ASr «« w <>" AFTCRTHE ,6T» Acao%s C6UN TRy PO* T„ £ p *„ ama N.V sTare LEA&ue , S ) «-ORA« 'oo« OftT^o-^ C Po ** IN "poPULAt* ) ltPTeMßl ' l PACIFIC- EXPOSITION SEEM TD«E N4vim 4 THE Tfl-JTAtE «UEU NOt!.' / ' ^ T ' —l'tt- - OLDSIBILE AND STUDEBAKER AGENCY East End Auto Company Has As sumed Sales Rights For These Well-known Cars An Oldsmobile in a light car model is the feature of the Olds Motor Works announcement this year. The Oldsmobllo Is well-known to Harris burg, having been represented several years ago by the East End Auto Com pany. This latter company will again assume the selling agency for automo biles, and as the light model of the Oldsmobile appeals to a greater num ber of people than the larger model. Oldsmobile Model 42 "The Light Car De Luxe" It Is Here For Your Inspection Completely Equipped With Delco Electric Starting and Lighting System Studebaker Six-cylinder Five-passenger Four-cylinder Five-passenger __s9Bs (Completely Equipped) one For Catalog or Demonstrations All Prices i. o. b. Factory East End Auto Co. Linden and Shrub Streets ■ == ==■ *' We now have at our salesroom, Third and Cumber- j i land streets, all new « I; 1915 J : models of Hupmobiles, including the NONSTALL- t ► ABLE, 119-inch wheelbase car, with the one man '* top which sells for sl,2oO—Other models $1,050 , —all equipped with electric lights and starter. 1 * : Ensminger Motor Co. .> * ® Wholesale Distributors ! THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS. ■ f QWI" x Vlr'" ■ •« < MILLER STIRES Grip the Road Like a Cog-Wheel STERLING AUTO TIRE CO. 1451 Zarker St VULCANIZING v SATURDAY EVENING. the agency was renewed to push the Bale of this light four-cylinder ear. The new light model Is strikingly beautiful, having the advantage of the expert designers of the great factory which was among the pioneers in automobile construction. In addition the Olds quality in power plant, the car has Ilelco igni tion, lighting and starting, and weighs but 2,615 pounds. The new model Is now on display at the sales room. The Rtudebaker cars are also to be represented by this company. These cars are well known In this commun ity. The models for 1915 are the new Studebaker Four and the new Stude baker Six. The four-cylinder sells at $R!>5, and the six-cylinder at $1,385 for the five-passenger model. The new Studebaker models will be here Monday. The East End Auto Company has a splendid service station and garage at Linden and Shrub streets. J. liob ert Barr, formerly with the Neighbors Motor Car Company, has assumed the management of the East End Auto Company. IIEW CADILLAC IS M EIGHT-CYLINDER First of Type to Be Marketed This Side of the Water; 60-H. P. With V-type Engine In announcing that its new car is powered with an eight-cylinder engine of the V-type, the Cadillac Motor Car Company becomes the first American manufacturer to develop an eight cylinder car for the market, and the only manufacturer whose latest prod uct embodies a vital advance in engi neering and in motoring. Thus are set at rest the rumors which for weeks have presumed to forecast Cadillac intentions and plans. In the light of past developments it seems only logical that the Cadillac should be first in the American field with an eight-cylinder car, as a glance at motor car history will show. The first high grade car at a popular price was the original Cadillac Thirty —and this car opened up a new field to the industry. For a year the Cadillac was the only car to carry an electric starting and lighting system—a feature that has become an important part of the reg ular equipment of almost every car. As the Cadillac statement announc ing the new car puts it: "This company has never relaxed its pursuit of that power principle which would prove to be ultimate and final. "We sought the medium by which the Cadillac would be endowed, not with approximate freedom from gear shifting, or approximately swift ac celeration, but with the highest pos sible form of these three characteris tics. "The Cadillac Company has given serious consideration to every reput able type of motor —endeavoring to scrutinize with scientific impartiality the virtues and the limitations of each and every one alike. "Building and experimenting in turn, with every type from the single cylinder to the six, and from the pop pet to the rotary and to the sliding valve, we have been carried forward to the highest form of frequent im pulse motor —the V-type eight-clinder. "The principal advantage of the eight-cylinder engine is, of course, its continuous torque, and continuous uni form generation of power. There is no pause or lapse between power im pulses, of which there are eight in each complete cycle of the engine, four to every revolution of the crank shaft, or one every quarter turn. The firing alternates from side to side. The continuous torque produces an almost utter absence of vibration, at both high and low speeds." W. G. Aston, writing of the V-type of eight-cylinder motor in the Autocar Imperial Year Book, London, classifies its advantages under four heads, viz: size, weight, torque and cooling. Under the head of size he comments on the shortness of the construction, which not only reduces periodic vibra tions in the crankshaft, but affords more space for body work on a chas sis of standard length. No extraordi nary length of inelt piping is required, as the V-form cylinders lend them selves very readily to a piping ar rangement that enables every cylinder to receive a practically uniform charge of gas. In the matter of weight, the short ness of the V-type eight again figures, Mr. Aston pointing out the reduction In the length of crank case, the lighter crankshaft and flywheel, short cam shaft and lighter reciprocating parts because of the comparatively smaller size of the cylinder on a given power basis. As to torque, he shows by illustra tion that the torque of the eight Is more uniform and that additional cylinders could do no more than in crease the power. The author points out that, in the cooling system, each block of cylin ders is treated as a unit, and the wa ter circulation has no tendency to form pockets around the valves. The cylinder dimensions of the new Cadillac engine are comparatively small—3% inches bore and 5 % Inches stroke—yet In repeated tests by dy nomometer, an excess of 60 horse power has been registered. The cylinders are cast In two blocks of four cylinders each, with water Jackets, combustion chambers and In take manifold integral. The cylinder blocks are mounted on the crank case at an of 90 degrees to each other, from whence the designation, "V type." The cyjtnders are of the L. head type, with all valves on the same side of the cylinder blocks. There is but one crankshaft, the connecting rods of the cylinders op posite each other being jointly at tached. One camshaft with eight cams is employed positioned directly above the. crankshaft, driven by a si lent chain from the crankshaft and operating the valves through a series of rocker arms provided with hard ened steel rollers. The exhaust valves are flat head type, made of Tungsten steel, and the Inlet valves are tulip Rhupe to facilitate the Intuke of gas. The crankshaft Is 1 % inches In diameter, of special chrome nickel al loy steel, supported by reinforced bronze, babbit lined bearings of lib eral proportions. Its length is but 2fi 1-16 inches between the outer ends of the forward and rear hearings, thus overcoming the periodic vibration or thrashing almost sure to result where a long crankshaft Is used. One of the factors which con- StAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH I EIGHT CYLINDER 1 ! V TYPE MOTOR ♦♦ 8 zt tt It was left to the Cadillac to make the final big step in the automobile worId—FINAL would seem to H be the word. S ♦♦ ft ♦♦ Epecially will you think this is true after you have ridden in this new Car! H ♦♦ Spiral bevel driving gears and other improvements which mark finality in motor car luxuriousness u ♦♦ and comfort. xf Sounds good enough to make you want one. Enter your order now to get as early a position as possi- § g hie in line of delivery. If, when you have seen and tried the car, you want to cancel your order, you can ♦♦ 8 do so without any restrictions. * tt SEVEN-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, $1,975. |j Five-passenger Touring $1,975 Five-passenger Inside Drive Limousine. .$2,800 § ♦♦ Four-passenger Salon $1,975 Seven-passenger Standard Limousine $3,450 3 tt Two-passenger Roadster $1,975 Berline-type Limousine $3,600 H H -Landaulet Coupe, $2,500—A1l prices F. O. B. Detroit. If Tt It XX XX Crispen Motor 1 | 413-417 S. Cameron Street 1 tt 8 ♦♦ Demonstrating Car will be here in about 10 days and deliveries will begin immediately after. S tributed materially to the smoothness and absence of vibration in this en gine, aside from fundamental prin ciple, is the lightness of the recipro cating purts. For example, a pair of piston connecting rods weigh only 48 ounces, yet in the labora tory tests it required a compression strain of more than nine tons to bend one of them. A multiple disc cLutch Is employed and the motor and transmission are mounted as a unit, the two rear points being bolted to the frame and the for ward point taken care of by a ball and socket joint. Details of the car include left drive and center location of the gear change and hand brake levers, wide doors, lighting and ignition switches located conveniently on thw cowl board and a pedal button in the floor for bring ing the electric device Into action. The advent of the new car naturally has created extraordinary excitement all over the country and the feeling in the trade echoes In a large measure the expression of W. C Leland, gen eral manager of the Cadillac Com pany, who Is quoted as saying: "We believe the eight-cylinder Is destined to change completely the current of motor car design and manufacture." This is supplemented by a state ment from Sales Manager E. C. How ard, who says that reports from every city and town of consequence In the country indicate an advance sale so unusual that it will be impossible for the Cadillac Company, even with an enlarged production, to satisfy the de mand during the first twelve months. Chalmers Working Chassis of Light Six on Display The Keystone Motor Car Company have on exhibition at their place of business in this city a complete work ing chassis of the Chalmers Master Light "Six" for the benefit of the automobile buying public, being able to see exactly Just what the co- .true- ! tion of this car is like with body 1 parts, etc., removed. In speaki g of i the features shown Mr. Morton said: "There are a great many features in the construction of this car that you will llnd the same as in Chalmers | cars made four or five years ago. You ] will notice that a large number of j manufacturers have and arc still corning to the design that the Chal- I mers Company has had almost since its existence. This car has proven i the big hit of the season and affords a great many pleasures in automobll ing that before its existence were un- 1 heard of. "This chassis will be on display at j our establishment for some time and we extend an invitation to all who ' wieh to see one of the cleanest pleecs of construction that they have ever seen to make a careful investigation j of this chassis." The advertisement in this issue < Your auto trip soiled or spotted garments or coverings would be best cleaned by Footer's Dye Works, 34 N, 3rd Street, Pa. s 1 SEPTEMBER 19 ,1014. specifics the prices of the different body styles in this model. And those interested in six-cylinder models will THE New Light Six $1485 $1485 America't Firtt Car WILL BE HERE Early Next Week For Inspection & Demonstration, Phone Harrisburg Auto Co. Third and Hamilton Streets ■ ■ - - ■ • - - - - • - I no doubt a villi themselves of this opj portunity to see the advantages I claimed for this model. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers