RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES BU TEAM'S GREAT [IECOIID FOR SEASON Ephrata Wins 31 Out of 35 Games Played During the Sea son of 1914 HAS DEFEATED STRONG CLUBS \Vill Play Lancaster Tri-State Team on Home Grounds on Tuesday Ephrata, Pa.. Sept. s.—Of thirty • five games of baseball in which the » Ephrata baseball flub has participated thus far this season the club has been defeated but four times. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week they played the Chambersburg club, at rhambersburg. losing the first game • by a score, of t to 0. eleven innings being played, and winning the second game by a score of t> to 1. To-day they wil'l play Mountville on the home grounds in Ephrata, this being the third of a scries of games, each club having won one game. On Monday, Labor Dav, the Parkeshurg club will be in Ephrata to play with Ephrata. On Tuesday next the Lancaster Tri- State club will cross bats with the Ephrata club on the home grounds. Among the clubs defeated during the season was the Cuban Stars.—Baker It oyer and Alvin Hacker have gone to State College to resume their studies. —William Stump, who was a student at State College last year, will engage | in the restaurant business in Ephrata. I -—Leroy Walters, son of the Rev. and [ v Mrs. J. M. Walters, of Ephrata, and Harry T. Vetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Yetter, of Stevens, will leave on Tuesday next for Lebanon Valley Col lege. Anriville. Pa., where they will enroll as students in a four-year course. Both are graduates of the Ephrata high school, class of I!U4. i Harvest home services were observed | by Trinity Lutheran and Bethany Re- j formed congregations on Sunday last. About 2nn jars of canned fruits, a iot | of flour in sacks, half a dozen bushels | of potatoes and other supplies used | in the decorations in the Lutheran Church were on Monday forwarded to " the Lutheran Orphanage at German town. Philadelphia.—At the meeting of the quarterly conference of the First United Brethren Church Adam Martin was elected delegate to repre sent the congregation at the sessions j of the East Pennsylvania annual con ference. which will convene September * 30 in the Second I'nited Brethren Church, Philadelphia.—John V. Sna der. a past chancellor of Cocalico Lodge. Xo. 4on. Knights of Pythias, has been appointed district deputy grand "chancellor for the second dis trict of Lancaster county, comprising Lodges Nos. OS and KS, of Lancaster, 253, of Lititz, and 400. of Ephrata.— Miss Dorothy Boughter, of Oberlln. who has been the guest of Miss Marie Rirhwine t'or several weeks, has gone home.—Miss Ruth Krouse Is visiting her brother. 11. N. Krouse, at Steelton. —Mr. and Mrs. E. Kllhefner, of llar risburg, are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. Bailie Snader, for the week. •—A junior medal contest under the auspices of the Ephrata Woman's Christian Tempera net I'nion will be held in the Ephrata I'nited Brethren f'hnrch on Tuesday evening, Septem ber la. Rural Mail Carriers of I Four Counties to Meet Duncannon. Pa., Sept. 5. —Miss Ed na Jenkyn is on a visit to New York. E. CJ. Thompson spent two weeks' va cation in New York State. —Miss Anna Lightner, of Millersburg, spent Tues day in town.—Mrs. Lewis Boyer, of Philadelphia, is visiting tier husband's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, of Pittsburgh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Young.—Jerome Bowers, of Harrisburg. was a week-end guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bender.— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell, of New York city, are guests of Mr. and j Mrs. William Jennings.—Jacob John-! ston. of this place and Harry Auch-1 mwnty, of Shamokin, are on a visit to Atlantic City. Over 400 people at tended the open air song and devo tional service on Sunday evening.— Both national banks will he closed Monday. September 7, Labor day.— The Presbyterian Church which was | closed during the month of August, when the walls were decorated, the! lioors recarpeted and new electric fix tures installed, will be open for ser vice to-morrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Glass announce the birth of a son, Howard Francis, Sunday. August 30, 1914.—James Black, of Altoona, was a week-end guest of his brother, W. L. Black. —Jesse M. Pines has received the contract to carry the United States mail from the post of fice to the Susquehanna River and AV'estern Railroad, taking effect the first instant.—Miss Margaret Trout, of Altoona, is the guest of Mrs. Neal Trout.—Rural mail carriers of Perry, Mifflin, Juniata and' Snyder counties will hold their annual convention in the court house at Mlddleburg, Pa., on Monday.—Miss Clara Flier, of Phil adelphia, and Miss Erma Filer, of Al toona, aro guesta of Mrs. J. K. Wil liams. TAX COLLECTOR'S RECEPTION Piketown, Pa., Sept. 5. —Isaac Sei ger, of Fishing Creek Valley, spent Sunday with Harry Mumma. —Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Runkle and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ebersole of Fishing Creek Val ley, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, Jr., on Sunday.—John Gibney of Han overdala was a visitor here on Wed nesday.—The Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Martin and children Mary and Willis, spent Sunday afternoon with Edward Nestler In Fishing Creek Valley.—E. 3f. Strohm, tax collector of West Hanover Township, will sit to collect taxes on September 21 at Fox's store, on September 22 at Lingle's black smith shop on September 23 at Shaff ner's store.—L. W. Blatt, of Pleasant View, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Strohm.—Mrs. G. W. Miller and Miss Gladys Boyer after spending sev eral weeks with H. B. Megonnel re turned to their home in Reading.—Mr. and Mrs. Wilt spent Wednesday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Earley In Fishing Creek Valley.—Mr. and Mrs. Brook Potteiger, of Linglestovn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cassel.—Mrs. Minnie Shepler spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Potteiger in Linglestown.—Fred Shlve and daughter Minnie visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hughes in Fishing Creek Valley on Wednesday.—Miss Harriett Stees after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Hartz returned to her home In Harrisburg.—The Mt. Laurel Aid Society will hold a cake and Ice cream festival In the grove opposite the church on Saturdav even ing. September 12--TWe will be pre#chine services in the Mt. Laurel I Bethel on Sunday, September 13 morn- i ing and evening by the pastor, the 1 Rev. Jonas Martin. SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 Beavertown Property Owners Ask For Borough Charter By Special Correspondence I Beavertown, Pa., Sept. s.—William Freed and son Alfred, of Harrisburg, | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith. — Berk and Marie Bowersox. of I Williamsport, were guests of their ] grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Bowersox. —Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gil j bert, of Lewistown. were guests of the ! former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Manas Gilbert.—Earnest Skipper, of Tyrone, Pa., and Miss Nellie Baer, of McCon | nellsburg. Pa., were visiting at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Mcßobb. —Mr. and Mrs. Lester Krebs and Mabel Kline, of Hector, N. Y., were visiting ! at the home of Frank Kline over Sun- I day.—Mr. and Mrs. William Romhs land two sons, of feffer street, Harris j burg, were visiting Mrs. Eliza Reigle. i —Mrs. Diehl, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Eliza Reldle, of Harrisburg, I Grace Ruth and Helen Boyer, of Pax- I tonvllle, were in town Sunday.—Wil | Ham Kearnes, of New York City, was I visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kearnes.—Mrs. B. B. Baistel, of j Williamsport, was the guest of Mrs. IJ. A. Aigler.—George Howell, of Har jrisburg, visited his parents over Sun i day.—The property holders of Beaver- I town, have applied to the court of Snyder country for a borough char ter—Mr and Mrs. John Sowok and two children are visiting Ira Haines, j on Chestnut street, Harrisburg. Little Folks at Picnic on Elizabeth Knupp's Birthday By Special Correspondence Daupbin, Pa., Sept. s.—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Knupp entertained at a pic nic on Tuesday afternoon in celebra tion of their daughter Elizabeth's eleventh birthday. The children who ate lunch in the orchard of the old Craig homestead, and played garr\es were: Elizabeth Knupp, Vir | gjnta Wallls, Dorothy Singer, Leana j Knupp, Mary Jane Bierbower, Phlla Knupp, Frank Wallis, Robert Knupp, Harvey Knupp and Mrs. Harvey E. Knupp.—Walter Shaffer returned home, Monday, after a week's visit at Lykens.—Miss Mary Ellen Greena walt spent Thursday with friends in Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. | Wallis and family, who have been summering on the mountainside, re- I turned on Friday to their Harrisburg I home. —Miss Dorothy Helman, of Har | risburg, spent the week-end with Miss | Helen Louise Wallis. Miss Ruth ! Reeves, of Harrisburg, who was the * guest of Miss Elizabeth Frantz, re turned home Monday.—The Misses nn and Helen Miller left on Tuesday for a trip to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Cleveland and Detroit by way of the Great Lakes. —Mrs. Joseph Coffrode and daughter. Mrs. Joseph McCarrol, iof Philadelphia, have returned home j after a visit with Mrs. Thomas Pof fenberger.—Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Da vidson. of Harrisburg, spent Monday with their daughter. Mrs. Charles Shaffer.—Mr. and Mrs. John Snvder, of Mlddletown, Conn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Valentine. — Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Varverich spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Lewis G. Heck at Harrisburg.-—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koons and daughter, Helen Lucille, of Altoona, returned home Sunday after a visit with the parents of Mrs. Koons. Mr. and Mrs. David Garman.—Charles Wedeli arrived Thursday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Kline. - Mrs. Rebecca Pearling. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Pearling, Miss Ida Pearling, all of Duncannon. Mrs. Ella Kell, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Fry and son Donald and Miss May Gantt, of Newport, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Long, on Sunday.—Freeman C. Gerberlch spent several days at the Bellevue Stratford Philadelphia. Mrs. Samuel Kochen our, of Philadelphia, Is spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer. —Mr. and Mrs. George Landls of the Sidnal, at Fire Island, N. Y Miss Mildred Dull, of Harrisburg is spending this week with Miss Ruth Shaffer.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Co baugh and son Billy, of Harrisburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs! Charles Bierbower.—Mr. and Mrs ; John Hemperly and daughter, Miriam Mrs. Thomas Woods and Christopher Lona, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W"ayne Singer, on Sunday.—Nlmrod Smith spent Rridav at Baltimore with his mother.—Miss Kathryn Eveler. of Harrisburg, re turned home, Wednesday, after a week's visit with Miss Elizaheth I r rantz.—Mrs. Isaac Feasor, Mrs. Kd-j , ward Flte and son Richard 'left to-dav for Sommerset. Pa., for a visit with i Mrs. leaser's mother, Mrs Nancv I Berkey. Marshmallow Toast in Honor of Young Girl's Birthday By Special Correspondence Wieonlsco, p a ., Sept. s.—On Tues day evening a marshmallow toast, in honor of Miss Mildred Koppenhaver's birthday, was held at the reservoir. A number of young folks from Wil i liamstown, Lykens and Wiconisco were present.—Airs. E. Gruel, of Philadel phia spent a week at the home of Claude Minnich.—Miss Florence Wo-1 lan, of Shamokin, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jobe White Miss Florence Baum, of Reading, Is visit ing at the home of Richard Orndorff --Clarence Orndorff. of Steelton, is visiting friends in town.— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pontius spent several davs at Harrisburg.—A cornroast in the honor of Ruth Stroup and Esther Roed. two Harrisburg girls, was held n Erdman's field on Thursday even mgr. About one hundred vounpr folks w /re Present.—Mrs. William Rettalick of Williamstown, spent Wednesday in town.—Gas has been installed in the high school building to he used in the teaching of chemistry and cooking. President of State College to Address Men's League By Special Correspondence Sun bury, Pa... Sept. s.—The Rev. Dr. Edwin E. Sparks, president of State College, has accepted an Invi tation to address the Sunbury Men's Personal Workers' League, an organi zation that grew out of the visit of the Rev. Dr. Henry W. Stough to this place, and he will appear here on September 27.—Peaches are a drug on the market here, many of them selling as low as forty cents a basket —The Rev. Dr. S. N. Carpenter, of Johnstown, made an address to Zion Lutheran Church congregation.—Mrs. R. S. Shaffer Is visiting at St. Mary's. Miss Catherine Eisenhuth, of Wil liamsport, Is visiting Miss Rachel Mosechlin.—Mr. and Mlrs. R. c. Schaffer are visiting at Atlantic City. —Mr. and Mrs. D.'iniel Fry are visiting at Williamsport.—Misses Marie and Julia Cummings are guests of rela tives at Stroudsburg.—Mrs. George \V. Rockwell spent a day with friends at Williamsport.—Mrs. Oscar Speece and Mrs. G. P. Arnold, spent a day at Keefer's visiting relatives. KTRAWniDK TO HOKE'S Shtppcncb.urg, Pa Sept. S w s Snoke's cljiss of the Messiah Cnl'ted Brethren Church, held a strawrlde t,, the home of Harry Hoke. \ large num-I her of persons were present. All had a very enjoyable time. Mechanicsburg Woman Celebrates 90th Birthday iViKiS. AI\F*IA CVJCKLIN By Special Correspondence j Mechanicsburg. Pa., Sept. s.—Ac j tive and cheerful, Mrs. Ann Cocklln, jof West Factory street, quietly cele j brated her ninetieth birthday anniver sary last Saturday. Congratulations, flowers and gifts poured in all day, with hosts of callers. Sixty postcards carried greetings of absent friends. "Grandmother" Cocklin, who was born in York county, has spent the greater number of her years here. She enjoys good health and says she is ninety years young. Millerstown Shirt Factory Reopens After Idleness By Special Correspondence Millerstown, Pa., Sept. s.—Miss Anna Stauffer, of Palmyra, is the guest of Miss Ruth Shenk.—Miss Mary Kepner and Mr. D. H. were Harrisburg visitors on Wednesday.— Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rubin, who have been visiting at Newport News, Va., for several weeks have returned home. —Dr. Roscoe Hall, of the Phipps Psy chiatric Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospi tal, Baltimore, Md., Is spending his vacation with his mother. Mrs. J. C. Hall.—Edgar Ulsh left Monday for Philadelphia, where he will attend Pierces Business College.—Mrs. John Light, Miss Grace Light, Mrs. Jennie Byers, Mrs. Thomas Diffendat'er were visitors in Harrisburg on Wednesday. —Miss Blanche Fitzgerald, of Phila delphia, was the guests of the Misses Rickabaugh.—Mrs. Hulda Knight, who has spent her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. l'anks Page, has returned to Duncannon.—Miss Helen Rounsley spent several days in Steel j ton this week, visiting the schools.— Mrs. Harry Hopple is visiting her son, Herbert Hopple, at Mifflin.—The Mil lerstown Shirt Factory, which has been closed for about ten weeks, has again resumed work.—Mrs. D. 11. Snyder visited her son, William Sny der. in Harrisburg. She was accom panied home by Miss Helen Snyder, who will visit William Rollinger's fam ily.—Miss Ethel Rounsley was in Harrisburg on Monday.—Miss Claire Brown, of Chambersburg, who has been visiting her uncle, D. L. Farner, for several weeks has returned home. She was accompanied hotne by her cousin, Miss Myra Farner. who will attend the Chambersburg High school this winter.—Mr. and Mrs. G. Beaver j Rickabaugh and children, of Mount ] Holly Springs, spent the week-end] with his father, D. M. Rickabaugh.— Miss Marguerite Bonning, of Haddon tield, N\ J., is spending two weeks at the Ward House.—Miss Jessie Kipp left for Altoona where she will resume her work of teaching in the Altoona schools. Sabbath School Officers Who Will Conduct Rally By Sfccial Correspondence Lewisberry, Pa., Sept. n.— Officers! of the Twelfth District of the York! County Sabbath School Association, | who will hold a rally In the local M.I E. Church on September IV are as fol lows: President, L. L. Bowen, Camp Hill; vice-president, D. W. Green field, Lisburn; recording secretary, Miss Edith ('line, Lewisberry; corres ponding secretary, Dale Hays, New berrytown; treasurer, Emanuel Shepp; superintendents, of home department,! Raymond J. Shettel. Siddonsburg, R. j D.; of teacher training, C. E. Yost; of cradle roll. Miss Mabel Walton, Et- I ters: of missions. M. C. Prowell, Cly; | of A. O. B. C., H. A. Kline; of tem-1 perance, J. F. Krone.—Miss Evelyn ] Sealover has returned from spending several weeks with Baltimore rela tives.—Mrs. Eliza A. Pennington has returned home from a visit with rela tives in Harrisburg—Mrs. Laura Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and daughter, Laurabel, are tenting at Williams Grove this week.—Miss Clarissa Bratten is spending several days with Mr. Whisler, of near Golds boro.—Ralph Ensminger, of Harris burg, has returned home after visit ing relatives at the Foster home. Mount Joy High School Classes Enjoy Outings By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa., Sept. s.—Members of the class of 1!)14, Mount Joy high school, were entertained by Miss Fan nie Strlckler at her residence, two miles south of town, on Thursday evening. Various games and music preceded an elaborate supper. Those in attendance were Raymond Nissley, Harvey Longenecker, Owen Greena walt. Dale Garber, Roy Hershey, Ed gar Missemer, Misses Viola Ream, Es ther Weber, Lottie Royer and Miriam Chandler.—The 1913 class of the high school held its annual outing at Chlques Park. Those present were Esther Reist. Mary Flowers, Rebecca Helman, Tekla Bube, Mary Stauffer, Marie Klugh, Sara Kramer, Charles Barnett, John Murphy, Benjamin Hof fer and Bernard Ebersole.—Mrs. H. W. Zimmerman and daughter Ger trude and Mrs. Lynch, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zimmer man, of Camp Hill, were visitors in the family of James Shoop. Mrs. Margaret Dell and Miss Earle Bear were at Atlantic City. Miss Anna Sipe. of Carlisle, spent a few days with Mrs. Joseph Charles.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoll, of Pittsburgh, are spend ing some time with the former's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Stoll.— Mrs William Vivian and son, of Eliz abeth. N. J., were the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Howager.—Miss Katharine Kauffmnn Is spending some time at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. !TWO PEBBV COUNTY HORSES HAVE RECORD Haul Three Tons of Green Lumber Over Rough Mountain Roads i SPOTTED FAWN SEEN IN HELD | , Principal of Blain High School Can-. vasses District in Interest of Institution By Special Correspondence New Geraiantown, Pa., Sept. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Showaker, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Airs. James Lewis, of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Show acker.— E'sie Temple and child have returned to their home at New ton Hamilton after visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Btstline. Miss Flossie Waudeli, of' Detroit, Mich., Is visiting her uncle, Jacob Kreamer. —Miss Edith Harkins and Miss Grace Stambaugh, of Jack son township, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McConnell. One day last week Frank Rhlnesmlth and Ralph Rum i pie saw a spotted fawn passing I through one of B. F. Smith's fields near town.—S. A. Johnston and James | McLean, of Spring Run, are visiting the former's brother and sister, Ed. C. and Margaret J. Johnston, who are! in f&illng health.—Mr. and Mrs. David | S. Beaston and daughters, Florence and Grace, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Gibbons and Mr. and Mrs. John Beaston, of Horse Val ley.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barclay, .of Madison township, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. James Bal- I tozer.—Professor Blaine Rhinesniith, |of Rldgeway, and Professor Kerstet ter, of Blain, canvassed Toboyne town !ship in the interests of the Blain High I School, of which Professor Kerstettter I has been elected principal. lra C. j Morrison has two crack horses which | are hard to beat for pultling In Perry county. Every day he hauls two j loads of lumber from Mumper's saw-! mill to this place, a distance of four! miles. He hauls forty-six standard j | rock oak ties at a trip, and ha.s hauled ! 11,200 feet of green lumber, equal to I three tons. Newport People Entertain Many Guests During Week By Special i'orrespondence Newport. Pa., Sept. s.—Mr. and Mrs. John Beard and Mr. and Mrs. James Snodgrass, of Mifflinburg, motored to town and were guests of Mrs. Horace j Beard. —Mrs. William Morrow and | children are spending some time at Philipsburg.—Mrs. Jesse Gardner, of | Youngstown, Ohio, Miss Cora V. llaasj and James Lett, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. ! Ludwig.—Miss Belle Keen, of New York* is a guest of Mrs. Francis H. Fry.—Mrs. W. Power DfLancey has been entertaining her relative, Mrs. W. S. Hough, of Altoona,-—Albert Leonard Dorwart, who has been with the Redpath-Brockaway Chautauqua during the summer, has returned home.—Earle E. Beatty is entertain ing his friend, Edward Strasser, of Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ballard, of Lewistown, Mrs. Charles 1 Larrimore and daughter, Elizabeth I and Miss Gladys Bnrges. of Baltimore, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Carr.—Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sharar. of Altoona, are visiting Mr. Sharar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharar.— Mrs. Charles ('. Smith and Miss Jes sie F. Smith spent a few days at Lan disbung.—Mrs. Horace Beard is en tertaining her relatives. Mrs. William' M. B. Glanding and Miss Margaret j Glandlng, of Beilefonte, and Mrs. Har ry B. Beard and Miss Constance Beard I of New Decatur, Ala.—Mrs. Singer J. Smith is entertaining Miss Elizabeth ! Kay, of Williamsport.—Mr. and Mrs. j Oliver Perry Smith, of Philadelphia, are guests of their relatives, Mr. and | Mrs. J. Edgar Lei by.—Charles E. I B,)sserman, of Greensburg, enroute | to the .College of Pharmacy, Phila delphia. is spending a few days with his aunt, Miss Carrie Bosserman, and his uncle, William R. Bosserman. Miss Margaret Bassett has gone to Marysvllle, Tenn., where she will en ter college.—Mrs. William Gelnett is' entertaining Miss Sara E. Brown, of Freeburg.—Miss Janet Elizabeth! Jones is visiting her sister, Mrs. How- | ard Worthington, at Johnstown.—Miss Mary Morrow Schlomer has gone to' Mifflin for a two weeks' stay. Milroy Lutheran Church to Lay Cornerstone Sunday By Special Correspondence Milroy. Pa., Sept. s.—On Sunday. September 13, the cornerstone of: St. Paul's Lutheran Church will be | laid. The Rev. M. S. Cressman, D. D., | of Lewistown, will preach the sermon. | The church will be built of concrete j blocks. —John Burkholder, of Center! county, passed through Milroy on Wednesday. He and his family were in Havice Valley to see Mrs. Samuel Havice, who had a stroke of .paralysis 1 and is now unconscious.—Mrs. W. H. Rudy Is 111. —Mr. and Mrs. Romig, of Ohio, were home on their honeymoon trip. Miss Margaret Romlg began teaching public school at Burnham last Monday.—A. W. Nale, court crier, Is at Lewistown attending court this week.—Frank Nale, of Altoona, was at Milroy over Sunday.—Those who went to the Grangers' Picnic at Wil liams Grove were Mrs. Lida Yeager and sons. Harry, Lewis and Lloyd, Janet Baker, Florence Baker, C. M. Smithers and family, J. C. Ehrenfeld and family.—D. K. Bishop is away on a tishing trip.—Calvin Hassinger and Mr. Snook have returned from At lantic City.—The Woman's Christian Temperance Union met with Mrs. A. S. Hoover Tuesday evening? 1,270 Sheaves of Oats Produce 130 Bushels By Special Correspondence Montaiulon, Pa., Sept. 5. James Ranck, ho lives on the Mrs. Beiber farm, has completed his threshing and reports a bumper crop. He handled 1,270 sheaves of oats, which produced 130 bushels, an average of not quite 11 sheaves to the bushel.—The mem bers of the Ladiesß Aid Society of the Methodist Church were entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. James Best.—Fred Dawson, of Muncy, as a visitor here on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burrey and son" Luther are spending a two weeks" vacation with relatives at New Castle, Ind.—Fred Garher has returned from Atlantic City.—Mrs. lAz\* Ynrrlck, of Cleve land. Ohio, is visiting friends here. Miss Blanche Troxel. of Philadelphia is visiting at the home of Charles Hauck.—Miss Ruth Dieffenderfer, of Mlfflinburg. is spending this week at Elmer Shaffer's. Celebrates 90th Birthday; 57 Years as Church Elder IP4 SB % ADAM LEFFARD, SR. Pa., Sept. B. Adam Leffard, Sr., one of the best known citizens of McVeytown, who has Just celebrated his ninetieth birthday, has the distinction of being elder of the McVeytown Church since 186 7. A large party of friends and neighbors gathered at the G. H. Maeklln home, to help Mr. Leffard, celebrate the passing of the four score and ten mark on life's Journey. Mr. Macklin is | a daughter. Adam leffard was born at Alexan dria, Huntingdon county. In 1824.. In 1857, with his family, he removed to Sinking Valley, and there U> ok up farming. In the Spring of 1865 he purchased a farm on the edge of Mc- Veytown. where he resided until the death of his wife, in 1902. He was one of the organizers of the new flourishing Presbyterian Church of Tyrone, and was one of the first ruling elders. He was elected elder of the McVeytown church in 1867 and has a record of fifty-seven years in jthe capacity of church elder. Pleasant Surprise Party in Honor of Roy Leiter Waynesboro. Pa., Sept. 5.—A pleas ant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Leiter in honor of their son Roy. Those present were Misses Anna Frick, Bertha Shipp, Mae Leiter, Meda Keokler, Lula Shoop, Margaret Nicodemus, Ruth Shipp, Emma Price, Clara Shipp, Elizabeth | Frick, Hazel Fraver, Elva Hocker- I. smith, Mary Heckler, Maye Kreps, Maye Light, Stella Keeker, Roda Shank, Mary Gordon. Alice Price, Ada Shank, Alta Lehman. Grace Fox. Mil dred Fox, Lillian Helfrlck and Gladys Baker, Roy Leiter, James Conard, George Balsley, Roy Spangler, Wilbur Byers, Samuel Stoner, Paul Cook, Jacob Price, Charles Shank, Jack Kickler. Edward Oden, Eugene Ben choff. Slyde Shank, D an Shank, James Zentmeyer, I.*;roy Oden. Blain Rock. Ceorge Horneback. Charles Hocker smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Backer, Mrs. Willis M. Lehman, Mrs. Charles Adams. Mrs. Daniel Fox and Mrs. Callie Metcalf. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilber and family are spending some time at Braddock Heights.—The Rev. H. M. Wliitler and family are at Wi nona Lake. Ind.—Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Esbenshade and sons. Harold, Merel, Clarence and Harry, left this morning for a ten days' outing along the Po tomac river. The Middlekauf club house, two miles above Williamsport, has been rented and a few guests have been invited to accompany the family. —The Rev. J. Edgar Washabaugh has returned to his home In Rahway, N. J. —Mrs. S. D. Hockman and Miss Ethel Washabaugh, this city, are visiting friends at Lock Haven. —Miss Martha Gordon is visiting relatives at Gettys burg.—Misses Helen and Mary Hoke, of York, daughters of the Rev. George M. Hoke, are visiting Miss Dorothy McKown. —Miss Camilla Shelden en tertained a few of her friends at a parry on Wednesday evening. Those present were Misses Harriet and Phylis Robinson, Thelma and Hazel Stevens, Lucille Protzman. Leona Pryor, Margaret Shriner, Lelia Crura, Grace Myers and Ethel Deardorff.— Mrs. A. R. Anwyll, Pittsburgh, and daughter are visiting Mrs. Anwyll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Holliday. BOSTON TEMPLARS SOJOURN HERE 1 SOUTH mm Guests of Pilgrim Commandery While in This City; Visit Capi tol; Go to Buena Vista Couer de Leon Commander, Knights Templar, of Boston. Mass., to the num ber of 150, sojourned in this city sev eral hours to-day, on their way south to Old Point Comfort, Va. The knights from the Bay State ar rived over the Philadelphia and Read ing railway from New York, by way of Allentown, at 1:05 this afternoon. Their special Pullman consisted of five sleepers and diners and one ob servation car. Upon their arrival at the Reading station they were met by representa tives of Pilgrim Commandery, this city. The reception committee in cluded: The Rev. M. D. Lighliter, Arthur D. Bacon, Christian Nauss, D. Heisy, William H. H. Baker, Luther W. Walzer, Clyde P. Love. Francis C. Neely, William A. 8011, William B. Mausteller, Samuel H. Fisher, Chas. Hltz, E. Yountz. The visiting knights, marchingg two by two were escorted to the Commonwealth Hotel where they had luncheon. Following lunch eon they visited the Capitol building and saw other points of Interest in the city. At 3:30 they left via the Cumber land Valley for Buena Vista, Pa„ where they will spend several days in resting. The visiting commandery left Bos ton Friday ufteVnoon. They arrived in New York City this morning at 7 o'lock; left Jersey City on a special train and arrived in Harrisburg at 1:05 o'clock. On Tuesday afternoon they will visit the Gettysburg battle field. Leaving Gettysburg they will go to Baltimore and thence to Old Point Comfort and return to Boston via Philadelphia and New York. The following Boston men are on the committee: Sir Galen M. Bow ditch. Sir William L. Barber, E. Sir William A. Seward, Eir Edwin A Eastman, Sir Leonard Baer. Sir Chas. A. Keys. Sir T. Weston Bryant, Sir John A. Duddv. Hershey Company Ships 26 Cars of Chocolate in Day Hershey, Pa., Sept. s.—Over five hundred scholars are enrolled in the M. S. Hershey Consolidated Schools at this place. It is expected that the number will reach six hundred, as many have not yet reported.—Twenty seven members of the Young Women's Christian Association enjoyed a de lightful moonlight automobile trip. The chaperons were Misses Alice Elder and Mary Burch.—A men's c'.ass was organized In Holy Trinity Lutherp.n Church. E. L. Bomgardner has been chosen as the teacher.—Prof. O. P. Butterwick, of Lebanon, was a visitor on Monday.—The annual Harvest Home service will he held in Holy T inlty Lutheran Church to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. —The Rev. O. G, Bomlg and George Copenhaver trans acted business at Harrisburg on Wed nesday,—Henry Keboch and Mrs. Isaac Keboch returned to their home i at Berrysburg, after spending a week | here, the guests of Prof. F. D. Ke- I boch and family.-—Miss Mary Walmer, ! of Harrisburg, was the guest of E. M. Hershey and family.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hess and Mr. and Mrs. George Gusaman spent several days at At lantic City.—William J. Harper and Elmer Swartz, who have been con fined to their homes on account of sickness, are Improving.—Mrs. C. I. Swartz, of Mechanicsburg, was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Glick.—The Hershey Chocolate Company broke all former records on Tuesday. On that day they shipped 26 carloads of choco late and cocoa to all parts of the United States. Dallastown Weddings Are Surprise to Friends Dallxstov.n, Pa., Sept. 5.—A num ber of weddings featured the social J realm the fast few days and they came about in a manner that caused a sur prise to the residents. The Rev. J. S. Adam, of Mechanicsburg, a former pastor here, married Miss Elizabeth Clarkson and Oreb E. Grim. They spent the honeymoon at Niagara Falls. ■ Joe Glse, a member of Company A, Eighth Regiment, N. G. P., and Miss iMame Eherly, also became one.— Miss Eva Reed has returned home from a visit to Philadelphia and Lancaster J county friends.—Mr. and Mrs. William I Eherly have removed to York.—Mrs. iJ. C. Crawford, of Delta, was a guest lof Mrs. E. S. Mann.—Mrs. William | Sutton, of Philadelphia, is visiting her j brother, Robert Hayes, for a few days. —George Kehr and Miss Viola E. | Eberly, the latter of Yoe, were mar | ried on Monday.—Paul Zlegler, a for i mer resident, now at Philadelphia, j was among friends here this week. | W\LMER'S PICNIC POSTPONED Jonestown, Pa.. Sept. s.—Mrs. Alvin ; Weaver, of Philadelphia who spent several days with Dr. Samuel T. Gil ibert, has returned home.—Frederick [G. Rank who. for the past two years lived in Hawaii, has returned home.— | Miss Millie Raber, of Myerstown, spent a week with her aunt. Mrs. Jacob L. i Shumaker,—Mr. and Mrs. Raup. of I Mount Carmel spent a day with Harry [C. F. Anspach.—Owing to the incle ment weather on Saturday the Wol mers picnic was postponed to F itur tlay, September 12. In Mader's tirove. T— Miss Mary C. Troxel, of Philadel phia. Is spending her vacation with j her mother, Mrs. J. Frank Troxel.— j Simon J. Woeifly, the historian, has I written a hook entitled ''Under the j Flag," which gives a complete history ■ of the flag from Its origin to the pres- I ent time.—Edwin J. Bomberger a j veteran of the Civil War residing I some distance northwest of town, died | on Tuesday afternoon.—The ladies of ! Walmer's Union Church will hold a j joint ice cream festival on the lawn | of Edward Shuey's resident, near the Church. Selinsgrove Will Have Park Along Penn's Creek Kelinsxrove. Pa., Sept. 5. Selins grove is to have a small park with a bandstand and speakers rostrum it J. Howard Burns and J. Frank Keller complete the plans they have under ! way. These energetic townsmen in . tend to add the equipment to the park which they have built along the west branch of Penn's creek.—Mrs. J. J. Given and sons, Ralph and Robert, of East Orange. N. J.. came here this week for a visit at the home of Mrs. Given's sister, Mrs. Margaret E. Leon ard.—Miss Lillian E. Fishel has gone to Erie, where she will attend the Erie county teachers' institute. Miss Fisher will be at the head of the department of history this year in Corrv high school. —Mrs. Valentine Bollg has re turned from a visit at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Claude Klose, at Mil ton.—Miss Margaret Smith has re turned home from a month s vacation at her home in Muncy. ® ur ew Location (O^O w « wUh to announce to our patrona that our olTlcea bate been moved to 34 North Third Street We ire fully equipped to examine eyes and grind lenses. GOHL OPTICAL CO. 34 North Third Street Sqn . re Warf Map . iJLCoiipon Latest European War Map Given by THE TELEGRAPH t / teffwr reader |iw■tiugthf COTTTOIT and BO a to oomw promotion •xpanMi. IT MAIL—to e»ty or ooMd*. for IS*, itiwmn oak er amtr etto. TfcU to**' »IOGESTVALUE *VTt* OTTERED, y IflTr-TM. Official M»» EmpanSulcni ajTatabaSm aa/var data—Army, Naval and Acnal StrMfOu faMOatJon*. AraaTCaWtola. Tuition brtwecn CIBM, Histories oi NaiioralmlrtOßvioui Daetan* Battles, Hl» lory Hague Peace Conference, C<fa VdnM. ITrWi CHARTS of Five Involved European Caoltak andStraterfe faldad. with kacd*ome cover to fit the socket. PRESENTS 30D BOOKS TO MEXICO LIBRARY Mrs. Coolbaugh, of Philadelphia, Aids in Starting Public Institution JUNIATA MAN GOES TO TEXAS Matthew Rodgers Appointed by Governor to Represent State at Farmers' Congress By Special Correspondence Mifllintonn, Fa.. Sept. s.—Mrs. Cool baugh, of Philadelphia, who presented the citizens of Mexico with almost 300 books to start a library, has returned to her home. Before leaving a library association was organized and Mrs. Coolbaugh was made the first hon orary life member.—Matthew Hodgers. of Mexico, and Noah Hertzler, of Port Royal, took an auto trip through Sny der county in the interest of the Juni ata Agricultural Society. Mr. Rodgers was appointed by Governor Tener to represent the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania at the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Farmers' National Con gress at Fort Worth, Texas, October I H.—Prank K. Murry, of Washington, I D. C., visited his mother, Mrs. Sophia I Murry. over Sunday. Mrs. William Miles and son, of Jersey City, N. J., aro visiting the Pennell home.—Mrs. Wil liam Innes, of New Cumberland, and Mrs. Mary Utemyer, of Philadelphia, were visitors at the Murry home.— The Rev. A. F. von Tobel, pastor of the Mlfflintown Presbyterian congre gation, announced last Sunday that he had received a call from a Presby terian congregation on the Pacific coast and that he would leave hers for the West about the middle ot September.—Miss Catharine Horning, of Fermanagh township, is spending two weeks among relatives and friends at Harrisburg and Camp Hill. —Mr. and Mrs. Jonatl'an Reyner were sur-> prised when a number of their chil dren came in on them with baskets filled with good things to eat. The occasion was the celebration of their parents' birthdays. Mrs. Reyner's be ing August 21 and Mr. Reyner's Au gust 24. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reyner and son, of Al itoona; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Taylor and | son. of Hollldaysburg; Mr. and Mrs. | C. C. and son. of South Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Nestler. of ] Mlfflintown.—Mr p. Thaddeus Parker, j of Sharpsburg, and Snyder Jacobs, of i Ashton. Ohio, are guests at the Parker | home.—Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thellds, Mr. ,-»nd Mrs. Rroad and Mr. and Mrs. I Williams, all of Johnstown, were call- I ers on Sunday on Mrs. Royd Parker.— Mrs. Tennis and Mrs. Spotts, of I Thompsontown, spent Sunday with | Mrs. J. Frank Patterson. —Mrs. Tsabell Rlshop, of Washington. t>. C.. is on a j visit to her mother, Mrs. Allison.— I The wedding of Miss Gertrude Poin | eroy to llomer Oroninger. both of Port ; Royal, has been announced for Sep tember 19.—Mrs. Norman Wise and I Mrs. Cre.ssin, of Philadelphia, are vis iting the former's sister. Mrs. B. F. Junkin. Miss Elizabeth Peffer. of New York city. Is the guest of Miss Louisa Jackman.—Miss Pilly Bellett, of Eewistown, Is a guest at the An drews home.—Mrs. Alexander Melov has returned from Altoona after spending a week with her son Frank. Adams Co. Commissioners . Pay $485 in Bounties By Special Correspondence | Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. s.—While eo iing to the spring operating the Eich j oltz saw mill in Menallen township, I Robert Eicholtz discovered a black |snake and a weasel. They did not | move until the boy approached al l most upon them. When the weaßel moved slowly away the lad overtook and killed the animal with a club and then returned and killed the snake which had jumped in the spring:.- The cou'nty commissioners had a busy Monday gathering in certificates for the pelts of noxious, animals. Re quisitions were made on the commis sioners for $4 85 for the hides of weasels, gray foxes and certain spe cies of owls and hawks. Charles Hart, president of the Delaware River Steel Company at Chester, made a trip over the battlefield. —C. Bernard Hoffman returned from the Harris burg Hospital on Tuesday. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers