2 MRS. RUDOLPH KUi ELS OF RES TRIP Having a Delightful Foreign Tour When War Is Suddenly Declared Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Kuhn, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Kuhn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adler, at 1625 Green street, on their way home after an extended Kuropean trip. Mrs. Kuhn was formerly Miss Rheta Adler. of this city. They arrived in N'ew Vork city Tues day on the Holland-American liner Ryndam. which brought an unusually large company of Americans home from abroad. Four hundred extra berths were built in the ship's hold to accommodate the crowds and while Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn were able to secure first class passage in every w,ly there was much discomfort for a large per centage of the passengers. Soon after sailing they were stopped b> an English man-of-war, the guns turned on them and a request made that they go to Pover for examination. When it was found that all were Americans they were allowed to pro ceed, but the wireless station was taken down for twenty-four hours to prevent Interception of war news. They saw the British army in camp along the huge chalk cliffs, patrolled by gunboats, but nothing unusual hap pened on the way home. Much SitrlitseeiiiH Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn sailed June lfl on the Vaterland fov a summer in Europe and had a most delightful trip, including Paris and the chauteau country of France. From Berne. Swit zerland. they visited the Italian lakes and spent some time in Venice. North ern Italy and Austrian Tyrol. The famous watering place of Marienbad was visited and at Carlsbad the first war news reached them. They has tened to Vienna and as soon as war was declared were able to get on the first train for Berlin with 1,700 others, all hurrying away. Many were bruised and injured by the mob of passengers. They kept in touch with the American embassy and found the minister most courteous and thought ful of the comfort and safety of his countrymen. When some Americans were allowed to cross the border to Holland, as an experiment Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn were among them, and found delightful quarters at The Hague in the Chateau Wassenauer, quite near the famous palace of Queen Wllhelmina. "The House in the Woods." They had se cured passage home for the middle of September, but each day seemed to count in the uncertainty of the war. and they were fortunate enough to get an earlier date for sailing on the Ryn dam, owing to the lateness of trains preventing others from taking their accommodations at the last mi-nute. GUESTS OF JJRS. M'CORMICK Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Morris, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer, of Stroudsburg, and Mr. arid Mrs. James I. Blakslee, of Washing ton, D. C.. were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Henry McCormick at Rose garden, Cumberland countv. Marks Sz Copelin WILL CLOSE ALL DAY MONDAY In Observance of Labor Day SALE WILL BE CONTINUED TUESDAY 1 B All Banks and Trust Companies In Harrisburg and Steelton will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7, 1914 Harrisburg Clearing House Association Iliw Mill Mn^rTMP r- -J- <> * * c " " " iii - - - > At-'._p» , """ ' No Wash Too Large! fp| No Wash Too Small! -5 Our complete equipment of up - to - date laundry machinery and our modern system of - J H tion to every patron. No matter who you are or where you live, r/Zs- — —'\\-~ )i, our wagons and laundry are at your service— we want to do your family washing. > 1 PIIONB US OR HAIL THE DRIVER ~^ ■ i Hot over II! poiimln 51k* Not over 15 pound* 65c .*"~»/aE§ ■—«A"ZT Not over 20 pouad* 75c —*— / ~^Tj 4c ponnil extra over 20 poiimlN. '' 1 31 Sanitary Family Washing Co. i/s 'i l' 16TH AND ELM STREETS • ' Ijg te Jf J SATURDAY EVENING, fIXRRISBURG Sj&fe&S TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 5. IQI4. OFF TO NEW YORK FOR :■-: , -v.-. v.:.". : • ; v MISS-MAUD- SHARK. " Interesting Meeting of Susquehanna Alumni The Alumni Association of the Sus quehanna Township High School held a most interesting meeting last even ing at the home of Miss Violette Stoner, Penbrook. A business mission was followed by a sociaJ, when re freshments were served. In the party wero. the Misses Ruth Fackley, Marie Longenecker, Emma Rouch, Ruth Runkle, Verna Zimmer man, Mildred Dunkle, Anna Smith, Vera Runkle and Olive Aucker; James Fry, Earl Sherk, Meade Henry, Rus sell Sturtevant, Howard Witmer, Paul Wttmer, John Longenecker. IiCNCHEOX IX TirE COUNTRY Miss Eleanor Neal Clark gave a luncheon yesterday at Kincora, Cove alien, complimentary to her guest. Miss Nancy Rowe, of Pottstown. The guests included Miss Mary Sponsler, Miss Louise -Carney, -Miss Dora- Coe, Miss Mary Meyers. Miss Katharine Etter and Miss Helen Hammond. MISS MAUDE I. SHI WM. DICKLEY'S BRIDE Marriage Takes Place Tuesday at Little Church Around the Corner Miss Maude Irene Sharr, of 505 Cumberland street, and William L. Bickley, of 2523 North Sixth street, leave Tuesday morning, September 8, for New York city, to be married there at noon at the Little Church Around the Corner. The bride will wear a tailored suit of blue, with hat to harmonize, and a corsage bouquet 6f valley lilies. There will bo no attendants. Follow ing a sightseeing trip in New York, Mr. and Mrs. Bickley will go to De troit for a visit with relatives, and will be "at home" after October 1, in their newly furnished hous„ at 2002 North Fourth street. The bride is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sharr, of Cham bersburg. and has made her home In this city for some time. She Is a grad uate of the Scotland School, class of 1911. Mr. Bickley is a son of Mrs. A. H. Bickley, and was graduated with the class of 1910 of Mercersburg Academy. He is connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company yards here. Prof. Stratton Returns After New England Trip Professor Henry W. Stratton, or ganist of the Grace Methodist Church, returned last evening to his apart ments at 1010 North Second street, after a Ave weeks' vacation spent in Washington and New England. With his sister. Miss Margaret Stratton, he visited the MacDowell Memorial Colony at Peterborough, N. H.. and thoroughly enjoyed the as sociation with artists, musicians and 1 literary folk who foregather there each summer. WEEK AT THE SEASHORE Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cleckner, of 87 Disbrow street, left this morning for Atlantic City, whero they will spend a week or ten days enjoying the ocean breezes. They will spend several days in Philadelphia on the Way home. MISS WALTZ WEDS ! FOOD INSPECTOR! City Health Officer Gets Announce ment in His Mail; Details of Ceremony Not Known ' ' >glß I HH MRS. GEORGE A. ZIMMERMAN Miss Mabel M. Waltz and Dr. George A. Zimmerman announce their marriage on Thursday, the third of September, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, Har risburg, Pennsylva nla. This is the announcement received this morning by Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer. Dr. Zimmerman is In the office of the city health secre tary as a food Inspector. Rumors of the wedding were pub lished in the Telegraph Thursday. De tails of the ceremony are not known by Dr. Raunick and the Ziuimermans are now in New Vorlc on their honey moon. Summerdale Park Closing dance next Monday even ing, Labor Day.—Advertisement. John Allen, of Cumberland street, left to-day for a week's vacation spent at his home in Baltimore. Miss Grace Gundy, of Lewisburg, Union county, went home to-day after visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, at Camp Hill. Wallace Ludwig is home after an outing at Boiling Springs. Porter Harris, of 221 North Second street, has returned home from Princeton, Coney Island and New York city. Miss Elizabeth Muench of 1352 State street has returned from a visit to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Buffalo and Wilkes-Barre. Miss Ellizabeth White, of Keokuk, lowa, and Mrs. Mary Barrick, of Dell ville, Pa., are guests of their niece, Mrs, Troup, at 2115 Moore, street, Mrs. Frank Kitzmlller, of 1323 Der ry street, is home after a summer's stay at her cottage at Stoverdale. Mr, and Mrs, P. G. Diener and family have opened their house at 1226 Market street after spending the sum mer at Mt. Gretna, Miss Elizabeth Garner, of Forster Street, has gone to Holltdaysburg to resume her teaching at the high school of that town. Ship She Sailed on Noses Way Through Mines HHHM JHRrhH MISS MYRTLE RICHARDS Miss Myrtle Richards, a member of the Salvation Army corps at Pitts burgh, is a guest at the home of Wil liam L. Daniels, 515 Dauphin street, en route horrre from London. Miss Richards arrived in New York on August 29. She says the Adriatic, on which she sailed, was compelled to take a northerly direction owing to mines that had been laid by the Rrlt lsh. She had difficulty In getting pas sage and lost her trunk, which is sup posed to have been sent on another boat. Miss Richards says the Adriatic car ried four guns, each of which was manned by thirty naval reservists. The guns were carried as a protective measure. There were 6,000 passengers on the boat." Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lauver, of 163 5 Swatara street, announce the birth of a son, George Wesley Lauver, Friday, August 28, 1914. Mri. Lauver was formerly Miss Avea Julius, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farr Stewart, formerly of Market street, announce the birth of a daughter, Helen Ro jnayne Stewart, at their new home in Philadelphia, Tuesday, September 1, 1914. _■ (Other Personals on Page 9| Whiteman-Hess Wedding Announced by Telegram Telegrams and letters have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Miss Alverta Hess, of Water street, Hum'ngdon county, to Jacob M. Whtteman, of this city, an assistant freight trainmaster of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The ceremony was performed in New York city. Thursday. September 3. Mr. Whtteman and his bride are taking in the. sights of the metropolis and will spend a week at Atlantic City before returning home. They will be "at home" to their many friends at 2201 North Fourth street, after Sep tember 15. % Stephen Hubertis. of Camp Hill, is home after- a visit at Atlantic City with his nephew. Frederick Cowden Beck. Mrs. Charles J. Jones has returned home after spending several weeks at the Minick farm. New Kingston. William A. Gastrock. of 1723 North Third street, is spending a vacation In Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Bessie E. Poorman and her little cousin. Victoria Monchey, leave for Philadelphia to-morrow to spend Labor Day in visiting end sightseeing. Mrs William Plowman and daugh ter. Miss Edna Clara Plowman, have returned home after a pleasant visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. George Brinton Colestock. at her late home in Penbrook. Miss Pearl E. Johnston, of 2329 North Sixth street, entertained a num ber of her friends at cards last even ing. Mrs. Sieber and the Misses Mary. Lillie and Bertha Sieber, of 1209 North Second street, are home after an out ing at Asbury Park. Miss Sarah R. Weaver, of the Don aldson, went to Williams Mills to-day to spend the week end and Labor Day at Cold Spring cottage. Miss Dorothy Corning and her brother, Hobart Corning, came home to-day from Mount Cretna, where they visited their grandmother, Mrs. Corning, of Lebanon, at her cottage. Miss Eleanor R. Elder, of Kensing ton, Md., is a guest of Miss Isabella Ryder, of Cottage Ridge Mrs. Charles Kyler, of Homestead, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Bingham, at 927 North Third street, is taking a trip to New York, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Titta Ruffo Claimed by European and South American critics to be the greatest of the Italian baritones. Especially has his performance of Thomas' "Hamlet" been considered remarkable. Ruffo sings for the Victor, some of his best records being: 92005 Toreador Song .... Carmen 02037 Drinking Song ■ • . Hniulet (Win La Sealin Chorus* S7I-5 l.ittle Gypsy Y.ai.a BUW7S We Swear hy Heaven and Earth Otello (Duet with Caruso) c A\ vSigler e IS€O v * I r„l 30 Nortk Yictrolas, sls to S2OO Complete assortment of records. BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL THUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, No. 1230 North Third Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business August 27, 1914: RESOURCEB Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes. $71,822 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents, .. .... 37,106 92 Nickels and cents 462 29 Checks and cash items,.. 1,347 03 Securities pledged for Special deposits, 6,000 00 Assets held tree, vli: C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: upon one name $1,448 10 C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 208,041 18 Loans upon call with col- ' lateral 241.739 00 Time loans with collateral, 68,667 62 Louus aucureo by bonds and mortgages 114,709 00 Loans without collateral,. 149,775 78 Bonds, Stocks, etc., 285,866 82 Mortgages and Judgments of record 124.818 08 Oftice building and 10t,.. 47,5uu 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 18,500 00 Overdrafts 149 86 Total $1,376,953 58 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 225,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, . . 19,678 09 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) • • •••••* 811,467 33 Time Certlticates of De ?osit (Exclusive of Trust 'unds .-4 Savings), .. 234,020 35 Deposits. saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 383,181 75 Deposits. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 30,000 00 Deposits, U. 8. Postal Sav ings. .......... 1,292 19 Deposits, Municipal 26,000 00 Due to Banks. Trust Cos. etc., not in reserve 19,929 72 Dividends unpaid 222 00 Tre as u rer's Certified Cheeks outstanding, ... 2,272 15 Total $1,376,953 58 Amount of Trust Funaa Invested 377,393 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested, 6,885 92 Overdrafts 192 69 Total Trust funds $383,472 31 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $1,932,500 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the beet of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) H. O. MILLER. Treasurer. Subscribed and aworn to before me this 2d day of September. 1914. (Signed) M. 6. POTTS. [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: (Signed) W. M. DONALDSON, (Signed) P. H. VAUGHN. (Signed) JNO. F. DAPP. 11 _ Director*. WilliamS'Yoant Nuptials on Thursday Morning The marriage of Miss Mary E. Yount, of Altoona, and James L. Wil liams took place Thursday morning, September 3, at 11.30 o'clock, at the parsonage of the Bethlehem Lu theran Church. 1623 North Second | street, with the pastor, the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Markward. officiating The bride wore a blue silk traveling costume with hat to match and was attended by Mrs. Elmer Yount. of 621 North Second street. Following a wedding journey to Eastern cities, Mr. and Mrs. Williams will reside in Al toona, where Mr. Williams is work ing at his trade of carpentering. ( Fort Washington Park Special dance Labor Day evening. Band and orchestra. Pavilion will be open during Sept. for the regular I Tues., Thurs. and Sat. dances. Ladles, I 10; Gentlemen, 26c.—Advertisement. Miss Adeline Greathead to Study Horticulture Miss Adeline V. Greathead. of the Delmar Apartments, Second arid Lo cust streets, is leaving in a short time for Ambler, Pa., to enter the Woman's School of Horticulture and take a com plete course of the work Miss Greathead has been one of the most capable stenographers of the State Department of Health for sev eral years past in the Sanitary Live stock Division, and has resigned her position to enter this new and inter esting field of work for women. REMBRANDT MEISSONIER ROSETTI COROT Are among the many artists whose , copies of world famous pictures in carbons and photogravures will be on SPECIAL SALE, at big reduc tions. Saltzgiver's Art Store 223 NORTH SECOND ST. BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. of Harrisburg. No. 16 South Second Street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylva nia, at the close of business August 27. 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $113,(83 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 267.688 33 . , , $381,271 33 Nfrkels and cents 217 43 Checks and cash items. ... 2,125 S2 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve, ... 48,214 48 Securities pledged for spec ial deposits 10,000 00 Assets held free, vi»: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name, . . $8,140 46 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon two cr more names, 883.053 57 __ COI Iflj m Loans upon call with col lateral 811.037 78 Time loans with collat teral, 278,918 50 l.oans secured by bonds and mortgages 14,535 19 Loans without collateral, . 867 50 Bonds, Stocks, etc 230.685 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 21,029 43 Other real estate 14T.800 HO Overdrafts 274 04 Total $2,838,170 53 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. .... $400,000 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 oo Undivided profits. less expenses and taxes paid 45,312 11 Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Savings) 714,206 89 Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings). ... 663,081 52 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 418,382 25 Deposits. IT. S. Postal Savings 5,158 36 Deposits, municipal 100,000 00 Due to Banks. Trust Cos.. etc., not in reserve 90,021 74 Dividends unpaid 424 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding 1,583 66 Total $2,838,170 53 Amount of Trust Funds invested $2,875,667 91 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 258.802 88 Total Trust funds $3,134,470 70 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount u. o. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $24,557,000 00 Total amount of . curltles deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122.655 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: _ , _ I. Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the &bo\u named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) GEO. G. CARL Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of September, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HERHHEY, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Publlo. Correct —Attest: (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN, (Signed) E. J. STACK POLE, (Signed) A FORTENBAUGH. Directors. BANK STATEMENT BANK STATEMENT CONDITION OF ij The Dauphin Deposit Trust Company of Harrisburg, Pa. ON AUGUST 27, 1914, ! j as called for by the Pennsylvania of Banking. j| RESOIRCKS MABIMTIES || Ij Cash and Cash « Capital $300,000.00 ; ;; Items $110,970.02 Surplus 300,000.00 ij |j Due from Banks . 402,424.15 Undivided Prof jj United. States its 39,330.52 j j; Bonds, 4% at Deposits 2,772,667.89 ij |! par 150,000.00 Due to Banks ... 61,168.58 ! j j Loans and In- j j; vestments .... 2,759,764.13 ; j Bank Building ... 50,000.00 j j Overdrafts 8.69 |! $3,473,166.99 $3,473,166.99 i Trust Funds $477,687.95 DONALD McCOBMICK, President 11 ROBERT McCOKMICK. Trcanurar 1 I I JOSEPH A-. ORIESHABEB, A*alatant Trcnaurer. Pine Street Endeavorers d Have Cornroast on Farm " A straw ride and corn roast was held last evening by the Christian En deavor Society of the Pine Street Pres byterian Church at the farm of Alvln j Herr, Paxtang. Games were played by the light of Japanese lanterns. The outing proved to he one of the most successful of the many held this year by the society. Those present were Miss Grace Long, Miss Martha Dunlap, Miss Anna Mc- Kelvey, .Miss Mary Long, Miss Helen Sloop, Miss Helen Roberts, Miss Edna Miller, Miss Helen Smiley, Miss Sophia Milllgen. Miss Catherine Helkes, Miss Helen Richardson. Miss Georgiana Weigle, Miss Esther Wise. Miss Ruth Hoover, Miss Edna Hoover. Miss Cath erine McFarland. Miss Mary Miller. Miss Esther * Dunlap. Miss Emma | Keeney, Miss Helen McKelvey, Mrs. William Deal and Miss Ernesttine Troutman, of MUlerstown; William Naugle, Benjamin Whitman. Donald Mummert, C. A. Lackey, Irvln Ham maker, Samuel Franklin. John Miller. D. Burkholder and G. A. Roberts. BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF illE - CONDITION - OF THE MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg. No. 301 Market Street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business August 27, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $84,978 94 Due from ap proved reserve agents 167.854 9S Legal securities at par 45.000 oo Nickels and cents 51 25 Checks and cash Items... 17,389 25 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not In reserve 8,961 17 Assets held free, viz: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: upon one name $2,438 54 C o m m e r c lal paper pur -1 chased: upon two or more names 175,098 52 Loans upon call with col lateral 163.638 64 Time loans with collateral, 163,528 50 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 500 00 Loans without collateral. 202.508 20 Bonds. Stocks, etc., 266.032 07 Mortgages and Judgments of record. 226,190 62 Other assets not Included in above 10.533 64 Total $1,528,704 27 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, .... $300,000 00 Surplus Fund, 300,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav- ■> Ings) 456.636 85 Demand Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), . . ' 1,000 00 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust ■ Funds and Savings), .. 366,975 75 . Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust [ Funds) ' 5.262 31 Deposits, municipal 30,000 DO I Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 29,063 90 Treasurer's and Certified Checks outstanding 1,677 36 Other liabilities not in cluded In above 6,819 60 Book value of reserve se curities below par 1,268 50 Total $1,528,704 27 Amount of Trust Funds t invested $48,409 38 Amount of Trust Funds t uninvested 34 95 l Total Trust funds $48,44 1 33 I CORPORATE TRUSTS i Total arpount li. e. face i value) of Trusts under ✓ deeds of Trust or mort [ gages executed by Cor i porations to the Com l pany as Trustee to se cure issues pt corporate I bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $75,000 00 ) State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau j phln. ss: I. John F. Sweeney. Acting Treasurer of the above named Company do sol l emnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) JOHN F. SWEENEY, 1 Acting Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 3d day of September, 1914. ! (Signed) EMMA A. KEENY, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public, i My commission expires March 15, 1917. I Correct —Attest: > (Signed) DAVID KAUFMAN, (Signed) SAMUEL KUNKEL, i Signed) CHRISTIAN L. LONG. > Directors. > | REPORT of the condition of the ' | PENNSYLVANIA SURETY COMPANY, !I of Harrisburg, No. 14 South Second I street, of Dauphin county. Pennsylva l I nla, at the close of business August 27, 1914: I RESOURCES ■ Due from Banks and Trust * Cos.. not in reserve $5,424 68 Loans upon call with collat eral 24,000 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 385,116 00 Mortgages and judgments of record 43,500 00 Premiums being collected. 6,661 55 Total $464,702 23 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in,..... .$250,000 00 l Surplus Fund 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.... 93,854 04 Premiums reserve 14,709 70 Loss reserve 6,138 49 , Total $464,702 23 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau fhin, ss: K. G. Cox. Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) R. G. COX. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me i this 2d day of September, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HEHSHEY, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. My commission empires January 25, 1915. (Signed) G. W. REILY, (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN. (Signed) E. J. STACKPOLE, Directors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers