TELEGRAPH WANT ABS-llf BEST FOR TIE MONEY 1 lItMSBIMI The Greatest J |H Employment •"'it i ! { Bureau in ■re secured by those out of work and more help is found by those needing it through the medium of Telegraph WANT ADS than in all other ways. Every day the Telegraph carries the messages of employers to those who want positions—messages to employers from those who want work. Read Telegraph want ads every day—phone or bring your ad to the greatest employment agency in Harrisburg, the Telegraph. Call Bell 2040, Cumber land 203. DIED l CLARK—Died September 2, 1914, Rob- , ert M. Clark, aged 64 years. Brief funeral services Saturday, i Bt 12:30 O'clock p. M , at the late rejd- j dence, 1423 P.enn street Services at 230 P. M. in the United Brethren j Church at Duncatinon. Relatives and friends invited without further notice, Robert M Clark is survived by his | widow sad the following: children: j Robert If, John. Mrs. Samuel Snoddy, JLOSiT LOST At west epd of city, black j nnd white Beagle Hound (female), 9 I months old. Reward if returned to 339 I Kelker street. I.OST Small, opcnrfaced Hampdon ; nvatch. Monogram A. L. B. Reward If ■ —^ , | FOUND FOUND The home of cleanliness at | ICggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street, author phone ends your worry. Try us. i^^lel^cran^^^I. HELP \\ AMlilJ—Mule WANTED An experienced butcher to drive meat wagon; must come well recommended, anu be able to speak | liertnan. Apply 22t> Chestnut street* j City. WANTED First-class edge-trim- j tner on ladies', misses and children s shoes. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Manu- I Sacturlng company. WANTED An active, educated man ' c( business ability for special work in Siarrisbuig. Best references required. Ijodd, Mead & Co.. Ferry Building, Philadelphia. WANTED Four U\\ canvassers'. ! exclusive territory, good commission. Call at Dauphin Hotel. JlarrlsOurg, *at tu'day and Monday from & A. M. to 8 J\ M. H. F. Ester brook. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS ffhorough instructions, »j. Returned if not appointed Particular* free. Anierl t.,n Civil Service School. Washington, p. C. WANTED Auto Transportation School wants men of this city to learn to become practical chauffeurs and i drivers, us thousands ot positions are open for same. Young men ar« earning S. 5 to SIOO per month. In order to earn I this you must bo a competent driver end u practical mechanic Write for particulars at once. Address 0., 113 a, | care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITION.- ai e eae> to get My free booklet Y-372, tells Ji6w Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C WANTED Energetic man to care for trade in and around Harrlsburg. | Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester. > V. EVERYWHERE, good pay to men willing to distribute circulars. samples, t«- k signs etr . no ian\assing Conti nental Register, Chicago. I HAVE A CONTRACT—T® din- | tribute ,i Million FREE packages, Borax Soap Powder Want reliable men and women to help J15.00 weekly. IWaveily Brown, 7" N. Franklin. Chi cago ANNUALLY I'o-Operato with me evenings at home Every thing furnisli' ,1 Don t worrj about Capital Boyd H. Brown, Omaha. Nel> ISO MONTHLY' and expenses to travel, distribute samples and lake orders or appoint agent permanent. Jap-Ameri can «'o., ("nli ago WANTED - Men to sell our seed and purser] line nig pronto. P»j weekly J-'irsi National Nurseries. Rochester jNY. Al'ilY OF UNITED STATBS. MEN j ■VANTED Ahlebodled. unmarried men lietween ages of 18 and 35. citizens of fnlted States, of good character and , temperate I: ihlts. who can speak, read ■nd write ilie Knglish language For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Ssergner Building. 3d & Market Sts.. Jlarrlsburg, 4S N Queen St., Lancaster; #5.1 Pine St.. Wllliatnaport. ur W Market St.. York. Pa. OPPORTI NITY If ">ii are a col lector lnsurance Agent Time-| |>eeper . Pieiorv Foreman, or have a similar oc. up»t|on and want t,• add a I jew dollais to .our weekly SALARY without Intcrfei inu with .our i,gular work, a reputable, eatabllahad business )iouse in this Htv ..iters >ou the Oppur- i tunltv Stale wher, emplnved Ad sites* J . 112*. care ~f Telegraph TfU'NU MEN II me l:ullwu\ 1 Mail I'lerks Hirrliburi Mali Carriers Commence («.*, On to |Tr, On month Pull linnei sssai > Sample examination finest loll* 'ree Kuinklln Institute. 111 IP \\ \ XTKD—I Vnialc DO easy pleasant coloring work at I )tntne. good pa> no • tii\a»*ttig no ex- i jorlence retiulrer) Illustrated purlieu i l.trs free Helping llanil Store. I>cp| /—■ > KOH IAI.K 1327 N. Second Street !-st«ry frame house with T rooms sis,trie lights cemented cellar. A splendid property for a small family. Miller Bros. & Neefe lit; At KftTATE rtre Insurance lurnt) Rouds K urust sad Cnurl Uresis SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG l&Stf&b TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 i HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED —Ladies earn neat Income, nil or spare time, at home, making plain i aprons; dime for beginner's outfit. W. ! Sargent, Salamanca. N. Y*. j WANTED A young lady clerk In | a stationery store. Apply W. D., No. j 1187, care of Telegraph. WANTED Lady representatives. | whole or part time, famous "KNITTOP" j Form-fitting and silk Petticoats. Guar i anteed. J r ,.00 to $15.00 daily. Sell on sight; exclusive territory; no "dealer" : competition. Spelman & Co.. Dept. I Y-79, 23" South Market, Chicago. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply at 1001 ; North Second street. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 j Race St. | ——————— . ■ ■—■ -W WANTED Experienced lady can vassers. Nothing to sell. Permanent and pleasant work. Oood salary, no commissions. Apply at once The : Sparry & Hutchinson Co., 203 Walnut street. j WANTED. AT ONCE White girl for general housework; references re ! 'lull ed. Apply 1610 Market. AGENTS WANTED GOOD INCOME PAID reliable man or woman introducing Priscilla Fabrics. Raincoats. Sweaters, Hosiery, Under wear. Spare time. No investment. Samples Free. Fitzcharles, Whole salers, Trenton. New Jersey. AGENT WANTED who ts _ wllHng to earn SlO or S2O h day; easy seller: big profits. Answer to-day. P. O. Box 5565. I North Philadelphia. WE WANT HUSTLERS in your vi clnity; our new line sells wherever phones are used;tsend postal. Mercer Specialty Co.. Box :071, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS Let us show you how to earn $lO daily; particulars free: the M i &J. Buckley Novelty Co.. 1146 Free land avenue. Roxboroiigh, Philadelphia, i £2: AGENTS WANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Sells at al ! most every home Particulars free Beer's Novelty Co , Dept K , Sunman. I Ind HUSTLING man or woman under "0 FraternaJ Insurance Protected terri tory. Big money. Write quick 1-L-U, i 2470, Covington, Kv. 810 TEXTILE MILLS wMI employ everywhere reliahlr people to take i orders for dress fabrics, hosier*', un derwear. sweaters and neckwear from samples Factory prices. Many making I over S3O on weekly. Spare or all time No experience. Permanent. Credit ; given Steadfast Mills, Dept. H-IS, Cohoes. N. Y. I AGENTS WANTED. AT ONCE—To sell our horse, cattle and poultry reme dies. Hartman Mfg Co., Ift \vajf. Pa. A l ll*' \T > WANTED for article no housewife ran resist. Sells it almost every home F H. >1 Felling r*n , 3SI M'intross avenue, Rutherford. N .1 SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Young man, 22, desires ! position as clerk or draughtsman, ex ; perlenced. moderate salary; best refer ences. Address R. 1119 care of Tele w rnph. WANTED 1!\ voung, married man. sober, work of any kind; four teen months' experience aa plumber's assistant and three years as night Watchman: best of references. Ad dress Box 1132, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored man wants position as butler In privato family or club; experienced, can fur nish reference Fall, or address, No 12 Tumbler's Row, Sleelton. Pa. MM ITIONM WANTS*—Female WANTED Position ~aiJ cook TTi hotel, school or Institution, best of ref erences Address M. N., (Sutiernl De liver.v, Carlisle. PH. WANTED A position a a stenog rapher, I■ v refined young lady; High School education; rapid and depend able, references; state salary and par ticulars Address S, ILIH < are of T«je i graph. WANTED By oolornd girl, general housework Inquire ion Filbert street. City. » WANTED An experienced talloresa land dressmaker wants sewing by Ihn day Ol Week Addreits "Dressmaker," ! vara af Telegraph. WANTED Alert, capable young woman or literary eapacltv, desires position ss private secretary "t ! correspondent Kute salary. V . 11, • are of Telegraph. WANTED Bun washing, he white woman Mrs Lidia Mel ara, iti , Strawberry street WANTED White woman w»nl» position as housekeeper, or nurse. ■•■o,| reference Call, or address, IS* Malm street WAVTKD B\ white woniai', ofn, « cleaning. c»n futnlsh refeisnces. Ad dr«s» Q lIBS, iare of Telagrapn It! At I>IVI I I i tit *ALI: "ALE ~No Krgir.s »ire»i ne» * rooms snd bath hi I k brownstons fi int sie«m h«at put<'h«s, front and b«> k lawns *ll impravs msnt. ti'M Hssar\ otr Park sntianve. I Apply on prsmlMt, i REAL, ESTATE FOB SALE t $1,350 WILL BUY a brick and frame house. No 2526 .Tefferson street 7 rooms bath porch furnace. Must be sold soon. Would rent for sl3. Bell Realty Co,. Building SECOND STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Corner of Second and Woo - blne most desirable location well built all randern conveniences hardwood finish Particulars at BeU Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner lot. 52x12S ft . Front and Hamilton streets, at a bar gain Apply 1700 North Second street FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east ol Harrisburg, containing 9u seres, tn good state of cultivation; buildings In good condition; 6 acres of hsavy oak timber. For further Information call on. or address. C. S. Cassel. R. F. D.. | No. 2. Penbrook. or J. C. Cassel. 29 i South Thirteenth street. Harrisburg. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES FOR SALE Three brick houses all im provements porches practically new. Rent, SSO per month. Price, $5.800. This should Interest you. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1936 North street; 8-room house; front and back norch; 4-ft. alleyway; furnace, water gas; $1,600. Call, or address. Harry Barn hart. 1631 Carnation street. FOR SAt,E New brick houses on North Nine teenth and Prospject streets, one square from Market street and adjoining Res ervoir Park. These houses are Ideal in location, design and construction, and the prices are reasonable. For further particulars see J. E. GIPPLB, 1251 Market Street. BARGAIN (220) acres shape of square <2) mile to Court House and handy to Trolley. Two homes (one valued ($ I,Boo> with porch (30) feet long, cemented (tine) spring house, all buildings painted except second home and large (new) roof, bank barn, largo new tight boarded barn yard (58u> choice fruit trees, strawberries, rasp berries and grapes. Loam soil, some clay and rest loam and flne gravel. (100) acres nearly level. Price ($5,0001. (Lumber Man) will pay ($1,500) spot cash on stump If Buyer wants to sell woodland. This reduces line farm to only ($3,500) short distance to City market. Photographs. GEO. R. OSTRANDF.R. Danville, Pa. FARMS FOR SALE— -132 Acres located 3V4 miles northeast of Linglestown —good frame buildings running -water. Price, $4,500. 64 Acres l5 minutes' walk from trolley at. Rutherford S miles from Harrisburg exceptionally good build ings possession at once can be bought with all stock and farming Im plements. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. NORTH SECOND STREET PROPER TIES FOR SALE— No. 812—33-story brick; 1007—3- story brick; 1917—3-story brick; 2410 t wo-and-one-half-story brick new; 2412 —new * two-and-one-half-story brick. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Lot fronting 20 feet on Sixteenth street and 100 feet deep on Hunter street. Corner lot. Four-foot alley In rear. Apply Geo. F. Faymun, 436 South Sixteenth street. FOR SALE 1524 A Derry street 3-story brick dwelling 9 rooms and store room bath ateam heat lot extends to Thompson avenue. Br<n tofi-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Walnut street, Wash ington Heights 2% -story frame dwelling i rooms, bath and furnace —front and rear porch lot, 47x145. Price, $3,300.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, ISO ft. deep: 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley Just oft Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. SheafTer, 263s Penn street. Penbrook. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT To deslrahle party, that beutiful new house, 2429 North Sixth street, all modern conveniences, Includible steam heat Inquire W 'I Sehuc, 621 Camp street. Bell phone 2513 R. FOR RENT Three-story brick house; all improvements; bav window, nicely papered; rent reasonable Inquire 622 Geary street FOR RENT 3H-story brick; tlx rooms, gas. and water in kitchen. 1527 Vernon street, sl3 per month; posses sion at once. Apply 212 South Fifteenth street. FOR RENT 2221 Atlas avenue, brick house. Improvements. sl6. Desk room In centrally located office D E. Brlghtblll, 3 North Court street. Both phones. FOR RENT From October 1, No. 1850 Market street; modern and com plete in all respects, including steam heat Rent, $35, .1 E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 1 632 Derry street; all Imprr. -ements 431 Hummel street. 8807 Camby street, Penbrook. Immediate possession. A W. SWKNGKL 219 South Thirteenth Street. Fun RENT 1119 North Sixth street; 8-story brick; Improvements, In quire at 1117 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Dwelling at 111 Cur tin street. 8 rooms and hath; Immedi ate possession slven Inquire John F. Dapp, 271 Broad street. •:i \i i M I u \\ 11 i) WANTED To rent a house, lie tween Woodbine and Division, Jefferson and Third. Must have large yard, N«>t over $1» per mouth. Apply 2144 North Fifth htreet Room FOR HIM H< H i.MS FOIt HUNT - Several nicely furnished front rooms, suitable for one in lux gciitlvmuii oi married roiiple, xery reasonable; conveniences; corner house; walking distance to Square. lltU .Mulberry street, east end of bridge FOK RENT Furnished or partly furnished room, next to bath; suitable for a person employed, with privilege of light housekeeping Addiess llox T, 1113, care of Telegraph, or call Hull phone 1149. FOIt RENT-Three furnished rooms, on second lloor, for light housekeeping, all • unveiilem es; runt reasonable. In quire 2124 Penn street FOR HFvf On# ii.wlv furnished room, fronting on t'nnltiil I'ark. ele> | trie llghte, hot anil cobl running water In room, use of phon« and large bath. Apply 410 North street ROOM VOR RENT All convenl rices and use of phone, strictly pri vate family. Address A K It , tai« of Telegraph, or pn«ne IMTR ROOMS rim RENT Two unftir mshed third story rooms, for light I housekeeping, including gas range, hot ! and cold water and use nf hath. In- . quit* 331 Nurlh Fifteenth street FOR RENT On* nicely furnished' second story front room. heal, electric lights end bath Terms remmnsbl* Apph ItN *v|*sn Terrs' i. fOV Nl<»l> furnished room#, with running water, boeidlng he m»|l d«* or week Apply looi North iteeond street, corner Boas and Cecund slregte. I | ROOMS POK RENT * FOR RENT Furnished room, with F large bay window, all conveniences. [ Also transient roomer*. Apply second I apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. t FOR RENT Furnished rooms. • single or en-sulte; all conveniences. In I eluding phone, reference required. Ap | ply 101S North Front street FOR RENT Well furnished, nicely lighted and heated rooms, on second floor (front); suitable for man and wife. i Apply 801 North Sixth street, corner of | Brlggs. FOR RENT —■ Three room*, desirable I for business or apartments; all improve, i ments Apply No 9 North Fourth street. HOUMS AND BOAIU> > FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Apply 613 North Second street. CXFI'HNISHJKD ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, <vlth or without kitchenette; all outskle rooms, nicely papered, new and strictly up-to date, stoves furnished free, laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitor, Room s, same building. FOR RENT FOR RENT Store room at 1010 North Third street; possession Septem ber 1; J35.U0 per month, including ateam heat. Apply Norman H. Kurzenknabe, 1010 North Third street. ! FOR RENT —ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located olflces. Inquire lor Superintendent in Business | unice of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR KENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Oftice. FOR RENT Store room. 1200 North Third street; issxiou. 14-toot celling; one of the best rooms in the city. Ap j ply J. S. Slble, 266 Herr street. 1 FOR RENT Desirable offices In I Franklin Building. No. 212 Locust j street. Janitor service. Electric ele ! vator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union j Real Estate Investment Company, on premises. • APAIITMKNTS FOU KIiNT ; APARTMENTS FOR RENT ! Desirable apartments at Nos. 2510. 2514 and 2518 N. Sixth street for rent as follows: Third floors, $30.00 per month ; first and second floors, $35.00 per month. ( These apartments are new and most complete. Apply to Harry |M. Bretz, 222 Market street. j APARTMENT 1-OR RENT— Third floor, 28 South Third ('street, 0 rooms and bath, two bay j windows, city steam and electric I lights, inquire 400 North street. : J FOR RENT Four rooms, buth and all conveniences; city steam heated; centrally loiuted; also two rooms and bath. Apply 222 Lo&ust street. FOR SALE FOR SALE Large refrigerator, suitable for bourdlnghouse. Also 6-ft. double show case. Cheap. Diehl, 1223 I North Sixth street. 1 a FOR SALE Overland 6-cyllnder; just overhauled; make offer; will dem onstrate. Paul Li. Messner, lim James street. TOR SALE Boston Terrier pup pies. males, four months old; grand heads and bodies, and short screw tails. Bred from pedigreed, prize-winning stock. 1620 Berryhlll street. FOR SALE Horses, Wagons and Harness These are all first-class liorsct. and wagons. Will be disposed of at the right prices to quick buyers. Inquire at Bowman's. FOR SALE Cadillac Roadster. In excellent condition electric starter and lights. Price right. W. A. Mul ligan. 25 North Third street. I'm SALE One Cadillac Touring Car—in good condition— at a very low price. Call Bell phone 2978 J. FOR SALE A few do»en straw berry plants delivered to any part of the city fresh from the ground at 36 cents a dozen. Varieties are William ' Bell and North Jersey's, largest berries and s-.vett and very productive Call Bell phone 3622 M, or address 8. H. Hal deman & Co., 3388 North Sixth street, aarrtsburg. FOR SALE Pair A 1 horses, three ton Ice wn*on, with established lew route; also furniture wagon. Make me an offer any time after » P. M. Apply 1418 Derry street. BUT your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Hurrlshurg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut. OLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 2">c each. One of these signs will be given with each Bixt-tlme order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR KALE CARDS *n sala at the Telegraph Business (ifflee. For SALE One Winchester rifle an.l one double-barrel i.liotguti and few choice medical works ("heap to quick buyer Apply 614 North Third street, or phone Bell 2315. FOR SALE An Apporson 6-passen | ger touring car; tlrst-ciass condition. Apply t" II A. (launan. of lloffer & Curuian. Eighteenth and Kel ley streets FOR SALE One ftO-gullon oil tank, suitable for grocery store. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Ho* 1134, care of Telegraph, FOR SALE, CHEAP HxH wood hull motor boat, fully equipped, with 3 11,-P. Cray engine; brand-new llns automobile top Apply W. II Zimmer man, 129 Catherine street, Mlddletown, Pa. I FOR HALE. CHEAP To quick buyer, touring car. newly painted and I maohin«r> ovfidiauled; lino.on ions it ! Apply to I'. A. Fair, East End Mulberry Street Hrldge. F* >ll SALE To make room, bugglea, | business wagons. Day tons, I fine trap, I I touring ami business • at combined, In ' first class condition O A Fall', East I 1:11.1 n Site. I Hrldge I OOOH For FIFTY CENTS Present | tills ad anil get a pair of Keystone Heavy Service, fully guaranteed tires at | ff> per pair ilood • >llly until Septein ber 10, 1914 Keystone Cycle Co., 114 North Third street FOR SALE * A line antique kitchen dresser, rocker wasltstand. lot of feath , ere ami small platfiuiu s> ales Addreee . II . 11:«, care of Tclegiapli I oil MAI I o|( I \ 1 II \ M.I FOR SALE oil IC\CIL\NiIK Anv ! amount of rtttd Autoinohllee either oil Real Estate or personal property Inquire of James J. LVgeh. Cnntraelor, IMI Fulton street 1 ity |to.\Mt>KNk W vmi l» WANTED Iheverel borders by the week 01 month An ekceptl qiai quellL 1 table board tee of phune Apply l«Jl 1 i Begins. 1 SALESMEN WANTED l EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to : travel for old-established house with ! line that sells to practically all classes |of merchants. High commissions, with weekly advance, to right man. D. W. I Barrows. Detroit, Michigan SALESMEN WANTED We have an | opening In this frritory for u man to | handle our complete line of advertising '-alendars und specialties. Interesting i all year round work Big commissions Excellent opportunity for the right I man. A serious offer to a hustler (No i Canvassers) Oelger Bros., 77 Sprlng i field avenue. Newark, N. J. ! SALESMEN WANTED unnecessary. easy work, big pay. I Write for large list of openings otter ing opportunities to esrn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 244, National l Salesmen's Training Association, Chi cago, New Vork, Kansas City, Ssn I Francisco. i ULSIM.SS OPfOlii'UN 1TIE& • WANTEQ A good, sober young man. with small capital, as partner In the grocery business. Must understand the business. A good-paying store. Must be a hustler. Address C., 1130, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Moving Pic ture Theater, one of the best equip ped theaters in this part of State, doing big business; profit $4,000 per year. Apply S. W. Fitzger ald, 317 Walnut Street. WANTED To buy cigar store, res taurant or any good business; pay cash. Will go partner In business proposition, or would rent good business room. Ad dress H., 1129, care of Telegraph. I MADE 150,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 365 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS R H. PEFFER Local Express and Delivery. Piano and furniture moving a specialty. Storage of household goods. Good, Dry Wood for sale, stove length. 1119 Montgomery. Phone 1684 J. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old gold, silver watches and Jewelry; or taken in exchange for new Jewelry. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler. 803 North Third street. Bell 626 L REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Oluck, 320 Woodbine street. Harrisburg Paste Works 126 K. Cameron Street PAPERHANOERS'. billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. HAULING 11. W. LATHE, Uourdlng Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers ol f nanos, safer, oollers and general haul ng. H. W. I'ihe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. i iSOSR. BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND RE PAIRS D latis and estimates furnish ed. Work promptly attended to. Call D. F. Lesley, Contractor and Builder, 1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, nerpared by Oross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell HUNTERS Protect your dogs. Let us stamp your name and address on a heavy brass plate and attach it to your dog collar. It costs only 25 cents Manufactured bj- Harrisburg Stencil Works, 130 Locust street, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. STOKAOK STORAOE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAOE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer candise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna R R. I I Till* Is not a R«»al E«UitA Hoom Proposition hut a Stralghtfnr- ~~~ ' DC X ward l ilTore to dispone of Real Estntt< Quickly, rHylng upon l>nrguln T/ XT /"\ (' % I/ 1 S I prices to product* quick rcHulla. I\i ' Vy J and the ~~ You'll World Boosts "W* "W" "IT Soon Knock With YOU ■ J Ijlili Im.fH lj Ifi Alone AUCTION LOT SALE Labor Day, Monday September 7th 8al« starts Promptly at 2 I*. M. llniMl Concert by Kilgorcs Kolonlttl Kids. Free Trolley lauives Market square at I.ill) I'. M. LAn CHOICE LEVEL BUILDING LOTS ftA ■ Dv AT ABSOLUTELY YOUR OWN PRICE vvl l.ota will he knocked down promptly to tile highest ttnil heat bidder with privilege of adjoining I lot at same price. The lots will Ite soltl I'll IE und CI.EMt of all I NCI'M IIIIANCEM except restriction* that art* I rennuinhle lull protective, full particulars of \»hlcli will lie ponied and itiiiiouiicctl day of Hale. SYNOPSIS ol' TKIOIK oM'M'dl lt'ril t'usli pawthle oil day of sale or iickt day at latent, I OFN\I,E remainder 111 et|uul payment* ot lliree. nil und nine inoiillia securetl by I bankable uoie ullli endorser, licarlng Interest ut tl>e rale of si* per I dent., purchaser paying the discount at lime of git Ing note or a straight discount of 'J per cent, on I deferred payment* for cash. WAItItANTY HKI'.liN will be delivered just as soon us can ho gotten ready, which will be but I a few days at most—all acttlcincuts lo be matle at our olllce, North Third Ntrtiet. MAHK TIIIM Take your wife along (latlles are e*iieclally hulled), make an I \l fl'lt IN I. \ 111 HI H\> afternoon of ll look al the mighty sliiiies iltal are being taken In I \ til l) I.EFIEK II \Y this progressive t'lly, |iarilcularl> In the 1111 l Hlslrlei. Count the I Thirty-seven Modern Duelling* recently built right al the *pot where I lliese lots art* lo he *oltl—-note the class of Worth-while Residents la'cupylng litest* houses, (in all I sbltst voti will see evidence enough to *ii|iport till-, property. Consequent!) Ihe 10l or lots you buy a( lhe*e knock.down prices must some day lie worth enough Itt make you comfortable In your old age. HOW T<l HIT TO Take I'ailang or llumiuelslowti Ot»i«—gel off al (taiilebl anil Derry—(liat's PHDPI HIA I I I I—then like the gueen of sheha. when viewing King Nolomon In all Ids glory, you will exclaim: "Half ha* not liven lold met" WOMIi It Is natural that atbauce liuiulry ctuicerulng this I irepilenill new KubtllvialtMi will reueh huge iuro|M>rtlona, so It la adttaahle that you call «t this oltlcw early for full Information aiut arrange lo liui|ieci lite property. Tlien remeiulver Ihe Dale, Day and Hour. He on hand when the hpeclal Car starts, 1 Slip*... n ' rcc,,ono ' ARTHUR C. YOUNG I c .. h 1 26 North Third Street, HurriaburK. BeU 713-J q In Yt»ur PtM-ket in Manager for llie t»wner. JOHN t l DI H OOUVenirt Ha | WtWI (4l| 1$ I --■ ■" J l I * 1 1% IIII•( I I ft) |iy NATIONAL LAND A AUCTION CO., A M li..«r. K^STtm I , of Washington, O C, _____ THE MAR PHII.ADKI.I'HIA pnonucio By A.undated Prtst Philadelphia, Sept. 6. Wheat Lower, No. 2, red, spot, export. $1.14 ff11.19; No 2, Northern, Duluth, export, |I.BB «> 1.38. Corn Steadv, but quiet; No. 2, yel low, local. 93c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 57® v 7 Steady; winter, per ton, "7 50"*' ~pr f,n • 127.00?j Refined Sugars Market steady, powdered, 7.35 c; fine granulated, 7.25 c; confectioners' A, 7.16 C Putter The murket Is steady, western, creamery, extras, 32c, nearby I print*, fancy. 35c. Eggs The market Is firm; ; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SS,4O per case; do., current receipts, free cases, ?7.50<R7.R0 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, SB.-10 ; per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.50@ j 1 .80 per case Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 17® 18c; young chickens, 11® «'oc: spring chickens, 15©i8c; broiling chli k- I7 K 2 " c; old roisters, H@l2c; 1 in. 1 2®i;ic; ducks, young. 13® He, geese, Js®l7c; turkeys. l»®2oc. uressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heacy, ID »,i ® 20% c; do., fair to good, heavy, i7®lSc; average receipts, 17® 18c; small, 13® °'d roosters, 13c; roasting chlck !{?,••■ fancy, I6®l8c; broiling enickens, nearby, 16®20c; western, Id SL.ii' ,„ ca P°n». large, 23®26c; do.. So » I turkeys, fancy, 24®2bc; • *°® 23c i ducks, ll®l§c; geese, (.iil'i ,ur .n»' rhe niarket Is firm; winter, »5.»5®4.10; Straights. Pennsyl *B nn®B.6o; spring straights »T._76®6.00; dO 7 patent. S6.OO®tUU; H-35W4.40. patents, s4.6o<y V/i Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 «f ,p ! ln g. firsts, clear, »4.00®4.20; 460 14.20® 4.80; patents. *4.350 Hay The market is steady; tim othy, new, No. 1, large bales, »19.50© 9• J* o ' medium bales, 819.00® 19.50; No. 3, do.. *17.00® 18.50; No. 8, do.. $14.50® 15.50. .New clover mixed. Light mixed. $18.00019.00; No. 1, do.. $18.50® 17.50; No. 3. $1 <,so® 15.60. ■ 1 Steady; new, per barrel, •; do., bouthern. per barr©l, 70c(g)51.65; Jersey, per basket, 35<3>40c. CHICAGO CATTLK By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Sept. 6. Hogs Re ceipts, 8,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $8.70 ®9 10; light, $8.85©9.30; mixed, 88.60® 9.8o; heavy, $8.<0®9.15; rough. $8.40<(( 8.55; pigs, $4.75®8.40. Cattle Receipts, 400; slow. Beeves, $6.70® 10.80; steers, sti.:io®9.2o; stock ers and feeders, fC.40®8.F6; cows und heifers, $3.75®9.25; calves, s7.6offl> 11.50. Sheep Receipts, 4,000; steady. Sheep. $4.76(f(5.75; yearlings , $6,50® 6.40; lambs, $6.00®7.85. RUTHERFORD GUN CLUB SHOOT High wind prevented good score* In tho monthly Hboot at Rutherford yes terday. The acoreii follow: Blue and Gray—Miller, captain, 20; P. Spangler, 18; Colough, 10; Grlelf, 9; Keefer, 7; Walterß, !!2; George L. Sar vis, 22; Beck. 12; Faslck, 17; Leh man, 16. Total, 157. Orange and Black Hasaler, cap tain. 15; Iluber, 1; Hetrlok, i;; Reiglo, 14; G. O. Sarvis, 16; C. B. Sarvls, 16; Ollphant., 12. Total, 97. STUDENTS WANTED WANTED—A few students In ele mentary or advanced mathematics or mechanics. J. W Miller, Prof, at Le hlgh. Call 306 Chentmit street. MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, musical Instruments, etc. Bargain In unredeemed pledges. City Loan Office, 411 Market street, next to United Cigar Store. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in Insial ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co.. 204 Chestr- t street. NOTICE wim kiioi.l>l:l< v MEiri i \«. THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of tho Union Trust Company of Pennsylvania, will be held at the office of tho Company, in tho City or Hsrrl - burg. Pa., on Tuesday. September 15, 1914, at 12 o'Vloek noon. ANDREW 8. PATTERSON, Secretary. THH) Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at 8 P. M. at Its new location, i/ut North Second street, tor the tree treat ment of the worthy poor. Public Sale of Real Estate The undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Martha Plum, late of the borough of Chambersburg, County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, by virtue of a power contained In the last will and testament of said decedent .will offer for sale In front of the Courthouse, In the City of Harrisburg, and State of Penn sylvania, on Wednesday, the 16th day of September, 1014, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the real estate of the de cedent. situate at No. IRS South Eighteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa., bounded on the north by lot of Ben jamin T. Allen, on the east by an alley; on the south by lot of Joseph Revle, on the west by Eigh teenth street, having a frontage on suld street of 17 feet 6 Inches, and running hack an equal width a dis tance of 80 feet to center of said alley; and having thereon erected a 3-story brick house containing 8 rooms, kitchen and bath. This prop erty Is In good repair and Is a flna home. Terms wUI be made known on day of sale, by W. O. MfKI.AS, Rifeolor, Cliaiiibrraliurt, Pa. Auctioneer, John T. Ensmlnger, Harrlshnrg. I'a. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own name a Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial Adams * Co. n. 804. N H. Market ■«. ■ ——— II I, SW—S— Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate Thursday, September 10, 1914. All that valuable farm, known as the Michael B. Moyur farm, situ ate 1 mile east of the famous H«r shey Chocolate plant, on the road leudlng from Derry Church to Pal myra, will be sold by the undersign* ed on the day and date above named. The farm contains about 140 acres of good limestone soil In a high state of cultivation, good buildings and good fences; good apple or chard und plenty of wall and cis tern water. The buildings are a large 8-room brick dwelling with a large brick summer house adjoining, large bank barn 50x80 feet, Btone gables, a large frame wagon shed with cribs und Implement shed attached, and a large frame pig sty. Tne farm Is In the heart of the Horshey milk market and for other markets Hershey and Palmyra are not excelled by the cities. There la market for everything raised on the farm. The macadam roads make marketing u pleasure. For schools, churches, recreation and pleasure Hershey offers the heat that can be had outside of larga cities. Any one desiring a farm with ad vantages of good soli, flne location, good roads, convenience to church, school and markets can And no bet ter place tn Dauphin or Lebanon counties. Call on the undersigned. Derry Church. Pa, HARRY S. MOYEJR,, Agent for Heirs. "ii i HI ii i " 1 Two Farms For Sale 7 Miles From Tinrrintmrg Two farms belonging to the Estate of W. K. Alricks, de ceased: situate In Lower Pax- \ ton Township, Dauphin County being the farms deed ed to him by the heirs of John Rudy, deceased; and by the Executors of Joseph Rudy, deceased; will bo sold at auc tion, Thursday. Sept. 17. by the Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., 213 Market street, execu tor of the estate. Salo will be conducted at the farms. Tli«- lower Fnrm tenanted by .Inliu I.ytle, containing 147 acre*, more or leas. The tapper Farm tenanted by W. H. l.enker. containing i::o acres, more or less. «■ 1 Mil SEALS & STENCILS N 1 MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ II 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. U 13
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