TELEGRAPH WANT AjjS—THE BEST FOR TIE MONEY IN HARMSBURG September first spells "moving day" to many Harrisburg- families. Is yours one of thefn? Where will you move to? It's time right now to be looking about for the new place if you are to be nicely settled before school opens. The best way to go about it is to sit right down now and carefully go over the FOR RENT ads in this issue of the Telegraph. Whether it's to be a flat, terrace, duplex, a single or double house is for you to determine. The choicest list of vacancies appears on the classified page to-night. Make up your list by localities, so that you save both time and street car fare. If you don't find just what you want to-morrow go over the FOR RENTS in to-morrow night's Telegraph and make up another list for the next day. And when it comes to moving, remember the reliable, careful movers advertise in Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED' I McCLUNE —On August 27, 1914. Thomas R. MCCLUNE. AGED TS YEARS. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at i . o'clock, from his late residence, 2..0 Harris street The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Hariitfburg remetery. Bodv can be viewed this evening be tween 7 and 9 o'clock. LOST LOST T\\*o gold bangle bracelets, on Eighteenth street, between Briggs and Forster, "VVednesdav evening. Re ward If returned to owner. 1847 Herr street Valued as keepsakes. REWARD Lost, a lady's black silk brocade bag, contains cash, pocket hook, etc Lost in Camp Hill car Wed nesday evening, about 5 o'clock Please leave at car office and receive half of | cash FOUND FOUND Floating down the river, | steel boat. No. 24. Owner can have same by calling at 1920 Fulton street and paying for this ad. FOUND Satisfaction without extra • -large at Egbert's Steam Dyeing &, French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market | street. Try us for your clothes sake. Both phones. A prompt delivery ser vice. UK J' WANTED —Male BOY WANTED in printing estab lishment; opportunity to learn. Apply Saturday, at y A. M., at The Courier, »#_<- Market street. WANTED —A bright and industrious boy to lea- n the drug business. Apply at Boher's Drug Store, 209 Market street. WANTED At Pennsylvania Industrial Re formatory, Huntingdon, l'a. A VACANCY exists on torce of officers of the Pennsylvania in dustrial Reformatory requiring the services o£ a practical shoe maker, who thoroughly under stands the manufacture of shoes of different grades as used in the Reformatory, and repairing of same, to take charge of shoe shop and to instruct inmates in the trade of shoe making. A perma nent position to the right man. Working hours eight hours dally. Apply to T. B. PATTON, General Superintendent, Huntingdon, Pa. YOUNG MAN WANTED One who understands upholstering preferred. Apply Jos. Coplinky, 1208 ft North Third | street. WANTED Experienced Suburban Lot Salesman. Preference to one with some knowledge In advertising—who is a live, hustling, ambitious worker for Auction Lot Sales. Apply to A C. Young, 28 North Third street, Harris burg, Pa. WANTED First-class, general blacksmith. Apply at once, 5 North Tenth street, B. C. Murray. WANTED Young man. 17 or 18 years of age. with some experience as a salesman, who is desirous of learning the hat business. Must have good ref erence. Apply in person. No. 17 North Third street. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family. 2220 North Third street. WANTED A capable girl for gen eral housework; must cook; good place for right party. Call Bell telephone BS2BW. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; wages, $6 per week. Mrs. Herman P. Miller, 2117 North Third street. . FOR SALE A 7th Ward Drug Store at Inventory Miller Bros. & Neefc REAL ESTATE Fire Iniornace Surety Sonde Locust and Court Streets i -J FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH - AUGUST 28, 1914. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Capable bookkeeper and stenographer. Call Saturday or Mon day evening at 708 North Seventeenth ! street. WANTED—An assistant bookkeeper, one who is also able to do stenographic work; give references first letter. Ad dress Box K, 1105. care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged (white) lady can find good home in small fam ily of two; no children; no washing; must be good cook and ironer. Address Box 1790, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman for general housework; no washing; reference. 2114 North Third street. WANTED A capable, steady white girl for child's nurse, between 18 and 30. Wages, $5. Apply 1727 North Sec j ond street. | GIRLS WANTED to learn the i trade of cigar making, packing | and in the shipping dept. Apply 1 Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 ! Race St. LEARN DRESSMAKING JOIN our summer class. Learn fit ting by measurement. Tl- s art cannot | be taught right any other wry. Make all your summer dres.e? while learn ing. Works Dressmaking School, 22 N'nrth FGourth street. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Young man, with some knowledge of wallpaper, to act as sales man and stockkeeper. Address L., 1794, care of Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Position as bookkeeper, or office work, by competent and ex perienced man. For Interview, address Bookkeeper, care of Telegraph. WANTED A young, married man wishes position <-f any kind. Address H. D. L. care of Telegraph. WANTED A young man. 18 years old. desires office work of any kind, clerical preferred, good penman. Ad dress E., 1798, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man. married. 29 years old. wishes work of any kind; sober and Intelligent; four years' ex perience in grocery business. Call, or address, 232 South Fifteenth street, Harrisburg. WANTED Two young colored men desire positions of any kind. Address 1281 North Seventh street. WANTED Position by all-around haker; "willing to help or take, steady position. Address W. H. D„ 304 Broad street. City, or United phone 742 W. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By young girl, position at housework for widower. Apply 346 Hamilton street, City. WANTED Experienced stenog rapher and typist wishes position; can give reference; working at present time, but wish advancement. Address P. O. Box 350. WANTED By white girl, 17 years of age, position as child's nurse. Ad dress 647 Cumberland Btreet. WANTED—Position as housekeeper in private family or for widower with no children. Address P. O. Box 32, Dau phin, Pa. WANTED By colored girl, light housework, or nurse. Address Martha Jones. 388 South Fourth street. Steel ton. Pa. WANTED Colored woman wishes position as chambermaid in hotel, or dishwashing In restaurant. 338 Cherry avenue. WANTED By colored girl, posi tion as nurse, second girl or assistant at housework. Address M., 1799, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored girl, posi tion as nurse, second girl, or assistant at housework. Address M., 1800, care | of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE I stone land with Improvements, at Lutz- I town, along Caritsle-Harrisburg trol ! ley. For particulars call at Lutztown, or address Mrs. G. B. Lutz, R. D. No. 1, I Allen, Pa. Bell phone 902-4. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley Just off Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer. 263 a Penn street. Penbrook. ! FOR SALE A plot of ground 45x 154 ft., on the corner of two paved streets; will consider an exchange for I new improved property. Address M. J. Early, 221 Woodbine atreet. , REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE DON'T BUY A LOT 20x100 FT. You can purchase one acre at Peachorchard for $l5O. Easy terms. Fifteen minutes' walk from L. trolley. Harrisburg. Beau tiful. healthy location. Seeing is know ing. C. B. Care and Sons, Care a Grocery, Lingiestown, Pa. FOR SALE 8 per cent, net invest ment offered in two brick houses —all modern Improvements. Prices, $2,100 and $2,200, respectively. Invest money where it is safe. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. FOR SALE Noi 809 North Six teenth street cottage construction— -9 rooms bath gas and electric light furnace porch price is right and little cash needed. Bell | Realty Co., Bergner Building. j CRESCENT STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 340; 3-story brick ' dwelling; # rooms; all improvements; i side entrance; excellent condition; ten I minutes' walk from Fourth and Mar i ket. F. E. Crist. 340 Crescent street. | FOR SALE Three-story building 'at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build, »3,000.00. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price. $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. $ $ $ $ WILL BUY the property at No. 44 North Thirteenth street lO rooms bath gas furnace—porch. I Possibly just what you want. Inspect j It. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I FOR SALE l6-foot, three-etory | brick house tinlshed in chestnut; front 1 and pack porches; steam heat; 8-foot j side entrance. Must be sold to settle estate. Address D. E. Brightbill, 2 j North Court street. Both phones. ' FOR SALE. CHEAP Plot of ground ! 11l ft. by 163 ft., open on three sides, corner Twenty-fifth street and Brook avenue, Edgemont. Inquire of W. H. Harnian, 1930 State street. City. FOR SALE 1844 Derry street —2*4- ; story brick 7 rooms and bath 1 steam heat front and side porches. Lot. 30x150 ft 1217-1219-1231 Mulberry street —2%- story frames 6 rooms each. Lot, x 74 ft. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. THREE NORTH STREET HOUSES FOR SALE Two are corner proper ties 8 rooms bath gas—furnace —porch. Lots, 21x96. Price for each, $2,400. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bulld j ing. THIS IS NEW BUY on© acre or two at Grand View, "overlooking'' this city and "Jacob's Plains." one of the most beautfful, de- ; lightful plots on God's Earth. See and be convinced. Ten to 15 minutes' walk from Harrisburg Railway Company's L. | car from Square. Prices ,from SIOO to $lB5 per acre. Monthly payments. A better description at 409 Market street, Harrisburg. C. B. Care and Sons, Care s Grocery, Linglestown. Bell 5325, United 37Y. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Three-story brick; ten rooms and bath; good condition; 43 j North Nineteenth street, coiwer Helen I avenue; possession September 1. E. I*, j Good, Camp Hill. Bell phone SlolJ. FOR RENT Seven-room house, i Address Box 206, West Fairvlew. Pa. FOR RENT, AT PERDIX Wayne 1 Cottage, furnished. Attractive price for 1 remainder of season. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell | phone 713 J. REAL ESTATE Fop Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE On Allison Hill, brick house, 7 rooms and bath, gas, furnace, etc. Will sell rea sonable or exchange for small farm. Address X.. 1104, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WASTED WANTED To buy a house up town, between Broad and Woodbine streets, direct from owner. State price. Address all communications to Box J, 1787, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor front room; bay windows, gas, electric lights and telephone; suitable for one or two people; rent reasonable. Apply 271 Briggs street. ■ ROOM FOR RENT All conveni ences and use of phone; strictly pri vate family. Address A__ E. 8., care of Telegraph, or phone 1687 R. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms I fpr light housekeeping; steam heat, gas | and use of bath and phone; also fur nished room, with private bath, all improvements, centrally located. Ad- I dress J., 1103, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, one front, use of bath and phone; also one furnished room; rent reasonable. 1421 Market street. FOR RENT Second and third floor front rooms; also third floor back room; centrally located, with private family; rent moderate; use of bath and tele , phone. Address Box B, 1102, care of Telegraph. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping to man and wife. Inquire at 1423 Derry street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, or a well-aired and lighted cor ner four-room flat, with ail improve ments; rent reasonable. 114 Washing ton street. FOR RENT Furnished front room on second floor; also unfurnished front room on third floor; desirable location. I Apply 1644 Market street. i FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; all conveni ences, with use of pho»\e, for gentlemen only. Apply 923 North Second street, or call Bell phone 2324 R. FOR RENT burnished rooms, single or en-suit;; all conveniences, In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable for business or apartments; all improve ments. Apply No. 9 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Six young women, or men, can have comfortably furnished or unfurnished rooms at moderate prices, with refined, private family. Address 8., 1789, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two furnished or un furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing; near trolley line; use of bath. Call Bell phone 926 R. FOR RENT FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent in Bualneaa Office of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can bB secured at the Telegraph Business Office. I FOR RENT Desirable offices in Franklin Building. No. 212 Locust street. Janitor service. Electric ele vator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union Real Estate Investment Company, on premises. FOR RENT Well-furnlsed office for SB.OO per month; good location; per manent if desired. Address 8., 1797, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room at 1010 North Third street; possession Septem ber 1; $35.00 per month. Including steam heat- Apply Norman B. Kurzenknabe. 1010 North Third street. FOR RENT Store room. I*oo North Third street; 83x100; 14-foot celling: one of the best rooms In the city. Ap piyJS > SlbW 256 He"-street^^^^ STUDENTS WANTED WANTED —A few student* In ele mentary or advanced mathematics or | mechanics. J. W. Miller, Prof, at Le -1 high. Call 303 Chestnut street. . WANTED WANTED lOO second-hand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand for them highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co.. 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. FOR SALE FOR SALE A Surrey as good as new, falling top. rubber-tire; one busi ness wagon, in good order. Call 5-3 Peffer street. City. FOR SALE Barber shop; three chairs; old stand; centrally located; low rent; sell cheap; reason for seling, other business. G. C. Hershey, 817 East Mar ket street. Sunbury, Pa. FOR SALE Grain and implement business In a live village; also a fine home. Cheap, if sold quick. Address Box J. 1101, care of Telegraph. SAVE 60 PER CENT, by buying our Butterlne 5 IDs. for 92c Give us a trial and be convinced. Delivered to all parts of city. 1005 North Third street. Phone 735 W. __ FOR SALE—Six full-bred Scotch Col lie pups. G. A. Mowrey, Fifteenth street, New Cumberland, or call Bell phone 3449 R. , FOR SALE Counters. cases, shelves, tables, desks, cabinetmaker's tools, account system, pianos, player pianos, violins and other musical merchandise, before September 1. Kur zenknabe, 1010 North Third street. FOR SALE 2OO good comforts, slightly soiled, at any reasonable price. Address Wilson College. Chambers burg, Pa. ~FOR SALE Cash grocery store at 610 Maclay street, two squares from P. R. R. Station. FOR SALE l2-horse-power light delivery truck; first-class condition; used every day; price. SIOO. Call Bell phone 882 J. FOR SALE Round, oak dining room table, chairs, buffet and gas stove; good as new; cheap to quick buyer. Reason for selling, leaving city. Address D., 1795. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Stylish, open, rubber tire buggy. Inquire Seventh and Clin ton streets. BUY your traveling and leather sroods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut. FOTt SALE One Cadillac Touring Car—in good condition— at a very low price. Call Bell phone 2978 J. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-llv A Second street, 5,000 Sets New Sash. 8x 10x12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Large hot-air furnace, pipe and all complete at a sacrifice. Will last as long as new one. Also good range, complete. No reasonable offer refused. Can be seen at 1156 Mul berry street. W. R. Swartz. GLASS window aigns. Furnished j Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. Ona i of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid lin advance. Inquire at Office of Tele | grapn. FOR SALE One 9x14 Hip Roof : Tent, complete, with stakes, ropes and j side walls. A bargain to quick buyer, j ] Only used several times. A 1 condition. • E. Mather Co., 204 Walnut street. j FOR SALE Five-pasenger Bulck touring car, fully equipped. $375.00. Also nice little light five-passenger touring car for $240.00. Apply Andrew Redmond, Third and Boyd streets. FOR SALE On account of leaving city must sell quick my almost new Sterling Player-Piano. No reasonable | offer refused. Call 1932 State street. Music rolls, etc., Included. i FOR SALE Laundry order to the amount of sl3; will sell for $lO. Ad i dress 8., 1796, care of Telegraph. j I FOR SALE One milk wagon, good las new, or will exchange for Jenny ; Lind or Surrey. Bell phone 2898 R. FOR SALE CARDS «n sale at the I Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Oak mantle, with mir ror. May be had cheap by quick pur- I chaser. Inquire at office of C. L Long, | Green and Woodbine streets. ! FOR SALE A whole lot of racing pigeons and a loft of breeders. High class. imported pigeons. 500-mtle win ners. Also the fastest 600-miler that ever flew in Harrisburg. Pedigrees and diplomas go with the birds. Apply 443 Broad street. FOR SALE At Gable':, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ONE of the oldest established saloons in Lancaster; two squares from Penn sylvania and Reading R. R. Stations. Will sacrifice on account of ill health. Price, SBSO, including license, stock and good will. Address Box 454, Lancaster, Pa. BOARDINGHOUSE FOR SALE ln heart of city doing good business completely furnished house is mod ern and convenient good reasons for selling reasonable price. Inquire 222 Chestnut street. I MADE $50,000 tn five years In the mail order began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hen. cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. . ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING i with best material and by expert help. Bend us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and i National Trannfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phons No. 2603 R. ~S~HALDEMAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders Job work promptly at tended to in any part of the city. Es- i timates cheerfully furnished by call ing Bell phone 8622 M. BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND RE PAIRS < — Plans and estimates furnish ed. Work promptly attended to. Call D. F. Lesley, Contractor and Builder, 1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J. $7,500.00 ACCIDENTAL DEATH—S2O to SSO WEEKLY Accident and Sick-" ness—Men and Women accepted. AH occupations Premium. $lO a year. Half Benefits. $5.00. Large commissions to agents. National Accident Society, 320 Broadway. New York. (Established 1885). FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell I i960. I MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any ' terms to suit borrower. Address P. Q. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable tn lnstal ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 304 Chestnut street. , THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PRODUCES By Associated Press Philadelphia. Aug. 28. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.05 @1.10; No. 1, Northern. Duluth. export, $1.2601.31. Corn Lower; No. 2. yellow, local, 92 @ 93c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 53 54c. Bran Firm; winter, per ton, $28.00@>28.50; spring, per ton, $27.00® 27.50. Refined Sugars—Market unchanged; powdered, 7.10@8.35c; fine granulated, i.00g>7.25c; confectioners' A. 6.90® 7.15 c. Butter The market Is firm; western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby prints, fancy, 35c. „ Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. SB.IO per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $7.20@7.50; west ern, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.10; per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.20®7.50 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 17 ®l7V4c: young chickens, 11® 20 c; spring chickens. 16®19c; broiling chick ens, 17027 c; old roosters, ll@12c; ducks, old, 12 @ 13c; ducks, young, 13® He; geese. 15® 17c; turkeys. 19® 20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 9 % @2o%c; do., fair to good, heavy, 17<fl)18c; average receipts. 17® 18c; small, 13® 15c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16®lSc; broiling chickens, nearby, 16@20c; western, 15 @l7Bc; capons, large, 23@250; do., small, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, 24@26c; do., fair. 20®23c; ducks. ll®18c.; geese. ll@l6c. Potatoes Easier; now, per barrel, 11.6(1®3.50; do.. Southern, per barrel, 75c®51.65; Jersey, per basket, 35®40c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85(f«4 10: straights. Pennsyl vania, new, $5.00 @5.25; spring straights $5.75@6.00; .do., patents, $6.00® i.26, Western, $4.2504.40; patents. $4.50® 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks. $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear. *4- 00 .® i'lL' strights, $4.20®4.30; patents. $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market is steady; tim othy, new, No. 1, large bales, $19.00® 19.50; No. 1, medium bales, 19.00; No. 2. do.. $17.00@18 00; No. 3. do., $14.50@15.60. „ . , New clover mixed. Light mixea, $17.50@18.50; No. 1. $16.00®17.00; No. 2. $14.50® 15.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 28 Hogs Re ceipts. 16,000; steady. Bulk of sales, sß.Bo® 9.15; light. $1.50@9.30; mixed, $8.60® 9.32V4 ; heavy, $5.41<§9.25; rough, $8.45@8.65; pigs. $5.50®8.50. Cattle Receipts. 15,000; steady. Beeves. $6.75@10.65; steers, $6.35@9 40. cows arid heifers, $3.80@9.25; stoekers and feeders. $5 50@8.15; Texas calves, $7.50@ 11.25. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; stead?;. Sheep, $4.7505.65; yearlings. $5.60® 6.60; lambs. $6.00@7.80. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 28.—Board of Trade ° P Wheat September, 1.04%; Decem ber, 1.09%; May. 1.16%. Corn September, 79%; December, — September, 47%; December, 50 Pork September, 20.10; January. 22 20. x Lard September, 9.97; October, 10.17; January, 10.65. B l bß September, 12.35; January, 11.35. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 I Broad street. Both phones. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building. rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean private rooms. HeuMOuable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener. Jeweler. 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses. built ex pressly for storage Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R LEGAL NOTICES 1 ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE i CITY PROPERTY Located at Harrisburg, Pa. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, will will be sold at public vendue, or outcry, 1 on Saturday, August 29, 1914, upon the premises. No. 912 North Third Street, In the City of Harrtsburg, Pa„ the fol lowing described real estate: All that certain three-story brick dwelling house, situate at No. 912 North Third Street, in said City of Harrisburg, and lot of ground; bounded on the east by Third street; on the north by property of Kirby Estate; on tho west by Myrtle alley, and on the south by property of John Froehllch. The improvements thereon are the said three-story brick dwelling house, one room of which Is suitable for a store room; on the rear of the lot is erected an automobile garage and re pair shop; all in good repair an.: in first-class condition. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon , when conditions will be made known by J. H. SELTZER, Assignee of J. A. Kramer and wife for the benefit of creditors. E. E. McCURDY. WM. H. EARNEST. Attorneys. MAJ. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer. UNFURNISHED ROOMS NOTICE Is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., and will be confirmed by said Court on the Ist day of October, 1914. unless cause be shown to the con trary: The account of George R. Barnett, sequestrator of the estate of John S. Rlcker. late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., deceased. Fourth and final account of H. Wells Buser. committee of Peter M. Hummel, lunatic, of Steelton, Dauphin county, Pa., now deceased. The first and final account of Hen derson Gilbert, sometime president and later acting as liquidating trustee of tho Harrisburg Board of Trade, a dis solved corporation. HENRY F. HOLLER. Prothonotary. / > Money to Loan j Profit Sharing Loan Society $5.00 upwards—Legal Ratea 9 N. Market Sq. (Spooner Rldg.) / -I Public Auction ! Adams Express Company I Will sell about 400 Pieces of TJn ! claimed Freight, consisting of Packages, Boxes, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Room No. 19 S. Third St Saturday, August 29 at 1 P. M. I i MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE ! and other* upon their own names. I Cheap ratea. easy payments, confiden tial L Adam* A Co, R. 804. 8 St. Market H«. TO DISCUSS PISSING OF DETENTION HOUSE Question of Telephone to Be Set tled by County Commission * ers and Poor Directors and the Poor Directors as to whether the detention place shall be removed from the poorhouse, will likely be set tled at the next meeting of the Poor Directors on Wednesday, September 2. The question was discussed this morning by the County Commission ers in view of the fact that the board had ordered a telephone into the de tention house in accordance -with the request of Mrs. Jacob Simonetti, the j probation officer, and the Poor Di rectors declined to permit its installa tion until after the question had been formally acted upon at next Wednes day's meeting. [ In the meantime County Solicitor F. M. Ott and the Poor Directors' at torney, B. F. Nead, will confer upon the question of submitting to the Dauphin County Court, as early as possible, the detention house case. Postpone Stock Sale Indefinitely.— The sale of a lot of stocks held by the United Water and Guarantee Com pany, which had been scheduled for September 2, has been indefinitely postponed and the advertisement an nouncing the sale has been with drawn. Suit For Curtain "Ad." —Suit to re cover SIOO, the remainder of a con tract price for placing an advertise ment on the curtain of the Colonial Theater, was filed to-day by C. F. Hopkins, manager for Wilmer & Vin cent, against the Hi-Art Theater Cur tain Advertising Company of Chicago. Sequestrator Account. At torney George R. Barnett, sequestra tor for the estate of John S. Ricker, to-day filed his account with the Dau phin County Court. The sum handled was $1,fi26.63. Judge Seibert Coming Monday.— Judge W. N. Seibert, Perry county, will sit again at Monday's session of "SIXTEENERS" END , CONVENTION HERE [Continued From First Page] Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, who spoke on "Our Fathers." Seward W. Jones responded to a toast, "Our Mothers." McAlisterviUe Reunion Sixteeners who belong to the So ciety of McAlisterville orphan School, held their annual reunion and meet ing at the Capitol yesterday afternoon. The meeting was presided over by E. S. Arnold, of Washington, D. C., the regular president, Francis A. Fry, being absent on account of illness. Prayer * was offered by John L. Smith, of Chester Springs. The Misses Wallace, of Harrisburg, gave a num ber of vocal selections, including "Pennsylvania." John W. Kephart, of Ebensburg, Judge of the Superior Court, in an interesting address, re ferred to the boyhood and girlhood days of a number of the members. Seward W. Jones, of Boston, Mass., presented a report of records of the pupils who attended the McAlister ville school, showing their present vo cations. Following a piano solo by Miss Isora Bingaman, of Washington, D. C., T. T. Davis, of McAlisterville, who was principal of the school in its earlier days, addressed the Six teeners, and gave many interesting reminiscences. In his address on needed legislation, John L. Smith, of Chester Spring 3, urged a law provid ing for the better care of the insane. Letters were read by the secretary, G. W. Givler, of Tyrone, from G. W. Wright, of Mercer, who had charge of several of the orphan schools, and from J. T. Criswell, who was male at tendant at the school. The closing address was by James Smiley, of Get tysburg. President Francis A. Fry, of New port, and Secretary G. W. Givler, Ty rone, were re-elected unanimously. It was decided to hold the reunion next year at McAlisterville. The following Sixteeners have reg istered: Mount Joy School—Mr. and Mrs. C. Day Rudy, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Gramm, Mr, and Mrs. David W. Cot terel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sim mers, all of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Brubaker, Harrisburg; Mrs. William Malley, Harrisburg; Mrs. Mary A. Kaiser, Mrs. Sarah E. Shech ey, both of Harrisburg; William H. Jones, Harrisburg; John 800 the, Har risburg; Guy W. Walter, Dauphin; J. W. Armstrong, West Fairview; Mrs. Sallie Davis, Royalton; Jacob P. Al bert, Warren; Mrs. Amanda Douglass, Harrisburg; Mrs. Lizzie Kavanaugh, Middletown; Mrs. Gertrude Luft, Mid dletown; Mrs. Ella Steinberger, Lan caster; Mrs. George Dillinger, Camp Hill; Mrs. Frances Fegley, Harris burg; Mrs. Emma Trostle, Lewistown; Mrs. Charles Gannon, Lebanon; Mrs. Addle Weigelt, York; John A. Logan, Harrisburg; Z. W. Walter, Dauphin; : Mrs. Mary M. Stauffcr, Lancaster; Mr. land Mrs. H. li Lindemuth, York; Calder Brunner, Harrisburg; William IF. Rhoads, Ashland, Ohio; Delia I Wyant, Danville; C. E. Keener, Phila delphia; T. C. Knowles, Pottsville; Mr. and Mrs. Iber Bruner, Harrisburg; Grant Sowers, New York; John Bale, Harrisburg; Robert Bale, Harrisburg; Mrs. Emma Zimmerman, Mrs. Alice Cleland, Middletown; Daisy M. Grimes, Mrs. Laura Shroy, Middle- Itown; Mrs. Jennie Shelley, Harris burg; Mrs. Paul Wharton. Middle town: William Ulmer, Philadelphia; William B. Bender, Mount Joy; Thomas Hooper, Philadelphia; Mrs. 1 Hooper Rowley, Philadelphia; A. E. i Rudy, Fort Hunter; Mrs. John G. Bair, Lancaster. I Whitehall Mr. and Mrs. G. H. .Kammerer, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleckner, Camp Hill; Mrs. Mary FOR SALE OR FOR RENT New two-and-a-half story brick dwelling, slatet roof, electric light, steam heat, stationary tubs, and all modern improvements. Roomv 20 ft. porch. Montour and Elm streets, Paxt&ng. Apply to A. H. Bailey, 614-6XB North street, Harrisburg, or at T. H. Loser's Store, Paxtang. motion court. There will be no pleas of guilty presented by the District Attorney. / At -the Office.—The wTll of Daniel C. Lentz, formerly of Ellia bethvtlle, was probated to-day and letters on the estate were granted to James E. Lentz. SAMUEL W. M'CAI/Tj ESCAPES, BUT COMPANION IS KILLED North Weymouth, Mass., Aug. 28. John A. Gale, vice-president of the Somerville National Bank and of the Somerville Trust Company, was killed when an automobile in which he was riding with Samuel W. McCall, Rfepub lican candidate for Governor, and Herman J. Fanning, of Boston, was struck on the side by an electric car here. Neither Mr. McCall nor Mr. Fanning was Injured. The party was going to the Mrarsh fleld Fair, where Mr. McCall was to speak. The automobile driver in an attempt to avoid a swiftly approaching machine swung close to the car track, and the automobile was struck by an approaching trolley car, witnesses say. An ambulance was rushed from the Qvilncy Hospital, in which Mr. Gale was taken to that institution, where h® died at 3 o'clock. Mr. McCall went to the hospital and later returned to his office In Boston. The injury of Mr. Gale was a sever* shock to him. Mr. McCall was sitting on the side of the automobile that was struck by the car. When he saw that an accident was unavoidable he slipped from the seat to the floor of the ton neau. thereby escaping being hurt- Mr. McCall was a close friend of the late Congressman Marlln E. Olm sted. accompanied him to Europe a short time before his death and waa an honorary pallbearer at his funeral. HENRY C. FRICK IMPROVES By Associated Prtss Beverly, Mass., Aug. 28.—Tho dition of Henry Clay Frlck. the steel magnate, who is ill at his summer home at Prides Crossing was im proved to-day. His physician said no serious results were anticipated. LOSER HIS APPENDIX Clarence Wilt, aged 80 years, o< Blain, Pa., who was admitted to the ! Harrlsburg Hospital yesterdav, was operated on for appendicitis last night. SHOPMEN AT PICNIC Shopmen of the Pennsylvania Rall-» road with their wives and families held their annual outing at Hershey Park to-day. A special train left Har rlsburg this morning at 7.30 o'clocW with 450 on board. A. Miller, Camp Hill; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hemperly, Harrlsburg; Mrs. Am brose Kramer, Mrs. A. M. Watson, Harrisburg; W. E. Garverich, Har risburg; Harry M. Kinzer, Harrisburg: Annie M. Myers, New Market; Mrs. Hiram Hainly, Campbellstown; J. M. I Herring, Aitoona; W. E. Hesser, Har risburg; Mrs. Jennie Cable, New Cum berland; John A. Kammerer, Harris burg; Mrs. Nancy Williams, Harris burg; Mrs. S. M. Neiman, Lykens; Mrs. W. I. Spangler, Newvlile; Nathan Harris, Harrisburg; George W. Fickes, Steelton; Mrs. F. Rupley, Marysville; John A. Baker, Steelton; Mrs. Frank Bamberger, Highspire; Mrs. Anna L. Fickes, Newport; Mrs. Carrie E. Don i nally, Middletown; Mrs. Luther S. I Diehl, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover, Harrisburg; Mrs. I Elizabeth Danner, Mrs. Emma Lock j ey, Harrlsburg; John M. Kleckner, | Harrlsburg; Mrs. Edwin Hummel, I Harrisburg; Mrs. John Coble, Harris i burg; Mrs. T. M. Mauck, Harrisburg; | Mrs. Philip Uhler, York; Mrs. William. 'Zimmerman, York; Mrs. J. L. Hain. Marysville. McAllister—Mrs. E. Brady Brink, Harrlsburg; Mrs. Jennie Grlbble, Har risburg; Mrs. Irene Brenneman, Har risburg; Edwin S. Arnold, Washing ton, D. C.; J. W. Newlin, Lewistown;t John Van Newkirk, Elizabethville;' Mrs. Charles Keefer, Millersburg; G. W. Groiler, Tyrone: Joseph H. Brlner, Burnham; W. E. Hesser, McVeytownjj Annie Bair Hammaker, Duncanomj Mrs. Laura Kurtz, Huntingdon; Mrs. F. A. Miller, State College; Mrs. Charles Garverich, Bellefonte; Mrs, C. W. Smith, Newport; Lou McClure, | Johnstown; Daniel Acker, Wllkes-« Barre; Mrs. C. W. Attlcks, Trenton,, N. J.; Jennie Miller Mulholland. Johnstown; Mrs. Lydia Acker Kern* Ambler; Winfleld Cargtll, Lewlstown;i Stanton Wilson, Harrlsburg; Mrs. Alice Gibbons, Harrisburg; Mrs. A. P. Bingaman, Mrs. Mary Spotts, Port Trevorton; S. J. Richwlne, Harris burg; C. A. Johnson, MoVeytown; C. Barclay, Pittsburgh; J. F. Wallace,, i Harrisburg; Alberta Albright, Phila delphia; R. V. Ramsey, Pitcairn; New lin Thomas, Newport; Adam Binga man, Granville; J. A. Smiley, Gettys burg; D. F. Warfel, Conemaugh; J. C. Lawson, Aitoona; Mrs. E. A. Miller, I West Chester; Lena L. Sechrlst, Phila delphia. Dayton—Charles G. McLaln, Brook ville; R. M. Morrison, Pittsburgh; W. C. McNutt, Ridgway; G. S. Morrow, Dayton, Pa. Chester Springs—Edward J. Rlnk er, Tamaqua; Mrs. Laura Hess, Graf ton; 1 Mrs. Grace Lowe, Grafton; Charles Milliken, Honey Grove; Mrs. J. I. Brown, Kinston, N. C.; Mrs. Ella Naulty, Philadelphia; Mrs. E. J. Cook, New Kensington; Mrs. E. J. Welmer, Pottsviile; Edna Masser, Harrisburg; Mrs. Anna Schappell, Shoemakers ville; Sara E. Davis, Mrs. E. G. Hoover, Harrisburg; G. Lingeman, Al lentown. Other Schools Unlontown, Scot land, Mercer, Loysville, Soldiers' Or phans Institute, Philadelphia, Cassvllle, Hartford —Miss Clara Raslm, Strat tonville; Max A. Hilton, Endlcott, N. Y.; Mrs. F. G. Ferres, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. F. D. Felt, East Cleveland, Ohio; C. P. Sands, Halifax; W. G. Mc- Wllliams, Washington, Pa.; Mrs. Mary , Waxhab, Brockwayville; Mrs. Jennie Stone, Huntingdon county; Nina Mac- Knight, Hollidaysburg; Viola Rose, Harrisburg; Andrew F. Kopp, Jennie Hartin, William H. Harrop, Philadel phia; Mrs. Thomas Thomas, North Scranton, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rinker, Tamaqua; Mrs. George Thomas, Williamsport; Mrs. Clara A. Levee, Little Falls, N. Y.; Charles Young, Washington, Pa.; Maurice L. Glbbs, Pittsburgh; Ruth N. Estes, Weilsboro; Irene Stevens, Philadel phia; Mrs. Roy Dean, Johnstown; H. D. Miller, Pittsburgh; W. C. Reem, Aitoona; C. Jeanette Reem, Aitoona; Taylor Andrews, New Castle; E. H. Hunter, Harrlsburg; G. B. Beyer, Cur wensville; Captain A. M. Porter, Har rlsburg; Mrs. Martha Lingle, Harrls burg; Minnie Kuntzleman. Hunting don; Mrs. TUlie Luckett, Aitoona. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers