TU-80-LAX /• TU-80-LAX ~ Corrects CONSTIPATION -in 2 MINUTES THE NEW WAY A LAXATIVE OINTMENT IN A COLLAPSIBE TUBE Easily Applied—lnstant Relief Every mother should have TU-80-LAX in the house, ready for an emergency. Doctors who have tested TU-80-LAX are loud in its praise. TU-80-LAX empties the lower bowel without dis turbing the function of any organ. Castor oil. salts, purgative waters and drastic cathartics must soon give* place to this remedial agent. It is clean, convenient and harmless. All druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, 25 cents. TU-80-LAX CO. 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. to visit the Far West before rush of winter travel begins. You Iride on best railroad in the United States —perfect roadbed, modern steel equip ment, courteous em ployes and safety. Meal service managed I by Fred Harvey. Stop- D overs granted for Grand B Canyon of Arizona and elsewhere. 1 One-way second-class colonist I excursion tickets on sale, September 24 to October 8, to Arizona, California and North Pacific Coast. Good in tourist sleepers and chair cars on three Santa Fe California trains. Three times a week these excursions are personally conducted. If interested in Western lands, ask U i C. L. Scapraves, General Coloniz- I ation Agent, A. T&S. F. Ry., J 2301 Railway Exchange, Chicago, foi land folders and free copies of our immigration journal, "The Earth." Remember the ISIS Panama Expositions at San Franciico and San Die to. 8. B. St. John, Oen. Aft., 711 Chestnut St., Philadelphia,. Pa,' f> ; A * Business Locals CARELESS SHEPHERDS Make a feast for wolf. Likewise the spendthrift maketh another's bank ac count large while he has none of his own. Keeping the money in circula tion make prosperity—for others— but self-preservation is the first law of nature. Therefore a few dollars every week at three per cent. Interest will soon build a bank account of your own. East End Bank. Thirteenth and Howard streets. EVERY SHOE FITS •* ' Not every foot, but Jerauld shoes are fitted to the feet regardless of num ber. and foot comfort plus style Is the result. Our comprehensive assortment of summer shoes Includes a wide range of lasts and quality materials, from which selections can now be made at exceptional price reductions during our semiannual clearance sale. Jer auld Shoe Co., 310 Market street. Try Telegraph Want Ads. MONDAY EVENING. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER VIRTUES OF A SWISS STEAK «T MEETING Reservoir Cooking Gats to Demon strate What They Learned During Summer Being a City Commissioner of Har rlsburg has Its compensations, too, now and then; frlnstance; Cream of Corn Soup Croutons Celery Swiss Steak Scalloped Potatoes Creamed Stringed Beans , Tomato and Cucumber Salad Hot Biscuits Homemade Preserves Orange Ice Afterdlnner Mints Coffee All of which is the menu for the dinner that is to be served this even ing at 6 o'clock at the Reservoir Park cooking school by the pretty frilly aproned and capped cooks of the third year class under Miss Jesse Dowdell's tutelage—and Harrlsburg's whole City Commission are to be the guests of honor. (A few lucky newspaper re porters will be among the elect, too.) The girls have been preparing for the event for some time and to-day there was many a flushed little cook who just fervently "hoped and prayed that things would turn out all right." The classes have been unusually successful this year and it was con sidered as a sort of a finishing touch by Miss Dowdell and her pupils to in vite the Couneilmen out to dinner and prove that one really CAN learn to prepare the nicest kind of things at the Reservoir kitchen. Council, including Mayor Royal. Commissioners Gorgns, Lynch, Bow man and Taylor, City Clerk Miller and the other guests, will go out by automobile and return in time to take a late train to Meadville to attend the Pennsylvania Third Class City League convention. The party will remain until Friday. "THE TRF.V O' HEARTS" AT THE I'ALACE The first reelase, "Trey o' Hearts." is in three reels. The first reel is the pro logue. which gives the motive for all the subsequent incidents. Seneca Trine, middle-aged, had married a girl who loved Wellington Law. At the opening of the prologue we find Trine's wife the mother of twin girls. Law is mar ried to a cool, calculating woman and is the father of a boy. Trine begins to suspect the affection that his wife still feels for Law, and he undertakes a scheme to ruin his wife's sweetheart. A month later his plans of revenge against the man whom hp believes has robbed him of his wife's love, are carried to completion; Law is ruined. Law drives into the country In his automobile and accidentaly runs down Trine. Law Is already broken down, and when he begins to find here and there a trey o' heart card—he takes the easiest way out by killing himself, after sending his bov to Europe At the opening of the plav Law. Jr., is a prosperous young business man in London. Trine awaits the time when Law, Jr., Is the happiest to strike him down. Rose, one of the twin daugh tors, he sends to Europe for the pur pose of feeting and securing Uw's love. Law meets Rose at a watering place, and it is a case of love at first sight with both. Law finds a trev o' hearts, and, sus pects its meaning. Rose, fearful for J-aw s life, departs, telling her sweet heart that she will send him a rose—a token of love—if she ever needs him. Through Trine's agents Law receives the rose and leaves London, intending to go by way of Canada. Informed of this. Trine sends his daughter, Judith, into Canada to meet Law and bring him back. Once in Canada. Judith prepares to carry out her father's wishes. Law be lieves he stands before Rose, but is in formed otherwise; he is left to die tied hand and foot in a forest fire. Law manages to break his bonds and escape to the river bank. Far out in the stream he observes Judith with her guide He shoots and kills the guide. Judith, in the canoe, floats toward the rapids and falls below. Law, realizing her plight, rushes to a log spanning the rapids, leans far down, and in a spectacular manner, drags the girl out of the canoe. To Judith comes the first awakening of love. But she leaves the man sleep ing: and the men, when he awakens, find on his breast a rose, where he ex pected to find a trey o' hearts.—Ad vertisement. Germans Defeat Forces of French, According to Wireless Dispatches By Associated Press Berlin, Aug. 24 (By wireless to As sociated Press from Nauen. Germany, via Sayvllle, Long Island).—Official announcement was made here tc-day that the German army commanded by Grand Duke Albrecht, o£ Wuertem berg, has defeated a French army at Neufchateau. It captured many guns, flags and prisoners, including several generals. German armies under Rupprecht Crown Prince Wilhelm and Grand Duke Albrecht are vigorously pursuing the French. The army under Rupprecht, cap tured 150 guns at Luneville, in the French department of Meurthe and Moselle. The army commanded by the Crown Prince pursued the French bevond Longwy. The Germans are west of the river Meuse and advancin* against Mau bege. They have defeated an English brigade of cavalry. REALTY TRANSFERS Real estate transfers have been re corded at the courthouse as follows- Berrysburg—J. H. Howe et al to J. W Hartman, <358; Berrysburg William Mover's estate to J. W. Hartman, $1032; Oberlln—Joseph H. to Sarah E. Stouch; Lykens— A. F. Hanna to Russian Orth. Church; Wisconisco— John H. Seip to Thomas J. Powell, $1100; 125 Pine—E. M. Hershev to Weaver and Stewart; 20th and Chest nut—Weaver and Stewart to Ida A. Mil ler; 2236 North Fourth—J. W. Pom raning to Clyde J. Smith; 112 Boas Henry Schmidt to Pauline Schmidt. Magical Effect of New Face Peeler To maintain a clear, white, youthful completion. there's nothing so simple to use and yet so effective as ordinary mercolized wax, which you can get at any drug store. Just apply the wax at night as you would cold cream. In the morning wash It off with warm water. If you've never tried it you can't Im agine the magical effect of this harm less home treatment. It causes the old worn-out scarf skin to come off in minute particles, a little at a time, and soon you have entirely shed the offen sive cuticle. The fresh young under skin now in evidence is so healthy and girlish looking, so free from am- ap pearance of artificiality, you wonder why you had not heard of this marvel ous complexion-renewing secret long ago. Equally magical In Its action is a simple, wrinkle-removing lotion made by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxollte in a half pint of witch hazel. Bathing the face in this (or two or three.minutes immediately affects every line and (urrow and improves facial contour wonderfully.—Advertisement. German Artillery Officers Finding Range For Cans The officers of the German armv are the men who take the risks. Thev are in more danger than the privates. The officers shown here are commanders of artillery who are finding the range scientifically for their guns. They be come marks for the enemy's sharp shooters. Each artillery commander makes his own observations. Covered positions are generally used when the SAID FIREMAN WHS THROWN OFF ENGINE Railroad Company Complains in Asking Appeal From Public Service Ruling i jft] i jirk At a ses " findings" of Public Service Commission in grant ing the Gaffney and James City Rail road Company the right to cross the appellants' right of way. In complaining the appellants ask that the court's decree serve as a su persedeas and that the defendant com pany be prohibited from continuing with the laying of the tracks until the case is finally disposed of. The Kane and Elk company say that not only did the defendants in terfere with the former's operation, but tore up its tracks and Interfered with the workmen even to forcing the firemen of a locomotive from his post and overpowering the engineer. Court Librarian's Vacation. —Court Librarian and Mrs. David F. Young have gone to Lititz, Safe Harbor and several points in Lancaster county to spend a vacation of several weeks. Begin Divorce Proceedings. Sev eral actions in divorce were begun before Judge Seibert to-day when the preliminary papers were filed in the following cases: Florence C. vs. Harry A. Stephens; Robert W. vs. Mary L. Gillette; R. W. vs. J. B. Hunt er; Anna vs. Joseph Kousach; Robert vs. Alberta Rogers. Stone Crusher Here. Dauphin county's new stonecrusher which will keep busy the wife deserters and vag rants in the almshouse stone quarries will likely be set up to-morrow. Stew ard S. F. Barber has most of the sup plies on hand and as soon as the; crusher is ready for business work on' the repairing of the almshouse lane will be started. Co-Operative Loan Company Re-' licensed. The Co-Operative Loan Company was relicensed to-day fori another year. The bond was fixed at $5,000. At the Register's office. —The wills probated to-oay included the follow ing: Dorothy A. Doyle, city, letters to son, Mathias J. Doyle, Philadelphia; Andrew I. Sweigard, Halifax, letters to M. W. Sweigard, son, of Susquehanna township. Want to Buy Blacksmith Shop?—j Sheriff H. C. Wells went to Wiconisco this afternoon to dispose of the black smith and wheelwright shop belonging to Charles M. Fetterhoff. To Settle Lunatic's Estate.—At a hearing to be held September 3 the question of whether or not a guar dian shall be appointed to take care of the funds due from a thousand dol lar life insurance or relief policy taken out by John Marquart, a lunatic, will be considered by the Dauphin county court. W. L. Loeser, counsel for Mar-j quart, said he understands that a wo man who has absolutely no insurable | interest or claims, has declared Mar-j quart hits named her as beneficiary. To Sell Stocks. — First Na tional Bank and Commonwealth Trust Company stocks, held by the Com monwealth Trust Company for vari ous estates as administrator, will go under the hammer at public sale on the courthouse steps at 10.30 o'clock Saturday, August 29. "John" Dough Comes to Town For Bakery Picnic "John Dough" arrived in town to-1 day and on Thursday will help Mother! Goose welcome the children to Pax tang Park in connection with the ! Schmidt bakery festival. In sober life, when unadorned by the Imitation loaves that he wears to advertise Flenschmann's yeast, John Dough is Jack Kelly, of York. He says his outfit is cool and that he doesn't mind walking around in it. It weighs thirteen pounds and makes Kelly look like the John Dough pic tures in the advertisements. Kelly left Tampa, Fla., January 3, 1 1910. He will visit every important city in the United States. He expects to arrive at the Frisco exposition May 28. 1915. He came from Bangor, Maine, by special request so as to take part in th>' Schmidt day at Pax tang. From this place he goes to Lancaster. BAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH artillery first comes Into action, when t indirect laying" is employed, but guns are hurried up in support of infantry as the action progresses, when direct lay In k is practiced, though there is no i telephonic communication between the infantry and artillery units. Ob- ! ser\ation shields are used by battery i commanders when no ladder "is used. 1 Copyright. Uunderwood & UndeTwood i 4 MIME MIES DUPED Dir FEOTURE Expect at Least 2,900 Boys and Girls to Attend Luncheon Under Trees Four Maypole dances will he among the features of the Romper Day pro gram at Reservoir Saturday, Septem ber 5, which will officially mark the close of the city playground season for 1914. The program is being completed, although there are a number of de tails yet to be worked out, and these were discussed Saturday evening by the various instructors and Supervisor J. K Staples prior to the serving of the luncheon at MeCormick's Island camp. Among other trfings It was definitely figured that there will be at least 2.900 small boys and girls at the great luncheon under the trees. Saturday evening's affair was at tended by more than fifty guests and City Commissioner and Mrs. M. Har vey Taylor acted as hosts. Following the luncheon there were games and music and then some special swim ming and diving stunts were in order. Most everybody went swimming. In cidentally something extraordinary in teh way of a new high fancy dive was essayed by Miss Anna Cubbison. clerk in the Park Department. She did the standingsittinssomersaultflipflop. ac cording to the records of Mr. Staples. And she got a prize for it, too. AMUSEMENTS PHOTOPLAY Today DAVID GARRICK 2-Reel Vltagraph Comedv Drama. THE ROYAL IMPOSTOR A strong drama in 4 acts, of Royal life in a small Principality. WHEX A MAX LOVES Mary Pickford Subject. Special Attraction, Morgan's Six-piece Orchestra. |/ : v News of Harrisburg's Theaters — J j Joe Welch will have enough good' | laughs In hi 3 monologue at the Orpheum I this week to mane everybody forget his You know the doctor says a laugh will do you more good than a pill. This is the week that moving picture patrons will Save their (111 of good ones. "The Call of the North." at the Colonial the first three days of the week, is the best production from the Jess L.. studios, and showed all last week at j the Strand Theater in New York at fifty i VICTORIA THEATER TO DAY 9th Instalment To-day of Great Prize Story. MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY Florence I n nadle In the Jump From the Oeean I.lnrr. THE STIGMA—2-Part Mutual RECREATION AND THE YOSEMITE Keystone Comedy, featuring Charlie Chapman, the fellnw with the bis feet. WHISKERS—Pathe Comedy ADMISSION 10? CHILDREN 50 To-morrow—An Extraordinary Feature. ' Palace Theater 333 Market Street TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 TheT reyO' Hearts Ftrot Inntalment la Three Reel*. "FLOWER O' THE FLAME" Extraordinary Prise Mystery Story. "WHEN ROMANCE CAME TO ANNE'* 2-Reel Imp Drama. "AWKWARD CINDRELLA"—Rex Comedy Drama. ADMISSIONS-ALL SEATS—IO# COMING—WEDNESDAY By Special Request Return Engagement—MAßY PICKFORD. "Teaa of the Storm Country." ; STORE HOURS CALL 1991-AN^ 7 j UA ' LY FOUNDED 1871 mji 1 : 84 SA TURDAYS m ' < ► 9a.m,t09 p. m. HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE \ : Everything at the Little Folks : Store For the Busy Mother ► Our Fall goods are coming in and you will find special bargains for the little ones from the "1 ► infant to those ready for the kindergarten. You can always save here. i ► There are so many things involved that we can only give you a list of items which we 4 y always carry. J y FOR THE INFANTS FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN J ► Dresses, long or short, Dresses, I J ► Bonnets, Caps, Petticoats, JU J Shoes, Slippers, Drawers, '1 J Socks or Stockings, TT , « Jk) ] ► Diapers. Hats . I 4 ► Embroidered Sacques, Pajamas, J 1 ► Coats, Gowns, /I. 1 ► Bootees, Rompers, J J . Nurserv, Furniture, V/ // V>* J Scales, Baskets, * l,dd,e *; . f I . \Y 1 ► Ribs. Dress Skirts, I H I I ► Kimonos, Aprons, J|S— IM J ► Gowns, Coats, —J—--" J ► Petticoats, Bathing Suits, ) ■'J Cap Linings, Sweaters, ' LL. 1 Turknit Blankets, Garters, |b Crib Sheets. Pillow Cases, Socks, Sip * . , 4 * Crib Beddings, Sun Bonnets, 4 ► Carriage Covers, Novelties. Drawer Bodies. 4 ► Little Folks' Store—Second Floor. , i : Entire Stock of Boys' Clothing: tYour bov will be going to school in a few days—and we can help you get J lim ready by attractive prices in our Boys' Store. j Large lot of boys' suits to go on sale at reduced prices. Not a single suit has 4 been left over in tiiis clearance. Materials include Serges, Homespuns and Cas- 4 simeres—all good styles—some with two pair of Knickerbockers. Every $3. r >B Suit is now $2.50 I Every $6.98 & $7.50 Suit is now $4.75 4 Every $5.00 Suit is now 83.50 | Every SIO.OO Suit is now .... $6.25 4 Wash Suits Reduced j All good styles; plenty of time to wear them this Fall. J 75c Wash Suits are 50? j $1.50 Wash Suits are 05<? 4 SI.OO Wash Suits are 7i>? | $2.00 and $2.50 Wash Suits are $1.25 J Third 1 A A A A A A A ~*i A A i AMCfKMEVrS SEASON OPESIIM« OF THE j MAJESTIC ; THU., FRI., SAT., Aug. 27,28,29 Annette Kellermann WITH FORM DIVINE —ln fhf Spfctßculnr IMotorlnl Triumph NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER Till.* HCOHIU'I grDMtliiul «iiccem>. Twelve lt-» Week* at Iht Globe > Theater. X. Y. n 3 PerfnriysJieen Dnlly, 2.30, i.15. 9. j PRICES) All Performance*. -5c 1 Gallery, 15c. j *■ J PHOTOPLAY ONE WONDERFUL LIGHT i I Adapted from the Ladies' World | I Magazine. Written by Louis Tracy i land enacted by lCssanay Film Co. with i ! Francis X- Bushman in the leading; i role, supported by Beverly Bayne. ! Francis Bushman won the Ladles « orld | Hero Contest, which entitled him to produce this Serial Picture. Tuesday. Aug. 25, with special attraction of Morgan's Six-piece Orchestra. Try Telegraph Want Ads. cents a seat. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Colonial the feature P ture will be "Joseph In the Land of Egypt." a marvelous Biblical picture. The Kellerman pictures in "Neptune's Daughter" are at the Majestic, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Chief Standing Eagle, of the tribe of Indians employed in the Lasky picture, "The Call of the North." travels with the picture. He will be in Harrisburg the first three days of this week while the picture is being shown at the Colo nial. AUGUST 24. 1014. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS DON'T MISS THE GREAT MIDDLETOWN FAIR AUGUST 25, 26, 27, 28, 1914 BIG POULTRY EXHIBIT GREAT ART DISPLAY FREE VAUDEVILLE DAILY GREATLY ENLARGED MIDWAY A DAY AND NIGHT SHOW Tuesday, Children's Day—handsome silver and bronze medals in Athletic* Contests—Racing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Big Fireworks Display and Midway Attractions Every Night Excellent train service to and from all towns on Pennsylvania railroad and f' 1111 a< I < -11 >ll i a and Heading. Street railway service between Harris burg and Middletown every ten minutes. ADMISSION—Day, 25c; Night, 10c A. L. Erb, Prest. F. B. Stayman, Secy. 1 10—Adgie's Lions—lo C $25,000 Worth of Savage Beasts | Paxtang Park Theater ( Commencing To-night 1 SEE ADGIE and her dance among the Wild Beasts J of the Forest; without Whip, Stick or Revolver. ( | See the Terrible Teddy | § Who caused the people of Chicago to shudder when # he killed her former Manager, a few weeks ago. K i See Bam-Bula, a black maned beauty, direct from the C M African jungles. ( 1 See the most daring act in the world, and C s—Other Select Vaudeville Offerings—s C No Advance in Prices. 1 LADIES FREE TO-NIGHT. ( t _ _ . . .. . ■ ._ JOE WELCH Petticoat Minstrels The Celebrated Hebrew Comedian. —and Presenting an Act With Nearly » MII , , Aliruc " THE CALL 0F THE NORTH" A MILLIUIN LAUurlO A Mnicnlflccnt Flve- Jn( l Reel Photoplay Masterpiece Made by Surrounded by a III* Show That JESSE L. LASKY, Include* and Featuring ROEHM'S ATHLETIC GIRLS ROBERT EDESON 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers