8 Thrifty Families Are Profiting Summer Dresses at Remarkable Reductions Another Large Purchase of By These Savings on Frocks for Misses and Women Th Turkish Towels Hosiery &L, Underwear 95 j * 3 g5 q q New lots of reduced goods are being added to the bargain UTIU, %pnJ,Z7O SJO ± OTTIOrrOIV JOV Z7VL, provide liberally for future needs, groups in the Hosiery and Underwear section as lines become „ , 17c individual Turkish bath towels: all colors. Buyers' Sale broken from heavy buying. The varieties are large and savings summers rarest Sale OT dresses OCCUrS to-morrow and the prices price | ... 1 (><> are worth while. governing this final outgoing of hot weather garments will be found to 25c checked Turkish bath towels, in pink, blue and lavender; «c^ TO " be almost inconceivably low. good size Buyers' Sale price ... ... 17* ' Men's white cotton shirts and drawers, shirts have long or short rn. „ JheaVy Tl,rk,sh b ath towels; colored borders; large size. sleeves, each .OUC that were $1650 and SIBSO wtll be sold for $4 95 Buyers Sale price Tl* . .69c T\ ' . ZEN J*7 M IIL ** M bleached Turkish bath towels; red border; good size; Men's Egyptian open mesh union suits with short fiQc esses triat were <pO.DU and 4>/.oU will be %po.OU. hemmed ready for use. Buyers' Sale price I«s* e *Men's Ji.oo white cotton ribbed union'suits." athletic styles; knee Dresses that were $4.95 and $5.95 will be $2.25. , ' 'arge size and extra heavy Turkish bath towels: all length. Buyers' Sale price . oyc hemmed ready for use. Buyers Sale price 39* ..wr*: -T Tr. .T". • • 39e Every Dress Is Beautifully Made and Genuinely Reduced T ;" kish ba,h «'r ,> """• «*»' *" a 25c IWE.'SS'.jsks ° *''"°° r v.w.-«-hitei«-«vibbrt•.ie,v.i.„m. r cr» t a..p.. "i&Ac JSX SSS^SJTUiMSS. S?S*ASB SSST&Jf.S%•""S.'S fi nnn v A (ocr 50c o,UUU Yards or 25c Crepe . Women's white mercerized' ribbed vests, sleeveless, fancy , I ,, i ns l "hl»c nub crepe dress with a long tunic lln- n " (t Imported erepe In styles suitable for morn ... OUC Ished with black rihboli girdle. Reduced Li> n r Ing and afternoon and having some of them elabo- LJ ~ A 1 1 I / y to tpx. Z5 rateljr trimmed with lace and others beautifully em- VIOMFA S HOSIERI #5.»5 white crepe dress with a lone tunic finished belUshcd with Persian girdles. Reduced 4:7 VJUlllllgO dl I Women's Phoenix seamless silk hose: high spliced heels, bleck, 'JKf with fine tucks and hemstitched bntKio ' rt. , to fp/.OU - . , ...... white and colors t collar and cuffs Reduced to $2. 25 lace and white batiste dress with insert rib- Cotton crepe IS one of summers most popular dress fabrics—in Women's boot silk hose, fashioned feet, high spliced heels; black, ern,, _ .. .. '' „ . •••••••••• •• • bon under a lace yoke: front and back elaborately f ac t tK; s weave is now worn all tlic veir nrnnnrl What n rlnnw white and colors DUC s 'K PP ! , 1 rrt dreW5 ' ,ace . front w,th trimmed with hand embroidery in colors: the waist is mis weave is now worn ail tne year around. What a chance Women's black lisle hose, fashioned feet, high splicedoo n if'l ' *"" ,hro ' , '^ ro '' green and d«o f-rk finished with lace and a broad girdle of messalinc 10 provide material for rail and \\ inter house dresses and school heels n «, h t "tHI BT !^ n Kr(U °' Ke'bieedto ...tpO.OU running underneath the lace. Reduced trw frocks at the bieeest savins? of the veir Women's black gauze lisle hose, seamless, spliced heels and toes. »'•; »«*Mte strlped cre|H> dresses with a long tunic; to $/.5U 111 .1 ,!iuV R u- L ' , a , ■ 7c. or 3 for OUC batiste est with ribbon girdle. Reduced jto -/j LINEN COATS AND DRESSES wanted shades. We bought 6,000 yards at a big price Women's hiack lisle hose, seamless, spliced heels and q,, °-' t '''' • •_ ': ' ' j;,' ••••••••• *P*- '\ x $4.95 atid $5.50 pure linen long automobile coats concession, and are pleased to announce a regular value at 12 '4th toes yC .. S !'" s s,r| P«J a «on« tunic, fig- with convertible collar and trimmed with line qual- 1 announce a regular \aiue ai I- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. "Ed bmufns R^rt.VrJl" ,lnlshert wlth , ' o,o ': ort ,ov " »> buttons. Reduced qo 25c voile; 36 inches wide; dark I 10c and t2V«c batiste and crepe; all I i s ures. Buyers' choice styles;" floral and black and __ _ «IB in' «17 : n ci'a' in'" n.'. . ® B - 50 French linen dresses in solid colors and tin- Sale price, yard white Pekln stripes. Buyers' Sale T~7" 1 T~) 1 „i-* \ \ „ string >n' j k" crepe dresses, ished with long tunics and collar and cuffs of white suiting, linen finish; white price, yard 7>.c rtnal KeUUCtIOnS On Women S l!c£;iT: " ,ar|,< ;... .$4.95 organdy or linen. s a Sa.e an DHce a T a rd 25r d,m,,ies: npat s, > les: "hfte rr r\ L A A D - Aw:y 15^88^^ Tan Oxfords and Pumps /-i ; Rdl RU (1l ? All remaining pairs of women's tan oxfords and pumpr- have llclYtlLlllAQ 1 NCW I dll DIOtISGS farting o S Snd?L C at ot s^,eVaTso%.aln e ;hlS^ been assembled for a quick clearance. Every pair is from regular O _ 3u J ,pra ' Salp i irice - yard i2V*c stock and the stvles are the best shown this season. Qualities are A r) C • C Of tTI -1 A A i2%c comfort covering; 36 inches 39c silk organdy; white ground; up to our usual high standard. A Profusion ers' Sale price, yard BV£c ' ar *l 12 Women's $4.00 tan calf oxford ties, made on the new English last with 12% c percales; 36 inches wide; neat $1.39 figured silk crepe; light blue rubber or leather Goodyear waited soles; low flange heels. Buyers' U-o Q Ten styles of blouses in creppe; batiste, pique, striped or plaid crepe and embroidered organdv or madms Si on colore<l shirting styles on white and pink grounds; self colored silk Sale price • \ Voile blouses: trimmed with pique vestee and pique coiiar; long sleeves trimmed with oiaue cuffs '*loo S rol >nds. Buyers' Sale price 10c figures; 40 Inches wide. Buyers' Sale Women's $3.50 tan calf oxfords, pumps and Colonials, made on good All-over embroidery organdy blouses; organdy collar; three-quarter sleeves trimmed with organdv cuffs SI 00 15c crinkle seersucker; solid shades; price, yard 75c fitting lasts with Goodyear welted soles and Cuban heels. Buyers' O-n rrj Batiste blouses; bunch tucks trims front and back; organdv collar trimmed with lace Insertion anH ' h»"m needs no ironing; fast colors. Buyers' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Sale price , stitched hem;; long sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuff ' ' ' <, 0( , Sale price, yard iH£c Floor 1 . Women's $3.00 tan calf five-eyelet ties and brown kidskin two-eyelet ties; All white plaid crepe blouses; corded seams; voile vestee and collar; long sleeves trimmed with turnback cuff stylish lasts with Goodyear welted soles and high Cuban heels. 1 SIOO ' w Buyers' Sale price .. .•• ■ •••• •• Striped crepe blouses; voile collar; long sleeves trimmed with voile cuffs; black jet buttons .. Slot) A\ T I/ ~ ' _£. T 1 Women's J3.50 dark tan Bussia calf ties with four large eyelets; made on Soft finish cambric blouses; hand embroidered front; organdy collar and cuffs ' st no Wt I M t\ Tf\ TTII n Ol I broad toe lasts with Goodyear welted soles and low heels. Buyers ofi| _____ »i.wu T T XIXX CX X UXXXIXXv X IV^VJ. 11 Women's $3.00 tan calf button oxfords and strapiess pumps; made on SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY S» o0 and S3 n JERStA | TL~ 4- J T 1 full toe lasts with Goodyear welted soles and Cuban heels. Buyers' Nainsook gowns; low neck; kimono sleeves: ' «•**». ■ I ll I I /DO K if) Sale price 11 •* embroidery edge and ribbon trims neck and Messaline and jersey petticoats; pleated flounce; —' Women's $2.00 tan calf blucher oxfords and pumps, made on full toe sleeves. Regular price 50c. Special for Satur- emerald, plum, brown Persian blue taune mri _ _ , ."rrr.™ $1.50. we.•..,V'..rrM£ Vour Future No<=rlq Now Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. 81.50 COMBINATION, SI.OO INFANTS" WEAR *-4.A A L4l vI.X V.y 1 " V>VX.O 11U VV t f r\ 1 lace°'o^emb^oWer\* a^rlm med'^regula r price dr 'sl 50* Infants' crocheted bootees; white or white with Women's 16-button length white silk gloves with double finger | nrcpt Snpriflk tor Bu^ e f®' Sa J e pric ? ; S l - 00 p or li ght bu, e trimming. tips; seconds of SI.OO grade, at 8.)<! Vfl OCI UUUV/ICIIO JUI VjCll UI vXCi y Nainsook corset covers; lace or embroidery trim- 19c. 25c, 35c, 50c to SI 00 -ii, „t^,.„ = ,„; f u *:^ c r „ „ . „ med . ..50c infanta' bibs: embroidered scallop or hand em Women s two-clasp white silk gloves with double finger tips, $5.00 B. & T., Nemo and Smart Set Corsets in small sizes. Nainsook, crepe or cambric drawers; Knicker- broidered 25c. 50c, 75c to 33 95 seconds of 50c grade, at 39^ * 51.75 J' ( ' < ' ker flat trimmed styles; lace or emboridery Infants' nainsook slips or short dresses: bishop'or Tun rHsn black an dwhite lisle p-loves ecial trimmed 50c voKe styles; embroidery edge trims neck and oleeves lwo-ciasp DiacK an uwnite lisie gloves «°V Dives, Pomeroy & t. Second Floor Crepe gowns; all white or white ground with pink. SO p' fontompri K"ti\rcp.r onrl PTr»\)irnf>s: sillr o-10-vrfs c? 00 Rengo Belt Cor-ets laree sizes Special SI.OO »«ht blue or lavender figures or stripes;; lace or em- . Infants' long or short flannel skirts; plain hem - |r.oo flTer Corsets large sizes. Special ............ - black and .white lisle gloves .. . 25* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor trimming of embroidered scallop or cambric em- or white with pink or light blue trimming 50c 16-button length ipl .OO to broidery or lace or embroidery flounce SI.OO Dives,, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street FIOOP Plenty of Good Styles Remain in the npi 73 T~~ 7 Special Lot of Men's Shirts at 69c I\.©Tro3.T There are mercerized negligee and laundered percale and madras shirts in this A 1 1/ _ /I 11 lot. This is the final clean-up. How many shirts will you buy? Regular SI.OO and 'Xw ■ J v/f *A. 1 1 $1.19 grades. n • • . O O Clean-up of $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 silk and cotton shirts at 95c. 1\ QTHCLITIITIQ V OU/tS Beautiful patterns in good shades. Included are Anderson percale shirts with laundered cuffs. We've broken all records for shirt selling p f , Wolf this month-values like these did it. \ / 1 * I■Ti • ()l MEN'S BELTS REPUCEII MEN'S WORK SHIRTS MWfmV;: \ \\ 71 a T1 WT 11 u~sr~ > if \ What Ihey Were Originally in black and grey and black and brown. Buyers for SI.OO lof'' VV /\ Sale price 35c Black satlne shirts, collar attached; sizes 14 to m&J w X. o /+v m Boys' black leather h.lta » 17 VeW smRTS '"° fe® R jffAht $lB Slimmer CQ S2O Summer C|f| MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Negligee shirts with separate soft collar and soft Plain white sport shirts with adjustable collar, full French cuffs, coat style, colored stripes; sizes vfi \ 1 ° X/ Ul Light blue chambrav sport shirts with adjustable K <?uffs h ' r B . eparßte .. BOft .. conar #i a «o \ltfj M $22 Summer <£ll $25 Summer 10 SO collar, full length sleeves 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Men's Store—Street Moor. tT.I ff. Vl A 1 ./ J |> II I S V-/W III y ( /ft.sy Suits Cut to Suits Cut to*K A ~- Suites of Period Furniture in the § I Aurfuct Qt rWiy Llwl Ou.lv/ dl w UUuL(llllldi vJd V Jj I JR Clothing Section. The bugle has sounded the retreat for all remaining Bedroom and dining room suites in mahogany and walnut embodying all the fine touches that characterize high grade furniture. I hese pieces show the use of only the best woods beautifully * were there should be a quick withdrawal to-morrow. grained and finished and designing true to the artistic beaut}- of its inspiration. 1 The battalion of suits is made up of— -5265.00 nine-piece mahoganv dining room suite in $298.00 four-piece walnut bedroom suite. August tgWpW 'i Black and white checked CaSSI- DreSSV plain grey CaSSimereS. Adam period. August Sale price $195.00 Sale price .$198.00 1 \ rnprpsi and worsteds n r n . . . •. j n, $206.50 ten-piece Sheraton mahogany dining room nrnnrs rmnvivirne »vn nnrssrne mrMmSk \ meres dnu WOrMCUb. BeaUtfully CUt and tailored Blue suite August Sale price $139.00 BUREAI S, CHIFFOMERS AN D DRESSERS AffiS&Lf Handsome OVerplaid Worsteds. „ $68.50 two-piece walnut bedroom suite. August $28.50 walnut bureaus $19.50 jJKnff | iiajKEMwlßptM a-« i • i j • Serges. Sale price .si».«» $25.00 mahogany chiffoniers $19.50 sߣfW l Grey herringbone striped cassi- J> c - U a *a $50.00 two-piece Sheraton mahogany bedroom Princess drexsers <l» -,n IM l PWKgW ' —l l mprpc Black Unfinished worsteds, suite. August Sale price $39.00 *-5.00 Princess dressers Sl».o0 I>rM Rn\; I meres.. , ... , $64.50 two-piece colonial bedroom suite. August $35.00 walnut bureaus $29.50 Igi /iwß JLm?*- IT'I Neat white oin striped grey wor- Black and white striped cassi- Sale price $19.00 mahoganv bureaus 325.00 ItMMV Still trlwlflr^/fir A*' , " 1 , . \ftt\l pl/m Kil'F j&F* : steds. meres and worsteds. NM Two and three-piece suits they are, with two and three-button sacks and regular p, • t-v • -a —i 4 ly, Tv« and patch pockets. Broken sizes from 33 to 44. Saving Prices on Fresh Groceries «§§F B . Norfolk School Suits Fawn Grove Shoe Peg Corn. 3| Rolled ox tongue sliced. In glass Lea & Perrln's Worcestershire 1 I\UV I—/W V O 1 lUIIUIA UVIIUUI UUIIO cans for 25c Jars 10c Sauce, bottle S4r t \l\ralsf Hike Iyako. choice variety Early Fancy new Nova Scotia Mackerel. Blue Label Tomato Catsup,"large 1 Vk',?Bl» st*. wmo m* r+fc. M WS* June Peap, : cans for 25c weight 1G oz 1.-, c bottle 23- I iT* 'I tK 1 I \ Large No. 3 cans strlngless Beans. Ocnan Whiting Fish in 10-lb. India Relish, packed "in" laree \ 1 -C. VJ \/ I I I C *L»rge No. 8 caiis Mayiiow?r i p PB CO, i> MEATS O. / O \J) JL .O U Baked Beans In sauce, can I2e lutu Olives, pimento stuffed or plain,ltc 'i tfSKllulill Cold packed tomatoes, in glass Country cured dried beef, Vi lb.. Purity Mustard, 20 ox. jar ...10c llnßUjlUgH J *Chojce' Asparagus in tail cans. 2 Lebanon Bologna lb 2«S , i , ' EMo:vs AK '» ORANGES Parents who take a pride in the appearance of their boys will provide them f "Large cans choice Virginia Sweet "Xd 1 IlVm ' sliced' fresh ib' aSc H H-a a ie^lS°Orangls. n, WitH " CW SU ' tS wHen rCtUfn t0 SChOOI " eXt mOllth ' ° Ur St ° ck ° f Sch ° ol SuitS is P °PeaJurt Buiier." Yb^ * V.V.V.V.V. .!£ .T'. . m, ANn COFKEES §W~ rSI 3,1 S,2eS = caxsied FISH . lb :isc Banque? r B?InS d coff f e f r , ib b -Jmj H Plain grey cassimeres and worsteds. Fancy grey cassimeres. Tuna Fi*h—-a delicious Longhorn Cheese, lb.. f -5o J Coffee, lb., -Or, f» lbs for IHH I rY*9all llum nin QtrilvH Pfl^SimCrP s ! Rppiltiflll Srotrh mivtlirAC for chicken J n salads, large cans. Imported Sweitzer Cheese, lb., Our Favorite Tea. lb 4*o Stft VV 111 tC pin 5U ipeu Ldbblllicrcb.. DeaUUIUI OCOXCn ITllXlUreS. N 2Sc Little Picnic Hams, about 6 lbs. U. ran^e Pekoe Tea. lb «3c yl\ B XT X* 11 'j. *x 1 x x , n* - r\s\ Sea Gull &r<llnes in mustard earh, lb l«e The Senate Tea, lb «3c (« JNorfOIK SUITS With extra pair trOUSerS at fT5.00. dressing:, ran 120 Neufchatel Cheese, roll 5e Pure Cocoa, lb.. 15c,. 2 lbs for 28c WITS Possum Sardines in oil Sr Creamery Butter, lb 34© Flour, 12 lbs. sack 30r Fancy Cohoe Salmon steak, %-ib. »■...«««« , s l? r Branrl Mixed Pickje«, or niain \J jndncy paticrnb in grey, *an, uiatK ana mixtures ana Dlue serge. ca i n mnr,r l J2d * Kindred * u»rr\»„ itt 4 ! M*son top jars 12e U Norfolk styles with patch pockets; all sizes. imported Kippered Herring: in Major Grey imported fruit Chut- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart LS Wb JL-= oval cans 10c ney, larg:e bottle 42e I Basement ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Clothing Section—Second Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 21, 1914
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