2 Note the Vast Difference! Sold t)V OfdCf Of tllC Between Klein's Prices T T • IrV X and Schleisner's Prices. U Hit CO. otSItCS V^OUTt. Wm. B. Schleisner purchased at public auction, the entire stock and fixtures, in the building No. 9 N. Market Square, formerly occupied by Klein Co., now bankrupt- This stock was bought in bulk-but when we delved in drawers, in boxes, in out of the way corners after we had purchased-we were astound that there was so much more then we expected-of course that means bigger bargains, among the following-- 2 Thousand Waists, 3 Thousand Pieces Underwear, 800 Cloth and Wash Skirts, 350 Suits, 450 Coats, 650 Negligees Children s Coats and Dresses, 150 Raincoats, 1 Thousand Dresses. In Addition Cases of Furs, Muffs and Winter Apparel Not Yet Opened, to Be Sold Later. Sale Starts To-morrow, To Continue the Following Week No. 9 North Market Square, Near Strawberry Avenue Every Article Has Been Repriced—Pennies Will Now Buy What Formerly Cost Dollars. Schleisner Name and Astounding Values Are One One lot Wash Skirts, natural linen and House Dresses, marked $1.19, repriced. -| Q White Muslin Petticoats; Klein's price "J Q Light blue Dancing Frocks. Schleis- QA light blue, $2.50; priced Schleisner's price 59c. Schleisner's price A C ner's price '<PO»v v Lot Wash Skirts, white linen, cordeline QC . Junior Dresses, 13 to 17 years, $2.98 and OA House Dresses, Klein's price $2.25 and /»Q One lot of Dancing Frocks. Schleis- QEi and rep, marked $3.50 to $4.75; repriced ... vOC $2.50; repriced Oc/C and $2.95. Schleisner's price U27C ner's price 1 Skirts, marked >_.<), CQ Lot Misses' Coats, marked up to $10.00; fv P- Linen Automobile l oat 95c Crepe and Voile Dresses, marked <£o AQ at iJJ/C repriced iJOC $7.50 to $15.00; remarked $1.95 . c ! a, . s :.. raarkcd ." pto 95c $400 :.51.95 9 g c sl2 95° repriced Sk ' rtS ' $1.95 Lot Ladies ' Su " 5 ' marl<ed "P »®1 QC Schleisner's pri«"! 95c Nainsook Princess Slips, marked $2.00 yg f12.9j, repriced S22SO; ked $ 1 e VO xt . , o and $2.50. Schleisner's price « C T ci_* 1, tia- » 47 ca . Nainsook Princess Slips, marked $2.00 >7A . t° ' ' Lot Ladies' Suits, marked up to d}Q ftp and $2.50. Schleisner's price 1 /%/ C Nainsook Drawers, marked $1.75 to '7O, repn " * OC $27.50; repriced $3.95 White Petticoats, Klein's price $2.50 de 1Q ' 3C repriced "T. 95c Lot Linen Suits, marked up to $9.98; QC to $ 2 - 75, Schleisner's price «J> 1c 1 300 Ladies' Night Gowns, marked SI.OO. OQ rtPn " repriced »DC Three 3-piece Suits, marked $25.00; d« 7Q [- Schleisner's price OI7C Crepe and Muslin Night Gowns, marked OA One lot Waists, marked $1.98; repriced -| A "P"« d 9 I .VO 500 Muslin Petticoats, marked $1.25 and 7Q $2.00; repriced OI7C 19 C Crepe de Chine and Taffeta Dresses, <f» £QC 'f' 50. at '»C Lot soiled Princess Slips and Petticoats, 1 q One lot Waists; marked up to $6.95;*-| 1 n up to $27.50; repriced •PO.ZTD Children's Dresses, marked $1.19. on mar e up 0$ . . c 1 eisner s price repriced V 1• 1 9 200 Kimonos, marked $1.25. Schleis- O Q Schleisner's price Muslin Night Gowns, marked $1.19, CQ« Lot of Brocade Dresses, Klein's price d* OQC nprs price One white Brocade jet Robe, QSQ QO repriced .. $19.75. Schleisner's price 100 Combination Suits, Klein's price /Q marked $42.50. Schleisner's price ... Muslm Drawers, 49cy at <m wj Dancing Frocks, lace and chiffon; fcQ Qf| fl o °' Schle,sner s pnce 200 Kimonos, marked $1.98. Schleis- /*Q 4 ' prices S2O and $29.50. Schleisner's price, vO»I7U 200 Combination Suits, Klein's price $2. *"JQ ner ' s p rice OJ/C „ _ .. . Schleisner's price I lushn Drawers, 39c; at 1 O* Ladies Suits ,all sizes; priced up to Q[- One impbrted Crepe de Chine Evening Gown, I£C $35.00. Schleisner's price .5/DC 300 Combination Suits, Klein s price "1 1 Q marked $29.50; f\ r\f\ $2.25 and $2.50. Schleisner's price remark-eH iS) 1 Uni/U Muslin Drawers, marked 59c and 55c; OQ Children s Dresses ages 6to 14, marked iIQ t VvW repriced $1.75. Schleisner's price T-jl C _ One lot of Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Cape One rose Crepe de Chine Evening £Q QA Lot fine Ladies' Suits, marked up to <fcQ Qrv White Petticoats, marked $1.98. Schleis- OQ "remarked .T. ." P 53. 95 Gown ' remarked SM#.9U $37.50; repriced ner's price . OJ7C One lot of I adies'and Misses' Coats, QP- One Semi-Evening Gown, Jap JQ QA Lot finest Ladies' Suits <£ £ f\f\ Children s Dresses, percale and gingham; AQ marked up to $25.00, at model, marked $29.50; remarked JbD.i/U Klein's price $1 to $2.50. Schleisner's price, "vt i j *lO cn cui • VV,t/V/ F One lot of Muslin Petticoats, marked 98c. QA Linen Dresses, marked $12.50. Schleis- QC Ladies' Suits, large sizes, black and QC - r ""h S>9 90 Schleisner ' s P rice C nCr ' S pHCe * navy ePO.IID » ; repriced <■ One lot of Ladies' Suits, black and navy, marked White Lingerie Dresses, marked up O Q(- 500 Waists, marked np to $2.00; on WW ' e . BrOC,<, « E «» ta * Robe ' tO OA $25.00 to $47.50. Schleisner's «CQK to $25.00. Schleisner's price repriced Oc/O black jet train, marked $35.00; repriced, VU price Muslin Drawers, marked 59c; repriced .. 1Q _ 500 Waists, marked up to $3.95; Il\ One Brocade Satin Dress $5 95 c House Dresses .marked $3.25 ,o $3.75. Q(- repriced fi/O Schleisner s price Muslin Drawers, marked 39c; repriced .. 1 O Crepe de Chine and Taffeta Dresses, Q One Crepe de Chine Afternoon Gown, marked All Waists up to $15.00 yQg marked up to $27.00, at *3>OcilD $29.50. Schleisner's d»1 O Muslin Drawers, marked 98c; repriced .. * Ladies' and Misses' Suits, black and navy, regu- price House Dresses, marked $2.50 and $2.95; CQ lar and odd sizes; marked $14.50; QC 50 White Sport Coats, marked sls; A QP" One lot of Coats, marked $10.90 to $ O Q(J repriced ' FRIDAY EVENING, HXKRISBURG *£&&& TELEGRAPH AUGUST 21,1914.
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