| TEtEGMPI WANT ADS Find Buyers For Any Sort «f Usaic Articles This Is an Ad For a New Form of Light No latest patent throws so much light on BO many dark subjects as Telegraph WANT ADS. The how, the why and of home, business and social problems is often made clear by using the right WANT AD in the right place— the Telegraph. FOCND FOUND Satisfaction without extra i.iarge at Egbert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street Try us for your clothes sake. Both phones. A prompt delivery ser vice. LOST LOST August 19, between 12:30 land 1 P. M., in Pennsylvania Railroad ißtation. small, black Russian leather handbag, containing about $7. Reward- If returned to Telegra-" Office. LOST Package, on Market Square Presbyterian Church steps, Thursday afternoon. Reward If returned to this office. LOST On Hill, Monday morning, an account book of W. H. Wolf Steam Bakery, Penbrook, Pa. Reward if re turned to Bakery Wagon or Penbrook National Bank. LOST An Airedale Terrier puppy; color black and tan; docked tail. Re ward at Mt. Pleasant Hotel, City. WANTED —Stale MEN to learn barber trade. Only few weeks required. Wages while learning. Positions guaranteed. Write for par ticulars. United Barber Schools, 183 Main street, Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED A young man to tend a telephone—a young man * home preferred. Call before 6 P. M. at 434 Strawberry avenue, or Bell pnone 37 42. WANTED Man in every town In Dauphin and Cumberland counties spare time investment of $25 to 1200 required—loo per cent profit Legiti mate. References. Address P. O. Box 1,36, Harrisburg. WANTED Sober and industrious man'to drive wagon; must furnish ret erence Apoly Atlantic Refining •» 2007 North Seventh street. WANTED First-class edge trim mer on ladles', mlssep' an £| children s shoes. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manu facturing Co., Vernon street, Harris burg. Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED —experienced loopers, mender* and overlookers. Apply \ rw idea Hosiery Company, Four teenth otreet and Mayflower avenue. WANTED White girl for general housework. Must be able Family of two. Apply .-13 Woodbine street. W \NTED White woman for gen eral * housework; small ramily. Apply Thursday and Friday, between 2 and 4 o'clock. Room 40S Donaldson Building, 204 North Second street. WANTED. AT ONCE Lady house to-house demonstrators, on the 20-Mule Team Borax. Good salary will be paid to those who can qualify. None but ex perienced need apply to 70S capital etreet, between 4 and 5 o clock daily. W \NTED Young lady from coun try to help in "light housework In fam ily of three; good home and wages. Ad dress M., 1772, care of Telegraph. WANTED Tobacco stripper. Apply at onc-e, iOO Market street. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; el6o woman to do homo on Mondays. Apply 234 State street, City. WANTED Saleslady must be neat In appearance. Apply Mr. Kohner, Bow man and Co. WANTED A girl to attend Soda Fountain; one with experience neces sary give age and reference; salary, $6.00* a week. Address W., 1771, care of Telegraph. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of rigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Hatnsburg Cigat Co., No. 500 Race St. LEARN DRESSMAKING JOIN our summer class. fit ting by measurement. The art cannot be taught right any other wry. Make nil your summer dresses while learn ing. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North FGourth street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for Government Jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Over 15,000 appointments com ing. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 3620. Rochuater. N. Y. ' FOR SALE ' 1843 Whitehall Street (One of a pair) Three-story, new brick house with nine rooms hath and steam heat; tnemostat with clock attach ment —coal and gas ranges front and back porches and balcony front bay window combination lighting—cemented cellar and hot and cold water. This house Is thoroughly modern In every way and overlooks the beautiful Reservoir Park—and Is in every respect a most desirable home place. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE , Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets. ■ / FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 21, 1914. SITUATION WANTED—MALE i WANTED By white man, 45 yeaVs i of age, position as night watchman or t collector. J. W. Diehl, 1223 North Sixth i. street. WANTED Young man wishes po m sltion as clerk in office, or salesman; has had three years' road experience. Address Y., 1769, care of Telegraph. J WANTED Position as handy man 1 around house. Will work for moderate [ wages at beginning. Can furnish ref erences. Box 35, Marietta, Pa. WANTED Young man. 19, desires 9 position in drug store; two years at f college and two years' actual experi s ence. Address A.. 1766, care of Tele graph. WANTED Situation to collect, or i would accept any kind of light employ. • ment; A-t references. Address Wll t llnm, 1613 Wallace street, City. WANTED By colored man with ; seven years' experience, position as ■ chauffeur; can make own repairs. Ad dress J. W. Williams, 329 Cherry street. City. WANTED Young man desires po , sltion as chauffeur; over five years' ex perience. Address Y„ 1763, care of • Telegraph. ! ■ SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe ' WANTED Young, experienced l white woman wants general house- L work in small family; reference. Ad dress Miss S., care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined woman desires position as housekeeper for gentleman. Call, or address. M. A. D.. 1626 Logan street, City. WANTED Reliable colored woman wishes work of any kind, dishwashing, office work, hotel or second girl. Call at 311 Forster street, City. WANTED • Experienced stenog rapher and typist wishes position; can give reference; working at present | time, but wish advancement. Address Box R., 1769, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted Male and Female WANTED By man and wife, posi tion as chauffeur and cook. Address X.. 1773, care of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE FOR SALE 8 M acres good lime stone land with improvements, at Lutz town, along Carlisle-Harrlsburg trol l ley. For particulars call at Lutztown. or address Mrs. G. B. Lutz, R. D. No l' ! Allen, Pa. Bell phone 902-4. FOR SALE Penbrook property: lot ; 180 ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at l tic; excellent location; four doors from j trolley Just off Main street on Boas. I Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at I SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer, 2636 Penu street. Penbrook. I FOR SALE 3l-acre Farm for $1,500 —house frame bank barn two : chicken houses other buildings orchard of 320 trees, all varieties ln Cumberland county. Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. I FOR SALE A well-equipped, modern hrlek house. Bargain to quick buyer. Apply to owner at 231 Maclay street. FOR SALE 1641 Market St 3- I story brick dwelling 9 rooms bath i—furnace —lot, 17x90 front and rear I porch. What Is your offer for this : property? Brlnton-Packer Co., Second j and Walnut street. FOR SALE Along Llnglestown Trolley Line, near Colonial Club—2'i story frame dwelling 7 rooms, bath ' uiul hot watei heat private water , system large chicken house lot, 125x202. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second I and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 52,850 will buy a Pen brook houßo with eight rooms porch iront, 3ide and rear electric light furnace lot. 76x150 chicken house —fruit Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build : ing. FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east of Harrisburg. containing 90 acres, In good state of cultivation; buildings in good condition; 6 acres of heavv oak timber. For further Information call on, or address, C. S. Cassel, R. F. D., . No. 2, Penbrook, or J. C. Cassel, 29 South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into three dwelling houses at little expense Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. FOR BALE Cottage, 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; lot, 36x110; garden; fruit trees; chicken house. In quire 2419 Reel street three doors west of Seneca street. FOR SALE The buyer will get a real bargain in No. 2039 Green street. Will it be you or the other fellow? It must be sold soon. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Fifteenth and Market streets, corner house pressed brick; 12 rooms, bath; gas and electric lights; cement cellar; not water plant; hard wood finish all through the house; strictly modern; property fronting 40 ft. on Market street and 100 ft. on Fif teenth street. Garage on rear, 16x40: brick building; slate roof; cemented floor. This is one of the most desir able properties on Market street. Will be sold within the next ten days on account of owner leaving city, or would exchange for smaller property. Inquire on premises. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE lf you are considering purchasing a suburban home Inspect a pair of houses that are being completed In Paxtang. Built in a lot 60 ft. by 120 ft. 9 large rooms; hardwood finish; spacious closets; modern equipment; steam heat. An ideal home for $3,000. Apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Unlm proved Kansas wheat lands; rapid In crease In valuation; will sell or ex change for merchandi.e or unencum bered realty. Address 1930 Penn street, Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT | FOR RENT 2524 Jefferson street, I above Geary street, 2%-story brick and | frame dwelling 7 rooms; bath; fur i nace; front porch. Rent, $13.00. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT No. 1632 Derry street, 1188 Bailey street. No. 2807 Camby street, Penbrook; all improvements; im mediate possession. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT —ln Elkwood, 2'A -story single house 7 rooms and bath; gas, furnace and cemented cellar; hardwood floors; open stairway, lawn, garden, chicken house, etc.; suitable for small family. Rent, $16.00 and water rent. Keeney Sr. Simmons, New Cumberland. Pa. FOR RENT Three-story brick, 1334 North Second street; Immediate posses sion; also an apartment, five rooms and bath. Apply H. W. Miller, 2210 North Third street, or call Bell phone 655 R. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable for business or apartments; all improve ments. Apply No. 9 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms i In desirable location, with all convenl- I ences, including use of bath. Apply 427 Boas street, corner Rose avenue. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running water; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Clean, desirable fur nished rooms, front, single, double; hot water; ice water; conveniences, walk ing distance to Square. 1168 Mulberry street, east end of bridge. FOR RENT Purnlsl.ea rooms, single or en-suiti; all conveniences, In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front syreet. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Young gentleman wishes furnished or unf uriusiied Utunt) room in renned, private family; use ot phone. State price. Can give the best ot rei erence If required. Adaress )f., liiO, care of Telegraph. i wit FOR RENT Desk room in desirable oltice in feiegrapn liiclg. Apply Koom 400, H. hdeien. l«'OR KENT —Dwelling 1323 Wallace street, to small family, u rooms and attic, water in kucneii, paved atreet, fcuuu locality, inquire lO'i tfoas Bireel, Detweeu a and 6 p. in., or Room 6, 429 Broad street. KUOAIiS i'OH KENT CAiOJS can be secured ai iuu 'l'm egiupli Humaoait <J nice. FOR RENT Flat, four rooms and bath, second floor front. Apply s. iUeuzer, alii Walnut street. FOR KENT Store room at 1010 North Third street, pussession Septem ber 1; Jod per montn, including steam heat. Apply Norman B. Kurzenknabe, ioiu Norm Third street. FOR RENT in me le leurupk uuiitiiug, a suite of well located unices, inquire lor superintendent in Uuaiuus* ulllca of Telegraph. FUR RENT store ruuiu, 1200 North Third street; 33xluu; n-loot. celling; one of the best l'ouins In tne city. Ap piy J. a. diul» 266 Herr street. VVdiMiOf WANTED, IMMEDlATELY—Mcdiuni size, portauie second-hand cellar neater tor house loxisu ft. Alust ue in good condition. Address \v., i ,04, care of Xeiegraph. WANTED Ford, or other light au tomobile, must be in flrst-ciass condi tion and cheap for casn. .Phone aoiSSjL* or write IYBB-rt, care or Telegraph. WANTED Room and board on Hill, tor refined, young woman. Address .Box 183, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED lOO second-hand bi cycles and motorcycles ■ — we have great demand lor mem highest casn prices paid. Keystone Supply Co., sn North 'xhird street._ United pnone 11) vv . \V AN TH.D COULD accommodate man and wife nicely, aiso two gentlemen, with fur nisned rooms, must come recommended. Apply 223 South Fourteenth street, Apartment 2. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences, with country board; no children; no road men need apply. Apply 1260 State street. STUDENTS WANTED WANTED —A few students in ele mentary or advanced mathematics or mechanics. J. W. Miller, Prof, at Le high. Call 303 Chestnut street. tOR SAXJb BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut. GLASS window «igna. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with eacn sU-time oroer for a classiiied ad. If paid in ad/aoce. inquire at Ouioe of Tela grapn. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-11', a Second street, 6,000 Sets New Sash, 8x 10x12 L, primed and glazed, at *1.16 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE One twin Yale motor-' cycle, with side car; side car has only been rode twice; machine in good order. Apply 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Counters, cases, shelves, tables, desks, cabinetmaker's tools, account system, pianos, player pianos, violins and other musical merchandise, before September 1. Kur zenknabe, 1010 North Third street. FOR SALE—Auto. Good one. Jack son, 4-cyllnder, 30-horse-power. Price, $360. Apply E. Jones, Central Garage, 334 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Chalmers "36" torpedo, 1913 model, fully equipped and In tlrst class condition; electric lights, self starter, extra tires, etc. A. H. Karder, Middle town. Pa. FOR SALE At Gable'r, 113, 116 and 117 Sonth Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint Acme quality. Also the full Una of the Acme make. FOR SALE Black double team, also single horses, all young—bought this Spring. Also single and double har ness and wagons. Apply Bowman & Company. FOR SALE FOR SALE Stylish, open, rubber tire buggy. Inquire Seventh and Clin ton streets. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE, by family leaving the city, beds, mattresses and spring, iron crib bed. bookcases, gas range, mission buffet and table. Royal typewriter, books, tables, chairs, etc. 152b Berryhill street. Bell phone 1841 L. No dealers. v ULICK CAR FIVE-PASSENGER touring car paint in excellent condition top and windshield new tires and tubes ln good running order ready for free demonstration exceptionally low price to quick buyer. Apply J. J. McCORMICK, 1745 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE. CHEAP A Garland steel range, good as new. A. bargain. Call at W. R. Frank's. Bower* avenue. Fort Washington, Pa. FOR SALE Few used motorcycles, in good condition, at reasonable prices. Apply Pope Agent, 1527 North Third street. FOR SALE A combination coal and gas range. Cheap. Can be seen any time at 1419 Shoop street. AUTOMuisiKl-. OWrtKK, if you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay, is our way. If interested consult us. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. MVitAbK STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co, 411 Broad street. Both phones. STORAGE IN 8-story brick building, rear 408 Market atreet. Houaebold goods in clean, private mollis. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. b. Dlener, Jeweler, 40s Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R- I UlTuuitAlllts FOR SALE Well-established (mo torcycle, bicycle, etc.,) Business, in very good location, doing good business. Reason for selling. For particulars ad dress Box R., 174 1, care of Telegraph. WANT to meet gentleman with capi tal to finance the manufacture of a Patent Top for Milk Bottles. Address Inventor, care of Telegraph. LANCASTER COUNTY HOTEL FOR SALE One of the best hotels in the town two barrooms reason for selling, ill health. Get particulars. Box 1765, care of Telegraph. 1 MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $&. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 366 Lockport, N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with bent material and by expert help, bend us your worn furniture. Our beat eilorts Insure your xatlstacuon. B. N. Gluclc. iZU Woodbine street. HAULING H. W. LATHb, UuurdluK Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No, 1603 R. 8. HALDEJIAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders Job work promptly at tended to in any part of the city. Es timates cheerfully furnished by call ing Bell phone 3622 M. $7,600.00 ACCIDENTAL, DEATH—S2O to SSO WEEKLY Accident and Sick ness —Men and Women accepted. AU occupations. Premium, $lO a year. Half Benefits, $5.00. Large commissions to agents. National Accident Society, 320 Broadway, New York. (Established 1885). / FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine I Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. CAJKI> OF THANKS MRS. FRICKMAN AND FAMILY take this means of thanking their many kind friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. UOAlil' TO LOAJI MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrlsburg, Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut street. LEGAL NOTICES COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA, Department of Health SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS for alterations and additions to the third floor of the Dining Building and East Ward Building for the State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis near Cresson, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, will be received by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of Health, at his Philadelphia Office (1900 Race Street) until noon, Wednes day. September 2, 1914. Separate specifications have been drawn for the building, plumbing, elec trical work, ventilating and heating. Bidders may bid on any one specifi cation or any number of the specifica tions, but must not combine bids of more than one branch. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the Office of the State De partment of Health in Harrlsburg, or at the Philadelphia Office, upon deposit of $25.00, which will be returned on re ceipt of plans and specifications in good condition. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner of Health. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA, Department of Health SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS for a new building known as the WEST WING for the State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis near Cresson, Cambria County. Pennsylvania, will be received by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon. Commissioner of Health, at his Philadelphia Office (1900 Race Street) until noon, Wednes day. September 2. 1914. These specifications are for the build ing only. The electrical work, plumb ing and heating specifications will be advertised later. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the Office of the State De partment of Health, In Harrlsburg, or at the Philadelphia Office, upon deposit of $25.00, which will be returned on reeclpt of plans and specifications In good condition. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. .SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner of Health. Money to Loan Profit Sharing Loan Society $5.00 upwards—Legal Rates ! 9 N. Market Sq. (Spooner Bids) iV rl KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO HOLD FIELD DAY ON FRIDAY, OCT. First Event of Its Kind in City's History Will Be Open to Public While work on the river wall and steps was not Interfered with mater ially to-day by the heavy rains of last evening and this morn'.ng, Stucker Brothers Construction Company, the contractors, were delayed at the start oft to some extent this morning by the effects of washouts of "All" and so on. Charles Stucker, president of the company, said this morning that the most extensive delay that was en countered perhaps was just above North street and a little above "Hard scrabble." At North street one of the longest stretches of cofferdam on the Job had been constructed, extending practically from the water house to beyond Fors ter street. This has been washed out for quite a stretch and the contrac tors had this repair work confronting them practically before they could begin on the stringers at that point. Above "Hardscrabble" tons of the "flli" had been washed loose and this neces sitated some quick work by the con tracting gangs. Pushing Work on Wall The Stucker Brothers Construction Company have been pushing the work on the wall and steps as consistently as possible and the delay this morning has been the most serious in weeks. And incidentally the splendid stretch of Harrisburg's "front steps" is be ginning to take definite shape. From "Hardscrabble" to Hamilton street the steps are practically com pleted and the stringers have been finished to Maclay. The base or foot wall is completed nearly to that point and the laying of the sidewalk will fo'low amove "Hardscrabble", just as soon as the puddling for the "fill" be hind the wall is finished. Steam shov els are clearing up the silt in the vicin ity of Muench street and the big ma chinery driven hand is being assisted by the pick and shovel gangs. Getting Out of High Water Work 11 also being pushed as rapid ly $s possible in the vicinity of the water house and at other points where the highest water stages are encount ered. The wall and steps are being pushed just above and below the wa ter house with that idea in view. Aside from necessitating some extra work in clearing away debris the work on the Front street subway was not materially delayed by last night's storm and the working gangs went right along on the Job. The subway has been partially concreted and this job will be finished, it is expected within a week, so that the asphalt top can be put down within the next ten days. The railroad oompany engineers hope to begin actual excavating in Second street by the end of next week provided a sufficient roadway can be opened In Front street to allow traffic to go around that way. While the big Spring creek sewer through the Cameron extension Is practically complete the Nineteenth street extension is giving the contrac tor some trouble. Solid rock to the depth of five to ten feet has been struck and this requires strenuous blasting to cut the way for the sewer. High water in the creek delayed the operations of the workmen on the | Spring Creek improvement to some extent to-day although the gangs were kept busy at other points so as not to tie up the job for any extensive sections. The wind and water did its expected share of damage to the river dam op eration although it did not interfere with the construction work itself. During the night a couple of flats were blown loose from moorings on the dam and these had been rescued on their way down the river by work men who hustled out in the driving rain and electrical storm in an open boat and rounded them up. THE MARK PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Wheat Firm; No, 2. red, spot, export, 94® 98c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.15 ® 1.20. Corn Firm; No. 2. yellow, local, 94 ® 95c. Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 48H® 49c. Bran Steady; winter, per ton, $28.00® 28.50; spring, per ton, $26.50® 27.00. Refined Sugars Declined 25 points, powdered, 7.35 c; fine granulated, 7.25 c; confectioners' A, 7.16 c; Keystone A, 7.05 c. Butter The market is firp! i western, creamery, extras, 31®31Hc;l nearby prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SB.IO per case; do., current j receipts, free cases, $7.20®7.50; west- | ern, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.10: per | case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.20@7.50 I per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17 , young chickens, ll@20c; j spring chickens, 27®32c; broiling ojiI" *- < ens, 15®19c; old roosters, 11® 12c; | ducks, old, 12® 13c; ducks, young, 13® j 14c; geese, 15®17c; turkevs, 19®20c. | Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, | western, fancy, heavy, 17®20c; do., | fair to good, heavy. 17 ® 18c; j average receipts, 18® 15c; small, 13® i 15c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16®18c; broiling j chickens, nearby, 17®20c; western. 16 @l9c; capon, large, 23®25c; do., small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®26c; do., fair, 20®23c; ducks, ll@18c; geese, 11® 16c. j Potatoes Steady; new, per barrel, $1,603)3.50; do.. Southern, per barrel, 75c®52.00: Jersey, per basket, 35@40c. Flour—The market is firm; winter, clear, $3.86®4.10; straights. Pennsyl vania. new, $4.25®4.76; spring straights $5.00®6.25; do., patents, $5.26®5.76; western, $4.26®4.40; patents. $4.60® 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.10 ®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00® 4.20; strights, $4.20® 4.30; patents, $4.36® 4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $20.50®21.00; No. i, medium bales, $20.00® 20.60; No. 2, do.. slß.oo® 19.00; No. 3, do.. $16.00® 17.00. Clover mixed; Light, mixed, $18.50® 19.00: No. 1. do.. $1776 0® 18.00; No. 1 do., $15.00® 16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. 111.. Aug. 21.—Hogs—Slow. Bulk of sales, $8.90®9.25; light, $8.90® 9.40; mixed, $8.6509.45; heav,y, $8.60® 9.25; rough, $8.50®8.65; pigs, $7.00®8.76. C*ttle Dull. Beeves, $6.75® 10.60; steers, $6.30®9.40: stockers and feed ers, $5.40®8.10; cows and heifers, $3.60 @9.20; calves. $7.75®10.76. Sheep Slow. Sheep, $6.10®6.10; yearlings, $6.00®7.00; lambs, $6.60® 8.50. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and other* upon their own names. Cheap rate*, easy payments, conflden ▲dajas * Co, R. 104. S M. Market S«. HEAD OF CHUHCH UNTIL NEW ■•■■';. ■ . i:; ' Cardinal Delia Volpe, who will act as the head of the Roman Catholic Church in the Pope's place until the conclave is held and a new Pope elected. REPUBLICAN CLUB PICNIC TOMORROW Fully a Thousand Expected to At tend, Weather Permitting, Say Committeemen All that at least a thousand anxious folks are begging of the weather man to-day is that he'll hand out some nice weather to-morrow. The thousands are the members and friends and families of the Harrisburg Republican Club who have in mind the annual picnic of the club. To morrow and Boiling Springs Park are the time and place. Plans for handling at least a thousand picnickers have been completed by a committee con sisting of Deputy Sheriff William Hoffman, Joseph Bomgardner, Charles Tress, Frank Hoffman and Ashton D. Peace, secretary of the club. The program Includes baseball' games, races of various kinds, danc ing, music, boating and so on. Some thirty odd prizes ranging from hand some umbrellas to Teddy bears and dolls will be awarded for the various events. Four or five special Valley Traction Comuany cars will leave Market Square at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning bound to Boiling Springs. In addition to these, regular cars will carry many up to the springs during the day. The members of the com mittee will be on hand at the Square • to dispose of tickets to those who have i .not yet purchased theirs. Going Out of Business As w have decided to discontinue the pawnbroker business In or der to devote our entire time to other interest we hereby notify all who have articles here on pledges that ALL ARTICLES MUST BE REDEEMED 30 DAYS FROM AUGUST 21ST NEW YORK PAWNBROKERS 225 Market Street FOR. RENT New Modern Apartments 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A ll ly J.L. Shearer, Jr. Switzerland May Bay Coal and Many Other Supplies From U. S. By Associated Press New York, Aug. 21.—1f the Ameri can wheat bought by Skltzerland reaches Its destination safely, the Swiss government, it was learned to day, probably will purchase all ita coal and other supplies in the United States during the hostilities In Europe. Dr. Ritter ,the Swiss minister who came to New York from Washington at the outbreak of the war, announced that a meeting would be held In the Swiss home here to arrange an ap peal to Swiss-born residents of the United States numbering about 160,- 000 to contribute to the general Red Cross fund of Switzerland. The Swiss government has practic ally offered to turn the country into one great hospital to care for the wounded of Europe, regardless of their, neutrality. As yet no notice of the at titude of the European governments' toward this proposal has been re ceived here. Government Will Give Protection to Conclave By Associated Press Paris, Aug. 21, 2 A. M.—A dispatch' to the Haves Agency from Rome says the Italian foreign minister has tele graphed to the diplomatic representa tives of Italy abroad that the govern ment is giving the fullest guarantees for the approaching conclave for the election of a pope. The cardinals participating will be received with the deepest respect and every facility afforded them. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers