8 FREE FREE FREE ONE GREAT DAY OF FUN FOR ALL SCHMIDT'S BUTTER NUT DAY Thursday, August 27th PAXTANG PARK Buy Schmidt's Butter Nut Bread From Your Grocer And Ask Him Full Particulars See Mother Goose welcome the happy throng to "Happyland." See Yamata and his famous day-fireworks. The first display of day-fireworks in Harrisburg. See the exciting athletic events open to all boys and girls with cups and medals as prizes for the boys and parasols, cups and cameras for the girls. See the pie-eating contest, three heats, for the Bernard Schmidt trophy, emblematic of the pie-eating championship of Penn sylvania. A riot of comedy. See the Butter Nut Day Cake Walk, with prominent cake walkers competing for the coveted cake and the purse of gold. Hear the Commonwealth Band, two popular concerts. FREE FREE FREE HOW TO STOP STOMACH TORMENT Sound Advice From A Well-Known Phynlolnn. Men and women who suffer from what thev call Dyspepsia. Indigestion or lust plain "stomach-trouble" usually seek regular relief in the form of some nep«in pill or tablet, or other artificial digestant. This, experience teaches me. is a serious error. In nine oases out of ten. the distress is caused by the development of acids in the stom ach—formed by the fermenting of the food. Instead of a digestant being re quired, something should he taken to dissolve or neutralize this acidity, when normal digestion will follow as a matter of course. This acid matter is distinctly poisonous and unless it Is dissolved, digestion merely carries the mass of fermenting food from the stomach to the intestines, where Its poison is absorbed by the blood and carried all over the body. If all the great army of people who suffer after nearly every meal would make it a point to take a teaspoonftil of Risurated Magnesia in a quarter glass of water after each meal, there would be no formation of acidity and consequently no distress or discomfort. Sour. acid, gassy stomach, heartburn, belriiing. bloating, etc.. would then he a thing of the past. "Bisurated Mag nesia" is a physician's prescription, it is inexpensive and can be obtained at anv drug store. It is prepared for Just such trouble and the best proof of Its efficiency Is that it will stop the sharpest, biting stomach distress in five minutes from the time It enters the stomach, simply by dissolving the acids that have been formed there. Its action is adsolutely harmless. Advertisement. • J IB Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 24, 1914. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and MartlnsburK at 6:03, *7:50 a. m„ *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chamber burg. Car. lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate stations at 8:03, *7.50, •11:63 a. m •3:40, 6:32, *7:40, •11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburg at i): 48 a. ID., 2:18, 3 27 6:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 6:08, *7:60 and •11:63 a. m„ 2:18, *3:40, 6:32 and C:3O p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J H. TONGE Q. P. A. KDnCATItrVAt, FALL TERM Begins Tuesday, September 1 Write for Illustrated Catalogue. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG. PA. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalm er THURSDAY EVENING, Passing Impressions of Finance j By Louis Guenther We are not getting back to normal condition as rapidly as we should like. The Stock Exchange lias now been closed nearly three weeks, the longest period of idleness on record and there is no immediate prospect of this con dition terminating for a week or two. Our Exchange is waiting upon the London Exchange, because from that market, more than from any other market can we secure reliable indicia as to whether frenzied and ruthless price cutting liquidation has spent its force. It is idle speculation for our econo l mists to state that if we put up the | bars so none of our gold can get away Crom us, we need not fear any further European liquidation in American se curities. This is fallacious reasoning and emphasises rather that the wish is father to the thought than such an artificial expedient could in any way alter the course of international bar tering. What we buy we must pay for, and if we cannot buy because we cannot spare the gold, that is merely conceding, without saying so in so many words, that we are short of cash to pay. Our boast is that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with our busi ness structure. We have the wealth and also are in a period of prosperity wnich would have made itself felt long ere this but for this interference from HOW I CURED MY EYES THIS FREE PRESCRIPTION DID IT "My eyes were in a terrible state;; I could hardly stand it. They were red and Inflamed; felt as though they had sand In them. They would ache and burn dreadfully and caused Incessant headaches. I could hardly read at all. After wearing my glasses my eyes felt strained and overworked. By chance I met a man whose eyes had bothered him the same way. He gave me the following prescription which he said had cured him and since had enabled him to discard his glasses." "If you wear glasses or have eye trouble similar to mine I advise you to have this formula filled at once. H. C. Kennedy or any druggist can fix It up for you. Here it is— -3 Grains Optona (1 tablet) 2 ounces Water. Allow to dissolve, then bathe the eyes by means of an eye cup three to four times daily—oftener if convenient. Just note how quickly your eyes will feel fine. It does not smart or burn, Is ab solutely harmless and any druggist who knows the formula will tell you that you need not hesitate to use it. If you try It I am sure you will be just as en thusiastic over It as I am. Cut this out so you will always have the prescrip tion."—Advertisement. Business Locals FALL PAINTING September will soon be hero and the ideal weather for exterior paint ing. And then you will want to get 1 the inside of the house touched up so 1 as to be presentable for the social season of the long winter months. Use R. & B. W'ayne paints, the best for all purposes. In small cans realty to use lor in paste form for those who need ! large quantities. William W. Zelders & Son, 14 36 Derry street. JAPANESE TOYS The little Japs usually make a lot of things of especial interest to chil dren. We have a splendid assortment of the quaint toys from the Orient, including Jackstraws, tea sets, nests of balls, puzzlers, snake kodakß, doll houses. furniture, as well as toys of other makes In large variety and al ways of the unusual kind. Marianne Kinder Markt, 220 Locust street. FOOD COST INVESTIGATION Whether the war Is responsible for the high price of food or the spec ulator remains to be proved, but the fact remains that the best 26-cent . noonday luncheon In the city remains the same In quality and price at the Court Dairy Lunch, John H. Menger, proprietor. Court and Strawberry Jj.vaa.ufiy abroad. I concede there is good rea son for this belief, hut this does not warrant us in resorting to the debtor's plea that we cannot pay because of the desire to keep our gold for what securities Europe wants to sell to us. Let us show Europe that our under lying strength is real and not a pre tense by paying gold for whatever we are indebted to her. This gold would soon return to our shores as our coun try is to-day the oniy neutral market from which the distressed nations can secure the necessities of life. Such supplies the nations abroad in turn cannot purchase from us without pay ing gold and what does that mean out that we would soon me KPttinp back thai yellow metal we may now . K , l ? en ' l abro; >' l in payment for the securities already sold to us' Be w.ar ends it will not only bring about a transformation in the map of Europe, but it Is bound to effect a complete change in interna tional commerce. Germany and Eng land, which until the outbreak were he leading rivals for supremacy In the world s market, will for some years to come have to devote their energies to repairing the international damages the war has caused. Our country, on the other hand, will be free to make an active canvass for the trade these .countries have built up and which, while in conflict, they can not look after. Our merchants and manufacturers n order to secure this business, must have a merchant marine plvlng un der the Stars and Stripes. We should bend all our energies to perfecting one without the least delay and by so doing again secure the mastery of the seas, as was once our position. Having the largest sweep of the ocean boundary of any country and by far the greatest harbors it Is illogical for us not to attain a greatness as a mari time nation equal to that attained in other forms of national development President Wilson will hardly be criticised for not approving the plan of France floating a large government loan through Morgan & Co. As we are friejuls of all the belligerents, we should endeavor to live up to the spirit and letter of our promise to maintain the strictest neutrality. Tn this regard ours is a delicate position and it will require the altertness of even so proven a reliable head of state as President Wilson has so far shown himself to be, to steer us free from friction with the countries at war with each other. ad the President acquiesced in the flotation of a French loan, Germany might have considered it n sign on our part of a national sympathy for her enemies. Tt is out of such little incidents that ill feeling arises. Our business is to avoid them. Assuming that authority could have been secured or that the loan was floated In this country in spite of the administration's position, I question seriously whether any great amount of American investors" monev would have gone into it. Americans know there are too many good opportunities at home in which they could put their money to greater advantage. Why then provide out of their saving funds to a nation which intends to buy powder and bullets to slaughter their fellowman? Though in some meas ure the restraint In dealings in secu rities on a cash basis has been lifted there is not very»much business being done beyond clearing up accounts on stock brokers' books. The Investing public is wisely holding back to see how the Exchange will act when busi ness Is resumed. KILLING HUNDREDS OF SNAILS Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa-, Aug. 20. Two persons residing In Fairvlew avenue, which vicinity Is Infested by snails, killed 329 of the snails and a garter snake measuring over two feet in length Tuesday night. The snake was caught in the act of crawling Into the cellar window of Vernon Wolfinger. Every night a number of people with lanterns and lamps are out in the yards hunting and dispatching snails tfeat are destroying gardens. < HARKJSBURC TELEGRAPH HICHO KM SEES I IRIIHE BENEFITS IS WAR'S MI-EFFECT Financier Believes Interruption of Imports Will Throw Burden of Fall Supply on U. S. Sfecial to The Telegraph j Philadelphia, AUK. 20. Richard T. Cook, president of the Guarantee Trust j and Safe Deposit Company, who has Just returned from Europe, having got i out of the north of F r ance on the Del | glum and German frontier with consid erable difficulty, spoke hopefully yes j terday of an impetus to American tn j dustry from the after-effects of the Eu | ropean war. I "It is the judgment of business men," Mr. Cook said, "that the interruption of I importations into America, more par ] ticularly from the Continent of Europe, j would throw the burden of supplying ; the Fall demand and needs of the Unlt- I ed States upon American mills and fac j tories. At the time at which I was in i London, nearly two weeks since, no one ( had quite got his bearings and there , fore 1 am unable to report what would be a finished judgment of the situation from the English standpoint." Mr. Cook said the exigencies of the situation personally to himself and his I family prevented him from making ex tended inquiries in England, the only country in which he had even a day of leisure. The feeling in London, he said, I was that the British Government must , keep up at least a weekly service for mails and remittances. Mr. Cook, who, with other returning tourists, aided in removing a number of . ladles* from steerage cuarters on the Laconia, believes the United States is in position for procuring refund of moneys locked up in prepaid passage. He said: "Upon landing on Monday I first heard of the proposed sale of the Ger man Line steamships to America., in | terests. As I had seen hundreds, and I perhaps thousands, of Americans in London outside the offices of the two German companies without being able either to get return passage or a re fund of their money, it seems to me. as the contract with the passengers re quires that all matters in dispute be settled according to German law, that U would be well were the United States Government to require that a certain amount of the purchase price, should the sale be effected, should be kept in this country for an equitable settlement of the claims of Americans who bad prepaid their return passage. Doubt less the German steamship companies, who have rendered excellent service for years to the traveling public, would agree to this. I think that a reason able calculation would be that thev muri hold between $1,000,000 to $2,000,- 000 of American money, paid on account of return passage, which passage, of course, cannot be given." Holland Mobilizes All Reserves and Prepares For War Special to The Telegraph Amsterdam, Aug. 20. lt Is reported the German forces have occupied the small Dutch village of Canne, a few miles to the south of Maestricht. Sev eral Inhabitants who sought to oppose the invaders were killed by the Ger mans. The rest of the population fled to Maestricht. Holland is prepared for war. It an nounced its neutrality some time ago. but has mobilized all its reserves and called all Its officers to the colors so that It may be ready in case its neu trality is violated. The authorities are prepared to open the dykes, which will flood the lowlands. The tramway service has been cur tailed and only one train runs dally between Holland and Germanv. Boy Scouts are raising funds bv sell ing papers In the streets. Soldiers are collecting cigars, tobacco and cigarets from the patriotic merchants. Thev use wheelbarrows. Twenty thousand cigars were donated yesterday. Everywhere In Hol/and there is the hope that the nation will not be drawn into the war, hut It Is feared that the worst must come, and thai the national honor must be defended. Little reliable news of the actual lighting between Germany and the allies has reached here. Everything that might offer a shelter to hostile forces—trees, hedge rows, shrubbery, crops and even buildings along the possible firing line—have been razed to the ground by the mill tarv forces. At Naarden and In the villages of Zelst and Bussum, where there are many summer residences, the landscape has been made almost bar ren. The places named and other villages in the vicinity have been popular re sorts. and many persons have built hungalows and brick villas in the woodland, where they might enjov the refreshing breezes from the Zuyder I Zee. There is a regular stampede from these menaced districts. Soon after the yellow placards announcing a state of war had been posted a proclamation appeareiL that all bungalows and wooden buildings would be razed to the ground and their inhabitants were in vited to betake themselves elsewhere. Most of the people living in this dis trict have gone to Friesland, the north ern province, which they think is the safest. Italian War Party Seeks Pretext For Fight With Russia Special to The Telegraph Rome, Aug. 20. ltalian hatred for Austria is being manifested by anti- German demonstrations throughout Italy. Heavy pressure is being brought to bear on the Government to demand an explanation for the massing of Austrian troops on the Italian fron tier. Such a demand would be preliminary to a declaration of a state of war be tween the two countries. This is ex pected to come in the near future. The Italian Government has been anxious to koei> out of the conflict because of the drain upon its resources caused by the Tripolitan campaign, hut indications at present are that the war party is gaining the ascendency. Street crowds In Genoa are manifest ing nntiGerman sentiments, and in Mes sina the shopkeepers refused to sell food to the Germans. Paris, Aug. 20. ln a final effort to swing Italy into line to oppose the al lies Germany has sent a military and dlnlomntle mission to Rome. It is trav eling bv automobile and arrived at Trent, in the Austrian Tyrol, yester day. Bergdoll Wants to War For Germany in Airship Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia. Aug. 20. Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, aviator and auto speeder, offered his services and aero plane to the German Government yes terday. He told Doctor Mudra, German Consul here, to whom he applied to be enlisted in the German army, that he did so because he had an ardent desire to serve the country of his forefathers, now that they were engaged In war with several other nations. "Ond I will nlace my aeroplane at the disposal of the German Government." hp added. Bergdoll seemed crestfallen when Doctor Mudra told him that he could not enlist or give the aeroplane. The German Consul explained to Bergdoll that as America was a neutral country the only thing for him to do was to make his way to Germany and enlist there. It was pointed out that the aeroplane might be regarded as con traband. Bergdoll did not give any In jUmatlon «a jtq hla future plaoa. , r~- ii " " —»< —II » nr 0 , : 1 Velvet Joe r , to the Rulers of Europe J AfOBODY ever wins in a fight— f * * th' feller that's licked is a long time gettin' the sore spots healed—an' thar's one left inside JJ o' him that never heals. L I TK feller that thinks he won, J gin'rally has t' buy a new hat L| an' suit, an' nobody sympathizes j with him for his black eye. Ef you'd jest set down an 9 Li | smoke a few pipes o f VELVET together art talk it over man man, instead o 9 army to army, r thar wouldn't be no fight. [I, u HL H . it- idi OFFICIAL MAP OF WAR Includes Many Features «>f Intorost Now Found Elsewhere Judging from the interest aroused J in yesterday's announcement readers! are anxious to get the latest authentic! map showing the exact location of j the great Ruropean war. The Tele- ] graph is passing out these maps at | the mere expense of promotion, as shown in the war map coupon printed | elsewhere in this issue. The big war map is 18 5 /&xl6V£ [ inches and takes in the entire war i smaller map showing the ground plans of the five big Ruropean war capitals, namely: London. Paris. | Berlin, St. Petersburg, and Vienna, j The frontier between France and Ger many shows the great French forti fied towns, which also include Liege, I in Belgium, where the first great land j conflict occurred. There is also a J chart of the North Sea and the Kiel I Canal as well as the Baltic Sea and j the Gulf of Finland. The unique features described are not to he found in any other war map of Rurope. They will appeal to news paper readers who are watching the greatest of all war struggles. For a short time these useful edu cational maps will "ie passed out to readers for ten cents each, or twelve cents where they ar J to he sent by mail. Act quickly so <as to be able to talk knowingly of the greatest war of the age. Clip your war coupons and present them without delay. BOY BAI>LY SCALDED Special to The Telegraph Columbia. Pa.. Aug. 20.—Clayton Wintermyer, a 16-year-old boy, was badly scalded at his home, when aris ing from sleep, he walked to the kitchen and attempted to lift a boiler of hot water from the range. The handle of the boiler slipped from his grasp and the contents spilled on his stomach and feet, burning him in a frightful manner. To Keep Your Skin Free From Hairs (Beauty Topics) If you are willing to spend a few minutes' time in your room using a delatone paste, you can easily banish any ugly, hairy growth without dis comfort or injury. The paste is made by mixing some water with a little powdered delntone. This Is then spread over the hairy surface and after about 2 minutes rubbed off and the skin washed. You will not be dis appointed with this treatment, pro viding you get real delatone.—Adver tisement. Business l^ocais STERLING TIRE REPAIRS We have told you that the name of "Sterling" on a tire repair Job stands for the same thing as Sterling on qual ity silverware. It is our guarantee that the Job is the highest excellence in vulcanizing. To prove it we solicit your next blowout or repair Job on tires or tubing. Sterling Auto Tire Company, 1461 Zarker street. EVERY SHOE FITS Not every foot, hut Jerauld shoes are fitted to the feet regardless of num ber, and foot comfort plus style is the result. Our comprehensive assortment of summer shoes includes a wide range of lasts and quality materials, from which selections can now be made at exceptional price reductions during our semiannual clearance sale. Jer >uld ghoe Co.. 310 Market street, , AUGUST 20, 1914. AT P4XTAN6 I Anyone who thinks that Paxtang I j Park Is not the most popular amuse ment resort in the vicinity of Harris ] burp should have'visited the park <?ur j ing the past two days. The Sousa con certs and the Larkin's picnic drew more j than 25,000 visitors to Paxtang. For j th© balance of the week the manage | ment has a most excellent vaudeville performance at the park theater as the | attraction. Those who think the brand of vaudeville played at the park t'nea- I ter is not up to the standard of the best In the country should take in the I park show this week and be convinced to the contrary. The park T>lll has as a headline fea ture two musical comedy stars, Fredo I and Primrose. This act alone Is worth | the price of admission. Anitta and her jesting juggler, Wil | lish; Ed Winchester, monolgueist; the Three Keloes, comedy icrobats, and Fields and Brown, make up the balance of the bill. —Advertisement. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as thpy cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitution al remedies. Ileofness 1* caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed Deafness la ttie result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its norma! condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ! We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Peafnesa (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Rend for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Business Locals THK NEXT BKST THING To a personal call is a good business letter direct to the owner of the pock etbook. Every letter that comes to the home or office is opened by the person you wish to reach. You take no chances of a hit and miss. Your proposition is before him. He can't miss it. Multigraph letters look like the original. Weaver Typewriter Com pany, 25 North Third street. CARELESS SHEPHERDS Make a feast for wolf. Likewise the spendthrift maketh another's bank ac count large walle he has none of his own. Keeping the money in circula tion make prosperity—for others— but self-preservation is the first law of nature. Therefore a few dollars every week at three per cent, interest will soon build a bank account of your own. East End Bank. Thirteenth and Howard streets. DON'T GET "MAD" If your watch doesn't keep good time. It may need cleaning or adjusting. When your system Is out of order you go to a physician. When the mechan ism of your watch is out of plumb you should send It to a reliable watch maker. It it's past redemption, we have the leading standard makes. W. R. Atkinson. 1423 V 4 North Third street. OIL AND TRUTH Will get uppermost at last. People are beginning to understand that our automatic price system of selling fur niture is as low as the usual "sale" methods, and the advantage is that our automatic method of pricing is in effect throughout the year. The re sult is highest grade furniture at the lowest possible price. Goldsmith's, .206 Walput aod 208 Locust #troeta. GIVE YOUR YOUNG FOLKS Wholesome entertainment in their own home. A good Piano, Player or Vlctrola may be had here on very faip terms. J. H. Troup Music House, 13 South Market Square.—Advertisement. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MjONTICELLO ■▼E NOTED FDRIFS EXCELLENT TABLf ATLANTK CITY'S FINKKT HOTKL AT MOP KB ATK KAThS; most desirably located Kentucky Ave and Bench. Choice room*, private bath*, late* Improvements. Bmw beds. Attractive lobby ant garlora. Capacity 600. Cool verandas. Good music, oclal features. 10th year ownership manasrem nl Fresh vegetables nnd poultry, prime meats, nearb' fgfrn. All food supplies of finest qua'lty. Special rate* 12.00 op dally. $lO. UP weekly. Am. plan. Auto meeti trains. Descriptive folder mailed. A. Conrad Kkholm HOTEL NORMANDIE Kentucky Ave., near the Beach. Near all churches, piers and depots. Excel lent table, private baths, new metal beds. Bathing from hotel. Elevatoi. $1.50 day up. $9 to sls weekly. J. HAMILTON. HOTEL TENNESSEE Tennessee Ave. and Beach. Ideal lot cation, convenient to railroad station churches, piers and amusements. Bath ing from hotel. $1.50 up daily; $8 up weekly. A. HEALY. LEXINGTON Pacific and Arkansas Avs.—SPACIOUS GROUNDS WITH TENNIS AND CRO QUET COURTS ADJOIN BEACH ANI> BOARDWALK. Only medium price! hotel where guests may go from housa to surf in bathing attire without usinr streets, which is prohibited. Use of hath houses, with attendants to car* for suits, is free. Metal beds. Running 1 water in rooms. Fresh and sea water baths. public and private. Special rates. $1.50 Jo $1 daily; $8 to $17.50 weekly, including choice table supplied from own farm. White service. Or chestra, ballroom. Booklet mailed upon request. PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Mgr. THE WILTSHIRE and beach. Ocean view; capacity 360; private baths. Running water In room; elevator; music. Special $15.00 up weekly; $3.00 up daily. Open all tha year. Booklet. SAM'L ELLIS. HOmFRONTENAC *. e .Yoo u SXj from Beach. The most popular sectHVg i Between the two famous piers, c»nirs< to all attractions; modern, high class ,m hotel, as good as the beat; capacltr 250. * Will make very special terms of SB. $lO. (12 50, sls up weekly. Including largo ocean rooms, metal beds, elevator, baths, phones, superior table with white service; table supplied direct from farm; 1 pure water, sanitary plumbing, porches overlook the ocean and Boardwalk. Booklet W. F. WATTS. Leading High-Class Moderate-Rate Hotel. ALBEMARLE VIRGINIA AVE., close to beach. FlnesO bathing, all piers, etc. Coolest location; 4000 feet porches; 100 cool front rooms, private baths. elevator; exceptional table; fresli vegetables and seafood. Specially catering to those desiring su perior accommodations. Special terms s!>, $lO, $12.50 up weekly; $2 up dally. Booklet. J- P. COPE. * Business bocars IT TAKES MONEY Even the great nations of the world must negotiate for large loans when, emergency makes it necessary. So the individual finds himself just a lit tle minus occasionally of the dollar* essential to mobilize his ideas into re sults. For all peaceful and legitimate purposes we will loan money at th® lowest rates of Interest In reasonable amounts. Pennsylvania Investment Conjfiipy, 133 JiVgjaui Mtfpak
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers