4 LADIES' BAZAAR Ladies' Wear That Has Received Marching Orders For Friday REMEMBER STORE CLOSES AT NOON SI.OO White Pique Skirts, Friday After 9 O'clock, Balance of our White Pique Wash Dress Skirts, with Russian Tunic effect; worth 11.00. Friday morning after 9 o'clock, while they ]ast (Note —Sale starts at 9.00 o'clock.) I $4.00 Skirts, $1.98 Human Hair Braids | All-wool Serge Dress Skirts Friday Marching orders have T-> _ . also been given to human braids. i with Russian tunic and Roman They are here to match any i< stripe underskirt; worth $4.00 shade of hair. To-morrow, Friday Marching qq $3.00 values $1.49 price «p 1 »«/0 $5.40 values $2.08 _____________ , $lO Lingerie Dresses, $1.50 Waists, 69c $2.98 A few more Waists in Lin- I 14 Lingerie Dresses, all this gerie. Crepe, etc., In a variety season's models, beautifully _» th) _ trimmed In lace and embroidery; of this season pretty models; values up to $lO. Frl- d»o qq worth SI.OO and $1.50, day Marching price. . . . «pA»S7O grouped at one price .D*7C Don't Forget 19 C yfl-L Ci. Don't Forget the Number lU"l£ O* *rlfl Ot» t j, e N um b e r Police Say They Can't Act in Quigley Shooting Case Walter M. Quigley's continued re fusal to discuss the circumstances that led to the shooting affray in which he figured prominently as the shootee to the extent of ten bullets, has left it im possible for the police to act, according to official announcement from police headquarters to-day. Quigley was found near the home of D. M. Copelin, Fifteenth and Herr Keeping It on Top The one breakfast cereal that has survived all the moods of public fancy and shows a steady increase in sales from year to year is SHREDDED WHEAT It is largely through the loving favor of healthy boys and girls that Shredded Wheat is kept at the top of all breakfast foods. Being ready-cooked and ready-to serve it is a boon to the busy housewife and mother, enabling her to prepare "in a jiffy" a nourishing, wholesome, appetizing meal without kitchen worry or kitchen drudgery. Always heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness) then pour over it milk or cream, adding salt or sugar to suit the taste. Deliciously nourishing for any meal in combination with berries or other fruits of any kind. Try toasted Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat Wafer, lop luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalades. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N, Y. FORMAL OPENING ROSE'S FRATERNITY GRILL This Evening, 8 to 11 o'clock LOESER'S ORCHESTRA Second and Walnut Streets (Not* The architectural details o t Fraternity Grill were workedout by T. M. Kelker, Architect.) THURSDAY EVENING, streets, about 11 o'clock Tuesday night b" Captain of Police Thompson and City Detective Ibach. Morning news paper reports connected the name of Mr. Copelin with the shooting. Captain Copelin, from Mt. Gretna's riile ranges, late yesterday, denied emphatically all connection with the shooting. Quigley's condition continues to im prove. LOSES APPENDIX John Sansone, aged 25, 1355 Ver non street, a fruit merchant, was op erated on for appendicitis at the Har rlsburg Hospital last night. lIKEN PJISTDR FOR MIDNIGHT WEDDIHIG Bridegroom Gets an Extra Day Va cation by Hurrying Up the Ceremony "Ting-a-llng, tlng-a-llng" merrily rings the door bell nt the parsonage of the Fifth Street Methodist parson age last night, Just as the hour of midnight strikes and the Rev. B. H. Hnrt, awakened from his slumbers, Is urged to "hurry down at once and marry us." A few minutes later the Rev. Mr. Hart Is performing the marriage cere mony for Miss Daisy Reber Wertz anfl Charges Henry Sorge, both of this city, who had intended to be wedded to-day. The bridegroom found he could have an extra day vacation by starting away on the 1.15 o'clock train this morning so the ceremony was hastened. The bride, a daughter of John Wertz, 426 Muench street, wore a sty lish traveling costume of blue cloth with hat to harmonize. The attend ants were Miss Grace Livlzy and Wayne McCormlck of this city. Mr. Sorge is a foreman of the Har risburg Silk Mill and has a wide ac quaintance throughout the city. They will make their home here, after a wedding journey to New York and adjacer.' summer resorts. Daughters of Pocahontas Hold Sock Social Tonight A sock social will be given by the order of the Paxtang council of the Daughters of Pocahontas, No. 2, at the home of Mrs. Green, 446 Lincoln street, Steelton, Thursday evening, August 20, for the benefit of the coun cil. There will be songs, recitations, and music furnished by Weager and Kaily of Steelton. Refreshments will be. served free. Everybody invited to come and have a good time. Motorcyclists Start on Return to Illinois Percy Wertz and Charles Hamilton, of Decatur, 111., arrived in this city a week ago on their motorcycles, via New York city, Utica and Schenec tady, and have been guests of Mr. and I Mrs. L. A. Sheppard, 626 Ross street. The young men started yesterday on their return trip, passing through Pittsburgh, Columbus, Ohio and the State of Indiana, expecting to reach Decatur on Sunday. VISITORS AT THE COVE WITH MR. AND MRS MATHIAS The following people spent Tues day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mathias at their summer home at the Cove: Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Trullinger and chil dren, Miss Marguerite Hummel, Miss Ethel Boyer, Miss Viola Shilley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cless and son, War ren Cless, Walter Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cless and daughters, Mil dred and Helen Cless, Miss Mildred Snyder and Miss Bernice Mathias. HOME AFTER WEDDING TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowhouer have returned from their wedding trip to New York city, Asbury Park and Philadelphia and the residing in the country until after the first of Octo ber. Mrs. Dowhouer was formerly Miss Elizabeth Meckley, of Humme Is town. VISITOR FROM SEATTLE James Noll, a mail carrier of Seat tle, Wash., who has been visiting his sister. Mrs. S. S. Kocher, at 627 Race street for several days, left to-day for his home after sv- nding a day or two with his father, Daniel Noll, at Mil lersburg. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lebo, of 1602 Market street, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Hattie V. Lebo, to A. Wayne Heckert, of Penbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitely and small daughter, Lethean Whitely, have gone home to Matamoras after a short visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs Walter Whitely, of State street. Miss Mary Middleton, J24 West State street, is the guest of Mrs. Rob ert Fulton Sterling, at Dauphin. Mrs. John M. McCuiloch and John Newton McCuiloch, Jr.. 25 South Third street, have returned from Cold Spring cottage, Williams Grove, where they spent a month. Lewis Johnson and R. L. Johnson, 403 Kelker street, are on a visit to friends in Baltimore, Washington and New York. Miss Esther Lepperd, of 626 Ross street, has returned home after a three weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs Ida Lepperd, at Duncannon. harrisburg gSiS} telegraph BENEFIT CONCERT SITUHYEHG J. Harry Aker, Concert Pianist Is Assisted by Ada Culp Bow man, Soprano A most attractive program has been arranged for the concert driven for the new church at Monaghan, York coun ty, Saturday evening, August 22, at 8.18 o'clock. J. Harry Aker, concert pianist, who has Just eturned from studying in Europe will be assisted by Ada Culp Bowman, soprano. The program includes: "Arabes que," Aker; "Butterfly," Grieg; "Etude de Concert," "Lie'nestraum," "Hark! Hark! the Lark," Liszt; "Sing On," Denza; "Sweetheart," Hawlev; "Witch es Dance," "To a Water Lily," Mac- Doweli; "Valse Op. <?4, No. 2," "Etude Op- 25, No. 9," Chopin; "Mi Teresita," < 'arreno; "Humoreske," D'Vorak; "The Spring Has Come," White; "April Kaln," Goodman; "The Joy of Spring," Ware; "Militar-Marsch," Schubert-Tausig. Goodhart Clan Meets Saturday, at Reading The fifth annual meeting of the Goodhart clan will take place at Black Bear Park, Reading, Pa., Saturday, August 29. An interesting program will be given. The committee in charge of ar rangements anticipates a large at tendance from various sections of the States. Prominent speakers will be in attendance, also talented musicians, both vocal and instrumental, which will add greatly to the pleasures of the occasion. In case of rain the large pavilion on the ground will be occupied. Tt is announced that everybody is welcome to help make this reunion one of the biggest and grandest of the season. Members of the clan liv ing at a distance who may be inter ested are invited to write to W. E. Krum, Reading, Pa., for further par ticulars. ROASTIN G EARS AHE FINE THE ZEITERS PARTY SAYS Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Zeiters chap eroned some young folks at a corn roast along the Conodogulnet creek at Orr s bridge on Tuesday evening. A pleasant evening was spent roasting corn and playing games. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Zeiters, Miss Betty Stam baugh, Miss Elda Stambaugh, Miss Mary Stroup, Miss Margaret Cover, Miss Verna Zeiter, Miss Lou Cooper, Oliver Shott, William Stambaugh, Harry Ward. Carl Cover. Gilbert Rupp and Charles Barnhart. FORMER RESIDENT WEDS Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Pearl Montfort, of Cincinnati, Ohio, to Adrian Clyde Zeigler, of Fernwood, Fla., former Harrisburgers, on Au gust 12. Mr. Zeigler, a son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Zeigler, is a grad uate of the Technical high school, 1908, and has lived in Florida for three years. RETURN FROM TRTP Mrs. Harry L. Bates, of 26 Chestnut street, Steelton, has returned from a visit with her niece, Mrs. James L Grimes, at Driftwood, Pa., who accom panied her on a trip to Buffalo, Nia gara Falls, Toronto and other points, in Canada. NEWS OF FORMER RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harvey Allen, former Harrisburgers, residing at To ledo, Ohio, have just had a delightful cruise on the Great Lakes with a party of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Allen went to Chicago to-day for a stay of several weeks. Mrs. Allen was Miss Josie Belle Weible. of this city. SISTERS OF MERCY START MUSIC CLASS SEPTEMBER 1 The Sisters of Mercy are planning to form a music class, opening Septem ber 1, at the Mercy Home, 603 North Second street, for which pupils are now enrolling. A similar class was organized several years ago, but later was discontinued. OCCUPYING NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. H. White, who spent two weeks at Buffalo, Niagara Falls Pittsburgh and with Mr. Shults - par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shults, at Marklesburg, Pa., are occupyins their newly furnished house at 67 North Eighteenth street. Miss Cora Janet. Tripner, of 1640 North Third street, is registered at the Hotel Markly, Williams Glove for one week. Mrs. Joel Shoop, of Lykens, and Mrs. Richard Budd, of Tower City are visiting at the home of their niece Mrs. Charles A. Fortna, this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reese and chil dren, of New Castle, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reese, ut 644 P.eft'er street. W. H. Bushnell, manager of the Prudential Insurance Company for this district, and his son, William F Bushnell, have left Portland, Oregon' and will tour California and the Yel lowstone Park. Mrs. J. A. Gross and small daugh ter, Violet Gross, of Mount Zion, visit ed the family of Mrs. J. A. at 626 Ross street, early In the week! Master Joseph Fox and sister, Miss Lillian Fox, of 1619 Fourth street are guests of Mrs. Annie Smith at Laßose cottage. Miss Ruth Hummel, of Wormleys burg, will be a week-end Kuest of Miss Pearl Stoilfter at Waynesboro. Alderman Bayles, who is spending a vacation at Atlantic City, will re turn home next Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Wenrich and Mrs Daniel A. Ba-r, of 423 South Seven teenth street, ire spending a day or two at the h< me of John Wenrich Lebanon. Miss Beatrice Martin and Miss Dor othy Martin, of Eighteenth and Wal nut streets, have gone to Newport for several weeks. Miss Sara Meyers, of New Cumber land, and Miss Cymbeline Felker, 321 Chestnut street, left to-day for a week-end visit to Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mrs. Frank F. Stevlck, of 1019 North Third street, returned home yesterday after a six weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Stetler. at Strlnestown. Miss Elizabeth Heitmuller, of Wash ington. D. C.. a student of the Bristol School, Is the guest of Miss Margaret Ramsey Boa*, at 124 Walnut street i SLIDING SCALE SALE FRIDAY UNTIL NOON* " Saturday Positively the Last Day ft The Sliding Price/Sale closes at 9 o'clock Saturday night, when prices will be the lowest reduced prices from which the slide began. These re duced prices are ridiculous enough for our kind of garments: ft Cloth Suits $4.36, $5.82, $7.24, $8.68 and $lO.lO ft Wash Skirts 41 0, 570, 860, $1.14, $1.46, $1.73 ft Striped Gingham and figured Lawn Dresses 860, $1.32, $1.73 ft Striped Lawn, figured Crepe, Linen and Voile Dresses, $2.18, $2.31, $2.91, $3.78, $4.36 . ft Silk Dresses—Black, Copen, navv and pussy willow, $4.36, $5.82, $7.24, $8.68, $10.16 || One Saleswoman who sold four of these Silk Dresses yesterday expressed herself this way: "It grieves me to sell such dresses at these prices. W., B. & W. ANNEX—3II Walnut Street IT . The Store with little prices—lo% REDUCTION during Sliding Scale Sale. If Waists 490, 590 to 900 If Wash Skirts 450, 550, 690, etc. ft House and Street Dresses 490, 600, 750, 900 ft Silk Petticoats $1.75, $1.95, $2.75, $2.95 ff New Fall House Dresses—Stripes, navy blue, gray, etc., SI.OO to $1.65 Witmer, Bair & Witmer Qaiggle-Monigomery Gathering Today at Pine Quite a number or local folks are attending the eleventh annual reunion of the Quiggle-Montgomery families to-day at Pine, among them Walter L. Montgomery, one of the secretaries, and Joseph Montgomery, 3d, historian for the Montgomery clan. The orator ot tne day was Thomas M. Clemens, of New York city, editor of Genealogy, a journal of American ancestry, who addressed the clan two years ago. New officers were elected and the ladies' auxiliary of Pine served refreshments during the day. MISS SARAH COOPER OIVE Ol' UIICKV TITANIA'S MAIDS Special to The Telegraph Asbury Park, N. J.. Aug. 20. With the naming of three new maids, the court of Queen Titania XVI, which will rule the Asbury Park carnival, was completed yesterday. The new maids are: Miss Sarah Elizabeth Cooper, of C«mi Hill, Harrlsburg, Pa.; Miss Adelaide Gloria Ettenson, of 225 West One Hun dred and Tenth street, New York, and Miss Esther Creede. of 60 North Clin ton street, East Orange. N. J. Miss Cooper, who is a season guest at the Hotel Colonial, is a daughter of Frank M. Cooper, an official of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, at Steel ton, Pa. She Is 19 years old and Is one of the most acomplished young women in the resort's society circle. Miss Ettenson is a daughter of John Ettenson. a New York manufacturer. .Miss Creede. who is 18 years old. is a blonde. Her father Is an associate of Marden, King & Creede, a New York business house. OR. DEYOE IN TOWN The Rev. Dr. DeYoe, of Ger mantown, a former pastor of the Mes siah Lutheran Church, this city, was in town to-day on the way home from Gettysburg, where he visited with Mrs. DeYoe at the home of her mother. Mrs. McKnight. SEE BIG BALL GAME Charles E. Shade, of 407 Reily street, and Marlin O. Weaver, of 1518% North Fourth street, went to Philadelphia to-day to see the clash between the Athletics and Detrolts. AMUSEMENTS f > Paxtang Park Theater Playing High Class Vaudeville, Presents FREDO & PRIMROSE In Bits of Musical Comedy i —and— Character Impersonations THE THREE KELOES Grotesque Acrobats and A n 9 ther A * Big Acts * Matinees Free to Children I —J Sacred Band Concert Boiling Springs Park Commonwealth Band OF HARRISBURG Sunday, Aug. 23,2 P.M. j t \ i Continuous Dancing AT HERSHEY PARK Saturday Eve. Aug. 22nd 1 BAND AM) ORCHESTRA MITSIC | Dr. G. W. Ramsey announces the opening of «n (OFFICE AT 612 N. Eighteenth St. j L j AUGUST 20, 1914. RETURN AFTER CAMPING ON FRENCH RIVER. CANADA James A. Stranahan and J. Clarence Funk 'came home last evening from Canada, where they enjoyed an outing at the Solid Comfort Fishing Camp, on French rivfr, Ontario, Canada. Mr. Stranahan took the tirst part of his vacation at Hollow Lake, where Mrs. Stranahan and their daughter. Mrs. Frank Bell, of Chicago, joined him. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. J. Raunick and son, of 212 Hamilton street, are taking a vacation at Bristol, Pa. Miss Janet Sawyer has returned home after a summer's stay in New England and parts of New Jersey. Miss Arta Williams, of 1618 North Second street. Is visiting schoolmates in Wilmington, Del. Miss Ma belle Losh and Miss Alma Wahl were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gates at Speedway Bungalow, near Paxtang, on Wednesday evening. Oil. PRICF.S AGAIN CUT By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Aug. 20. _ The oil pur chasing agencies announced another cut in price to-day, Pennsylvania crude gotng to 1.45, a cut of five cents. All other grades were cut two cents. j FINAL CLEAN UP • | Beginning with to-morrow morning, we will sell our Summei toorwear al prices that will unload them onto a grateful public. Our Inventory, Monday, August 31st I causes us to offer shoes at prices that will convert many I of them inlo cash. You save and we lose. SEE OUR WINDOWS. 20th Century Shoe Company "SHOES THAT WEAR" MARKET SQUARE I AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS * , - • ... .... . _ > Hl\SaV K fwtt 1 WWa % Vl' Hiram on the Farm T ~"* H " i-TUTi."-* Apd Al " The Funnleat Moving Picture Ever ALL NEXT WEEK Made JOE WELCH 3 DIVING NYMPHS I . ....... . Anil Two other (.nod Acta I * nudevllie n foremost Character DIVING CONTESTS for Buya anil I Comedian Clrli FRIDAY MtillT. I PHOTOPLAY WHAT THE GODS DECREE ROBER T EDESON Sequel to the Famous Protea. —IN— THE PRESIDENT S "THE CALL OF THE NORTH" SPECIAL . IM __ , 2-Reel K,!l*on H ** lm j | See the Million Dollar Mystery Every Monday i j I VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY THE FLAMES OF JUSTICE ]> 25,000 FIVE-HE EI. FEATURE lj| Featuring Julia «le Kelety, a star ul two contlnenta. STRONGER THAN DEATH THE FACE ON THE BAR-ROOM FLOOR i II KEYSTONE COMEDY j! ;; ADMISSION 10c CHILDREN 5c ; ; COMING TO-.MOKHOW— Sliort y find the Fortune Teller I PHOTOPLAY THEATER FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1914. A MILLION BID A tMOUEKN DItAMA IN FIVE PAUTS j Produced by the viT AORAPH | CAST I jj!' ll ' s Belgradln CHARLES KENT HI. Extra vaitant Wife j uIU gwayna Uordon , A«nea. their dauirhtcr AnltH Stewart l.orlnK Brent, a youiiK auriteon . jg. k Lincoln C.cot Trey Marnke, an Auatrnllan Millionaire Ilarrv T Morev Harry Fnrnla. Gladden Jame. | > I— —■———— DR. W. P. CLARDentist Crown and Brldfework, Fillings, eta. CONSULTATION FREE. Room, 200 Calder Bulldlnic. M N. Market Square Elevator Service ! OFFICE HOtJRB—O A. M. to 1P.M.3P.M.t0 OP. M. Official Report Tells of Battle in Belgium By Associated Press Parla, AUK. 20. 10:22 A. M. The C communication given out by the French I War Department, this morning, was J one of the briefest for some days. It /< announced only the bare facts of im portant developments now In progress in Belgium, and added that there was nothing new along the front in Alsace- Lorraine. KXAL'SS ORGAN RECITAL Special to The Telegraph Meehanirshurg, Pa., Aug. 20.—• Charles E. Knauss, organist of the Rlttenhouse Square Seconrl Presbyter ian Church, of Philadelphia, assisted by J. Ellsworth Sliker, baritone, of Easton, will give an organ recital In the Trinity Lutheran Church In this place on Thursday evening, September 10, under the direction of Miss Mar gery Lilley's class. Mr. Krauss has studied abroad as a pupil of Guil inant, and is conductor of the Men delssohn Choral Society, of Philadel phia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers