12 r r Summer s Best Budget of Friday Specials: Store Closes atNoon /——————"Cotton Dress Goods ' $5.00 Corsets at $1.95 Fancy Linens No Friday Morning 25c voiles; 36 inches wide; white Women's and Misses' Spring Cloth Suits From Our Nemo, Smart Set and B. &J. Cor- $1.25 to $1.50 Japanese hand __ grounds; neat styles of floral de- Hno-nlnr s9ll $!}«:- an /l I inoc in a sets, values to $5.00. Friday morn- drawn work squares; 30x30 inches SflPClfll Sprit CO. signs. Friday morning only, yd. 10? c »<r * » 4 h j c j n g only $1.95 for shams and table covers. Friday * 25c marquisette; white ground; Remarkable Clearance Tomorrow Morning:: $5.95 D " p 4 s " s?cond y loor ' morning only ; 49<> D., or Mail or Tele- j j}[, U o C n i v \-ard '! ' " ioe j I Our ent re remaining stock of Spring cloth suits, representing gar- I Stl eet I* loor Col set Specials Cotton Toweling _ ->y C vr ,;if ■; VS inrhp? wiHp • iipnt ments from America's foremost manufacturers, in materials and weaves Rengo Belt corsets in large sizes; ■„ , phoneOrdersFllled figures on dark grounds. Fridav of the highest character, go into a remarkable clearance for Friday $2.00 value. Friday morning only kitihelTuse r mnrnincr nnlv virH morning at the lowest price we have ever quoted for garments of equal "'K > lIJ mines wiuc , ' L —' $7!o0 Nub crepei 44inVhes quality* L. CC. corsets, 75c value. Friday Friday morning only, yard ... »«f Lace Specials one shade. Friday morning only, The sizes are 14. 16 18 for misses, and 34, 36, 38 and 40 for women, ™e"%O„W ft siewar't.' ST'reeY FIJO.. . Lunch Cloths r varc l |<)f. and the. colors are navy blue, Copenhagen, Gendarme blue, green, ma- Linen Clunv lace edge and inser- ' Remnants of silk muslin, poplin, hogany, tan and black. • R1 L- D f B<sc all-linen lu nch cloths; 4y tion; 2to 4 inches wide: in white linen, voile and crepe. Friday Don't miss this rare opportunity if you can use an exceptional __ DlacK. UreSS VjOO . inches square; good patterns. Iri and ecru Values up to 25c. Friday morning only at half price. garment at an exceptional price, but come early and QC ' ■"' c black mohair; 50 inches wide. day morning only 49? 121, 0 25c golfine cords, solid shades; choose at Friday morning only, yard ... 48? morning on>, _< ........ •- . se ]f C o| or stripes. Fridav morning Dives. Pomeroy &• Stewart second Floor 75c black Panama; 54 inches wide. Table Damask Maltese lace edges and insertions, only> yard I()<fc _ , Fridaymorrfing only yard ... .».»? b , eached cotton . tahlc damask ; one inch wide. Values up to lx. 2;>c imitation linen ; solid shades. m•) , p j ~ Ul , , SI.OO black serge ;50 inches wide. d Friday morning Friday morning only, vard ... 5? Friday morning only, yard .. 12'/ 2 ? 1 Ollet CiOOGS Ciirdles, Helts and Friday morning only, yard ... 09? - } Valpnripnnp<; insertions 1 one inch P" n ted Flaxon; neat styles. cf . . ' , c , . T 4.1 j $1.50 silk poplin; 40 inches wide. - \ alenciennes insertions, one inch morn ing onlv, vard .. «< 4 ? 50c box Romola facc Powder. Fry Leather Goods* Friday morning only, yard ....98? d j S Dreac is wide, values up to 10c. Friday 12J^ C crepesfgood styles. Fridav day morning only 10? f ... Cnlmvrl Dress (ioods D P morning only, yard morning only, yard 7*4? Wistaria toilet soap, 3 cakes in ar l^ Se U ' 1 ex ' "* e na ' e ' co . , P.. SI.OO hemmed crochet bed -.-.r > r> i 10c percales; 36 inches wide; neat box Fridav morning onlv ner memo P ad - pencil, mirror and hot- ?c mixed suiting; .i 4 inches wie. spreads; good size and quality. Fri- Wometl S Parasols stripes Friday mowing only, yard, h ' ■ mormng n,y ' PJ" tie. Friday morning only ... 440 Friday mornmg only yard .. 2of day mon ling only 39? * is t 1 ° ox lu v o-onn n" r> ' ' t • •ji 50c crepe granite; 36 inches wicje; Women's fancy cotton parasols in *4? 50c box Maxine Elliot toilet soap; $--00 silk Roman stripe girdle; b j shades Friday morning only, Hnmp«nnn Tnvvels red and ribbon bordered effects. es- P° m 'roj- & Stewart, street Floor. 6 c a kes in box, and a 59c Ro S er, inches wide with colored buckle. yard S Homespun 1 OWeIS Values up to $1.25. Friday morning silver plated berry spoon. Friday Friday morning only #1.75 85c serge; 48 inches wide; full 7c old-fashioned homespun onlv . 49? Women's Vests morning only 50? 50 c vestee belts; white pique and range of shades. Friday morning towels; hemmed ready for use. Fri ... , , T T ■ I, Bab >" ta \ cm " Powder. Friday black edge. Friday morning only, only, yard 09? day morning only 4? Women S Umbrellas Women's 10c white cotton ribbed morning only, 2 cans for 5? B ' SI.OO silk and wool crepes; shades .. . T , vests; taped neck and armholes. Fri- Colean soap. briday morning of tan, rose, mahogany and tango. iurklSil 1 OWeIS Women s fast black water-proof day morning only 5? only, cake 4? 50c suede leather belts in Kelly Friday morning only, yard .... 38? T „ rt := h Kat t, umbrellas with mission handles. Women's Cumfv cut ribbed Silk and mercerized sponge bags, green, Nell rose, purple and light $1.25 silk and wool brocade t • 'j i r . a J v f'J Worth B''c. I-riday morning °nj>. vests. Friday morning only, rubber lined. Friday morning only, blue with covered buckle. Friday crepes; four good shades. Friday only 3 for ° * ??, or 4 for 25? 5? morning onlv . . 35? morning only, yard <>9? " ' • k *>')& TCmhroideries , Shaving stick, full size in nickel „ . ' . ' " * . $1.25 serge; 52 inches wide; two , „ Men S Underwear box. Friday morning only ... - shades of navy. Friday morning Huck Towels Swiss embroidery shirt waist . . Greaseless cold cream. Friday Friday morning only 87? onlv, yard 95? fronts, in open and solid patterns. Men t> 50c Egyptian open mesh morning only 10? Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. $1.50 Plisse crepe; 40 inches wide; 1214 c red border huck towels; Values up to $1.25. Friday morning u . r . ts a drawers; broken lines. Witch hazel, bring bottle. Friday all the best shades. Fridav morning good size and quality. I-riday moui onlv 25? Friday morning onlv, each . ... 25? morning onlv, per quart 19? _ , , __ Tl . only, vard 2.>? Embroidered voile flouncing; 45 Alen soc and . /5c athletic shirts p nre St. Thomas blue ribbon bay 1 radesmen s\\ lllte Aprons T • • D - p - &s - street Floor inches wide; in solid patterns. and drawers, nainsook and madras. rum, bring bottle. Fridav morning Ar , . , . ~, L/inillgS Values up to 75c. Fridav morning Fnda - V morning only, each ... 29? only< per pint ;.... 35? Men s 25c hcav y wh,te b,b a P rons $1.25 black Farmer's satin ;54 in only .yard 25? Dives, Pomoroy & Stewart, street Floor. 2 5c Tu-bo-lax. Friday morning with neat black stripes. Friday c hes. wide. Friday morning only, Women's Juliets Swiss embroidery flouncing; 45 , onlv J8? morning only ... 19?, or 3 for 50? yard ' 75? inches wide; values up to 49c. Fri- > IT • 25c Colorite for coloring straw » f ,, c . 50c surf cloth; 33 inches wide. \\ omens $1.25 to $2.00 black kid dav morning onlv, vard 19? 1 leil S riOSiery hats. Fridav morning onlv .. 10? 31eil S ollll'ts at ()9c Fridav morning only, yard ... 45? skin Juliets; hand-turned soles; not Women's Handkerchiefs Men's 2Se silk hose; black only. Tube of Koval Woth piste with M . , J0 „ D.. p. s., Btreet Floor. all sizes. Friday morning only. U omen S Handkerchiefs Friday morning only iSf one 10c tooth brnsh. Fr,day mo ? . Eaglo ahirta. ttlightlv imperfect: aa- Suede Pumps Women's Hosiery Box oftootl,.powder with i;,eloc sorted lot. Friday morning only. Men's Furnishings Women's $3.00 and $3.50 black Friday onlv 5? • ->q ii 1 -it ri i 9.. 1 1 r 'da> only .... lo? (~)? Mens l.ic pad garters, Friday pu mps with straps; lioodvear welt- Women's hemstitched cotton W omen s 38c black sitk lisle hose; Silver instantaneous cleaner Hi- Men's PaiamaS morning only ..8? E d soles; high Cuban heels; not all handkerchiefs. Values up to 3c. Si"™ 11 teC '' Fr,day H {.-{,%* fajamas One dozen sol,d metal unbreak- sjze , Fr i4 n , o r„i„g 0n1y,.#1.69 Fridav morning onlv 7 for . 10? onh ....... 2.1? Birts23c head wash. Friday Men's SI.OO pajamas; plain cloths able collar buttons; assorted shades. \\ omen s 10c black and tan col- morning only 1<? . - , , f trimmed- Friday morning only .5? Boys Shoes Women's \pf»kwear orcd cotton llose : seamless. Fri- 15c Colverine talcum. Friday ; ~!' & . ' Men's white hemstitched hand day morning only 5? morning only 10? sizes l.i to 18. I riday morning kerchiefs. Friday morning only, 3 Boys' $1.25 patent colt button Embroidered batiste collars in I r ' C "^ c Imperial cement. Fri- only (55? for 10? shoes; made on full toe lasts with white .light blue, pink and black Infants oOX day morning only 9? Light weight $2.98 pajamas, in Boys' white hemstitched handker- heavy stitched soles. Friday morn dots. Values up to 50c. Friday T : .• i->r r . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, £tre«t Floor. pink, blue and white, sizes 15 and chiefs. Fridav morning only, 5 for ing only 95? morning onlv \2y/e Lifant sl2y,c fancy top sox; as- 16 only, and men's $1.98 crepe pa- 10? c Silk Windsor ties; assorted col- v-virlav 'mnrnllftr l° UC excian jamas; all sizes. 1-riday morning d„ p. &s„ Men's store. Children S Saildals ors. Values up to 25c. Friday "day morning only >? Boxed Books only #1.50 Children's 65c tan -rain leather • t | . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. nnp-niVrp £1 OO LnUclrenb Or»C tail icatner 111. "inn ~||| > •> 50c boxed books. Friday morn- jamas. Friday morning only, 75* Boys' Straw Hats, '2sc barefoot sandals with heavy stitdied D- , nA c „ p D,V "' P ° n "" ,y ' 4 M '"" *""■ Odd styles and broken sizes Boys' aoles. Friday morning only .. . , Large and Small Rugs - Ra„ Rah and high crown Children's Pumps Jewelry and Silverware Last of the Whittall discontinued 4i CAt (Ho nr Di np straw hats - 111 wlllte » corn - black ' , _ , . patterns at big reductions. Stationery $1 •50 to $2.95 Blouses, 95c blue and white and black-or blue ; Children s SI.OO white canvas _- SI.OO nickel alarm clocks, guaran- S6OOO Ang]( ?.p ersian R 9x12 UUtI > c d . 50c, 69c, 98c and $1.23 values. Fn- strap pumps; made on full toe lasts teed. I riday morning only ... <•>? { & Pound paper. 2 packs envelope* , cre P e ' , , ana Da tiste Dloust , d morning only 25? tridav morning only bo? $1.50 set of 6 Rogers silver plated c ' ' "" V d dozen Dens and oen holder 70c tn, ». min f of , lace °, r embroidery m- g v d.. p. & s.. street Kioo,-. near, table snoon- Fridlv mornine-onlv .ft, >al orcester Ru g s . pens and pen holder, /Uc sertion bunch tucks and <stmvv Oiitino- J,Qf. taDie spoons. 1 nuav morning on\y 9x12 feet $35.00 value - l nday morning only, 25? embroidery voile or lace collar Straw UUting rtatS, 49C 7 5 c cold and silver nicture frames morning c'nh ... 15? 2/xbO inches ~ . *1.?5 price $1.50 to $2.95. Friday morn- that were earlier up to $3.95. I-ri- VV lllte UOOdS 39c coin nurses Fridav mornine - 1, 1 11 I Jeria ' Axminster Rugs. ing onlv 95? a - v mornin R onl . v 17c Plisse crepe; 29 inches wide; onlv . .. . ....." 19? 3 %' 3 i" c , h - •' Vy.V :• S3OO Boys' Pants tl nft m .- n D " P " &8 - Second F,o ° r ' Kront used for underwear; good quality. SI'S . iernian silver coin Boys' fancy mixed pants, sizes 7 sl ' °° B,OUSeS 8t 5 ° C nda\ morning onlv . ..... ~1.00 jg vears — Voile blouses; front trimmed with P ' striped and checked lawns; . 7° . top beauty pi " s an,! ~_a r Made-Up Rugs $1.25 value. Fridav morning embroidery and lace insertion; or- 25c nickel plated flour sieves* 28 to 30 inches wide; extra quality. P, "o- tr a L m °. rmng -° nl -K-.V i, in ; , only 98? gaudy collar trimmed with lace Friday morning only 17? f H dav morning only yard ... 8? r°t brooches, bar pins, belt pins, U 4 and V / 2 yards long, $1 00 value. Frtday morning edge. Regular price SI.OO. Fridav 5c shelf paper. 5 yards. Friday Friday morning >, ? et «-' • n ri(Ja - v morn.ng only .... 10? 75c to $1.50 only 79? morning only . 50? morning onlv »? 12'/ 2 c white voile; m»de of good SI.OO set-of 6 silver plated tea 9 Dlves . Pomeroy & stewarti Second Floor $1 49 pie servers "nickel frames. twisted yarns. 28 inches wide. Fn- Matt,n « p Mens Trousers only «w ! 10 JJSJ yard*" JaP3 " . Men ' s fan c y grey worsted and cas- Dressing SacqueS water'' bucket Triday 'Zing to a piece; 36 inches wide. Friday ■ >d _ ••• /•*",' simere trousers, sizes 36, 38, 40 and 1 . , J qc morning only, piece 80? Silk Specials " x 31 Remnants Linoleum, 42; $2.50 values. Friday morning Lawn dressing sacques; white °"it?m 'nniplft nan< Fri- 29c striped voile; 40 inches wide; , 0 ,i , .... , **9? only $1.35 ground with neat figure. Fridav ■ nr „: n(r nn t v ' SI IO quality for dresses and waists; $1.39 black satin Majestic; 40 in- nnves Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. morning only 25? tA ATL.In.' *' FriHav morn Fridav morning only .yard ... 19? ches wide. I-nday morning only, Boys Blouse Suits " in onh 39? 25c'striped crepes; 40 inches wide; Remnants of silk of the best sell- Lawn Mowers ' Boys'sl.so and $2.00 white blouse S lOrt Skirts $20.00 leaded glass domes install- morning ing qualities. Friday morning onlv , wash suits in galatea arid linene, Short cambric skirts; cambric ed. I'riday morning only .. Jp14.00 •24 inches at Half price. - lawn mowers. Friday morn- slightly soiled. Friday morning ruffle hemstitched hem trimmed. $7.98 domes, complete. Friday wide . can bc used for curtains. Fri- D„ p. &a, street Floor. n * ' Jp1..18 .only 9«>? Friday morning only 25? morning only morning onlv vard .... 3^ Dlves ' Pomer °y & Stewart, Basement. D„ P. & S., Second Floor, Rear. -Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. - » - 200 Dead Germans Found in Space of Fifty Yards After Terrific Encounter Brussels. Aug. 13, via London. 11.45 A. M.—The fighting yesterday between the Belgian and German armies in the vicinity of Diest lasted the entire day and constituted the first considerable mattle of Haelem. Shells were still falling at half past seven in the even ing on the roads around Diest. The battle centered around Haelem [ORDER •, A' (URSDAV EVENING. in the Belgian province or Limbourg extending to Diest in the north of the Province of Brabant after passing around Zeellhem. At 7 o'clock last evening all the country betweep the three towns men tioned had been cleared of German troops except the dead and wounded who were thickly strewn about the tire zone. Upwards of 200 dead German sol diers were counted in a space of fifty yards square. A church, a brewery and some houses in Haelem were set afire and two bridges over the Demer were de-1 stroyed by Belgian engineers. Great quantities of booty were col lected on the battlefield and this has been stacked in front of the town hall of Diest. Many horses also were ctp tured. The strength of the German column was about five thousand men. Germans Willing to Take Americans Into Their Homes Without Cost By Associated Press Berlin, Aug. 13, via Copenhagen, and London, Aug. 13.. 12.25 A. M.— A meeting of 500 Americans in the German capital was informed last evening that many Germany families were ready to take stranded Ameri cans into their houses without cost. The first on the list of those willing to do so was Adolph Wermuth, the lord mayor, who declared he would take three Americans. The banks here also are ready to grant important credits to Americana. The president of the German bank de clared he would grant $1,250,000 against adequate security. I>JFIRISBURG TELEGRAPH WAR BULLETINS [Continued From First Page] Berlin, via Copenhagen, via- London, Aug. IS, 7.50 A. M.—A special train with 400 Americans left at 1 o'clock in the afternoon for Holland. Prepa rations have been advanced for the departure of other Americans. The leading banks here are now paying cash on letters of credit. London. AUK. 13. 5.15 A. M. —A dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com pan> savs that more than fifty vessels ol' all nationalities have been stopped at Gibraltar and their sailing pre vented. . Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 13.—The Ca nadian cruiser Rainbow reached Vic toria to-day. convoying the British man-of-war Shearwater. The Als«rlnc Is expected later. Washington. 1). C., Aug. 13.—Min ister Wliltlock, at Brussels, reported to the State Department to-day that the United States consulate at Liege was exposed to Are and if the Ger mans decided to bombard the city It will be necessary to move It. As yet no damage has been done. New York, Aug. 13. —The Belgian consulate to-day made public the fol lowing cablegram from the minister of war at Brussels: "The port of Antwerp is open and the estuaries of the river Scheldt are open to commercial navigation. Du ins the day there will IK* L)ut< h pilots." Copenhagen.. Aug. 12, via Ixmdon. Aug. 13. Political circles consider that the neutrality of Denmark must be maintained at all cost. Otherwise the economic distress which already Is acute will be accentuated. Large quantities of goods are being exported to the combatants. Germany has re moved her tariff restrictions, but re quires that the shipments be in large quantities. The export of Banish goods to England commences to-night, the government insuring them against war risks. Paris, Aug. 13, 3.50 A. M. —It is de clared here that the alleged purchase bj Turkey of the German cruisers Goeben and Breslau, as announced at Constantinople, probably will be the subjet t of a demand for explanation on the part of France and her allies. Paris. Aug. 13, 4.40 A. M.—A dis patch from Rome declares that the departure of the Austro-Hungarlati ambassador to Italy, Kajetan Merey de Kapos-Mere, stated to be for rea sons of health, was really due to the impossible situation resulting from the failure of liis efforts to obtain Italian support for Austria and Germany. Paris, AUK. IS. 2.35 A. M. —An offi cial communication issued at llrussels contradicts the reports that the Ger mans are strongly entrenching their |K>sitio!is In the vicinity of I .lege. It adds that the cavalry Is undoubtedly falling back and that only a part of the city of Liege is being fortified by the Germans. The bombardment of the forts was.resumed yesterday, hut they still hold out. Woman's Health and spirits depend upon her digestion and circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression dis appear after the system has been cleansed and the blood purified by BEECHAHI'S PILLS Direction «f Special Valoe to Wonts with Ewtj Box. Sold Everywhere, b bona, 10c„ ZSc. J, 1914. Business L.ocan SHOES ANl> SHOULDERS Not very closely associated but in timately related. The stooped should ers is frequently due to ill-titting shoes that prevents the wearer f,rom enjoy ing the foot comfort that unconscious ly makes you step with a firm tread and shoulders erect. Our semiannual clearance sale makes It possible for you to select the better gr de shoes at a nominal price. Jerauld Shoe Co.. 310 Market street. HAND OVER YOUR WATCH To us for repairs and you are assured of the most careful attention by the most expert watchmakers. Skilled In the adjustment of the most delicate mechanism of the highest grade watches, we are competent to give excellent service on your watch or clock repairs or cleaning. W. H. At kinson, 1423 V 4 North Third street. WAISTS FOR CHILDREN Dressing of children is quite a problem for every mother, therefore she Is usually Interested in wearing apparel for children that promises greater comfort snd convenience as well as wear. The William Frank waist for children Is specially made with regard to comfort and of splendid wearing materials. Buttons for chil dren to put on themselves, avoids usual annoyance. Marianne Kinder 1 Markt. 220 Locust street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers