NUMBER OF OPPORTUNITIES ARE FOUND ON THIS PAGE This Is an Ad For a New Form of Light No latest patent throws so much light on so many dark subjects as Telegraph WANT ADS. The how, the why and the wherefore of home, business and social problems is often made clear by using the right WANT AD in the right place— the Telegraph. DIED i MEHRING On August 4, 1914. at I Atlantic City, N. J., Minnie M. Mehring, daughter of Jacob C. Mehring. i Funeral services on Friday afternoon, .August 7, at 3 o'clock, from her late (residence, 2439 North Sixth street. The | relatives and friends are invited to at ! tend without further notice. Burial, iHarrisburg Cemetery. Body can be viewed Thursday evening at her home. 'MAXWELL, On August 3, 1914, Helen Margaret Maxwell, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer B. Maxwell, No. 1947 Green street, in her 17th year. Relatives and friends are invited to lattend the funeral Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence. Burial Iprivate, in East Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST" LOST Fox Terrier dog. Strayed .from 711 North Eighteenth street, wear ilng collar with long chain attached. Marked in brown, white body. Answers Ito name "Babe." Reward if returned jto above address. LOST Automobile side curtains, on IDillsburg road to Harrisburg. Liberal I reward if returned to owner, A. E. Gettys, West End Electric and Cycle —' UANTKT)—MaIe 1- WANTED Honest, temperance man help manager, newly invented ar- T*icle and put same on market. Will give half interest. Only $250 required, (write to me. S. R. Horst, Jr., Lemoyne, [Pa. WANTED Ambitious young man to learn rlgh-grade furnishing and hat •business; elegant opportunity; reference required. Address 8., 1708, care of Telegraph. DISTRICT SALES MANAGER, for staple, well advertised line atuomobile tires and tubes, factory to user. Execu tive ability necessary to select and di rect sub-agents. Profitable, exclusive territory contract; liberal commission; permanent. State age, experience and all details in first letter. National Rubber Company, Pottstown, Pa. WANTED A quarry foreman, with experience. Call evenings at 1319 North Third street. F. G. Kaufman. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; small family. Apply Wednesday or Thursday between 2 and 4, at Room 408 Donaldson Building, 204 North Second street. WANTED By widower, a middle aged country lady for a housekeeper, wth not more than one child. A good home for a kind lady. Apply Box G, 2093, care of Telegraph. WANTED A white American lady under 80, experienced in short order restaurant work. Address at once. 30 North Market street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. WANTED White girl for general housework; German girl preferred; no laundry work; must have reference. Apply 274 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne, Pa., or call Bell phone 3419. LEARN DRESSMAKING JOIN our summer class. Learn fit ting by measurement. The art cannot be taught right any other way. Make all your summer dresses while learn ing. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North FGourth street. A PRIVATE person owning a fine cabinet bath, will give these baths in her own home. Only a limited number of ladies taken. If you wish to be free from stilt ioints, rheumatism, kidney troubles, or any female complaints, take these baths and you will feel like a different person. For interview, etc., address in confidence, G.. 1701, care of Telegraph. Harrisburg, Pa. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St. REFINED lady of fair education, over 23, or middle-age, to travel and appoint agents for Philadelphia toilet article firm. Salary, $12.00 per week and expenses. State where can be seen. Address H. E. P., care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED —For our new mill, 100 experienced weavers. Apply Harrisburg Silk Mill. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ► I AM blind and want to teach other blind adults how to read by finger. Any one who could read before becoming blind can learn In few lessons. For further Information call, or address, Lawrence Davles, 640 Dauphin street. City. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for Government Jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Over 15,000 appointments com ing. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 3620, Rochester. N. Y. FOR SALE NORTH SECOND ST. HOUSE An especially desirable single dwelling house located on the r.outh side of the street—through ly modern throughout—as good as new. Not Urge enough fop tfie present owner's family is the reason for selling. Particulars upon inquiry. Miller Bros. & Neefe / REAL ESTATE far Ira Insurance Surety Bonds V Locust and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING SITUATIONS WANTED — Male WANTED Middle-aged man de sires position as night watchman or elevatorman; can give good reference. Address W., 1709, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class fireman sta tionary boilers would like to have a position. Apply 1421 Zarker street. WANTED Colored man desires po sition as handy man about the house. Call, or address, 17128 Walnut street WANTED Chauffeur, good, ex perienced, honest and sober, desires po sition; references. Address Box J., 2083, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Young man, 20 years old, wants position of any kind. Address 660 Broad street. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; New York and Pennsylvania State license; private family or com mercial. C. W. Wallis, Enola, Pa. WANTED By young man, position as stenographer; can furnish reference. Address S„ 2095, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED — Female WANTED Young lady desires po sition at clerical work; grocery store preferred. Address 0., 2097, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman desires any kind of day's work. Call, or ad dress 334 South Fifteenth street. Bell phone 1616 R. WANTED Confinement cases by re liable party. Addres F., 1704, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored woman desires position as dishwasher In small boardinghouse or restaurant. Call, or address, 250 Liberty street. WANTED By colored woman, day's work. Address 1404 Fulton street. WANTED By colored woman, general housework. 1404 Fulton street. WANTED Colored girl would like to assist with general housework. 1409 Fourth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE at Summer dale; 7 rooms; 3 lots; line spring of water; about 60 fruit trees. Will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Apply M. V. Sanderson, Summerdale. FOR SALE Frame dwelling. 1334 North Fourth street; lot, 22%x60 ft. Price, $950. This is a bargain. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. FOR SALE The Keller homestead, opposite thf city. Also building sites on Fort Washington, and business sites on pike opposite Lemoyne. S. S. Rupp, Trustee, Bergner Building. J 1,900 WILL BUY Steelton property recently held at $2,100 3-story frame lot, 20x120 to wide alley. Inspect it. No. 333 South Front street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Pair of new houses In good section of Hill; all modern Im provements, including hardwood finish, combination lights, gas and coal range, 12,600 each. H. G. Pedlow, 1327 Vernon street. FOR SALE Small farm of 25 acres of cultivated land and 3 acres of wood land, located 3 miles northwest of New port. Apply on premises, or address Rufus Potter, Wila, Pa. FOR SALE 638 and 640 Herr St. two-and-one-half-story frames 6 rooms each. Rental income, $20.00. Price, $1,200.00 each. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SA , 1940 Green St. 3- story brick dwelling lO rooms, bath and steam heat front and rear Dorch; lot, 19%x85. This property is In excep tionally line condition. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Lot at Camp Hill, cor ner Logan Point and Oyster avenue. Will sell at sacrifice. Address L., 1705, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Suburban residences, with and without conveniences, In the best located town in the valley. Trains leave every hour, trolleys every half hour —good schools good water —cl'jan streets. We have a line of farms ranging from 10 acres to 185 acres. F. S. Mumma & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. FOR SALE No. 2039 Green street 3-story brick lO rooms bath gas electric light steam heat hardwood finish lot, 21x85. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1316 Derry street desirable business location property will grow in value price reasonable. Also corner property, suitable for apart ment. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, 180 ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley Just off Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaffer. 2635 Penn street, Penbrook. LOT of ground 150x150. on South Cameron street, near Market, for sale or lease, in plots as desired. Apply Shaffer Wagon Works. 80 South Cam eron street. FOR SALE—Pair houses, with stable, lot. 40x110, near Eighteenth street; rented for $22.00; quick sale price for $2,500.00. Also Berryhlll street, sl,- 250.00; Summit street, brick, $2,200.00. Market street store room, with base ment, for rent at SIB.OO. Edgar B. Le rew, 4 North Fifth street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT ll4 Washington street, Harrisburg; 7 rooms and bath; all con veniences; sl2 per month; Immediate possession. Keeney and Simmons, New Cumberland, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Possession August 14, aix-room residence, Main street. Camp Hill. Porch, bath and electricity. Call Bell phono 3049 L. FOR RENT—Two-story frame build ing:, No. 5 North Cameron street. Ap ply Wagon Works. 80 South Cameron street. REAL, ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT Large house, between Third and Front, Pine and Chestnut streets. Address Box 1702, care of Telegraph. WANTED To buy small lot In Elk wood; location no object. Address F. M., 2100, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Unfurnished apartment of two or three rooms and bath. Box 1706, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO APARTMENTS FOR RENT 6 rooms and bath; large pantry and large closets; modern in every respect. Apply at the second floor of the same, 608 North Third street. FOR RENT Part of furnished apartment. Including kitchen; excellent location. Address F., 2091, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at No. 125 Pine street new furniture recehtly papered city steam heat electric light suite with private bath, or single room. Box 2098, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights, hot and cold running water in room; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Well furnished rooms facing Capitol Park; use of bath and phone; reference. 406 North street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running water; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, coiner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Newly-furnished sec ond floor front rooms; also large un furnished room, lirst floor; corner house; bath. 400 Briggs street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences. Apply second apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-suite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of phone and bath. Special rates to traveling men. Apply .Dauphin Apartments, 10'< South Second street, or call Bell phone 1428 J. FOR RENT Two large well fur nished front rooms; private family; use of phone and bath; gentlemen pre ferred. 402 Briggs street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and boarding; also a furnished apart ment of two rooms and bath on first floor. 613 North Second street. ROOMS \VANTEI> WANTED Permanently, a furnish ed room by a quiet, tidy, miudle-agnd man ot good haoits, whose room is nis nome. State iioor, price and how heat ed. Address K., 170., care ot 'lelegraph. WANTED Unfurnished second floor, in private house, lor lady ana daughter; situated between Second and Tnud streets, and irom Harris to Ivxa ciay, Irom last week in August or by September 1. Rent reasonaoie. Answer by letter only, ti. .a., 216 Hamilton street. ROOMS AND HOARD BOARD, with lodging, SI.OO per day. Rates to families gi\ eu at Stoverdaie. Address Eawaid Stover, Hummelstown, Pa. FOR HEN R ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Xeiegrapu Business omce. FOR RENT ln the Telegrapb Hulidiiiit, a suite of well located unices. Inquire tor superintendent in Business Ultice of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third street; ggxloo; ii-ioot celling, one of the best rooms in tne city. Ap ply J. S. Sibla 256 Herr street. For sale FOR SALE One Indian motorcycle; newly overhauled ana painted; new tires. Price, *35.00. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SAT.f, One Indian motorcycle, with slae car. Price, $l2O. .Apply 142» uegina street. FOR SALE One Flanders Touring Car; suitable for Hgnt truck, This car can be bouglit cheap. Ford Garage, u. iU. Snaveiy, Middletown, Fa. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1 seven-passenger touring, used . 1 seven-passenger Touring, new. i light Delivery True*, new. Apply Room zuu, Commonwealth Trust Co. FOR SALE A fine station wagon, new condition; also a two-seated open carriage. Must be Bold to settle estate. S. S. nupp, iiergner Building. FOR SALE Reading Standard and Excelsior motorcycles, in good condi tion Price reasonable to quiuic buyer. Apply 1317 Perry street. MKfl. AUTOMOBIEL, OWNER, if you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay, is our way. If Interested consult us. Key stone supply Co., 814 Nona Third street. United phone 1»W. FOR SALE 1913 Regal Underslung 5-passenger touring car. Fully equip ped, including electric lights. Has been run less than 1,5U0 miles. Reason for selling, owner leaving city. For particulars address R., 1703, care of Telegraph. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance, inquire at Office of Tela graph. FOR SALE Bakery m a lively town In Snyder county, Pa. Address T., care of the Telegraph. FOR SALE Domestic sewing ma chine, good as new, less than one-half price. Apply 317 Dauphin street. FOR SALE Cash Register 5- foot floor case coffee mill meat cutter and scales. Will sell reasonable. No second-hand dealers need apply. Call at 324 Strawberry. FOR SALE F. P. gas machine, 2 gal. capacity, 6 to 12 lights of 500- candle-power each. Will sell at a bar gain to quick buyer. Inquire at Bar ber Shop, 439 Market street, Harris burg. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 8. Second street, 5,000 Sets New Sash, 8x 10x12 L, primed and glazed, at f1.16 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. BUT your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrlsburg Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE —— 4 CIGARS Smoke Hubby's-5-and-10- cent-Seconds. From 7 to 12 ten-cent Seconds to each box of 60. Introduc tory price, SI.OO per 60, postpaid. Agents wanted. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD paying general store, close to Harrisburg, for sale or exchange for good real estate. Address G., 2076, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Stenographic work of any kind by the hour or day. Willing to go outside office or can do same at own office. Prices reasonable. Inquire at 405 Telegraph Bldg., City. WANTED Furnished cottage for two weeks or month of September, within 10-mlle radius of city, near trol ley or railroad. Four in family. Apply J. H., care of Telegraph. WANTED Good second-hand baby coach. Call Bell phone 2270 J. WANTED TO BUY small horse for driving purposes. Must be broke to all harnesses and to city objects. Must be in first-class condition. Address Box ! 2090, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANT intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapera; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port. N. Y. MONEX TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in Instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Boarders, by the week; home cooking. Apply 2138 North Sev enth street. BUSINESS PERSONALS HAULING n. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. Harrisburg Paste Works 120 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS' billposters' book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING 1 with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our beat efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. STOR>A.G E IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Keasouable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following ordinance was read in place In the City Council at Its meeting held Tuesday Afternoon, Jul- 28, 1914, and Is published as required by Article 6, Section 3, Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the opening and grading of Market Street, from Twenty-first Street to the eastern city line, and Providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrlsburg, and It Is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That Market Street, from Twenty-first Street to the eastern city line, be and the same Is hereby author ized to be opened and graded; the costs and expenses thereof to be assessed up on the abutting properties according to benefits, as provided by law. Section 2. That the work Incident to the Improvement herein authorized shall be done, and the cost thereof shall be paid for, and the assessments levied on the abutting properties shall be col lected, as pro\Mded by City Council Or dinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915, approved February 3, 1914. Section 3. That the assessments for the grading of said highway and any deficiency over the benefits assessed be and the same are hereby appropriated to the contractor for the payment of the cost and expense of the grading; and if the assessments are not paid within the limit of time prescribed by the aforesaid City Council Ordinance No. 19, improvement bonds shall be Is sued therefor and delivered to the con tractor for the balance due him. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here with be and tho same are hereby re pealed. CHAS. A. MILLER. Clerk of the City Council. Office of the Clerk of the City Coun cil, Harrlsburg, Pa., July 28, 1914. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Located at Harrlnbitrg, Pa. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, will will be sold at public vendue, or outcry, on Saturday. August 29, 1914, upon the premises, No. 912 North Third Street, in the City of Harrlsburg, Pa., the fol lowing described real estate: Al» that certain three-story brick dwelling house, situate at No. 912 North Third Street, in said City of Harrlsburg, and lot of ground; bounded on the east by Third street; on the north by property of Kirby Estate; on the west by Myrtle alley, and on the south by property of John Froehllch. The Improvements thereon are the said three-story brick dwelling house, one room of which is suitable for a store room; on the rear of the lot Is erected an automobile garage and re pair shop; all in good repair an;", in first-class condition. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon . when conditions will be made known by J. H. SELTZER, Assignee of J. A. Kramer and wife for the benefit of creditors. E. E. McCURDY, WM. H. EARNEST, Attorneys. MAJ. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer. August 5. 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturdav. August 15, 1914, for the construction of a CONCRETE ARCH BRIDGE over KING STREET at VAL NUT STREET. Also for SEWER In SECv,.-D STREET from Seneca to Emerald. Blank bids and specifications may be had on application. -The right to re ject any or all bids is reserved. > W H. LYNCH. Superintendent THE MARK PHftjADffiL* > lTlA PHOnnr* Philadelphia. Aug. 2. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red, spot, new, export, 87® 92c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.0801.11. Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 88® 89c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 46@ 46% c. Bran Market firm; winter, per ton, $25.50® 26.00; winter, per ton, $24.50® 26.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 4.50 c; tine granulated. 4.40 c; confectioners' A, 4.30 c; Keystone A. 4.20 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras, 30c; near by prints, fancy, 33c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $7.20 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.30@6.60 per case western. extras, firsts, free cases, $7.20 per case; extras, firsts, free cases, $6.30 (86.60 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16 ®l7c; young chickens, 11® 20c; spring chickens, 27@32c; broiling ciiick ens, 16® 20c; old roosters, 12@13c; ducks, old, }3®l4c; ducks, young, 14® 16c; geese. 15@17c; turkeys, 19<8>20c. Potatoes Firm; new. per barrel, $1.5003.60; do.. Southern, per barrel, 76e@52.00; Jersey, per basket, 36@45c. Flour—The market is firm; -winter, clear, $3.85@4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, new, $3.90®4.00; spring straight, $4.50®4.60; do., patents, $4.65®4.90; western, $4.26@4.40; patents, $4.50® 4.76; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; strights, $4.20@4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $20.50021.00; No. 1, medium bales, $20.00@20.60; No. 2, do., $18.00@19.00; No. 3, do., $16.00® 17.00. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 5. —Chicago Board of Trade closing: Wheat —September, 90%; December, 95%. Corn September, 72%; December, 66}*. Oats September, 37%; December, 40%. Pork September, 20.30. Lard—September, 9.05; October, 9.20. Ribs September, 12.00; October, 11.62. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Aug. 5. Hogs—Dull. Bulk of sales, $7.90@8.20; light, $8.25® $.85; mixed, $7.75®8.60; heavy, $7.65® 8.40; rough, $7.55@7.70; pigs, $7.00® 8.60. Cattle Slow. Beeves, $7.10@9.90; steers, $6.40@8.76; stockers and feed ers. $5.50®7.90; cows and heifers, $3.60 @9.10; calves, $7.50®11.00. Sheep—Steady. Sheep, $5.15® 5.90; yearlings, $6.60@6.60; lambs, $6.00® 8.16. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following ordinances were read in place in the City Council at its meeting held Tuesday Afternoon, Au gust 4, 1914, and are published as re quired by Article 6, Section 3, Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the opening of Front Street from the south side of South Street to a point sixty-flve feet north of Liberty Street, and from the south side of Harris Street to the south side of Maclay Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof! Section 1. Be It ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, and It is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That the City Solicitor be. and he is hereby dfrected to take the necessary proceedings to have Front Street, from the south side of South street to a point sixty-flve feet north of Liberty Street, and from the south side of Harris Street to the south side of Maclay Street, as marked on the of ficial map of the City, legally opened, and for that purpose he Is authorized, subject to the approval of Council, to agree with the property owners whose property will be taken, injured or de stroyed by said improvement upon proper compensation for the damages to be done or caused by the said open ing of Front Street as herein author ized. Section 2. That in rase the City So licitor, in behalf of the city, and the property owners along said Front Street, between the points designated, cannot agree upon the amount of com pensation proper to be paid, or Council subsequently falls or refuses to con firm any such agreement, or rejects the same, the City Solicitor may, if the property owners do not, apply to the proper court for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages and benefits acordlng to law. Section 3. That the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements Is hereby directed, as soon as the dam ages mentioned In the first and second sections hereof shall have been prop erly adjusted, or secured by bond, to cause all obstructions now on the line of said street, between the points nam ed, to be removed, so that said high way may be hereafter graded. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the grading of Catherine Street from Seventeenth Street to Sixteenth Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrlsburg, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That Catherine Street from Seventeenth Street to Sixteenth Street, as marked upon the City Official Plot, be and the same is hereby authorized to be graded; the cost and expense thereof to be assessed tipon the abut ting property owners according to benefits, as provided by law. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvement herein atuhorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense there of shall be paid for, and the assess ments levied on the abutting proper ties shall be collected as provided by City Council Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915. Section 3. That the assessments for the grading of said highway be and the same are hereby appropriated to the contractor for the payment of the cost and expense of the said grading. CHAS. A. MILLER Clerk of the City Council. Office of the Clerk of the City Council, Harrlsburg, Pa., Au *ust 4, 1914. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, No. 532 Equity Docket —Martha Hanshue vs. Elmer E. Han shue et al. To Elmer E. Hanshue: TAKE NOTICE that Martha Hailßhue has filed a bill in equity, the substance and objefct of which bill are that you, Elmer E. Hanshue, have deserted your wife, Martha Hanshue, and children, and have left them without providing maintenance for them, and prays that the Court direct a seizure and sale or mortgage of sufficient of your estate as will provide the necessary funds for the support of your wife and children. ORDER OF COURT And now, to wit, August 3. A. D. 1914, the within bill presented and upon due consideration, it appearing that Elmer E. Hanshue. one of the defendants can not, upon diligent inquiry, be found, it is ordered that notice be given to the said Elmer E. Hanshue, by advertising in the "Harrisburg Telegraph," a news paper of general circulation, and pub lished in the County of Dauphin, to ap pear in fifteen days and answer this bill in thirty days from the last publica tion. Said notice to contain a state ment of the substance and object of the bill and a copy of this order once a week for three weeks. By the Court. C. v. HENRY, P. J., 52d Jud. Dlst., specially presiding. E. E. BEIDLEMAN, ARTHUR H. HULL Solicitors. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Water and Light, Court House. Harrlsburg, Pa., August 4, 1914. INOTICE is hereby given that the as sessment against the abutting property owners for the cost of laying water Slpe in Curtln Street, from Jefferaon treet to Seventh Street, and in Fourth Street, from Emerald Street to Seneca Street, will be made and levied at the Office of the Commissioner of Public Safetv, Room 10, Court House, in the City of Harrlsburg, on the 17th day of August, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all parties In^ntere^ma^tttend. Superintendent Public Safety. AUGUST 5, 1914. CALLS ON HIS PEOPLE TO THEIR HOMES AGAINST THE GERMANS k'lafiw LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF KINO ALBERT OF BELGIUM Brussels, Aug. s.—With its declaration of war against Belgium, after having violated that country's neutral territory, Germany finds itself sur rounded by foes. The Belgian army has been mobilizing and King Albert is preparing to lead his troops into battle. Dressed in his uniform of com mander of the military forces, the King made a rousing address at a ses sion of the Belgian Senate, in which he called upon his people to take up their arms and defend their homes against "the common foe.' It was Ger many's action in violating Belgium's neutrality that drew England, which guaranteed Belgium's neutrality, into the fight. CHUS 111 STREET PLOTTING SUGGESTED Planning Commission Will Pass Upon Elder Farm Tract "Ellerslie" Some slight but im portant cbanfeß t n streets in the plotting of Ellerclie, the Elder farm tract Just east of the city, were sub mitted to-day for the inspection of the City Planning C o m mi s sion. . The principal • changes include the 11l in replotting of some small streets to conform to different lines and it is generally expected that no objection will be raised by the commission. The Rev. W. S. Harris plot, just south of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, has also been approved by the Planning Commission. The Rev. Mr. Harris in accordance with sugges tions of the commission, will widen some of the streets. Meckleys on Board the Olympic; Now in N. Y. On board the British line ship Olym pic., which reached New York hurbor late last night, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meckley, 1217 Green street, Harrisburg. The Meckleys have been abroad for ✓ -V FOR SALE OR RENT Semi-Bungalow / 8 Rooms and Bath - Hot Water Heat Gas and Electric Light 30th and North Streets, Penbrook, Pa. Lot 75 feet by 140 feet. Well Located. Inquire of Al. K. Thomas, Ea£t End Bank or Mrs. Mary W. Raysor, on the premises V I - 1 FOR. RENT New Modern 16 and 18 North Fourth Street | A S ly J. L. Shearer, Jr. IV . ii i two months. On their arrival in New York they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meckley, parents, and Mrs. Howard Hertzler, sister of Prank Meckley. The tourists are expected to reach Harrisburg to-morrow morning. MONEY FOR SALARTIED PEOPLH and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confident tlal. Adams 4k Co.. R. 804. 8 IV. Market THE =i EQUITABLE Will Lend You Money To Housekeepers Work- , linemen and Salaried Em- C ployea. No red tape, bother or worry. You may have it to-day if you wish. £. LEGAL RATES 4 j EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 N. MARKET SQUARE) Room 21 4th Floor 11
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