Harrisburg's Greatest Selling Event Opens To-morrow (Wednesday) The doors open Wednesday on an array of merchandise for the semi-vearly B. B. B. Sale, that cannot he excelled for price and quality. Scotch plaid ra- Every Department is humming with Big Sale Bargains. Preparations have been made weeks ahead, and you will find merchandise that will not only appeal to you from per yard The tine, yard... point of style, but also quality and economy. . , enj;th 2 "^ 3OWMAN"S Flo ° r Thousands of dollars in bright New Goods has been secured for this event, and it means savings of thousands of dollars to our customers. JOWMAN-S items in this announcement are here in large quantities, so come expecting to get any article you want, any quantity you want at splendid savings. Maln Fioor See Additional Busy Bee Sale News on Page 2 %? an . d ? of White Goods, Children's & Infants' Wear - Materials ot the aeasen specially Priced TT 1J( • r - TYTPQQPQ +A Hn n rACC A C in he B. B. B. Sa 3 e Half Price for B. B. B. Sale 1/A vOOvOI WKS LU <JJL\J i/1 VWWVU Flag Crepe, Ratine stripe, just the material for tunic skirts. to »>Bc Children's Tub Dresses in Galatea, Gingham 1000 yards in the B. B. B. Sale, Wednesday, value 12'/'c. ar, d Percale, trimmed with embroidery insertion and colored Vfllir PTI/virpk "R "R "R Qalo CO Oft Special, per yard piping, 2to 6 years :«)<• X UL4I VHUItV/ J±J» WCLIC Old Glory Longcloth Chamois finish, full 10-yard lengths; <>R c U) sl--5 Children's Dresses in gingham, percales and Special Notice: $1.50 quality. Special .' SI.OB seersuckers, long waist belted styles, low neck, short sleeves; One of the best manufacturers of summer dresses in New York shipped us almost five hun- Limit > one P iece to a customer. s,zcs Jj? (> - •v ; *,•••• V* • • \' \' ;• V " f 9 * dred dresses for our B. B. B. Sale. We hadn't seen them at all, but it took us only a minute to Marseilles Batiste, 45 inches wide .that we have sold to S_JB (.iris \\ lute Dresses in lawn or batiste, lace decide if we wanted them or not.. The firm that sent them never make any dresses to retail at less throughout the season at 50c. Go out at .yard and embroidery trimnjed : sizes Sto 14 years .. .........!»8<! than $5.00. These were made to retail at $5.00 $6.50, $7 50 and SIOOO J- 000 yards mercerized batiste, 45 inches wide. Beautiful $.-o0 to $4. >8 Ciirls White Lawn and tine Batiste Dresses, « quality; value 75c. Special, vard 27f» low neck and short sleeves; waist and skirt trimmed with fine The B. B. B. Sale Price, $2.98 Klaxon remnants. About 500 yards in short lengths run- la «' embroidery and insertion; sizes Bto 14 years, at ...$1.50 C 4- C 1 '4. -C J i -n yv' T) o 1 ning from 2to 6 yards. Greatest value we have ever offered. ?5c to 98c Boys' white corduroy wash hats 25^ omart lor trie IS, Jj, aS. 03,±6 Launders and wears like linen. \ alue 25c to 39c at, yard.. lOf 2.- , c_to 50c Boys straw hats, colored bands .12^2? One of the smartest skirts that New York is showing to-day is one of Shepherd Check with Mercerized white voile. 30 inches white full perfect pieces; to s4.' ! B >irls lingerie hats, made of rows of fine bice a long pointed tunic. They are showing them at $5.00 and $7.50. We found a manufacturer that Sl) regularly at 25c. 15. 15. B. sale price, yard " r allovcr embroidery, shirred silk facings, ribbon trimmed, had plenty of good material and was anxious to dispose of it. We gave him the skirt to copy, ex- Linen finish table damask 59 inches wide; 29c value, per s P .-nnd Kinor— BOWMAN'S. actly the same as a famous New York store selling at $5.00, and our price will be $2.98. *' . v;m! A IVY v»ta «• CC ftft OU I. j ni. i ci • x Splendid assortment of patterns. Kl D DOIIS ailCl I\ 6CKW6ar $5.00 Pointed lUniC Shepherd Check Skirts, $2.98 Huck towels. An over-supply of hotel towels with red bor- I B B B Sale and at Lowest Prices of the Season fl-l ca -r» x' • der, sold regularly at 20c. Go on sale Wednesday at 9c In B. B. B. bale and at Lowest Prices of the Season $2.50 Ratine Skirts, $1.29 White summer blankets, the 85c quality, at 02'T- C 'ij-ku' ' Uh .".j <£l CO T> a* CI •4. no Marseilles spread, slightly imperfect. Some have mill Yrn '"l° ................... .»< $1.50 Ratine Skirts, 98c Stains.; value $2.50 Special •\ I,U ends of ribbons .each bunch contains 3to 5 yards, ~r ,. c . , , . ~ , . , . ' 70,. 'r,,,.i ;i, ~ ,»,«ic r™A K!o- . ~.™-fi, ?n.. .;n n J ust t' ,c thing for fancy work, such as bags, boudoir caps, etc.. W ash Skirts are desirable, worn more than ever before in any summer, and ratine is the . I urkish towels. Good big size, worth _ot, will sell per bunch ~W and lOtf* wanted material. Scarce-very few stores have any good ratine to show at any price. Only luck Wednesday at m a t'n' k'i OO r— BOW m"AN* s \ 50c in colors 2.V brought these to us, luck and a willingness to loak till we found. Made with long tunics and thev ' iMain FIoor— BOWMAN'S. tit correctlv because they are properly made. ~ . " ~= Notice: Home Dressmakers John J. Clark s best six cord machine cotton ,dozen spools, | 75c and SI.OO piece inside belting w>o<- . . _ _ . I 24-vard rolls white tape 10<r . . our Opportunity to Get Desirable Pieces at Great Savings Fancy glass buttons, values 10c, I2VSc and 15c, 2 doz., -If I 5c paper toilet pins, 2 .papers cushion tops, square and oblong in crash, burlap and linen stamped for embroidery and cross 20c, 25c and 50c glass buttons, dozen .■><• , 6-yard piece rickrack braid, piece 1«<- 'J C 1 12J/20 10c shoe trees, 3 pairs 2."50 ! 5c brass hooks and eyes, 2 cards .!<• -£c nainsook corset covers, ready-made, stamped for embroidery 12V 2 f 10c boxes dressmakers' pins • .'...8* ! 10c cubes toilet pins ' 7u> scarf and shams, lace and insertion trimmed, embroidered corners 29? 500-vard spools white basting cotton, 3 spools !<><• lc pack wind haidpins, 5 packs 1? ? 1 - 5 0 luncheon sets onJy i 9 pieces in the iot at 75f ji 50c "pieces inside belting .T. Main KIOO^BOWMAN'S $6.50 linen luncheon sets, only 13 pieces in the lot .slightly soiled .at j| ' _ 1 1 _ _ "'"° r - no "" AN " , Jewelrv and Toilet Goods in th l V' B " Greatest Reduction of the Season l_J 'L" - W-OO and $4-00 coat chains, set with peart* and ill BoyS* Suits ill the £. 88. Sale Royal Wilton RURS, S i,e36xM inches;reEnlar price $6.00. Special' «4.M 1 Sde'^ld'phSd" WaJeleii nair nl""'' '" WM> "'t/So RoyalWdton Rugs; size 27x54 inches; resjlarpnce S4OO Special $».25 50c and SI.OO gold tilled and plated scarf pins, hundreds of 'r»u«t, .w ui b(UB and .V..V). now #4 ~(> BOWMAN s—Fourth Floor rHffnrpnt rlfsicms -Vt liljoys fancy mixed Norfolk Suits, in tan, gray and blue "AlffWn ii , £ r' . . - SIOO guaranteed' aiarm docks^.. mixture's; were $5.00 now; ONYX HOSIERY LaCCS & fcmbroideries 7Sc Guaranteed alarm clocks (i:sc 1n Uo - vs Norfo.k Suits, sewed-on belts; to , A Attractive V~lues 50c bottle violet bath salts .'«> C 10 ><;? rs ' , vv ; e , rc a » d f "V- *, 1,0 dozen samples of "ONYX" Hose in B. B. B. Sale a 356 vVrdsTc aTfd white 51.25 2-quart hot water bottles BiH .„ J h \ uc * c - r £ c ) orMk |,atch chance to get high grade hose at extraordinary prices. oriwJ edW? 100 dozen "Onyx" 50c samples, pair 29? TJ& l;!,' onf Mennen's talcum powder .violet and plain unscented, 50c dozen J'Onyx" 25c samples, pair 17C broidered voile and rice cloth 25c b<,x of toilet soap. 3 cakes in a box 1 <><• Cului ;.^' ul stn P ed . V' * Women s 3 0c Hose thread silk boot, lisle garter tops, dou- „u This is a snlendid i Packer's tar soap .2 to a customer), cake , vvls . t . h . u ! ls ' bll,e and wlntc ' hruv ( Vi A a " (l ble soles, high spliced heels, pair 2. r 5« l ! bate rd I* ' M "' n y '"or-BOWMAN'B. striked tan and plain blue IK*? to pair " Kn ® urson the stockings withou yards 10c and 15c HI A Exclusive Style* and Decorations, Extraordinary Women's 19c iVo'sei plaiti black l'i'sie,'double "soles, wide gar- in white a U d i ' }7 Low Prices in the B. B. B. Sale ter tops, pair 12 l />6 , •>? | Fancy Decorated German China 49c Assortment Children's 15c hose, plaiti black fine ribbed. double heels >iain_ Floor— M an ■>. . j 7qq sample pieces from one of the largest New York ini- Chocolate pots, celery trays, chop dishes, hot water pots, and toes, seconds, pair 10<* porters go in B. B. B. sale at one-half price; Schlagelmilch qual- jugs, nut bowls, syrup and plate, salads, cake plates, sugars Infants' 12j/c hose, black and colors, fine "ribbed cotton AJJ JR J c»•I n - , ity; exclusive in style and decoration. and creams, mayonnaise and plate, handled olives and spoon 4 pairs 2.>«"; pair Uddl and tnds ot "'S® " r 'ced 25c Assortment trays; 98c value. Choice 49<* Women's 25c vests, low neck, sleeveless, fancy lace vokes, ' Makes , Plates, olive trays, cake plate, mustards, handle jelleys, sl.4 ; ' brass jardinieres, ball foot, roll edge, made of heavy 3 for each ' * Good choosing for the wo- nut bowls, salads, spoon trays, mayonnaise and plate, hatpin brass, well polished; 10-inch size 'Women's 25c extra size vest and pants, light weight. man who comes early. We holders, jugs and buter ball tray; 49c value. Choice 2 ."»?• -5c and 29c imported tea pots, plain and decorated, dark bleached, sleeveless and short sleeves; pants 'tight and face want to dispose of odds and i BOWMAN'S— Basement. brown l!>f knees. 3 for each ' ' ends of high priced corsets at j| 25<. v ea°c m h en ' s 10c bleach ' d vests ' ta > >c neck and s,eeve^4 lair pricc for the B * B * B " Men's Furnishings Housefumishings Women's 50c union suits, low neck, sleeveless! lace kneet Closing our lot of La Camille Lowest Prices in the B. B. B. Sale Wonderfully Low Prices in Housefurnishing in B. B. B. Sale, light weight bleached cotton, 3 for #l.<M) each U.IC Corsets .low and medium bust, Men's 50c dress shirts, percales, coat styles, attached cuffs, .iOO pieces high grade turquoise and Horcntine, triple Children's 12j/>c vests, sleeveless, bleached "cotton ta'pe long hips and back, made of 3 for SI.OO, each 2i)<* coated enamel cooking utensils, white lined, marbled blue neck and sleeves, 3 for 2."> C. each Ifr* coutil, batiste and brocades. Men's SI.OO dress shirts, tine (pirtlity of percale, coat style, and white outside; 59c, 69c and 7 ( )c articles at Boys' 25c underwear, balbriggan plain and ribbed and open corset M1..>5) attached cuffs, each 3 and 4-quart tea and coffee pots ~ mesh shirts and drawers, each 12 1/ $3.50 corsets $2.00 Men's 50c working shirts, plain blue chambray, 3 for 8, 10 and 12-quart lipped preserve kettles .. I Hl||l h Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S." $5.00 corset $:?..»() #I.OO, each 8-<piart colonial kettles, enameled cover ====================^ = i ============ ____ == —$6.50 corset Men's SI.OO union suits, long and short sleeves; also sleeve- straight saucepans .enamel cover... —^ C nA f U/ D r ] C '-ri o • j $8.50 corset $6.00 less, knee length, each 50<* 10-quart seamless stock pots LWg ® ruoi- TT ear, DC nsriy I or incse - PCCI3IS second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Men's 50c underwear, plain and colored balbriggan, shirts 10 and 14-quart dish pans "The McAlpin." - - - —■■ ■ and drawers, each 2V)f 3-quart "Universal'' cereal cooker Women's fine hand-turned combination patent vamp Colo- I Men's 25c half hose .silk lisle, double soles, high spliced 8-quart Berlin kettles with cover nials with quarters of fawn, black vesting and brocade, cellu- p p_ „ _ j heels, black and colors, pair loid loins, Cuban heels, all sizes; excellent $3.00 and 53.50 Men's and boys' suspenders, lisle webbing, leather ends, 2.ic imported shopping baskets, mesh and willow. 10<- values, pair ' $1.45) Unu«u»lb» low nrlc*« on *ll l )air 12j/jf $1.69 French casseroles, fire-proof dish with nickel-plated Women's finest patent colt, gun metal and bronze colonials *M<, for ]Nlen ' s 50c ni S ht shirts » fine quality of muslin; full cut: 3 receptable, side handles «)H<* with "Imperial" buckles, hand-turned soles; all sizes; $4.00 and r> r> for SI.OO, pair :*.>? $1.98 aluminum coffee perculator, 2-quart capacity. .$1.19 $5.00 values, pair SI.OB OS nivi "0 Ti-rrn I;>wn Men's 10c and 12j4c white hemstitched handkerchiefs, 4 for 49c waste paper baskets, made of fancy imported straw as- Women's white canvas pumps colonials and button shoes; benches wit'' ■»-«■>« 2.1 each 1+ sorted colors all sizes in the lot; welted soles; values $2.00 and $3.00 i.air, «♦> "O Alen s rcfl handkerchiefs, each 20 $1.50 square willow hamper, strong and substantial . .98? #1.33 ! «1 oq nr , r j «-> <o Maln ''''"or— BOWMAX'S. 89c clothes baskets, made of imported white willow, good Women's and growing girls' patent colt pumps with low er= «f no nI1f ) -tr AAA VJ« 11/ LC* J l "1 C standard size AAiJ heels and welt soles. The proper shoe for dressy young women rr > 1 n t- r- IbjUUU I CIS. W3.SI! OC tO uOC. 'J—l—»*{■_"■ n . who know "what's what," all sizes: values $3.5*0 to $4.00. pair. ci ->o varht . .«< ,<vn «» i a|/ If- n VI HA S* IT 1 IS $1.98 «too or ( Va uc at LAz to 15c ier Yd. Muslin Underwear and Anrnns JOHNSON AND MURPHY SHOES FOR MEN 7foot steel fishing " 1 ,« T , * ~,C 1 *, ' , r, V " UCI ®" U There are no better shoes made for men than these Re"- HO* ,UUU - vaids ' ngured lawns, light and dark rings, dots and I hree lots of underwear including Princess slips, combin ularly $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 per pair. We have secured an even ■*"»*.oo v-Mt- ena.no' rfigures yard .2'M ations and white petticoats and gowns; values 98c to $4.98; 100 pairs in sizes 5/ to 9 and they'll go quickly at ... . $1.98 ropri, «•»«» "O yards, Bates Seersucker, dress ginghams, have made three prices and SI.OO Boys' Shoes, sizes up to 5 y 2 ; worth up to $3.00 per pair. $21.50 rood Pullman stripes bars and checks, yard ••••••••• ;••••■•. 9I M . 50c bungalow aprons, m light and dark; percales, bound Special at 9S<* fflO 1.100 yards 12J4C and 1.-* c yard wide percale, light with with contrasting colors 39# Misses' and' Children's* oxfords', pumps* and strap sandals $25.00 reed Pullman lilac ' PjrL k < black and pin stripe, ya r d 50c to 69c white aprons, round, square and nurse and maids' and "Mary Janes" in patent colt, gun metal and white- si/ C s up J' 0 *? 0 - vard ® 2:) C s,milar s,lk . v 'ery silky, checks and plaids. aprons, plain or lace and embroidery trimmed .*{9f to women's 5; values up to $2.50, pair .' / $" > 7.0R rppfl p„lbnan ronrh all shades, yardl 12'Mf 2?c and 29c white aprons', round and square .lace and em- A SURPRISE TABLF <EJ7 08 .''OO yards, 19c silk hnish poplin, all shades, vard 11 $ broidery trimmed 190 • At ft,",?- -V-«- «« » "M. staining Wo- *»■«> s*" " Slot '' l " rlmi '' rlces ,rom /;,c to ** »*• sl=o r „ M 15c plain filk finish chambray, yard IOC SI.OO to $1.50 Brassieres, hooiced (ront or crossed in back Rp here at Q ctT" mMmsible cul' ifs Renfren Sun and lub-proof dress ginghams, models, with lace and embroidery yokes and embroid- Thlrd FIoor—BOWMAN'S. floor checks, stripes, bars;;ill shades, yard ery edges 73^ Main FIoor—BOWMAN S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ▲▲▲▲▲AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa . . A ' TUESDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 4, 1914. 3
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