14 The Dives,Pomeroy&^Stewart Buyers' Sale The Largest Stock of Towels Men, Buy Eagle Shirts While the We Have Ever Had Enters Buying's Good the Buyers Sale The Most Important Shirt Thousands of Huck and Turkish Towels q { U Q Most of these towels have been in the store only a week, Ofl-lO Ox IAIv/ VIIX AIX A\Z/X " b " n ° rd " cd fnr ,he B " )crs ' Sale long aB ° for lale J " ly $1 Eagle $1.50 Eagle AC, $2 Eagle ffl |Q $3.50 Eagle tfl AO dclivcry ' Some of t,lc fincst 'incn huck towels we have ever Shirts at v/V Sllirts at . . Shirts at Silk Shirts I '/ 1 i\u. 1^ A\ imported, only lately arrived from Germany. The Turkish vr i ci • . 1 a ■ 1 ~—JEh's\\ x y bagle Shirts have a reputation second to none in Jam 'n Mm fWwm N~_ It\ HV towels, too .are the best values of the kind we have ever been a • i r 1 i .c \ • : WSk m'VWfwGk. pv vs| privilcßcd to offer America. 1 hey are made or the best fabrics woven Jm@W\ 19 / Wi@®3llß™tw 3fic ,ln ™ towels, hpms , itched., 19X36 inches heavy an d the beautiful colorings are guaranteed fast. They 19 , Vl4 ® SSlSHipe: SB L.W quality. Special in the Buyers' Sale 25c , |- ,1 . . i /».• _ 1 • , V. « Wl- 1i; ii JrM SEESAW y- ■'OSSPS&P; The Eagle factory is cleaning house for the sea clal I,lß " ,ere s °*'«—" k b °— Sp '"...39c sorl( anc j we were fortunate in sharing in the distri ,H. SSSXL —.Tr!"!"... 15c bution of their clean-up lots. f , ,1 si?"\' 1 ' 1 "^ mB, ' tcho( i rnf,s ' s P lcr a i b l; a theVuTeV 8 s -Vair' 8 '. good " 1,e \.12V2C And worth special mention are the ' ' J \ » I |ers. C BnA (Jyl AA 1 <£ £/A i-| | Q'll Q1 * a . COOC M.OO and $5.00 Eagle Silk Shirts at $2.95 Sp f?c aJ iin n en t! and large'Jlzo" hemmeZ c sSiYnth" tn 7T' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor Special in the Buyers, Sale, dozen, $1.39, 1 01/ Sale ...... Buyers jg c each l L /OQ. n . ' j '.' V' Special'ln't{u»'B«yen? Sale*! B .'. ... .19C "1-^^K?i.TO.... 25C PIyAIN ANl> FANCY TURKISH TOWELS Special in*the" . 6 "!? 1 . 6 .'!".... 39C - SllCffltlv IffinPrfprl" I Aflff lie and 19c individual turkish towels, plain and Extra fine quality turkish towels, snow en * not iajte t — r 111 l 1 1 J— b wIIJV col or erf with fancy borders. Special in the white, tape border 50C ti —C J I. ■«.. J " ' B j| m Gloves From a Famous Maker In the Buyers' Sale Are Cotton r j {j | 85c Pair Votlpo t —Tpllf" PriPP Q j I ,:i 1 This maker puts out the best SI.OO long silk gloves in the coun ▼ CI I 1 ICIII 1 M ■ I —j| on a glove causes it to be classed as a "second." We secured a I lr ripk-r f lOOn I hlflfYQ BH IT —„ltl large accumulation of these slightly imperfect gloves, which enter JU, f[| H lij the Buyers' Sale at They are 16-button length, have double Prices on many dress cottons are now at their lowest point of the season owing |7*Sl| \* «"lter tip., white only and come in .11 size* We cannot advertise to the desire to .surpass former August records. These means a greater chance than \ fr -I ■ ».. r -i» f the name, but you will know the glove when you see it. ever to save on fine wash goods. /, i/ ,[• ~ j [p TWO-CLASP SII.K GLOVKS a J | — 4»[ Vsr || 50c 2-clasp silk gloves; "seconds;" white; all sizes. Buyers' Sale price, 39c 614 C cotton challis for comfort cover- A- 39c rice cloth; 38 inches wide; white 1 iL JV [I L-I I* + L J 50c silk and chamolsette 2-clasp gloves; colors only; broken sizes. Buyers' ings. Yard grounds with a neat floral design. IP, Sale price 25c y ar( j XOC J! in| , ' j I "—\j x l Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. 5c lawns: white and colored grounds; floral "'''' * _ W~~^Pr —;! J Ps I )| * [ \ and staple figures. o#/ —. i to '"f cr^P e:so, 'd shades; also 1C- j » Vard 3WC different colored stripes. Yard f ® J I * - rf » KeHlnantS in the U DnOlSterV , fl J . 2ac organdie and dimities; white ground; U / , RBg . ** *J TtJc silk organdie; one-half silk;, white neat rosebud and floral designs. 11 H ( i f 1 O . * O ±.' C C i~\ ground with colored floral designs. | O//, Yard lIC - QtlQ. Yard 7 69c rat 'n e ; one-half silk, 36 inches OQ- T . »'* ] D . f , 7 .. . .. ' .. ~ . ~ ~ wide - solid sliaHes OJ/C 4 Remnants of 17c satine, for curtains, comfortable covers and 25c voile; white grounds with a 1 n'/ZC 10,' £ n i *, .''' "~i / "" n # draperies. Buyers' Sale Price, yard 0« _ , ' ! ~ ' stripes. Yard black and white awning J J|; |J U } fj Remnants of fancy figured silkoline, 36 inches wide. Buy 12j'Sc voile; white ground with a Cilia 12'Xr hatict» i ~ (H i* '' crs * Sale Pr >cc, yard 5$ woven colored stripe. Yard O/4C designs finish d S ro | ,nf *> floral QljgQ (j| ° Remnants of 12>4c white scrim with bordered edge, 36 inches Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street I Vv'ide. liUjers Sale 1 rice, >aid 8^ ————————sl.so Summer Curtains, $1.1!) t j . . . T T 1 * M 1 Green cross stripe cream curtains, $1.50 value. Buyers' Sale Hosiery in the Buyers' Sale For l his Handsome I 25c double printed Etamine. plain center with fancy 'colored borders. Buyers' Sale Price, yard Men and Women: Note the Savings Dinin S Room Suite in the Odd pairs SI.OO to $6.00 Irish Point, Brussels Net, Nottingham . . . O and Muslin Curtains. Buyers' Sale Price to ,°od hosiery .it little prices—that you need not hesitate to buy—characterizes these values >n the Buyers' Sale. Hosiery, too, for the children. iACldril I eilOU dl ... Men s Hose Women's Hosiery rhcrc are nine pieces in this suite. The refinement, the I Laces at Big Reductions Buyers Sale price ° n .. a —° Be '. aESOrt f0l0r!, o °tfight ' 6 and emPr " reserve, the ciassic proportions, the exquisite details for which this Men's 10c cotton half hose; seamless, black and 3 for Buyers' Sale price. Mo; '. 11 . ... . .. . f . .. English Torchon Laces colors. Buyers Sale price, "<•; 4 for 25c Women s SI.OO silk hnso fashioned feet lisle Style IS JUStlv famous, make this triumph of furniture making Ito 2 inrhea wide, 3c value at, yd., ie Buyers'saie price ,l "' e hnlf ho8e: b,ack and t0 " S; wWte and c °'° rs Hu>(rs ' Sale *>«£■ perfect in its reproduction, strongly appeal to persons seeking fur C) 1 u \ 4 »idc ; '<* value at, yd., 5c Vn Ki u'u'.VL ,2^c Women's Hno iuio i,,.„. », u 6# ° 1 Shadow allover Lace, 18 inches wide, values to 49c. at, yard, Buyers' Sale price . " ll * ht values to 25c. Buyers' Sale price .... an niture of superior quality and design for their hnrres. \%]/ 2 $ quality. Bus*'™'sale prfce, srx^ k 3 Vor na 'Vi mi n, '-,,v for •_ . S .°!. .^" yprs . .'."ast- The suite is a regular $265,00 value. Special in the August Shadow lace Flouncings, 9to 18 inches, white and ecru values Men s 25c cotton half hose; black anrl tan with i-wlij 6ll * I, ' at ' k hose. Buyers' Sale price. . .flc AA f An r at varr l k white feet; large sizes only. Buyers' Su|e price »«■ nrw^ Hdrens 10c and black hose. Buyers' Sale Sale at .' $220.00 4 • •> a * — ModeratelV I need Dedroom Oriental and Point de Paris allover Lace, 18 inches, values to UOttea OWISS in the . A Furniture of Dependable Quality V a!«« e T7sf t .^Sl Buyers' Sale at, Yard, • lC $15.00 bureaus, chiffoniers and Princess dressers in I- tomeroy & stewart, street H)or. One of the interesting offerinsrs in the White n™=c r \ c a- _ golden oak, mahogany and bird's-eye maple. August •. r-x + < * .'4 inches wide. an.. ,h«*i. choi/e lh » s<ri » is Sa.c price Colored Dress Goods Reduced sig'ns. price, ches u ' <le ' ' n f° ur Kooti de- C jnjade, Penian lawn; 82 inches $18.50 golden oak, mahogany and bird's-eye maple - U R, >Q 1 English nainsook, 36 Inches wide. Sair P ri , c f e ( ; k yard "B u y-e rß -- bul " eaUS ' clliffoniers an d PHnceSS dressers. AllgUSt Sale 111 til© DUy©fS OB.l© 12 4c check and plain white lawns 28 i n bureau covers ' e?e* , ®S?i , v»™ ,tab,e for inches wide. Buyers' Sale price, yard 10C Bale price yard BU>erS ...15C Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Third Floor. Three Elevators. ,V 'V ' h T and'wool no.ilin' 40 inc^, C 12% c f,ne twisted yarn voile, for dresses, waists C sro$ ro , cade crepe, rep and pique, in floral and 50c navy Ber « e - 3b inches wide, 11.25 silk and,wool poplin. 40 Inches and also curtains; 28 inches wide. Buyer.' « moire desi K ns. Buyers' Sale price, yard toc . wide yard 95(! Sale price, yard 8C y,l "I 19C ' 50c granite cloth; 36 inches wide, SprK< *' inc hcs wide; manv whitP 0 9^ fl * including lawns in price 6 yardT^ 8 n ° ,roninßr * 1 yard 35c $2.00 silk and wool crepes; 40 inches man> different stripe and check designs, i 01/ » 25c chiffon vnii* for HrMo«- «'j V. /2 12 e %c ''•«-« i Buyers Sa]o price.' yard . blouses. ] 2 1 />C w\V y C tm^r , A shades; 40 inches wide yard 3»c $2.00 and $2.50 mixed suiting; 50 saA •'"»* 'Z nszirisrzsrxg*--«dJ\)\!iIS>rVOT\ViTOVIVsiUIVDaVV J'. "* vy . 80 ." ,eh ".aSWL 4 £t".r y : '.'""."J Dlves - Pomeroy & '.stewart-Street Floor,' Rear. 0 ~ wool S Pomeroy Klo & or Stewart-Street Papers Urging Public to Be Self-sacrificing London, Aug. 4.—The London rooming papers are giving plentiful counsel to the public to display a self sacrificing spirit, to refrain from ex <sttement and to avoid selfish actions, ■uch as laying In large stores of pro visions, which would tend to raise rrices and lead to hardships for the poorer classes. Fletd Marshal Lord Kitchener, who was to return to his Egyptian post, Is detained in London. According to TUESDAY EVENING. fiARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 4, 1914. telegrams from European capitals. Great Britain's decision on this point was awaited with the deepest anxiety, especially in Paris and St. Petersburg. The Times in an editorial says: "Recent events mean that Europe is to be the scene of the most terrible war she lias witnessed since the fall of the Roman empire." The Times throws the blame upon Germany, saying: "Germany would have stayed the plague had she chosen to speak In Vienna as she speaks when she Is in earnest. She preferred to make demands In St. Petersburg and Paris which no government could en tertain. She has lived up to the worst principles of the Fredericlan tradition, which disregards all obligations of right and wrong at the bidding of immediate self-interest. She has re solved to qrush France and trample upon the rights of those who stand in her way. Yesterday It was Luxemburg; to morrow It may be England she will assail without declaring war." Prince Roland Bonaparte Is Anxious to Enlist Paris, Aug. 4.—President Polncalre to-day received Prince Roland Bona parte, who placed hiß services at ttve disposal of the French government, offering to Join the army as a soldier and to place his residence in the hands of the authorities for hospital pur poses. The president thanked the prince for his offer, but said he was confronted by the terms of the law, which did not permit a member of a former French ruling house to serve In the French army, and this could not now be changed in order to allow the prince to enlist. English Papers Support Action of Government London, Aug. 4.—A1l the morning papers, even those representing the peace party, are unanimous in support of the government's view thaf Kng land is bound to tight rtn behalf of Fiance and in the defense of Belgian and Dutch neutrality. According to the Dally Mall, the German ultimatum to Belgium threat ened to treat that country as an enemy and carried the implied intention of Germany to seize Belgian Congo in the event of a refusal to permit the passing of the German forces through Belgium. Russian Warship Reported Aground at Aland Island Copenhagen. Aug. 4. A Russian warship is aground at Aland Islands. It Is-sald to b« the Andrei Pervosvan nyl, a battleship of 17,400 tons laid down In 1903. A dispatch from Stockholm yester day said that tho Russians had been defeated In a naval engagement of the Aland Island, the Russian vessels later taking refuge In the gulf of Kin land. Wheat Again Active in Chicago Markets Chicago, 111., Aug. 4.—Wheat to-dav became active again and the leading option Jumped 3 % on the Board of Trade before there was any reaction. Every article traded in on the Board cf Trade showed steadiness. This was especially true of provisions, in which there were startling declines yester day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers