NUMBER OF OPPORTUNITIES ARE FOUND ON THIS PAGE arc not"morc effectually lost to the sight of thous ands than is an article lost on the streets of Harris burg, unless the loser follows the lead of most Har risburg people and inserts a LOST ad in the Tele gi*jph. This method has proved the surest for recover ing valuables, large and small, of all in Harrisburg. Because the Telegraph has more readers than any other Harrisburg newspaper its LOST ads are almost always sure to reach the finder. When you Lpse something Phone Bell 2040, Cumberland 203. Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED KREIDLER On July 31, 1914, Ferdl /nand Kreldler, nt his late residence, 904 Penn street, In his 66th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock, at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Burial In Mt. Calvary Cemetery. I .OST LOST Between Fourth and Wal nut streets, or on Schuylkill, pocket book, containing S2O and valuable paper#. Finder can have money, if they return pocketbook and papers. Corner Fourth and Walnut, Peanut Wagon. • LOSX Automobile side curtains, on Dlllsburg road to Harrlsburg. Liberal reward If returned to owner, A. E. Gettys, West End Electric and Cycle Co. D —Male WANTED First-class edge trim mer on welt work. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrls burg, Pa. DISTRICT SALES MANAGER, for I staple, well advertised line atuomobile tires and tubes, factory to user. Execu tive ability necessary to select and di rect sub-agents. Profitable, exclusive territory contract; liberal commission; permanent. State age, experience and all details in first letter. National Rubber Company, Pottstown, Pa. SALESMEN Three live Wires. Good proposition to right men. Apply to Room 25, Spooner Building, Monday, between 2 and 4 P. M. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Girl for dlningroom; white preferred. Call 403 Walnut street. WANTED White girl for general housework; German girl preferred; no laundry work; must have reference. Apply 274 Hummel avenue. Lemoyne, Pa., or call Bell phone 3419. ' WANTED Stenegraplier, with some (knowledge of bookkeeping: state ex perience, also salary desired. Address jM., 2089, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; good wages. 1521 North Second street. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply .Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 I Race St. | REFINED lady of fair education, 'over 23, or middle-age, to travel and appoint agents for Philadelphia toilet article firm. Salary, $12.00 per week and expenses. State where can be seen. Address H. E. P., care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. WANTED—For our new mill, 100 experienced weavers. Apply Harrisburg Silk. Mill. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Colored man desires po sition as handy man about the house. Call, or address. 17128 Walnut street. WANTED Man wants any kind of work around city or country hotel. Ad dress J., 2084, care of Telegraph. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; New York and Pennsylvania State license; private family or com mercial. C. W. Wallis, Enola, Pa. WANTED Chauffeur, good, ex perienced, honest and sober, desires po sition; references. Address Box J., 2083, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Colored woman desires cleaning. Call,- or address. 649 Calder street. I WANTED Position as house keeper for widower, or bachelor, by a •refined lady. Adc*ress H. H. Simpson, care of General Delivery, York, Pa. WANTED Young white girl de sires position In hotel as chambermaid. Call, or address, 1405 Williams street. WANTED Housekeeper wishes po sition for widower. Apply 403 Walnut street, Mrs. Mary Evens. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l I FOR SALE— S2OO reduction In price on a three-story brick house, on Green street, near Maclay, for a few days. D. E. BrightblU, 2 North Court street. M>oth phones. " FOR SALE 1607 Market street, 3- atory brick; all improvements; 10 rooms and bath; beautiful location; reason able to quick buyer. Owner expects to leave city. Inquire at above address. 230-Acre Farm 1 mile northeast of Rossvllle, York county, 8 miles southeast of DUlsburg. 130 acres cultivated, 100 acres second-growth timber ironstone and blue soil. Farm is occupied by the owner, George H. Jacobs. 600 peach, 140 apple, 12 pear, 12 plum and 12 cherry trees, one and two years old. Buildings are In fair shape. Brlce has been reduced for quick sale to $4,000. Miller Bros. & Neefc I REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance * Surety Bonda Locust and Court Streets MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 3, 1914. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Farm, 6 acres, 3 miles from New Kingston, Cumberland Co., cheap,, will take part trade on a light touring car, on easy terms. 20th and P.i >:t«n streets, Cleverly Heights. ; . 1610 CATHARINE STREET 2-nory brick house 7 rooms bath gas furnace. This property can be bought right. Nos. 624 and 626 Cal der, as sacrifice. Belly Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—24IO N. Second street; new brick dwelling. 7 rooms and bath; steam heat; Colonial porches; lot 24x 107; never occupied. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—4 lots, 35x100 each: northeast corner Tenth und Market streets, Elkwood. Price of all $400.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FOR SALE ln Elkwood, four lots, 140x100, corner Tenth and Market streets, fronting on Market street. In quire of S. A. Hippensteel, New Cum berland. Bell phone 3449 W. FOR SALE Frame dwelling. 1334 North Fourth street; lot, 22H*60 ft. Price, $950. This is a bargain. Chan. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. $1,300 WILL BUY No. 2032 Berryhill street lot, 18V4xll0, and $1,700 will buy No. 1947 on same street. Look at 531 Curtin street. Bell Realty Co., Cergner Building. NO, 1627 CHESTNUT STREET is for sale three-story brick 8 rooms bath gas furnace. Also other moderate priced properties on the Hill. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. $1,950 WILL BUY a three-story brick —8 rooms bath gas furnace -•-porch front located on Boyd ave nue. Other cheap property for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Butldlng. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot, ISO ft deep; 7 rooms and finished at tic: excellent location; four doors from trolley just off Main street on Boas. Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheafter, 2635 Penn street. Penbrook. LOT of ground 150x150, on South Cameron street, near Market, for sale or lease. In plots as desired. Apply Shaffer Wagon Works, 80 South Cam eron street. FARM FOR SALE 147 acres, located 5 miles southeast of Middletown, brick dwelling, new barn, sand soil, land in good state of cultivation, occupied by owner. Price, $6,200.00. 45 acres, 4 miles east of Fort Hunter, frame buildings, variety of fruit. Price, $1,800.00. 153 acres, 1% miles east of High spire, frame buildings, limestone and sand soil, one of the Motter farms. 13 acres, three-fourth mile from Har rlsburg, brick dwelling, frame barn, level land, exceptionally fine truck farm. BRINTON-PACKER CO. Second and Walnut Sts. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Part of furnished apartment, including kitchen; excellent location. Address F„ 2091, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT ONE unfurnished apartment of five rooms, Including bath and kitchen; window shades furnished; garbage ele vators; storage locker; fronting on Lo cust street; possession October 1. Apply Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENTf ONE unfurnished apartment of five rooms, including bath and kitchen: window shades furnished; garbage ele vators; storage locker; fronting on Locust street; Immediate possession. Apply Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Five new houses on Mahantongo street; 6 rooms, bath and pantry; cement porches; latest improve ments. Rent, $16.Q0. Possession August 1. Apply 632 Mahantongo street. FURNISHED COTTAGE, at Cove Sta tlon, for rfent by day, week or month. For particulars see A. M. Fisher. Marys vllle, Pa. FOR RENT—Two-story frame build ing, No. 5 North Cameron street. Ap ply Shaffer Wagon Works. 80 South Cameron Btreet. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Suburban home. In or near Harrlsburg, by young, married couple; must have all improvements; rent reasonable. Address 0.. 2087, car® of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights, hot and cold running water In room; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Well furnished rooms facing Capitol Park; use of bath and phone; reference. 406 North street*. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running water; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. _ FOR RENT •TWO unfurninhed, communicating rooms, fronting on Second street, with private bath; steam heated; hot water furnished; rent reasonable; for gian and wife, or two women. Address G., 2086, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Newly-furnished sec ond floor front rooms: also large un furnished room, first floor; corner house; bath. 400 Brlggs street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, with board; all conveniences. Apply 2166 North Seventh street. , ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences. Apply second apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FOR RENT Nicely furnish ed rooms in tone of the best lo cations in the city; all con veniences, including use of phone and bath. Apply 203 State street. FOR RENT One very large front room, furnished or unfurnished; very large clothes closet; all conveniences. 1419 Market street. City. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of phone and bath. Special rates to traveling men. Apply Dauphin Apartments, 107 South Second street, or call Bell phone 1428 J. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and boarding; also a furnished apart ment of two rooms and bath on first floor. 513 North Second street. FOR RENT Two large, newly fur nished, front second floor rooms; single or cn-sulte; also one single second floor room; all conveniences; use of phono. 209 State street. FOR RENT—By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg, single or en suite. La Belle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E. L Morrell. 204 Locust street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED BOARD, with lodging, >I.OO per day. Rates to families given at Stoverdale. Address Edward Stover, Hummelstown, Fa. FOR KENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent In Business Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third street; 33x1u0; 14-foot celling; one of the best rooms in the city. Ap ply_J. S. Slbla 266 Herr street. FOR SALE FOR SALE One Indian motorcycle, with side car. Price, $125. Apply 1428 Reglna street. FOR SALE One Flanders Touring Car; suitable for light truck. This car can be bought cheap. Ford Garage, D. M. Snavely, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES X seven-passenger touring, used . 1 seven-passenger Touring, new. 1 light Delivery Truck, new. Apply Room 200, Commonwealth Trust Co. FOR SALE Reading Standard and Excelsior motorcycles, in good condi tion. Price reasonable to quick buyer. Apply 1317 Derry street. MKfl. AUTOMOBIEL OWNER, if you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale, no pay, is our way. If Interested consult us. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 250 each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Tele graph. FOR SALE Bakery in a lively town in Snyder county, Pa. Address T., care of the Telegraph. FOR SALE lO rebuilt bicycles, $6 to sls each. Big bargains—investi gate. New Flying Merkles. $25 to $46; the wheel with five-year guarantee. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. % FOR SALE—One Henderson (1913) motorcycle, fully equipped, excellent condition, a big bargain for quick sale. Investigate. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE—Big bargain for quick sale, portable Iron frame canvas cover ed booth, 8-ft. square, complete with sign and counters. Inquire 512 A, South Thirteenth St., or Bell phone 2062 J. FOR SALE One seven-passenger Garford Studebaker, foredoor, in excel lent condition. Also parties hauled at reasonable rates. Apply 1817 Regina street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office, FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second street, 5,000 Sets New Sash, 8x 10x12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. CIGARS Smoke Hubby's-5-and-lO cent-Seconds. From 7 to 12 ten-cent Seconds to each box of 50. Introduc tory price, SI.OO per' 50, postpaid. Ag%nts wanted. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Good pony cart. Apply 925 South Twenty and One-Half street, street. FOP. SALE One new Gasoline En gine, one-horse-power; one twelve gauge double-barrel shot-gun, one in cubator hot air system, complete. Call at 2146 Greenwood street, City. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut. WANTED WANTED TO EXCHANGE Real Es~ tate for Automobile, new or second hand. Six-cylinder runabout preferred. Real Estate situated on one of the principal streets of AUentown. New house; all improvements. Address, giv ing price and description of car, Auto, No. 2088, care of Telegraph. WANTED lOO second-hand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand for them highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co.. 814 North Third street. United phone 19\V. WANTED TO BUY small horse for driving purposes. Must be broke to all harnesses and to city objects. Must be in first-class coniiltion. Address Box 2090, care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Limited number of summer boarders. Fine mountain air, boating, fishing. First-class table. Lo cation, one mile east Dauphin. Rest ful, homelike place to spend vacation. For full particulars, address Box 24, Dauphin, Pa. WANTED Boarders, by the week; home cooking. Apply 2138 North Sev enth street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order bucgness, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspaper!; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Look- IN MEMORIAM IN memory of S. Jennie Gutellus, who entered the higher life, August 2, 1912. —lsaiah, 40:31. MONEY TO LOAN IOANS ss to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in Instalments to suit borrowers convenience. Co-Op eratlve Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut street. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PRODUCB By Associated Press Philadelphia, Aug. 3. Wheat Strong: No. 2, red, spot, new, export. 85@90c; No. 1. Northern, Duluth, export, $1.06@1.10. Corn Higher; No. 2. yellow, local. 86H@87c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 45® 46V4C. Bran Market Arm; winter, per ton. $25.50® 26.00; winter, per ton, $24.50@25.00. Refined Sugars Market strong; powdered, 4.6U0; fine granulated, , oonfectloners' A, 4.30 c; Keystone A. 4.20 c. Butter The market Is Arm; western, creamery, extras, 80c; near by prints, fancy, 33c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $7.20 per case; do.,'current receipts, free cases. $6.30@6.60 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.20 per rase: extras, firsts, free cases, $6.30 @6.60 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16 @l7c; young chickens, ll®20c; spring chickens, 27<8)32c; broilln* cuti k ens, 16@20c; old roosters, 12@13c; ducks, old. 13<5>14c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese, 16®17c; turkeys, 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 19 20He; do., fair to good, heavy, 16®l8ttc; do., unattractive, 13 015 c; old roosters, 13%e; roasting chick ens, fancy, ltt»L»u, l>i. j chickens, nearby, 20®27c: western, 18 ®22c; capons, large, 23@26c; do., ■mall. 18gr 20c; turkeys, fancy, 24928 c; do., fair, 20®23c; ducka, 11018 c; geese. UOISo. "Potatoes Steady; news per barrel, $1.50@3.50; do.. Southern, per barrel, 76c@fl.T6; Jersey, per basket, 30@40c. Flour—The market Is firm; winter, clear, $3.!<b®4.10; straights, Penn sylvania. $4.16®4.50; western, $4.26® 4.40; patents, $4.(0®4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks. $4.1504.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; •traights. $4.20 @4.30; patents, $4.35@4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $20.50®21.00; No. 1, medium bales, $20.00@20.60; No. 2, do., $18.00@19.00; No. 3, do., slß.oo® 17.n0. Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $18.60® 19.00: No. 1. do.. $17.50@18.00; No. 2, do.. $16.00@16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, HI.. Aug. 3. Hogs Re ceipts, 32,000 weak. Bulk of sales, $8.85 ®8.75; light, $8.50@9.00; mixed, $8.20® 8.90; heavy, rough, sß.lo® 8.20; piers, $7.26@8.80. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; steady. Beeves, $7.16010.00; stockers and feed ers, $5.50®8.00; cows and heifers, $3.75 @9.10; calves, $7.60@11.25. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; strong. Sheep, $8.16@5.90; yearlings, $5.60® 6.50; lambs, $5.00@8.25. Czar Invokes Blessing on His Soldiers Daring Demonstration Yesterday By Associated Press St. Petersburg. Aug. S.—The capital spent a historic day on Sunday. When It became known that a special service of prayer was to be celebrated at the Winter Palace where the Emperor was to show himself to the people an extravagant wave of exultation passed over the city, testifying to a desire of the public to show their loyalty and patriotism. Hours before the appointed time for the service a crowd of 100,000 gathered at the scene hearing flags, banners, portraits of His Majesty and placards with patriotic Inscription. When the Imperial yacht with the Emperor and his family arrived from Peterhof at 4 o'clock in the afternoon they received a tremendous ovation, the people all kneeling and hurrah ing as the Imperial party passed to the palace. When their majesties had taken their places for the service, the priest read the declaration of war, aTe Deum was sung for victory for the Russian arms and their majesties venerated the holy cross an dthe Ikon. Emporor Makes Address The Emperor then addressed the representatives of the army and navy i na brief speech expressing the calm dignity with which Russia had re ceived the declaration of war and the confidence of the nation that the war wouffi be carried to the desired end. "I hereby declare solemnly," the Emperor said, "that I will not make peace while a single soldier of the enemy remains on Russian soil." His Majesty concluded with words of encouragement to the army and by invoking a blessing on their efforts. While the Emperor was speaking all in attendance fell to their knees .and many were seen to be sobbing. At the close of the service there were renewed hurrahs and the officers pres ent drew their swords and brandished them in the air. His Majesty then retired from the balcony where he had ben standing, but the people remained for a long time to continue their cheering. Minister Asks Public to Protect Country By Associated Press Paris, Aug. 3.—The Minister of War last night Issued a notice in which he impressed upon the public the abso lute necessity of keeping secret all military measures and urges the great est reserve in letters or telegrams, which he says might reveal military movements which would be likely to entail needless sacrifices. The notice 6ays the general staff will supply the public with information that it is pos sible to give out. BUSINESS PARALYZED By Associated Press Washington. D. C., Aug. 3.—Charge Lorillard, at Buenos Aires, reported to day that on account of the European situation, business was paralyzed, but that there is no. panic. BUSINJiSS I'KItSUNALB HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and I National Tunnfet Co. Movers of f ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lath#, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. • Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HTUHAGK STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper St Co.. 411 Broad street Both phonea STORAGE aIN 3-story brick building, rear 448 Market street. Household good* in clean, private rooma. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South fit. and Penna. It. R. Late War News RUSH OF FOREIGNERS TO BECOME CITIZENS OF DEAR OLD U. S/A. War in Europe Results in Scores of Applications Here For Naturalization Papers Uncle Sam will have plenty of chance to take many a son of the Dual Empire, the Balkans, the Russian Bear or even 6f France and Germany be fore the European crisis is history if the records to date at the looal office of the federal district naturalization court may serve as a criterion. To date, acording to Frank Snod gruss, deputy prothonotary of the fed eral court, at least seventy-five appli cations for naturalization have been filed—and most of them have been within the last few days. Ninety days' notice Is necessary be fore the papers may be acted upon by the court and thl* means that the later applicants cannot be considered at the September session, probably not until February. "The developments In Europe cer tainly have affected naturalizations," said Mr. Snodgrass to-day. "The rush to take out citizenship papers here has been unusually heavy, especially during the last few days, when It be came generally known that the calls to the colors were being sent out. Different nationalities, too, are in cluded, and we have had Austrlans, Germans, Servians and others of the Balkans to ask for the preliminary papers." Wilson Asks Congress For $2.50,000 to Help Stranded Americans Washington, D. C., Aug. 3.—Presi dent Wilson to-day sent a special mes sage to Congress asking immediate appropriation of $250,000 for relief of distressed Americans abroad. German Ambassador at His Post in Paris Paris. Aug. 3.—The German am bassador was still at his post in Paris to-day and there was no indication of his intention to leave. Throughout the night aeroplanes had flown hither and thither over the city, watching the horizon toward the eastern frontier, while seacrhllghts swept the skies and made it almost Impossible for any hostile airrcaft to approach. The stretes of the French capital to-day presented a deserted aspect. All the motor omnibuses and most of th'e taxicabs had disappeared, having been requisitioned by the army, while a large proportion of the men had gone to join their regiments. Special trains have been reserved by the authorities for the transportation to Paris of foodstuffs. A decree was issued threatening with severe meas ures anyone attempting to raise the prices of food. In the neighborhood of the Ameri can embassy crowds of Americans gathered seeking passports or iden tification papers. The ambassador gave all of them certificates bearing a large red seal declaring that the bearer was an American citizen and giving his home adress and profession. Germans Invade France at Three Points; War Has Not Been Declared Parts, Aug. 3.—According to offi cial telegrams the Germans have In vaded French territory at three points at least, but there still Is no official rupture. Baron Von Schoen, the Ger man ambassador, gives no sign of leaving his post. Ha visited the French foreign office yesterday after noon In order to try to explain away the violation of Luxemburg neutrality. Official circles do not conceal their surprise at the ambassador's conduct. Their view Is that Germany is trying to gain time and provoke France into declaring war so as to make France appear the aggressor In the eyes of the world. There is the greatest anxiety in Paris over Great Britain's attitude. On every side is heard the question: "What will England do." Liverpool Exchange Is Closed Indefinitely Liverpool. Eng., Aug. 3.—The di rectors of the Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation at a meeting this morning re solved that the Cotton Exchange be closed indefinitely. A resolution also was passed declaring that until further notice all trading In future and all ten ders and settlements for futures con tracts be suspended and that until ar rangements to safeguard the interests of all concerned can be made no trad ing In spot cotton shall be allowed. England Takes Steps to Protect Harbors London, Aug. 3.—lt is reported that the German fleet has passed through the Kiel canal and Is steam ing in a westerly direction. Dispatches from all the British colo nies report the proclamation of pre cautionary measures of various kinds principally affecting the harbors and shipping. Germany Says France Violated Neutrality Berlin, Aug. B.—A semiofficial com munication issued to-day says: "While no German soldier has yet set foot on French soil, official reports from the frontier state that French troops in bodies as large as a company crossed the German frontier at Gottes thal, Netzeral, Marklrch and the Schlucht Pass before there was any declaration of war. "A breach of neutrality also haa been committed through the fact that French military airmen in great num bers have flown over Belgian and Dutch territory on their way to Ger many. , ffftmM*pa&-a:nesgg>3 FIVE BIG ENGINES PULL MM CARS Tests Made Watched With Interest by Local Motive Power Officials Motive power department officials, of the Philadelphia Division, are home from Altoona, where they have been watching engine tests. Five big en gines were run between Altoona and Conemaugh, over the heavy grades. Each was given long trains to pull. On Thursday a train of ninety cars arrived from Pittsburgh with two en gines of the H-9 type. At Conemaugh twenty-one cars were added to the train and three helping engines, each an H-9, were added to the rear of the train. With this equip ment the long train was easily hauled up the stiff grade to Gallltzin. On each of the five engines hauling or pushing the 111 cars was an expert who noted the steam registered, stroke of the engine, etc. The observations of the experts will be utilized In deciding problems connected with the hauling of freight on the most economical and efficient basis possible. ■ The other day 140 cars were hauled up the eastern slope, making the long est train so far carried over the Penn sylvania Railroad, but the grade on that side of the mountain is not so long or so steep as that on the western slope. Until very recently freights were composed of sixty to sixty-five cars, hauled by two locomotives. The hauling of- very long trains, with four locomotives, was put in practice to cut down the number of crews required. Now comes the five-engine train. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division lOl crew to go first after 4 p. m.: 105, 127, 114, 121, 107, 112, 125, 116, 123, 109, 117, 106, 115, 119, 118. Engineers for 103, 111. Firemen for 101, 107. 111. 118. 123. 118, 114. Conductors for 112, 116, 118. Flagmen for 101, 107. Brakemen for 101-2, 114, 118-2, 119, Engineers up: Albright, Gallagher, Manley, Newcomer, Buck, Hlndman, McCauley, Wolfe. Goodwin, First. Smith, Tennant, Supplee, Grass, Kautz, Crlsswell, Brubaker, Mlnnlch, Seltz. Firemen up; Gilberg. Arnsberger, Reno, Achey, Myers, Kestreves, Lav erty, Penwell, Cover, Behman, David son, Moulder, Bellerch, Houser, Ma honey, Copeland, Whiehello, Myers, Rhoads, Martin, Bushey, Weaver, Mc- Curdy, Lebhart, Horstlck, Huston, Col lins. Penwell. Flagman up: Witmyer. Brakemen up: Dengler, Stehman, Rupp, Hlvner, McGlnnis. Weland, Col lins, McNaughton, Dearolf, Busser, Hippie, Bogner, Jackson, Gilbert, Gouse. Hubbard, Allen, Brown, Burk. Middle Division —-241 crew to go first after 1 p. m.: 219. Preference: 3, 9, 8. 5. 1, 2. 7, 4, 10, 6. Firemen for 3, 9, 5, 6. Conductors for 3, 5, 1. Flagmen on; 3, 9. Brakemen for 4. 6. Engineers up: Briggles, Clouser, Free, Kugler, Willis, Bennett, Mumma, Havens. Slmonton, Mlnnlch. Firemen up: Buyer. Reeder, Look, Llebau, Fletcher, Bornman, Simons, Drewett, Karstetter, Gross, Bftacham. Conductor up: Huber. Brakemen up: Plack, Piff, Spahr, Kerwin, Bickert, Wenerick, Schoffstall, Fleck, McHenry, Werner, IKeffer, Kil gore, Heck. YARD CREWS Engineers up: Peltotn, Shaver, Lan dtß, Hoyler, Brenneman, Thomas, Rudy, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Silks, Crist, Har vey. saltsman, Kuhn. Firemen up: Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart, Barker, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, My ers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow, Ulsh, Bost dorf, Schlefer, Lackey, Rauch, Weigle, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sholter. Engineers for 707, 1171, 1270, 1368, 432. Firemen for 213, 707, 322, 90. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division— 223 crew first to go after 3:45 p. m.: 226, 204, 225, 218, 251, 205, 245, 213, 228, 232, 223, 235, 244, 210, 216, 238, 249. 252, 247, 222, 250, 248, 213, 234, 211. Engineers for 205, 208, 211, 216, 231, 237, 246. Firemen for 201, 205, 223, 224, 229, 234, 242. Conductor for 48. Flagmen for 13, 16, 20, 24, 29, 37, 38, 42. Brakemen for 2, 9, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38. Conductors up: Gundel, Wolfe, Lingle, Eaton, Forney. Flagmen up: Reltzel, Camp, Smith, Kroh. Brakemen up: Wolfe, Felker, Taylor, Kochenour, Lutz, Goudy, Decker, Weist, Baker, Sweeney, Reusch, Musser, Hut ton, Boyd, Harris, Campbell, Werts, Carroll, Albright. Middle Division— 223 crew flflrst to ?o after 1 p. m.: 451, 226, 222, 225, 238, 48. THE READING Harrisburg Division —2 crew first to go after 4 p. m.: 15, 17, 18, 10, 1, 9, 7, East-bound, after 3:45 p. m.: 51, 66, 64, 62, 65. 54, 63. 69. 69, 71. Engineers up: Sassaman. Wyre, Mar tin, Wireman. Lope, Woland, Morrison, Massimore, Kettner, Bonawltz. Firemen up: Sellers, Aunspach, Dowhower, Boyer, Miller, Lex, Zu- Brakemen up: Hartz, Mast, Ely, Heckman, Gardner, Hogentogler, Hell man. • A Full Set <£ r I of Teeth, «P J | MACK'S PAINLESS DENTISTS 310 MARKET STREET Come In (be morning. Have your teeth made the same day. Plates repaired on short u(itlce. Open Daya aud Evenings. FOR. RENT New Modern Apartments 16 and IS North Fourth Street A ffi ly J.L. Shearer, Jr. FEW SHOPMEN HON EXTRA HOUDS TODAY Repair Work Is Being Cleaned Up as Rapidly as m Possible With the men working extra hour* on Friday and Saturday, repair work which haa been piling up at the lopal Pennsylvania railroad shops was pret ty well cleaned up. Pew of the men were ordered to continue at work un til 5 o'clock to-day. With the approach of the Ite.ll and winter season when additional motive power is needed, the Pennsylvania railroad officials want to have enough engines on hand. Orders to rush re pairs on all engines is taken as indica tion here, that due to the business de pression, and to the continued uncer tainty as to the future orders for new locomotives will be held up. At Altoona to-day an order similar to that Issued in Harrisburg last Fri day was posted. The men will work until 5 o'clock each day until all the repair work is completed. When nsked as to how soon men furloughed would be called back to work, officials in Harrisburg were unable to make a positive statement. Bridge Near Completion. The Pennsylvania Steel Company of Steel ton, has completed the construction of the steel work on the large Cumber land Valley Railroad bridge being built across the Potomac river, near Wllliamsport, Md. The last work was done to-day, and the bridgemen are preparing to leave for home. A concrete floor to be laid on the bridge and the construction of the track will complete the work. The bridge will be ready for use some time In Sep tember or the early Fall. \ . MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE! and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams * Co. R. 804. 8 I*. Market 9*. Central Apartment FOR RENT S rooms, bath and kitchen, city steam heat and water supplied. Newly renovated. Convenient in eVeri way. N# ready for occupancy. Located at Ne. 82 N. 2nd St. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company Real Estate Department 222 MARKET STREET \i r Frank R & Son Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 N. Third St. HARRISBURG, PA. Offers the following property FOR R Property Northwest Corner Court and Cranberry Streets Alterations to Be Made to Suit Tenant THE =^=j EQUITABLE Will Lend You Money To Housekeeper* Work- Ingmea and Islarlti En (lorn. No red tape, bother or worry. You may have it to-day if you wish. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET I«VAB1 Room 21 Mk Timor 11
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