THESE DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS IN THE CLEAN SWEEP SALE Will Attract Big Crowds to Our Stores To-morrow (Saturday) St#reOp "^ B-30A M * WOMEN'S BATHING SUITS P- ir mi/ 1 Women's and Misses' Summer Washable Dresses and 0 „j a. u a c 7 r nn_ " l)|f| S " k R ' d "" J F~ <*** S '«k C." Woni°S Sf M JSL- Nnjjr Women's & Misses' [i For Women Misses and Juniors, SQ«B9 1 For Quick Clearance . . I Wh' te Ratine Wash CW \ \| Formerly Sold up to $7.50 rn ■— I Just the coat you want now. Materials of all- II t 'l4 ri»V>CC / f \ SUMMER AA For Quick Clearance •• • - I the favorite Ralmacaan. ' I ■ £■• '1 J I' .1 \ ||| WASHABLE DRESSES ▼ W•\)ts Beautiful all-over embroidered voiles, sim- ~ f; I'l Worth $3.00 1 M Formerly Sold up to $5.00 r • %. T\ ply and elaborately trimmed, in many effective 'nr « 1 «-. « S"J For Quick Ciearanca £r ■ For Quick Clearance .. . . MM styles - W OmenS aild MISSeS \j ;J ■1 S :i' Ml "• Pretty cool, wash materials, favorite styles •'iriLl.vk . .... _ Fine I V 4 '1 AA il'. Si in all desirable colors and white. fiV MM Elegant White Voile Dresses #j OA i™ C , cf, 11 Vton £l= USIJ % 1 IU t & For Womti, Misses and Juniors *C>i/ Formerly Sold Up to S2O, v! J 1 *|l ■ f|«f J':" i Women's and Misses' QQ Formerly Sold up to $lO *+= For Quick Clearance ... 11 Summer Washable Dresses Y Jllll llfliV \\ F° r Quick Clearance .. . . m«ueriate* lß aiso Mack snk U moir ? / U p^i n '\^i t iorpT V a C i' l t t f vlfl Extra ~ne r|Ua " ty til >T i Formerly Sold Up to $6 50 . ■ /llflll Snllm \V J elaborate styles. A hiK variety to choose from. rSIY M.J A ra ""e. ir > the -==3t;i. .-'vf i 1 r- " . f v " gu ' JV ' //// II llnl\all\ )t prettier dresses have been shown this V——i——- wa " ted Russian tunic For Clearance . 111 J«—• Splendid Russian ionic stvles, fin. C"T J % " S3?hili. P, S? Splendid styles, including the long Russian Mill IHj&T ished with silk girdles snd trimmed with E c - Wnmeil S Slimmer DrPSPPS ~, »w ■,£ .'.t . „ 1 tunic models, in every wanted wash fabric, in- touches of fine laces S,Ze " UI,IC " 5 VI CSCCb 23 t029 Waist t8 inch J an 13 lo 30 to 38 Waist | eluding crepes, and the new awning stripe Formerly Sold Up to $5 and $8.50, * —* I VOICS ' Women', apd M.s.e.' Sillt, <> qa For A (t. . nf . f Women's and,' nf \ Sulrfci M tL $ A .89 Ji $ 9.89 and M .89 Wash Dress Skirts $1 95 Formerly Sold up to $8.50 T ,===: / For Quick Clearance ance Formerly Sold Up to $5.00 I For Quick Clearance .... High grade chiffon taffeta, silk poplin and I I I For Quick Clearance .... ~~ I Never have we shown such pretty materials r2/ s ' ll{ messaline, all this season's styles and v ®V I fl^,. t^ at o.^Lf,,7^}V e „= you^ lo ? k slpnder an( l lve J Skirts or the better kind. Hand-tailored. Splen , . . i■ , , , 1 . . . r »> , . . J >our flßure graceful lines. Cool summer wash ma- did materials and stvles Winritn<r Vu' i ' . I and styles which Will be found in this magm- / shades. Many elaborately trimmed with pretty terlalß In desirable colors. Many Russian tunic short Russian tunic models All reanlar inrt i ficent collection of high grade dresses. / l aces [models. Sizes from 44t0 52 bust measure. Size waist bands up to 38 inches regUlar and extra ; ~ r ji Who Are Going to Purchase aII | 1500 Women's Silk & Cotton Blouses & Men's & Boys' | J " New Suit Tomorrow, Saturday «*vll | Waists Reduced For Tomorrow's Selling Fiirni«Km«c !| .J . Will Have the Pleasure of Seeing the women's shirtwaists, made of lawns and * UrillSlllllgS Best Clothing Values at KAUFMAN'S J voi|es; vato7sc ; a " sizK - Choicelcr -; * lc Reduced For Ever Offere ii voiles'; all new models, in white and colors; *?.59c TO-MORROW 1J ) W Cind Youths SLJITS at AA Women's BLOUSES made of voiles and or K an- n m Shirt's, coat styfeTsftfoQ I Good SIO.OO and $12.50 Values |! v "" e ' Choice tor " /\\ ]j l 3 i !' i Men's Silk Bosom Dress K/ J | Men 's and Youths ' SUITS at*-* & H A c c^ c ;J': 25 79 c r7/V\ Good $15.00 and $16.50 Values Women's BLOUSES, made of chiffon, china f / \\ \ ib m i . " " " '! crepe de chine silk, in white and colors; J W f.»" • ~e ' a sizc s. QOp j// \ | Men Take Your Pick of These $lB, S2O rAiir akto>4iXl Mc "° r " ' 1_ 111 'j 1 - AII GUARA T NTEED ED | Extra Special—Wo WEN'SHOUSF, DREiSES ] \ j 1 HM p si n ======= WOMEN'S REVERSIBLE HOUSE/Jlk loc value. Cho.ce for lUC / I I Iricn. S Good Pant* nt I PCC Thrvr* dry** DRESSES, slip on like a coat; made of fast / / 1 UFUi> ai 1 nan Une-nalt \\ color percalesjalUizes; $1.25 value. Choice li2f(. Men ' s Balbriggan Union ( A. / 1 f or Suits, 50c value, all QQ j: U 100 Pairs of Men's Pants !i sizes Choicg for i|® Sa 200 Pairs of_ Men's Planfe .. . SIOOO Girls* Wash DreSSeS | lo^t^L. 1 - iSrs P, l„'ii wl || AD< ?;^orrow ran,!e C.W.. | ji morrow. Leave Us Your Genuine Palm Beach Value Pants; the $5.00 Kind H M . . . ... j! Old Hat, We'll Allow You ' SUIT at nC on Sale To-morrow at GIRLS' WASH DRESSES, all colors, (hp AIT tfflO. 1 # J all SlZeS ' 6to 14; made ° f faSt C ° lor S ,n S- 41lf # trimmed; cut full; Arv ZJC (t* A A F hams; value to SI.OO. Choice for IVv 7Sc value. Choice for C * Handsomely Made and «ra i > i * FOR IT A SIO.OO Value Tnmmed. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES, new sum- Mf* 7^ j» - — r[L v ' v v 11 mer styles, fast colors; sizes 6to 14; value M VfOHiCII S UDIOII sUlts ii A Creat b '9 Saturday Sale of Boys' Cloth and Wash Suits ii to $1.50. Choice for ■ 11 Julius Kayser Swiss Ribbed j ji Boys' NORFOLK SUITS BOYS' WASH CIIITC v »D i D . C X CZ : t # „ . i| GIRLS' WASH DRESSES, sizes 6 /FO M UN '° N S " IT3 ' 75 ° VALU *'' All^ v l »to en ' „ , SUITS, Boys Beachl Suits, Blue Serge Norfolk Suits | to 14, white and colors; made of new- 411 f s,zes Choice 45c Values to $3.50, at Values to SI.OO, at A Real $6.00 Value, at For Boys at est materials; all colors; value to L for $1.95 49c $3.95 $3.95 II Women's Corsets 1 ! Those suits come In plain and In bloUße and Rllßßljln , , •■'"its come In sizes 8 You will find values in this j GIRLb HAWDbUMiL DKLSbIiS, j! mixed casslmeres Pants made Plain white and fancy materiaT p„,L K Made of genuine lot selling to J6. Pants made i| made of VOlle, Crepes, in white and 1L W W New shapes, 4 hose SUppOTt full, sizes Bto 16 years. sj zes 2 U to l7v«» material. Palm Beach cloth. They can full and lined; sizes 8 to 17 , . * . I A * ™ W |l*l ~ . ' „ 11 V- v to 3 0 years. laundered. -oars. colors; sizes 6to 14; value to $5.00. ers; all sizes; 75c AH* - - Choice for t' value. Choice f0r..., *vC Business Locals THE FINEST THAT BLOOM When social requirements demand something exceptionally fine in cor eages or other bouquets you naturally wanted the finest of flowers that are grown. Our experience among the wholesale as well as retail florists of •the metropolitan cities for years, qualifies us to know how and where to eelect the finest of flowers .and their proper arrangement for the most bril liant social function. Schmidt, the florist, 313 Market street. WHERE SHALL I GO? To th* Victoria, of course! When you are strolling around aimlessly and have no particular place to go and nothing of importance that needs im mediate attention, step into the Vic toria Theater and see the humor, drama or scenic attractions of the world. The new films first and always the best at the Victoria. Harrisburg Carpet Co. 32 North Second Street FRTPAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 17, 1914 HAS STROKE OF PARALYSIS Special to The Telegraph Mifflinburg, Pa., July 17.—Mrs. Mary Valentine, suffered a stroke of WEAK WOMAN Made Strong by Vlnol Plant City, Fla. —"I was so run-down, weak and nervous I could notdo my house work or even bear to have my children come near me and could not sleep. I tried all kinds of medicine and was under the doctors* care for years without benefit. But Vinol has restored my strength. I sleep well and have gained 20 pounds." —Mrs. C. H. MILLER, Plant City, Fla. If Vinol fails to create strength for pale, weak, nervous, run-down men or women we return your mone_y. Goo. A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harris burg, Pa.—Advortlsement r™ REPAIRING or adjusting. Jewelry cleaning or repolishing. take It to SPRINGER Th j,"; , 1 , ; r ble -06 MARKET ST.—Bell Phone Diamond Setting and Kasravln*. paralysis on Wednesday at the resi dence of her son Clarence, in Thomp son street. Ladies' Auxiliary to Hold Annual Bazar at Mt. Gretna Special to The Telegraph Mt. Gretna. Pa., July 17.—Mrs. S. Shultz entertained yesterday on her porch with the following as her guests: Mrs. Emma Seibert, Mrs. Lu ther Walzer, Mrs. Anna Bacofi, Mrs. E. E. Ewing, Mrs. Frank Strock, Mrs. Aldenderfer, Mrs. Householder, Mrs. Messina and Mrs. Yoland. The executive committee of the Ladies' Auxiliary held a business meeting yesterday and arranged for their annual bazar which will be held about the first of next month. Miss Mary Messina entertained at a porch party in honor of Misses Jo sephine and Mary Wise. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Miss Mary Wise, Miss Fannie Bell Ostium, Miss Ann Shultz, Miss Char lote Adams, Miss Helen Rinkenbaugh, Miss Josephine Wise, Miss Ann Fld ler. Miss Helen Bromall, Miss Kath- CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bears tne The Kind You Wm Always Bought slgn <J ure ryn Sc-hott, Miss Lucetta Bollman, Miss Dora Silkeman, Mrs. Fred Rooky, Mrs. E. P. Pox, Mrs. M. A. Yoland, Mrs. W. H. Bear and Miss Mary Mes sina. Mrs. Stewart Winfleld Herman and son, Stewart Winfleld, Jr., are staying at Chautauqua Inn. Miss Hilda Snyder returned home to Steelton after spending; a few days with Miss Norma Brandt. Mrs. Elmer Greenawalt and daugh ter, Irene Greenawalt, of Steelton, are staying with Mrs. Emma Selbert. St. Luke's Church, of Lebanon, held its annual Sunday school picnic here yesterday. There was a large attend ance. The most Interesting event was the baseball game, In which the St. Luke's team defeated the St. John's team by the score of 9 to 7. Mrs. J. N. Whitman Is staying at the Chautauqua Inn for a few days. Miss Craig Paterson, of Harrlsburg, is the guest of Miss Mary Hutman at tho Chestnut Knob cottage. George Hummel, who has been spending several weeks on the camp grounds, left for Pen-Mar for a visit. An Interesting entertainment was given last night In the Chautauqua auditorium which included motion pic- tures of travel scenes in China, fol lowed by an illustrated lecture by Professor Whiting on "Bees, Dragons, Flies and Ants." William Detweiler, of Middletown, Is visiting his mother for & few days at the Katola cottage. Miss Helen Bratten is visiting Miss Helen Baum on the camp ground. Mrs. Luther Bowman and two chil dren, Walzer and Dorothy, are visit ing Mrs. L. W. Walzer on the camp grounds. TEACHERS ELECTED Special to The Teletraph Mifflinburg, Pa., July 17.—Teachers ' have been elected for the coming term by the Mifllinbury school board, as fol lows: Principal high school. Profes sor E. O. Bickel; first assistant. Miss Augusta Edmunds; second assistant, Miss Verna A. Swartz; grammar, Miss Helen P. Metzgar; No. 4, Miss Mar garet Lodgp; No. 3, Miss Graee Strub ble; No .2, Miss Anna Lincoln; No. 1, Mrs. Irene Rlngler. WILLIAMS-SMITH WEDDING Special to The Telegraph Dauphin. Pft., July 18.—On Wed nesday morning at Sunbury, William Ellsworth Williams, of this place, was united in marriage to Miss Daisy Beu lah Smith, of Herndon. The young couple left for Niagara Falls and Wat kln'a Glen, where they, will remain until Monday. A reception will be held on Monday evening, at the home of the groom in Krie street. Mr. Wil liams is telegraph operator for the Pennsylvania Railroad at Rockville. The bride is one of the prettiest and most popular of Herndon. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Ilhl of These Ugly Spots There 's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne— double strength—is guaranteed to re move these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine—■ double strength —from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne as this Is sold undei guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles.—Advertisement. Business Locals WHEN YOU SEE A MAN Wearing a Lack-tailored suit you may be sure that he has equal to the best In custom-tailored garments. Styles that reflect the smartest Ideas of most approved fashions. Our superb cus tom-tailored clothes are equal to those of the world's most exclusive custom tailors, perfect fit absolutely guaran teed. Be Lack-tailored and you'll be right; 28-30 Dewberry street. TAILORING IS AN ART Science in cutting, experience and ingenuity In making and individuality in style is art in its highest degree. The art of creating garments that re flect true fashions of the hour and the latest thoughts of the designer, shaped on perfect lines of grace and made by skilled workmen. You can have this service at Simms, tailor to "men who care," 22 North Fourth street. YOU WANT SATISFACTION In your laundry work. That ia the foundation upon which we hav« built our success. If you are not con tented with your present laundry work send us a trial bundle. We will not know it from the regular line of work therefore you are assured of our usual service and can judge accordingly. Arcade Laundry. Both Phonea. D E. Glazier, proprietor. 5
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