12 There's Nothing Like Being, What You Say, Chic >: By "Bud" Fisher VV' _ jjf, h " WO THtBJS'i JOSTTO^S HLfli f ~777l \ complete , x oTHfep _ oo N€eli WUT k 00 VOOOLIiN'T SM -to COf<\PL6T6 THE. J C _ _ , — s I3LUG v —i — __ 1 o*= , u tT ,T SATO A A"t> I 1 v f mm Bwe • zv,::^ rnL^s l r HAT? 3 J * V € r to "-A-rcH, BIG VICTORY SCORED FOR FEDERAL LEAGUE Ten Days' Oause in Players' Con tract Is Held to Be "Null and Void" Chicago, July 17.. —The Federal League scored its first big legal vic tory in its war on organized baseball to-day when the appellate court held the ten days' clause in the ball play ers' contract "null and void." The ruling was given in a court ac tion which reversed a Superior Court decision enjoining Pitcher George M. Johnson, the Winnebago Indian, from playing with the Kansas City Federals. The injunction issued by Judge Foell in the Superior Court and served on Johnson while he was participat ing in the game here, was granted at the request of the Cincinnati Nation als, whose ranks Johnson left to join iXhe Federals. Johnson, before he signed with his hiew associates, gave the Cincinnati club the same notice of his leaving that his contract with it required the club to give. Ten days after he had given the notice he joined the Fed erals. Chicks Make It Two From Trenton Team ■ Special to The Telegraph Wilmington, Del., July 17. —It was easy for the Chicks here yesterday aft ernoon and they took a double-header from Trenton, winning the first con-. test, 5 to 2, and the second, 10 to 3. Arminger, Trenton's new recruit, suf fered a good deal from stage fright when he got in the box and although he was not batted so hard In the first game ho was replaced. Then he was put in the box at the beginning of the second game again. The scores: First game— Trenton .... 00000000 2 2 Wilmington .. 14000000 x—s Second game— Trenton 0 0 0 0 0 2 1— 3 Wilmington 2 4 1 3 0 0 x—lo Allentown Victor Twice at Reading Special to The Telegraph Reading, Pa., July 17. —Called upon to pitch both games and given pour support at that, although he did well against the attack of Allentown, Ram sey lost both games for the locals this afternoon. Glunn and Baker are both sick and Ramsey had to take the mound. The scores: First game— Allentown ...02020001 o—s Reading 00000010 o—l Second game— Allentown 2 0 0 0 0 0 o—2 Reading 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—o CANOE TO THIS CITY Willis Templen and Lescure Divan, of Elmira, N. Y., reached Harrisburg yesterday, completing a canoe trip from Elmira by way of the Susque hanna. They were pleased with the city, went through the Capitol and said it "beats New York's capitol a mile." They returned to Elmira by irain. FFJIFJAK. —29 years old and has been in organized bwe ball since 190S—star left-handed '" "V- . pitcher of St. Louis Cardinals. Some- & "J*' i what erratic, but one of the best South / Paws in the business. During the winter ~\ he is sheriff of Higginsport, Ohio. *v Familiarly known in St. Louis as the fIH/ K "Coca-Cola Kid" also as the "Pride of /ffiH. ]/ K Higginsport." One of the tallest men in fmßjPjjr inches-^^ Best quenches athletes' thirsts—with no Delicious—Refreshing mf • Nickname® encourage •übttitnfioa. 'if THE COCA-COLA CO. you see an ATLANTA, c*. Arrow think of Coca-Cola. '■■<*•-"" '"• ' r >- Y ■v- V*-' -- ■ «- -- . " a- • \*' V * / FRIDAY EVENING HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 17, 1914. UNHEARD OF GOLFER WINS ME TITLE His Achievement Without f arallel in History of Game in Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pa., July 17. From obscurity W. H. Croft, of the Oak mont Country Club, sprang into prom inence by winning the highest golf honors of the State, when he defeated James B. Crookston, of the Stanton Heights Golf Club, in the final round of the Pennsylvania amateur cham pionship tournament played at the Oakmont Country Club course. His achievement is remarkable and is without a parallel in the history of the game in this State. Croft practically was unheard of as far as winning any tournament was concerned until to-day. His victory over Crookston in the final round for the championship was decisive, 5 and three. Even when Croft put William G. Fownes, Jr., of Oakmont, the 1913 title holder, out of the running for the championship by defeating him in the semi-final round. 1 up, after a thrilling' 19-hole match, few of the gallery con ceded that he had a chance to win the championship over Crookston. Crowd of Women Fusses "Matty" at Golf Match Chicago, July 17.—Christy Mathew son, star pitcher of the New York Giants, lost an 18-hole golf match yes terday at the South Shore Country Club because, he said, he was em barrassed by the gallery of women who followed the play. "It was worse than a world's series game," said Mathewson. "I never was so embarrassed in my life. 1 couldn't do myself justice at all." Mathewson played the match with Grantland Rico, a sporting writer. On the first nine holes Mathewson had Rice three down, but the news had spread that the great pitcher was playing and a crowd of women who had been engaged in a tournament abandoned their game to follow the match. From the moment the gallery joined them, Mathewson became er ratic. He finished with a medal score of S9. "If any one wants to know what is a nerve shattering ordeal," said Mathewson after the game, "let him try to hole a ten-foot putt with a crowd of women looking on." PLAYERS CAVE IN DURING TENNIS MATCH AT SEABRIGHT Seabright, N. J., July 17. R. Lind ley Murray and George Peabody Gardner collapsed in the third set of their matches yesterday on the courts of the Seabright Lawn Tennis and Cricket Club. Murray, the coast star, was making a desperate battle against R. Norris Williams, 2d, •of Philadelphia. The two had split sets and were rallying for all they were worth. Williams •had overhauled Murray in the third set and had brought the games to 5-all. Then Murray wavered and virtually fainted. He had to be carried to the clushouse and be attended by a doc tor. The score as chaiked up for Williams was 6-4, 4-6, 5-all, default ed. It was believed that after Mur ray had rested he would be none the worse for the prostration. FOX WINS GIME BEFORE RUN FALLS: I Was Mound Master in Yesterday's Game With the Red Roses; Sensational Fielding Jupiter Pluvius, who is now work ing hand in hand with St. Swlthin's on a forty day partnership, favored John Fox yesterday, holding up yes-1 terday's downpour just long enough to I allow Harrisburg to win a game. Lan caster lost, score 2 to 1. Within ten minutes after the first game was fin ished the island field was flooded, making a second game impossible. 1 It was an exciting pitcher's battle, j Fox did the trick on ninety-two pitch ed balls in nine innings. Lane "hand ed up ninety-seven iu eight innings. George Cockill's mound general never pitched more than thirteen any one inning until the ninth, when the total number of balls offered up was twenty-three. His record for the other innings was: First, ten; second and third, twelve each; fourth, five; fifth, thirteen; sixth, four; seventh, seven; eighth, j six. In but four innings did Lancas- j ter solve the Fox delivery. Back»of| Fox were two sensational outfielders, | Emerson and Cruikshank. The latter| pulled off two desperate running! catches; while Emerson jumped into| the air with one hand, pulled down a drive by Hooper which was labeled for four bases. Had Good Racking Lane had good backing in Ritter, | Doty and Hooper. In the third in-J ning Swayne opened with a single to left, store second and scored on Hoop er's single to left. Harrisburg tied up the score in the | fifth on McCarthy's single to left. Em- j erson's single to center which put him on third, and an out from third to, first, a long throw when Keyes hit a sizzler to Doty. In the eighth Lane i walked Keyes. Cruikshank sacrificed placing the ball directly in front of the plate; Cockill singled to center, scoring Keyes with th(? winning run. The score: LANCASTER R. H. O. A- E. ! Swayne, cf 4 1 1 2 1 0: Dundon, 2b 4 0 0 1 0 0 Hooper, If 4 0 1 3 0 0 Clay, rf '.. 4 0 2 1 1 0 Jaronsik, lb 4 0 1 8 0 0 Ritter, ss 4 0 1 1 3 0 Doty, 3b 4 0 0 2 4 0 : Leidgate, c 3 0 . <j 0 0 i Lane, s 3 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 34 1 724 11 0 : HARRISBURG R. H. O. A. E.I Keyes, rf 2 1 0 1 0 0 cruikshank, cf . . 3 0 0 4 0 0 Crist, 3b 4 0 1 1 4 o' Cockill, lb 4 0 2 13 1 0 Miller, c 4 0 2 3 0 0; Whalen, ss 3 0 0 0 2 0 McCarthy, 2b ... 3 1 2 1 4 0, Emerson, If 3 0 1 3 0 01 Fox, p 3 0 1 0 3 0! Totals 29 2 9 27 14 0: Lancaster ....001 00000 o—ll Harrisburg ..000 0100 1 Ox—2 ' | Two base hits. Miller. Sacrifice hits,! Keyes, Cruikshank. Struck out, by Lane, 4; Fox. 4. Rase on balls, off 'j Lane, 1. Left on base, Lancaster, 6;! Har isburg, 7. Stolen bases, Swayne, | Hooper. Wild pitches, Fox. Time, j 1.40. Umpire, Glatts. Baseball Today; Scores of Yesterday | WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Trl-Stntf l.cfttcue ' Harrlaburg at Allentown. \\ llmlng'ton at Lancaster. Trenton at ReadinK. \ntlonnl L«asnf { Philadelphia at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. IloNton at Cincinnati. New York at Pittsburgh. *ntprlcnn League I Chicago at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Washington. Detroit at Boston. St. l.ouia at New York. Federal League Indianapolis nt St. I.ouln. 'Chicago at Kansas City. Baltimore at Buffalo. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. WHERE THEY PLAY TOMORROW Trl-State League I Harrlsburg at AUentown. Wilmington at Lancaster. Trenton at Reading. Vatlonal League i Philadelphia at St. Louln. Boston at Cincinnati. New York at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Chicago. American League Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis nt New York. Cleveland at Washington. Detroit at Boston. Federal l.eague Baltimore at Buffalo. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. Chicago at Kansas City. Indianapolis at »t. Louis. SCORES OP YESTERDAY Trl-State l.engue Harrlahurg, 2; Trenton, 1. AUentown. 5; Reading. 1 (lat game). Allentown. 2: Reading. 0 (2d game). Wilmington, 5( Trenton, 2 (first game). Wilmington, 10: Trenton, 3 (second game I. National League Philadelphia, <1; St. Louis, 3 (10 inn.) Brooklyn, 4i Pittsburgh, 3 (first game 1. Brooklyn, K| Pittsburgh, 2 (second game). Cincinnati, 1( Boston, 1 (called fourth Inning, darkness). Chicago-New York not scheduled. Amerlcnn League Philadelphia. 10( Chicago, 0. Detroit, 3) Boston. 2. New York, fli St. Louis, 4, Cleveland, 2s Washington, 0. Federal League Brooklyn, (It Pittsburgh, 2 (first game). Brooklyn, 5i Pittsburgh, 2 (second game). Baltimore, 8| Buffalo, 1. Kansas City. 11l Indianapolis, A. Chleago-St. Louis, rain. STANDI OF THE TEAMS Trl-State League W. »• r Harrlsliurg 31) 20 .11(11 Allentown 37 23 .(117 Wilmington 32 27 . ."i42 Reading 211 31 .433 Trenton 24 35 .407 Lancaster 17 42 .288 National League W. L. P.C New York 44 31 .587 Chicago 43 37 .538 St. Louis 42 40 .512 Cincinnati 31) 40 .4114 Philadelphia 37 38 .403 Brooklyn 3.% 38 .4711 Pittsburgh 34 40 • .450 Boston 33 43 . 434 American League W 1.. |«. i Philadelphia 40 32 .51)0 Detroit 4(1 37 .554 Washington 43 37 .588 Chicago 43 38 .531 Boston 44 31) .530 St. Loula 42 31) .510 New York 31 47 .307 Cleveland 27 53 . 338 Federal League W. 1.. |.« Chicago 40 32 . 500 Indianapolis 42 34 .500 Brooklyn 31) 34 .534 Baltimore 41 37 .52(1 Buffalo 30 3(1 .520 Kaasas City 30 45 .444 St. Loula 35 45 .438 Pittsburgh 30 45 . 400 SECOND "SIDE" MATCH The second of the series of "side" matches will be played at the Harris burg Country Club to-morrow after noon, the captains being Samuel C. Todd and Walter P. Mag-uire. The matches will start about 1 o'clock and there is an unusually large list of names drawn. It has been requested that members unable to play as desig nated will immediately notify one of the captains. Saturday of next week the York Country Club comes here to play the Harrisburg Country Club. The fol lowing Saturday there will be side matches, the captains being Ross A. Hickok and R. G. Goldsborough. The teams for to-morrow ore: S. C. Todd's Side. Payne, Ely, Reily, Boyd. Cox. Hosford, Tener, W. Davis, Brady, Herman, Dohoney, Pal mer, V. McCormick, RaJdwin, Sn6w, Wolf, Royer, Gross, Gillespie, Carney, Gould. W. P. Macguire's Side. —R. Mc- Bent, D. McCormick, Wright, Dutton, Brown, Hamilton, C. Davis, Hall, Evans, Kiester, C. B. Miller, Hickok. Salslch, McCaleb. W. Mc- Creath, Hocker, Revan, Ericson, Reynders, W. C. Wright. CHAMPION MOTORBOAT SINKS Portland, Ore., July 17. —Oregon Kid 11, the Pa,clflc motorboat cham pion, sank last night in the Columbia river eighteen miles west of Ranier, Ore. SMITH'S FOUL CIUSE OF ID FEELINGS Gunboat's Blow When Carpentier Fell Provokes Prejudice Against American Boxers London, July 17.—The foul struck hy "Gunboat" Smith has stirred up uulte a bit of bad feeling here where there has been an undercurrent of prejudice against American boxers. The unfortunate blow of Smith's will probably be cited for some, time in support of this dislike of the American Invaders. Even had Smith not made the blow when Carpentier had fallen to his knees the popular verdict gives the French pugilist, who, by the wav, is the only ring fighter that France has ever produced, the decision over Smith. His quickness and remarkable accu racy were phenomenal and his foot work was far superior to Smith's. When the French contingent carried Carpentier to his corner in the sixth round the utmost confusion reigned. The ring was crowded with excited officials and seconds, and thousands of spectators were on their feet, shouting and groaning. In this round Car pentier, after playing for an opening, while keenly watching the American's right, had feinted cleverly with his left, and then brought a powerful right across Smith's jaw. The punch did not land squarely, but glanced off, and, carried by the force of his blow, Carpentier swung around «nd slipped to his knees. theihub MID-SUMMER t Clearance Sale This Sale Is a Windfall It comes in right for those who need something right away. By coming here they get what they want at a big saving. It's an opportunity for those who look ahead and buy ahead. It's a gilt edge investment to buy clothes—Hub Clothes, mind you—at such low II / \ It) 1 * prices. I'/ I It's an opportunity for the man who likes to dress well, but has to be I f \ | economical. He gets a high grade, stylish suit here for less than is usually Iff 1 charged for the commoner kinds. G/ Here are some Genuine Marked Down Prices that Make Buying Easy: Men's $12.50 Suits, $9.7 5 Men's Trousers Men's $15.00 Suits, »««■«»■»» p»»» Men's SIB.OO Suits, $14.75 ES 25 E2525 Men's $20.00 Suits, $15.75 EE £2 ::::::::: 25 Men's $22.50 Suits Men's $25.00 Suits, $20.75 " Bn 'Summer Shirts Men's $30.00 Suits,. ...... sssf- 2**® Boys' $5 and $6.50 Suits Re- Ssl'tJSSifSltlS J... .J i - fy tp Men's $2.50 Shirts $1.85 uUC€Q TO 3J./I) Men ' s * 3 - 50 Silk Sh,rt « $2.35 Mens $5.00 Silk Shirts $3.75 THEMIHUB 320 Market Street 'BOTH ELK HERDS IE CONFIDENT OF VICTIM Antlers From Wilkes-Barre Will Be Met With Strong Resistance by Locals The Wilkes-Barre and Harrishurg Elk baseball teams are both confident of winning the game they are going to play to-morrow afternoon. The same will be played on the H. A. C. grounds and will start promptly at 3 o'clqpk. The local Elk team will have a hard workout this evening and are ready to meet the visiting Bills. Harry Heller Weintraub, an' attor ney of Wilkes-Barre. who is chairman of the visitor's baseball committee, and also manager of their team, declares that the Wilkes-Barre team is tn the best of conditions and will have no trouble in winning. After the game the visitors will he taken in automobiles for a ride and later in the evening will be entertained by the Harrisburg boys at their social rooms, 216 North Second street. The teams will line up this way: Wilkes-Barre—Wilcox, 1. e.; Walt ers, ss.; Mayock, 3 b.; Flanagan, p.; Alexander, 1 b.; Reynolds, 2 b.; West, r. f.; Dick, c. f.; Lynch, c. Harrisburg—Flickinger, 1. e.; Ennis, ss.; Simonettl, 3 b.; Weber, Dinger, p.; Krall, Gardner, 1 b.; Sourbeer, Neefe, 2 b.; Allen, r. f.; Armstrong, Lutz, c. f.; Douglas, c. CHICAGO CAPTAIN LAID UP Philadelphia, July 17. George Weaver, captain and shortstop of the Chicago White Sox, who was Injured in a collision with Demmitt, the left fielder, while going after a fly ball at Shibe Park yesterday, will probably be out of the game several days. Weaver lias a dent in his forehead over his left eye. EVERY KIND OF MUSIC Is yours with a Vlctrola. Stop in and enjoy our daily demonstrations. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square.—Advertisement. READING TEAMS TO MEET The first and second teams of the Philadelphia and Reading Athletic Association clash in what is expected to to a hosly contested game on Island playground diamond at 6.30 p. m. this evening. There Is a great deal of rivalry between the two teams and an Interesting game is looked for. I A NEW CHECKED MADRAS ■ I & I
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