fijowmcMii Dollar Sale To-morrow ► 5 da V when your doliar buys more than at any other time. Our Dollar Sale always brings great crowds. ► Those who have attended our Dollar Sales know that the values are extraordinary. That the cost of the goods 3 Friday was a day of outing for many of is lost sight of in the effort to give bargains that will interest you. Every department has contributed high-class, the commercial institutions of Harrisburg. seasonable merchandise that will make it well worth your while to come early. None of the Dollar Sale items i We cannot help telling the public generally about the good will be sent C. O. D. d time we all had at the picnic at Good Hope Hill along the Cono * doguinet Creek and we would make special mention of the 1 1 - ►, splendid music furnished by the Harrisburg Trainmen's Band, m __ _ ** * .1 • • ,1 rv 11 CI ► an organization of which Harrisburg may well be proud. L TTAVTT A I A "l fl §1 IYICII S Vlotuin2 111 IDC LlOllflr SS.IC ► We hereby wish to acknowledge all kind messages and Vvl V ** 1 tJLviv X? UI JLe x/Vz p • 1 TT 1 t> T 1 1 ► words of good-will from th« many who have seen fit to express ** _ bpCCldl V dIU6S> X>6 J!<3,ny J themselves. Silk Waists that were $5.00 to $6.50; plenty of black andl T » •* e » a C: ia ic ►, „ _ - _ ... oil 7 i 4. Just 4 suits for youths and men. Sizes 32, 34, 3r> 5 The Day of Reit and Human Efficiency Silk Dresses that" ere SIO.OO $12.50 :"::::::::":" and 36 Were regular $5.50 and $6.50 «1 QQ 1 Great organizations have come to realize that the human Silk Petticoats that were $5.00 Ah "a* , • * : '* : *' * t side must enter largely into their calculations. Efficiency, the t j nf > n Quite that <cinm tt |||| Mens $2.00 1 rousers in stripes ana AA ► length of the working day, the pauses for rest for persons of n c..; f ' f ] C f «innn ■ ■ll I mixtures. Special SJ«UU ► different ages and stations in life, how to prevent depletion, and JJw J%5 ci f V-'AA' ''J V/AA' I IVI I Men's $3.50 Rubberized Ailto Shirts, (1 AA ► how to restore nervous tone. These are questions constantly Serge and Bedford Cord Skirts that were $5.00 and $6.00. .I ■ ■ •\J qhmit 4S inches lrmo- Snrri il $ 1 »uU ► arising for a solution on a scientific and business basis, and Shepherd Checks, Imported Serge and All-wool Mixtures— ■ vi > ci en j cl _ < Should lead to useful conclusions regarding the maximum of Suits that were $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, SIB.OO and up to I ! D Alens ana Mraw nats; QQ t work. «9c;nr> 4ii fZ.. n \Z usi £ c, • . p —— Por-to Rican and Sennit Straws t I,uu ► T7 f . • « • II 11/1 !• 1 . »P 1 tlKl tor Costs *OO for ••••••••• jj A f ' ft*') AA -'/Y ] I . P * 1 |I» "| AA I F° r a long time we have given a weekly half-holiday with Cream Pure Wool Sern-e Skirt c that „,Pr« <fcc; m lens $ 2,00 stlft and soft hats - Special • • vI.W ► pay; taken together this is about fifty-two half-holidays, mak- ™f • . °£} , rtS *"* l™ C Third Floor- BOWMAN'S. ► ing twenty-six full days or three and one-half weeks a year ? Lingerie Dresses that were $5.00 to SIO.OO ► with pay. This aside from the fifty-two hours given each year Children s Pure Wool Sailor Suits F?iit*nicViinrrc in tliA Drkllov Qola Jby opening at 9 o'clock Saturday morning All of these articles are not of this season's purchase, but all of them are good me " S rUmiSnill g S 111 llie "OllM Mie J Our reason for this is that a half-holiday each week gives materials—are well made, and are of staple style so that thev are reallv desirable Men ' s slo ° Union Suits i a regular breathing time in the fresh air that cannot help but ta means that we rlean un omntv nur j.niHn '«■'*•£ n ' t Plain white, ecru and black; broken lines of regular SI.OO gar <be Of great benefit to good health. _ ' ™ an s that we clean up-empty our department of all garments that are not ments . short and long sleeve '. three -quarter and ankle length; This is done only with the idea of increasing efficiency strictly new. Hundreds ot women pick up remarkable bargains at these senu-an- ? f or SI.OO ► and not in a way that would savor of patronage, benevolence or nual Dollar Sales of ours. Men's 50c Underwear ► philanthropy with our employes. Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. Shirts and Hrawers . n]ain ha i hrimn onen mesh and white * them to earn each dollar fhey get and pay them i athletic; special, 3 pieces for SI.OO Neckwear Trimmed Millinery in the Dollar Sa e 7 Vd" ss ( f irts , ; ngC wlT, n iday H ,ftCr T" 10 Saturdly a ,"rr n In the Dollar Sain AbOU ' 40 ha,B - bl ' k - « r.w colors. Some very .pSf T*!* and evening. \Ve heartily endorse this movement and believe ill Llie l/Ollai Oal6 desirable hats in the lot. Values up to $8.00; special SI.OO Men's 25c Half Hose ► with the concerted action of every organization in the city it r • ... second Floor— bowman-s pi • t, ? . j a ki i u- u v au i can be brought about. lve Cuimpes with ===================================—===============: Plain black, tan and navy; double soles, high spliced heels; ■ that retailed fl °°"?'llvl S Dress Goods in the Dollar Sale 8100 ►: Linens 111 the Dollar Sale "U ZL- B Z»Boys' Clothing in the Dollar Sale ► , ... s oto ?—Cluny trimmed searfs, table covers and ======================= SI.OO Fifteen boys' Cassimere Suits, Norfolk and double ► 01 SO HrVwnwArW rAvorQ VnH eVamV." '!!11 /~ii iv* 11 4 >' ar(ls 50c satin foulards, set figures in brown, black and breasted styles. Sizes 13 to 17 years. Regular $3.98 I G,ove * «nd Handker- r-i? •• V,* 1 - 00 ««mso value Special • .....SI.OO $1.50 to $2.50 Battenberg Lunch Cloths, round and square. chiefs in the Dollar re K uL $1.95 value; special . . !, g . ° «S"oO • 500 Knickerbockers; all sizes. Special .) ►| |i. so'Luncheon Sen9piKei;\peciki\'::::::::: #*;<><! Sale da*! varT' nCh sa,m . charmel,se m tau '' e - al "i black J l s C; ' a ' r Boys : \Vash Sui'ts in biue and tan;' Russian style; j »U0 75C 2<laSP MUaneSe Silk aud l ' so , 4o sh °7 rPr H°'^^n,e',e'o'r;'s'e','fi s 'u're's'in',' a upe rose trimmed sailor collar. Special. 3 suits ... $1 .(K> \ each.. ; l.f. 8100 gloves, black, white and colors, and wistaria; special, yard SI.OO Boys $1.50 and $1.75 Oliver Twist Suits. Special, \ * eerond* FiooT— BowMAN'a * - pairs SI.OO y ar< ls 59c all silk ratine, lilac, rose, pink and brown ; regular SI.OO ► $2.00 16-button embroidered ?2 ' 36 value ! special SI.OO Third fioof-BOWMAN-S. Muslin Underwear in the Dollar Sale gEkKr '""""ww »!»^ !^^.^"7.rr d .r y .. m !rr 4 Children'* Dre<*«Uf>* & Coats $1.75 to $1.98 Gowns, SI.OO sl.«> j Made of sheer nainsook low neck and short sleeves; gloves, double tipped, black cadet; regular $2.50 value; special SI.OO ITI thp Dollar Sfllp dainty lace embroidery and ribbon trimmings. Special, SI.OO only, 2 pairs " ... SI.OO 4 - vards 50c stri P«l cream storm serge, regular $2.00 value; iU UIC J/UAACtI O<IAC $1.50 and $1.98 Princess Slips, SI.OO Handkerchiefs special SI.OO Children's $1.39 to $2.20 white dresses in sizes 2 to 14 years; ► Bodice and skirt trimmed with fine laces and embroideries T ar lipe' u i Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. made of fine lawn with lace and embroidery trimmings; spe- Wid l bea fe ribbon . run ' S P ecial kerchiefs Sulai 25c ►' Si-SO to $1.98 White Petticoats, sl.(N> special 6 for ' <ua IT f »1 • • ,1 rv 11 CI Girls' to $2.98 tub dresses, made of French gingham and 1 l'lounces of embroidery, or rows of lace insertion with Ladies' nure linoti \' r i iIOUSCI UrDISIHIISfS 111 ttl6 UOildf u3IG percales, in stripes, checks and plaids; trimmed with colored ! ► Corset cover and drawers trimmed with lace and em value. 6 for SI.OO hardwood fjoors SI.OO Children s s_.9B to s.roo white coats , made of cashmere and ►< broidery. Drawers open or closed. Specill .. #1 (S> Mai " Floor - BOWMANS - sl-25 -Folding Ironing Tables; special SI.OO ser S e = hand embroidered and satin collars; sizes Ito 5 years; ►' $1.25 to $1.75 Brassieres, SI.OO ' ' ========== $1.25 4-qt. Acme Ice Cream Freezer; special SI.OO j ' V'<to'cn I'"«tc no'' "il-V '''• * 1 " 'a' , j I Hooked front or crossed back; trimmings of fine lace and TT a ,V te P Ladder - s " ft " size " S P ecial #I.OO . U V ldre ( ns $2.50 to $.,.00 white pique coats, colored and em h embroidery. Special «l OO Hair CJOOQS 111 the $l9B Oval Dinner Pail—made of aluminum ; special, SI.OO broidery trimmed collars; sizes 2to 6 years; special... .$.1.00 69c to 89c' Drawers, 2 pairs $1 OO -w\ii ey $1.50 Gas Iron—complete with hose; special SI.OO Children's $2.50 to $5.00 coats, linen with leather belt, or serge ► Lace and embroidery trimmed. Open and closed Snecial Dollar Sale ? 119 Screen Doors—natural finish wood frame; special, and cashmere, silk trimmed, sizes 2to 6 years; special. .SI.OO ►' 2 pairs " SI.OO Infants' $1.50 to $2.25 short dresses, made of fine nainsook, ► $1.50 to $3.00 Corsets, SI.OO Large line of beautiful wavy $1.25 and $1.69 Daisy Wick Oil Stoves—2 and 3-wick ; hand embroidery, lace and embroidery trimmed, sizes 6 months, , One lot of corsets in broken sizes. Front and back lace SW ' t fM S , th * l so,d re ß" s P SIOO 1 a nd 2 years; special SI.OO Special $1 OO ularly at $1.40. 10-morrow at $1.50 silver plated Knives and Forks, set —6 knives and Infants' to $1.75 long dresses, made of fine batiste, fagot , BOWMAN's —second Floor. SI.OO 6 forks $1 .OO stitched, yoke with fine lace, tucked ruffle, lace trimmed at bot ► Second Fioor-BOWMAN S. $1.75 White Willow Hamper; special .. . .SI.OO torn; special SI.OO ► Draperies in the Dollar Sale =—= jj $1.25 8-qt. Milk Kettle—made of extra heavy tin; special, . second Floor BOWMAN s. [ ► any 4 .^l'.. DOmCStICS Ul th 6 s•*> and «1.» ► 25c Ecru Scrim—39 inches wide; can be hemstitched verv "Hnllflr ========================== WIaVWO the Wdlv I: Curtain's—3 y ' a 'r'd s ' '.^g.''o'n® 2 s "t"" s 2 P i,. Embroideries and Flouncings 1 ► lots only.. Pair *sl.oo low cases to match; regular ITI the Dollar SalP Women s laced boots 35c Curtain Voile—white and cream with colored bo-der $1.60 value; special .... sl.<H) rw „ raw r „ , p • TT.7 *„ , ~ , . , Women's oxfords and pumps r B fo P r r ?! ty . . SU . m . m ?:.?r inS f ° r do ° r ° r Wind °« W l J s2 °? Samtary fCathCr was $12.98. t Women's strap sandals ffc ; 1 °Srna?Mot > OO 25 yards challies for curtains the Two pfuernftfwhke . 6 ' J ► $2.25 to $3.00 Table Mats-Leather table S,'specml "see'r'sucke'r ging- Two paU^lMndf w[th Men ' S and button shoes . A ► 'lße's a V.Vn "r\" V f l .' 00 ham, value $1.60; special ers. Retailed for $2.00 yard. Special, yard • SI.OO Mens sample oxfords ► Q>/ varH« background with pink floral design. SI.OO Fioor-'nowMAN s. Men's fine slippers 1 ► /Ji 'BOWMAN'S—Fourth * Floor* SI.OO 10 pillow tubing—ele- -ttti • i r\ 4 4v . Boys'high and low shoes i ■ R ant for bolster and pillow \A/ H-jyp (TAnn Q O tin T Ifl Otl Q Children's high shoes ; Women's Hosiery and Underwear caMS ■ 5200 M in the Dolto Sale ► w .l n ®° Ua f Salev^t^; h !:. U Uk! k : ne . Old Glory Longcloth in sanitary hag, No labels. No statup- ► women s /sp Union Suits—low neck, sleeveless; lace - Main FIoor— BOWMAN-S. ing. No lost yardage. No soiled pieces. 10 yards to the piece. Third FIoor— BOWMAN-s knees. Pine quality of bleached cotton. Special, 2 for SI.OO Regular $1.50 quality; special SI.OO —,— k . Women s 50c Vests silk lisle, low neck, silk tape neck and lNrnfintlC Itl Corduroy—36 inches wide; regular 19c quality; special, 8 - II • ,1 f\ II CI sleeves. Specai, 4 f0r......... SI.OO iioxions in xne y ards China and Lamps in the Dollar bale Women sSO c Union Suits—low neck, sleeveless, wide lace Dollar Sale Mercer iked Damask—sß inches wide; fine assortment of pat- c . ..,, .. R , ... .. . ► knees. Fine quality of bleached cotton. Special, 2 for.. .SI.OO 1/Uliai OdlC terns to select from ; regular 39c value ; special. 4 yards. SI.OO $1.49 nickel plated Rayo lamp, complete with opal shade ; spe ► Women's 50c Hose—thread silk boots and plain and silk Net brassieres with washable Turkish Towels—Large size; regular 22c quality special 7 cial ' SI.OO ► lisle; black and colors, double soles, high spliced heels, wide dress shields SI.OO for $1 00 sl-39, $1.69 and $1.98 porcelain fern dishes, ivory finish; spe : UwYhrVad Silk ' Hose--biack" and'' *l™ .?.. -I"- 5 ! double 6oles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops. Special. shields with net sleeves SI.OO - ■ and round with china center; special SI.OO SI.OO $1.50 Fancy Tango Hair f*.2lY"np4'Q T?11(TQ fir Tin Alaiitnc $1.59 silveriin cut glass olive dishes, handled; special. .SI.OO Women's 25c Hose—plain black, silk boots, double soles Pins SI.OO JJCUOj XY.14.g0 w ► wide garter tops. Special, 6 pairs SI.OO Six 25c P'eces embroidery •_ rv-ll Q 0 i _ der boxes SI.OO * Mum !■ loor buwman's. edges SI.OO *n LI \5 l/OlloX Odlv $1.98 and $2.50 imported china—lot consists of salad bowls, ► ~ ~ Maln FIoor — BOWMANS. Inlaid Linoleum—Choice of our entire line of best "A" qual- sugar and cream sets, celery trays, importers' samples; choice ■►' • ity inlaid linoleum—patterns go through to the back—will not and exclusive decorations; special SI.OO III " look shabby with wear; regular $1.35 and $1.50 quality; square On Sale in the Basement— BOWMAN'S. i ►' X mL "RllV yard SI.OO 4,U J AVUI Axminster Carpet—Beautiful, luxurious, high pile fabric; tan *A. ' it, T\ 11 O 1 ; in the Dollar Sale Refrigerator and green grounds with pink roses: regular $l5O q« a «ty ; yard r urmturc 111 tH6 JJOildr odl6 ► Large size $2.00 Dolls .with moving eyes, lashes here Best makes at reason . Velvet Rugs—Size 27x54 inches; floral knd orientai.patterns; 54.00 Bedroom Or Sewing Rockers, SI.OO y and combed wig. Special . SI.OO Ul • nn A . regular $1.39 value; special SI.OO IT a i ■ ..I jii A J. U , ► <t?m «mMir rncm n oo c : i XX able P nces - S IOO sends one to Fourth Fioor-BowMAN-s. Fumed oak with saddle wood seat ,or golden oak , Specai ... .SI.OO yoU r home and SI.OO a week „ with imitation leather seat. Your choice of An k cial lin S OS seewi 1 cor and e - pays for it. Fifth Floor; Bow- In Our Bakerv either finish in the Dollar Sale, at *pl#Oo ► sl'.so*a*n'd s2*oo Ted'dy*Bears—with voice'.'.Sl!oO """ f».mom»s Pies, Cakes and Pastries baked fresh t,-ery hour. All Only 75 rockers in the lot. Limit, one to a custo- Thlrd Ftoor BOWMAN'S. »Ptocr-BOWMAN s. o rd«rs for picnics a„d outings promptly filled. mCr ' Third Floor-BOWMAN S. MONDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG 8S(S(8s& TELEGRAPH JULY 13, 1914. 3
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