8 Additional News of the Mill and Factory Sale on Page 6 $6.50 to SIO.OO Parasols Go , Half Price To-morrow for and insertion patterns! Mill j AUU*and b Fack??* (tale "'rice* yard *!\*. ™"l.l» P r ' c * #2.49 I Dives. Pomoroy & Stewart. Street Floor. * ~ • 1 . . i*.. ... .-.. II A Little Recreation- The Mill and Factory Sale Will Start You Here are the Cottons Makes for Greater -vr T . tw- * 0 . Women Want for Efficiency on Y our Vacation With Many Savings Summer Dresses th Train|j Summer's Best Values in Table ! Lovely White Dress Weaves at A ,l®l7e I^g" hundred Damask, Towels and Toweling Unusual Savings To-morrow SfLd « llTlJ«Z happy.men and women and boys. jtcms f(om regu|ar stock c „ wh ° Wi „lZl.*??. ™t « " ro!t a " racti "' ailCl Rirls to a Clay S ironc a &we have marked exceptional savings. Every housewife is invited to 12yic checked white dimity; 28 inches wide. Mill and Factory sale Price the historic Conodoguinet. I share the economies given in this list— Sale price, yard •. 7? ya rd C Xoilps ' 38 ,nches wltie * f'° r ai patterns. The rineinp sound of laughing voices and .., ~. , . , , . .... ~ .. . , , 25c "Idle t'hlffon voile, 40 Inches. 25c white Klaxon In cheek and stripe 75c 'and' SI.OO Ratine. 36 inches wide. so'lid " ine ringing souna ui i«tu ß u B 64c hleaclied anil brown toilet l.c bleached Turkish bath towels, wide, tine quality, 10 1/ weaves. remnant lengths; -. n .. shades and checks, yard • 25c the tooting of horns made US all teel like twill toweling, I. inches wide. Spe- hemmed ready for use. I o|/„ yard 1 Uiriped voiles in the lot. yard. lUC s l-2 B to Nub Crepe. 40 inches wide. Vi3«t#»ninCT the calendar on to the time of our''". 1 ! c an<l Factory fTp good size for Quality .... I *>n\- nlaln wiiiio vnil» ill inrh.. uw,. 25c "Pride of the West" batiste, fine solid shades, yard 50c hastening the calendar on to tne time Ol our Sa|o vurd DC honeycomb toweling, good r anil \ H nw-wcrlzcd weave. 28 inches wide, for; 25c Marquisette, open weave, white ground summer s outing, so we commend heartily our g t . checked glass toweling, 16 Inches 1 "'.j? 1, >«•«' • ■ ■ ••• • ; ' waists, yard .. 10c waists and dresses. 1 <■}%(' 1 " olld . whlte str «P e s »nd colored pin neighboring store for its forward step in the | ,vMj, 15c **• «h.*. 2 , , I '"So ; M im-l.™ Site iVCCMM.' iionl ud'nlid VhWaV,'. ~K« promotion of efficiency. and we look ■ 15c individual Turkish bath tow- inches, sheer Quality, yard ... l» L ko <HI quality for underwear, in yard 8,. forward with hone to the dav when it mav 12 J£c linen toweling, red and -i rj„ els. colored borders, made i 01/„ 25c Xub stripe crepe, 40 inches wide, yard .... '. ' 12 V&c Cretonne Robes, 36 inches wide, mer . . , blue border, yard 1 vIC of fine yarns Y LrlC one n C summer's most popular 25c Wamsutta percale. 30 inches, cerized finish, for comfortables, yard 6 '4c see Its way clear to meet US in our long estao- 15 C linen toweling, line quality, TABLE DAMASK white fabrics, 1 01/ line light weight i o|/p 10c Batiste, white and colored grounds, lished custom of a full week's vacation every | colored borders, 1 9'/r > 39c full mercerized table damask, yard 1 i yard fancy stripes and floral designs, yard 7^c . , J | yard 1 58 inches wide. »-»•• 10c Percale, 36 inches, neat designs on col summer With pay. ... , , . . . I vard *i>C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. ored ground, yard JUc k ' Attractions in the Carpet Section RKr3 w : " tr, .r. and .. io« I)_ _ T T __ „ each vard ' OJC 80c all-wool extra su|ier ingrain carpet, lloral ami oriental patterns. 15c Mercerized Batiste, white and colored IBV L6SS lOr V/UOl "*• huck towels, good size and 5 1( ,' old:fashioned German home- Mni and Factory Sale Price .. . . 67c neat lK»res and stripes, silk finish, t/ quality, colored borders, 4 O£Tr> emm linen im-hps 75c rubber door mats, fresli sto< K.. Mill and l actory Sale Price, 57c >ara 10c O - 1 1 foP yard . 39C 40c Japan matting, yard 30c Seersucker Gingham, neat stripes and Ik] f i 12 1 <jc huck towels, red borders. y.v bleached linen table damask, Japan matting, >ard 25c • cinohlim' , K'i,'i'' , k''t j 5/'° wlllV V>rlU V Women's 16-hutton length silk gloves in ! tor ....... hik ' t " Welg ' Va s! oo snow While tabic ' linen* ~ With fancy stan.lnrd Vnr,ic. : Rl (,S K, I>l ' ! l> 25c Dfnfuy! designs' on white, double ringer tips, $125 value. S j red 'b,,te and white, ' 79C ft! S . :.V.V "!!!:!!!!!!!! i J^P^/r^Pes.' 3«'inches;'pUin'Wnd ,25iC in the Mill and 1-actorv .Sale at .H.»C .each " n »- » >a,urn "- >nr " »« , I1( . h runners, regularly «oc. social !.!!.!!!! ■ !«c y ? r L "'A , ■. 15c Best Makes Silk Gloves I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. 27 inch runners, regularly 50e. Special -12 c wide choiees ha do ard ° WtO 45 inches Kavser, Centemeri and Fownes makes —j —— '''T?b„ttTre p n"lth, black , n d yg c Geisha Waists j educed AWonderful Showing of Summer L° w Prices, Indeed, $2 Values af'. 50 : 69c Dresses for Women and Misses ° n SuchGood Muslins .ioc two-clasp colored silk gloves, double; . . .+■ * f* s-\ T i , . , ■ . , . . , , . , . .. A saving of a cent a yard on high-grade finger tips :naw. tan, pongee, grey and brown. $2.50 to $3.95 . CM CA Ihe most notable values m women s and nusses dresses that we have shown tins muslins j" worth taking advantage, for tin- Special in the Mill and Factory Sale-... :Wo j Values at . • 1-OVJ 1 summer are entered in the Mill and lactory Sale for to-morrow at prices that will attract cotton market is firm an( , ccials K ' on d W omen's 50c two-clasp chamoisette gloves. . - hundreds of discriminating women. Only a few of a kind in each style, but there are all muslins are hard to get F ' ce , the qiiali f y of broken sizes. Special in the Mill and Factory T— SD.UU . VL | W sizes. tJie Q( j s S p ec j a ] j n t h e sa | e — see «; a l P .'i'lC \'.i lupe of . W l.</V lavender and blue striped dresses In tissue: lace Mnen dresses in lavender, white. Copenhagen, fi rrn l v a .,,i kal j ▼ dlUta ell • collars and cuffs: skirt wltli pepluni. Mill and trreen. tan, pink with long tunics. Mill ami Fae- and Cleanly \N 0\ etl it is. „ . 1 i Geisha waists in crene batiste and voile. Factory Sale price 52.50 tory Sale prices 56.50, 57.50 and $8.50 8c bleached Musiin, 36 Inches wide, yard 7c SfnttnnPfV 1 f~l fhp . ' , , . J . . 51.9.» pink and light hlue crepe cloth dresses; White ratine dresses with pin stripes: emhroid- " 1/ t c bleached Muslin, 86 inches wide, yard .. IH|C w/ICll # y 111 IX lv>- Vw/cllO \\ ailCl daintv colors or white ground With hand embroidered yoke and collar; velvet licit. ored vests and cnlTs. Mill and Factory Sale price unbleached Muslin, 36 inches, yard fi f 4e 24 sold-edged cards, 24 sheets paper and colored embroidered figures. Trimmings of Mill and Factory Sale price *3.50 si.»s Kit' " e '4 c . i, • • i- c- i 1 i i , * , . I , • White striped crepe dresses: figured crepe i-ollar $0.50 striped crepe dresses, vokc efTect: Ion" unbleached Muf lin, 3h inches wide, yard ... ic 48 envelopes. Parisian linen paper. Special | hand embroidery, lace, organdy vest, \ enise and vests: tucked skirt. Mill and Factory Sale tunic: watet with organdy cuffs, vest and collar SIIAKF.r FIANNKI, in the Mill and Factory Sale OC _ and Valenciennes lace insertion. Organdy, price s2.os Mill and Factory Sale price $5.50 12Vfcc bleached Shaker Flannel, 36 inches, yd., 10c „ f "OC | rp nr pmhroidrrv collar and ruffe $5.05 embroidered voile waist and tunic over Awning striped dresses In black and white: PILIiOW CASKS at laCC ° e U ' white Striped voile: in pink, green and blue. Mill white organdy collar and cuffs velvet girdle and 33c bleached Pillow rases embroidered nnd hem ">OO Rooks 'it 10e Persian Lawn Waists and Factory Sac price $4.95 long tunic. Mill and Factory Sale price ... .$1.95 stitched . . . . . . ? . . 2»c ' ' i Persian lawn semi-tailored waists, bunch tucks and Black and white striped dresses: lone tunic over lllack and white pin stripe voile dresses: or- bleached Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches . . 10c bonks including fiction, poetrv, gift t embroidery insertion trimmed, ernhroiderv edge trims white stripe voile: vest o rorjrandy and shadow candy collar and cuffs: broad satin girdle; swirl 15c bleached Pillow Cases, 45x3fi inches, hem • , ~® . t' ci rvi collar, cuffs and button piece, SI.OO. $1.50 and $1.95 I?'"**: broad black velvet girdle. Mill and Factory ruffle. Mill and Factory Sale price $5.50 stitched i2%v. volumes. joKe.s and u asis, \aiues to , Black satine semi-tailored waists, medium tucks Sale price ; $7.50 $18.50 floral voile dresses in blue.old rose, white: 20c t >,eac bed Pillow rases, 45x36 inches .... 15c Special in the Mill and Factory Sale 1A _ trim front and back, white lawn turnover trims col- Floral voile dresses in pink and blue: long sldr- bustle drapery: plain colored crepe waists, neck 25c bleached Pillow Cases, embroidered and hem 1U C j lar and cuffs SI.OO red tunic with wide moire girdle: organdy collar and sleeves linishcd with net. Mill and Factory stitched I9 P al 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. and cuffs. Mill and Factory Sijlc price .... $8.50 Sale price $15.001 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. " Oxford;; <JTI QC Sugar: And It's Preserving Time I mln the Mill Factory Sale at 1 With Every SI.OO Worth of Groceries ' I Oxford ties in gun metal calf, tan calf and patent colt, medium rp OC 1U f \ 1 O // \\ ? _ asm x W high toe lasts with heels, Goodyear welted oak leather O-ITIOrrOW IDS. /<"b f,olcS ' ° ur re R u ' ar $3.00 and $4.00 values in the Mill and Factory for $1,09 Or 25 lbs. Granulated (/ Men's $3.00 tan Russia calf blucher Boys' $1.50 gun metal calf blucher oxfords. Ooodyear stitched rubber oxfords, high toe last, heavy stitched Choice, meaty, new mackerel, No. to I chigh bologna, lb 20c \\ W «v j ; Wff* "I™J* w,'/ .—_j soles and heels. Mffl and soles, sizes 8% to 13%. Soecial in pails. Pall 79c * <n ,r linrn cheese, lb 25c v, . k — Factory Sale price ,tpi. «7c> the Mill and Factory " dj-i Ocean whiting fish; a very choice Cream cheese, lb 28c X fs-7 yt SP// C tnrpc - Sale f P I - ZU Ash packed in 10-lb. pails. Special. Brick.rtwjj Nib... 25c /A. 11 ll X? Otores OO 11 1 nese a,, calf anl gun metal calf Good. WOMFX-S WHITF CANVAS SHOKS Roscdale red Alaska salmon. Can. Philadelphia cream' cheese, cakeT , )T M f r\f Ss9 PO Our and X r '//, f IL, onirrs lOr -- j anl I lc t° r y Sale price p shoes, high toe last, Goodyear welted Alaska pink salmon. Can, 9c, Doz., Xeufchatel cheese, cake 5c _ _ n • 4 BOYS' SHOES 1 % -inch heels. Special in the 98c Pimento cheese, cake 10c T T 1 1 fO Price lomorrow vT 11Q B oy ß ' $ 2 .00 tan ca if button shoes, S!/S and . Fa . ctory ,$2.45 oii'::::: t B^r, c ib. hutter, .. lb :.::::::::: 1% nunareasoioummer Wli 11 U Q *1 J 1.1 A ~/ h . lgh , t0 ® 'a® lß - - h ®^ vy stitched soles; Women's $1.50 white canvas Colo- Sardines in mustard 5c Potted beef, ror sandwiches, tin, 9c , VV 111 Dc . . . sizes Ito oV4. Mill and jtl f!Q nial pumps, steel buckle, hand-turned Kippered herring, can 5c Roscdale pure lutlian olive oil; full >ffOTir WL n , , • . i • i .i ! factory Sale price soles high covered Cuban heels, sizes Early June peas. No. 2 cans. Dozen, onart cans 68c Olid W OllClljGo Silky fabric mercerized shirts, designated as Roys' $1.75 gun metal calf button to ®P et ' ia ' ' n the QRp 3 eans, 25c Ex<-elsior coitec. lb 35c c "American Silk,'' by some stores and offered Bhoes - wlde t°e lasts with solid leather t .1 <zjnn -11 1 e 1 • .1 \i 11 stitched soles, sizes Ito oVfc. Special Women s s..ao white can\as Colo- 08c; .1 cans, 25c B-J coffee, lb., 19c; .> lbs 90c XVCCiUCeQ 111 llie Oal6 bv them at S_.(XJ. will be found 111 tlie Ml'l ) n (hp j-un a nd Factory J;1 m nla pumps, white metal buckles. Choice hand-packed tomatoes; large Our "Favorite" tea, lb., 45c; 3 lbs.. and Fartnrv Sale to-morrow for iK 1 11) The Sale price .4» hand-turned soles and high canvas can. dozen, 98c; 3 cans 25c 51.25 s~il .. t 1 CKjTI TT 1 R .», Hntfnn shnu covered heels, sizes to 7. Special Baked beans in tomato sauce; large Pure cocoa, lb., 15c: 2 lbs 28c L/egJlOmS Hemhs textile designs are very tasteful in their grey, h .P h L ia«t» h m ln the MiH and I,,actor y <kl ex cans. Regular tßc value, can ... 12c Peanut butter, lb.. isc: 2 lbs. .. 28c , . v and pink and blue and helio; all colors are sizes 9to 13%. 'special m the ' qq c S wo'menV $2.60' viiitamw coio- 'iar«cTars a, .' H .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. »,'■ Qu " ker , '° r " flttkos ' larK< ' ~ackag ith inventory at the close of this month guaranteed. It will pav every man who likes a •'ictory Sale price nla i pum ps with steel buckle, high Cu- Campbell's soups in ail varieties. Washington Crisps 8c ue are taking advantage of the Mill and I'ac aualitv shirts to see these garments to-mor- , <l ?r y , B ' $ ? °? L A n lkskin o * fo r d t ' es - K an *2f® ls - ® lz ® B V* to 7 ' s Peflal in Can. 0c: dozen 98c ..'u.™ cleanser, dozen, 98c; ;i cans, tory Sale to clean up millinery stocks. In the t)uaiu% sinus H) st.t mcsc - wide toe last. Goodyear welted soles, the Mill and Factory 0m jo Mined ham. lb 19c 1 25c 1 l 1 1 j r ■ , . , TOW. sizes 9 to Special in Sale tpi."rc/ Luncheon loaf, ll> 28c i n omeroy & Stewart, Basement. HIC liuncireds of untriitimcd hats ill the Men's mercerized negligee shirts with bosom and the Mi " and 11 act °ry Sale P. & S., Street * loor. j best summer styles. Women who are looking rj ~ " u,, " u , , i Summer Underwear Low in Price ! or «•»»"»"« g»«i» at w g reduction, should Factorv S S alc I'tricc" S ""' ,S SOli " T'. TOF tho Mall WHO W BLl\tS tO Women's 25c white cotton ribbed vests; fancy yokes; assorted patterns. \ hc * C offenngs «« ,r 1,V .«r,0 n ?'V ITIUII AAVy TT UIUO 1W Mill and Factory Sale price ...18c .Small leifhorn shapes, reduced from ot , ,'ff "u II ,; i ri OI :i S "' S , r r, 7i , ' f " sl, ' r ' s -w—» T TT . __ Women's 12 V4C cumfy cut cotton ribbed vests. Mill and Factory Sale » 2 , 95 to •••• •• • "oC %vith soft cuffs. >llll and la< tory Sale price 69c i |3 T f T T T T price 9c 1-arge chip sailors, reduced from (\ r . . i I V« , .7 U " ,l xf r m .'lt .-''JS 1 ' I CIV J /OSS lOr OIS Oil K rIOSO Women's 10c cotton ribbed vests;'taped neck and'armhol'es; *flrst'quality. ' 1 " I t .° : "8C Uu-hed collar: sizes II to I<. Mill and Factory Sale x *~*-J *— A WAIAV A XWOW Mill and Factory Sale price ...6c White hemp sailors, new high crowns, OQ Pri* c .. .. . J.ie ... c . , , .... « . Women's 39c white cotton ribbed union suits* sleeveless* knee lenirtli black chip underbrim, reduced from $2,95 to. . . vuC Men s 39c and 50<- percale and madras shirts. Mill ! We ofter our regular grade to-morrow in black only, for Mill and Factory Sale price .' 29c Fine white hemp sailors, octagon creased, fvQ an ßoy" rt 25c nercalc' < anif'Vnadra« r hlc»iisc!» —' t s really the best first quality silk hose special that we shall 80 - vs ,' 25c whltc °P en moatl Shirts and drawers; shirts short sleeves; re l" c "* d fr £l*), * V® 5 ,, 10 ' L Citi.. ? iit ■'i madtas hlouscs. Mill and - drawers knee length. Mill and Factory Sale price, each 19c , Tusian braid watteau shapes, reduced <£-• nt , \£.■ -A V ,oc °" er thlS summcr ' Men's SI.OO poros knit union suits; short sleeves; ankle length. Mill fro , m f 3 * 95 to .^1.95 Sale price 23c And here are other interestingly priced items— x and '" ac ' t , or * v . , Sa ' e p {' , I ce «»<• uo nt reducedTr P m'*« r\ 8 i de role int ° Q 4 * ■ W Mens SI.OO white nainsook union suits; sleeveless; knee length. Mill U, r 9"Ut e d from $6.50 to ,<pi*«7o riIILDHKX'S PAJAMAS Moil's 25c silk half liose: seamless: Women's 50c silk hose: black, tan, an( * Factory Sale price H9c », hu ' rhra^ sailors, in blue, pink and d*-| 50c one-piece ]>ajamas; sizes Ito 10 years. Spe- black and colors. Mill and Factory white unci emerald.. Mill and Factory Men's nthletic shirts and drawers; silk stripes, madras and assorted pat- yellow, reduced from $«.95 to eial at Sale price lie Sale price, 35c; 3 pair for .... SI.OO terns; values up to SI.OO. Mill and Factory Sale price, each 10c i # 8 leghorns in many shapes, 75c pajamas; sixes 4to 10. Special at .. —. .. 59c Men's lisle half hose; seam- Children's 10c bla<'k cotton liose; Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. reduced from $2.95, $3.95 and $6.50 SI.OO crcpe pajamas, siz#s 4to 10. Sperfal at 79c lew; colors only. Mill and Factory seamless. Mill and Factory Sale mi 'u ''''a '' '«" ' \ 50c silk' opc^-ciwl' foiYr-in haiu|s!' Mil? and Far- Wonien's 25c lisle hose: seamless; ' Infants' 25c fancy top sox. assorted Timely News from the Basement '*l7^ FV •• •f 1 • 05 torv Sale price 2«c* 4 ror Si oo black, tan and colored. Mill and I*ac- patterns. Mill and Factory Sale price. -Dives, 1 omeroy & Stewart, Second 1-loor, b ront. 25c and 19c silk four<lli-handa.'' *Mlil' anH l*n«. Tory Sale price 15c 12 Kc 89e galvanized wash hollers 09,. = tory Sale price 1214 c Women's 10c and black cot- Infants' 12>/ 2 c fancy top sox: assort- ®Be galvanized wash boilers . 75,, Cnrset SnPfiflll 25c tubular wash ties. Special ' ' <<!<• ton and lisle liose: seamless. Mill and cd patterns. Mill and Factory Sale 1 J'* galvanized covered gHi hage cans; regularly 42c. Mill and Fae- kJJJCL l£tl.> 18c washable ties. Special, ioc; 3 for 25e Factory sale price 9c price 9c 10c washable four-in-hands. Special. sc: 0 for 25c 2 Dover Nad Irons. Mill and I*actory Sale price •• • t on ... Boys' 25c knitted four-in-hands. Special .. Ise r~\ , • £W T 1 Ti" ISIS "!f ~a" "ml cover 10c of treco. Special sl.i)o K^siV'^kHnr'-4*r Demonstration of W. L. Rings I™ s^r«^.rr ,< d r n .• t Z ~ D,ves ' Pomeroy * stew " t - Se,ond K,oor 50e invisible lielt suspenders. Special". ,°! ]r,c The most Interesting display o fthe year—and every rln ß is warranted 10c Dives 12!i ° I«° « ,vp '..Wr of BC " ,ce ' A »> W * »'* r, »K »""" not give satis- 10 rolls tolle! WW ™. [lll]'ll "l']' I valuc * Special SI.OO P"mero> & Stewart. Mens Store. I faction will he replaced. Colonial Iced tea tumblers, dozen 60c Dlve8 ' P°meroy & Stewart. Street Floor. - FRIDAY EVENING, fLARRISBURG TELEGRAPH \ JULY 10, IQI4.
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