Kaufman's Greatest of All Clean Sweep Sales lit I ' SBf' oH ers Many New and Attractive Bargains For To-morrow, Saturday ljj| \mj>t "he Kind of Merchandise Kr F & mm CLEAR A WAY OF ALL I Store Opens at 8.30 A. M.. and Srsr Women's & Misses' Cool Summer Dresses (Tomorrow) slturda | You'll Not Find Such Beautiful Dresses Anywhere Else at these Low Prices Offered in the Clean Sweep Sale Women's, Misses' and Women's, Misses' and Women's and Misses' Women's, Misses' and || Juniors' Summer Washable extra size Summer Dresses Summer Washable Dresses, extra size Women's Sum- /I| ' O P\ OCfin WT > M Cl_» m. \\T • O ™ Dresses which sold all sea for stout women which sold which sold aU season u tQ mer Washable Dresses, U M \ ZOUU WOmeil S INeW Shirt WaiStS Cfc 1 5 o„ up ,o $4.00, now —»p - 5 6 . 50, „o„ aii s„ S o„ up » MJ\ Blouses Enter the Clean Sweep Sale CO 6Q QQ f \ T For Nearly Half Price I WtUaVIM #1999*17 \\ I Women's Lawn and Voile Women's Crepe de Chine t|/-L«VSCJr V M.*\J" w\ Shirt Waists; all sizes; values and China Silk Blouses; in |,l „ , Splendid styles, including Rus- Beautiful new modeii. in nwn- Summer dresses that bespeak , Every dress is perfect and ex- sian tunics, tier and plain tail- ' smartness and service and illus- \\V\. 1\ for > O%J C values to S3 00 rf* I f - /"V : elusive in style, and beautifully ored models in Dolly Varden ,npr stri P e voiles, ratines, crepes, trate fashion s latest wash fab- \\\ l\ f ' 'k I KU i All desirable wash ma- crepes, striped voiles, ratines" etc. Elaborately trimmed with \ \ Choice for & I tcrlals and colors. etc. Xeatly trimmed. touches of fine laces. double tier models. V A Women's Voile and Organ- W rmW« Pr™. A* ——————di e Waists and Blouses; white . ,-< • C-N T>, , F i Extraordinary Saturday Special Sale of •**** Another Supply of Those $2.50 and J Handsome White Embroidered Voile Dresses /j\ $3.00 White Ratine | & ••• • 59c i J"™»' Jll WASH DRESS SKIRTS £< TP , A 4 "»»'• <>,*».«« and *w s C ,« P « d e c^e J Juniors White Voile Voile DI"CSSO3 I! ! 1/lILJu I%J f • ? Voile Waists and Blouses; and Chiffon Silk Blouses; T . H '• sTi A .tfV '! |J: white and colors; all sizes; values to $6.00; all colors. UiXLJJLO In the newest styles, including the j-5 ift 41 i. : ; >.g values to $1.50. QQ Choice qq Handsomely embroidered, numerous Russian tunic and tier models, daintily £;;T: » B ; © : 4 "'"ij Choice for Ot/C for pretty styles, trimmed with fine laces trimmed with laces and have sashes of £ £ ,Sj Wy y and ribbons. Actually worth up to fine ribbons. Actually worth up to i-'.ii f $7.50. Specially priced for Saturday, $8.50. Specially priced for Saturday, Remembering the enthusiastic response to our £«=_?%;• M mi J Ml* II J .1 n I | : last sale of these skirts we are placing another ' : 3 l NeW 1"14 mUSIID Underwear in the CleHll W|| A A \-3 "spick and span" lot on sale for Saturday. Hand- C CI D* C Jr yK somely tailored, easy to launder styles. The favor- uWeep Jftlfi at a L! JVIIIJ rfl^J a C l&F * ite long Russian tuni( : models - 23 to 29 waist Ladle,,. Mußlin Drawers, em- T.adies- Muslin Oowns, laco and T v 2 . 3 . t0 bands, and 30 to 38 waist bands for stout women. •~o 3 ?;. 3 ? to broidery ruffles, value to 01 r embroidery trimmed, cut full, 50c -» Wni«t as w.i.t 35c. Sale price £. LC value. Sale OQ Children's White Muslin Petti- price JJC UWs & Muses' Stunning J(-| I CLOTH COATS 150 W^s'^d" Misses' j-| ] JILK URLbbbb Formerly Sold Up to $6.50 and $12.50, Now Washahlfi |Wc«PC V I ww « Covers, lace and I „ mm (fr, cn I fenn " 15"«U1C UlCiiCi ■ Mu.lln piitliiiu with •- «"JroU«y rokj.. TO'... -|Q Formerly Sold Up to sls $2.69 and $5.00 Worth Up to $5.00 For 75c value. Sale price 49 c 10 ',adies' Princess Slips or Combl- I All this season's styles in silk taffeta, silk poplin and silk Beautifully tailored and trimmed models. Every desir- Bretty dresses of one or two of a kind in the most desir- Children's Muslin Princess Slips, nation Suits, value to on messaline. Dainty touches of trimming in the newest ef- ® SS. "WTeIX . # 79c Petiicoats fects. tan be worn for street, eveninp, seashore or party inf r black and navy. Some silk lined and good for Fall lb to zu ror misses, 34 to 48 bust measure for women. A Children's Muslin Princess Slips, Imported Swiss embroidered ruffle, wear. Desirable shades; also black and navy. wear. surprise awaits you, so be here early. $1.25 value. QC value to $2.00. Sale QC V j y v Sale price ZfOC pr tee I7QC I MEN! To-morrow, Saturday, €P* fill Women's House' Dresses GIRLS' WASH DRESSES I #ll tor»- If ly FOR SATURDAY Greater Values Than Ever Offered Int fif 1 ffef Finp H n ,c fl Wash Dresses at 50c Girls' Dresses at $1.39 3 *■ *-'•* J- Jv V* J. 11 1 lUv riOUSe Dresses at 59c 600 Girls' Wash Dresses; made of 200 Oirls' Wash Dresses, sizes fi m nZZHZ a 250 Women's HOUSP nre«P» new gingham and percale; in every new to 14, in white and colors. Value $lO sl2 50 sls Handsome Suits / \ ll\ ssriWufjßaa- 1 & is,":"-.---. $1.39 I nanusome ouus, Ji <*\\ l V * ,U '" M ' • gh.'Dre«««t $2.89 Exactly 150 of the best values in Men's and Young Men's Newest Wool Suits M /II >\ Uresses at 79c re«SM coyrod m ever offered by any store in Harrisburg. II I 111 1 pi"'- r «*iJ!Sr«WSS 2LS','% XTZXT**' !S£> SSST meM,! t'o'ao" IsVA L' ill "tSk. m ham; an s j Z es; fast color; 7Q_ $2.00. Choice for /"C f or JpZ.otf All New Up-to-Date Worsteds, Pin Checks, Serges, Velours and Homespuns. a '"' '" "" ' ° f ° r ' " / a Sizes for young men and sizes for men to 46 chest. W y}. 1 f 1 —rm————i————————ii M> , I siooo H s^2 E soat3 Y $T5 A oo'su!rrt Se ' setsthechoicepickins ° f these $5.00 y Men's & Boys' Summer Furnishings at Clean Sweep Prices I fl I /l Men's Work Shirts for 33c Men'i B.V.D. Union Suits, 83c Men's Shirts for 55c Take Your Choice of 100 Mpn's Finest SUITS /TfetOi F9F" 1 Men s Blue Chambray Work- jqO Men's B. V .D. Union 150 Men's Best Percale V I ; Vl Qaa - fast Suits, all sizes. SI.OO QQ coat style, SI.OO \ allies to SIB.OO < > JIB rEM n colors; all sizes. 50c OO value. Sale price .. 0«5 C va ! ue ' Sale | BLUE SERGES, GRAY WORSTEDS & MIXT CASSIMERES I | M \\ value. Sale price .... OOC pnce \, / \ / v \ li/ Men's Suspenders 12 l-2c n s Men's Underwear for 15c There'll Be a Rush For Your Choice of the Finest Men's All-Wool Navy \/J \ Men's Police and I Fireman I T^°h' S I Men's Balbriggan Under- I These MEN'S PANTS; Mix! Cassimere Suit in Blue Serge Pants; As 4 \ tf Z % q'"' """" I Values to $2, To-morrow Stock; Values to $22.50 Value at ..$1.95 \ J H 1 value. Sale 12'/2c price •yCI p r C e 15c 90c sll 75 Men's $2.00 Straw ftj| c \\ 1 I P "lien's Hose for 6 l-2c Men's Hose for 36c VL sll. I J Hats at \\ Mens Underwear for 33c 2SO pairs of Men's Lisle Men's Pure Thread Silk I ' y \\ \ \\ Men ' s Balbriggan and Mesh Finish Half HosC) b ] ack and all Hose> in black and aU coJorSi I \ WL \\ Underwear, shirts and draw- colors, value. /?//• 50c value. Sale O H | Every Boy's Suit Marked at Clean Sweep Prices \ rrto oc .. v " u ''.. s ".°. 33c Sal "' r ' ce price c | 1 BIG BARGAINS FOR MOTHERS WHO WISH TO SAVE f^fD oable<ft - Men', U„i.„ Suit, f. r 37c S. m!' a„"t' s ar s" III Boys' Wash Suits Boys' Blue (N -■ QA , Boys' Linen Crash / A Breasted SUITS J e Men ' S „ Balbriggan Union Washable Four-in-hand Neck- in-hand Neckwear, 50c and at -• ™,, 39 C *«*,.. 51.89 Knickers <or 49 C Vatue. to $5.00 ?.. 37C 10C . I S E Garter t * i?oi»de^Co//ars Democratic Committee Joins Bull Moose Party Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. July 10.—Demo cratic leaders fro.a the South were stunned to-day by the news received from the Third Louisiana district., ■where yesterday the Democratic con gressional committee went over to the Bull Moose party in a body. Louisiana Democrats are out of tune with the CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH % JULY 10, 1914. Wilson Administration and are ripe for a revolt. The split in the Third dis trict is expected to extend throughout the Slate and may result in the election of three Progressive members from Louisiana. Another development which greatly grieved Democratic leaders was the an nouncement that George K. Kindel, a Democratic member of the House, has quit the Democratic party and will In future operate in politics as an Inde pendent. The leaders In the Progressive move ment in Louisiana are all represen tative men who have heretofore affili ated with the Democrats. They are W. H. Price, L. O. Rogers, Edwin Broussard. John Marks, Samuel Le Blanc and W. T. Peterman. Senator-elect Broussard, of Louisi ana, a Democrat who at present repre sents the disaffected Third district in the House, testifies to the character of the men who have, deserted the Democratic party on the tariff issue. Huerta Orders Trees From Rochester Firm By Associated Press Rochester, N. Y„ July 10.—Vic torianna Huerta, provisional president of Mexico, has ordered a shipment of several hundred choice fruit trees from a Dansville nursery. The con signment was delivered several days ago at the Dansville and Mount Mor ris railroad at Dansville which con nects with the Erie, but the Erie of ficials refused to accept It on account of the unsettled conditions in Mexico. The nursery firm then carted the trees to the Lackawanna railroad depot, a mile and a half distant where they were accepted conditionally and or dered held for Instructions. Up to date the instructions have not arrived and the trees are still lying in the depot. Hot From the Wire Washington, D. C. President Wil son to-day received a telegram from the Pan-Hellenic Union In America, thanking him for the sale of the bat tleships Idaho and Mississippi to Greece. 'WnMhlngton, D. C. The Japanese Ambassador. Viscount Chinda. introduc ed to President Wilson to-day Major- General filluchl Tanaka, a member of the Japanese army general staff, who has been in Europe Investigating mili tary establishments. Columbus, Ohio.—Many miners' dele gates who arrived here to-day to at tend the State convention of miners this afternoon, came instructed to vote against the scale committee's recom mendations for the establishment of a State rate of 47 and K7.62 cents a ton. respectively, for machine and pick min ed coal. Rochester, V, —— The dentists at tending the eighteenth annual conven tion of the National Dental Association looked forward with unusual Interest I to election of officers this afternoon by the house of delegates. The question of re-electing the president. Dr. Homer C. Brown, of Columbus, Ohio, will be taken up. Queenstown. —The Allan Line steamer Sicilian's machinery broke down when 3-l*-One has been for 18 yeara th« Old ReHabla, lar*eat4cTHn* home and office ML K It ii light enough to oil ■ watch; heavy enough to oil a lawn mower. On a aoft Cloth It H O becomes an ideal furnitun politksr. llakea a yard of cheeao cloth the beat and cheapest ■ ■ tefci! Dusting Chtk. And .Vin-One absolutely prevents mat or tarnish on all metal surfaces, Indoors and out. M SB in any climate. fl Fren 3-tn-On*. Write for generous/nwaample and the Dictionary of uses—MM/rwto HI ■jj y?n. 3-ia-One is aold everywhere in 3-sixa bottles: 10c (1 oi.), 25c (3 ox.), 50c (8 H Pint for ■ 9 H Dollar). Also in patented Handy Oil Can. 25c Obi ox.). MM J-IN-ONE OIU COMPANY ■■■« VHPH A3 o A ■aoAowav Naw YORK CITY I she was two days out from Havre, whence she sailed on July 3 for Mon treal, and she has been forced to put back to this port. She has 250 passen ?rers on board, who are to be trans erred to another Allan liner. f raaoa mlii ~ HEGULO Why be couatlpate-d wkca Rtfilo dooa the work. Caa he had at all drag atarea. «• Try Telegraph Want Ads. 5
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