12 ULSTER UNIONISTS READY ON INSTANT : FOR CALL TO ARMS "Provisional Government" Puts Power to Act in Edward Carson's Hand J By Associated Press Belfast, July 10.—The "provisional I government" formed by the Ulsterj Unionists at its tirst meeting to-day, gave Sir Edward Carson a free hand to take whatever action he may think necessary in calling the Ulster volun teers to arms. The men were declared ready for mobilization at a moment's notice. Sir Edward Carson in a speech de-1 clared that the time had come for the! loyalists of Ulster to translate their words into action. He said something. must be done to compel the British' government to make up its mind. Ul- ; ster, he concluded, was anxious for I peace, but was not going to accept ■ peace with surrender. A special dispach from Cairo. Egypt, j eays the Anglo-Egyptian members of | the Ulster volunteers have received cablegrams calling them back to! Ulster. RIGGER IMPROVES Osmond Breach, the rigger, who fell ' headfirst down a thirty-five foot smoke stack at the L«lanee-GrosJean Com- i pany's plant day before yesterday, is j to-day considerably improved, although j he did not report for work to-day. He ; is resting comfortably at his home. I 1000 North Third street. MRS, BIR\S DIES Mrs. Marv Alice Burns, wife of Rob- ' ert A. Burns, died yesterday at her ' home. In Biverside. at the age of 53. She Is survived by three children. \ tola, . Robert and Thomas, and hv two broth- j ers Michael and Frank. The funeral . will take place Monday morning, at 9 j o'clock. TMTEMENI UNTIL AUGUST 1 City Tax Collector Says He's Send ing Out Notices as Matter of Courtesy Clerks in the ofTicce of the City! Treasury are working overtime these ■davs handling the rush of citizens who ate eager to take advantage of the 1 per cent, abatement on taxes. Up until two years ago July 1 was the time allowed upon which the 1 per cent, abatement was obtainable on city '■ taxes. Last year and this year, how- j ever, the time had been advanced one month so that any citizen can have the advantage of the abatement if he squares his bill before August 1. How- i ever, a lot of folks still believe the July 1 time limit still holds and usually there is quite a rush to the City Treas urer's office at this time of year. Some peope have complained at not receiving their tax statements in suffi cient time before July 1 to take advan- j tage of the abatement provided the > July 1 date still held. In discussing I this to-day Captain O. M. Copelln, the j City Treasurer, said: "We are not required to send out the city tax statements and we only • do it as a matter of courtesy. It hap- J pened that this year we did not get i out as many as last year and it is j possible that some of the complaints ( were from the folks who didn't get j theirs yet. To date I should say that we have sent out from 2,500 to 3.000 end we're sending them out still just I as fast as we can do so. However, for two weeks we have advertised the fact that the taxes are due. Furthermore, j 3 supposed it was generally known that the 1 per cent, abatement holds j good until August 1." COUNSEL SFFI SHE ILL BE MSED [Continued From First Page] to so confuse the State's witnesses on cross-examination as to force the cor- ' oner to release Mrs. Carman. If he; succeeds, friends of the accused woman believe that the case will never' reach the grand jury, which convenes et Mineola on Tuesday next. But it i Is regarded as scarcely likely that Mr.! Norton, sitting as a justice of the; peace, will turn Mrs. Carman loose ! after hearing the same evidence upon which he. sitting as coroner, ordered | her arrest. Thi- grand jury, which District At-: tornev Smith will ask to indict Mrs. Carman on a charge of murder in the first degree, is made up of farmers,; merchants, buildings contractors, real estate agents and several wealthy | residents of Nassau county. Among the twenty-three men whose names have been drawn is Clarence H.! >lackay, presideint of the Postal Tele- j graph-Cable Company. Another name drawn is that of George V. Bailey, e stock farmer of Glenhead. He is no relatipn to Mrs. Louise D. Bailey, whose death the Jury will investigate. Mineola, L. 1., July 10. —Mrs. Flor- j «nce Conklin Carman, locked up in , the Nassau county jail here as the assassin of Mrs. Louise Bailey, seemed to have recovered to-day from the nervous collapse she had yester day and sat quietly in her cell read ing books furnished by the warden's wife. She received a letter to-day from her 12-year-old daughter, Eliza beth, who testified at the last session of the inquest in an effort to strengthen an alibi for her mother. The letter read: "Dear Mamma: We all think of you always. I don't quite know why you can't come home. If I don't see you very soon I'll write and ask Mr. Pettit (the sheriff) why you do not come home. "Your loving daughter, "Elizabeth." Both the district attorney and George Levy, counsel for Mrs. Car man. were to-day preparing evidence to be presented in Freeport Monday when Mrs. Carman will be arraigned for examination. CORRESPONDENT DISCREDITED Washington, July 10.—Secretary Garrison has enforced, for the first time, the new army regulations gov erning war correspondents In the case of Fred Boalt, an American ■writer with Funston's brigade at Vera Cruz. He was charged with sending out sensational and untrue dispatches »nd his credentials were revoked. FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 10, 1914. REGIMENTAL SHOOT ON AT LUCKNOW Seven of Twelve Companies Com pete For Trophy Cups at Range Representatives from seven of the twelve companies in the Eighth Regi ment. National Guard of Pennsylvania, came to Harrisburg to-day to partici pate in the annual regimental trophy shoot at Lucknow range. Visiting j shooters occupied the morning in ; practicing at the various distances. | The regular program started at 2 ; o'clock this afternoon. The shoot will continue to-morrow.! The trophies are given as the E. J. Stackpole. Major L. S. Hart, Vance C. j McCormick and Owen M. Copelin. j Each company sends two shooters i and the Eighth regimental headquar ters is represented by two shooters, j From the best shooters in these an-1 nual event 3 the Eighth Regiment team j Is picked for the annual State shoot at Mt. Gretna. The shooters are: Eighth Regiment Headquarters —| Lieutenant Ralph C. Crow and Color Sergeant Joseph Whittlngton. Company C—Sergeant Reltzel and , Private Mentzer. Company D—Privates Farrell and ' Dunn. Company E Captain Hinch and i Sergeant Sebat. Company F—Lieutenant Robb, Pri- j vate Gutschall. Company G—Sergeant Dunkel and \ Corporal Welser. Company H Lieutenant Martin, i Artificer Heisler. Company 1 Sergeant Diller and! Sergeant Uhler. The shoot is in charge of Lieutenant i Ralph C. Crow, Battalion Adjutant of! the Eighth Regiment; Lieutenant Har- j lan C. Ambrose, Company C. Cham- i bersburg; Lieutenant Robert L. Jen- 1 kins* Company I, Harrisburg. and ' Lieutenant E. A. Nicodemus, of the j Governor's Troop. BANDITS BLOW SAFE, AND MAKE ESCAPE [Continued From First Page] a point near Klondyke on the river j bank. They entered the American | Express Company car and forced the| messenger, J. G. Nicholson .to stand | with his face to the wall while they ! blew both doors from the safe. While this was going ot., a track walker, said to be William Christo pher appeared. The robbers made him prisoner. When the train first stopped at the | command of the bandits. Conductor! Mudd and William Glass, train audi-< tor, got off to learn the trouble. i Greeted by Shots "We were greeted with a fusillade | of shots," said Mudd. "We were told ' to stay in the coaches. We stayed i in." The bandits made no effort to mo lest the passengers but warned them i to keep their heads inside the win- | dows. So far as known nothing was j taken except the contests of the ex-i press safe. What this amounted to! is not yet known. Conductor Mudd J said he saw seve al pieces of jewelry valued at SI,OOO on the floor of the express car after the robbery. The bandits are thought to have crossed the Missouri river near the' scene of the robbery and to have start- j ed south. By Associated Press St. Louis. Mo.. July 10. —Nahum j T. Brown, general agent here of the 1 American Express company, said there was no shipment of money the express safe, but that there were a few package? of jewelry, the value j of which he would not estimate. The first news of the robbery was j given by the flagman of the "flyer." j Despite warnings of the bandits, he got off the rear passenger coach and | ran back to Matson. where he notified ! the station agent that the train had i been held up. Emil Ahmann, a constable at Au- j gusta. Mo., west of Matson, was one | of the first officers to arrive on the | scene of the robbery. He said he was told by the train crew that the bandits ; carried off a sack of silver weighing fifty pounds and a pouch of railroad mall. Commission Rules Regarding Rights of Corporations The petition of the Pennsylvania Utilities company, which sought to prevent the Lehigh Navigation Elec-1 trie company from invading its ter- j ritory in certain parts of Monroe and ; Northampton counties, was dismissed j to-day in an opinion handed down by .the Public Service Commission. The Lehigh Navigation Electric j company was chartered prior to the j passage of the act creating the com- j mission, and the opinion declares that j if an electric light company cannot i enter upon the territory in which it j ; has been granted power by the Leg -1 islature to exercise its franchises and ! privileges, it can do nothing. The opinion says that when a pub- : lie service company, acting within! the rights granted by its charter, un- ! | dertakes to make a contract with a \ j municipality, the subject matter of j i the contract is still within the con- j | trol of the commission. This sub i stantially means that the respondent ; company cannot be prevented from entering the territory to which Its franchises apply and supplying lndl | viduals within that territory, but that , if it undertakes to supply munlcipali ties it will have to obtain the consent j of the commission. Volcanoes on Alaskan Peninsula Are Active Sward, Alaska, July 10.—Further I details of the tremendous volcanic ac tivity In progress along the Alaskan peninsula west of Seward and reach ing to the Aleutian Islands, were given to-day by Captain McMullen, of the steamer Dlrlgo. which brought first news of the outburst. Observations made by the crew of the Dlrlgo July 1 showed that a new crater had opened on the north side of Mount Shishaldln. the most westerly of the three heads reported In erup tion. Flowing lava had cut a wide 1 path through the snow for miles down [the side of the mountain. A strong | westerly wind blew a heavy cloud of j smoke from the mountain. Mount i Shishaldin, which is on Unimak j Island, is one of the most active vol- I eanos In the world and has been In 1 almost continuous eruption for years. ! REALTY MEN TALK CITY PLANNING Taxation, Farm Education and Salesmanship Among Subjects Discussed at Convention Pitts burgh, Pa., July 10.—City plan f_ ning, municipal ordi- If "TT nances, tax at i on, education, sub \3K division development *T = ' and real estate sales- T*' OA) manship were among the subjects to be %' -* i discussed to-day by -2—the National Associa tion of Real Estate Exchanges in ses sion here. Among the speakers were Charles M. Laughlin. of Cleveland; Max Raglev. of Seattle: Lee J. Ninde, of Fort Wayne; Fred G. Smith, of Minneapolis, and Luke W. Duffy, of Indianapolis. Entertainment of delegates was to conclude with a dansant at which sil ver cups, donated by Samuel S. Thorpe, of Minneapolis, are to be awarded the most graceful dancers. Realty Transfers. l'pper Paxton township. Mary Searer to Nettie E. Reagan, $200; Derry township, 11. S. Hershey to W. H. Fasnacht. $575; Hali fax township. J. H. Stroup to H. W. Peiter, $4,000; Steelton. A. Booser to Lillie A. Aileman. $750; 634 Schuylkill street, Augustus Wildman to Susan Bayles, $2,000; 2521 Jefferson street, Augustus Wildman to A. Shellhammer; 711 North Seventeenth street. John E. Pare to Warren Frasier. 54.550; Jeffer son street, Susan Bayles to Augustus Wildman; Third street, near Geiger, Fanny M. Eby to Emma Astrich; Nine teenth at Vnndam. L. Gross et al. to A. E. Cumbler, $2,125; the same, A. E. Cumbler to S. F. Punkle; the same. S. F. Dunkle to Arthur H. Roberts; Nine teenth at Berryhill, E. S. Johnson to Arthur H. Roberts. To Itulld Stor*. Room. A building permit was issued to-day Enrico Goldino for the erection of a one-story brick in the rear of his house at 13S South Third. It will be used as a store room. COLORED BAPTISTS WILL MEET HERE Scholarly Men of Colored Race to Attend Big State Con vention —The Pennsylvania Baptist State con vention, the largest religious organiza tion in the State, meets in this city in «. .'i October, in the St. imJ Paul Baptist church, • * corner State and .1 iW'.' Cameron streets. The various colored C. churches of the city will assist St. Paul ln ente rtaining the large delegation that i" ill be in attend ance. Committees are now at work soliciting assistance. This convention has some of the most representative and scholarly men ! of the race in the State. KvanerliMt On Hill. Beginning next Sunday evening, at 7:30. the Rev. A. 1,. B. Martin, who has returned from , Long Beach, Cal., wilt open a series of evangelistic meetings at Hummel Street i > hurch of the ?«iethren. The Rev. Mr. Martin is full of enthusiasm and is well i spoken of. He is a former resident of ; Harrisburg. The public is cordially in vited to attend these meetings, \fhich will continue every night until further notice. Bill Creating Aviation Section of Army Passed During Record Session By Associated Press Washington. D. C., July 10.—Senate I clerks were busy preparing for the government printer hills which the : Senate disposed of last night in what ; is believed to have been a record ses ! sion insofar as the amount of busi ! ness transacted was concerned. In a i little more than three hours the Senate passed 122 miscellaneous bills and resolutions. Among the more impor i tant measures disposed of were: A joint resolution authorizing the President to raise the regular army | to war strength. ! A bill making it a misdemeanor to ! use the American flag or. its coat-of arms or other Insignia as advertise ment, trademark or label. A bill creating an aviation section in the army signal corps with sixty officers and 260 enlisted men. Presbytery to Act on Dr. Smith's Petition! The Carlisle Presbytery will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Market Square Presbyterian Church at which time it will consider the peti tion of the pastor, Dr. J. Ritchie Smith , and the congregation for the sever -1 ance of Dr. Smith as pastor of the I church. It is expected that the Presbytery ! will grant the request. Next Sunday I will probably he Dr. Smith's last one las pastor here. He will go in mid • July to Eaglesmere and in Septem- Iber will at once assume the chair of Homiletics at Princeton . Penna. Steel Company Gets 22,000 Tons of Pennsy Steel Order By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 10.—The Penn sylvania Railroad Company to-day 'awarded contracts for 100,000 tons jof steel rails to cover the requlre ) ments of the system for 1914, for i which bids were requested ten days I ago. The orders were placed with , the following companies: United States Steel Corporation, i 44,000 tons; Pennsylvania Steel Com i pany, 22,000: Cambria Steel Company, i 22.000; Lackawanna Steel Company, i 0,000; Bethlehem Steel Company, ; 6,000. ARK YOU A POGOXOTOMIST? "My husband is a pogonotomist; is • yours?" asked Mrs. Puton-Ayres at the reception. i "Why-er-no," young Mrs. Bryde i stammered, confusedly. "Jack really ; doesn't care much for those scientific ' studies." Reaching home, the first thing she ; did was to take down the dictionary. when she found that a pogonotomist i Is a man who shaves himself.—Boston j Transcript. Left to rlghC Miss Jean Pallet, the ML J. K. Staples and small Miss Miriam camp Instructor; center, Misses Ruth Paturln. the "bride and groom" at Dowdell. 1819 Whitehall street, and —« the mock wedding of several days Margaret Chamberlain, 1040 Walnut '■ ago. Harrisburg School Sketches BY J. HOWARD WERT No. 3. Public schools conducted in tlio German language, the erec tion of the Stevens building. The Harirxburg School Board at length obtains a permanent home. The many uses to which the large hall room of the Stevens building has been applied. In 1874, the teachers at the school building at Chestnut and Dewberry streets were Mrs. Carrie Sees and Miss Jennie E. Dase, both of whom, after years of faithful educational service, are still residents of our city. The third small school building of this vicinity (known as the German building) was more fortunate than the Front street and Chestnut street build ings in becoming a permanent educa tional site. Its location was 123 Chestnut street, being the original German homestead. Harrisburg. in its earlier days, was well supplied with the olden-time breweries, and one of the best known of these was the Ger man brewery located In the rear of the dwelling and facing in Cherry street. When the Harrisburg school board acquired the German property, two schools were located In two rooms of the dwelling house, the teachers in 1874 being Misses Jenny E. Lenny and Lizzie F. Jauss. Miss Jauss is still a teacher in the Stevens building on the very spot where stood the Ger man house, whilst there are hundreds of men and women in Harrisburg,— aye, and widely scattered too through many other communities —willing to bear ready testimony to her devoted services In their earlier days. Schools In the German language But the three small buildings which have been mentioned were not the only isolated schools in that section of Ihe city. Schools were located In rented rooms in the German Lutheran church in South Second street, which has been razed in recent years to make way for Pennsylvania railroad im provements, and also in Odd Fellows' hall. 304 North Second street. The school in the Lutheran church was devoted to the Instruction of pu pils desiring to receive their education in the German language, there being also another German school in the rented Knipe building in Verbeke street. The German schools then con ducted under the auspices of the school board were in deference to the desires of a strong and important Ger man element in the population of Harrisburg. The teachers in the school located In the Lutheran church Frederick W. Liesmann, the well known proprietor and publisher of "The Pennsylvania Staats—Zeitung and Dauphin County Journal,' and Miss Kate A. Troup. The school in Odd Fellows' hall was taught by Miss Kate Stambaugh. This accomplished teacher, now Mrs. Piper, is again connected with Harrisburg's educational work. The Erection of the Stevens Building When the sentiment in Harrisburg In favor of better school buildings and a greater concentration of educational effort had reached flood tide, in the seventies of the last century, the Har risburg board determined to erect an edifice near the center of the city which would accommodate the pupils of the numerous small schools and rented rooms of that section. The German property in Chestnut street was deemed the most available site at its command, but the space being insufficient for the structure contem plated, the Jones Wister Residence ad joining on the west was also pur chased. It also entered Into the plans of j the board to provide In this building for better quarters for its meetings j and a suitable office for the city su- | perintendent of schools. His office had been located at various places. In 1874 it was in an Inadequate room i in College block, as the building with j an entrance at 28 North Third street | was generally called at that time. The following year it was in an equally insufficient room in Market Square. The school board held its meetings as best it could, in the office of the superintendent wherever that might be. The City Institutes The new building in Chestnut street was erected in 1876, the centennial year of American independence, ante dating the new building at Harris Park by one year. Bark of the capacious offices for the superintendent and secretary of the board was a room for board meet ings, whilst above all was a hall pri marily Intended for the semimonthly sessions of the institute held by the city teachers, which had previously been held in the rooms of the boys' high school located in the DeWitt building (or old Lancasterian) in Walnut street. But with a radical readjustment of the arrangement of the schools in 1886 the boys' high school itself w*as transferred to this hall in the Ste vens building with several adjacent rooms in use for recitation purposes. This transfer was effected after a bit ter fight in the school board in what one of the papers of the city termed a "rich and racy meeting." There is quite a bit of history back of this fight, but this is not the place to tell it. The Dacasterian building had been the location of the hoys' high school for the North ward of Harrisburg, from the time that the common school system became sufficiently developed to have a high school. On the con solidation of the North and South ward districts into one school organi zation, it became the site of the boys' high school for the entire city. The transfer to the Stevens build- j SCENES AT CAMP ON M'CORMICK JSLAND ing was made on the evening of May 18, 1886. Here the school remained until the consolidation of the boys' high school and girls' high school into one institution in the new building erected for high srTiool purposes at the corner of Forster and Capital streets. This occurred September 4, 1893. The large hall room of the Stevens i building, after the consolidation of the high schools, was used, for a time, j for the meetings of the board. But I with the greatly reduced number ofi members incident to the adoption ofj the school code now In force, the: members returned to the board's orig-1 Itial location on the first floor. The hall, beautifully fitted up, is now and has been for some years the ornate and comfortable home of the Harrisburg teachers' training school,! Miss Anne U. Wert, principal. The Harrisburg school board hasj generally shown excellent judgment in the selection of names for Its school buildings, and never was there a hap pier choice than when this capacious edifice in Chestnut street was named after the "Great Commoner" Thad deus Stevens, the especial champion of the grand public school system of our Keystone State. Westinghouse Workers Decide to End Strike Special to The Telegraph Pittsburgh, July 10. Four thousand striking employes of the Westinghouse Companies, in a mass meeting at the Tabernacle, last night, voted unani mously to return to work next Monday morning. This practically proclaims the end of the strike, and was directly due to the ultimatum issued bv the companies yesterday, in which they re fused longer to hold open the positions made vacant by the walkout. The strike leaders, in commenting on the decision of the men to return to work, said that it had been deemed ad visable for several days, because the employes would receive more considera tion from the company if they acted as an organization than if they returned as Individuals. The strike, which has lasted more than five weeks, has been one of the most orderly ever conducted by a body of men and women ranging from 8.000 to 12,000. Even though the State troop ers were called to the scene, there has been little for them to do except patrol duty. RAILROAD GOES TO RECEIVER By Associated Press Marietta, 0., July 10.—The Mariet ta. Columbus and Cleveland railroad was to-day placed In the hands of a receiver by a court order. Daniel B. Torpy was named receiver. The ac tion resulted from a suit filed against the company by the Columbia Knick erbocker Trust company. ADMIRAL SUTHERLAND RETIRES Washington, July 10.—One of the very few men who rose to the highest rank in the navy from his position as an enlisted man—Rear Admiral Wil liam H. H. Sutherland—was placed upon the retired list to-day by reason j of having reached the statutory age ! of 62 years. Disturber 1 V., American Challenger of World's MotorboatChampionship Insert at left, Miss Nona Dunne, daughter of the Governor of Illinois, photographed Just after she had chrls* tened the American challenger for the world's motorboat championship—Disturber IV, at Chicago, June 80. In sert at right. Commander James A. Pugh, owner of the boat, and William Hale Thompson, who will be in charge of the world's challenger. Middle, Disturber IV being lowered Into the water. Chicago, I'll., July 9.—The American challenger. Disturber IV, for the world's motorboat championship, which was christened here June 30, Is expected to go a mile a minute. The Disturber IV is owned by Commander James A. Pugh. Thousands of persons witnessed the christening and launching of the world's challenger. The new chal lenger cost $40,000. The owner Is confident the craft will capture the world's trophy at the championship racea to be held at Cowes, England, August 12. i DOG LICENSES IRE MUCK IN DEMAND Activities of Hound Catcher Bring Many Owners to Time Being city dogcatcher isn't merely or. easy money-making Job of kicking someone else's dog around; the dog is also having his day. And where the dog itself doesn't exact full satisfaction of the dog catcher via teeth or lens It's a safe bet that master or mistress will help make life miserable for the weary official. Thar Catcher William H. I/ayton Is a very busy young man these days goes without saying; a glance at the rush of business he provoked at the dog license bureau speaks for itself. For instance, yesterday 63 licenses were taken out. the biggest day ever. Up until a late hour this afternoon 360 dogs had been registered. But for Mr. Layton life is just one collarless, vicious, swift-running, growl ing, elusive bedeviling dog after an other. And lest he forget that he Is just a cktcher of Innocent, etc.. dogs, folks whose dogs have been snapped up and who accordingly don't think much of the dogcatcher as a gentle man and a scholar express themselves in various ways at police headquar ters. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison, chief of police, said to-day, however, that all the complaints were without foundation and that Layton was not only doing his duty but doing it well. Here, however, are a few of the com plaints: The fellow hasn't any heart; he took two unregistered dogs from a couple of children. The fellow is in cahoots with the garbage collector —the latter purposely allowing a gate to swing open after his departure with garbage cans, thus offering the dogcatcher a chance to tease an unsuspecttng dog out Into the I alley, where the hard-hearted official | can pick him up and load him Into his wagon. Not that Mr. Layton is complaining. His day's work yesterday netted him $lB. Thomas to Lay Deal For Players Before President Tener By Associated Press Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10. "I have written President Thomas, of the Chi cago National league Club, that I am willing to leave the controversy over the trade of Players Mollwltz and Wll | Hams for Player Derrick to either President Tener or Secretary Heydler, of the National League, with the un derstanding that whatever decision they shall render will be final," said Presi jdent August Herrmann, of the Cincin nati Club, here to-day. When questioned further as to the probable mode of procedure that the case would likely take In case Mr. Thomas would not consent to an ar rangement of this kind, Mr. Herrmann continued: "Then I shall request President Tener to take the matter before the board of j directors of the league. There is no . question in my mind about the deal being a valid one, and unless I hear I from Mr. Thomas soon, I shall take the icase up to the league directors. 1 have I notified President Tener of my offer to Mr. Thomas and likewise of my inten tions should Mr. Thomas refuse." Ml BOYS DROWNED IN SITRRR CREEK George W. Henning and Harry Wertz, of Lebanon, Meet .% 7 Death Near Jonestown Special to The Telegraph Lebanon. Pa.. July 10.—A double drowning accident happened about 6:30 o'clock this morning In the Swatara creek near Jonestown, when two Lebanon boys lost their lives. George W. Henning, 12 years old, son of \V. Irvln Henning, a well-known contractor of this city, and Harry Wertz, 15 years old. son of John Wertz, a puddle helper, went to Weld man's dam on the Swatara yesterday on a short fishing trip. About 6:30 o'clock this morning, while working along a slippery section of the creek bank, young Henning fell into the deep water and his companion, Wertz, went to his rescue with a long pole. He also slipped Into the wa ter and both were drowned before a number of people on the opposite side of the creek could go to the- rescue. A short time after the drowning John Meek recovered the bodies of the two boys by diving into the deep water, and they were brought to their homes in this city in the automobile of Al fred T. Miller, who was at Jonestown at the time. HAlSßlim C. E. CONVENTION [Continued From First Page] Russia, Syria and Egypt. In all these lands I hear advance in genuine pro fession in Christian Endeavor. All these lands have asked me to send their greetings to American endenvor ers, which 1 gladly .do. May Penn sylvania lead in all wise, advance steps for Christian Endeavor the coming year." Dauphin County Delegates Among the delegates at the conven tion from Dauphin county and vicin ity are Miss Susie Brinser and Miss Alberta Imboden, Hummelstown; . Mrs. A. B. Hambrlght, H. H. Stein, i Elizabethtown; Zella A. Nieman, Edna M. Nieman, Mrs. A. C. Reese. Lancas : ter; Claude Coffey, Greencastle; Ebner ' Rife, A. E. Schellhase, Chambersburg: > C. C. Culp, Gettysburg; Bertha A. 1 Helges, Biglerville; Lida Koser, Carrie 1 Lady, Arendtsville; Maud Miller, Get tysburg; H. K. Raffenberger, Arendts ' vllle; Carrie Rhodes, and Ida Rlshen berger, Reading. Dr. B. W. Swayze, Allentown, in his 1 report of the Christian Citizenship de : partment said: "Eighteen per cent. of the people of Pennsylvania are llv | ing under some kind of liquor re | strlctlon and seven counties of the , State are entirely dry. "These dry counties are Lawrence, | Venango. Greene. Bedford, Hunting [ don, Mitliin and Juniata. During the t last year Potter county has reduced the number 25 per cent.; Montgomery . has fifteen saloons less. Franklin has closed eight and Perry seven." [ Dr. Clarence H. Chain, of Phlla > delphia, made a report showing that were 1,561 Junior societies in the s State. Quiet Hour The Rev. T. W. Rickert, of Reading, ' reported that there are 9,000 com ' rades of the Quiet Hour and urged to s have "private personal communion 1 with God." 3 The following resolutions were adopted: j "The extermination of the liquor 1 traffic in our State, especially by voting at the coming election for candidates committed to this object, and urging upon others to do the same, that we deplore the continued attacks upon our present excellent Sabbath laws, and will endeavor to preserve them and further their observance." Tho I* national prohibition and a constitu tional amendment forbidding poly gamy were endorsed. Deaths and Funerals MRS. CAUL DIKS The death of Mrs. William H. Cart occurred yesterday at 1322 Penn street, her home. Her husband sur vives. Funeral services will take place at the home Monday afternoon , at 2:30. Burial will be private and s will be in East Harrisburg Cemetery. " MRS. GEORGE BARNES r At the home of her sister-in-law, f Mrs. George Barnes, 1322 Marian I street, Mrs. Sarah Annie Barnes died yesterday. A sister, Margaret Barnes, e survives. The funeral will take place p Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from I the Asbury A. M. E. church. Burial will be In Lincoln Cemetery.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers