THE QUALITY STORE i Special Sale of LINOLEUM 75c P«Sq. U Heretofore 89c and SI.OO Value We present a most unusual opportunity to save on linoleum—the most serviceable of all floor coverings— because we must make room for a large shipment which is due in a few days. Every piece is new—this Spring's beautiful designs —perfect 1n every respect and guaranteed to give satis factory service. Your unrestricted choice of those that were heretofore 89c to SI.OO values at 750 per square yard. L. W. COOK SUPERFLUOUS HAIR GROWTHS NO LONGER NECESSARY TVe liquid hair remover, El Rado, M absolutely Infallible in iia effect, and is positively harmless. This is prored conclusively by the fact that many physicians use the ingredients in El Rado for eiactly the umo purpose, —hair removing. El Itado acts instantly by dissolving the hair. A few droos, a simple application, and any growth vanishes; you see only the akin, smoother and evoo whiter than before, because ot the soothing, anti acne ingredients in the preparation. While medical science knows of no cbemieal •feat which will eradicate hair permanently with out serious injury. El Rado will remove the hair for a very long time, and in so absolutely aafe, simple and thorough a manner, that as a remedy and aid to good looks it has no eauaL Is there a beauty preparation in the world that can improve In this City El Ratio Is sold and recommended by: Golden Seal Drug Store, E. Z. Gross, Kennedy's Drug Store, Keller's Drug Store, George A. Gorgas. ' gj Yomr completion nt*ds\ g ■ ; DAGGETT & RAMSDELL'S ■' PERFECT 'COLD CREAM |H Uted by the elite of New York Society for tvrenty-tbree yean ud (till their favorite Inpvti beaith ind beutr to thtakin, >mootk«twtr tka aula tf T!h«, ■M brm*» Nature's bloom to sallow cheeks, dUcounin Wn uaweleorae line* tad wrinkle*, improve your look* i ■ !■ tubn 10c.. 25c., SOc. kju* 35c, 50c., SSc. 91,30, v y Whtn ran In'ist upon D A Rxou ret tarn best cold cream la tb» store* ■ ■ i ||v Absolntely Wo Pain / Wtf My latest tmproTPd nppli- SI Hnces. Inoludlnp an oxygen- . or? * r*y lied air apparatus, makes t •*1 extracting and all den- SVV *iS\ S j/ tal work positively X k\r S painless and Is per- w ifej (Ag*' EXAMINATION / FREE XvO A alloy ccmmt s<k\ A S BrHge Work, $3, $4, $5. r _, „ A 22-K Gold ftown ....$5.00 Graduate _Offioe open dolly 8.30 a. Aateunu X/I \ T • P- Moo., Wed. AaßW, * nte \/ ~ M rai I p. tt; Sundays, X 10 n, m. to 1 p. in. Bell Phone 33a2R EASY TERMS OF /VV payments AWMmm Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. it dmii Hurt a bh PAIITIDN I When Coming to My Offioe Bo UftU I lull . Sure You Are in the Right Piaoe. FOURTH OF JULY Why not open a charge account by using our Store Or ders. They are accepted as cash for any and all merchandise purchased at Leading Department and Best Cash Stores. <TSTORE ORDER sYsror> Yow CREDIT Where You Mm H MARKET STREET BELL PHONE 27488 '" *"" " " ' " "" ■ "■■■■ix'S Coal Is Cheapest and Best Now To buy coal now 1B to buy It at the cheapest price for which It can be obtained during the year. And then you gain In quality, too, for the coal sent from the mines at this time of the year may be thoroughly screened before delivery, a difficult matter in cold weather when frost will cause ti:e dirt to cling to the coal. So to buy Montgomery coal now Is to buy the best quality of the best coal at the lowest srlcea. Place your order. J. B. MONTGOMERY Both Phone® Third and Chestnut Streets TUESDAY EVENING, one's appearance more than the successful renovrf of an unsightly hair growth? Thousands of womea are using this remarkable preparation women old and young, is every station of life. El Rado is now a standard toils! article, and women use it as frankly as they uao a face cream. You need have no more hesitation, therefore, in calling for it at your druggist's than in asking for any other toilet preparation. Get a flOc. or sl.o* aire bottle to-day. Try H on your arm; prove for yourself it will do every thing elm mod. Your money back M you are not entirely pleased. If inoonvenient to call at your . ru *R? t ' i . il 7*? * !1 ri * ht to order direct fro* the Pilgrim Mfg. Co., Ktw York* Valuable iefar uation sent on request. IMMELSTOIi Will CELEBRATE FOURTH Two Parades, Fireworks and Gen eral Holiday Events Being Arranged by Committees Special to The Telegraph Hummelstown, Pa., June 22 —A f °J t i le , Four th of July cele bration to be held in the borough has j r * an ? ed and committees ap- P°'"* ed . *°. hav ® charge of the events scheduled for the day. comm ittee Is composed <?' hope ' J R " B ' Ear nest and fiarry t>n> der and generous contribu tions have been made by citizens to the fund. ..T? 0 P ar ® des be held, a fan rfv?i C r, Par 2 i in . the morning and a Uni r , the afternoon. In the l!" e of , V? e civic parade will be mem wnrL°' Q - A - R - Camp No. 10,174 Modern Woodmen, Camp No. 306 P. TT" A °„ A ' Derry Council No. 40 J. O. TV Wi T M - ®° ld f n , Link Cuncil No. 163 D of L„ Chemical Fire Company with appartus, Stonecutters* Association; also many decorated automobiles and several floats. _ „ , Day's Program Following is the program for the events" commlUees 'or the various m ' Fantastic parade; commit wt'J' Ho , ller . F. B. Graupner, H V mmel - Joseph Dasher, Jr., Robert Lower, John Rhan, Walker Kxause, Thomas Jacks. Jr. a ' m ' — Clay shooting match, committee, Fred Bolton, Ha rry Howard, Samuel Rhinehart. 10;30 a. m.—Baseball game; com mittee R. B. Earnest, Paul Hummel, Jacob Shope. p - "1; Athletic events; committee, Albert Burridge, John Raeger, Wil- Ham Hoover, Robert T. Fox, T O Mitman, Paul Hummel. 2:30 p. m.—Baseball game. 5 p. m. Patriotic and civic parade; committee. R. B. Earnest, J. Urban Kilme-, Jerome Louch, H. M. Hoist. C over C. Buser, Frank Witmer. i p. m. -Athletic events, band con cert and festival; committee, John Jeter, Raymond Zeiters, James x outz, John Lentz. Walter Brecken maker, William Hoover, David Fet terman, Charles Breckenmaker, Harry liemperly, Clarence Ruof, B. H. Krei ser. B. G. French. 8:30 p. m.—Fireworks display; com- Shope, Harry Snyder, R. B. Earnest, John Reager, James Youtz, Albert Burridge, Fred Bolton. The program of events scheduled will take place in Athletic *>ark which has lately been purchased by the bor ough. Death Benefit For Firemen of Cumberland Valley Towns Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., June 23. The executive committee of the Cumber land Valley Volunteer Firemen's As sociation, which held a meeting in Martlnsburg on Saturday at which nearly every town in the valley was represented, decided that the associa tion should have a death benefit fea ture, which was discussed at length and adopted without a dissenting voice. George H. Bitner, of Cham bersburg, spoke of the coming con vention to be held in that place and stated that Chambersburg was mak ing great preparations for the event. Martinsburg will endeavor to secure the convention for next year. LIGHTNING STRIKES BARN Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., June 23.—During a hea'vy thunderstorm, a flash of light • ntng struck the big barn on the farm of William Fisher, in the northeastern part of this county. The tenant, Wil liam Weiswender, and his hired help manager to save the livestock, but the barn and other contents were de stroyed, entailing a loss of SB,OOO, which is partly covered by insurance! MISSIONARY TO SPEAK Special to The Telegraph Hershey, Pa., June 23. —On Sunday morning Missionary Day will be ob served in the United Brethren Church at Union Deposit. The Rev. i George Richter, of Halifax, a returned ! missionary from Africa, will deliver j the address. In the evening at 7 | o'clock the pastor, the Rev. O. G. Ro mig, will preach at Fishburn's Church. ; ! VET A STOVE POUSH " is the handiest thing : ever put on the j market. amrtmtomt* Mup*' i*r iMtwi •M.TSfa _ »(•••» m tfe* tvkt. L ais A: L FRENCH RECIPE TO QUICKLY DARKEN GRAY, FADED HAIR If You Use This Frenoe Recipe, No One Can Discover it Has Been Applied, but in a Few Days You Will Have Soft, Dark, Glossy Hair and Look Ten Years Younger If you want your hair to have that youthful, vigorous appearance that will compel the admiration of every body, qtep into your druggist the first chance you get and secure 7 ounces (a large bottle) of LeMay's Cream of Sage and Quinine for not more than 50 cents. With a few applications your gray or faded hair will be gone. Instead you will have a lovely even shade of dark, lustrous hair and your best friends won't know you are using anything. Furthermore, your scalp will beeome immaculately clean and free from dandruff and Itchiness in less than a week. This safe and sure French re ceipt is not a dye and contains no lead or Injurious substance. You can always obtain LeMay's Cream of Sage and Quinine from Frank J. Althouse, Bowman Mell & Co., J. Nelson Clark! Wlllla*i Deisa, Eckels Bros., C. M! Forney, Chas. T. George, George A. Gorgas, John W. Hay, Kennedy Bros., Geo. C. Potts, T. A. Thorley.—Adver tisement. Charles B. Cluck Carpenter and Builder jobbing promptly attended to; screen doors and windows a specialty; also One cabinet work. Call Bell Pkm I SIT-J. 2200 Logan Street HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH : T W T ▼ ▼ T ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » V * T V » T T »'"# T VT'V ▼ y"yfyf f f | M " ! L D • 1 CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. 1 When It txains/> Come to Bowman's, Look For /l < "Rainy Day Specials" £■W^t4/I£§44^i§^o\ I► v - rnTT - / KARRIS»UR«'S POPULAR DCPARTIIINT STORI #2 1,000 Yds. White Goods; Purchased from two mills at about one-half to one-third their regular value, < which we'll sell at the same saving to you. A All the newest styles in wide widths, 36 to 45 inches < Great 3-Day June White Sale W'Uffffff emem^ere^ —Wednesday, Thursday & Friday < ► Nothing like it ever occurred this season. The values are almost unbeliev- i ► '*l/ A v"""~ able. These white materials are now at the height of popularity for Summer < ► -ttV-41 ' skirts, waists and dresses, and you wouldn't expect to get them a penny under. < ► "Il^k\r price, so great is the demand. > < i y 3 Y Beautiful weaves in Voiles—embroidered and plain surfaces; embroidered < v \ Crepes—sheer waist materials; .and latest weaves for smart cool-looking Sum- \ * \ X mer g° wns waists. Take advantage of this remarkable opportunity and pur- < * chase for your Summer needs at one-half the real value. < „ 45-INCH WHITE VOILE —->£-inch tape edge; 45-INCH WHITE VOILE—2Oc quality. Yard, ' | 1 ► usually sells at 40c yard. Special, yard 190 140 i ; ► Z/ 2 yards sufficient for a dress. 40-INCH W r HITE SHADOW VOILE—In neat ' j ► 36-INCH W HITE RATINE STRIPED CREPE, patterns. Works up beautifully in the new Summer ► splendid for Summer waists. Regular 30c quality. dresses; 50c quality. Yard 250 * 150 25c WHITE PIQUE —36 inches wide. Just the > ► 20c AND 25c AND UP TO 35c WHITE MER- thing for Summer wash skirts. Yard 150 ► CERIZED LUNA LAWN—32 to 36 inches wide. • $1.65 90-INCH WHITE ALL-LINEN SHEET- i ► Tiny damages, but will not hurt the wear. Splendid ING. Special $1.12>40 ► for waists and children's dresses. Very special, yard, 19c WHITE LINGERIE—For dresses and fine * underwear; 36 inches wide. Very fine and silky. < ► 45-INCH EMBROIDERED CREPE—The usual Yard '< | ► 75c quality. Just the thing for Summer waists. There Be on hand early for choice selections. " < j y are six patterns to select from. Yard 550 Mat " fioo^— BOWMAN'S. \ : Great Sale of Bleached Sheets, Wed T.Mr day j On Wednesday we will begin a sale of 1,200 bleached sheets at prices that will save you from 15c to 50c " ► on each. These are such well-known makes as Utica, Pequot, Cohasset, Mohawk, Arcadia, Wamsetta, Tioga ► and Meadowbrook. ► 360 SHEETS—SOcTioga and West Wind bleached TVTftTTT "PTTTiTTPTTATXTQ • ► sheets, laundered ready for use; size 76x90 inches. KJSiJU^IIUJNo. ► Special 290 "*»» u Sa " P '£ ► 360 SHEETS—Meadowbrook bleached sheets. Mohawk! 72x90 inches B .!'. '.'lie «->c 4 I ► Size 76x90 inches. Each 450 L°K SISo° S 9 9 °sc ?£< I 240 SHEETS—BSc Mohawk Sheets, double bed mica and rSSot? t&o inches-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sac Size. Seconas. Each OOit Utica and P<»nuot. 72x108 inches sl.lO 86c 4 $1.25 Cohasset, Pequot or Utica Sheets (as prefer- mica and Pequot,' 1ix93°ttTnchU7.'. 9 o 5 soc < j red"! T prep 917P Pequot, 81x108 inches $1.19 92c a ! ► ' U octunus - i-arge Size. ILacn 4 Oip Utica and Pequot, 90x90 inches $1.09 83c k 240 SHEETS—Mohawk seamless sheets, Ze 81X No ret *uction by the dozen. J k 9O inches. Sell regularly for 85c to 95c. Marked "Em- Pillow TjIQPQ and TlnlcfAr Pucac < y pire State"because they were spotted by oil from a de- irlllOW ydScS clllCi IJOISICr UaS6S < y fective machine. One washing and they are all right. utica, 42x36 inches . e .^. la f.23c Ce ' Sale Pr i c o c < ► Limit, 4to a customer. Special 650 Mohawk 6 * 3 ! a'l'mae inches'!!!!!!!!*.;;!!no i"c i , _ 240 SHEETS—7Sc Arcadia Sheets- double bed Inched 36 . inches .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ilc i ' . size; bleached; 3-inch hem. Readv for use. Special 59$ saiem, 50x3s inches 22c i sc * ~ , , J TT. • f-1 i . " , . . ~ fealem, 54x36 inches 25c " ir.,, Mohawk and L tica Sheets at reduced prices. These Diamond, 40x36 inches i7 C 14,. ► sheets and pillow cases are never sold for less than reg- Mohlw C kM2x72 X inche8 heß . 35c 12 4 c ' ' P A CC .rI Cd ; ... .JL Mohawk, 45x 72 1 > To Better Serve You We Have Installed the New Perfection Shrinker and Finisher : ► for [ he Proper sponging, shrinking and finishing of all kinds ► wash goods and woolen dress goods. '4 It sponges, shrinks and finishes Ratines, Piques, Ginghams, jOlvl ► Crepe Cloths, Linens and Woolen Dress Goods. We sponee if I^loo^l ► and finish any material for the nominal sum of ofk a varH All WMPSjI « v Work done while you wait. i Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i • 19,000 Yds. Wash Goods on Sale Wednesday i , Every conceivable weave and every tine Linen and Tussahs. Special vard ' „ shade made, consisting of Voiles, ' ► Crepes, Organdies, Ratines, Batistes, SI.OO 46-inch Wnnl r? I • ' ► Rice Cloths, Dress Ginghams, Percales, rose g-arnet wine- nlain an I 1 • , Gjlateas Juvenile Cloths, Natural Dress self-colored stripes'. Yard 2S« ' , Lmens, Ramie Lmens, Poplins, Pon- $1.25 Silk and Wool Poplin-"everv ► gees, Soisettes, Enchantress Cloths, Silk stripe and evening shade Yard 'sl OO ► Mulls, Figured Lawns, Tissues, Figured 50-inch Shepherd Checks black InH ' ► Linons, Dimities, Printed Voiles, white. Yard. cks, black and , ► Striped \ oiles Ripplette, Printed Remnants of Wool Dress' Crwlc t * ► Crepes, Striped Elaines, Satin Striped half price. ' Goods at 4 ► Voiles, Chambrays, Cob Web Silks, Ra- Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 11 James Russ Retires Today From Senate '''' P^Pg^ Hh ■jfeL JAMES RUSS | sne of Harrisburg's Leading Hotel j Proprietors, Who Retired To-day after Being Forty Years in Busi ness in Harrisburg. After years of activity as one of harrlsburg's well-known hotel men, lames Russ to-day formally turned >ver the reins of hotel management ivhen the license of the Senate Hotel ivas transferred by President Judge ECunkel of the Dauphin county court :o Ellis P. Gourley, this city. For the last several years Gourley has served as the chief clerk of the Senate hostelry. After July 1 the Senate diningroom will be open all day Sundays, accord ing to the management's announce ment to-day. Other important changes will be announced in the near future. UNEARTH MUSKET AND BAYONET Hagerstown, Md.,June 23.—William Beachley while plowing a piece of new ground on the South Mountain near Boonsboro unearthed a musket with a bayonet attached, both being well preserved notwithstanding they had been under the ground since the Battle of South Mountain in 1862. The weapons were found near the monu ment erected to the memory of Gen eral Reno, who fell in the battle. FULL SCHOOL COAL BINS The work of fllllng the coal cellars at the various public school buildings of the city has been started by B. F. Hoffman. In all about 2,000 tolls will be needed to keep the furnaces going during Fall and winter. , Steel Industry Feels Resumption of Business Special to The Telegraph Pittsburgh, June 23.—One of the strongest Indications of a resumption of business in the steel industry was ' had yesterday when several big plans i and tlnplate mills in the Allegheny : Valley announced an Increase in the number of working hours. At the big i plant of the Allegheny Steel Company, located at Brackenrldge, it was an nounced that department No. 1, which 1 has been working but part time for a considerable period, went on full , schedule to-day. This will be the first full week the department has operated since last November. Another sign of business revival was the resumption of the lower mills of the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company at New Kensington. The tinplate industry has been none too good for some time, despite several immense orders received in the Pitts burgh territory in anticipation of a heavy canning season. The officials at the New Kensington plant announced that they expect the lower mills to run full time for the balance of the summer. They also stated that they expect the upper mills to be operating on full time within the next two weeks. In the Sharon and Parrel districts I both the Steel Corporation and the JUNE 23. 1914. Independent plants are increasing their working hours. While no great In crease of business Is reported, a steady volume of orders is now coming. DAMAGE BY STORM Special to The Telegraph . Waynesboro, Pa., June 22.—During the heavy electrical storm which pass ed over Waynesboro Friday night, some damage was done by lightning. A bolt struck the roof of the separator machine shop of the Emerson-Brant ingham Company and tore a hole Ix 4 feet in the roof. Business Locals EVERYONE HAS HIS HOBBY Ours is building new miles into worn tires so eKectively that the name of "Sterling' on a repaired tube or casing is like Sterling on good silver ware. It Is our guarantee to you of Quality, Service and Satisfaction. We are equipped to do any repair job that can be done in any tire factory. Ster ling Auto Tire Co., 1451 Zarker street A CLEAN HAND Wants no washing. A perfect-fitting suit needs no alteration. A Lack tailored suit is made to suit your in dividual measure, and after being cut and fitted to conform to your figure there is no need of further adjust ment. It represents all that Is best In custom-made clothes for men. 28-30 Dewberry street. , Busifiess Locals STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Tou will see those words on every cross-roads signboard as you travel. But before you leave we want you to see our splendid stock of suit cases and handbags in all leathers. Also cane and matting suit caaes and bagi-\ light to carry, popular among the ladies, 49 cents to $5. Regal Um brella Co., Second and Walnut streets. USED PIANOS AND ORGANS The more new pianos and player pianos we sell, the more used pianos and organs are taken In exchange aa part payment. These Instruments are thoroughly overhauled so as to give excellent service. We have a number of these on hand now that will be sold at exceptionally low prices. Yoha Bros., 8 North Market Square. AN EYE OPEN Ready to «ee and make record of everything you thiok worth while see ing on your travels or vacation days. A silent but serviceable companion is an Ansco camera. Sizes from $3 up. Made by a firm who makes 98 per cent, of the professional pho tographers' equipment. Ansco films V'U get perfect results. At Cotterel's, „IQS North Second street. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers