12 r ; 7- ; 7 —^ Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Announce the Most Important Sale of Blouses of the Year: Beginning To-morrow J|IL 2,400 Geisha Waists to Be Sold at Half j and Less Than Half Regular Prices $2.50 Waists at . . 95c $5.95 Waists at. . $2.95 \\ $2.95 Waists at . . $1.50 $6.50 Waists at. . $3.25 JimW W\ff $3 ' 95 Waists at ' ' sl9s s7 ' so Waists at ' ' s3 ' 9s I \/1 I Unseasonably cool weather during the present month brought i)l> \f\ \T ) the makers of Geisha waists to us with a proposition to clean up the v f Wl I X/ k!l/ / stocks which they had planned to sell during the early days of July. JBJKr ' / We had many of the self same styles in our regular stock and conse- • \ / f Y\S t quently we knew their actual worth from a selling viewpoint. Altogether 200 dozen of these spic and span new styles came to us at a mere fraction of regular prices, so we announce them to you, in a sale opening to-morrow at a corresponding saving. You may expect to find complete size ranges, from 32 to 46, in such fashionable weaves as crepes, voiles, batistes, linen and all over embroidery. The trimmings are made up of Venise Val lace insertions, hand embroidery and lace panels, together with touches of organdie or lace. On account of the uncommonly special prices no garments will he exchanged. Organdie blouses in white Crepe blouses with colored em- Batiste blouses with net vest and Imnorted voile blouses with npt a ->u i a c ( ' broidered figured panels and bunch lace yoke; bunch tucks trims front f , e mouses with net grounds with colored figures of .. i- • r * u i * i 7 c ,J, u lutM , LI1 " IS . . vest organdy collar and three h 8 tucks in front; bunch tucks trims 1; W and back; long sleeves trimmed with . . . , ... lavender, or blue; organdie collar back; three-quarter sleeves trimmed f bunch tucks. Regular djl QC quarter sleeves; trimmed with lace and three-quarter sleeves; organdie with lace ruffles. Regular price price $5.00. Special at ... & * insertion and lace edge. Regular cuffs. Regular price $2.50. 95 sl-50 Colored crepc blouses with l,c, $3.25 Special at ~ , , ~ ~ vest, collar and cuffs in rose, Copen- 0 '.''' '♦ , •, , Embroidered crepe blouses with . hagen, green and maise. Regular Bat,Ste b,OUses tnmmed Wlth lace Stripe voile blouses with long stripe crepe vest and collar; long price $3.95. Special (O QC vest and hand embroidery; crochet . . j -i 11 • sleeves trimmed with cuff of striped at ] ace insertion trims shoulder seams; raglan sleeve and voile collar; in crepe and pearl buttons. Regular W/gSk Wk WV n „,rf ßr c i«,r»=. m uu u pink, tan, lavender, blue and black. price $5.00. Special *1 CA 'KPwH Crepe blouses , embroidered in " < J ' cm " „ mm at \ ' Sin i\ green or Copenhagen dot; organdy sertion and lace edge. Regular Regular price $-.50. OQ C Batiste blouses with net vest and ffltaWi collar and vests; finished with hem- price $6.50. Special $3 25 b P ecial at embroidered front; long sleeves s V tch,ng ' Re g u,ar P rice $9 95 3t Colored linen blouses in rose trimmed with embroidery cuffs ind / WTIT TiSIC J s '°°' Special at * Fine imported voile blouses trim „r„n n „ rU rnnpn t s „ n a J "f ri r uff L e - Regular price 01 Off Batiste lingerie blouses; hand med with organdy panels; Venise . ' ' $2.90. Special at " embroidered front; organdie vest lace insertion and crochet buttons; maise; linen collar; three-quarter Voile blouses with colored em- WBiML finished with Venise lace edge; long net frill trims neck; three-quarter sleeve and linen turn-back cuffs. broidered figures in rose, green, Co- v sleeves trimmed with organdy cuff sleeves trimmed with Venise lace r, , t)n - _ - penhagen organdy collar and cuffs. 'Vim and finished with lace edge. Regu- insertion and pleated frill. Regular Spe ß ct7a p « : 95c tS'af 95 : ~.52.95 Your Last Chance to Buy Aigrettes Before the New Law Goes Into Effect After July 1 no more aigrettes will be sold in his country. They can be worn, however, and because of their rarity, women who own them will be envied. We must dispose of our stock of aigrettes in the mean while—hence these big reductions— s2.9s sweeping black aigrettes #1.25 $2.50 black stub aigrettes 69$ $2.50 black and white aigrettes . ..: (i9s $1.98 stub aigrettes in black, white, canary, brown, light blue and pink 49$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Clearance of Embroideries With Some Prices Halved The best values ir embroideries we have offered in a long while. Every yard is from regular stock and reductions are made to adjust the stock before inventory. Cambric embroidery edging, values to 10c. Special, p. yard OC Cambric corset cover embroidery and cambric flouncing; ■» 17 inches wide; values to 15c. Special, yard Iv/C Batiste embroidery insertion, 4 to 5 inches wide; values to in. 39c. Special, yard 1 Swiss ruffled flouncing, 27 Inches wide; values to 75c. Sp'e- ACi™ cial, yard 41JC Embroidered Voile and Crepe Flouncing, 45 inches wide, QQ~ solid patterns; values to 75c. Special, yard OaC Embroidered voile flouncing, 45 inches wide; values to n $1.50. Special, yard ODC Embroidered voile and crepe flouncing, 45 inches wide; values to f1.50. Special, yard ODC Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. A Sale of Millinery Ribbons 10c, 19c, 25c Special purchase of fine millinery ribbons on sale to-mor row. Silk taffetas with fancy borders, Dresden taffetas with fancy borders, black aud white striped taffetas, taffetas with plaid borders, satin taffeta, Roman stripes and other patterns— - 4/>, 5, 5/i and 6-inch widths—beautiful qualities that regularly sell at 39$ and 49$ Extra special in the sale at 25$ Other specials at 10$ and 19$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor. Colored and Black Dress Weaves Reduced 91.25 navy waffle checks. Reduced to 59c shepherd checks, 42 inches wide. Reduced to Soc 91 .00 silk and wool Canton crepe. Reduced to 39,. 91.00 all-wool |»opllii. Reduced to eOn 91.25 black silk poplin, 40 Inches wide. Reduced to 95 c 91.00 black Panama; 54 Inches wide. Reduced to 79 C 91 .00 black French Serge; 42 Inches wide. Reduced to 79c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. f ' 1 —— TUESDAY EVENING, Sugar and Grocery Sale Tomorrow 25 lbs Franklin Sugar for $1.05 With Each Purchase of SI.OO Worth of Groceries, Soaps Excepted One of the most important grocery sales of the summer is scheduled for to-morrow in the Dives, Pomeroy it Stewart grocery section when you will be given the opportunity to buy 25 pounds of Franklin granulated sugar for $1.05, with each purchase of groceries amounting to SI.OO. Soaps are excluded from this special combination attraction. Telephone orders will be filled promptly and efficiently by salesmen who have been special ly selected for that work. Another Big Purchase of TRIMMED HATS 200 Hats on Sale To-morrow at SI.OO, $1.95 and $2.95 This is a large wholesaler's final clean-up of trimmed hats at prices that do not cover the original cost in most cases of the trimmings on the hats. To this lot we have added the remainder of our other two special purchases of trimmed hats, and at these prices will be found a great variety of styles. Models like these earlier in the season sold at $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.50 and higher. On sale to-morrow. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. | U—ed 5c JQ C 1 D'ives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. - ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 23. 1914. Men's Women's $1.50 Rubber Soled White Oxfords, $1.20 Men's $1.50 white canvas blucher oxfords, broad toe lasts with red rubber Goodyear stitched soles, sizes 6 to 9. Special $1.20 Women's $1.50 white canvas blucher oxfords, English lasts, with Goodyear stitched rubber soles and spring heels, sizes 2 l / 2 to 6. Special $1.20 Women's $2.00 white canvas 14- Misses' $1.25 white canvas two button shoes, high toe lasts with strap pumps, broad toe lasts with heavy stitched soles, 1%-lnch Cu- stitched soles and low heels; sizes ban heels. Special $1.50 12 to 2. Special 89c Misses' $1.50 white canvas Children's $1.25 white canvas blucher oxfords, broad toe lasts two-strap pumps, footform lasts with rubber soles and spring heels, with stitched soles and low heels sizes 12}& to 2. Special $1.20 sizes 8% to 11. Special »8c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Cool Summer Dress Weaves of Richest Quality Attrac tively Priced in These Late June Days French linens and ramie weaves seem to be leading all other colored fabrics for morning dresses, and in order to keep ahead of the demand we have just placed on sale a new showing of many colors. French ramie: soft finish: 36 inches wide; eighteen good shades. Yard 50c Ramie linen; 36 Inches wide; eighteen good shades; all pure linen. Yard 30c Kamic linen; 36 and 16 inches wide; nineteen good shades. Yard, 60c French linen; 45 inches wide; good shades light weight. Yard,soc Mercerized linen pongee; twenty five good shades. Yard 25c $1.30 crepe linen; 45 inches wide; soft finish. Yard SI.OO $1.25 nub crepe; 42 inches wide; shades of pink, tan, hello, wistaria, rose, mahogany, grey, Copenhagen and Alice; self color raised dot. Specially reduced to. yard .... 75c Rice cloth, 40 inches wide; white and tinted grounds with floral de sign. Yard 30c Striped crepe: white and colored 5 rounds; neat checks and stripes.! ard : 25c Crepe voile; 38 Inches wide;' white and tinted grounds,' floral de- ' signs. Yard 50c I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. ■ Interesting Prices on White Dress Weaves 19c fancy striped and figured lawns, 28 inches wide. Special, yd., 80 25c striped voile, 40 inches wide. Special, yard 12}£c 39c and 60c imported fancy white stripes, figure and checks, 28 Inches wide. Special, yard 170 25c white crepe voile, 40 inches wide. Special, yard 15c 26c stripe crepe, 28 Inches, four styles. Special, yard 10c 25c pain flaxon, 38 inches; regular linen finish. Special, ynrd...l#o 37 %c white Persian lawn, 45 Inches. Special, yard 2Be SI.OO fine Imported voile, 40 inches wide. Special, yard 65c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. Costume crepe; 30 inches wide; neat rosebud designs and plain shades. Yard t.. 20c Crepe plisse, large line of styles, white and colored grounds, neat rosebud designs, also plain shades. Yard 15c 10c lawn; white ground and neat rosebud designs. Specially priced at, yard 8c 25c gollinc cord, all good'shades, self color woven stripe. Specially priced at, yard 15c 12 Galatea cloth; neat stripes and figures. Specially priced at, yard 6s4c 25c poplin and crepon; solid shades. Specially priced at, yard, 12 %o 20c crepe, 36 inches wide; solid shades and self color raised stripe. .Specially priced at, yard 10c I 25c organdie, white grounds with ■pink, hello and yellow floral de signs. Specially priced at, yard, I 12>4c
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