HERE'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE PEOPLE'S MARKET PLACE Gems of the Ocean are not more effectually lost to the sight of thous ands than is an article lost on the streets of Harris burg, unless the loser follows the lead of most Har risburg people and inserts a LOST ad in the Tele graph. This method has proved the surest for recover ing valuables, large' and small, of all in Harrisburg. Because the Telegraph has more readers than any other Harrisburg newspaper its LOST ads are almost always sure to reach the finder. When you Lose something Phone Bell 2040, Cumberland 203. Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED 4 REEME On June 14. 1914. at his late residence, 2413 Main street, Penbrook, Shell Austin Reeme, aged b» yeais, - months and 24 days. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at Penbrook U. B. Chili cn. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. LOST LOST OR STOLEN - Whße and black Setter pup. Reward. _•> 1 Ham ilton street. LOST Blue, two-piece, wool bath ing suit. Left on Spooky Island, bun day, June 14, 1911. $1.50 reward if re turned to 2232 Penn street. 11EL1' WANTED —Male W \NTED Several first-class car penters. Inquire Augustus \\ ildman, 2206 North Third street. WANT a reliable man, single, to work. Salary. S2O per week. Promo tion offered. Give age, nationality and nature of last employment. Address ii., 1079, care of Telegraph. WANTED Baker, who is good on bread, rolls, etc. Apply Thorley s Tea Room, 231 North Secosd street. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper * stenographer; must com# well recommended. Address P. O. Box bb-, city. WANTED Lii.otype operators in our Book and Job printing Depart ment. The Telegraph Printing Com nanv Printing Binding Design ing Photo-Engraving, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Young man to assist in grocery store; give reference and ex perience. Address D., 1210, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to drive touring car In afternoons; give experi ence, reference and wages wanted. Ad dress Box R. 1239. care of Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED flood, live men on ladies' household article; a possible sale in everv home; two to three dol lars a day. Call 6-9 P. M.. 315 Broad. LOCAL AGENTS for quick-selling article of merit. Big profits. Pleasant work. For men or women. Revlvo Mfg. & Sales Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED SALESMAN A big man with the ability to get a hearing with architects and building contrac tors. Splendid opportunity and terri tory open to men having record as pro ducers. Federal Steel Cement Mills, Cleveland, Ohio. HELP WANTED—FemaIe LADIES can earn money at home, spare time; no canvassing; send stamped, addressed envelope for par ticulars. Mutual Pub. Co., Scranton, Pa. WANTED Experienced salesladies for Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Goods. Don't apply unless you are thoroughly ex perienced. Apply to Mr. Greene, Main Floor, Astricn's. WANTED Woman for general housework, also to help take care of invalid. Apply 107 South Second street, or call Bell phone 142SJ. WOMEN AGENTS WANTED Per manent and profitable occupation; take orders for handkerchiefs and dross goods; constant demand and reorders; samples loaned: no expense. Address Nutley Handkerchief Works, Nutley, New Jersey. WANTED By the Hershey Y. W. C. A. an assistant cook and a girl for gen eral work. Personal interview re quired. WANTED First-class saleswoman, with experience, for Cloaks and Suits Good salary and permanent position for right party. Address M., 1245, care of Telegraph. 11 ELI' WANTED—MaIo and Female WANTED Young man as salesman in shoe department, and young women as saleswomen in shoe department Must have experience. Address to Box 1082, care of Telegraph. SIOO CASH to writers of verses and melodies for new songs; send your poems or musical compositions to-day Examination free. Dugdale Co., Dent 492. Washington, D. C. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe k WANTED Man desires work on the farm by the month, and is experiencod Address 8., 1249, care of Harrisburir Telegraph. WANTED Young man, 16 vears of age, desires position of anv kind. Call or address, 1733 North Fifth street. ' Camp Hill Dwelling FOR SALE This is a very desirable property and splendidly located. It is a semi-bungalow and mod ern throughout. The plot contains over twelve thousand square feet. The building Is quite as good as new, having been built only about three years ago. Further information if you're in- I terested. Miller Bros. & Neefe ! UFA I, ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Honda Locuit antl Court Street* TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 16, 1914. I SITUATIONS WANTED —Male i WANTED Night watching by one ; who is reliable. Call 1926 Wallace street. I WANTED Two colored boys, aged | 17 and 18 years, would like to have | work of any kind, cleaning windows lor scrubbing or washing dishes, work by the day or week; can furnish refer ence if required. 1327 New Fourth street. 1 WANTED A position in hotel, pri vate family or around store, by colored i boy; can furnish reference. Address A. I S., Commonwealth Hotel, or telephone I 10X, Steelton. WANTED - Senior medical student desires a position for the summer which pertains to the medical profes sion. Address M., 1246, care of Tele graph. | CELLARS cleaned and whitewashed, I windows and paints cleaned, lawns I mowed, rugs beaten. All work neatly done. Phone No. 1766 J. WANTED A position as errand boy in store, or working for private family. I Address 612 Forster street. Phone j 122SJ, Bell. j WANTED Work of any kind. Call, or address, 126 North Thirteenth street. j WANTED Chauffeur, with six years' experience, wishes position in private family; does own repairing, and can give the best of reference. Apply | Box L, 1235, care of Telegraph. ! WANTED Young man. colored, | wants situation as chauffeur; thor | oughly competent in repair work; care- I ful driver; can give reference. Ad dress T. 11., COtt Haehnlen avenue, Har | risburg. j SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe | WANTED Plain, sewing and alter ing to do by the day or week. Call, or address, M. 8., 1425 New Fourth street, ] side entrance Basin avenuo. i WANTED—Young girl wishes offices to clean or light housework. Address 806 Cowden street. WANTED Girl wants a place as nurse or to do light housework. Call at 1613 Apricot street, Harrisburg. WANTED Position as house keeper, for widower preferred. A. L, 1705 North Seventh street. WANTED An experienced colored woman wants work by day or week; good cook. Apply 806 Cowden street. WANTED Young lady wishes po sition as bookkeeper or general office work; have had experience. Address Box G, 1247, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored girl de sires day s work of any kind. Call, or address, 1121 North Seventh street. WANTED Girl, with experience, desires position as nurse girl or to do second work In small family. Address Box 123, New Bloomlield, Pa. WANTED Colored woman desires position as codk. Call, or address 923 Sarah avenue. WANTED By a settled colored wo man, work of any kind; no washing; "Igl'ts or sleep home. Address 340 Muench street. WANTED A position as inside steward by a capable hotel man; New \ork references. Telephone 2695. WANTED Colored woman desires . y ? or work by the week. Ap ply 1442 Derry street. WANTED White woman would like to do washing at home, or do day's work. Apply Mrs. J. Myers, 400 Broad street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Mechanicsburg home. For particulars see John C Orr 2 , ° Market street. Bell phone 934. ' FOR SALE 354 Crescent St. 3- story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath and furnace lot, 15%x84. This prop erty has recently been reduced to the attractive price of $2,600.00. Brinton -1 acker Co., Second and Walnut streets. Acres one and one-half miles northeast of Middletown one of the best truck farms in this section—level, ?? KO °d buildings variety of fruit. Price, $1,700.00. 4 Acre s—- located one mile from sta tion lO miles from Harrisburg fiame buildings. Price, $1,100.00. SO Acres one and one-half miles south of Camp Hill brick dwelling framo barn Yellowbreechos Creek on rear. Price, $125.00 per acre T °" e and one-half miles east of River in Wishing Creek Valley— frame buildings. Price, $60.00 per acre BRINTON-PACKER CO.r Second and Walnut Sts. *? R fL E ™?T opertles for sale located £.Ow r %- t tenth? enth street, as follows: m," i 54 and No - 427 - Consider the location, inspect the properties and Ser CpU Realtsr C °" Ber^" wtn lo « o oii C^ SH an<3 monthly payments fit™™ 1 tO . y ?u' a new brlck ' lol 'se with , r r s 7 t ath T. Bl i ß ~ fu ™ace. Price, Cof&ergner ttlt"' " eU R6aUy SAl E E C^So S Tl R of?V r^ BERT?atSH 8 ERT ?atSH iF?tIT,J urnac . e - ° wner occupies prop-! and wants you to Inspect It. Price and particulars at Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for other property, the brick house on the N. w. °J Third and Maclay streets. Bergner Be " Re>Uy C °" of Harrls A bufg. contafnhig 1 °9o m acres? a fn j good state of cultivation; buildings in good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak timber. For further Information call' or , address. C. S. Cassel, R. F. D.. I c°' 2. Penbrook. or J. C. Cassel, 29 i South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE New Houses Ready New HemUbußgnlw style bouse*. Green and Woodbine Streets. Only four left. Excellent location. Mod ern throughout. Individual porches Steam Heat Hardwood Floors Open Fireplace TUe Bathroom Laundry In Cellar Con L>ination Gas and Elecetric Fix tures excellent llnlsh through out. Sample house open for inspec tion. Representntlre always on ground. For prices and terms con sult C. L. Long, Green and Wood bine streets. FOR SALE 2-160 North Sixth street. 3-story brick house; 9 rooms; all mod ern conveniences; lot; terms reasonable. Apply at above address. FOR SALE One of four properties. 3-story frame, 8 rooms, bath, new range, gas. Well rented, Small cash capital required. Price, $1,500. Near Sixth and Maclay. 632 Camp street. FOR SALE Lot 30x160 feet, cost $200.00 1311—worth $300.00 now for $150.00 cash, or $200.00 on terms to suit purchaser. O. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut street. REAL ESTATE FOH SALE Scldel l'nrk Bungalow —now in course of construction al terations to suit purchaser—Seidel Park is the ideal spot for your summer home. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Harris burg, Pa. Bell phone 1595. FOR SALE Fine 8-room bungalow. Modern. One and one-half acres of ground. Frontage on main road equal to any of that land in Bellevue. Price, $2,600. Three-quarters mile from trolley—s-cent fare. Address J., 1238, care of Telegraph. SECOND STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE 1833, 9 rooms, bath, gas, fur nace, electric light and all modern con veniences. Apply above address. Harry Katz, 1833 North Second street. FOR SALE 27 N. Fifteenth St. 3-story frame dwelling a rooms lot, 16x75. Price, 300.00. Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1425 WALNUT STREET 3-story brick dwelling in A No. 1 condition and at u very fair price. Miller Bros. & h j HIIAI. HIH HKNT FOR RENT 531 Emerald street. 3- story brick, S2O; 639 Hamilton street, $17.00. Desk room in centrally located office, SS. D. E. Brightbill, 2 North Court street. FOR RENT Furnisned cottage at Mt. Gretna, on Chautauqua side. Five bedrooms and bath; hot and cold water; toilet on first floor. Address Mrs. Geo. E. Etter, 209 Pine street Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, corner Green and Emerald streets, lu rooms, bath and steam heat, lurgo concrete porch and cellar. Apply Grocery Store on corner. KlvVI. KNTATi; \\ AM'KD WANTED To rent, a house up town, between Sixth and Second streets. Call, or address, 2217 North Fifth street. WANTED Furnished house, with bath, 4 sleeping and 3 living rooms, no children, between Reily and North and Sixth and Front streets. Rent not to exceed $25.00 per month. Address G., 123 V, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Ground floor in the Walzdorf Apartments. Six rooms, tiled bath, pantry, city steam, hardwood floors, electric light. Inquire 400 North St. FOR RENT An apartment; new. unfurnished; three rooms with privilege of bath. Rent reasonable to right party. Apply at 1327 Derry street. FOR RENT An apartment five rooms and bath electric light gas and steel range vapor heat use of phone. Apply at 149 East Hummel avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR RENT Lower floor apartment. Fourth and Pefter streets, livingroom, diningroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath; front porch. Apply B. F. Um berger, 427 PcTTer street, or 10S North Second street. BOARDERS WANTED TABLE BOARDERS WANTED at a centrally located boardlnghouse. First class home cooking. Price per meal, 25c. Tickets for 21 meals, $4.00. 222 Chestnut street. TABLE BOARDERS WANTED AND ROOMERS. Prices reasonable. Meal tickets, 21 meals $4.00; 10 meals. $2.00. Regular meals, 25c. Sunday dinners, 35c. Good home cooking. Apply 50 ROOMS 1 •"OR KIiXT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, all conveniences. Hill district. Address A., 1081, care of Telegraph. NICELY furnished rooms for rent. First apartment 10S North Second street. FOR RENT—Communicating rooms, on second floor, front; phone and bath; nicely furnished; residential street; two minutes to Market Square; private family; references exchanged. Address R., 1236, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT—By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg. single or on suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E. L. Morrell, 204 Locust street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms, second and third floors; conveniences. Apply 431 Boas street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor room; centrally located; use of bath and phone. Call 1085 Lor 440 North street. FOR RENT—Two rooms in a modern, up-to-date home on Forster street, for a single person or a couple. Apply to S. Friedman, Real E tate and General Insurance, 903 North Third street. FOR RENT Second floor room; all conveniences; use of phone; with or without board. 209 State street. FOR RENT Large front room, fur nished, with gas, suitable for two men or man and wife; also one single room. Apply 144 South Third street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms on second floor, single or en suite; suitable for two gentlemen; use of phone and bath; viewing Capitol Park; excellent location. Apply 709 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also board by the meal, day or week. 1001 North Second street, corner Second and Boas streets. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en suite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Several vacant rooms, fronting on Capitol Park; electrio lights, not and cold running water in each room; use of phone and bathroom. Apply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street FOR RENT Two large, furnished rooms, with modern conveniences, close to good table board, or a suite consist ing of a large livingroom and bedroorji. Address 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; all conveniences; bath; hot and cold water^JO^jSvergjeenstreet^^^^^ WANTED WANTED Second-hand bicycles, bought, sold and exchanged. Apply Ex celsior Cycle Co., 1007-09 North Third street WANTED WANTED SBOO.OO on first mort gage. Property insured for $1,200.00 und increasing in value. Address G., 12-14, care of Telegraph. WANTED To rent, house or cot tage, close to Harrisburg. also close to trolley line; quiet location preferred. Apply at Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. WANTED To buy 100 second-hand bicycles and motorcycles we are In great demand for them highest cash prices paid. Keystone Supply Co.. 814 North Third street. United phone 19W FOR SALE GLASS window signs. Fumlshert Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms ana Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. tf paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Regal Automobile Roadster, type year 1913, model N, In good condition. Good reason for sell ing. Apply X., 1080, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One good as new. Ben gal Furnace, including pipe and reg isters, at bargain price. Can be seen at 206 South Second street, before 6 P. M. CANOE FOR SALE l6-ft . Old Towne; good conu.non. Apply L C. Butt, 189 South Front street, Steelton. FOR SALE Pen of Single Comb Black Minorcas, 8 hens and cockerel. Blue ribbon prize winners. Call, or ad dress, Cassell, 1444 Regina street. FOR SALE 5175.00 will buy a $300.00 Kohier & Campbell Piano. Terms SIO.OO cash and $7.00 per month. Stieft Piano Store, 24 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Player Piano in flrst class condition, nice mahogany case, stool, bench, cover and twelve rolls. A real bargain for $275.00. Easy pay ments. Stieft Piano Store, 24 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 5275.00 will buy a splendid slightly used upright Stieff I'lano, which was traded in on a Stieff Player Piano. Easy terms can be ar ranged. Stieff Piano Store, 24 North Second street. FOR SALE One "Block" make baby carriage. Excellent condition. Very reasonable. Call, or write, 443 South Fifteenth street. City. FOR SALE Shavings and sawdust in large quantltes at low prices. Call at j Eighteeenth and Holly streets. ! FOR SALE Empire Candy Machine I with gasoline generator, with gas or I gasoline. Was ifsed one day. Is in the I best of condition. Will sell cheap to i quick buyer. Address 2446 Elm street, ] Penbrook. FOR SALE Henderson 4-cyilnder 1 m ?torcycle, good as new. Reason for i se 'ling, want to get small roadster, or | will exchange for small roadster. Call, or address, No. 153 South Hanover street, Carlisle. I ?r 1L !. E At Gable's, 113, 115 and [ 117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new »? ■3' Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.4.6 per set. Also other sizes. j FOR SALE Rooming and boarding . house; all new fixtures; all new furni ture. Sold cheap if sold at once. Ad- I dress '!• urnished," care of Telegrapn. | BUY your traveling and leather goods • from the wholesale and retail leather I merchants. A large consignment on ! display. Specialties made to order and ! r^P a lred. Harrisburg Harness and Sup- I ply Co., Second and Chestnut. 1' OR SALE Portable vacuum cleaner, in perfect condition. Will sell very reasonable. Reason for selling, have just installed a Tuec stationary cleaner system. Apply A. Hall, 1727 State street. FOR SALE Postage Stamps for collections, sending on approval sheets llJer1 IJer ce nt. discount. Eagle Stamp .j 7 16 Bergen avenue, Jersey City, FOR SALE Cheap, to quick buyer, two-cylinder Reo. New tires. A No. 1 condition for light delivery purposes. Inquire 204 Walnut street. At Gable's, 111 and | 117 fc>outh Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Cottage at Mt. Gretna —8 rooms and bath all conveniences, including six lots of ground—parked and in very desirable location, on Camp meeting Ground, corner of Fourth street and Kephart avenue; also auto garage, boat and boat bouse. Price reasonable. Apply Dr. E. Clair Jones, 20 East Orange street, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches; 17-jewel; 20-year I gold-filled case, at $17.50; 50c a week, or $2.00 a month. National Watch and Diamond Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Piano as good as new Will sell cheap, either cash or Instal ments. If you desire piano, this is a bargain. Address P. O. Box 484, Har risburg, Pa. FOR SALE Second-hand moto v cycle, in good running order. Price, $30.00. Excelsior Cycle Co., 1007-09 Worth Third street. USED motorcycles; all makes; over* i hauled and In fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented: call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOlt HUNT FOR RENT Automobile garage, near corner Eighteenth and Regina Btreets; water and electric lights. In- ! quire Mrs. Clara Earley, 1821 Whitehall street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business j Office. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Supi i intendent in Business Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling: one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. FOR SALE .Oli EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE! WELL LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Wurdi aome of theui on paved street. Will exchange tor Improved property. An exceptional opportunity fur « builder. Call and Inspect blue prist. F. It.Oyster. Trustee, care of Telegraph Business Office. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT ! FOR RENT OR F»R SALE Two story warehouse, C6wden street near Market. Elevator; P. R. R. siding; 6,000 sq. ft. floor space. Possession at once. Apply C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $60,000 in five year* in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 365 Lockport, N. Y. ANT intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers* experience unnecessary. Send tor par ticulars. Press Snydlcate. 7(8, Lock port, N. T. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE BUY, SELL AND RENT all stan dard makes of Electric Motors and Dynamos. S. G. Sweetser Electrto Co., 1002 Market street. L. H. LACKEY, 642 Peffer street Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone .2077 W. Woman Called "Witch" Has Man Arrested on Charges of "Sorcery" Annoyed beyond endurance by ac cusations alleged to have been made by Washington Stout that she was be witching the community of Pleasant View, Mrs. Lillian Miller, a young widow of that place, to-day charged Stout with praticing sorcery. A war rant for Stout's arrest was sworn out before Alderman A. M. Landis, of the Sixth Ward. Up to three weeks ago Mrs. Miller says she held the respect of every resi dent of Pleasant View. Recently, she contends, she has been shunned by the little folks and has found that ugly j stories are afloat. Reports were clr ; culated. says Mrs. Miller, that she was i responsible for the illness of certain ! children and that chickens died be | cause she "bewitched" them. The stories were investigated and Mrs. Miller learned that Washington ' Stout, who is said to be nearly fiO ] years of age, started the ugly reports, j Neighbors say that Stout makes tea ! and that by drinking this tea he goes i into a trance. Mrs. Miller says shu I has stood the annoyance long enough. | Constable James Johnson went in j search of the alleged sorcerer, but up jto late this afternoon he had not been j found. Minister Who Said He Was Kidnaped Is Again Reported to Be Missing By Associated Press Detroit, Mich., June 16. —The po lice department after working on the case nearly all night, said to-day they were absolutely without a clue as to the whereabouts of the Rev. Louis R. Patmont, the Westvllle, 111., "dry" worker who disappeared last night from his temporary home here where i he had been staying since his alleged j kidnaping in Illinois in March. The minister's wife and friends also said they had heard nothing from him since he attended church services last evening and started for his rooming place a couple of miles distant. Mr. Patmont and his wife have been living in Detroit most of the time since he was found in a cellar of a house near Columbia, 111., where he insisted he had been held In cap tivity by kidnapers. His disappear ance at that time resulted in a na tion-wide search and when he was found he gave out a sensational ac count of his abduction and alleged harsh treatment. | The missing man was to have left early to-day for St. Louis to attempt to identify a man held there on sus picion of being one of his kidnapers. Congress Prepares to Push Administration Anti-Trust Bills Through By Associated Press ■Washington, June 16.—With virtu ally all hope for an early adjournment of Congress abandoned, Democratic leaders in the State prepared to-day to push to completion the administra tion's program of antitrust legislation. This course was planned as the result of a conference between President Wilson and leaders among the Senate Democrats at the White House last night at which the legislation the President wants enacted before ad journment of Congress was discussed The only measures on the program, the- enactment of which will be in sisted upon, are the antitrust bills alri-.tuy passed by the House or simi lar measures. It was generally agreed at the conference that Congress should be kept in session until the antitrust program is put through, despite the anxiety in Congress for an early ad journment. City and County Officials Planning Their Vacations The time has arrived when city and county officials begin taking their va cations. Superintendent of Schools Frederick E. Downes will leave July 1 for a tour throughout the New England States. He will remain for two weeks. Coro ner and Mrs. Jacob Eckinger and their son, Joseph, will begin a sojourn at Atlantic City July 1. City Solicitor Daniel S. Seitz has removed from his home, 1211 North Second street, to his summer cottage at Overview, seven miles from this city. Captain of Police Joseph P. Thompson will leave for his vacation the latter part of October. M. Harvey Taylor, Super* I lntendent of Parks and Public Prop | erty, said that he will leave for a trip at the close of the summer work. Joseph B. Hutchison, Chief of Police, is spending his vacation in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is attending the annual convention of the Inter national Chief of Police Association. BUSINESS PERSONALS | FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine : Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the ' Druggist and Apothecary, 113 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING B. W. LATHE. Boarillng Maid? and National Trauafer Co. Movers of F llanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H W. Lathe- Manager. Fifth and Woodbine street*. Bell pboov No 2608 R. PATANG AND HARRISBURG DRAT ING CO. Reasonable rates to all parts of the city and nearby towns. Call U Garmon, Bell phone 3742. WE BUY AND SELL new and sec ond-hand Furniture. Carpets, etc. Drop postal or call 3239 L, Bell 2hone> if Klein, 1026 Market street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material ana oy expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S, N Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. ________ STORAGE — - STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl- 1 vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents! per month. Apply Vt. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warsehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, the 23d day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., or the first sitting of the said Court thereafter, for the transfer of the Retail Liquor License now held by James Russ to Ellis P. Gourley, for the premises known as the Senate Hotel No. 2 North Market Square, Har risburg. Pa. ELLIS P. GOURLEY, Applicant. •FOX & GEYER, tiis Attorneys. LEADERS CLIMB ABOVE YESTERDAY'S CLOSING Market Was Depressed by Report of Delay in Freight Rate Decision; Bonds Steady By Associated Press | New York, June 18. Speculative , selling: of stocks Increased, and at noon j several of the leaders, including Read- I Ing, the Harrlmans and Amalgamated i were a point or more under yesterday's | close. Selling pressure was based ; largely on the swelling of the gold ex port movement, to-day's engagement j being increased to $5,500,000. The mar ; ket also was depressed bv a Washlng ■ ton report that the freight rates deci sion would not be made known until the end of the month, and that It would be a disappointment to the railroads. I Another Washington report which aid ed in the decline was to the effect that i the Mexican mediation proceedings j might come to an abrupt end within a ] day or two. These rumors fitted in I with the bearish mood of speculators, ! who sold shares more freely than for several days, lionds were steady. Furnished l»y H. \V. SNAVELY Arende Building New York, June 16. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines .27% 27% Amal. Copper 70% 70% American Beet Sugar 26% 26 American Can 2 8% 27% American Can pfd.. 93% 93% Am. C. & F 51% 51% American Sugar ... 108 218 American T. &T. .. 123% 123% Anaconda 3131 y s Atchison 99% 99% Baltimore & Ohio .. 91 % 91 Bethlehem Steel ... 42 42 Brooklyn R. T 91% 91 California Petroleum 20% 20% Canadian Pacific .. . 193% 193% Central Leather ... 36% 36% Chesapeake & Ohio. 52 51 V, C., M. & St. P 100% 100 Chino Con. Copper . 41 % 41 Col. F. & 1 27% 27% Consolidated Gas .. 129 129 Corn Products 8% 8% I Distilling Securities . 16% 16% ig rie 29 28% i<»eneral Electric Co. 148% 148% I Goodrich, B. F 24% 24% . Geat Northern, pfd.. 124% 123% Great Nor. Ore. subs. 31% 31 % 'll iinols Central 114% 114 % jlnterboro-Met 14% 14% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 63% 63 (Lehigh Valley 137 137% 1 Mex. Petroleum ... 62% 61% j Missouri Pacific ... 17% 17 | Nev. Con. Copper ... 14% 14% New lork Central . 92% 92% N. T„ N. H. &H. .. 66 % 65 % Norfouk & Western.. 104% 105% Northern Pacific ... 111% 111% Penna. R. R 111% 111% People's Gas & Coke 120% 120% Ray Con. Copper .. 21 21% Reading 164% *64% Rep. Iron & Steel . 22% 22% xßep. Iron &S. pfd 86% 86% Southern Pacific .. 94% 93% Southern Railway . 24% 24% Southern Railway pf 78% 78% Union Pacific 155% 154% U. S. Steel 61% 61% U. S. Steel pfd .... 109% 109% Utah Copper 57% 57% Western Maryland . 18% 18% Western Union Tel. 61% 60 Westinghouse Mfg.. 76 " 76 Ex dlv. 1 % per cent. Warren McCarrick's Body Floating in Delaware River By Associated Press Philadelphia, June 16.—The bodv of Warren McCarrick, 7 years old, who disappeared from his homo here on March 12, was found floating in the Delaware river off this city to-day. The body wag badly decomposed, hut an uncle of the McCarrick boy told the police he recognized the, clothes and he felt sure that the drowned child was his nephew. Detectives ; also identified some of the clothes ' from a description given by the mother. Mrs. McCarrick will examine the clothes later in the day. While there is nothing on which to base their belief, the police hold the theory that the child met death by ac cident. The body is in such condition that no autopsy can be performed. JONES WILSON'S CHOICE Washington, June 16.—Thomas D. Jones, of Chicago, nominated yester day for the six-year term on the Fed eral Reserve Board, was said in of ficial circles to-day to be the Presi dent's choice for governor of tho board. Charles S. Hamlin, of Boston, was expected to be made vice gover nor. For Sale Level ground 60x98 ft. with two frame dwellings (3- room and 8-room) Nos. 131-9 N. Cameron St. A fine fac tory site with sewered streets front and back, not far from all railroads. Gas and water mains on Cameron St., asphalted and 80 ft. wide. Apply to C. H. ORCUTT 267 CUMBERLAND STREET Ex cellent Location For Small Manufacturing Plant Kntiro second floor of modern building at corner of Shrub and Lin den Streets. Size of floor SAx6B feet, no partitions. Space on first floor for offices if desired. Immediate possession. Apply SCHMIDT'S 18th and Holly Streets Both Phones FOR. RENT New Modern Apartments 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A K Iy J. L. Shearer, Jr. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADES Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Building Chicago, 111., June 16. Open, iUgh. Low. Clos. Wli eat * July 84% 84% 93% 83% Sept Dec 84% 84% 33% 83 ft Corn— July 70% 70% 70% 70% Sept 67% 67% 67% 67% oats— July 39% 39% 39" 39% Sept 38 38 37% 37% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., June 16. Hogs—Re ceipts, 16.000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.20(g) 8.25: light, $8.05@)8.30; mized, »5.05®>8.32%; heavy, $7.90® 8.30; rough, $7.9008.05; pigs, »6.70<5>7.80. Cattle Receipts, 2,500; steady. Beeves, $7.3509.30; steers, $6.808.15; stockers and feeders, $6.20®8.00; cows and heifers, $3.6008.70; calves, *7.00® Sheep Receipts, 8,000; steady. Sheep, $5.30@6.40; yearlings, $9.30® 7.50; lambs, $6.5008.60; springs, $7.25® 9.50. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE! By Associated Press Philadelphia, June 16. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 99%c®51.00; j ft : ! Nor thern, Duluth, export, $1.02® Corn Steady; new No. 2, yellow, natural, local. 81%®82c; do., kiln dried, local, 82®82 '/4 c. „,?, ats steady; No. 2, white, 47® 4 7 C. Bran Market weak; winter, per • 26.50; spring, per ton, $24.00®25.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 4.40 c; fine granulated, 4.30 c; confectioners' A. 4.20 c; Keystone A, 4.10 c. Butter The market is firmer; western, creamery, extras, 28c; near by prints, fancy, 31c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.45 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.16 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. $6.46 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 16% ®I7%C; young chickens, ll@20c; spring chickens, 27®32c; broiling chickens, 26@33c; old roosters, 10011 c; ducks, old, 12®14c; ducks, young, 17 •». 18c; geese, 15@ 17c; turkeys, 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 17c: do., fair to good, heavy, 15%®16%c; do., unattractive, 12%®14%c; old roosters, 12c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16@18c; broiling chickens, .fancy, 24®35c; do., fair, 18® 19c; capons, large, 23® 25c; do., small. 18 0 20c; turkeys, fancy, 24®26c; do., fair. 20®23c; ducks, 11 @ 18c; geese. ll(fDl6c. Potatoes Firm; old, per bushel, 90c® $1.00; new, barrel, $1.00@4.50. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear," $3.85 (fi 4.10; straights. Penn sylvania, $4.15@4.30; western, $4.25® 4.40; patents, $4.50@4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.15®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights. $4.20 @4.40; patents. $4.50@4.75. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00®18.50; No. 1, medium bales. $17.50@18.00; No. 15 00*' * ls - 50 @ 16 - 50; No - 3 • d - *14.00® Clover mixed: Light, mixed. $16.60® 17.00; No. 1, do., $16.00@16.50; No. 2. do., $14.00015.00. OLD BILL REINTRODUCED By Associated Press Washington, D. C., .Tune 16.—Sena tor Newlands, chairman of the inter state commerce committee, today re introduced his bill for the Federal in corporation of railroads. He first in troduced it in 1909. CATHOLIC TICKET ELECTED By Associated Press Rome. Juno 16.— The entire Catho lic and Monarchist ticket was elected at the municipal elections held on Sun day, the results of which became known to-day. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLBI and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, oasy payments, confiden tial. Adams A C«. It 804. S Pf. Market ■% THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dlapeß« sary will be open dally except Sunday: at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the frea treat ment of the worthy poor. niIBBER STAMnn >|l| SEALS & STENCILS liV El» MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ .1 U 130 LOCUSTST. HBG,PA, If 11
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