Another Reason Why Annual June Sale of Undermuslins ' Vsw* Cliaml/J CLah -I insun SI The ,deal and economical time to prepare yourself for the hot IUU DnOUIQ JIIOD a I J. j. weather yet to come Is at this big sale of undermuslins. Special fac ■ ■■■ ■ TIMDtNHMI tory clean-ups make prices on certain lines almost unbelievable. The convenience of shopping when they attend - Broad Street Market, has Pettirnat«s fw-vuirnc been realized by thousands of people in Harrisburg. rciututlis VjruwilS Beginning to-morrow the market will be open also ere ' l - 39, Sale Price ...»8c Were SI.OO. Sale price ~ .79e every Saturday Evening from 4to 10 o'clock. Were 69c. Sale price . . .48c Were 75c. Sale price . . ,60c We wish to take this opportunity of informing those who have not alt \ Were 50c Sale price .... 89c ready attended this market (and remind those who have) that this store is $2.25 Petticoats $1.39 fully prepared to give you the best of service at all times. Both regular and extra ( \ Market Day Specials will continue all through the day. sizes. Made of fine nain- Special SI.OO sook, lace and embroidery Regular and extra sizes IT PAYS TO BUY UPTOWN | I t 1 mCd 1 ly trimmed. neat j I 50c Mesh Underwear, 35c \ Blouse Special 95c Dorset Covers n SSXT-a *a Bargain J*"""- 2LL ». tSSfS&fZ&SI Basement 'f"> *»'» «*» ...... s., e knee length drawers. S!ST°l.wS"Si„ »»<• Corr. Cover, S „ 0 1 W P„~ ... .M. 12i<ic Vests .9c ooC UlSu rails batiste; value 51.50 Embroidery trimmed— Combinations Ladies' Swiss ribbed ' made of fine nainsook—all Vests, in all sizes and 14-qt. granite Tennis Shoes sizes. Were SI.OO. Sale price ...89c extra sizes. dish pans; one to Black and white oxfords / Were $1.89. Sale price ...98c Children's Play Shoes B customer. Sale for %vomp n 50c - ■* Tan oxfords, with elk stn rts Ba. in. For Boys and Children. EDDY REFRIGERATORS (WINDOW SCREENS Barefoot * * + R For Men 'ftS? K ft? Both dark Barnes, best DO. ® ItIL White canvas with red you want an ice saver you can't ffrade wire netting heavily enam- Boy L U . bb „?r_ 8 -°_ leß and £? e J? aff . ord tobu bur> r anything but an eled; all sizes from 15 Inches to to s~oo t for women $1.98 Eddy. j 36 Inches high 17c to 85c Market Day Special \ P ™ "PTOWN SHOPMNC CEMTIB □ ' Market D S dal \ 50c WAISTS > ■ GET A TRANSFER nA ___* v 15 dozen Ladies' Waists of neat I M 5>.i.00 to $6.00 HATS patterns of striped percales— ■ JB Trimmed Hemp and Chip Hats mostly black and white. ■<■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , and new Panamas In this sale. 29c lAUUIUiUUi Sl9B O THIBD AMDBBIUP 11 v KREIDER'S EXPENSE ni si 01.75 Nearly 25 Candidates Have Filed Primary Statements With Prothonotary Holler Nearly twenty-five Spring primary election expense accounts of congres sional and legislative candidates and treasurers of county committees have been filed thus far with Prothonotary Harry F. Holler. Chief among these is the statement of Aaron S. Kreider, Lebanon, the .Re publican nominee for Congress. tie spent $101.75, a hundred of which was paid to J. Hamer Reinoehl, treas urer of the Lebanon county committee, and the remainder went for telephone tolls, etc. Other accounts included the following: Congress—Democratic, D. L. Kauf man, Highspire, $67.15; J. H. Kreider, Washington, less than SSO. Legislative—Walter S. Young, Ly kens, Republican. $119.41; John C. Nissley, Paxton, Republican, $145.83; David Gordon, Hershey, Re publican, $343.92, $87.27 of which is still unpaid. Accounts of less than SSO included: Second District, Assembly—Jesse J. Wybarger, Democrat; J. B. Martin, Washington; W. AV. Lenker, Washing ton: D. W. Shaffner, Democrat; H. B. Sassaman, Democrat. First District, Assembly—Samuel T. Kinsinger, Democrat; J. L. Yoder, So cialist; Howard E. G'Sell, Socialist; Wilmer Crow, Washington; J. W. Swartz, Republican; John A. Marshall, Democrat; Calder B. Shammo, Demo crat: James AV. Barker, AVashington. W. H. Hoerner, Republican State committeeman. P. T. Calhoun, treasurer of the county Socialist committee, reported that he received no contributions and expended no money. Increase in Imports and Decrease in Exports Is Shown in April Report By Associated Press Washington, June 5. —A decrease of more than $37,000,000 in the value of exports and an Increase of more than $27,000,000 in the value of imports were the features of the comparison of April's foreign trade compared with April, 1913, as announced to-day by the Department of Commerce. Crude materials for use in manu facturing show an increase of $12,- 000,000 in imports and a decrease of $9,000,000 in exports. Food stuffs in crude condition and food animals show an increase of $4,- 100,000 in imports and a decrease of $6,680,000 in exports. Food stuffs partly or wholly manu factured show an increase of $6,800,- 000 in imports and a decrease of $6,- 500,000 in exports. Manufacturers for further use In manufacturing show a decrease of $ 1,- 900,000 in imports and a decrease of $5,100,000 in exports. Manufactures ready for consump tion show an increase of $5,100,000 in imports and a decrease of $8,000,- 000 in exports. Miscellaneous articles show an in crease of $390,000 in Imports and a decrease of $5,000,000 in exports. Man's Long Legs Cause of Automobile Accident Special to The Telegraph Trenton, N. J., June s.—Three men narrowly escaped death to-day when an automobile in which they were riding plunged down an embankment on the road from Washington's Cross ing to Tltusville and overturned. J. Roderick O'Conner, of Millstone, the owner of the car, was severely in jured on the head, while Thomas McCullough, a machinist, of Millstone, was seriously injured about the shoul ders and arms- The third occupant, whose identity has not been disclosed, escaped without hurts. The machine wan wrecked. The exceptionally long legs of McCullough extended far beyond the steering gear and when they became entangled with the steering rod lie ( Jost control of the machine. REDMOND DECLINES REQUEST OF IRISH SUFFRAGETTES By Associated Press London, June s.—John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish Nationalists, to-day declined a request by Irish suffragettes that he receive a deputation to discuss the inclusion of women as electors for the Irish parliament. Mr. Redmond pointed out that previous deputations of this nature had caused only un pleasantness and reiterated the view that Ireland, under home rule, must decide whether she wants women voters. FRANCE TO BE GIVEN LAUNCH Washington, June s.—ln recognition of the services of the French people In the construction of the Panama ''anal, first steps were taken to-day to present to France the steam launch Louise, used In constructing the canal, and to give to the little ship Inuring the French flag, the place of honor at the formul opening. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 5, 1914 ROM CLUB HIS DIIER IT HERSOEV Outing Marred by Rain Is Never theless Very Enjoyable Affair The Harrisburg Rotary Club's out ing at Hershey yesterday, although somewhat marred by rain, was never theless a very enjoyable affair, con cluding with dinner at 8 last evening jat the Hershey Cafe. The arrange j ments at Hershey were in charge of j Ezra F. Hershey, member of the club, j who greeted the visitors as they ar i rived and extended the welcome of the choeoiate company. ! The baseball game planned for the j afternoon had to be called off on ac count of the weather, but bowling was I substituted and a part of the day "was spent touring the big factory, j The cafe was beautifully decorated, j more than ,1,000 roses being used in beautifying the tables. Each of the. 130 I guests received a box of Hershey i chocolates as a souvenir. President AA'illiam S. Essick presided I and short speeches were made by Mrs. Charles AA'ood, AV. M. Robinson, John I S. Musser, Rufus McCord, P. Diener, Dr. Samuel Z. Shope, Howard C. Fry, j of Harrisburg, and Ezra F. Hershey, of Hershey. Deaths and Funerals MISS HELEN BARBARA FEASS Miss Helen Barbara Feass, died this morning at the home of ht>r brother in-law, J. M. Madenfort, 1416 North Sixth street in her twenty-first year. She is survived by two brothers" and two sisters. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Floyd Appleton, assisted by the Rev. Harry N. Bassler, will offi ciate. Burial will be made in the East Harrisburg cemetery. JACOB I). SAYLOR Jacob D. Saylor, aged 61 years, of Columbia, well known in Harrisburg and Middletown, died suddenly at his home yesteray. The survivors are a widow and eleven children, Sarah, Min nie, Jane, Lester and Jay, Columbia; Harry and Catherine, wife of Charles Zimmerman. Harrisburg; Bessie, wife of Samuel Seifried. of York; George and Ida, wife of Charles Bartch, Co lumbia; Hallie, pupil nurse in the Ger mantown Hospital, Philadelphia. Two brothers and one sister also survive. They are John, of Marietta; George, of Rosemont. and Mrs. Sarah Bender,' of Chestnut Hill. ' ————————————_ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL RANK, of Harris burg, Pa., Nos. 1222 and 1224 North i Third street, of Dauphin County, Penn-' sylyanla, at the close of business June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and ' notes $18,397 00 % Due from approved reserve agents, . 43,307 53 x-. , , , 561,704 53 Mckels and cents 648 27 Checks and cash items 6.146 86 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 430 35 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one nnme..$10,702 00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names, ...131,578 90 - 142 °BO 90 Time loans with collriteral, . 27i580 00 Loans on call with collateral, 19,335 00 Loans 011 call upon one name, 2,637 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 57 031 15 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages g6 431 n, Bonds, Stocks, etc., Schedule Mortgages and Judgments 10 "' 90 00 _ of record. Schedule D-:;,.. 75.809 50 Office building and lot 106,978 45 Furniture and fixtures 8,181 55 Miscellaneous assets, 076 00 Total $587,461 50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $121,650 00 Fund 60 ,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex -1 5r n .^ eH : ,nr l taxos P a,d . •• • • 9,520 66 Individual depos its subject to check $138,172 05 Time certificates of deposit 125,459 61 Saving Fund de posits 71,608 58 Deposits, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania . 40,000 00 Deposits, munici pal 10,000 00 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 267 82 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. 380,60S 06 n?j reserve, 1 0>76 8 78 Dividends unpaid 14 00 c . T " tal V VC , V•A' •• • $587,461 50 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I. C. Z Huffer, Cashier of the »bov t named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to th» best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) C. Z. HUFFER, . ... . Cashier. £ ub , B .^ rl^ ea a . nd , BW °m to before me this ltb day of June, 1914. 1 Signed) AVALTER R. SOIIN, I Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires at end of next session of Senate I Correct —Attest: (Signed) I>. \V, SOIIN 1 ( Signed) H. A. ROBINSON. (Signed) IRA P ROMBERGER, Directors. 19 MORE CASES i JUNE CRIMINAL LIST District Attorney Announces Addi tional Hearings For Next Week; Tipstaves Are Appointed trial «..! Edward Smith fbr the of his grandfather, John E. Bush, is slated. The additional cases on the supple mental list include: Larcenq, Harry Tennis, George Fritz, Roy Bitner, Charles Hare, John Drew, Minnie But ler, Ira J. Harman and AV. E. Murray; larceny and false pretense, Irvin AVright; rape and bastardy, Charles Furbish; f. and b., AVilliam Auman; ! assault and battery, Petro Lorenzo, Charles Sallie, et al.; cruelty to ani mals, Alex. Koneff et al.; felonious as sault, Nathan Brandt; defrauding boardinghouse keeper and assault and battery, J. T. Johnson; Evans Such chook; felonious entry, Leslie Perrln; J. E. Rice, embezzlement. Tipstaves for the week were appoint ed to-day as follows: John Pottorf, Robert AV. Green, Harry Fullchner, Harry B. Hanlen, Joshua Porter, Ar thur, Scott, Filford Ball, John Bryan, Isaac AVood, Daniel Longenecker, Al bert Palmer, Ross Bidaman, Augustus Haines, John Croinlich, Harry E. Ger dom, M. F. Graham, John Arnold and Alfred Keys. Realty Transfers. —Realty transfers yesterday included: Nellie AVolz to 18. A. White, 810 East State, $1; H. A. Sherk to Thomas E. Brown, 904 North Eighteenth street, $3,250; AVill C. Dagg to John A. Swope, Hummelstown, $2,- 000; John A. Swope to AV. C. Dagg, Hummelstown, $3,000; ex-Sheriff John S. Reif to A. Dowden, AVilliamstown, $933. To Appoint Guardian For Veteran. —June 20 at 10 o'clock was fixed to day by Judge McCarrell for the hear ing to determine whether Charles Rai nier, an 85-year-old veteran of the Civil AVar, is competent to take care of his own income and to appoint a guar dian for him. Palmer, who has an in- REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MECHANICS TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, Third and Market streets, of Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia, at the close of business June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $53,220 25 Due from ap proved reserve agents 309,844 70 Legal securities at par 55,000 00 Nickels and cents 22 70 Checks and cash items,.. 37,814 52 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve, .... 14,839 32 Assets held free, viz: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $2,438 54 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Lpon two or more names 128,093 47 Loans upon call with col lateral 208,620 79 Time loans with collateral, 148,435 99 Loans without collateral,. 175,202 36 Bonds, Stocks, etc., 179,076 25 Mortgages and Judgments of record, 234,175 00 Overdrafts 12,905 34 Other assets not included in above 11,050 40 Book value of reserve se curities above par, 947 50 Total $1,571,687 13 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $300,000 00 Surplus Fund 300,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 534,943 61 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), . . 371,239 09 Deposits. saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 45 00 Deposits, municipal 20,000 00 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 25,344 53 Treasurer's and Certified Checks outstanding 11,793 99 Other liabilities not in cluded in above, 6,326 41 Book value of reserve se- curlties below par, 1,994 50 Total $1,571,687 13 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I, John C. Motter, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) JOHN C. MOTTER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of June. 1914. (Signed) EMMA A. KEENY, | Notarial Seall Notary Public. My commission expires March "5 1917. Correct —Attest: (Signed) SAMUEL KUNKEL, (Signed) 1) A\ r If > KAUFMAN. (Signed) B. F. BURNS. ■Directors. come from government pension, lodge benefits, etc., of S3B per month, has been confined in the almshouse for some months. •'milt" Henry Holds Argument, President Judge Charles V. Henry conducted argument in a few case's that had been continued from the May argument list. Judge Savidge's Son Visitor.—H. W. Savidge, a member of the Northum berland county bar at Sunbury and a son of Judge Savidge, was a caller at the District Attorney's office this morning. Bids l'or Street Grading.—Bids for the grading of Brown street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth, and Wic onisco street from Front to Sixth I streets, will be opened at noon Satur j day, June 13, and Monday, June 15, ] respectively, by City Commissioner \\. H. Lynch, superintendent of streets and public improvements. I Additional Chureli Trustees. — Ap plication will be made to the Dauphin county court June 15 for permission to change the charter of the Imman uel Presbyterian Church so that the , membership of the board of trustees jmay be increased from five to seven. The request was made by W. H. Ear nest, counsel for the congregation. To Partition Estate July 10.—Attor ney John H. Alricks, who has been appointed master in partition to divide the estate or proceeds therefrom of Jacob Stephenson, a Dauphin borough resident, has fixed July 10 at 9 o'clock in the morning to meet with the in terested claimants. The property is now occupied by the Dauphin borough I post office. * TWO CASHIERS ROBBED New York, June s.—Two cashiers of the local office of the American Can Company were held up as they were leaving the New York countv bank at Fourteenth street and Ninth avenue to-day and robbed of $2,200, part of the company's weekly pay roll fund. The highwaymen jumped into an au tomobile standing at the curb and es caped. ARMY STRENTHENED Belfast, June s.—The army of the Ulster "volunteers" was strengthened to-day by the addition of 3,000 Maus er rifles as the result of a daring gun running feast of an Irish yachtsman. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, No. 1230 North Third Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business June 1, 1911: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and „ notes $39,914 50 Due from ap proved reserve agents 157,018 50 ... , , , $196,933 00 Mckels and cents 503 43 Checks and cash items,.. 4,527 11 Securities pledged for Special deposits 5,000 00 Assets held tree, viz: C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon one name $24,616 19 C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 308,907 60 Loans upon call with col lateral 174,620 00 Time loans with collateral, 30,306 59 L.oans sucuiea by bonds and mortgages 117,718 35 Loans without collateral,. 73,416 03 Bonds, Stocks, etc 256,313 07 Mortgages and Judgments of record 123,348 08 Office building and 10t,.. 47,500 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 18,500 00 Overdrafts HI 87 Total $1,382,351 32 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 225,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.. 3,461 39 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 323,861 74 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), .. 245,762 27 Deposits, saving fund, 1 Exclusive of Trust Funds), 372,123 13 Deposits. Common wealth of Pennsylvania 50 000 00 Deposits. U. S. Postal Sav- ' 0 ings 1 ».ic j-j Due to Banks. Trust Cos. etc., not in reserve "i mi -t 1 Dividends unpaid " '75,5 aa Tre as u rer's Certified Checks outstanding, ... 13,809 99 Total •>o Amount of Trust Funai 88 invested j;, ~r.> 71l Amount of Trust Funds ' " ' uninvested o .a , C 7 Overdrafts | {"5, Total Trust funds S3BO 811 'in CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to so cure issues of corporate bonds. Including Equip ment Trusts, .......... ti qll caa a a St jh^n° f »»- ennßylVan ' a ' Count 'y Dau- I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly t«wh r S above statement Is true lief my knowl edge and be (Slgned) H. O. MILLER, tliU U K?h r, i be<s " f n ? * lVorn to Tr befo U re er me this sth day of June, 1914 fM K . ne ?\ C, , M - c '- POTTS, Corbet-Attest! 1 SOt " y PUb " a (Signed) w. M. DONALDSON, (Signed) JOHN F. DAPP, (Signed) LOUIS DELLONE, Directors. 75 RESCUED FROM GROUNDED STEAMER Passengers Taken on Board Re venue Cutter and Landed in Safety VESSEL IS NOT IN DANGER Northland, of Eastern Steamship Company, Summons Help by Wireless; Damaged Slightly New London. Conn., June 5. —The passengers from the Eastern Line steamer Northland, bound from New York for Portland. Maine, which went ashore on Bartlett's reef late last night, were safely landed in this city at 5 o'clock this morning and a half hour later started for Boston and Portland on a special train. The captain and crew of the Northland remained aboard their ship, which is In no im mediate danger, as the weather to-day is fair. The passengers, seventy-five In num ber, were brought to port by the wrecking tug Tasco, which had been summoned by wireless to the aid of the stranded steamer. The passengers were In a happy frame of mind when they found themselves safely ashore. While on the stranded Northland, they said, and with the of Ireland disaster so fresh in mind," they were In constant fear that another storni would come up and endanger their lives. The Northland grounded on Rart lett's reef, ten miles southwest of here, about minight last night. There was a heavy fog over Long Island sound, and, according to members of the crew of the tug Tasco, the Northland, for this reason, got too close to shore. There was little alarm among the pas sengers, especially after they learned that wireles signals for help had been answered and a rescue boat was on the way. When the Tasco reached the scene it was decided to transfer the passen gers, as it had been found that the Northland was damaged about th& bows and that her forehold was mak ing water. The Northland is a steel screw steamer, built In 1910 at Wilmington for the Eastern Steamship Company, and is commanded by Captain Bragg. She- is 304 feet long and has a gross tonnage of 9,731. Bids For School Supplies Will Be Opened This Evening Rids for various supplies and for necessary building repairs will be opened, reports from the special com mittees on the changing of the school treasurer depositories and on estab lishing domestic science In Central high school this Fall will be received and certain recommendations of the teachers' committee wil be acted up on at to-night's meeting of the school board. Among other things the selection of Russel A. Hertzler, a Centra', high school honor man, class of 1906, to succeed Charles A. Yahn, resigned, as the instructor in history in the Tech nical high school, will be approved. Miss Edna Engle and Miss Ruth Ste\frart were chosen respectively to succeed Miss Margaret Latham and Miss Mary K. Blaikie as instructors in Central high school. Certain banks of the city will be suggested to hold the funds of the school board, and one of them will be expected to act as treasurer, in the special committee report, but it is doubtful if all the recommendations to this effect will be approved. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of THE SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, Nos. 36 and 38 North Third street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $25,861 90 Due from approv ed reserve agents, 45,206 19 Legal securities at par 13,000 00 Nickels and cents, 450 40 Checks and cash items 10,332 93 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve 1,104 18 Assets held free, viz: Commercial paper purchased: Up on one name,.. S2OO 00 Commercial pacer purchased: Up on two or more names 176,953 21 * Loans upon call with col lateral 88,236 04 Time loans with collateral,. 43,008 48 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 7,650 00 Loans without collateral, ... 29,987 77 Bonds, Stocks, etc 69,340 91 Mortgages and Judgments of recprd 174,066 67 Office building and lot 62,625 86 Other real estate 5,725 00 Furniture and fixtures 14,536 63 Overdrafts 58 73 Total $768,344 79 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 25,000 00 I Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 23,790 33 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 159,468 10 Time certificates of de ?oslt, (Exclusive of Trust 'unds and Savings) 39,218 88 Deposits, saving fund (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 297,835 07 Deposits, Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania 10,000 00 Deposits, municipal 10,048 73 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 922 45 Dividends unpaid 25 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding, 8,556 23 Bills payable on time, mort gage bonds sold and guar anteed 68,480 00 Total $768,344 79 Amount of Trust Funds In vested, $3,430 00 Amount of Trust Funds, un invested 1,987 61 Overdrafts 90 95 Total Trust fuhds $5,508 56 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to secure Issues of corporate bonds, 1 n c 1 udlng Equipment Trusts SBOO,OOO 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau rhin, ss: , J. O. S. Poorman. Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) J. O. S. POORMAN, , . Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June, 1914. (Signed), E. R. COWAN, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. Mv commission expires March 25 1917. Correct -Attest: (Signed) HARVEY B. UAIR, (Signed) J. E. GARNER, (Signed) A. B. UARDNIOR, Directors. BANK STATEMENTS BANK STATEMENTS Items of Special Interest In the Statement of the Condition of the Dauphin Deposit Trust Company As called for by the State Banking Commissioner At the close of business, June 1, 1914. DEPOSITS—S2,BBB,BIS.I7 An increase of close to SIOO,OOO since the last state ment of February 20. RESERVE FUND—5618,052.67 Money in vault and on deposit in other banks sub ject to our check—this amount is largely in excess of that required by law as a safeguard. U. S. BONDS—(4% at par)—slso,ooo The present market value of these bonds is $165,000. LOANS ON COLLATERAL—S7S7,4SB.IO LOANS ON PERSONAL SECURITY-$633,073.32 Large and small loans to more than 500 borrowers. INVESTMENTS—SI,O33,IO9.O6 Stocks and bonds having a ready market and easily conrverted into cash. MORTGAGES AND JUDGMENTS—S26I,7SB.9S Carefully selected loans on real estate. BANK BUILDING—SSO,OOO Cost more than SIOO,OOO. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS—* $605,227.93 TRUST FUNDS—S4BO,OI9.B2 These trust funds are held separate from all other funds, and are invested in high-grade mortgages as directed by law. Dauphin Deposit Trust Company 213 Market Street Capital, $300,000 Surplus, $300,000 Resources, $3,503,478.13. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE EAST END BAKU, of Harrlsburg, Thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $26,605 60 j-ue from approved reserve agents,.. 45,319.65 Nickels and cents 444 91 Checks and cash items 18,721 10 Assets held free, viz: ] Bills discounted: I Upon one name,.525,757 50 (Bills discounted: | Upon two or I more names, ...161,902 04 Time loans with collateral,. 11,140 00 Loans on call with collateral, 49,177 00 Loans on call upon one name 22,128 00 | Loans on call upon two or more names 74,451 00 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 95,256 00 Bonds, Stocks, etc.. Sched ule D 30,515 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record, Schedule D-2 40 220 00 Office building and lot, .... 17,000 00 Other real estate, 19,400 00 Furniture and fixtures 4,450 00 Overdrafts 933 72 Total $643,421 52 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus Fund 40,000 00 Undivided profits, leas ex penses and taxes paid, .. 10,602 50 Individual deposits subject to check,5246,749 44 Time certificates of deposit 245,770 91 Savings Fund de posits 29,651 07 Deposits, munici pal 20,000 00 Certified checks, . 12 15 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 425 45 Miscellaneous liabilities, ... 210 00 Total $643,421 62 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau- Fhin, ss: j A 1 K. Thomas, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) AL K. THOMAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 3d day of June, 1914. (Signed) A. W. 6WENGEL, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires January 19, 1915. Correct—Attest: [SEAL.] (Signed) E. M. SIBLE. (Signed) JOHN A. AFFLECK, (Signed) E. A. HEFFELFINGER. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BTEEI.TON TItUST COMPANY, of Steelton, No. 1 North Front Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $13,122 50 Due from ap proved reserve agents 40.754 65 Legal securities at par 9,750 00 Nickels and cents 66 94 Checks and cash items, .... 747 75 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve 8,839 90 Loans upon call and with collateral 173,995 83 Time loans with collateral, 29,398 65 Loans without collateral, . . 49,406 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 106.191 65 Mortgages and judgments of record 96,223 00 Other real estate 27,500 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,400 00 Total $557,696 87 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, ....... .$125,000 00 Surplus fund 75,000 lid Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 16,899 43 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), 135,245 55 Time certificates of deposit, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 151,875 39 Deposits, saving fund, (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 45,869 56 Deposits, municipal 7,780 44 Dividends unpaid 15 00 Treasurers and 'certified Checks outstanding 11 50 Total $557,696 87 Amount of Trust Funds in vested .'1105,628 00 Amount of Trust Funds un invested 5,798 24 Total trust funds $111,426 24 State pf Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, Geo. L. Bolton, Treasurer of the above named Company do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) GEO. L. BOLTON. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June, 1914. (Signed) JOHN H. SNAVELY, * [Notary Seal] Notarv Public. Commission expires April 17, 1915. Correct—Attest: (Signed) COUFFER, ' (Signed) 11. L. DRESS, (Signed) W. E. AHEUCROMBIE, AMrcctors. I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The> HARRIsnUKG TRUST COMPANY, |of Harrisburg, No. 16 South Second i btreet, of Dauphin County, Pennsylva- J 1 '®' at the close of business, June 1, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes 73,904 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 563,335 63 _ T , , , $637,239 63 Nickels and cents 601 79 Checks and cash items, .. . 5,749 13 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve 25,436 75 Securities pledged for spec lal deposits 10,000 00 Assets held free, viz: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name, ... $8,600 00 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon , two or more names, 812,960 12 Loans upon call with col lateral 643,537 93 Time loans with collat teral, 282,062 44 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 16,094 53 Loans without collateral,. 9,417 61 Bonds, Stocks, etc 219,685 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 21,029 43 Other real estate 147,800 00 Overdrafts 834 35 Total, $2,841,048 70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 4400,000 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 00' Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 35,562 3* Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Savings) 798,959 6Qk Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), ... 622,132 Hi Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 328,514 28< Deposits, U. S. Postal Savings 4,419 6<W Deposits, municipal 108,815 15) Due to Banks. Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve 126,536 861 Dividends unpaid 15,649 001 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding, .... 459 7itj Total $2,841,048 70J Amount of Trust Funds invested $2,863,213 87,1 Amount of Trust Fund* uninvested, 289,234 91i| Total Trust funds $3,152,448 741 CORPORATE TRUSTB Total amount (I. o. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $24,732,000 0# Total amount of tocurltles deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure Is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122,655 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemalr swear that the above statement Is truai to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) GEO. G. CARL, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of June, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HERSHET, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Publtd Commission expires January 25, 1915. Correct—Attest: (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN, (Signed) E. Z. WALLOWER, (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY, Directors. -Linotype- Composition I For the Trade I THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Prlittaf—Blailac— Photo Barravtaa | HARRISBURG, PENNA. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers