Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 04, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Great Friday Bargains For Our 43rd Anniversary Sale!
We've selected these bargains with extraordinary care in order to make Friday a special 1991 -ANY'PHONE.'#'
day of values throughout the store. The 43c Anniversary Clock Surprises will cause ex- foundbd ia7i §f ',
citement and fun during the whole day to-morrow. Come look them over. You are wel- •
come. Be on hand. _ warrisbupg's popular department store j I
—— ■ - j - - . j '
Friday Svecials In
Skirts, Petticoats, Waists
One hundred and fifty white pique and ratine skirts—newest models, QOf
all sizes of waist measures up to 29. Regular $1.50 value. Friday special OVC
Black Percaline Petticoats —made of fast black mercerized, with sec- o*l p
tional flounces. Regular 75c value. Friday special OJ.V
Lawn Dressing Sacques—white with neat black and colored figures. Made of
good quality lawn. Square or V-shaped necks; shirred at yoke and wrists.
Regular 39c value. Friday special «L-^v
Dainty Crepe Waists—white ground with dainty flowers, lace trim- OQ/*
ming at neck. Limit 2to each customer. Friday special, each ZtZfij
Linene Automobile Dusters —cut full length and good width. All Qftp
sizes. Regular $1.50 value. Friday special yOv
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S
Summer Draperies j j Pennants! j
Special Friday Bargains j i!
35c Net. 45 inches wide, ecru only. Fine for window j j
draperies. Friday 6 yards for $1.43 <j p t L Grammar 'I
$1.69 Rope Portieres for single or archway drapery. |j j;
Colors are myrtle, maline and green. Friday, pair, sl.43 j! bchool Track ;j
35c white and cream voile with colored borders for j!
window or door curtains. Friday, 6 yards for . .$1.43 |[ iVleet
Silkoline for comforts, curtains and cushions, j> A large assortment
5 for .... 43? 11 i
White and ecru Lace Curtains for windows, 1 pair |j at 25 and 50c each |j
lots, $2.00 and s3.oClvalues perpair.,.. $1.43 j| r , rK • :|
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. . j| J|
Anniversary Bargains In NOTIONS
Dress Goods Extra Special Friday |
59c Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chines in pink, Copen
hagen, helio, Russian green, ceil, white and black. Fri- John J. Clark's best six
day, yard • 43* cord spool cotton, black
59c yard-wide satin stripe Wash Silks, in all the and white, dozen ....43*
wanted shades. Yard 43* Children's 25c Skeleton
SLOO self color fancy W r ool Suitings, good shades. Waists, white and drab.
yard . 43* Friday, 2 for 43*
75c all-wool Poplins, waist and skirt lengths, all 25c Hair Wavers, 2
shades. Yard 43* cards for . ... .......43*
15c to 25c Silk Mulls, Poplin, Ratines, in every 24 yards White Tape,
wanted shade. Yard 10* piece 8*
75c Silk Ratine, in Jasper color only. Friday, yard, Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S
On Sale on the Main Floor, BOWMAN'S.
Wall Paper Laces and
Friday Anniversary Bargains Embroideries
Wall Papers for kitchen, bedrooms and living rooms. Regu
lar 7 1 / 2 cto 12c values. Friday, roll 40 59c 18-inch Embroider-
Wall Papers in room lots— the most desirable wall papers ed Flouncings, yard, 43*
for bedrooms and diningrooms. Regular $2.85 value. Friday, 59c and 75c 18-inch
tlle ' ot $1.43 Shadow Lace, vard ..43*
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S • Main Floor —BOWMAN'S
Anniversary Sale Art, CU Frida ? Bargain "
Needlework, Muslin Underwear w 110 6 S"" ""p r " C es v comeTEarly
and Children's Wear
I Women's Slippers 1
Special Friday Bargains Children's Slippers m
Round cluny edged doilies, value 20c each, Men's and Boys' "Sneakers'.. * p
3 for 430 Men's Slippers ■ V
69c gowns made of nainsook, stamped for Samples and odds and ends...
embroidery, for 430 Value 75c and upwards.
75c children's dresses, in percales and cham- Women's Pumps, Oxfords and
brays, assorted colors, sizes 6 to 14 years. Button Boots
Price 43 <p Women's Satin ' SlYppers, all
59c infants' long skirts of nainsook, trimmed colors
with tucks and embroidery, for 430 Men's Button and Blucher /f»-G JA
$3.00 La Camille, front lace corset, high and Shoes l\ I
medium bust. Price $1.43 Men's and boys' fine sample fP F. Q—
-98c nainsook gowns, slip-over style, trim- shoes
med with fine lace and embroidery 430 "Buster Brown" ,shoes for
29c nainsook corset covers, lace and em- children. A clean out
broidery trimmed, 2 for 430 Values $2.00 to $3.50.
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Great Anniversary Sale CARPETS and RUGS
Items in Housefurnishings Friday Anniversary Bargains
98c Wearever aluminum double-lipped
sauce pan with aluminum cover. Limit one Tapestry Brussels Stair Carpet, 27 inches
to each customer Friday 430 wide, regular price 50c. Sale price 430
98c Quaker mothproof chests for storing 50c Oil Window Shades, dark green, mount
aw""v garments. Friday 430 ed on Hartshorn guaranteed rollers. Sale price
5 ,c Triangular shape white enamel bath- complete 430
room mirror with glass tov, el bar attached. R a g Rugs, oval shape, like grandmother
Friday, special use( j t0 make, all made of new cloth—
-59c Tin grub box. Friday 43^
98c Brass flower basket. Limit one to each $1.98 for $1.43
customer. Friday 430 $3.00 for $2.43
$2.98 Nippon hand-painted China vases. $3 75 f or $3 43
Friday, special, at .$2.43 SSSQ f "///////////.
77c glass berry sets, one large and six small
dishes. Friday, set, 430 Velvet Rugs, size 36x72, floral and Orien
s6.so dinner sets, gold decorations, 100 tal patterns and colorings, regular price $2.89.
pieces. Friday, set $4.43 Sale price $2.43
Basement —BOWMAN'S Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S
U. S. P.
Extra Special Friday Bargains—One-half (/i) gal
lon Wich Hazel for 430. Bring Your Bottles.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
$15.00 Reed Bar Harbor Chairs and Rockers, up
holstered seats and backs $11.43
$6.98 Bar Harbor Willow Chairs, finished Baronial
brown $5.43 '
$4.00 Fibre Reed Rockers, finished Baronial brown,
$4.00 Bar Harbor Willow Chair, finished natural,
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. $2.43
| Anniversary Clockjj
|| Surprises at. ... jj
: For the Fourth Day (Friday) of the Celebration !j
; I $97.74 worth of merchandise for $10.75. Jj
25 Great "CLOCK" Surprises at 43 cents each. Rang- jj
j| ing in values from $2.50 to $7.50. ;j
I jj 9 ° 3 |l I
jj Persons who secured yesterday's $109.27 worth of mer- jj
jj chandise for $12.04:
i' Mn. Edward 11. Schell, 2031 p. E. Sit*. \™ Cumberland, ]|
J | (irpen afreet, HarrtnbiirK; Aluml- l»n.; Two I nlon Sulla, worth i|
II nuin Wire, worth 93.95, for 43c. 91.50, for 43c. j,
;! Mr*. W. J. Horning;, 335 Maelay Mm. M. Glpe, .132 Race atreet, <[
11 atreet, IlarrlNburK; Embroidered IlarrlNburK: Roy*' Mult, worth j|
I I IMllow, worth 9 1.50, for 43c. *.'.00, for 43c. <|
(' Mra. H. G. Klnaey. Mlddlctown, Mr*. l.clK'h Aldrlca. 7X. Front Ji
]i Pa.l Table Cloth, worth 91.115, afreet. HarrlaburK; Handbag, ij
II for 43c. worth 92.00, for 43c. 'I
|' Mr*. Dougherty, 2210 Penn Mr*. .1. Cooka, 214 Liberty
if atreet, HarrlNburit: I.ace Flounc- atreet, Harrlaburg; Clock, worth ,i
]i Int. worth 94.50, for 43c. 95.00, for 43c. >
J| Mr*. A. J. Brown, 517 Curtain „ Ste /L lt 2s , «A P #"'i «!
j! atreet, llarrlabiirs; Brnaa Coa- ;« 1 a,r Ho »e. worth 93.00, for ,|
i\ turner, worth for 43c. i 43( '; . . .. ( i
i „ ... _. t . ... . Mr*. John (irauer, fenola, Pa.; ((
i Mr*. Alice Kelater. Wormleya- r>)r S | IOPI , worth 94.00, for 43c. ii
| burn. Pa.; I,ace Curtalna, worth Mr(( . Burnea, 1127 Wallace !
~ 90.00, for 43e. atreet, llarrlaburK; Silk Walat, ji
], Mra. C. -\. Frnucnfeldcr. 513 worth 95. tH), for 43c.
11 South 15th atreet. HarrlaburK; Mra. Mary Stanch. Main atreet. ],
11 Baby Drcaa, worth 9<t.00, for 43c. Camp Hill, Pn.; Chariuenae Drcaa i»
11 Mra. Cook, Penbrook. Pa.; 1 J?™ 5 ' !
i pair Pillow Canea, 1 Embroidered w_.!
I Sheet, worth 92 75 for 43c atreet, llarrlaburs. Pa.; Him
> aneei, wonn lor 13c. mock, worth 93.50, for 43c. |
Mra. H. C. Townacnd, 2127 N. Catharine 11. Gray. 1500 Penn 1>
( Fourth atreet, HarrlaburK; Silver atreet, HarrlaburK; Summer Hat, i|
I, Meah BBK, worth 93.50; for 43c. worth 98.05, for 43c. ],
, I Mra. S. F. Gingrich. Berry Mra. M. Halnea. 1813 Wood i >
i, Church, Pb.; 93.00 Quilt, for 43c. atreet. HarrlaburK: Portable |!
11 Mra. H. B. Whlteaell, 1011 I,amp, worth 95.00, for 43c. 11
11 Park atreet, HarrlaburK; Sain- Mra. C. W. I.uae, Weat Fair- ''
, nook Gown, worth 92.08, for 43c. view. Pa.; Collar and Cuff Set. j |
~ Mlaa Flora Hyler, 320 Cheatnut worth 93.00, for 43c.
]; atreet. HarrlaburK; Coraet, worth Mra. l» Keratetter. I.ykena, < '
11 *°r 43c. Pn.; Travelln* Bate, worth 95.00, ! i
I i Alice M. Culp, MlllcrahiirK. Pa.; for 43c. <i
j| Porch Rocker, worth 91.08, for Mra. Payne, 102 Conoy atreet, j!
i 1 43c * HarrlaburK; Blue Serve Coat, 1i
I ; Mra. G. M. Meliaffle, 1012 IV. worth 95.00. for 43c. I 1
j, Seventh atreet, HarrlaburK) Mra. E. Zeller, 411 Hamilton !|
II Aluminum Ware, worth 96.70, atreet, HarrlaburK; PonKee DUB. i i
jj for 43c. ter, worth 95.00. for 43c. i|
j | Equally attractive items in each department to-morrow— |!
jj come in, look them over. Get your check on file.
Women's Hosiery & Knit Underwear
Great Friday Anniversary Bargains
Women's 25c Hose, extra size, light weight lisle,
double soles, high spliced heels, 3 pairs for 430
25c Burson Hose, plain and silk lisle, full seamless.
slightly imperfect, 3 pairs for 430
Women's 75c Union Suits, low neck, knee length,
tight or lace knees 430
Women's 25c Knit Pants, lace knees, 3 pairs for
Women's 25c bleached Vests, plain and lace yokes,
low neck, sleeveless, 3 for .430
Children's 15c Black Cotton Hose, fine ribbed, dou
ble heel and toes, all sizes, 4 pairs for 430
Boys' Clothing ;
Fix Up the Boy For Play and Best Wear at These Prices <
SI.OO Indian and Squaw play Suits, specally priced <
at 850 <
All-wool Blue Serge Suits in the new Bulgarian •*
Norfolks, special at $2.95 and $3.95 ■<
Third Floor —BOWMAN'S „ 4
White Goods j
Friday Bargains at Anniversary Sale Prices <
Broom Covers, 4 for 430 i\ I
Infants' Crochet Bibs, 21 for 430 j I
2 yards Oyster linen, 36-inch wide, for 430 "
White Crochet Quilt, full size 590
White Crochet Quilt, Marseilles pattern, $1.39, ex
tra good 980 i
Marseilles Quilts, full bed size, worth $2.50, slightly *
imperfect $1.83 i
10 .yards English Longcloth, worth 79c, special at "
90-inch Linen Sheeting, worth 75c. Anniversary *
price 590 "
Gray, 6 Oper cent. Wool, $4.00; Yellow, 60 per cent. *
Wool, $4.50. Anniversarv price -...52.43 <
Main Floor —BOWMAN'S 4
Help Exterminate the Fly ;
Fit) Swatters Free \
Come In and Ask For One :
Men's Clothing ;
Many Extra Anniversary Values 4
Young Men's Norfolk Suits, in tans and greys, with <
stitched belts ,that were $9.90, specially priced in the <
Anniversary Sale at $7.43 4\
Men's $1.98 odd Trousers, in stripes and mixtures, <
mostly all sizes, at $1.43 <
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S
Friday Bargains in Porch Furniture, ■<
Coaster Wagons, Etc.
SI.OO Folding Lawn Settees, S l / 2 feet long, limited
number, special .690
$1.69 Pony Coaster Wagon, guaranteed to hold 500 j
pounds, special at $1.43 !
$25.00 Boys' Bicycle, coaster break, spiral spring
saddle, roller chain, Chicago extension handle bar, spe
cial $20.43 '
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S |
10 and 12-button length Silk Gloves, white and 4
black only. Regular 65c and 75c value. Friday, pair, 430 <
16-button length Chamoisette Gloves, chamois color i*
only. Regular 50c value. Friday, pair 390 "
16-button length Venetian Lisle Gloves, pongee *
color only. Regular 50c value. Friday, pair 390 i
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S'
Anniversary Sale Domestics <
Unusual Bargains for Friday <
7 yards Seersucker Ginghams in blue and white and <
gray and white stripe, value 70c, for 430 4
12 yards Challis, cut from full piece, all good pat- <
terns, value 75c, for 430 J
4 yards Feather-Proof Ticking in blue and white <
stripe, value 70c, for 430 <
3-54x36 Salem Pillow Cases, made of best muslin, <
value 90c, for 430 4\
76x90 Sheet, Arcadia brand, value 70c, for 430 <
150 Wagon Umbrellas, 8 stays, made of green and <
white duck, for 430 <
3 Scalloped Pillow Cases, 45x36, values 90c, for 430 <
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S 4
Great Anniversary Bargains in
Men's Furnishings <
Men's SI.OO Shirts, in percales and madras, coat A
style with attached cufifs. Each 590
Men's 69c Dress Shirts, made of percales in coat i
style with attached cuffs. Each .430 1
Men's 25c Half Hose, silk lisle in black, navy or <
tan; double soles, high spliced heels. Friday, 3 pairs <
for 430 <
Men's SI.OO Union Suits, white and ecru, short <
sleeves, three-quarter and ankle length drawers. Fri- i
day, 2 suits for $1.43 4
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S j