Great Friday Bargains For Our 43rd Anniversary Sale! We've selected these bargains with extraordinary care in order to make Friday a special 1991 -ANY'PHONE.'#' day of values throughout the store. The 43c Anniversary Clock Surprises will cause ex- foundbd ia7i §f ', citement and fun during the whole day to-morrow. Come look them over. You are wel- • come. Be on hand. _ warrisbupg's popular department store j I —— ■ - j - - . j ' Friday Svecials In Skirts, Petticoats, Waists One hundred and fifty white pique and ratine skirts—newest models, QOf all sizes of waist measures up to 29. Regular $1.50 value. Friday special OVC Black Percaline Petticoats —made of fast black mercerized, with sec- o*l p tional flounces. Regular 75c value. Friday special OJ.V Lawn Dressing Sacques—white with neat black and colored figures. Made of good quality lawn. Square or V-shaped necks; shirred at yoke and wrists. Regular 39c value. Friday special «L-^v Dainty Crepe Waists—white ground with dainty flowers, lace trim- OQ/* ming at neck. Limit 2to each customer. Friday special, each ZtZfij Linene Automobile Dusters —cut full length and good width. All Qftp sizes. Regular $1.50 value. Friday special yOv Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Summer Draperies j j Pennants! j Special Friday Bargains j i! 35c Net. 45 inches wide, ecru only. Fine for window j j draperies. Friday 6 yards for $1.43 A large assortment 5 for .... 43? 11 i White and ecru Lace Curtains for windows, 1 pair |j at 25 and 50c each |j lots, $2.00 and s3.oClvalues perpair.,.. $1.43 j| r , rK • :| BOWMAN'S Main Floor. . j| J| Anniversary Bargains In NOTIONS Dress Goods Extra Special Friday | Bargains 59c Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chines in pink, Copen hagen, helio, Russian green, ceil, white and black. Fri- John J. Clark's best six day, yard • 43* cord spool cotton, black 59c yard-wide satin stripe Wash Silks, in all the and white, dozen ....43* wanted shades. Yard 43* Children's 25c Skeleton SLOO self color fancy W r ool Suitings, good shades. Waists, white and drab. yard . 43* Friday, 2 for 43* 75c all-wool Poplins, waist and skirt lengths, all 25c Hair Wavers, 2 shades. Yard 43* cards for . ... .......43* 15c to 25c Silk Mulls, Poplin, Ratines, in every 24 yards White Tape, wanted shade. Yard 10* piece 8* 75c Silk Ratine, in Jasper color only. Friday, yard, Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S 43* On Sale on the Main Floor, BOWMAN'S. Wall Paper Laces and Friday Anniversary Bargains Embroideries Wall Papers for kitchen, bedrooms and living rooms. Regu lar 7 1 / 2 cto 12c values. Friday, roll 40 59c 18-inch Embroider- Wall Papers in room lots— the most desirable wall papers ed Flouncings, yard, 43* for bedrooms and diningrooms. Regular $2.85 value. Friday, 59c and 75c 18-inch tlle ' ot $1.43 Shadow Lace, vard ..43* Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S • Main Floor —BOWMAN'S Anniversary Sale Art, CU Frida ? Bargain " Needlework, Muslin Underwear w 110 6 S"" ""p r " C es v comeTEarly and Children's Wear I Women's Slippers 1 Special Friday Bargains Children's Slippers m Round cluny edged doilies, value 20c each, Men's and Boys' "Sneakers'.. * p 3 for 430 Men's Slippers ■ V 69c gowns made of nainsook, stamped for Samples and odds and ends... embroidery, for 430 Value 75c and upwards. 75c children's dresses, in percales and cham- Women's Pumps, Oxfords and brays, assorted colors, sizes 6 to 14 years. Button Boots Price 43

J| Mr*. A. J. Brown, 517 Curtain „ Ste /L lt 2s , «A P #"'i «! j! atreet, llarrlabiirs; Brnaa Coa- ;« 1 a,r Ho »e. worth 93.00, for ,| i\ turner, worth for 43c. i 43( '; . . .. ( i i „ ... _. t . ... . Mr*. John (irauer, fenola, Pa.; (( i Mr*. Alice Kelater. Wormleya- r>)r S | IOPI , worth 94.00, for 43c. ii | burn. Pa.; I,ace Curtalna, worth Mr(( . Burnea, 1127 Wallace ! ~ 90.00, for 43e. atreet, llarrlaburK; Silk Walat, ji ], Mra. C. -\. Frnucnfeldcr. 513 worth 95. tH), for 43c. 11 South 15th atreet. HarrlaburK; Mra. Mary Stanch. Main atreet. ], 11 Baby Drcaa, worth 9 aneei, wonn lor 13c. mock, worth 93.50, for 43c. | Mra. H. C. Townacnd, 2127 N. Catharine 11. Gray. 1500 Penn 1> ( Fourth atreet, HarrlaburK; Silver atreet, HarrlaburK; Summer Hat, i| I, Meah BBK, worth 93.50; for 43c. worth 98.05, for 43c. ], , I Mra. S. F. Gingrich. Berry Mra. M. Halnea. 1813 Wood i > i, Church, Pb.; 93.00 Quilt, for 43c. atreet. HarrlaburK: Portable |! 11 Mra. H. B. Whlteaell, 1011 I,amp, worth 95.00, for 43c. 11 11 Park atreet, HarrlaburK; Sain- Mra. C. W. I.uae, Weat Fair- '' , nook Gown, worth 92.08, for 43c. view. Pa.; Collar and Cuff Set. j | ~ Mlaa Flora Hyler, 320 Cheatnut worth 93.00, for 43c. ]; atreet. HarrlaburK; Coraet, worth Mra. l» Keratetter. I.ykena, < ' 11 *°r 43c. Pn.; Travelln* Bate, worth 95.00, ! i I i Alice M. Culp, MlllcrahiirK. Pa.; for 43c.