All tut "Z~, CALL 1991-ANY'PHONE. T , T1 . Z 7 ~ ] 1 < All Mail and Phone Orders Filled founded iß7i When It Rams Go to Bowmans. « by an Expert and Careful Shopper Look For Rainy Day Specials 1 - 1 ' " " 1 ' - - ■ ■ MAORIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE ■' 1 - { " Saturday in the Notable White Sale Will Be a Record Maker j The splendid showing in every department during our Annual May White Sale has demonstrated to our customers that it ; pays to shop at Bowman's—hundreds of attractive bargains we haven't been able to get into print you will find on display '; Saturday. Here are some specials. r EXTRA!—Clearance of Women's Smart Apparel—EXTßA! #% •: I Women's $25.00, ( and $30.00 Suits at .. . Radical reductions, certainly. But absolutely correct —not a word of exagger- - j < ation. The selling season is nearing its end —the wearing season is at its height. Smart (fi* JM (tt* Cf O i And the suits are all bjf such desirable styles—such good materials and tailoring. , . fl iK JUX < They have all the little touches that go to the making of high class garments. And col- COcLTS at *(r ✓ w r ors —everything that's wajited—and plenty of black. • " (nVMAN " s seoon.i i-ioor. cr 1 \ t We have just received two lots of coats that are admirably suited for cool even- •Y \ y $25.00 and $30.00 SuitsCt 1 A AO I I ings—driving street wear—traveling. Black, navy and Copenhagen serge coats —fancy \| jIIf < l«\ /«, . -r>. vb 1 £§- Usilk collars. Special $5.5)8 jt I ' ror otOUt figures, . . *lr * v Mixed Cloth Coats—half belted backs, big buttons. Special $5.00 l\' 1 BOWMAN s—second i- ioor. QUr high class exclusive style coats at sharp reductions. \i . The best of the spring's staple models —and mostly black and navy and oxford $25.00 Coats at $15.00 $28.00 Coats at - .$17.50 wV gray. Fine poplin and men's wear serge. Coats lined with Skinner's Peau d'Cygne. $35.00 Coats at $20.00 $39.50 Coats at $22.50 Summer Millinery ! AUCTION! AUCTION! R ovs > V •Hfi.jinfjp c Afir Tu Wv\ \\ TO-MORROW LAST DAY J \ou 11 find in thy Bowman Summer Millinery the fc/Vk I Rids coming in fine. Be in a lmrry-get in your bid. Some one will be lucky-why not you? j * most complete co ectfion of tiunmed and un trimmed /-Vx. Until 9 o'clock Saturday evening you will have the chance to put your own price on Auction : ■l2 • hats in Harrisbtng im all the best styles at surpris- K/" 7 I Goods. Visit the departments and look them over. Name the price—how much? ■ I ATniniY ingly low prices. \ Xf // X ] j. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE V/1U UllllK PANAMA mats I Table Outfit Bed Outfit s „ M «, p , WHIXTE SAILORS j I | p-* ne Dinner Set Porch Furniture O B B 1 I I BLACK SAILORS ' \177-k OneFenl SrLial) One Brass Bed These are the hatis that are the hit of the season. One-half 1 dozen °Knives | ()ne Rocker nc Cotton hell Mat- | Serge Norfolk in the new We have them in an) endless assortment. New ar- / " and Forks tress. Bulgarian style, full cut rivals every day. I \ vu One-half dozen Cut e _ Knickers, all <l*o QO Prices are 98^/$1.49, $1.98 and up to $4.98 °« the second FIoor— BOWMANS. Ghss Tumblers „ 16 ° Ven ire seams taped, at. — One-half dozen Table- One Settee. Spring. Gray Accessories °' One-half' dozen Tea- What Will You Bid? one pcUr of Pillows. wool Homespun in Bulga \ (,niiflrpn\ sooons What Will You Bid? rian Norfolks, (O QO The Rarest 4nd Most Difficult to what wm you Bid? Special Disi,lay on tho Third Special Display on the Fifth j * . / . Girls gingham dresses in Special Display in the Basement. Floor. Floor Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Secure Liberailly Reduced Tomorrow sizes 12 to 15 years. Regu- -7 tr rßrassieres FURNITURE BARGAINS natural wave. All shade/s from black, slightly Ullldl etl S White Dress- W —-.-fc sprinkled with white W absolute white, is in- ll& es J Slz es 2 to 6 years. O A TTTTST\ ATT "nTTT7T?T^O s^ZL. ,o„, rea„cea M. » J? UK oAIUKDAY BUYERS to ........ yf. sl.lO S on the Second Fioor-BowMAN's. | Q \IT „ 1 Mattresses reduced for Saturday only. Gray Switojies, 20 inches long, reduced W P3T f ! E f AA rL £t , "u» < oV» to /.... ... $1.50 I rh'-i 'L ' I $6.00 Felt fiber mattresses $4.89 Grav Switches 99 inches lonp- reduced W£. • Ct jn» • „ _ . . i 59.00 Layer felt mattresses ....$6.98 , eres,lace ; I $12.00 Imperial edge felt mattress, Gray Switches, 24 inches long, reduced Art GonfU Dpnarfinpnt ' and cnibroidcry trimmcd - and '2Mtf II $9.95 to T S«.GO vjWj Ariuooasuepartment j a n. ovcr enibrojdery, hooked j n r f uL J SIB.OO Silk floss mattress $13.95 Gray Transformations, reduced to .. $1.50 Stamped crcpe corset f ront » crossed back. Broken -sr iJI rill Gray Transformations, reduced to .. s:{.so \ covers, each .. o.TiC' sizes. Special 1)8<- I Jr'y" , tri^brL^'H lon trhmiiedTruiiTai'id ! $5.00 White Enamel Bed *2.98 RMf flB j cial -lit Continuous post, ten fillers in head , Bl lIIP- ' Fflshintl'ft "HprtPP Free cmbroiderv lessons white seco silk Bloom- aU(I loot - Single size and full size. J ' every day .after 10 a. 111. ers 08<> ; 1 "V. Large] and small. All new styles. You may wear as many On the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S, on the second Floor BOWMAN'S. strands as Cleopatra of old and be ultra fashionable. I - - All all styles, all colors. Ready to string. Strong _ . • sr~n |I- p _ _ I bead thread/and needles. ' PnmiA I * I A new shipment of "Notaseme" Stone i We are; showing sample strands in all the beautiful de- f\Clllll6 JLIHOIIS ! ly\J Lined Refrigerators received to-day. signs from Which you can make your selections. A . . . Cl Vt-| Will be put on sale on our Club Plan iWion Department, Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. All linen—one of the seasons most popular mate- K I XK Saturday morning- \ rials for summer dresses. N Oi Cut shows construction of the "Nota o i mj 1.. . ij . f\ Great showing of Ramie, Ratine and Plain Linens. fl seme," rounded corners, heavy insula aummer JNOVCItICS in rlair Urnaments Thousands of yards in every shade made. IIJ tion, dead air chambers. Tango Braid Pins shell and amber and semi-amber • nlain 36-inch Ramie unen m shades of brown, cadet, navy, black, gray, $18.75 I'timed Oak Library I ables, Call in our Furniture Department Y? ) .»r>. i.l • 1 ' rose, pink, tan, green, wistaria, lilac and sky. Special, yard 38c «ftl ,1.9 a A I p f 11C r lf>tvir>nctro4 o -- rom 2os the pail", Up to each 36-inch Ramie Linen—fine quality in shades of pink. Copenhagen, p» 1 1 • t . and let US demonstrate the JNotaseme. Fancy Braiti Pins —in white and colored stones. Prices bluo ' navy - brown ' tan and u « ht blue >- Yal 'd :»»<• uouDie magazine racks, solid oak SI.OO sends a Refrigerator to your range-from ...( JOe to $1.50 each Hght'biSmSm SuTwwS''ifiac and'^ch" o^;^^'. ''S construction like picture. home. SI.OO a week pays for it. Notio'n Department, Main Floor BOWMAN'S. 46-inch Frenrh Dress Linen —line quality, smooth finish, in gray, ° n the Fifth Floor BOWMAN'S / navy, rose, pink, cadet, green, black, brown, lilac, wistaria, tan and tango. j Special, yard 59,. —' —— . 46-Inch Katine Linen, smooth evenly woven, in Copenhagen, tango T TTVTTrTVr ll7L**. C 1 C O |-v • flip riipc Ant Wn '?omGG ory Longdom,36in. .Sale of Summer Draperies XikvvLr vllv * Alvw >/ li V 48-lnch riatino Linen, nub weave, wistaria, cadet and brown. Yard, c ], es 10-yard piece. Spe- There is nothing that gives that COOI delightful ap- PnVftS That Will Heln 25c 3 N G a inch piarn 'lue drerunen;yard":!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isc d wtV V : arance to a room like P rett y summer draperies. JTIICCo XllaL Will IXCip On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. White L,lien several pat 39c Nottingham Lace Curtain strips from .2 to 3 yards long. Strip,2sc Screen Door. Window Screen. Window Screen Frame. thr Cil d°J6 inches plain™ with I nSSStcnS'™. Coy y^. Z'S-Ta^rr n Footwear For the Family » ide -' % , a ,'« ««■ doors. IU • xai " Three-pan.J Plain j?oor—walnut stained; including hinges,, door poll. ft 1 Dd! AA/l Dimity Checks —in three bedroom,* w%t!so M - i #S?H5r 'li 'n a ,« r arWod -'iii.'iS OPCCIcU rilCcS different patterns 28 inches On the Fourth Fioor —BOWMAN'S. gloss finish; Including hinges, door pull, etc.; asported sizes $1.,» JT Wide. bpCCially nne for cllll- Extension Window Sheens—made of best hardwood, finished in oil, .... dren's dresses. Regular 1 ( ~>C both sides alike. Prices ai« l»e, 22c, 25c, 2»c, 35c, 8»c, 15c. 19c. 59r & 69c Men S gun metal Calf button and blucher shoes. Complete ,; f ,. v.,-,1 lOr 'g* C^i o 1 lirVi-S-fo. Qnlft Dfii^ao „ 15c Extension Window Screen-finished in walnut stain, size 15X21X sJzes Excellent $2.50 and $3.00 values. Pair SI.OB ' c' '• '*? OpeCldl W illte OalC JrllCeS Window' Screen Frames .' .25c, 35c and 3s c Men's sample low .'shoes in sizes 6, 6y 2 and 7 only. Regular "Yi* "at ni amas -, _ QlltnmAr "Rlfirtr PAVArinac I AWW MAWCOC $2.50 and $3.00 values. Pair c psanthemum pattern /2 in- 111 OUmmer i? 100r LOVeHIIgS LA"A>I MUWtKo Women's sample low shoes in sizes i]/ 2 and 4 only. Regu- ? y , Re g ular 1 -yi ua '- Rubber Stair Pads—extra thick, corrugated rubber. Good quality, simple pntructlon, easy running and easy adjustment lar $2.50 and $3.00 values. Pair ..' 986 a .'- Vl.lM) .» / 12-inch size, $2.50 Women's high and low shoes - Odds and ends, samples Toweling - Irish crash, red Size x a lAM lA inrh ; etc. Values up to $2.50. Pair ..... 48* and blue border. Extra fine S lz e 7xlß at 15* 14 inch Size, 52.75 Children's low shoes, pumps, etc. Short lots, odds and ends qUa, ' ty ' 18 mcI,CS lvuk ' Size 9xlß « IS^ IH-incn Size, samples. Values up to $1.50. Pair 480 t-. .. ,r> .* 4 a.u Hammocks—buy them now while the assortment is g00d— *2.49 10-lnch Lawn Mowef. Saturday's price >1.98 Boys > Shoes—good durable shoes, solid throughout. Values ~, g . A. j ~ the famous Palmer make. Prices range from .... to $5.50 r* ADnrM I irver t ,n tn C? m Mock hemstitched in rose, _ _ ° . , ~ , fjAKlyt.lN rIUoL up green blue and mustard Reg- rex Ru^s ,n a largc vari€t y of sizes from th e smalbdoor Standard guaranteecV Rfades-good quality rubber hose, %-lnch 4-ply, SizCS 9to ir ulnr $2.40 quality. Special. mat with border at 39 *' to thc 12xl5 " f t- S' z es with border 25 and 60-foot sections.' 001 12c Sizes Ito s'j, pair sl*3B #1 49 a * #10.98 • ] n , the Basement BOW MAX S. Gn t)|p xiiird l-'Ioor—UOWMAN'.S. On tli" Alain FIoor—HOWMAN'S. on tli "Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRI3BURG TELEGRAPH MAY 22, 1914. 3
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