Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 07, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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A Budget of Bargains Is Fridays Program in the May Sale
r- Black Dress Goods r ~——\ Men's $1.98 Negligee Cotton Dress Goods
No Friday Specials 50c black granite cloth, 36 I _ Shirts, $1 19 59c and 75c crcpc figured horde. 1 ' \
Cont r n r> nr incheswide - F™lay°nly. yard, Fine light weight madras shirts ed designs. Friday only, yard,
' SI.OO black wool taffeta, 42 inches mMgjw with silk stripes, guaranteed fast 25c tub silk, white ground vjgj
Mail or Telephone wid. mi- on,, -«.....?« co,ors '. Sl>ec,al m " ,e May Sfc, Pekm "M
x SI.M) black krinkle crepe, 40 vy. r'Sfaßß* E '-fl&v ~0 ... , .. . y am IWP
orders filled. * * and ,Voo '' Fr JSm 73c , ra ' ine: ' ,nc '"'? wide ; l ch
UIU onl>, yard Mav Sale ! #1.19 rose shade, Friday only, yard, 390
*—— ; —' ,vidr™i • lIICIIC r Men's SI.OO flannel' shirts with 39c ratine; 36 inches wide; neat
Women's and Misses ' * * c *'
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor / Y «/ I a ' e voile and crepe, white I
Women's $2.00 black kid skin shirts and percale negligee shirts *
and gun metal calf shoes, button Colored Dress Goods I \ —'l with soft or laundered cuffs. Spe
anH larr stvles with hcavv stitched ' cial in the May Sale b9f
soles Fridav only crepe de chine, ,n all the new . Men's $2.98 silk and mercerized
an" S lf^ W bu,to,': id s The Millinery Section Men's Neckwear
stitched soles with Cuban heels, not 69* \r> T ri*n- TT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. Men's 39c and 50c flowing-end
all sizes. Friday only $1.49 sl'so krinkle "crepe4o" inches With ItS Display of White HatS D 1 ii n four-in-hand ties, plain and fancy
Misses $2.00 patent colt and tan wide . a] , the new shades for strce( . . Bleached Pillow Cases stripes. Friday only 290
calf button shoes, made on full toe and evcning wear Fridav onl and bright Color 1 OUCHeS 25c 45x36-inch bleached pillow Men's 25c and 35c silk knitted
asts vitt stitcie so e> yard 89<* T i -«r j cases, embroidered and hemstitched. four-in-hand ties. Friday only 160,
LOOkS InVltmg Fndav only. each 19, 3,0 45,
shoes, Goodyear welted oak leather Men's blne cbambraysbirts with
soles, sizes 11J4 to 2. Friday onls wide. Friday only, yard ... .#1.19 It S the Opening OI stains Friday only, each .... 20, two separate collars, fnday only
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Or 3 for SI,OO
Children's Pumps . . Unbleached Muslin Men , s Suspenders
Children's 51.25 gun metal Mary Lining Specials t~)T\ TTTI T" l\/l 1I I 1 T~\ 8c 36-inch fine unbleached mus- ,
Jane pumps, made on a wide toe last ifeopecidis OUllllllOl 1V1111111C;1 V ] in . Friday only, yard 1* Men s nOc fine lisle web suspend
with light weight stitched soles. . black P arniers satine J 40 D., P. & s., street Floor, Rear. ers. Friday only 2«)^
Sizes 8 1 / 2 to 11. Fridav onlv inches wide. Iriday only, yard, And Wc Will B© PIgSSOcI tO H&VO Men's lisle web suspenders, made
■ You See the Hundreds Li™„ Statins 5 ~
of New Creations *
ed necks, bunch tucks trim yoke, rp -r . n n Dive! '' Pome,oy & stewart> Second Floor - and dret,ses - i nda > onl - v » > aid - ° rrptonne Clishinn«;
neat ruffle trims neck and sleeves. Taffeta Ribbon Hnm p,nnn T«l,lp T ,inpn unions
Frida >" only 29* Si,k and taffeta ribbon with fancy , w r , , fiUcd * Cret ° nne CUShi °" S wUh
Gingham Petticoats Art Needlework at Basement Specials 4SSS
Blue or' grev striped gingham worth 25c. Priday only, \ard, I{)<* Halt i rice 98c set Potts irons. Fri- ) au • r #
petticoats. Friday only :t.>c w -Hn nHUprr}, -fc A leak in the roof was responsi- day only G9<» Linen L unc h ClotllS bummer Curtains
'Hroccit-krr <so„„ MQ , ble for considerable damage by hour-foot stepladders. I'riday _ SI.OO lace curtains, 3 yards long,
Women's cross bar cotton hand- .water to goods in the Art Needle- only 39<i 6 c t^1 ' e S or hemstitched twQ good patterns in ecru Friday
Lawn dressing sacques, white kerchiefs, value up to 4c. Fridav work Section and these have been automatic dishwashers. c'otns, jo.v hk e., a men. mi- , • 8 01.
ground with colored figure, Fri- only. 12 for ** -educed to half for a quick clear- onlv day CaUl cross stripe madras 'curtains
day only \\ omen s one-corner embroidered ancc - r> .' i • n r m Fapp nnH Ritli Tnwpk , ' P , '
Swiss handkerchiefs, worth 10c. Included are stamped towels, cor- Paper towels, /o m roll. l-nda\ I 4 act and Haul lOWeIS 2 y 3 yards long in green and cream.
1 ercale Aprons Friday only, 4 for .. .'. sct covers, princess slips, center- on '. v \2}/jc border buck towels, size Friday only, pair !S9^
Dark or light percale aprons ki- v*r ' X' i pieces. pillow tops, dressing 25c fruit presses. Friday only, 18x36 inches. Friday only, 3 for, 75c ruffled muslin curtains; white;.
mono sleeves, colored piping trim- > V Omen S Aeckwear sacques, crochet cotton, etc. _ 25* yards long. Friday only, pair, Jfl
med. 1-riday only :{9<> A large variety of «tvlcs sliehtlv ' ) -,'!° A 1 "' 1> 10c rattan carpet beaters. Friday 25c bleached I urkish bath towels, j
> f - , A I}l mussed, values up to 50c.' >rida"v -n P,U ? W ?° l>S only a r-° size " Frida - V ° n, - V 1 uivcs Pomeroy & Stewart. Third
Mlddv Blouses onlv .. vm/1 .-0c centerp:ece> J, , " , , , , 17 T *
..... ~ ~ , , - 14 y*V SI.OO centerpieces
-Middy blouses, collar ,pocket and i-ii ij , T r .r. o» r 1 - 1 •
cuffs on sleeves trimmed with col- | Children S Umbrellas ci*nn Sl " ar ,«l i * - „ - • -1 lace trimmed scarls and Aluminum Ware at 10c
ored braid. Friday onlv » n.ildren's h; ,: . , „ sl-00 con,bn.ation underwear / rolls .-.c tissue todet paper. Fn- sh am s will, drawn work. Friday Aluminum VY are ai lUC
. . . ' v colot nmbrcllas _ ( i av on i v lite on j v Frying pans, ladles, mixing bowls.
Children's Drawers SlvX • : ,vorth , b T ms - $1.39 folding ironing boards. Fri- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. funnels, nested auto cups, pie plates, I
, . 1 "(lay only 10c to small pieces. .»c to , , f
Children s cambric drawers, Pomeroy * slewart. street Floor. Dives Pomeroy * Stewart. Third Floor. da - v onl - v 98 <* strainers, soap dishes, match safes,
bunch tucks and plain hem trim- $1.69 heavy copper nickel-plated White Ooods salt and pepper shakers, folding
med. Jridav only 9f* ; „ , . teakettles. Fridav only ....$1.19 drinking cups, mixing spoons. Fri-
Chan,bray Rompers s . Corset Spec,als 51 .50 and r.nnd and ova, J* day only «<*
r>l , . r>\\ iss emoroiaery llouncine, 2/ So.<X) Kengo belt Corsets, rri- casseroles, nickel frames. Fridav , A ' it* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement
blue chambray rompers, white inches wide; large' range of pat- day only $1.95 only 98« ° n £' \'\u"
piping trimmed. l-ilda\ only, terns. \ alues up to 59c. Fridav Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement " ° '/-f '"V 7 Urt - l'rirlnv n .
i n i. nf . oniv. vard S ex ra ql !f h,y for Corsets and Brassieres
lntants blips 3nrl J' 1 only, yard i 2 / 2*
Tnianis' minsmL- <lin- nt ' sertion • l-,r C ' cln ? r cr - ,n " (\ O » . 29c plain and stripe serge, 28 Broken sizes Corsets, 75c and
iniants nainsook slips, neat cm- sertion, large range ot patterns 1. . I VV* sZ # 4« . • i -n -j i i ku .. .
hvoidcry edge trims neck and slightly soiled, values up to 25c! U V mches wide. I'riday only, yard, W SI.OO values Friday only ZZ*
sleeves. Friday only 2.V , Friday only, yard oo "— —■jmnmiwi - . ~- c . , ine " . , lIU 1 , SIU and J- Brassieres, small sizes;
- „ DiV0 "' POi " er ° y & Floor I Dive,, Pomeroy Stewart. Street Floor. I Pomeroy " sLT/'sLet Floor. value. Friday only 2'i*
Lebanon, Pa.. May 7. An infected
tooth is held responsible for the death
of Grant Kirst, 4S years old, a widely
known ironworker of this city. lie j
was afflicted four months ago with
symptoms of bloodpoisoning and his
condition was extremely critical when
his sufferings wire ended by a stroke
of apoplexy. Ho is survived by a wife j
and four sons.
~° , ■
O Centrally located, O
| up to date and
newly furnished
t Club Breakfast
Muiic with Lunch.
N " ; Dinner and Supper
pn« »oc= »B
Thin men and women who would
like to increase their weight with 10 or
15 pounds of healthy "stay there" fat
should try eating a little Sargol with
tlieir meals for a while and note re
sults. Here is a good test worth try
ing First weigh yourself and measure
yourself. Then take Sargol— one tab
let with every meal—for two weeks.
Th»n weigh and measure again. It isn't
a question of how you look or feel or
What your friends say and think. The
scales and the tape measure will tell
their own story, and most any thin
man or woman can easily add from live
to eight pounds in the first fourteen
days by following this simple direction.
And best of all, the new tiesh stays
Sargol does not of itself make fat,
but mixing with your food, it turns the
fats, sugars and starches of what you
liave eaten, into rich, ripe, fat-produc
ing nourishment for the tissues and
blood—prepares it in an easily assimi
fcited form which the blood can readily
accept. All tills nourishment now
passes from your body as waste. But
Sargol stops th<> waste and does it
quickly" and mnlces the fat-producing
contents of the. very same meals you
are atlng now develop pounds ann
pounds of healthy llcsh between your
skin and hones. Sargol Is safe, pleas
ant. efficient and inexpensive. George
A. (iorgas and other leading druggists
in Harrisburg and vicinity sell It in
large boxes—forty tablets to a pack
age—on a guarantee of 'veis;lit increase
or money back.—Advertisement.
Sales Expert Declares Newspaper
"Ad" Is Best Aid
Men Have
Ginger by the handfuls was injected
into the sales force oj the J. H. Troup
Music House, 15 South Market Square,
last night by Martin McCarrick, of
Brooklyn, sales and advertising ex
pert, who is directly in charge of the
big "co-operative piano" sale which
opened to-day in the Troup store.
The Troup salesmen were the guests
of the Troup management at a lunch
eon in the Columbus Hotel and it waa
here that Mr. McCarrick gave his gin
gery talk. Xot that ginger was' the
only spice that McCarrick had at his
command during the evening. Far
from it. McCarrick mixed his ginger
.with hot stuff that made his listeners
■ itch to get out and put into practice
I the selling advice that was handed
The main purpose of McCarrick's
talk was to give an explanation to
the Troup field men the co-operative
sale proposition whereby 300 Francis
Bacon pianos are to be soi<l by the
Troup house within the next'sixtv
days. The Francis Bacon piano, which
ordinarily sells for $350, is to be sold
during the sale for $248.75, and Mc-
Carrick told the Troup salesmen how
and why it could be done with profit
to the salesman, the manufacturer and
the dealer, as well as to the customer.
Small Profits, but Big Sales
"For years," began Mr. McCarrick,
"piano dealers throughout the United
States have believed that they could
make more money by selling fewer in
struments at large profits than many
instruments at small profits. The ut
ter fallacy of this belief is being proved
in scores of cities throughout the
country by the co-operative sales plan,
whereby hundreds of instruments are
sold at small profits which In the end
result in enormous profits In the ag
"But how sell so many pianos in
such a short time? you ask," went on
McCarrick. "We make newspaper
copy sell for us. By judicial use of
newspaper copy, and by Judicial use
I mean wide use, we have been able
to reduce the piano sales cost from
25 and 30 per cent, to less than 3
l>er cent."
McCarrick then told the Troup
salesmen that during the co-operative
sale the Troup house will insert in
H.irrisburg dailies 34,000 lines of aa
vortising copy or 4,600 newspaper
"That bunch of advertising," said
Mr. McCarrick, "would reach from
the Columbus Hotel to the Troup
house, back to this hotel, and back
again to the Troup store.
"Mve ad copy,' he continued, "will
do more to help a salesman seil his
goods than any other one thing in the
universe." The speaker deplored the
habit of piano trade salesmen's trying
to land a customer by treating him to
drinks or cigars.
"Never," shot out the sales expert,
"ought a customer be bought in this
way. If you want to give something
to him wait until the sale is closed.
What the customer wants is not beer
or cigars, but a good square deal, and
that's what he will get under the co
operative sale plan."
McCarrick told the Troup men the
history of the Bacon piano, pointing
out that the Steinways, the Deckers
and the Hazeltons—all big piano men
of to-day and the past—were trained
in the Bacon factories. He said the
Bacon sells for much less than other
pianos of the same grade because of
the enormous numbers of instruments
sold each year through extensive ad
How l'rulits Are Kitten I'p
"Here's the trouble with the piano
business in the United States," said
McCarrick, "the average dealer pays
a salesman a big commission to sell a
piano. Then he allows the salesman
to take old pianos as 'trade-ins'; he
! pays the cost of hauling the new piano
and the 'trade-in': he spends money on
the repairing of the 'trade-in': he pays
1 a salesman a big commission to sell
the 'trade-in' to some other customer?
And where are the profits? Eaten up
in the system of barter and exchange.
Why, there are some piano dealers
; who would take a cow or a flock of
| chickens In trade in order to make a
! sale. That's why there are not 500
j out of 3,000 salesmen in this country
w-ho can lay their hands on $3,000 at
I this minute.
"By the co-operative sale plan we
give the customer a good piano at a
lower price with easy terms. But we
do not take any old pianos or organs
In exchange. When we sell a Francis
Bacon piano at the low price of $248.75
we take nothing but money. We don't
like cows and we haven't coops in
which to keep chickens. That's why
we are able to undersell our competi
tors, and that's why we give the cus
tomer the bargains we offer."
McCarrick told of a campaign in
Pittsburgh where 550 pianos were sold
in thirty days under the plan now be
inc used by Troup. He related his ex
periences In similar sales throughout
the New England Htates and the West,
where thousands of instruments have
been sold.
The luncheon was served before the
talk of the sales expert and it was one
of those sort that make Troup's func
tions for his employes always so
memorable and so delightful.
Those present at the luncheon were
Harry S. Fry, Carlisle; W. H. Slike,
E. W. Knier. D. F. Ommert, Frank
Like, R. H. Tomlinson, Harry Troup,
A. S. Fortenbaugh, New Cumberland;
John O. Mickey, H. G. Miller, Joseph
M. Fry, Carlisle; J. B. Cannon, W. B,
Pcntz, H. S. Bicksler, J. H. Troup,
Mrs. C. S. Troup, Mrs. R. W. Troup,
Therese M. Quimby, Lewis M. Quimby,
Robert W. Troup, Charles S. Troup,
Charlotte S. McCarrick, Martin Mc-
Carrlck, C. L. Shepley, H. B. Fox, Mid
dletown; V. H. Brackenridge.
The Troup salesmen to-day began
to cover the territory within a radius
of fifty miles of Harrisburg to follow
up the newspaper campaign with per
sonal work. They sell their pianos
with a contract carrying a five-year j
guarantee, a money-back-lf-not-satls-i
lied provision, and a clause that can- i
eels further payment if the original
purchaser dies.
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Ttlegraph
[ Waynesboro.—James A. Miley, 73
years old, a Civil War Veteran, died in I
i Mont Alto yesterday. He was born in
Mont Alto and served three years as a'
member of Company G, One Hundred I
and Fifty-eighth Regiment. He is
j survived by his widow and these chil
dren: Walter B. Miley, Mrs. Jaines
Stymiest, Mont Alto; Mrs. Crawford
Hefner, Waynesboro; George Miley,
Carlisle, and Barton Miley, at home.
Akron.—Charles H. Dougherty, 79
years old, a retired Pennsylvania Rail
rond conductor, died from an attack
of heart disease after a short illness.
He was a resident of this county all his
life, and he is survived by one son and
one daughter.
Willow Street. —Mrs. Margaret Lar
ner, 78 years old, died after an illness
of two years. Eight children, ten
I grandchildren, two brothers and one
'sister survive. She was a teacher In
the schools in early life.
Waynesboro.—Arthur Vincent Dor
sey, 23 years old, a well-known young
man of Waynesboro, died suddenly
yesterday from double pnoumonla. He
had been ill since Friday. He was born
in Emmltsburg and was the son of
George and Laura Dorsey. He Is sur
vived by his mother, one brother, Arbe
Dorsey, and a sister. Miss Etta Dorsey,'
Hummelstown. Aaron G. Porter,
■one of the best known residents of the
borough, died suddenly last night of
heart failure. lie had left his home
about 8 o'clock and had gone about
a square when he suddenly fell to the
street. He was taken to his home,
where he died shortly afterward. For
many years he was proprietor of the
Grand Central Hotel. He was a mem
ber of the Derry Council, Junior Order
United American Mechanics. lie is
survived by his wife and a son, Har
vey Porter, station agent at Brown
Organized Bible Classes
March to Big Tabernacle
For Evangelistic Service?
Special to The Telegraph
Lykens, Pa., May 7. —At 7 o'clock
last night the various organized Bible
classes In Lykens, Wiconisco and out
lying towns marched to the Nicholson- j
Hemminger Tabernacle, led by the j
United Brethren Band of Lykens. At j
least 1,200 were present, this being j
men's night. The meeting was one of j
continued enthusiasm, as the Rev. Mr.
Nicholson in a most profound and j
powerful manner spoke on the reali
ties and necessities of this life. His
text was taken from the fourth chapter
of the ninth verse. The Rev.
Mr Nicholson paid high tribute to the
newly-elected county superintendent
of schools, Professor P. 12. Shambaugh,
congratulating the peopld upon having
such an officer of Intellectuality and
morality at the head of the schools.
Some of the things which Nichol
son said during his sermon follow:
"Some people look at serving Christ as
a sort of lire-escape." "Gold and silver
are not treasures in heaven, but treas
ures in heaven are redeemed souls.".
"The mortgages and bonds of this
world would not be found to be tram
pled vp on In the streets of heaven."
Palmyra Man Dies From
Injuries of Year Ago
Special to The Telegraph
Palmyra, Pa., May 7.—Harry How
ard Shaeffer, a veteran of the Span
ish-American war, a former member
of the State police force, and for a
number of years engaged with the
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad
company's special detective force with
headquarters at Harrlsburg, died at
his home here, aged 37 years. He died
within three days of the first anniver
sary of. his marriage to Miss Fannie
Boyle McCaully, of Lebanon, who sur
vives him, together with his mother,
Mrs. Shaeffer, and a brother. Archie |
Shaeffer. of this place. Shaeffer was
employed last year its a lineman with
ithe Edison Electric Illuminating com-1
MAY 7, 1914.
pany, of Lebanon, and while work
ing on tho top of a high pole lost his
balance and fell to tho ground, a
distance of forty feet. He never re
covered from the effects of his in
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., May 7.—Lebanon
chainmakers have claimed the body
,of Winliekl Scott McConkey, of Bea
ver Falls, Pa., who was accidentally
killed on the Reading railroad here on
Sunday morning, to prevent the body
from being shipped to Philadelphia
for dissecting purposes. Arrangements
have been made for a funeral to-mor
row when the body will be given
proper burial. ' •
Mothers Tell of
Experience is or should be our best
teacher. Women who have obeyed the
highest and noblest of all sacrifices, tho
struggle for the life of others, should
have a better Idea of helpful Influence
than those who theorize from observation.
At any rate when a prospective grand
mother urges her daughter to do as sho
did—to use "Mother's Friend," there Is
reason to believe It the right ndvlce.
"Mother's Friend" is an external ap
i plication for expectant mothers. It 3 pur
| pose Is to furnish pliancy to tho muscles,
I to take away the strain on the cords and
i ligaments, to relieve the tension of nerves
j and tendons so apt to provoke or a.T
--1 gravate nausea, morning sickness, twitcli-
Ings of the limbs and so on.
Although. In the nature of things, a
woman would use "Mother's Friend" but
but rarely, yet so effective has it been
found that this splendid remedy Is on sale
In most drug stores throughout the
United States. Tt has been prepared by
liradfleld Regulator Co., 406 I.atnar Rldg.,
Atlanta, Qa., and advertised by us for
eversforty years. This Is a fine record
for such a special remedy and the grate
ful letters received to-day are Just as
appreciative as were those of years ago
notwithstanding that methods are sup
' posed to have greatly advanced. Ask at
| the drug store for a bottle of "Mather's
I Friend." It 1« worth while.
Business Locals
C. E. Shaffer started business In
small shop at 5 North Cameron stree
Succeeded, April 15, 1912, by Alfre
H. Shaffer, under name of Shaff<
Wagon Works. Business has grow
and a modern factory building, 7f>
100 feet, with lighted roof, was ereci
ed at 80-88 South Cameron street wit
modern machines, individual motoi
driven; giving good service. A salt
department, Shaffer Sales Co., has r<
cently been added. Sell all kinds <
carriage builders' supplies, also agenc
for Firestone Truck Tires. Send f<
If so, you want to get rid of thi
lonesome feeling by taking your mea
at the Busy Bee Restaurant. Ever;
thing is clean and uppetizingly serve
and coming here from day to dt
gives you an acquaintance with mar
others who keep bachelor's hall. Th
gives the place that home-like fee
ing where you may dine in conten
ment. 9 North Fourth street.
We are doing dreadful things <
wall paper prices, and you may b
lleve it is not old and shop-worn, oi
of fashion paper, but bright, new d
lightful designs in many grades ai
prices, and we can pleaae you beyor
your .imagination. Our work is tl
best. You will like it best. Now
papering time. We're ready. A.
White, 418 North Third street.
That is, grcaso spots on your su
coats or dresses, do not enhance yoi
appearance. These should be remo
ed and the soiled garment renovat
occasionally so that the original beau
of the weave and design may be set
as when it was new. Send it to Com
ton, 1006 North Third street.
Just one of the many complimenta
expressions heard dally by those 1
spectlng the varied assortment
beautiful suits, coats and dresses
tho Klein Company store at 9 Nor
Market Square. A continuation of tl
midseason special at this large sto
is assurance of extraordinary valu*
Carpet Co
1 32 North Second Street