BOTH PHONES WILL REACH THE TELEGRAPH WANT AD. DEP'T v coH®fflencG % t The Telegraph maintains a private exchange and places at your disposal the services of skilled operators. When you have a want ad call Bell 2040, Cum berland 203. DIED SARVERICH On Monday, May 4, 1314, Augustus Garverlch, Dauphin, Pa., aged 87 years, 9 months and 2» days. Funeral on Thursday, May 7. at l I'clock, from the residence of his son, V. G. Garverlch, Dauphin. Pa. The elatives and friends are invited to at end without further notice. H'FSHOUR Andrew K. Hufshour died 11:30 Sunday evening at his late residence, 2732 Elm street, Penbrook, aged 72 years. Funeral services Thursday, 1 o'clock, rum Lutheran Church, of Penbrook. *he Rev. Mr. Unfit will officiate. Surial Ilunnnelstown Cemetery. lAR'rMAN On May 4, 1914, Mary 1,, wife of Dr. G. W. Hartman, aged 38 years. Funeral services will be announced iter. iILBERT At his home, in Harris burg, Pa., on the morning of May 4, Lyman D. Gilbert. Funeral services from his house, No. 03 North Front street, on Wednesday fternoon, at 4 o'clock. Please omit owers. (IKLE On Tuesday morning, May 5, 1914, Mrs. Jessie Irene Bikle, wife of W. D. Bikle, aged 32 years, 5 months and 23 days. Funeral will be announced later from er mother's residence, lis North Arch treet, Mechanicsburg. UPPER On Monday. May 4, 1914, ax. 3 A. M., Elizabeth Theresa Ripper, wife of Charles E. Ripper, aged 44 years. i Funeral on Thursday morning at 9 'clock, from St. Lawrence's German athollc Church. The relatives and riends are invited to attend without notice. Burial in Mt. Calvary Irnetery. IRINDLE A» Sharon, Pa., May 4, 1914, Sarah C. Brindle, widow of David Brindle, in her 87th year. Burial at Halifax, Pa., Wednesday, 9 .. M. Relatives and friends invited to ttend without turtht-r notice. LOST LOST About one month ago, either n Filbert, near South, or on South, ear Filbert street, bunch of keys. Re ard of SI.OO if returned to Telegraph flice. IXtST Gold chain with Masonic mblem, between Orpheum and Third, o Market, or on Market street to quare. Reward if returned. J. W. M., 2 Heir street. HELP W ANTED —Male WANTED House painters. Apply 5 Sixteenth and State streets. IF YOU ARE ALL RIGHT AND you have an acquaintance monnc Automobile Owners then the irgest and best known Automobile ire and Supply House in America will nable you to go into the Automobile upply business in your locality, without nesting a dollar, and by devoting ither all or part of your time earn from u to 60 dollars a week. For partlcu irs address, 355, Automobile Supply 0., 148 Duane street, New York. WANTED—Experienced waiter, white, ood wages paid. Apply at once, anderau's Restaurant, Chambersburg, 'a. WANTED A first-class barber! lust be sober and industrious. Apply . M. Brandau, Manager, ilershey Men's lub, Hershey, Pa. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at nee for Electric Railway Motormen nd Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; o experience necessary; fine opportu ity; no strike; write immediately for ppllcation blank. Address Box 820 ire of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced leather up er cutter wanted in small canvas glove lanufacturing plant. Chance to make 2.50 to $3.00 per day Call at 766 South hird street, Steelton, Pa. Get off car econd and Hofter streets. \ FOR RENT HOUSES 1930 Wallace St., 2 s. f„ 7 r. & b., *lO 1926 Wallace St.. - s. f.. 7 r .«13 745 S. 2H4 St., ZVt s. f., 8 r. & b., SIB bb2 Emerald St.. 3 s. b #J7 650 Schuylkill St., 3 s. f., 7 r.. #2O 109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b., 3 r. b »21 1024 S. 18th St., 214 s. b., 8 r. & b., $35 1503 N. 2d St., 3 s. b„ 10 r. & b., $45 1627 N. 2d St., 3 s. b., 10 r. & b.. Lentoyne —3s4 York St.. 2 s. f. . . $7 Newport— -Desirable summer lioine, the Marshall property furnished house stable and 2 acres of ground. Perdlx —Furnished cottage .... SSO APARTMENTS 13 X. 4th St., second floor apart ment. 3 rooms and bath $25 128 Walnut St.. second floor house keeping apartment—3 rooms and bath—city steam heat $35 Z\* K. Oth St.— lst floor— 4 rooms— ■ bath—city steam heat *3O ■25 N. 2d St., 3d floor—s rooms bath hot water city steam beat *42.50 The UonaldMon —Second near Locust street very desirable single rooms and suites of two. three and four rooms (no housekeeping). STORE ROOMS AND OFFICES A number of very desirable office rooms: 400 Market St., room on 3d floor, |IIO 412 Market St., two rooms, . .. *3O 825 Market St., store room. 25x160 ft 823 Broad St.. 3-story brick and basement (24x125 ft. to rear alley) 812-520 Market St., United States Hotel property—7s rooms—entire or by floors. Mlddlrtown —Store room on Union street >35 Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —MaIe WANTED Good, stout boy for suburban home, to take care of lawn, row boats, tenuis courts and to make himself generally useful about the place. If energetic, a few hours work 1 each day will suffice. Apply between I 10 and 12 A. M., at 429 Broau street. WANTED Competent stenographer I and clerk; only experienced men ap j ply; state experience. Address H., 614, care of Telegraph. WANTED Eight or ten good bench men; steady work. Apply En sminger Lumber Co., Twenty-sixth and Derry streets. PAINTERS WANTED for first-class outside work. C. U. Bums & Son, West Fair view, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED WE make no extravagant offers, but have a good proposition for men with I sales ability. Compensation limited 1 only by itbilty of the man. Stetson Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. HELP WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Experienced starcher on ; shirts and collars in large steam | laundry in a neighboring city. Wages, I Ten Dollars per week. Fare paid. Ad ; dress T., 634, care of Telegraph Office, i WANTED—White girl for coolc and hgeneral housework, to go to country. German preferred. Apply 611 North ; Front. WANTED Girls or women to sew canvas gloves; easy to learn; pay good i wuges while learning—Saturday arter ! noon off. Call 766 South Third street, i Steelton, Pa. Get off car Second and Hofter. 111 | HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female I WANTED White man for garden. ! or man and wife, on small country i place; must have had some experience. ! Apply at once. 115 South Front street. I WANTED Man or woman of char j acter and ability to take charge, of of fice on salary. Must Invest SI,OOO to ■ $2,000. Properly secured. Established ! business. No triflers. Address 633, care . Of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED— MaIe WANTED Young man, 20 years of age, desires clerical position. Knowl -1 edge of bookkeeping, shorthand and i typewriting. Address K., 643, care of Telegraph. WANTED Carpenter wants posi tion. Address H. L.. 712 Race street. WANTED Young man. 25 years of age. married, desires clerical position; experienced on typewriter. Address ! 640. care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED—Competent woman wants position as housekeeper; city preferred, j Address Box 25, Penbrook. Pa. WANTED Woman wants work of any kind, day's work, housecleaning or general housework. Call, or address, t 1322 North Seventh street. WANTED Washing wanted to do jat home. Call at 329 Clinton street. : WANTED By colored girl, day's I work, or will assist with housework, j Address E. C., 1723 North Seventh j street. i WANTED Young woman would j like a place to keep house for respect able widower. Do not object to one child. Answers can be sent to 405 Broad street. : WANTED White woman wishes | washing and ironing to do at home. Ad j dress 1312 Wallace street. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Com j petent stenographer desires work to jo at home evenings or at office. Prompt service at reasonable prices. Apply 405 ! Telegraph Building. , WANTED —• Colored woman wishes bundle washes, out 01* at home, rough dry. No. 636 Calder street WANTED White girl wants house -1 5 , ' orl f plain cooking. Address 625 | South Front street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED By colored woman, dish | washing, place to cook by the week, chambermaid or housecleaning 317 Forster street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j 1 FRAME HOUSE, located on Brlggs street, between Seco and Third- 8 rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri fice if sold this Spring. Address a O. No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 6OB Boas street—2hi story brick and frame dwelling 4 rooms first floor 3 rooms second floor —finished attic. Price, $2,700. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | SOUTHWEST CORNER Boas and Capital streets, two-and-one-half-story frame, 7 rooms and store room; lot 14 ft. by 80 ft. Apply llu Boas street. APARTMENT HOUSE AND BUSI NESS IvOCATION FOR SALIC The best in the city 75 feet on Nectarine street and 45% feet on Mulberry street, j Will be sold at a sacrifice price to a quick buyer. S. S. Etter, 1163 Derry : street. , FOR SALE slOO reduction on the price of No. 1512 Hunter street. Should Interest you. Nine rooms, bath, gas furnace, porch; lot, 20x100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ; WHY not live in Elizabethtown, Pa.? 1 A town which has all city conveniences I good markets, splendid train and trol- 1 I ley service. Houses with all modern | conveniences for sale or rent. Call on I or address, J. H. Buch, Elizabethtownj I Pa. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR PALE 622 Boas street 2hi story brick and frame dwelling 4 rooms flrst floor 3 rooms second floor finished attic. Price, $2,250. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. FOR SALE 3-story brick dwelling, No. 409 Herr street; 4 rooms first floor— -3 rooms and bath second floor 2 large rooms third floor. Price, $2,«00. M. A. | Fought. 272 North street. FOR SALE 1430 Reglna street, im provements, $2,200; 214 North Four t®e«th street, 3-story, improvements, $..800, $1,300 rash; 1350 and 1402 North street, at a bargain; plot at Reservoir, 60x185, $1,400; 230 ft. frontage at Em erald and Curtln, $30.00 per foot; 1»39 Logan, 2-story brick, $2,200, SSOO cash. Irwin M. Oassell, Real Estate and In surance, 1444 Regina street. FOR SALE Special bargain for quick, cash purchaser; 3-story brick house: 9 rooms and bath; good location; must be sold before the 14th. Address Box 639, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE OR RENT 235 Boas 3-story brick 9 rooms hall im provements good location rear entrance easy terms. Rent, $30.00. Apply 815 Green, or Harrisburg Trust Co. FOR SALE 42 North Eighteenth St. 3-story brick 8 rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porch corner property possession at once. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FOR SALE l7lO Green street 3-story brick 8 rooms, bath and fur nace. Price, $3,700.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. NO. 354 S. THIRTEENTH ST. is for sale at a reasonable price 3-story brick; 8 rooms; bath; gas; furnace; porch; desirable location. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR SALE 3-story brick dwelling —629 Hamilton street— 8 rooms flrst floor and kitchen 3 rooms and bath second floor 2 rooms third floor. Price, $2,500. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. FOR SALE 7O Acres One-half mile north of Camp Hill frame dwell ing frame bank barn running water—Conodoguinet Creek on rear of farm. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR RENT New two-story frame house, located on Progress Extension. Five rooms. Lot, 40x135 feet. Close to trolley. Call at 439 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT 709 North Sixth street, three-story brick dwelling; all conveni ences. Inquire Dr. B. S. Behney, 202 Ijocust street. Rent. $35.00. May be rented furnished until September' 14. ** RENT 513.50 per month to small, white family 2%-story brick front, with improvements Tenth, near Maclay. Call between 10 and 12 A. 31., 429 Broad street. KENT One small frame rea r ot 1130 North Front Sr.e ?„• tor colored people only. Apply -'26 Chestnut street. KENT 315 Herr street; 8 A« torj * fr ame; gas and water. * i **6.00. Immediate possession. ona P IJ l * or * to 6:30 P. M., .♦O9 North Second street. KENT House and barn, with M.t i u,F m land - about five miles nfnimi-f lal . ifax; Plenty of fruit. Ein- Ha 0 l > i^ nt R gU F en b. A N^ ly 2 . J - W - Ett '" ger ' RKAL J-STATK i-'OK SALE OR RKN T 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 V. land - known as the tv>..Vi ? .Miller b arm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the i (HHi*. ai ' Koad, about 4 miles from 'riV.fl 6 ?. £' . A PP'y Commonwealth Ll. . °'' Keal Estate Department. 223 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT 127 South Fourteenth street, first floor apartment; 5 rooms and bath; front and side porches; also second floor apartment, 4 rooms and bath; front porch; 30-ft. balcony; front and rear entrances; vapor heat plant. Inquire 125 South Fourteenth street. Apartments—Derry Block, 14th and Derry Streets. FOR RENT—Finest furnished apart- in the city, singly or en-suite, The Conway, 131 Walnut street. For merly next Orpheum Theater. FOR RENT Apartment third floor— —22s North Second street— s rooms —bath steam heat hot water —■ possession at once. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. FOR RENT Apartments also rooms, with or without board. Rent reasonable. Apply J. D. Lathery, 1417 . ernon street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room in downtown apartment. Call Bell phone 664 R. RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with board; all conveniences; central location. 814 Capital street. Bell phone 659 R. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished second anil third floor front rooms with all conveniences, including use of bath fcnd phone ; Reference required. Ap ply 1426 North Second street. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of phone, 209 State street, or phone 1543 L. FOR RENT By the night or month, the finest rooms In Harrlsburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apart ments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212 Locust street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Room, with refined, private family, on Allison's Hill large third floor front room, for two gentlemen; nicely furnished; twin beds; all conveniences; breakfast served. Ad dress J., 637, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished room; cen trally located; terms reasonable. 110 North Second street. FOR RENT Dlningroom, kitchen and three bedrooms; use of bath; good residential section. Address Box J. 635 care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water in each room; elec tric light; use of phone and bath. Ap ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms, suitable for light house keeping; all conveniences. Inquire at 1432 Berryhill street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlgirs street FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished front room; modern conveniences; use of phone. 501 North Front street. FOR RENT —— Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms in private families, all parts of city Improvements 11.26 week many other rooms. Sena address and I will call Address X., 508, care of Tele graph. ROOMS WANTED WANTED By gentleman and wife, front room, second floor, furnished; cen trally located; best references. Address V., 638, c»re of Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS WANTED | ADDITIONAL ROOMS WANTED FOB REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GRAND liOlXiE OF ODD FELLOWS WHICH MEETS IN THIS CITV MAY 10 TO 21. NOTIFY EITHER OF THE UNDER SIGNED AND STATE NUMBER TH AT CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AND THE PRICE PER MGHT. GEO. C. McCAHAN. 2210 NORTH FOURTH STREET. JOHN S. SPICEH. < BOX 780. WANTED AUTOMOBILES bought for cash any quantity. If you want to sell your Ford, Studebaker, Buick, Overland, Cadillac, Hudson, Packard, Peerless, Pierce, Maxwell, National, American Regal. Locomobile, Flanders, or any standard make of car not earlier than 1910 model, for cash, write us full de scription and price. Universal Motor Car Co., 1826 Wood avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1913 Yale Motorcycle. Good bargain to quick purchaser. M. F. Harris, 1513 Vernon street, Harris burg. Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sßle at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE At sacrifice, if taken at once; stock and fixtures of general store doing large business, in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to in terested party. Want to Join my hus band in Minnesota, reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Clouser. Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Complete vestibule, in cluding outside hood and stone steps. Also rails and balustrades for open hardwood stairway, and bricks to give away. Apply 509-511 North Fourth street, where buildings are being re moved. FOR SALE City milk route hand ling from 45 to 48 gallons per day. Ad dress M., 641, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Household furniture, consisting of sewing machine, parlor suit, buffet, heater, carpets, dishes, bed room furniture. Call 1600% Logan avenue. FOR SALE Harley Davidson mo torcycle, with side car. Will sell cheap. Apply 1421 North Fourth street. FOR SALE Two hundred and fifty tons of ice. Buyer can have priv ilege of keeping the ice at its present storage place. Will sell very cheap. Apply 901 South Twentieth street. City. Bell phone 1062 W. FOR SALE One 1913 Motorcycle, fully equipped; price reasonable; easy terms. 1317 Derry street. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties matle to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. C. W. H. LANGLETZ, wholesale and retail rough and dressed lumber. Bell phone 1383 J. Office and yards: Cam eron and Mulberry streets. FOR SALE One black mare, one delivery wagon, one carriage, single o. double-seated; one set harness. Price, S2OO for whole outfit. Addrees 431 Broad street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and in fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE A No. 1 family driving horse. Perfectly safe for ladies. Par ticulars O. K. Weibley, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE A barber shop furni ture complete, with five chairs of maple wood. Payment half cash and half on trust. Apply 1325 Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Buick, 5-passenger touring car; new tires; will deman- Btrate. $250 will buy It if sold at once. Apply at 1745 North Sixth Btreet. FOR SALE Beautiful flve-ptece parlor suit, in splendid condition, very reasonable. Call at 428 Harris street. C. W. 11. LANGLETZ, wholesale and retail rough and dressed lumber. Bell phone 1383 J. Office and yards: Cam eron and Mulberry streets. FOR SALE Four-cylinder, twenty horse-power runabout for sale at a bar gain. Address P. O. Box 191. FOR SALE Ford Roadster with rumble seat and box. suitable for light delivery. Apply Jos. S. Poulton, 307 Market street, third floor. 1913 Regal Roadster will demonstrate in good running order tires in good shape—will sell at a bargain. C. M. Iloffer, care of Hofter & Garman, 230 S. Eighteenth St. FOR KENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business ornce. FOR REST STORE ROOM (45 ft. deep) 205 Lo cust street; formerly occupied by Mme. Perrie. Apply to Donaldson Paper Co or Miller Bros. & Neefe. FOR RENT Room for motorcycle in garage rear of 316 Broad street SI.(M per month. Apply at Hoerner's. 316 Broad street. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse' Cowden street near Market. Elevator' railroad siding; 5,000 sq. ft. floor space' Possession June 1. Apply C. F Gohl North Second street. Bell'phone FOIt REST Desirable offl-en in the Telegraph Building, dlukl) ur en suite, lugulre n« Business Office. FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sewer, rear 1530 Reglna street, Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J S. Slble. 25fi Herr street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE foTothei property No. 1913 North Sixth street —.9 rooms bath store room well built business property. Get par ticulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOK SALE Oil EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Ward) Kime of them on paved street. Will exchange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for a builder. Call and Inspect blue print. F. n. Oyster, Trustee, care of Telegraph Business Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY lr .exigent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. T. I MADE $5u,000 in five years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. HERE is your opportunity. The one J>>g question Is; Dojyou want to earn Big Money? If you tlo, hero is one of the best money making opportunities you will ever And. Box 636, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS HIGHEST PRICES paid for Old Gold and Silver, Watches and Jewelry. Or will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell phone 626 L WE BI'Y AND all kinds of fur niture, clothing, etc. Drop us a postal and we will call to see you. Max Smeltz, 1100 North Seventh street. I BUY AND SELL, all second-hand fur niture, carpets, etc. Drop postal, or call. A. A. Kohr, corner Blackberry and Dewberry streets. R. H. PUFFER, LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano am'. Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont gomery, Harrisburg. KEYSTONE WALLPAPER CLEAN ING CO. Let us clean your wall paper. Drop a card to H. Anderson, 1721 Susquehanna street. ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shive ly. Lui'know, Pa. FOR falling hair try Grosr Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross the | Druggist and Apothecary. Ill) ja rket [ street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone I orders given prompt attention. Bell liGO. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and I National Transfer Co. Movers of ! pianos, safes, boiler» and general haul ! ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and 1 Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. HAVE your Ford's looked after now while we are not so busy. We make a specialty on Ford cars. Give us a chance. Our prices are right. Call E. M. Snavaly, Middletown, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help Send us your worn furniture. Our best effort,a Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. A LEVIN, 805 North Third street. Furniture repair, upholstering and re finishing. Antique furniture for sale. All work properly attended to. Rea «onaj>le_gH(gi^_guaranteed MONtl TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN llOO,OOO to loan in amounts of SI,OOO and up on firjt mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Debt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of bornwer. John C. Orr, 222 Market Street. PROFIT-SHAKING LOAN SOCIF,TY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers sharfe profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms I fi-7. 9 North Market Snuare STOWAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. STOk dGE 419 Broad street, for | household goods and merchandise. Prl | vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents I per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street Woth phones. NOTICE | In the matter of application of Lydia I M. Hill to be declared a femme sole I trader. ! To Charles W. Hill: I TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been presented to the Court of Common I Pleas, of Dauphin County, by Lydia M. Hill for a decree authorizing her to act, as a femme sole trader according to Act of Assembly relating thereto, and that the Court has fixed June 1. 1914, at 10:00 A., M„ for the hearing of said matter, when you may attehd and show cause why petition should not be granted. JOHN C. NISSLEY, Attorney for Petitioner. STATE CONTROL IS ~ »J NECESSITY Feebleminded Must Be Placed Un der More Supervision by Commonwealth WILLIAM FIELD SHAY Necessity for closer State super vision over he feebleminded, espe cially the young adults, was empha sized to-day at the semiannual con ference of trustees and medical super intendents of the State and incor ported hospitals for the insane and feebleminded in this State held at the Capitol. Everyone of the State insti tutions was represented and the im portance of working for some legisla tive enactment which will extend the State control over defectives was dis cussed by Dr. Frank Woodbury, sec retary of the lunacy committee of the State Board of Public Charities. Dr. Woodbury gave figures regarding the feebleminded and called attention to the danger of propagation unless some restrictions were made. Dr. Jessie M. Peterson in a paper on the operation of the parole act, declared that provision for discrimina tion by the parole authorities should he provided and that the character of the prisoner should be considered. Henry F. Walton, of the trustees of the Far View Institution for the Crim inal Insane, spoke on systematization «f insane hospital management. At the afternoon session Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media, discussed the prob lems attending the care of the indi gent insane in this State and Dr. J. Allen Jackson declared in the course of a review of hospital conditions in the State that additional State insti tutions were a necessity and that the next legislature should provide for them. William Field Shay, of Watsontown, a member of the Danville board, pre sided and outlined what the associa tion is accomplishing. Dr. H. L. Orth, superintendent of the Harrisburg State Hospital, welcomed the visitors ani Governor Tener made an address in which he urged co-operation. The visitors were guests of Dr. Orth at luncheon at the State Hospital. MAY 5, 1914. DAMPER PLACED ON SPECULATION TODAY Hill Shares Lead in Decline; Northern Pacific Lost Two Points; Bonds Reported Steady fly Associated Press New York, May 5. Absence of new bullish influence and the extent of the recent rise put a damper on speculation for the long account and the course of the market was downward most of th» morning. Hill shares led the decline. Northern Pacific lost two points on a report, later denied, that a new stock Issue was to he put out. The popular stocks felt the effect of profitaking, and there was also a marked falling off in outside buying. With the upward movement checked, short selling was resumed, but the average decline was small. Appearance of scale buying orders in the standard issues late in the fore noon caused a rally, which was assisteu by an upturn in Missouri Pacific on buying bases on the belief that an nouncement of new financial support for the road will be made soon. Bv noon the market was restored to a level with yesterday's close. Bonds were steady. Furnlnhed by H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Building New York, May 5. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 26% 26% Amal. Copper 73 73% American Can 27% 27% American Can pfd. . 90% 90% Am. C. & F 49 49% Am. Ice Securities.. 31% 31% American Smelting . 62% 62% Anaconda 33 33 % Atchison 95% 95% Baltimore & Ohio . . 91% 91% Bethlehem Steel ... 40% 40% Brooklyn R. T 91% 92% Canadian Pacific .. . 193% 193% Central Leather ... 35% 35% Chesapeake & Ohio. 54 54 % C., M. & St. P 99 % 99% !Chino Con. Copper . 40% 40% Col. F. & 1 27 27% Consolidated Gas .. 132% 132% Corn Products 9 % 9 % Erie 28% 28% Erie Ist pfd 43% 43% Goodrich, B. F 20% 26% Great Northern pfd. 123% 123% Great Nor. Ore subs. 31% 32% Illinois Central .... 110% • 110% Interboro-Met 14% 15% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 62% 63% Lehigh Valley 139% 139% Mex. Petroleum ... 58 58 Missouri Pacific 20% 20% Nev. Con. Copper .. 13% 13% New York Central . 93% 93% N. Y„ N. 11. & H. .69% 69% Northern Pacific ... 111% 110% Pacific Mail 24% 24% Penna. R. R 111% 111% Peoples Gas & Coke 120% 121 Pittsburgh Coal 20% 20% Pressed Steel Car .. 42% 42% Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21 Reading 164% 165 Rep. Iron & Steel .. 22% 22% Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 85% 85% Southern Pacific ... 91% 92% Southern Railway .. 24% 24% Southern Ry. pfd .. 19% 19% Tennessee Copper .. 34% 34% Texas Company .... 143% 143% Union Pacific 156% 156% U. S. Rubber 58% 58 U. S. Steel 59% 59% U. S. Steel pfd 108% 108% Utah Copper 54% 55 Va. Car. Chem 26% 26% Western Union Tel.. 62 62 Westinghouse Mfg... 74% 75 Woolworth 96% 96% SOCIALISTS CUT VOTE FOR COMMinEE Failure to File Names of Can didates in Time Causes Hitch the Socialist party will be without a county or city committee during the next two years. In brief, the oversight, according to county officials, means that the ballots to be used at the primaries May 19 will be without the names of the com mitteemen candidates, nor will spaces for the writing in of these names be provided. In response to notice to Mr. Cal houn, the County Commissioners re ceived this answer: "The Socialist party will nominate candidates for county committeemen, but I am not positive how many.' It would be safe to say as mayy as there are petitions Hied. I neglected to make this call previously." This data reached the commission ers long after the required time. Rush township, as usual, is without a candidate. There are only nineteen voters registered there. Ten must sign a petition and there are not enough of one party to make this possible. No New Trlnl For Uridine Co. ln a brief opinion handed down yesterday afternoon, President Judge ICunkel | overruled the application of the Peo , pie's Bridge Company for a new trial in Uje trespass damage suit brought by Mrs. Evalina J. Carlisle for the death of her husband several years ago. A I Dauphin Common Pleas jury some time ago awarded Mrs. Carlisle a verdict for I $5,500. Mr. Carlisle drove through the bridge, which was being repaired anl ! had not been properly guarded. Hldn Kor Coul nod Pipe. Lewis Weiner was low bidder for supplying 5,500 tons of coal for the pumping sta tion at 85 cents per ton. and Stroll Brothers and Filling was low bidder at 1(5 cents for 1,200 tons of filter plant coal. Bids were also opened for 6, 8, 12 and 16-inch pipe. Following were the bids: Standard Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co., $24.74; D. S. Wood Com pany, $21.75; Donaldson Iron Co., $20.79; Warren Foundry and Machine Com pany, $22.75; United States Cast Iron Pipe Company, $21.50. FOR SALE 100 Shares Any Part Elliott-Fisher Stock At $25 Per Share Write if interested in BUYING OR SELLING CWYNNE BROTHERS Public Utility A Inactive Securities 25 Broad Street, New York CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Furulalied by H. W. SNAVELV Arcade Ruildlnc Chicago, 111., May 5. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat— May 04 ft 1 93',4 93 s # July .... ■••• Kb f g 86 % 85 4s S5 % Corn— May 65% 66 *4 65V» 6 6'4, July 65% 66% 65% 66% Outs— May 37% 37% 37% 37% July 37% 37% 37 % 37% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., May 5. Hogs Re ceipts. 10,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.35 (g 8.60; light. sN.2stf/8.55; mixed, $8.25©8.55; heavy. $58.00@8.50; rough, 8.00@8.15; pigs, $7.25@8.25. Cattle Receipts , 2,500; strong. Beevxes, $7.25@9.50; Texas steers, $7.10 & 8.15; stockers and feeders, $5.60®8.30; cows and heifers, $3.70@8.60; calves, $6.25® a.oo. Sheep Receipts, 17,000; steady. Na tive, $5.0005.80; yearlings, $5.50@6.70; lambs, native, $6.00®7.35. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 5. Wheat —. Steady; No. 2, red, export, 99@99',4c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.03V4 (W1 •0 4 . Corn Higher; new. No. 2, yellow, natural, local. do., kiln dried, local. 76@76&c. ats Firm; No. 2, whiU, 45@ 45»/fcc. Bran Market firm; winter, per a °- UO: " prinK • par ton - Refined Sugars —• Market firm; powdered, 4.05 c; line granulated, 3.95 c; confectioners' A, 3.85 c; Keystone A, | »" tter Tlle market Is higher; [Western, creamery, extras, 2614 c; | nearby prints, fancy, SOc. I p«®Sfsi — ? he market is steady; rennaylvania and other nearby firsts, °i ases »' $6.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.00 per case; [western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.30 i per case; do., firsts free cases. $6.00 j per case. Poultr y Lower; fowls, 16 54 EiLI * ypung chickens, 14®20c; [spring chickens, 35®40c; broiling la{ j^ n f' 15%@17c; o i,| roosters, 13 ?Si« c ' ducks, 12® 14c; spring ducsk, 17 r> ge ? 8e ' 15@17c; turkeys. 19%20c. Poultry Steady; fowls, western. fancy, heavy, 18c; do., *2 S° od . heavy, 16®16Vic; do., f . . t0 good, heavy, 20c; do., wefghta, 12® 15c; unattractive. 13 Wioc, old roosters, 14c; roast- I ng chickens, fancy, 18® Hue; broil ,.cillckenßl 'ancy. 24®S5e; do., fair, i JIX lar **' 33016 c; du^ • mall, is© oo; turkeys, fancy. 2!9>tci do ft . f . 20 O Itc; duck*. HtjiiU. (•««», Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 83 ©9oc; Western, per bushel, S3@9oc; Jersey, per basket, 20®50c; Florida, per basket. $2.25@5.00. 1-lour—The market is steady; winter, mtl. sv4.»uiu,t iu, >iu> 6 IH>. .c. • ylvanla, $4.15®4.30; western. $4,250 4 40, patents, $4.50W 4 NO. straight. Jute sacks, $4.15@4.30; spring, firsts clear, $4.00@4.20; straights. $4 20 @4.40; patents. $4.50®4.75. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $19.00@19.50; No. 1, medium bales, $19.00; No. 2, $17.00 @18.00; No. 3, $1 i.50@15.50. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 17.50; No. 1, do.. $16.00® 16.50; No. 2, do., $14.00@15.00. ' DIM G. FEID. OF THE PITRIOT, DIES Editorial Writer Succumbs to At* tack of Acute Indigestion Early This Morning Darwin G. Fenno, 67 years old, edi torial writer of the Patriot, died sud denly this morning in his rooms at the Haifleigh Apartments, 1115 Green street. Death was due to an attack of acute indigestion. A wife, who resides in Brooklyn, and a son, G. D. Fenno, of New York city, are the survivors. No arrange ments for the funeral have been made pending the arrival of the son this afternoon. The body is in charge of the Jamos D. Hawkins Estate, under takers. Darwin G. Fenno came to Harrls burg twelve years ago to take the position of editor of the Patriot. Later Mr. Fenno became associate editor and for the past four years had been the chief editorial writer on that news paper. Mr. Fenno was at his office as usual at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon. An hour later he went to his rooms, where he spent the afternoon sleeping. In the evening Mr. Fenno said he felt better, but Went home about 10 o'clock. At 1 o'clock this morning Mr. Fenno was quite ill. He asked for hot water and appeared to Be better after drink ing the water. Shortly after 4 o'clock Mr. Fenno again became worse and Dr. R. L. Perkins was called. Mr. Fenno died before the physieian ar rived. Darwin G. Fenno was born May 27, 1847, In Lake county, Illinois. Ho was educated at Lawrence University. Early in his life Mr. Fenno became a contributor to newspapers and maga zines. From 187ti to 1902 Mr. Fenno was on the staff of the Philadelphia Times and when that 'newspaper passed into new hands Mr. Fenno came here. GUN CLUB ORGANIZED Northumberland, Pa., May 5. A gun club has been organized herewith the following officers: Frank Martin, president: Ben Stamm, vice-president; William Van Alen, secretary and treas urer; Roy Baker, tlield captain. There are about twenty-five members of the club. Shoots will be held every Friday afternoon. lUBBER STAMnp }l|l SEALS & STENCILS IIV *i«'mfg.byhbg.stencilworks' ■ 1 H 130 L.OCUSTST. HBG.PA, U 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers