FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. 10 F CHOCOLATE BON BONS m fruit v. r v»rv% r vtt Iced Peanut Nougat, rose and vanilla flavor, ! flavors, in pound boxes, Special for QQp a/\IV]VI), Vv3\\vi/VV\\ V (3YJww\VYV made of whipped cream nougat and Q Saturday chopped peanuts. Special, pound . . All R ema ining Spring Hats To Be Annual Clearance of Our Entire Stock l'"f X 1 i Disposed of Of Suits for Misses and Women. I V J r> ~ ~, 7.. „ S2O and $25 Suits $25 and S3O Suits 1 ~ T l ' Wlfeffl Our Vohcy LTo Make Decisive Cuts Reduced to Reduced to (A Vvhen vve rlave a Clearance _rti_ _ -mm » - - 1 \ $lO and S2O Spring Hats OPRING'S most important clearance of cloth suits for Misses' \ \ ggg 1 j * T an( l Women's occurs to-morrow in a complete price re- \ I a...' . WSMr JNOW vision of every garment in our big stock and many of the mBBj \ UjjjL f ' "v .Mm 1 .JGBHfr - suits that go into this annual clearaway are recent acquisitions SHf / ] \ § AfV to our stock and the styles they represent are accordingly of Ijjffi l *! II llj j V I 1 the very latest and smartest type. |i IB ■J JJ J W I I W W There arc models for all occasions of dross In cloths and shades that speak of refinement V fxfif IV iltfHSlHpn J X. W 0 X. M and exclusiveness. Briefly summed it is a story of: | Aw® \ Hi ,111 11111111111111111111 11 $18.50 Suits for - • $15.00 $25 and S3O Suits for $20.00 I /! //» \|| |L j!j This reduction shows to what length we go to adjust stocks for Summer. 0 j'a«ec * f eic en 4o» c *4. 1 nn t A \ E|\ Losses on the balance of the Spring stock are ignored. We have sold thousands S2O and fo—> oUits tor 3)i0.0U s<><> lor • of hats this season and the styles that remain must go regardless of former prices. $20.00 tan, navy, olive and Copenhagen novelty suits. Reduced to $10.50 J 1 I '/ ~~ || SB M\„ n _ JII At $6.50 are fine dress hats from New York's best pattern house, copies of Paris Xph!rd y cheorsuuf en ßeduc"d^o b ! n f a ! ln . e s ?! ts ;. .^ ed ! lced .! o '.V.V.V.'.''s2o!oo (oJ^TY hats and clever creations from our own workroom. $52.50 suits of Holland blue, navy and green gabardine cloths. Reduced to $30.50 " vSij, gs \\A Can any woman resist the temptation to possess another dress hat when prices The Richest Silk Blouses We've Ever Sold and the most Remarkable From the Viewpoint of Value have been cut so sharply. Other reductons include— There are georgette crepes, crepe de chines and shadow laces in styles you would never expect to find in any $1.95t059.50 (£4 1 $5.75t057.50e0 AC store for less than SIO.OO to $15.00. And there arc floral and hand painted designs on crepes that you'd think Hats at ±.i/0 j Hats at *PO.C/OV Vet you can buy any one of these exquisite things for »fM.oO to $5.95. jj Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. UllltSUal Sale to be SUre ! Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Misses and Children s Educator and Atl ImOOrlTint DftV til CirOOPfIPS Girls' Bloomer D resses Save Skuffer Shoes for Summer 15c Cans Royal . IQ_ Pillsbury XXXX . Q1„ Laundry Bills : Sizes 6to 10 Years From America's foremost makers of shoes for Rakincf Powder • Misses and Children come these exceptionally worthy ° . . . . I ' - . •, out in a long time are these new bloomer dresses for little Summer shoes in leather that possess every mark of A da - v of re . a . t savings is promised for to-morrow in Harrisburg s best grocery girls. Sizes run from 6to 10 years, and the styles and materials quality o-enuincness. Complete stvle assortments will department and if you are interested in any of the items given here and find it incon- are of the kind that the most fastidious of little girls will wear. be shown to-morrow in these items: yenient to come to the store, we'll be glad to fill your order by telephone. The price is $1.35 5 pounds of Franklin granulated sugar, in muslin sacks, to-morrow Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. and children's Educator shoes in button style on 10 pounds of Franklin sugar in bags, to-morrow foot form lasts; made of patent colt, tan Russia calf and white 25c can Royal Baking Powder, CANNED GOODS DELICIOUS COFFEE /-> . Nu-buck. Prices range, according to size, from to-inorrovr • ••••• •■ • • ••_ ■••• • ? 3 ' ! »50 cans Wisconsin selected peas, 2200 lbs. freshly roasted banquet viliarcintC6Ci lOf i) 0 yrS. a;j -«■ - . u;-? iu) ... Halting l owuer, .5 for - aC coffee In 11>. parchment bags. A ° tj !T>«>.UU to-morrow 1«e 8-5 cans fancy shoe peg com. ucliclous coffee. Special at 30c A renresentative from the rommtinifv Silver Fietnrv will . . ,~, , r . r . Cl . a • . TABLE DELICACIES 3 lor 25c 1,750 Record coffee in ib , _ representative ironi tne uonimuiuty Ml\et factory Misses and clnldren st, bkurlcr button snoes, in gun Cream cheese, lb 23c Jars whole tomatoes; rcgu- Ui ... special, n> 25c be here until Saturday night to explain the merits of this beau metal calf, tan Willow calf and patent leather, stitched soles. leT-umn''boVo^na'ib raaes^Aiaskii 3 p?nk ' * salmon. ORANGES AND GRAPE FRUIT tiful silver which is made so well that it is guaranteed for Priced $1.30 to 83.25 mKmham,^lSr:.... .*::::: special. 3 for 25c 25 boxes of choice California fifty years. A ,. , . ... , , . . lL , ... corned beer, lb 38c 25 cases Horseshoe red Alaska naval oranges. Special, dozen, 2»o Dives Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor Misses and children S white canvas button shoes, With Creamery butter, brook brand, salmon. Special, can lac 15 boxes I'orto Ilican grape fruit. «, RUMWOY a T U.WUU, OIREN UPOT. <vA- lent tier snlcs lb 32c DRIED FRUITS Special, each, 7c; 1 for 25c 25 % ot. bottle Queen olives. .25c Santa Clara prunes, 30 to lb. Juicy lemons, each lc . sues 5 t° 8,..51.85 sizes, to ii.. ci ara 89c Colored Ratine Weaves 7C„ hizes, \VA to .$2.00 Sizes, 2 ]/z to 5,. .s3.t>o Choice and tender picnic bants, tbs. Cor Jsc 21'/j lb. sacks 81c . , J averaging 0 lbs. each. Special, lta.. California peaches. Special, 3 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Base- SnPCiallV i PlPPfl I OlYinrrnw M. * < Misses' and children's white canvas button shoes; heavy isc rbs 25c ment. opccidiiy x nctru luuiuiiun, .... stitched soles. Sizes sto 8, $1.00; BT/<8 T /< to 11, $1.25; M l /* to i " 1 \ In two widths, 36 and 40 inches, and a choice of splendid 2, 2 Yz to 5 .$2.00 . 1*1" T * * O 1 so^( ' s^a des or mixtures and two-tone checks. The styles— Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Crepes in the May Lingerie bale | every one of them—are of the superior fabric kind. to- Crcpe underwear is favored by most women for Summer wear because it can be taken con- Bmnic linen in a range of shades Ratine linen, ic inches wide, in veniently anywhere without the bother of ironing after washing. that is bound to meet the fancy of four good shades. Yard .. . Remnants Ol Fine 1 oiJe Tile May Lingerie Sale presents the latest fashions in fine crepe gowns, drawers, blouses, every woman, ard 6»c wl(lo . 1 rough In « Snerial Sale Tomorrow corset covers and combinations. W 7einch'"^eirtw/ii.i-|«tt« P Crepe grounds, white or white with pink, light blue Crepe corset covers, lace and embrodery insertion wide, and is offered at a very at- arrival In colored w caves: colored .. . . . , . , . or lavender stripes or neat figures, bias band or lace tri " l „,? tnms n^ ok and armholes, 50c tractive price because we imported woven dots, an inch in diameter. Scores of housewives Will be glad Ol this announcement or embroidery edge trims ncek and J? I na <> i r re t '■mm i corset cover and drawers, lace l t OU rselvcs. A complete shade made of this weave arc of (he most for it tells of as good a remnant sale Of toweling as we have sleeves .<P • t:repe Mareelii'com'binkti'on.'corset'cover 'and sk'lrt ran(i °- Yard .• •»»'• =h^vn ivc v f ard'' S UO havc t??(» offered in several months. All linen, in white and brown; Crepe drawers, Knicker oeker st> eOl a i - drawers; lace, edge trimmed ....... , H . .SI.OO in-inch crepe linen In a very Dlves. Pomerov &' Stewart—Street . ~ ming of lace or embroidery •»«c Dong cambric and nainsook skirts, lace or em- good range ot eolors. Yard .$1.39 Floor various iengtns. Crepe bloomers 50c broidery trimmed 50c 17c all-linen huck towels; white or colored borders; size Cambric and NainSOok UndermUslinS r\ r> r C cWcr\ l/x29 inches. iit 1 ,*}/>§ cambric skirts, blind or eyelet embroidery Other nainsook and cambric skirts at ......$2.05 I /. x . Q&j O# 25c bleached Turkish bath towels, large size, hemmed. '''"xaln^ook 11 skirt's' 'trimmed' With' embroidery 'inslr- Messaune petticoats in all the new shades. Special . 17* and floimS twkS™ ta. rum? with imitation t *3.05 and $5.00 An al -oyer embroidered corset, in a low bust long skirted ' ...... Irish crochet insertion and edge or lace or embroid- Jersey petticoats in the leading Spring shades, model with Silk finished top, go Oil sale to-morrow at a special 19c bleached Turkish towels. Special ery Si.oo $5.00 and 95.05 pricc Actual $2.50 value, at $1.65 25c individual Turkish towels, hemmed. Special .... Ten New Blouse Styles at 3)I.(JU and 3)1.95 ! it 1 1 • , , , ivj Voile Blouses, bolera effect, all over embroidery, Persian lawn semi-tailored waists, set-in sleeves. WT JTT* O*. iir Hemmed I urkish bath towels with new colored borders, drop shoulders, threo-uuarter sleeves SI.OO Persian lawn vest, long sleeves $1.95 Wometl S UniOn SllltS flflfl VPSt«; with design for ,„o„o g ra„, Each T".i& womek « I EE Heavy bleached 1 urkish bath towels ; large Size. Each. s(ty Volle Blouses, drop shoulders, front trimmed with colla°r, threeTuarfer'Tevls™ . ery . . yoko \ °. rB ST.OS and KlSilng « S ' knc " len f£ • Fine crades of huck towels in hemstitched ends and da- hand embroldery and venlsu laco medallions. . .SI.OO Voile Blouses, raglan shoulders, embroidered voile White lisle ribbed vests, with silk taped neck. Kach' .'!!!!!!*.!!25c 1 111 c gracies 01 nucK lovvcih 111 ncmsutcnea tnas ana aa- Vo „ e Blollses with lace vcstce , front trimmed with button piece $1 . 05 wllito cotton P „ )bP{ i vests,.each ...! n»c mask borders, bach .{lie to *ss embroidered panels SI.OO Crepe Blouses, embroidered shawl collar, three- Cliildcn's white cotton ribbed union suits 25c and 50c Striped Voile Blouses, vest and collar trimmed with quarter sleeves ' $1.05 Dives, Pomeoy & Stewart— Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street rioor. crochet buttons SI.OO , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Can a Man Afford Not to Be Well Dressed? Kld and Fabric Gloves of Men's $5.00 Men who feci that they cannot afford to be well dressed quickly drop out of the procession of importance. Finest Grades i Silk Shirts, To do any part in the world's work a man must be dressed for the part, and being well dressed these days does not mean paying a high price for it. T"n Take the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart suits at SIO.OO, $12.50 and $15.00. They are the best clothes at_the xxi VL i til \ prices produced in America. The prices are cheap, but the name is there to prove the quality is dependable, the 2-ciasp tan and grev kid gloves. Pair SI.OO KJmKj V-/ style is good and that the purchase will be satisfactory. ' '%Z'IX?JTJSZ£SZ: Worth Any Man's Attention Are These iiia:::::. 55S O -i. J 1-r . 1-1 <T> iA- 2-clasp Trcfonsse best quality suede gloves $2.25 »hk wtin stripe pat OUItS JL nat Vjualliy in T.Jn6 vPIO V-/iaSS Washable Chamolsette gloves; 16-button length in natural biscuit terns and neat white silk—just We searched the market good and long before we found SIO.OO suits that are really worth talking a "' l V' 1 ! 10 i 50< to J ' oo 100 in the lot. Regular $5.00 t . n • I i.u x 2-clasp washable chamolsette in all shades 50c , „ . , about Come in and see them to-morrow. 10-button length silk Slovcs, with double linger ends, In colors, white value ' Extra s P eclal > I here arc cassimeres and worsteds in neat stripe patterns in brown, blue, grey and black and plain and black -5c to $2.00 $3.50, or 3 for $9.75 grey and tan worsteds in beautifully cut and tailored two-button sack models with patch pockets. - 2-clasp silk gloves, with double linger ends 50c to SI.OO f N * ■ -v Hundreds of styles of sum- O C*" 1C AA r» • Ct* 1A CA mer ne&l'gee shirts in sheer Suits at q>lo.oo Suits at 12.50 Men's Imported Silk Sox,soc ' Soft weave blue serge. Black and white cheek worsted. CJrey overplaids. Grey homespun. Men's thread silk sox. with double soles, in navy and black. Pair,soc $2.98. StriiM' 1 worsteXT'ancl cassimeres Fine blue serge. t Men's Imported black silk sox. double soles. Pair 50e Fancy stripes. " Pin stripe cassiniere. Men's interwoven silk lisle sox, in tan, navy and black. Pair .... 25c Tile OlilS shirt with knee Tartan and club checks. Fancy Hbadow stripe worsted. Men's white lisle shirts and drawers, fong; or short sleeves, knee or lem r th drawers attached 13 j/ » Two and three-button sacks, skeleton and Two and three-button sacks, skeleton or full ankle length. Each SQo r.,n i-i - . ~ , . . . , tun linca. mohair lined, patch and regular pockets. * Each 50c I J White lisle union suits, long or sliort sleeves $1.50 D " 1 & S '' Jlcn s Htorp - Street Moor Boys' Suits Reduced For Saturday ]| jlp||||| ZIT . ~ ~ Norfolk styles, in tan, grey and brown cassimere and worsted, single and double breasted, patch i • C M J •d- 4- "ZZiZim,*,** . «.» p ri a, y vMawavV $6.50 Suits, Friday only $4.95
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