/' ** v i3Ss.™'v• ■- -* ■ -/■ ■• • • * . .# FRIDAY EVENING, HAHRISBUHG TELEGR3IPH APRIL 24,1914. HELP WANTED! Read the Bulletin of Positions Which Must Be Filled " "* wh* rxinifivi* jiliility. tan Iwffrr 1 '»"-*l r "- *" ssss—— I' D° coming events cast their r J shadows before? f Yes! Emphatically, yes! % To the man or woman who has the push and go —the determination to succeed, a hint alone brings as much as repeated entreaties would to the less determined. And you have the push and the go! So here's the hint. In Telegraph want ads from day to day appear offers and appeals which ought to lead you to bigger, better Avays. Read Telegraph want ads for profit. DIED FRALICK On April 22, 1914, at 3:30 P. M., Mary L., wife of L B. Fralick, 623 Camp street. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the services from her late resi dence on Saturday afternoon, at 2 P. M.. without further notice. Burial pri vate in Shoop's Church Cemetery. KAUFMAN —■ On Friday morning, April 24, 1914. John A. Kaufman, aged 81 years and 1 month. i .Funeral on Monday afternoon. April 27, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Grleshaber, near Oyster's Point. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial private. Burial Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Mechanlcs burg, Pa. WALTZ On April 23, 5 A. M., Boss D. Waltz, aged 32 years. Relatives and friends invited to at tend the services Saturday at 4 o clock at his late residence. 1423 North Sixth etreet. Burial private in East Har rlsburg Cemetery. LEWIS On April 23. 2:45 A. M., David I H. Lewis, aged 37 years, 1610 North Fourth street. Relatives and friends invited to at tend the services on Monday afternoon, i at 2 o'clock, without further notice.] Burial in East Harrisburg Cemetery. FOUGHT On April 23, 1914, at 2 A. | M., Mrs. Emma Fought, aged 80 years. , Funeral on Saturday, at 2 P. M., from her late residence, 233 Maclay street. I The relatives and friends are Invited to t attend without further notice. Burial the Harrisburg Cemetery. CA6SELL On Tuesday, April 21, 1914, Mary Jane Cttssell, at 2:30, wife of Ephrlam Cassell, aged 69 years, 8 months and 16 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, at Linglestown. Services and burial pri vate. LOST LOST Pair of nose glasses. Re ward if returned to 1724 North Third etreet. LOST Blue Indian Canoe adrift "White bwauticas" on each tnd. FinJer rewarded. Address Box 441, Millers bur g, Pa. UELI» WANTED—MuIe WANTED Good, reliable tinner. Apply \V. \V. SSeiders & Son, 1436 Derry street. WANTED Several house painters; none but lirst-ciass need appiy. Call at 923 Capital street, 7.00 A. M. C. A. Slbbett. * I WANTED At once, young' man, 18 or 19. for clerical work. Address Y., i 603, care of Telegraph. WANTED Five good men and one woman to canvass with manager. In quire E. M. Howry, Room 11, Hotel Windsor, 418 Market street, this even- I lng between 6:00 and 8:00 o'clock. MALE STENOGRAPHER WANTED— j A good position is offered to an ex- | perienced young man. Splendid chances I for advancement. Address Office Man- i figer, P. O. Box 468. Harrisburg, Pa. j WANTED First-class wood pat- I ternmaker—machine work. Apply [ Frog, Switcn and Manufacturing Co., Carlisle, Pa. TWO PAINTERS WANTED Stam- ' baugh Bros., 213 Muench street. WANTED Boy over 16, for grocery store; give experience and reference. Address W., 696, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men of good appearance for Lancaster, Columbia and Harris burg. Large returns. Call between 8- 10 A M„ 6-6 P. M-. 409 Patriot Build ing;. FOR RENT HOUSES 1980 Wallace St ¥lO 1124 Herr St.. 3 8. b., 6 r $lO 1926 Wallace St., 2 s. f.. 7 r *l2 650 Schuylkill St.. 3 s. f„ 8 r.... -0 109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b *2l 1024 S. 18th St.. 2% s. b., 8 r. & b„ $35 123 S. 2d St., 3 s. b., 12 r. & b.,...535 1627 N. 2d St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. & b.. *45 1503 N. 2d St., 3 s. b., 10 r. & b.. $45 122 Chestnut St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. & b., #45 Newport —Desirable summer home, the Marshall property furnished house stable and 2 acres of ground. APARTMENTS IS N. 4tb St., second floor apart ment, 3 rooms and bath *25 128 Walnut St.. second floor house keeping apartment—3 rooms and bath—city steam heat $35 71* N. Oth St.— lst floor— 4 rooms bath—city steam heat S3O The Donaldson —Second near Locust street very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms (no housekeeping). STORE IIOOMS AND OFFICES A number of very desirable office 1 rooms: 400 Market St., room on 3d floor, $lO 412 Market St., two rooms JWO 825 Market St., store room. 25x160 ft. 323 llruail St., 3-story brick and basement (24x125 ft. to renr alley). 512-520 Market S,t., United States ! Hotel property—76 rooms—entire or by floors. Mlddletown —Store room 011 Union •treet *35 Miller Bros. & Neefe I Locust and Court Streets AGENTS WANTED I —. I AGENT WANTED to travel. Wages based on salary and commission. .Ref erences. Address J., Box 598, care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl wanted to work on coats. Call to see N. Zimmerman, 1266 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa, WANTED An experienced hand t ironer and girl for flat work Ironer. I Apply at once. Eureka Laundry, 28 North Cameron street. WANTED Capaoi.,, experienced white woman for six weeks, vvho can cook and assume responsibility. Fam ily of three. Young mother. Address Box 587, care of Telegraph. Experienced winders. Apply I larrisburg Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. WANTED Woman over 21, to as sist in grocery store; must have some experience and reference. Address Z., 59 1, care of Telegraph. | WANTED White girl for upstairs work. Good wages. Take "A" car to end of line at Lewis street. Call Lewis I and Front. ! SITUATIONS W ANTED—MaIe WANTED Sober, middle-aged man would like any kind of work. Handy with carpenter tools. Apply P., 586, care of Telegraph. WANTED ~ Blacksmith, with two years' experience, wants position. Ad dress Gus Francen. Carlisle, Pa. SIT IIAI IONS W ANTED—Female WANTED Woman wants day's work of any kind and washing and ironing to do at home. Apply 1i23 Noith Seventh stieet. WANTED Young lady would like ligut office position; can operate type writer. or telephone operator in hotel, public or private olfices. Can furnish good reference. Address S. J. C., care of Telegraph. ! WANTED Stenographer, thirteen years' experience, desires position; can furnish good reference. Address X„ 595, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced nurse would like nursing of any kind. Call Bell phone 1521 R. I WANTED Colored woman desires , washing and Ironing, or day's work of anv kind. Call, or address, 1412 Wil liams street. | WANTED White girl would like I position as plain cook and house work. Apply 625 South Front street, Steelton. \ WANTED Lady would like work 'as dressmaker. Will go out by day. Good system. Prices reasonable. Ap ply 2034 Kensington avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I I FRAME HOUSE, located on Brlggs street, between Seco and Third; S , rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri . fice if sold this Spring. Address S. O. | No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Row of six frame houses In West Fairvlew, Pa. Cheap. C. O. Disney, West Fairvlew. Pa. i _____ TWO fine homes. Size of lot, 18Hx»0. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath room. Steam heated; large front and back poichcs; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamoer with south side exposure, siie luxs; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square. l'Oi further information call P. Vander loo, Masonic Temple Builulng, Third and State streets. FOR SALE 331 Hummel street is offeied at an attractive price; 3-story brick, 8 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porch. Also suburban placed f.<r saie. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE New brick houses—all Improvements, $2,500. Also 3-story brick facing Reservoir Park, $3,100. Other brick houses from $1,750 up. Ap ply Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth street. FOR SALE New brick house, 2313 Derry, latest improvements; largo front and back porches; open staircase; hardwood finish; bargain to quick buyer; granolithic walks. Apply 1432 Derry, or 1030 Market street. FOR SALE Three lota each 20x110 in one of the most desirable residential sections, on Market street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, ad jacent to Reservoir Park. Address "J.," P. O. Box No. 394, Harriaburg, Pa. 1 FOR SALE ln. Elkwood, modern pressed brick mansion; all hardwood flnlhs; 8 rooms and bath; gas; elec tricity; granolithic pavements; lot, 100 xl2o. Price, $5,000. Kecney & Sim mons, Now Cumberland. WHY not live In Ellzabethtown, Pa.?' A town which lias all city conveniences, ! good markets, splendid train and trol- I ley service. Houses with all modern conveniences for sale or rent. Call on, >r address, J H. Buch, Ellzabethtown. I Pa FOR SALE 1687 North Sixth St.— 3-story brick 0 rooms and bath lot, 15x95. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 1 REAL KSTATE FOR SALE ] FOR SALE 2H-story brick house, I slate roof; ull conveniences; lot, 50x175: , situated on corner Brlggs and Fourth 1 avenue, one of the beßt locations In . town. Price reasonable. Call, or write, Jas. A. Davis, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR SALE 2%-story frame house . V rooms and attic; also lot 16x245. Located on Main street, Penbrook, Pa. Bargain to quick purchaser. Address C. E. M., P. O. Box 231, Penbrook. Pa. FOR SALE A bargain for some one; Thirty-first and Hotter streets, Penbrook. one 2 w.-story frame house, 7 rooms, bath, hall and open stair.vay, newly painted and papered throughout, $1,350.00; $350.00 cash, balance on easy terms. C. A. Klemm, Secretary, 1304 State street. FOR SALE 1434 Reglna street; 3- story brick; 10 rooms and bath; side yard; lot, 25x135; 2-story stable on rear, 25x20, suitable for horses or gar age. Also lot 80x100 on State street op posite Fourteenth street. Apply 1434 Reglna street. FOR SALE Property No. 230 North Fifteenth street; a 3-story brick and frame dwelling with 3 rooms and all i Improvements. Must be sold by May 1. Bargain price. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE 52,500 will buy a cor ner property on Pelter street 9 rooms bath gas furnace two stair ways lot, 15x100. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergnor Building. 81XTY MOUSES, some new and very atti active homes; several very good In vestments. Terms to suit. I). E. Bright bill 2 North Court street. Both phones FOR SALE Money-making lodg ing house or dwelling, on Pine street. Thirteen rooms and three bath rooms— recently painted and papered vacant. ; Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co., I Bergner Building. FOR SALE 52,250 will buy an almost new frar*- house at Riverside— lot. 25x100 side yard • cemented walk 6 rooms complete bath furnace only $250 cash needed, bal ance In monthly payments. Apply to S. Haldeman & Co., 3222 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3622 M. FOR SALE ln Camp Hill—North- ! west corner of Market and Willow Sts. —two-and-one-half-story brick 9 rooms .bath and. steam heat itunt atiu rear porch slate roof lot, 57x175. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal- ! nut_str^ets, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT j FOIt RENT New 5-roomed house on Front street In Marysvllle: Water! 'ln house-. Large back yard. Kent, I I SIO.OO. Address P. O. Box 347, Steel- , j ton. Pa. I , FOR RENT—IS 33 North Third street; , fi roor-vs and bath, furnace; 100-102; Short street. 8 rooms and bath; store rooms, 110 South Thirteenth street. Ap ply 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT lBl5 North Second! street —lO rooms bath porches— i modern house excellent location I I possession at once. Apply Fitzgerald, i Real Estate Agent, 31< vv'ainut street.. —— „ i FOR RENT Eight-room brick I | house, with improvements, 1729 Park i street, city. Rental, S2O per month. | Apply James Bricker, New Cumberland, I ! Pa., R. F. D. | FOR RENT No. 2121 Boas street, | with stable, $i5.00. Suburban home- I stead, $2°,.00. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT 431 Market street, at i entrance of Subway l3 rooms 2 , baths steam heat suitable for rc nmii:g house. Apply Chaa. Adler, 1002 A s-treet. i REAL Eh lATE FOR SALE Ult HEM 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover To.vnshlp, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Koad, abJut 4 miles from Lingiestown., Apply Commonwealth '1 rust Co., Heal Estate Department, 222 Market street, Hai rlsburg. . I REAL ESTATE WANTED FARM WANTED Not to exceed ' $4,000, in exchange for suburban prop--! erty one square from trolley. 10c fare to city. Value, $2,(00. Address J., 084, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment; 5 rooms; ' bath; pantry; porches; cuy steam heat; continuous hot water, £,. J. rvlai-y, Z2o is ui in oeconu street. FOR RENT 'l wo apai tments. front. I very desirable; new building! all con- ! veniences. Apply Fishman's Furniture j Store, 1101-3 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT j FOR RENT By the night or I month, the finest rooms In Harrlsburg, ! single or en suite. Laßelio Apart ments, 201 Locust street, next door to ; urpheum. steam neat, electricity, : baths. Newly furnished throughout. j Apply C. Gaeta, Alerehunt Tailor, 212 , Locust street. | FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished ; rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveniences; use ot phone. 509 Cum berland street. ——— i FOR RENT Well furnished rooms,. with board. Apply 328 North street. | FOR RENT Newly furnißhed front | rooms, facing Capitol Paik; hot and cold running water; electric light; use of phone. Apply Koblniion Apartments, 410 North street. j FOR RENT - Two nicely furnish- I ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 street. j FOR RENT One very desirable I (large) second floor front room, fur- j ni.-hed, with conveniences; very pleas- : ant room; one or twp gtntlemen pre-j ferred. Call 1338 North Third street, j FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for rent, with running hot and cold water use of bach young couple j prelerred. Apply 266 Herr street. FOR RENT Nice room on second 1 floor privilege of bath and phone suitable for married couple or gentle man. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished room, third floor front, suitable for one gent.email; use of bath and phone; delightful lo cation for summer. 1727 State street. VOU don't want lodging! You are n.it looking for a room to rent! What you want Is a home! Lodging hout.es are n <t always pleasant places. Do you remember how dingy some of theni . are? How the dust accumulates? How, infrequently the linen is cnangeC on the beds? How the bath toweis are made to work overtime? Well Ours. I is Not that kind. We believe there are' many men in Harrlsburg who aro look ing for just such a p.ace as ours. We aie centrally locate.!—five minutes' walk from Capitol Park. Our house stands on a corner with big shade trees on the northern exposure. All of the rooms are large and well lighted. We have furnished them eozily, and all of our furniture and linens are brand new. We pride ourselves in believing that It is as clean and comfortable as you • would desire your own home to be. Two large and well equipped bathrooms and outside washstands provide amnio ac comodations. Towels? As many as you like, and clean. In addition to their rooms our guests have the privilege of a large, centrally located lounging room, wlt.i desk, stationery and free i telephone. If you are looking for a i room or are dissatisfied with your prea- i ent location It would pay you to in- i vestlgato. We are loca d at 826 North ■ Third street, Forster and Third. FOR RENT Two newly furnished i communicating front rooms, second floor; rent one or both; large front ■ porch; at end of Mulberry Street Bridge; conveniences; phone; refer ence. Apply 1168 Mulberry street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and ' boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 3 1001 North Second street, corner Bnnj i and Second streets, 1 ROOMS FOR KKXT I FOR RENT Nice, largo, furnished | or unfurnished front room, second door, on Hill. Well lighted; three windows; good locality; all conveniences; gentle men preferred. Also boarding if pre ferred. Address G., 591, care of Tele- ( graph. | FOR RENT Furnished or unfur-1 nlshed rooms, singly or en suite. 721 j North Sixth street. i FURNISHED KOOMS, single or en : suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front stroet. FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms, In private families, all parts of city improvements sl.2s week many other rooms. Send address and I will call Address X., 608. care of Tele- 1 graph. 1 ROOMS WANTED | ADDITIONAL ROOMS WANTED FOR' REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GRAND LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS WHICH MEETS IN THIS CITY MAY 18 TO 31. . NOTIFY EITHER OF THE UNDER- I SIGNED AND STATE NUMBER THAT, CAN UH ACCOMMODATED AND THE , PRICE HER NIGHT. GEO. C. McCAHAN, | 3210 NORTH FOURTH STREET. I JOHN ». SHCEit, BOX 780. j WANTED Two communicating rooms, with board, ror man. wife and child. In suburbs. Fiace with shade trees preferred. Address M., s«a, care of Telegraph. YOUNG man wants furnished room. Permanent. Mention terms. Box R, 601, care .of .Telegraph, WANTED WANTED At once, small house; no children. Apply Harry O. Eberts, Jr., 1258 Juniper street. State terms In answer. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE One S-lnch screw-cut tlng lathe—good as new. Call 1623 Carnation street. i FOR SALE —At a bargain, reed re | verslblo body go-cart, -in first-class 1 condition. Apply 127 Paxton Btreet. FOR SALE 22-ft. launch, 10-H.- P. 2-cyllpder motor. Motor Is under hood. Auto steering wheel, controls on J coambing at right. Rear starter with handlo at dash. Paragon one-way clutch. Outfit cost $450. Sacrifice for 15250. G. C. Hoagland, Wllllamsport, • | FOR SALE A new SIOO Typewriter ! I for sale at a bargain. Also desk. Will i sacrifice to quick buyer. Call on, or I address, Lee T. Allen, corner Front and I Market streets, Wormleysburg, Pa. j FOR SALE 3O-H.-P. Middleby tour ing car, fully equipped and In good condition; 1910 model; price, $250.00. | Call 620 South Thirteentn street. ' FOR SALE 3-day-old chicks, 15, | 20, 25 cents each; Barred Rocke, White | Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching, SI.OO a setting and stock for j sale. Bell 507 Y. A B, Davis, Pen- I brook. | FOR SALE Gent's Furnishing Store. Last Inventory shows about $1,500 stock. Good location in city of Harrlsburg. Long lease. Five living ■ rooms in addition to store room. Low I rent. Address Box K, 894, care of Tele graph. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT ' Steel Lie Embossed Stationery and . i Business Cards—lncreases business I . costs less than printing. Harrlsburg | Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street 1 TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap j I Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed | ! Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired Harrlsburg Har- ] ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest- i nut streets. PICTURE SHOW Machine, 140 j chairs, piano, and lining of booth; good I location; everything in first-class eon-| dition; cheap to quick buyer. Apply ' 50 South Fiont stieet, Steeitun, or 26/ I Delaware avenue, Harrisburg. I FOR SALE Rhode Island Red Eggs i for hatching. Uuaranteeo genuine and full blooded. SI.OO per setting of 15. Address G. I. Bausher, North Bowman ! avenue, Camp Hill. < BUILDINGS FOR SALE Two brick ano one frame. Tenth and Market streets, for sale cheap and quick; lota must be cleared. Inquire Emerson j Brantingham Implement Co., City. | GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Booms. Rooms und i Board and Tuble Board, at 25c each, i One of theso signs will be given with ] each six-time order for a classified ad. I jif paid in advance. Inquire at Office of I | Telegraph. j 1 FOR SALE General store, doing good business; must sell on account of ill health. Address 8., 58S, care of Tele graph. [ USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and In Hug condition; giiaran -1 teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North | Third street j EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY. $2 i per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon, delivered by parcel post. Sample. 10c. , L K. Hostetter, Route 6, Lititz, I J a. FOR SALE Refuse carload of scrap-iron at Sheesley's sldlne. Dock street, to bo sold at Public Sale, May 6, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., to highest bidder for cash consideration, and must! be removed within 10 days from date i of sale. Further particulars can be had upon application to G. W. Mumma, i Freight Claim Adjuster, P. R. R. I Freight Office, foot of Third street. J. H. Nixon, Agent, Harrisburg. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. PUBLIC SALE At the residence, 35 North Thirteenth street, April 25, at , 1:30 P. M., a large lot of household fur niture. C. Fry Auctioneer. HIGHEST GRADE ROOFING PAINT. Having purchased the stock of a paint works, we offer this high grade paint,' all colors, at 65 cents "a gall >n. Hold 1 at all stores at SI.OO. Also several tons pitch at your own pine >Vil liams & Frcedman, Tenth street, below Mulberry Street Brld.se. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT — 1 About 300 pieces of heavy contractors' ; equipment from the New York City- Catsklll Mountain Aqueduct. Steam shovels, locomotives, cars, hoisting en gines, air compressors, rails, pumps, buckets, etc. What do you need? E. B. Leaf Co. Take Rockville car to Riverside. 50,000 SLIGHTLY USED FILES i We have purchased a carload of files used at a u. S. Government discontinued gun factory; all sizes; all kinds. Six dozen for $2.50. No smaller quantity r sold. E. B. Leaf Co. Tako Rockville I car to Riverside. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY PUR- I CHASED FROM U. S. GOVERNMENT— Lathe, $65.00; band saw. $85.00; cutting- I off machine, $lO 00: buffing machine, on stand, $25.00; grinders, $30.00. E. B Leaf Co., Sixth street at Riverside, j Rockville car. FOR SALE Two Model Steam Boil- I ers (new), and one second-hand Har rlsburg steam boiler. Bargain If sold I now. Apply 11. F. Qulckel. No. 123 Pino ' street. . FOR SALE Boston Terrier, bull, fo- ! male, 2 years old; house broken; broad ! head, deep, short, square muzzle; tight. ' short screw tail. Will sell very reason abie. Apply at 1715 North Sixth street. < FOR SALE Ono AJax Furnace, slightly used; 10 Registers and all collar , pipe, in good condition. Will sell cheap, i Address J., 594, oar© of Telegraph. Big bargain to offer A SMALL Grocery Store on tbe trol- | ley lln» -- 40 minutes' ride from Har- i rlsburg doing an elegant business. Rent very reasonable. Good reason for ! selling out Address G, 589, cer: ofi Telegraph, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE | FOR PALE OR EXCHANGE""— WUI sell equity in S dwellings centrally lo cated, all rented, or exchange for small suburban place within 5c car limits of' Harrisburg. P. O. Bux No. 686. Harris- I burg. Pa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I WELL LOCATED LOT* In the Tenth Nome of them cm paved street. Will exchange for Impnivrii property. |An exceptional opportunity lor n builder. Call and Inspect nine i-rlnt. F. R. Oyster, Trustee, erne of Trlrgrupli Business Office. TWO desirable oiVices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. ' FOR RENT I FOR RENT Denirahle offices In the Telegraph Untitling, singly or en suite, inquire at Uuslneaa Office. I ! FOR RENT Lodge room. West End. Good location. Reasonable rent. I.Apply L B. Gray, 448 Delaware avenue, j City, R. K. of Modern Maccabees. j ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. / ' FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sower, rear 1530 Regina street. Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gtpple, 1251 Market street. WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x>it> slso small room, 12x30. suitable for barber shop or small business, on West High street. Ellzabethtown. Pa. Pos i session Immediately. Inquire J. H Levenight. Ellzabethtown. Pa. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street: 83x100; 14-foot ceiling. 1 one of the best rooms in the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble. 266 Herr street. BUSINESS" OPPORTUNITIES Stores Wanted WE have purchasers for tlrocery, i Drug, Hardware, Clothing and General Stores, city or country. If you want to sell, write The Business Exchange, Wllllamsport, Pa. i ANY lr el .gent person can earn g >od Income corresponding for newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock port. N. Y. FOR SALE - At Gable's, 111 ami !117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full !lnt of the Acme i make. T MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. FOR SALE At Gable s. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5 000 nets new Sash, Bxlo. 12 L, prin" 'd and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also o er sizes. UISI.NESS PJt.IiSON.VLS FOR SALE Furnaces that will heat an- eight-room house; also some that will heat a twelve-room house; guaranteed; very reasonable. Apply 516 South street. ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shlve i ly, Lucknow, Pa. | HIGHEST PRICES paid for Old Gold »nd Silver, Watches and Jewelry. Or 'will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos. ID. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third i street. Bell phone 626 L R. H. PEFFER, LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor ] age of household goods and furniture i packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont j gomery, Harrisburg. ; W J. WENKICH. 339 Hamilton street | —Furniture, china and piano packing. I Hupments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds ot hauling. Bell phone l 3227 W. HAULING i IH. W. I.ATHK. Hoarding Mnhle nml Natioual TrauMfer Co. Mover* of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. Full falling hair try Gross yuinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, lit* M rket Hreet. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention Bell, i oGO LEARN DRESSMAKING in one of tile best dressmaking schools in America. I Make your own dresses wh'le learning. [Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. A LEVIN, 805 North Third street. Furniture repair, upholstering and re finishing. Antique furniture for sale. All work properly attended to. Rea sonable prices guaranteed. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY TCTLOAN j MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan lln amounts of SI,OOO and up on llrjt I mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Debt caneel- I ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borr« wcr. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY ! WF HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers i share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6 -7, 9 North Market Square. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO Two ; large brick warehouses, built ex pregsly tor storage. Private rooms for household goods <md unixeened la ! cllltles for storing all kinds of m»sr- I chandlse Low storage itites South I St. and Penna. R. It. STORAGE IN 3-riory linck 'iininiiiß, rear 40* Market utreet. Household gooilH lu clean, private rooms. Reasonable rule*. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40S Murket Sit. ' ST< -GE 419 Broad street, tor | household goods and merchandise. Pri vate ro mis, $1 to $3. Wagons. .'5 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE l THE annual meeting of the Paxtang Cemetery Association will be held In ! the office of the cemetery between the hours of 2 and 3 P. M.. on Monday, 27th I April. 1914. p BELLETT LAWKON. Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made t" the Gover ' nor of the State of Pennsylvania on .Friday, the 22d day of May, 1914, by G W. Baltosser. S. W. Smith, I). W. Sohn and others, under the Act of As ' sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn ! sylvanla, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Corporations." approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements ' thereto, for tho charter of an intended ] corporation to be called the "Wuges i i Earners Department Store Company," the character and object of which is j I the conducting a department store in ' the City of Harrisburg for the buying , and selling of all kinds of merchan dise, and for these purposes to have i and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Acsetpbl? and Its supplements, i B. F TJMBEHGBB, Solicitor. ! MARKET DISTURBED BY SITUATION TODAY Heavy Foreign Selling Reflected Depressing Influence Ahead; Bond Prices Dropped By /'.'Aficuitfd Press New York, April 24. The market was more disturbed during the morn Ins than at any previous time since the Mexican crisis became acute. Liquida tion was on a broader scale and stocks fell to a new lo.v average for the long decline. Heavy foreign selling reflect ed a depre.-sing influence abroad of the Mexican trouble, and was .one of the pnncipal influences in forcing down quotations here. Domestic ne.vs was bearish, includ ing reports of more general trade con traction and lower prices for some steel and copper products. After the decline had run from one to two points it was checked by investment buying and inside support. Bond prices drooped. Mexican Gov ernment s's broke thiee points. United States 4's, registered, were one-quarter lower on the bid price. Furnl«hpd hy H. W. SNAVEJLY Arcade HuUtling New York, April 24. ai , „ °l ,en - 2 - 30 p - M - Alaska Gold Mines .25% 25V6 Amal. Cop. xd.l %. 70% 70% American Beet Sugar 21 21 American Can 25% 25% American Can pfd .. 88% 87% Am. C. & F 48 % 47% American Cotton Oil 38% 38 Am. Ice Securities. . 28% 28% American Smelting . 59 '• 60% American Sugar ... 100% 100 American T. & T... 120% 119% Anaconda 38 32% Atchison 94% 94 Baltimore & Ohio .. 87% 87% Bethlehem Steel ... 88% 38% Biooklyn R. T 89% 89 California Petroleum 21 20 Canadian Pacific ... 191% 190% Central Leather ... 34 34% Chesapeake & Ohio. 52 51% C.. M. & St. P 97 96 % ! Chlno Con. Copper . 39% 38V. Col. F. & 1 28 28 I Consolidated Gas .. 129% 129% 1 Corn Products 8 % 8 Ui Distilling Securities . 14 % 14 Erie 26% 26% Erie, Ist pfd 41% 41% j Goodrich, B. F 36 35% I Great Northern, pfd. 120 120% 1 Great Nor. Ore subs. 31% 29% , Illinois Central .... 108 107% 1 Interboro-Met. pfd.. 59% 59% Lehigh Valley 133% 134% Louis. & Nashville . 133% 133% Mex. Petroleum 59 56% ! Missouri Pacific .... 19% 19 u, | Nov. Con. Copper . 14% 14% 1 New York Central .88% 87% |N. Y.. N. H. &H. . 68 67% [Norfolk & Western. 101% 101% 1 Northern Pacific ... 108 " 107% Penna, R. r 109% 109% Peoples Gas & Coke 120 119% Pittsburgh Coal ... 19% 19% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 86% 86 Pressed Steel Car .. 40% 40% | Ray Con. Copper .. 20 % 20 % I Reading 161 ' 160% ,Rep. Iron & Steel ..20% 21 i Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 82% 82% [Southern Pacific ... 89 88% Southern Railway .23% 23% Southern Ry. pfd.. 78% 78 Tennessee Copper . 32% 32% Texas Company ... 139% 138% Union Pacific 151% 151% (U. 8. Rubber 55 54 U. S. Steel 57 57 U. S. Steel pfd .... 107% 107% Utah Copper 5.gf4 52% Va. Car. Chem .... 28% 28% Western Maryland . 25% 25% Western Union Tel.. 60% 61 Westinghouse Mfg.. 72% 72 Wool worth 96% 97 CHICAGO CATTLE Pj After,atcd Press Chicago, ill., April 24. Hogs Re £fiPts, Tl,° 00 : steady. Bulk of sales, JS'SSSS-SSi "S ht > *B-50(0)8.72%; mixed, !i»2Bo , lf Vi: . h * av /v *8 20@8.70; rough. $8.2O(0>8.3o; pigs. $7.20@8.35. Cattle Receipts. 1,000; steady. 5, e o e XS 8 ' * 7 -10@9-35; Texas steers. $7.10 lup 8.20; stockers and feeders, $6,600 ,8.16; cows and heifers, $3.70@5.60; calves, $6.00(f?)8.50. ' ♦ iiL he 2P 8 ' 00 °: steady. Na tlve $5.20i§!6.70; yearlings, $5.70®7.40; | lambs, native. $6.15@8.10? PIIILADEL?IH PRODUCES By Associated Press Philadelphia. April 24. Wheat oteady; No. 2, red, export, 99fe99%c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth. export, $1.04. Corn Steady; new. No. 2, yellow, local!"*} 6@76%c. 6 d °- k " n dHeU ,o»ti Steady; No. 2. white, 4.V --4 5 % c. .„. Bra l..T ß ?S arl!ot steady; winter, per $28.00® 3PrinK ' P ° r ton ' I'ettriHij -.iia-sra _ Market *t«.a<lv. ?sT^ r 3 -® 5 @4.00c; fine granulated, 5-85@3.90c; confectioners' A, 3.75© 3.80 c; Keystono A, 3.60@3.6Jc. Butter The markei is steady; western, creamery, extras, Zfic; nearby prints, fancy. 29c. —T lle market Is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.00 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $0.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, 56.00 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls. 17 wise; young chickens, 14 ®f> 20c; spring chickens, 35iij)40e; broiling chickens, 16H@i<c; old roosters, 12 ri!}2 c; ducks . 12 <® 14c; spring ducks, 17 ®' jßc; geese, 15 (g) 17c; turkeys. 19*i20c. Dressed Poultry Weak; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, l»%c; Uo.. lair to good, htuiy, Il4ii#c; do. fair to good, heavy, 20c. do., i',jF • H©l6c; unattractive, n w 16c; nhi ro.osters l&e; roant inn chicken*. fancy, 18(0 20c; brail ctou laui.y, 24W0 -1, do , fn f w 1"c... ». mm#. i.'ia-i'Sc, Jo imall, turkeya. Jau.-y, ' '®-/« iu, fair. I»tt23c. iioi-kk il'n isc. 11 'II > <Sr ' Potatoes Weak; New York and Lastei n, per biif-in i. 85rcj?93e, Western, Per bushel. Br.fji9.3c .K-rtej, pi-r l.usket. 20(jj 00c; Florida, per bask. , $2.50(0 5.75. i 1' lour—i he nun hut lb bieaU} , w uuui ; »■ ■■ I-i 1.. . rll .. . I-.vlvania. western 14. ij i • << on<- nt« 1 i • straight. Jute sacks. $1.15 / 1.30, spring, lusts,, i u-ur, 44 00-j 4 ''i I id pat ntx. si ',(i'o 4.7:, Hay The market is lirm, tim othy, No. 1, large bale*. slß.iiOfifl 19.00; | No. 1, medium bales, $ 18.00 ifo 18.50; No '2, $16.00@ 17.00; No. 3, $14.00(^15.00. i lu.ci m..\, ~ i-.f-i onAi-u. ♦lu.oU.4i 17.00; No. 1, do. SIS 60' ii itf.Oli; ,\'o 1 ,iu J 1 1 -,11 am The Re iable House For Pianos YOHN BROS. - ,J LEGAL NOTICES THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Blcbaker Coal Company will be held at the office of The w. O. Hielrols Mfg Co., Harrisbur*, Pa, at 13 o'clock noon on May 4. 1914, for the election of officers and such other busi ness • • may be properly presented. ROSS A HICKOK. SecwßPry. CHICAGO nOAKI) OF TRADE} Furnished by H. W. SNAVEI.Y Arcade Hulldln* Chicago, 111., April 24. Open. High. Low. CloS Wheat — May .... 62% 92% July 87% 87% Corn— May 64% 64% July 64% 64% • ' ats— May 37% 87% July 37% 37% STONEMASON KILLED WHEN DERRICK BOOM FULLS ON HIS HEAD Anson W. Moore, of AUiion Hill, Meets Death While at Work on Dock St. Bridge ANSON W. MOORE Killed While at Work On Dock Street Bridge. Caught under the boom of a large derrick when a heavy cable broke, Anson W. Moore. 35 years old, a stonemason, at work on the piers of the Dock street bridge, this morning was instantly killed. The boom that struck Moore was twelve inches each way and eight feet long. It weighed nearly two tons. Moore was removing a large stone from the second pier when the heavy arm of the derrick fell on his head. The stonemason's head was horribly crushed. Coroner Ecklnger was notified and he will conduct an inquest to-night to determine who was responsible for the accident. The Inquest will be held at the office of Undertaker Rudolph K. Spicer, 313 Walnut street, at 8 o'clock sharp. The dead man is survived by a wife and six children. Business Locals IT'S NOT THE COAT That makes the man, it's the whole suit—fit, material, style and work manship and above all the cutter. We give our patrons all these essentials In every garment we tailor. We ore showing now the new British and for eign suitings. Handsome exclusive patterns so admired by men of taste. See them. It pays to be a Simmn man. A. J. Slmms, merchant tailor, 24 North Fourth street. HOW'S YOUR HEALTH Did you ever take a sulphur bath as a tonic and health giver, these baths arc not weakening, on the con trary they are exhilarating. They quickly and easily cure colds and make people immune from them. They purify the blood, clean the skin and beautify the complexion. They aro excellent for obesity and, reducing the flesh. They are health givers. A trial will convince the most skeptical and they are delightful to take, at Tho Health Studio, John Henry Petern, 207 Walnut street. AN AGREEABLE CHANGE You would surely enjoy the Bunday dinner at Hotel Cdlumbus Cafe, served from B p. m. until 8 r». m„ table d'hot.>v Tho cooking Is par excellent and service perfect, ihe atmosphere pleasing, and music by the Columbus orchestra worthy of mention. Dinner one dollar. Oom<> and bring- the .fam ily. they will enjoy the change. Hotel I Columbus, Third street at Walnut. LAIHKS PLEASE Pee our handsome Japanese rent robes in crepe and organdies, beautiful de signs and carefully A pretty morning negligee. We have an attrac tive display which ranges in price from $1.90 to $5.00. The new Norman collars at fifty cents. Exclusive ladles furnishing a specialty. Modest prices at Mrs. I. A. Cranston, 204 Locust street. PUBLiC SALE ' The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company will offer at public salu at 10 o'clock a. m., April 28, 1914, upon the premises the following buildings and structures; No. 201 South Front street, 8- story frame. No. 203 South Front street, 2%- story frame. No. 101 Mulberry street, 3-atorv brick. No. 200 South Second street, Sta tion property, 2%-story brick. No. 135 South Second street, 4. story brick. Terms and conditions made known day of sale. By oraerr of THE CUMBERMNB VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY B. M HUBER, Real Estate Agent JOHN T. ENBMINGER, Auctioneer 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers