Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 14, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Floor coverings of endless variety, whose beauty
will brighten up a room. New. and, therefore, embrac
ing the best thoughts of designers whose experience
and skill have wrought a wonderful effective harmony
of color and design. They come from makers whose
names stand absolutely for
The Best in Floor Coverings
Velvet Rug, size 3bx72i Ingrain Carpets, yard wide,
beautiful Q Q wo °^
designs I/O filling f Jv
Velvet Rug size 27x5*4,i Brussels Carpet, room pat
all-wool QQ terns, including * QA
face 1 »i/0 laying «/UC
Bath Rug, size 27x54,! Brussels Carpet, good qital
different *7 ' ia " room d? 1 1 A
colorings tj) A • f O patterns, per yd., «J) J. • X vl
Velvet Rug, size 9xll, floral | Velvet Carpet, all-wool face,
and oriental £1 £2 Cfl j beautiful pat- 1 OC
effects ij) 1. OiOU terns, per yd....
Axminster Rug, sizes 9x12, Wilton Carpet, extra good
excellent flfV < l ua '' t y» includ- d* 1 CO
quality w £ v/Vrj ing laying V * *Ovl
Wilton Velvet Rug, size 9xi Linoleum, special quality,
12, blue and other O Q < beautiful designs, f A
solid colors <POO per yard vUC
Wilton Rug, size 9x12, long! Linoleum, inlaid pattern
pile, beautiful A through to back, (T» 1 1 C
designs $«3«7 per yard $ 1 • ID
The Greatest Special
rffYou have ever been offered—
and don't miss getting one.
$1.50 Pynoii Floor Mop
SL 59c
Ci including handle
House-cleaning time is here, and every housewife will want one.
Has large polishing surface. Polish is packed in a can, and will do
the work equal to any $1.50 polishing mop.
Not more than 3 to a customer. None sent C. O. D. Limited quantity.
Burns Sz Co.
28-30-32 South Second Street
No odds how bad your liver, stom- I stomach. They cleanse your Livor and
ach or bowels; how much your head | Bowels of all the sour bile, foul gases
eches, how miserable and uncomfort- i and constipated matter which Is pro
eble you aro from constipation, indi- during the misery. A Cascaret to
gestion, biliousness and sli'Kgish intes- j night will straighten you out by
tines —you always get the desired re- j morning—a 10-cent box keeps your
fcults with Cascarets. i head clear, stomach sweet, liver and
They end the headache, biliousness, | bowels regular, and you feel cheerful
dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, gassy ! and bully for months. *
(GcfrV&zy/ir sis\
Recent Dpaths in and is survived by her husband, a
JXCICIU i/eaiUS in mother, two sons and a daughter.
Lewisburg.— The funeral of Miss
lenirai rennsylvania Juanlta Motz, who died at her home
| here, occurred on Sunday afternoon.
Special to The Telegraph , Miss Motz was a graduate of the
Waynesboro— Mrs. Henrietta Baker.! hl f h sehooland a promi
se t r* a c,a ,• J ! nen * worker in the Methodist church.
8o years old, of Goods biding, died She was born here in April, 1879.
Saturday. Sho is survived by four j Lewistown. Mrs. Howard Gregg,
children. 128 years old, died yesterday from
Shippensburg. Henry Glsh died 1 pneumonia. A husband and four
last evening at the home of his sister, i small children survive.
He is survived by several brothers I
and sisters. , P. O. S. of A. FLAG DAY
Rohrerstown.—George J. Jarett, 80
years old, the oldest member of the i Halifax, Pa., April 14.—T0-morrow
Mennonite church here, died last has been set aside by the State Camp
evening. He is survived by four as PO.S.of A. Day. All members
children. of the Order are requested to display
Shippensburg. Samuel Hocker- the flag from sunrise to sun set in
smith died yesterday morning. Death honor of the day.
was due to cancer of the stomach.
Several weks ago he was taken to a i OR. CRAWFORD CONVALESCING
hospital but nothing could be done for '
him. He is survived by his wife and j Dillsburg, Pa., April 14.—Doctor W.
two children, also his parents, one L. Crawford, well known physician of
Blater and two brothers survive htm. i Dillsburg,'who was taken to the Har-
Lewisburg. The funeral of Mrs. risburg Hospital two weeks ago where
Maggie Mabus, who died suddenly at |he sustained an operation for appen
her home, was held on Sunday after- dlc-itis returns to his home on Sun
noon. She was twenty-eight years oldday.
A f Ingredients: Sulphur, Glycerin, Quin
j \ Ugr fs in » Sodium Chloride, Capsicum, Sage,
_ _ Alcohol, Water, Perfume. All skil
/ / „ • 1/' fully combined. Falling hair ceases,
il d/r V ICJ O# £ * an<^ disappears, hair growth pro-
ZJ moted. Does not color.
S. 1. 0. SIGN IT 1
House For Tonight Almost Sold
Out; Orchestra Plays This
With the house practically sold out,
and indications that the S. K. C.
"standing room only" sign will be up
to-night, everything is in readiness
for the Easter musical festival of the
Harrisburg choral society to-night. A
large crowd of musio also is assured
for the top gallery. A good attend
ance also is expected at the concert
this afternoon of the Russian Symp
hony orchestra. Following arc the
box-holders: Mr. and Mrs. George
Kunkei, Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Bailey, Rt. Uev. and Mrs. James H.
Darlington, Mrs. John Weiss, Mr. and
Mrs. John Fox Weiss; Officers of Car
lisle Choral society.
The list of sustaining and honorary
members is as follows:
Sustaining and Honorary Members
Governor John K. Tener, Judgf
George Kunkei, Judge S. J. M. Mc-
Carrell, Congressman Aaron S. Krei
der, Mrs. 11. B. Abbott, W. E. Aber
crotnbie, Miss Clara Alricks, C. H.
Backenstoe, S. Cameron Baer, Arthur
H. Bailey, Mrs. William E. Batley, G.
Irwin Beatty, W. H. Bennethum, C. H.
Bergner, C. Ross Boas,, Mrs. Henry D.
Boas, Mrs. John Y. Boyd, D. Bailey
Bran'dt, J. Austin Brandt, Mrs. Harry
M. Bretz, James M. Cameron, Mis:
Mary Cameron, Mrs. Catharim
Cliayne, Joseph Claster, Charles E
Covert, Mrs. M. A. Cumbler, the Rlgh;
Rev. James H. Darlington, Mrs. Alice
IC. Decevee, E. J. Decevee, John De
Gray, Colonel Henry C. Demming
Ralph I. Diehl, C. A. Doeline, Mrs
A. P. L. Dull, Casper Dull, D. M
Dull, Miss Jennie J. Dull, H. P. Dun
oar, Miss Mary Dunbar, S. F. Dunkle
Carl B. Ely, Miss Helen E. Espy, W.
S. Esslck, Mrs. W. F. Finney, Davie
Fleming, S. W. Fleming, Mrs. C. M
Forney, John E. Fox, Dr. John A
Frltchey, Albert Froehlich, J. Clai
ence Funk, S. O. Goho, George A
Gorgas, W. L. Gorgas, J. K. Greena
wait, Sr., Mrs. Edward Z. Gross, Mr?
Margaretta C. Haldeman, Miss Juli
M. Hallowell, Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton
D. D. Hammelbaugh, Nathan E
Hause, Joseph H. Hellerman, Mrs
Edward S. Herman, i U. Hershey, H
L. Hershey, Mrs. E. f nnings, Wil
liam Jennings, D. P. ierauld, R. A.
Johnston, Croll Keller, Henry A. Kel- j
ker, Charles A. Kunkei, Mrs. Eliza
beth C. Kunkei, Mrs. John C. Kunkei,
Jr., Paul A. Kunkei, Samuel Kunkei,
Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, Frank R. Lelb.
Mrs. Christian W. Lynch, John P.
Melick, Herman P. Miller, Airs. J. Her
vey Miller, Robert H. MofHtt, Joseph
Montgomery, Walter L. Montgomery,
F. B. Musser. Mrs. G. M. McCauley,
Mrs. Annie McCormick, Miss Anne
McCormick, Donald McCormick,
James McCormick, James McCormick.
Jr., Henry McCormick, J?., Henry B.
McCormick, Mrs. Henry B. McCor
mick, Robert McCormick, Vance C.
McCormick, Andrew S. McCreath, 8.
W. McCulloch, J. Horace MeFarland,
Dr. Hiram McGowan, Miss Esther R.
Mcllhenny, John J. Nissley, Mrs. A.
Wilson Norris, W. M. Ogelsby, Mrs.
Marlin E. Olmsted. Dr. H. L. Orth,
Mrs. Frank Payne, Miss Caroline Pear
son, Miss Jeanne Pratt. .Mrs. Walter
F. Randall, George W. Reily, Mrs. J.
V. W. Reynders, Mrs. W. S. Ruther
ford, Mrs. S. D. Sansom, William B.
Schleisner, William E. See}, Mrs. Clar
ence H. Sigler, Clarence M. Sigler,
Mrs. John W. Simonton, Frank C.
Sites, Frank P. Snodgrass, J. Henry
Spicer, E. J. Stackpole. A. Carson
Stumm, Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, James
A. Stranahan, Professor Henry W.
| Stratton, Charles C. Stroh, J. Harry
, Stroup, Al. K. Thomas, E. C. Thomp
-1 son, J. H. Troup, Mrs. T. A. Thorley,
| George B. Tripp, Mrs. E. Z. Wallower,
j Allen G. Walton, Allen K. Walton, B.
IL. Weaver, Miss Anna C. Weir, Miss
Sibyl M. Weir, Mrs. John H. Weiss.
1 Miss M. 'Caroline Weiss. John Fox
1 Weiss, Mrs. John Fox Weiss, Mrs.
Marry C. Wells, James B. Wells, T. T.
Wierman, E. W. Yohn, S. Cameron
To-ray, matinee and night Harris
burg Choral Society Spring Festi
To-morrow, matinee and night "Am
Thursday evening, April 16 Relkin
Yiddish Company.
Friday, matinee and night, April 17
Illustrated Lecture on "Mexico" by F.
Tennyson Neeley.
Saturday, matinee and night, April 18
—Montgomery and Stone in "The
Lady of the Slipper."
Monday and Tuesday and Tuesday
matinee, April 20-21 "The Blind
ness of Virtue."
All week, with dally matinees—High
Class Vaudeville.
Continuous Vaudeville and Pictures.
The sublime powei* of faith, when
needed to win success in life whether
it be upon the stage or in any other
pursuit of life, has never been more
keenly exemplified than It is In the
story of the newest play now bidding
for popularity. It Is named "Ambi
tion, and will make its bow to audi
ences at Harrisburg to-morrow, after
noon and evening.
"Ambition" claims many distinctions
as a play of original theme and treat
ment. It Is set In a musical atmos
phere, but by this it does not mean
that it resembles in any way either
musical comedy or operetta. It s
best described as a melo-dramatlc ro
mance, aided by the beauty of remark
able music during the entire action of
the piece.—Advertisement.
The Relkin Yiddish Company will
pay a return visit to Harrisburg
Thursday evening, when, with Edward
Levenson In the chief role, a drama en
titled "One Year After Marriage," will
be given. The Relkin companies are
always popular In Harrisburg among
the Yiddish-speaking people. The sale
for this show opens to-day. It Ir an
ticipated that this will be one of the
most enjoyable of the Yiddish plays
seen here this season.—Advertisement.
Considerable Interest is being mani
fested in the lerturrs to be sriven at the
Majestic Theater, Friday, afternoon
and evening, by F. Tennyson Neeley,
the well-known traveler and writer.
Mr. Neeley will use "Mexico" for his
subject, and along with Ills talk there
will be moving pictures find colored
slides made from photographs obtained
by Mr. Neeley while on a tour of
Mexico. Ho has but recentlv returned
from the land of turmoil, and his talk
will be the nearest thing to a first hand
expose of actual conditions in Mexico
that Harrlsburgers have had. The ad
vance salo of tickets for this lecture
will begin to-morrow morniner. Ad
If the crowd that turned/out to greet
the opening performances of "The
Trained Nurses' at the Oi pheum vet
terday were sufferers of a oo strenuous
Easter celebration, then Harrisburg
had the biggest day of thfe year. For
actual figures show that the record
Monday performances of the present
0 300 HI 18 ?; Mfe llftf BEI ' ™
Sample Suits |» *• *• »«m*
From the Fifth Avenue H:gh
Art Tailoring Co. 1® 100 Men's Blue &
These Suits Were Made to 1• jJWitf /Mk Black Fine
sssL»|Ail WMtWumrm SERGE ?|fI
i||= m ! tm f vmJmfH SUITS |||
J?". Yw f lU=; ttujljgw ,4 j§Wm I'M Uyfl Suits Easy Worth 111
Cho.ee «t ■W. 1 ' .MM 11 < 1 *'« I W
r.Sesald S K £s 111 I "Hon HAVE IT UntUl I WANT IT Lw n „7 G szTvtlJ/
Choice at ■ ues. Choice at... If
Only 150 Ccais Sf» ! ™ 8 Boys' Suits ?f"
of the $lO value *1 A LIVINGSTON'S II IN PE n e cit s sS e pe and !|
|ef|, Your l\f SOUTH Market Square V Worth, 9' Choice at
season were on hand yesterday. Noth- ]
in» could speak louder for the local
popularity of Clark and Bergman. The i
remainder of the bill is also above the
Orpheum standard. This is not merely
the opinion of the press agent, cither.
For there is a delightful patter skit
with singing? and dancing called "lack
ed Out," introducing Bain and Uam
bert, one of the niftiest duos we have
seen. Then there is Cero, the wizard
of the piano accordeon, who scored a
hit rock solid at both of yesterdav's
performances with his skillful rendi
tion of a number of well-known airs,
bloth classical and popular. The King
Brothers, Herculean marvels, open the
show at a wonderful pace and this
speed is maintained throughout the
offering. The Wilson Brothers, excel
lent yodlers and real laugh winners,
are destined to be the big favorites,
and James McCann and conipanv are
presenting a playlet eaieil Dixie
Dad. t that will Interest most vaudeville
"fans. Heavy advance sales are re
corded at the Orpheum box office for
the remainder of the week and the
management is warning patrons willing
good seats to make their reservations
"Who's Got the Papers?" is the title
?' clever farce comedy that
heads the Easter offering at the Busv
Corner. A capable cast of players
SHIX, the success that is just
bristling with bright lines and screech
lngly funny situations. Billy and Edith
Adams present a neat song, dance and
patter skit, and the Levey Family of
fer somethin- unusual in the way of
a musical novelty.—Advertisement.
At the Palace Theater to-day
the famous Eclair stars, O. A. C.
Lund, Barbara Teunant and Julia
Stewart are featured in two of
Eclair's latest two-reel features of the
northwest. The first in which a man
pays SI,OOO for kiss which costs him
Ills life, entitled "When God Wills"
To paint a word picture as delicate
stirring and pathetic as this drama
would require a pen far more skill
ful than ours. Did you ever rotid a,
story or see a drama during which
you completely lost yourself, were
you unconscious of all that surround
ed, you, living, as it were, with the
characters moving before you, ex
periencing their joy and sufferings?
V ell, th..t is what this picture makes
you do. You forget yourself in watch
ing it, in tlio delicious but firm grip
it takes upon your interest. "Adrift"
is another story of the Canadian
woods, delightful in its sentiment and
possessing vivid Incidents carried
along in swift moving acting. More
beautiful, picturesque settings and
r-orc perfect film coloring could not
"The Sheriff's Deputy," a frontier
western drama featuring Arthur
Allardt and Edythe Sterling is
another feature. Harry Schumm and
Lionel Bradshaw contribute one of
Joker comedies, "Won in the First"
in which the confusion of dressing
and leaving the train, a minister and
a prizefighter get coats mixed. The
minister is welcomed as the prize
fighter and the prizefighter as the
minister. Both are pressed into serv
ice and both excel.—Advertisement.
Halifax, Pa., April 14.—Forest Levi
Straw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Straw, of Halifax township and Miss
Margaret Clouser, daughter of Mrs.
Jacob Landis, of Halifax township,
were married at the home of the bride
on Easter Sunday by the Rev. J. O.
Baer, pastor of the Church of God of
Residents of Hurrisburg Cannot Doubt
What Has Been Twice Proved
In gratitude for relief from aches
and pains of bad backs—from distress
ing kidney ills—thou .'an la have pub
licly recommended Doan's Itidney
Fills. keeidents of Harris urg, WHO
so testified years ago, now say the re
sults were permanent. This testi
mony doubly proves the worth of
Doan's Kidney Pills to Harrisburg
kidney sufferers.
! Mrs. Thomas Doran, 656 Cumber
land street, Harrisburg, Pa., says: "1
can't say too much in praise of Doan's
Kidney Pills. I wouldn't be without
this remedy. My back pained me
most of the time and often 1 could
not stoop. I tired easily. Nothing
seemed to give me any benefit until I
used Doan's Kidney Pills. They help
ed me right away and it wasn't long
before I was In good health. It gives
me pleasure to confirm the endorse
ment I have previously given Doan's
Kidney Pills."
For salu by all dealers Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agr-nts for"the United
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other., —Advertisement.
|. I '
i Chairman Fitzgerald, of House Ap- J
propriations Committee, Tells
of "Sickening" Record
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., April 14.—The j
last national Democratic platform con- j
I tained this provision:
J tVe denounce the profligate waste I
' j of money wrung from the people I
j by excessive taxation through the |
. lavish appropriations of recent Re- I
, j publican Congresses, which have
: j kept taxes high and reduced the
purchasing power of the people's
i I toll. We demand the return to that |
! simplicity and economy whioh be- i
; I fits a Democratic Government and
l a reduction in the number of use
| less offices, the salaries of which |
• j drain the substance of the people, j
I It is becoming evident every day,,
!as the bills pass the House, that the!
| period of economy promised will not i
j appear. The appropriations may
' I mount as high as a billion dollars,
j John J. Fitzgerald, of New York.
~ chairman of the House Committee on
! Appropriations, and a Democratic
! I leader makes this statement: "The
i number of employes has not been In
| ! creased by this Congress, but many ln
] creases 1 nsalaries have been made
' that were not necessary. Certainly
there has ben no real and earnest ef
■ fort to reduce expenses. Rather the
j reverse is true.
i "The salaries of the secretaries of
I members was increased SBOO a year
last week. This meant an increase of
'5132,000 a year. I then made my
, position plain, as I did yesterday, that
! the Democratic House, elected upon
!a pledge to economize, and upon a
' sweeping denunciation of the Repub
lican party because of the extrava
gances, gave an exhibition that I am
sure will appeal to the country dur
ing the fall elections.
"Then the House denied attempts
. I The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disuse
that science has been able to cure ID all its '<
etages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care I
' is the only positive cure now known to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treatment. I
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting j
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of |
, the system, thereby destroying the foundation i
of the disease, and giving the patient strength <
by building up the constitution and assisting na- j
ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have 1
•o much faith In Its curative powers that they i
! offer Ore Hundred Dollars for any case that It
i falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
I Address F. 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
j Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
I Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
( j AMUSEMENT!" ',
j 333 Market St.
i The Home of the Exclusive Univer
sal Program.
Our Program For Wednesday
i Mile. Costamagnn and the All Stars
t of Europe In a Union Feature of 3
'Mech'st ophelia"
' Gaumont's 3-reel production, with
an all-ntur vast,
I Our Program Tu-«lay Ecljilr
reel fea-ture—"WHEN GOD WILLS."
j Eclair 2-reel feature—"ADßlFT,"
1 Frontier Western drasia, "THE
Jj SHERIFF'* DEPUTY." Joker com- I
!__ _ *
Harry R. Leonard's Talk On
; The ISLAND of CUBA !
Postponed to Thurs., April 16 1
;Try Telegraph Want Ads.
to reduce the mileage paid members,
and it has continued the practice of
paying mileage at the rate of 20 cents
a mile going and coming from the
SIOO,OOO in expenditures for mileage,
and added $132,000 more to the pay
roll for our secretaries than was paid
by Republican Co lgress.
"I cannot say anything more than
I did on the floor. I said then and
I reassert it that the Democratic party
— TT-r-r
„ , MW fUßJi__
In the looking-glass a woman often sees wrinkles, hollow circles under eyes,
"crow's feet,"—all because she did not turn to the right remedy when worn
down with those troubles which are distinctly feminine. Backache, headache,
pains, lassitude, nervousness and drains upon vitality—bring untold suffering
to womanhood and the face shows it. The nervous system and the entire
womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of
It allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, and
other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic
diseases of the feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves
mental anxiety and despondency. Known everywhere and for over 40 years
as the ftandard remedy for the diseases of women. Your dealer in medicines
sells it in liquid or sugar-coated tablet form; or you can send 50 one-cent
stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
is always witli you when you carry
Sef syour surplus In your pocket. Place
/ National Bank
"'..-.J-v- >**WfmrU' where it will accumulate and
• whore it is always at your command
• *tSSix^\rjl, tor Permanent investment. This bank
'1 lli Iff ' 8 33 Ba, ° as t,le U. S. Treasury, and
* ' |llj||l[J J wl " safeguard your savings from any
CO^VNIOHT / - ' 224 Market Street
» 1 _ ■ ■ ii— '!-j—; 1 J
/" ' ■ ~ ' <
With the
T rained Nurses g c „ |q c
ii ' _
u . I «. I e • . ' MATINEE AND NIGHT
Harrisburg Choral society
... The New Drama With Music
Easter Music Festival A ItD IT I SWT
Mstlneei Symphony Concert, Run. if I L/l 1 1 \ M 1 1
slun Symphony Orchestra Had solo.
r.venlnijt Mendelssohn's Oratorio Ashley Miller
«n< ,lJ .n!''l' 5,,0,, ' 1y, Urt ' he> - I'll ICES Matinee. 25c to $1.00)
. __ " , Evening, 25c to 91.30.
Prices, 78 cents and 91.00) Gallery,
RO cents. Seats on Sale.
The Lady of the Slipper
Hook by Anne Caldwell and Laurence McCarthy. Lyrics by James
i O'Dea. Staved by R. H. Burnslde. Music bby Victor Herbert.
See Montgomery and Stone In the old-fashioned SOUK and Dance (bur
lesquing the flrst song nnd dance ever done by Montgomery and Stone.>
! The Six Little White Poules and The Wonderful Coaeli) The Classic Mallet
"Sweet Sl*teen"» The Palace of Maximilian) The Huron's Cat) Oue Hundred
People) The Rarnuin and Bailey of Musical Shows.
One Year at the Globe Theater, New York
PRlCES—Evening, Lower Floor, $2.00 and $1,150) balcony, $1.50, SI.OO
I and 75c) gallery, BO cents. Matinee, lower floor, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00) bal
| cony, $1.60, SI.OO and 75c) gallery 50c. Seats oa sale Thursday morning.
is piling up public expenditures un
necessarily. Many members of tho
majority, in combination with the min
ority, are outvoting' the Democrats
favoring economy. The record that
the Democratic party will make at the
end of this Congress will bo sicken
ing unless the appropriations are re
duced in the Senate—a practice that
has not been customary. The Demo
cratic party must shoulder the blame
of a group of men.'