Floor coverings of endless variety, whose beauty will brighten up a room. New. and, therefore, embrac ing the best thoughts of designers whose experience and skill have wrought a wonderful effective harmony of color and design. They come from makers whose names stand absolutely for The Best in Floor Coverings Velvet Rug, size 3bx72i Ingrain Carpets, yard wide, beautiful Q Q wo °^ designs I/O filling f Jv Velvet Rug size 27x5*4,i Brussels Carpet, room pat all-wool QQ terns, including * QA face 1 »i/0 laying «/UC Bath Rug, size 27x54,! Brussels Carpet, good qital different *7 ' ia " room d? 1 1 A colorings tj) A • f O patterns, per yd., «J) J. • X vl Velvet Rug, size 9xll, floral | Velvet Carpet, all-wool face, and oriental £1 £2 Cfl j beautiful pat- 1 OC effects ij) 1. OiOU terns, per yd.... Axminster Rug, sizes 9x12, Wilton Carpet, extra good excellent flfV < l ua '' t y» includ- d* 1 CO quality w £ v/Vrj ing laying V * *Ovl Wilton Velvet Rug, size 9xi Linoleum, special quality, 12, blue and other O Q < beautiful designs, f A solid colors R. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE AND INVIGORATE CTOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. SUGAR-COATED TINY GRANULES. THE TEMPTATION TO is always witli you when you carry Sef syour surplus In your pocket. Place / National Bank "'..-.J-v- >**WfmrU' where it will accumulate and • whore it is always at your command • *tSSix^\rjl, tor Permanent investment. This bank '1 lli Iff ' 8 33 Ba, ° as t,le U. S. Treasury, and * ' |llj||l[J J wl " safeguard your savings from any CO^VNIOHT / - ' 224 Market Street » 1 _ ■ ■ ii— '!-j—; 1 J AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS /" ' ■ ~ ' < i CLARK & BERGMAN lEVEY FAMILY WESTERN BAKER & CO, With the # REED & TUTTLE T rained Nurses g c „ |q c NUFF SED-GET SEATS NOW FIRST RUN MOVIES ii ' _ MAJESTIC THEATER TO-DAY TO-MORROW u . I «. I e • . ' MATINEE AND NIGHT Harrisburg Choral society ... The New Drama With Music Easter Music Festival A ItD IT I SWT Mstlneei Symphony Concert, Run. if I L/l 1 1 \ M 1 1 slun Symphony Orchestra Had solo. t r.venlnijt Mendelssohn's Oratorio Ashley Miller «n< ,lJ .n!''l' 5,,0,, ' 1y, Urt ' he> - I'll ICES Matinee. 25c to $1.00) . __ " , Evening, 25c to 91.30. Prices, 78 cents and 91.00) Gallery, RO cents. Seats on Sale. and NIGHT SATURDAY, APRIL, 18 CHARLES DILLINGHAM Presents i MONTGOMERY & STOINB AND THEIR ORIGINAL COMPANY IN THE MUSICAL FANTASY IN THKEE ACTS The Lady of the Slipper Hook by Anne Caldwell and Laurence McCarthy. Lyrics by James i O'Dea. Staved by R. H. Burnslde. Music bby Victor Herbert. See Montgomery and Stone In the old-fashioned SOUK and Dance (bur lesquing the flrst song nnd dance ever done by Montgomery and Stone.> ! The Six Little White Poules and The Wonderful Coaeli) The Classic Mallet "Sweet Sl*teen"» The Palace of Maximilian) The Huron's Cat) Oue Hundred People) The Rarnuin and Bailey of Musical Shows. One Year at the Globe Theater, New York PRlCES—Evening, Lower Floor, $2.00 and $1,150) balcony, $1.50, SI.OO I and 75c) gallery, BO cents. Matinee, lower floor, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00) bal | cony, $1.60, SI.OO and 75c) gallery 50c. Seats oa sale Thursday morning. is piling up public expenditures un necessarily. Many members of tho majority, in combination with the min ority, are outvoting' the Democrats favoring economy. The record that the Democratic party will make at the end of this Congress will bo sicken ing unless the appropriations are re duced in the Senate—a practice that has not been customary. The Demo cratic party must shoulder the blame of a group of men.' 7