Greatest of All Hum<an Blessings The most wonderful thing In the world IM ltove expressed In the helpless Infant. And among those aids and comforts for expectant mothers Ja the well known "Mother's Friend," ' Thta Is an external application to 'liable the abdominal muscles to become mora pliant, to expand naturally without undue pain from the atralxt upon cords and ligaments. In almost every settled community are women who have enjoyed the blessing of thto famous remedial and helpful embro cation. Their daughters have grown up to learn of its splendid assistance. Applied as directed upon those muscles Involved It soothes the fine network of nerve* with which all the muscles are supplied. Thus a great share of the pains so much dreaded may be avoided and the period of expectancy passed through in oaae and comfort. Anything that adds BO much comfort must be counted as a blessing Indeed. In a little book sent by mail much use ful Information is given to Inexperienced mothers. It tells how to use "Mother's friend" and how to avoid making breasts. Set a bottle to-day and wrice for book to Bradfleld Itegulntor Co., 400 I.amnr Bldf?., Atlanta. Qa. Ss sure you gut 'other's friend."' «WWWyVWWnWUWWWM 5 RESTORATIVE i ?: TREATMENT FOR j :j NERVOUS MEN j "• Coming from a source of un- j V questioned authority on the all- S > ments of men It is presumed to J Ji bo Infallible, while the profession J j generally endorse tho Ingredients ■» :» and prescribe them in many dlf- S j ferent forms of various diseases. J JI The followitiK formula Is highly J 3 efficient in quickly restoring in J JI nervous exhaustion, melancholia, J j anxiety, timidity In venturing, S :> dizzi(es* heart palpitation. J j trembling limbs, insomnia, thin- J f ness, cold extremities, tlrod-all- S j in feeling and general Inability j :« to do those natural and rational % j acts upon which depends a man's V f success and happiness lu social % j and every-day Hie. a N •The instructions for mixing at a f home secretly so that no embar- Ji j rassment may be felt, are as fol- '« Ji lows: First get three ounces of J f syrup sarsaparllla compound and 1 ,« one ounce compound fluid balm- S f wort; mix and let stand two S J hours. Then add one ounce com- / / pound essence cardlol and one % J> ounce tincture cadomene com- J i pound (not cardamom), and mix 1 j all together. The directions are ? ,» to take one teaspoonful after J / each meal and one when retiring. J f until bounding health and full J / strength are restored. Even a ,■ ? few weeks will witness most f ? wonderful results. :t / Astonishing nervous force and J" ,• equilibrium follow the treatment, > { no matter how serious the case. ? J This contains no opiates what- f f ever and may also be used by J 1 > women who suffer with their f f nerves with absolute certainty of ,« prompt and lasting benellts. Send 5c for trial silt For Chapped Hands and Lips Vaseline R««. U. S. P.t. Off. Camphor Ice Soothej and heais cracked •kin. Keeps it smooth, firm and healthy. Insist on VASELINE Camphor Ice. in tubes and boxes. 10 cents. Drug and Department stores everywhere. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 41 Stat* Street New York City Goodbye to | Pimples if You Use Lax Links j Pimples upon a woman's face gen erally Indicate that tho trouble is con stipation. When you aro In a consti pated condition the blood absorbs tha poisons from the waste matter, and the impure blood leads to the blotchy, pirn- ' ply, sallow complexion. Get rid of the , constipated trouble by using Unks, ! those delicious candy laxatives, exquis- | ttely flavored with the oil of spearmint, i They do not contain dangerous or habit- i forming drugs, nor will they gripe or t-auso pains. They will soon restore I the system to Its normal condition, thus > aidlnp In keeping the blood pure. Kec- i ommended by physicians. Ideal for chil dren, invalids and the old folks. 10c I and 2Bc boxes. Hold by all druggists. Write for free sample. Boro Salicine i Co., Philadelphia. For quick, sure relief from hacking Coughs that annoy everyone, take GOTTS COUCH SYRUP Heals the Inflammation In the throat, relieves the soreness and stops the cough naturally. Contains no "dope" —no opiates. Get a 25c. or 50c. bottk today. Money back by the dealer If il doesn't help you. Try Telegraph Want Ads. - • . 1 • v ** - v ;e \< r - '' s '" ■• i ' ' - ■'•' ' ' ' -' %•• ':' '-' ••• - *■• '•'• '-' '' ' ''/ f^T sT r^jß :, ''r^•- ' _ TUESDAY EVENING, «ARRISBURG t&S&f. TEI.EGRAPH APRIL 14.1914. NEW TARIFF SLAPS U. S. VVORKIIK6MJUH Vast Import of Foreign Goods Is Taking Bread Out of Amer ica's Mouth Some striking figures in regard to the Increase in imports of twenty two different articles and groups of articles which form an important art of American industry were given out to-day by the Pennsylvania Protec tive Union. These figures were compiled from the government records by C. H. Brown, chairman of the hosiery man nfacturere' legislative committee, who is now in Washington endeavoring to ascertain by arithmetical calculation exactly what the new Democratic tariff law is doing tq American pro ducts. He finds that the hosiery imports at the six principal ports of entry during February were 311,398 dozens —by far the largest hosiery imports in any one month since April, 1010. Everyone of the articles and groups of articles investigated ,by Mr. Brown showed an increase in imports of February, 1914, as compared with February, 1913, ranging from 8 per cent in gloves to G77 per cent in cer tain knit goods. The increase in tin , plate amounted to 050 per cent, in 1 class 1, ,wool, 100 per cent; in class | 2, wool, 178 per cent, in woolen cloths, 236 per cent; in cotton cloths, 100 per cent; in wearing apparel. 25 per cent; In other woolen manufactures, 466 per cent. Following is the table compiled by Mr. Brown: 1014 JIH3 Products Values Values Alum. Mfgrs *136.873 578,373 Watches & Pts.. 250,018- 182,237 i Cotton Cloths .. 1,454,43)1 727,121 I Stockings 372,741 265,169 1 Other Knit Goods 340,637 43,825 I Linen Yarns .... 88,806 62,287 'Fruit & Nuta ... 3,265,583 2,523,651 Glassware 561,420 463,917 | Cutlery 212,356 157,658 Tin Plato 209,938 27,979 Leather and Tanned Skins.. 357,428 755,549 Gloves 850.933 782,973 Paper & Mfgrs.. 1,998,836 1,581,723 I Mfgrs. of Silk... 3,126,092 2,257,264 I Vegetables 1,222,778 848,255 I Wool Class 1.... 4,398,235 2,192,326 !Wool Class 2 ... 690,195 248,278 Wuol Class 3 ... 1,687,961 1,211,219 .Woolen Cloths.. 1,564,197 464,742 I Dress Goods ... 782.121 262,938 Wearing Apparel, 142,555 113,947 All Other Wool Mfgra 484,450 85,501 $25,198,594 $15,336,962 The total increase in the twmty two articles and groups of articles for | February, 1914, over February, 1913, was $9,861,632, or an average total I increase of 64.2 per cent. | "This shows what the Underwood Tariff law is doing to American in- I dustries which employ or have em 'ployed large numbers of wage-earners lat American pay," said Mr. Brown. •"Nearly $10,000,000 worth of goods purchased from abroad that were made at home last year can mean nothing else than the unemployment lof the men and women who v. ou'ld have been engaged In making them if the goods had been purchased of American manufacturers. News Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania! Special to The Telegraph Sunbury.—Mrs. Matilda Zimmer | man, Shamokin, yesterday, brought suit for $20,000 personal damages from the Shamokin & Mt. Carmel Transit Company. Annville.—Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. | Meyer celebrated their ftenth wed ding anniversary on Monday evening |by entertaining a number of their friends on West Main street. After i luncheon a short toast was jesponded ito by the Rev. Wm. F. DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer were the recipients ( of many handsome presents. | York.—Roscoe F. Holloway, ar rested for attempting to blackmail Dr. H. David Smyser into paying him SIOOO for keeping quiet about an al leged case in which he was concerned, ; was held by United States Commis isioner John F. Kcll for the action of the United States Court. ! Mahanoy City.—To prevent Maha noy Plane, a borough of 3,000 inhabi tants, from being swallowed up In the mines, owners of coal mines have been served with orders from the Schuylkill County Court to cease re moving coal from the underground I workings. ) Easton.—Judge Scott sentenced Robert Conahay, former Deputy Sher iff and a former member of the paid I lire department, to serve six months I |in the county jail for forging the! | name of Sheriff Henry Meyers to a 'check, cashing the same and using j the proceeds. Norristown.—Annie Hogan, 65 years ] "Id, matron at the Conshohocken Sta tion of the Reading Railway, fell (down a flight of steps at her residence land was killed. Columbia.—A thief stole the crepp I and carnations from the door of the 1 homo in which Mrs. Catharine Kauf-1 i hold lay dead.' York. —To protest against the pro posed diversion of the route of tho Lincoln National Highwav, which • would leave out York, Columbia, Lan caster and Coatesville, a meeting of I city officials and local business men I was held at tho Chamber of Com- I merce last night. Feast of Roses at Manheim on Second Sunday in June Special to The Telegraph Marietta, April 14.—At the meet-! |ing of the Council of Lutheran church, j at Manheim, it was decided to ob serve the annual Feast of Roses on the second Sunday in June, in the usual manner. An effort will be made to have a more elaborate order of exercises than ever, and invite a num ber of state officials. The committee appointed consists of Die Rev. J. F. Knlttle, J. H. Bridge and Prof. G. Heiges, F. L. Diehm, N. W. Pinker ton, J. W. Glsh and E. S. Bombei*- ger, C. Baer, S. R. Rec, H. G. Brosey and C. D. Kiehl decorating, D. IS. Stoneroad, H. G. Glnder, P. S. Hos tetter and N. W. Long. WILL GO TO SOUTH AMERICA Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., April 14. — E. I W. Euiich has accepted a position with the Elliott-Fisher Typewriter Company, of Harrisburg, and in the interest of the firm will shortly leave for Buenos Ayres, South America. He was a member of the firm of Miller £- Eurich, implement dealers in this pl£.cc, which recently dissolved part - 1 nership. SMALLPOX QUARANTINE LIFTED 1 Marietta, April 14.—Smallpox trou-1 Ivies at Bainbrldge and Billmeyer are over, the county medical officer hav ing lifted the quarantine and trains on the Pennsylvania stop here as before. There were no dealhs, and the ca.--c with one exception were mild OIK- J ► Refrigerators and CALL 1991-ANY when It Kitchen Cabinets Oyf Visit Bowman's on the Club Plan. SI.OO sends one to fW your home. Come in and see our splen- m anc * * or a ' n y Day Specials. You \ dld assortment.—Fifth Floor. HABRISBUPO'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE will find bargains in every department. After-Easter Suit Sale Sample ► We have had a splendid business before Easter, but our customers are not all fully pro- Table Linens y vided with spring clothing. Those who have waited will find everything that fashion dictates. : Semi-Tailored Suits at Popular Prices Handsome Large Line ► An unusual demand for suits of a little plainer design, without so many furbelows and ° *!!? aß,as ► frills, led us to looking out for the people of plainer ta tes. As a result we opened yeiter- Cloths ; day several ntw models-full of style but not too showy. A chance purchase ► AT SIO.OO 0 f a fi ne Sample lot. ■§ Pure wool serge suits in navy, black and Copenhagen. Coats have I . r .. kimono sleeves and are lined with pure silk Peau D'Cygne. Skirts one Oi a pattern, arc plain or with flounce. ' An opportunity that AT $12.50 seldom comes at such y Pure wool serge suits in navy, black, Copenhagen and tango. a savincr Rnv vmir Coats have low shoulders, some with tailored lapels, while others . ®* J J have fancy collars —all are lined with pure silk Peau D'Cygne. supply IIOW. Skirts are plain, peg top or with tiers. •• AT $15.00 Sizes 8-4 and 10-4. Poplins, Crepes, Crepe Poplins, and Gabardines; in black, Copen- $13.50 Pattern Cloth, hagen, helio, mahogany, tango and navy. These are in fancier special <£*7 Cfi , styles—ruffles and flounces and tiers; fancy buttons. at # •DU ' All Our $32.50, $35.00, $39.50, $45 & $47.50 Suits at $25.00 .ST Over two hundred suits to select from. The very best of the sea son's models, colors and materials. Moires, Silk Poplins, Crepe Poplins and Gabardines. $9 00 PaUern Cloth> Suits for Stout Figures I special $6.50 at $12.50, $17.50, S2O and $25 / J] So many say "Nothing for stout figures," but we have them for <tom P-itinm Cloth you. Not fancy suits—all staple models. Every suit has style g e * c j a j and quality. Materials are Poplins, Crepe Poplins and Serges. L £ Even the lowest priced ones have quality—quality of material and tailofing. Colors are black, navy and gray, BOWMAN'S SECOND Floor. * Maln Floor — BOWMAN ' s LINOLEUMS „f Och-irk FpafWs Our specials in linolnum will continue throughout >~**lC Ol WbtllUl 1 "ClUlClb the week. Every kind and style you want. Beautiful That Is Different in This Way tile and hare wood patterns—colors to harmonizs, and T, , . f £ _ i .1 make attractive the room after spring cleaning. Bring 3V 5 Were bo L u^hl f rom manufacturers when they room size were at a P rlce concession which enables us x>«<r»-r> cu. T* lose " to vou at about one half the regular price. mf ? rL )tk J a P' ane^ e U & S Most Feather Sales are lots sent on consignment and sold at full ™ ,led ru * s » ke grandma her used to make. Oval and roand. Color com- regular prices, but a look will convince you of the remarkable values we ina ion o sui a mos any ecora ion. are giving. You will note the difference between these and the ordi- Size 27x36 inches .. . sl.9BSize 27x54 inches $3.00 nary sale plume. Size 30x30 inches .. . . sl.6sSize 30x60 inches. .. . $3.75 Ostrich Plumes and trimmings are very popular and you can se- Size 36x72 inches. . . .$5.50 lect from our stock all the newest fancies as well as beautiful plumes Square Rag Rugs, size 30x60 inches, at $1.15 w ' t^l heads and bright fibre. Japanese Straw Rugs in pretty patterns. Size 6x9 ft., special at $1.39 pOI OR<N ARF. Fousth FIoor—BOWMAN'S V/UtiWIVJ . r-,r>i-i rco PAAi/rno LEATHER PINK ALICE BLUE MKhLLoo LOUKLKb Caloric Fireless Cook Stoves BLACK WHITE LIGHT BLUE The modern kitchen marvel. The most complete stove on the AA 0 . &A Cf\ market. Come in and have the superior qualities of this cooker ex- SO.OO Ldlge PIUHI6S, 5p3C13,l clt . . . . . $4.50 plained to you. These cookers save work; fuel; never burn food ; $6.00 PlumeS, Special at $3.95 cooks while you shop or entertain; relieves you of half your work and JCJ wyv/viw,* * • JJ never fails. A delight to any modern economically inclined house- S2.UU PlUllieS, OpGClftl dt • « SI.OO keeper. Prices are $10.50, sl2, $16.75, $17.50, $20.75 and $24 a Hne f Ostrich Samoles—all the best stvles and colors Re?u- Seamless aluminum lined. See our cookers before vou buy. , ■ °} m am P l . es — all the best st^leb ancl colors - n aluminum lined. See our cookers before you buy. bowman's Basement. ar p ice up o$ . . SUMMER FURNITURE SALE Furniture That Is Distinctive in' Style and Represents Comfort Just now the house demands attention. In the spring renovating you will need odd pieces of furniture of all kinds to replace pieces you wish to discard, or will want to furni h the home for the summer with light comfor table furniture. We are splendidly prepared to supply every want Special Sale of Reed and Willow Chairs . Rcckers and Tables TL ESE ARE SAM P' E pieces and not more than one chair and rocker of a pattern, assortment is large. Finished in baronial brown, stone gray, dark green and §/ jg/ natural. Upholstered in cretonne and tapestries. y Special Bar Harbor Willow Chair(JJO QC Bar Harbor Reed Chair and Rocker to in the natural finish fL.VO, matcS. complete with upho! S tered AO n cushions on seat and back, special each Large size rar Harbor Willow Chair with if I I I wide arms and basket on QC Willow Table, finished natural, dJO AO the side, special at 24 inch top, special at SPECIAL DISPLA Y I FIFTH FLOOR-BOWMAN'S 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers