The Wise Flat Hunter Hunts Her House at Home. She Reads Telegraph For Rent Ads. Make Your Flat Hunting a Matter of Pleasure Xo need of wandering aimlessly up one street and down another. Telegraph "For Rent" WANT ADS are at your service. Every one of them is anxious to show you some particular flat, terrace or house. List the locations that come nearest your ideal of where you want to live and let Tele graph WANT ADS guide you. DIED BTROUSE At Chicago, 111., on April j 13, 1914, Joshua Strouse. formerly of | Harrisburg, aged 42 years. Private funeral Wednesday after noonj^ I>^^— , | HELP WAXl'ED—Male SHOEMAKERS WANTED Edge , trimmers on women's welts. Good. : steady job. Carlisle Shoe Co. WANTED A good carriagesmith: I isteady work for a good man. Apply to | E. A. Law & Sons, Carlisle, Pa. I .JOY WANTED in drug store, 16 to IS year*. D. A. Buehler, Pl 6 North I Third street. I WANTED Man over 30.- experlenc- j ed canvasser, solicitor. SIS weekly and I commission; steady position; state ex perience. Columbian Protective, 150 j Nassau street, New York. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at i once for Electric Railway Motormen j and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month: no experience necessary; fine opportu- i nlty; no strike; write immediately for j application blank. Address Box 820, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to do col lecting for Harrisburg firm. One hav- I ing experience Must be able i to give goo-, satisfactory reference as « to character, honesty, etc. State age ] and salary expected. Apply to C., 64C, j care of Telegraph. STABI-E MAN WANTED Experienced man to ] take entire charge of private stable I and equipment. Must be strictly sober . and furnish best references. Excellent | opportunity for right man. Address; K., 545, care of Telegraph. j WANTED Middie-aged man. for part or all time, to solicit among busi ness men, for job printing. Call at Room 15. Harrisburg National Bank Building. 14 South Market Square AGENTS WANTED AGENT WANTED to handle low priced hand feed meat, bread a'nd vege table slicing machine In the State of Pennsylvania. A good opportunity for one who has had experience in selling to stores, restaurants, and hotel. Small capital (about $50.00) necessary. Ex clusive right to entire State. Address The Hemming Bros. Co., Inc., corner [ Bradley and William streets, New Haven, Conn. ________ SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A successful Industrial Life Insurance irt-oducer In Harrisburg who can secure and manage local busi I ness getters. We have a wonderful proposition for either Industrial or Fraternal solicitors. Big opportunity for the proper man to manage our Har risburg territory. Must be clean cut, tactful and supplied with strongest en dorsements. Salary, commission and j renewals to the right man. Insurance, 1 106 Schiller Building. Chicago. HELP WANTED—FemaIe j $2.50 PER DAY paid to one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permanent position. F. E. Barr Co., 1 Chicago. WANTED An experienced and fashionable dressmaker for private family. Address Box K., 553, care of ; Telegraph. WANTED Strong, steady girl for laundry. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton strdet. A VERY desirable position Is offered to a neat, white girl for light house work; family of two: new six-room 1 apartment; no washing or ironing; ref- j erences required. Apply Tuesday even ing, 8 to 9:30, Apartment 4. 604 North i -Third street, near North. WANTED Capable white woman to do genera! housework for family of three. Answer Box 138, Camp Hill, Pa. WANTED Twenty more thorough ly experienced operators on power ma chines. Jennings' Mfg. Co., 414-416 State street. FTFTY experienced operator* for tewlns on power machines: paid while learning. Apply S Silver Forster and CowdAn «tr«*et» WANTED White girl for general housework, In country, near Dauphin. Call, or address, 1702 North Third i street. | FOR SALE 1425 WALNUT STREET i Ten Minutes' Walk From Union Station A three-story brick house in ! splendid condition. Eight rooms—bath and fur * nace gas front porch , back yard which fronts 0.1 Shoop street (Walnut and • Shoop streets are paved.) CASH PRICE. 83.600 Miller Bros. & Neefe ; Loco* and Ctmrt Streets. / ■' ' - / • - • ■ . .. ......... TUESDAY EVENING. BXRRESBURG &££& TELEGRSFBi APRIL 14, 1914. HELP WANTED—Feinal* \ ■ i YOUNG LADY WANTED to copy list j of taxables from Court Couse records, j !at Court House. Apply by mall, stating 1 past experience, to J. V. 8., care 01 j Telegraph, WANTED Girl for general house ! work. Apply 23 North Eighteenth I street. j ■ ; HELP WANTED—MuIe and Female I WE WILL PAY YOU $120.00 to dis j tribute religious literature In your com- | munity. Sixty days" work. Experience ; not required. Man or won in. Oppor- | I tunity for promotion. Spare time may Ibe used. International Bible Presa . | Philadelphia. I ! MEN AND WOMEN who have spare j time can make from $3 to $5 daily sell ing our specialties: experience not nec- | I essary. Veta Mfg. Co. Apply H. A. 1 Snyder, after 5 P. M-, Hotel Dauphin, ; j 309 Market street. ] I WANTED Men and girls In cigar! • factory; pleasant s. rroundings. If suf- 1 I ficient help can bo secured, plant will 1 I locate in Harrisburg. Apply at once. 1 j Box T., No. 885, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —Male i RELIABLE young man desires I clerical wort? of any kind with chance 1 for advancement. Address Box G., 051, ! care of Telegraph. ■ i WANTED Middle-aged, temperate ! man of good character desires position !of any kind. Address P., 887,. care of 1 i Telegraphy | i WANTED Any kind of work on j i farm by young white man. K. S„ 112u j North Cameron street. ! WANTED By young man, 18 years ! of age, position of anv kind; experlenc- \ ed in grocery business; can handle | horses; can furnish best of references. Address W. F. A.. 408 Chestnut street, j WANTED By young white man, any kind of work on farm. M. S., 1120 ! North Cameron street. WANTED Young man would like job cooking in hotel or restaurant, or any kind of work in laundry. Call No. 1519 Hunter street. City. WANTED By young white man. I any kind of work on farm. 1120 North Cameron street. City. SITUATIONS W ANTED—Female WANTED Chambermaid wants . position. Address 402 Filbert street. 1 WANTED Day's work or house ; cleaning. Address 907 Sarah avenue. i WANTED Day's work of any kind, or washing or ironing to do at home. Call at 510 Brown avenue. WANTED By middle-aged white woman, position as cook in hotel or boardinghouse; can furnish best of ref ' erences. Address M E. 8., 408 Chest nut street. j WANTED A reliable, middle-aged ; white woman would like day's work ; on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thurs -1 days. Address T„ 546, care of Tele ! graph. WANTED Day's work or washing and ironing 615 Primrose avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | FOR SALE 2441 Reel St, 3-story , pressed brick; 9 rooms and bath; hot ' and colad water in cellar; granolithic pavements front and back. Price, 3,150. Easy terms. Reno St.. New Cumber land, double frame; all conveniences. ! Price, $1,400 each. Easy terms. Mar ket St. New Cumberland, 6-room house; wash house in rear: fine well. Price, $1,250. Easy terms. Keeney & Sim mons, New Cumberland. SPECIAL BARGAIN In 316 S. Seven teenth St 3-story brick house 8 j rooms bath furnace porches. | | Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595. I IDEAL SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR 1 SALE—Now vacant —key at our office— | single house unusually well finish ed steam heat electric light I large porches lot, 30x190. Bell ! Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very attractive homes; several very good In l vestments. Terms to suit. D. E. Bright bill. 2 North Court street Both phones ! FOR SALE One or two 3-story ! brick houses on Penn street, near Ma- I clay 8 rooms bath gas fu r-1 nace porch. These houses are of | fered at $2,300 each. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner house. No. 518 Forrest street 3-story frame 9 rooms bath gas lot, 16x90 , rear alley 20 feet. Price. $2,200. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1 BUSINESS 1 ROPERTY FOR SALE— -1 No. 1913 North Sixth street can now be 1 bought at an attractive price well built lot 20x100. Look It over. I Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs 1 street between Second and Third; 8 1 rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacrl flee if sold this Spring. Address S, 0., | No. 1001, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOR SALE Corner Sixteenth and Bridge streets, Hillside 2%-story frame dwelling 8 rooms and bath electric light gas hot water heat porches st ble and chicken house —large lot single property - prac tically new. Brlnton-Paeker Co., Sec ond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE No. 1517 North Third street, with plot '.ex2lo frame house with ten rooms paved alley on rear. $1,950 will buy 3-story brick im proved, on Boyd avenue. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2115 Penn street 3- story brick dwelling 8 rooms, bath and furnace front porch cemented cellar balcony. Brinton-Packer Co., ( Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Modern House, all improvements, ($5,300), 228 Woodbine street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT KOH KENT 1426 WALNUT ST. 3-story brick house 8 rooms bath furnace front porch back yard s2s. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT 431 Market street, at entrance of Subway l3 rooms 2 baths steam heat suitable for rooming house. Apply Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steam heated. Vapor system. Inquire Pine Street Phone 3687 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT IS3 ACRES 46 perches farm land. 36 acres mountain land, known as the i ".Squire MUler Farm" In West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from Llnglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. APARTMENTS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED housekeeping apart ment; fronting on Locust street: four rooms and bath; also complete kitchen facilities for cooking, etc. Storage looker in basement. Apply tenna. Realty Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Apartment 212 North Second street, 4 rooms, with bath, kitchenette, storage room and steam heat, $35 per month. Apply Bell phone 4SX. Steelton, Pa., or Janitor, building. FOR RENT Two apartments, front, very desirable; new building; all con veniences. Apply Flshman's Furniture Store, 1101-3 North Sixth street. FOR RENT New three-room apart ment, with privilege of bath. Apply 13.7 Derry street. FOR RENT Modern furnished dln ingrooni. kitchen and front bejroom, for light housekeeping; use of bath. A'ip 1 y at 29 South Seventeenth street. MncDAMEL APARTMENTS FURNISHED complete for house keeping: larfe livingroom; bay win dow; ba-th; hot water; kitchenette; gas range; private meter; bells; stationary tubs; SIO.OO to $25.00. 1417 Market. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apart ments, 205 Locust street, next door to Orphoum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212 Locust street. FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms, in private families, all parts of city improvements 51.25 week many other rooms. Send 15c for list of rooms. Address X., 508, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, single or communicating. Ap ply 715 North Third street. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms on second floor. Apply 222 Pine street. SUITE of three unfurnished rooms private bath and kitchen, including range; fronting on Second .street; cen trally located. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Third floor, consisting of two unfurnished rooms and bath, steam heat, electric light and gas. sls per month. Address Boyd P. Rothrock, Pennsylvania State Museum. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, to couple, at 1425 Derry street. Aply 1423 Derry street. FOR RENT Three large rooms, two on first floor, suitable for business. Will alter to suit renter. 224 Chestnut street. Apply 226 Chestnut street. FOR RENT One large, furnished front room, with board, for gentleman, near Capitol. Address 606 Briggs street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Call at 616 State street. TWO nicely turnishec rooms, for gen | tlemen. with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs street. , FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en ; suite; all conveniences; uts of phone. ! 209 State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Apply I lfOl North Second street, corner Boas I and Second streets ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS AND BOARDING at 1717 Re gina street. Private family. Fine Hill location, near Reservoir Park. Use of i bath, phone. Reasonable prices. Gen tlemen only. Bell phone 1794 W. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Twelve permanent, best furnished and fifteen light housekeep ing rooms, $1.50 week; unfurnished, $4 month. Don't reply unless my prices suit you. Address 0., 888, care of Tele graph BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Boarders or a married couple to rent second floor for light housekeeping in pleasant place. Apply 241y Caniby street, Penbro^k. WANTED | WANTED Position of trust, or will invest some money In paying business, I or v-111 buy the san.e, in this city, tfest i Harrisburg reference. Address H., 552, | care of Telegraph. COUNTRY BOARD WANTED By i May 1, boarding for a family of five, in ! eluding children, on a farm where there are no other boarders. M., 549, care of FOR SALE j USED motorcycles: all make. ; over ! hauled and In fine condition; guaran l teed to be as represented; call for detn ! onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North I Third street FOR SALE A barber shop furnl i ture complete, with live chairs of ; maple wood. Payment half cash and I half on trust. Apply 1325 Fulton street, Harrisburg. Pa. ' FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood type writer.. In good condition. Will sell 1 cheap. Reason for selling, leaving city. , Address B C. M., 644, care of Tele i graph. FOR SALE !SI Curtln street S story brick house S rooms bath ; gas furnace porch lot. 15x100 —rear alley IS fwt Reducsd price. |r,« T>«->!♦.- Oo p«rsrn«r I'OK SALE FOR SALE Bay mare, with foal; j good speed; buggy, sleigh and harness. Seven years old. Apply 260 Ridge street, i ; Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE One Oakland five-pas- ' ' senger touring car, 1913 Model, fully equipped with electric starter, lights i ' and horn. Cheap. One 1. 11. O. truck, ' good as new. has only been used three , ' months, price $550.00. Also several • other cars at very low prices. Central ■ Garage. 334 Chestnut street, Harris- j ' burg. Pa. j FOR SALE New "-room brick j houses, $2,500. Brick, facing Reservoir ! 1 Park. $3,100. Store room in business I district for rent. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 ; . North Fifth street. FOR SALE Seven-room single I house, located on Market street. New : ! Cumberland, in good condition; also i > large barn; lot, 50x165. Price, $2,175. J One-half of the amount allowed to re- 1 main on first mortgage at 5 per cent. ! , Inquire F. E. Coover, New Cumberland. 1 FOR SALE An Arabian pony, S | years old; 2 sets harness, one tly net, | and rubber-tire phaeton, as good as i ; new. Cheap to a quick buyer. R. N. j ; Bitting, Marysville. Pa. FOR SALE A sideboard and din- j ing-room table, gooa condition. Call I • at 225 Verbeke street. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT i • Steel Die Embossed Stationery and j Business Cards—increases business ■ costs less than printing. Ilarrisburg ' Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street. ! ; THUNKs, Traveling Bag*, suit Ua««*s. ! Gloves. bole, Karness and Strap • Leather. Calfskin, Kip. Dc gula. Waxed i Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample ; Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrlsburg Har ■less and Supply Co., Second aud Chest- i nut ktreets » GLASS window 6igns. Furnished ' - Rooms. Unfurnished Kooms. Rooms and ; Board and Table Board, at 25c each. | : One of these signs will be given with i , each six-tima order for a classified ad ; . sf paid In advance, inquire at Ofdca of j , Telegraph ' EXTRACTED CLOVER HOVE". $2 i per gallon. sl.lO per one-half gallon, i ' delivered by parcel post. Sample. 10c. \ , L. K. Hoststter. Route 6, Lit it?. Pa. 1 FOR SALE Soda tables and chairs to match, for sale at a bargain. Ap • I ply Kramer's Drug Store, Third and ' I Broad streets. I ' FOR SALE Refuse carload of ■ | scrap-iron at Sheesley's siding. Dock I street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6. ■ 1914. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to highest i , bidder for cash consideration, arid must . i be removed within 10 days from date II of sale. Further particulars can be had '• upon applicaticfn to G. W. Mumma, j Freight Claim Adjuster, P. R. R. •'Freight Office, foot of Third street. J. . j H. Nixon, Agent, Harrlsburg. i FOR SALE One genuine Sheraton j rocker. Address P. O. Box 219. Harris- I burg. Pa. ! FOR SALE CARDS on aale at the | relegraoh 2us!r.fas Oulce. t , j FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS ID the Tenth | Ward) some of them on paveil at reft. Mill exchange for improved property An exceptional opportunity for n i liullder. Cull and Inkpect blue print. F. It. Oyster, Truatee, care of Telegraph ! Uualneaa Office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WILL exchange a pair of new houses I situated on North Third street. Harris ' burg, for a farm. (Value, $4,500). ■ | "Also" for sale business property in Harrisburg worth $25,000. Cash ' re -1 ' quired, SB,OOO. Investigate. We have . ' a farm will exchange for good roadster or five-passenger automobile. Address ; X., 884, care of Telegraph. | FOR RENT ' FOR RENT Large corner store . room, corner North and Second streets. Suitable for grocery, bakery or confec tionery. Inquire on premises. ■j DESK ROOM in the Tele- I graph Building in the office of ; | Miss E. L. Shaver, Public Steno grapher all conveniences. Call at ; -105, Fourth Floor, Telegraph • j Building. TWO desirable offices in the : Union Trust Building; possession i at once. Apply Union Trust Co. j >, ————_ i FOR RENT Desirable uflTleea In the j > Telegraph Uullillng, a,Duly or eu-aullc. ! I intiulre al Uuaineaa odlec. • ■ I __ I ' I ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be i , secured at the Telegraph Business Office. I | WELL-LOCATED store room. 26x66. I j also small room, 12x30, suitable for i ! ; barber shop or small business, on West i ; High street. Ellzabethtown, Pa. Pos- i . i session Immediately. Inquire J. H. i . Levenight, Elizabethtown, Pa. • ] ; j FOR RENT Store room 1200 North [Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; i one of the best rooms in the city. Ap t ply J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. : . . 1 FOR SALE OR RENT. | I FOR SALE OR RENT Part or all I small ice cream plant, complete. Ad . j dress A., 548, care of Telegraph. 1 : "■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES _ WILL give half interest in a valuable fatun table invention to any person for 500. Address, or call, S. R. Horst, Washington Heights, Lemoyne, Pa TEMPERANCE HOTEL 2B rooms —well equipped large corner butld lnc —rent reasonable located in pros perous town on P. R. R. near station well adapted for first-class restaurant. Only SI,OOO needed. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ANY intelligent person can earn good j Income corresponding for newspapers; 1 experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $5 ■ Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea t ( cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. ' i FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and 1117 South Second street. 5.000 gallons I New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full lint of the Acme j | make. '• FOR SALE At Gable s. 113, 115 and , 117 South Second street. 5 000 Gets new '• Sash, Bxlo. 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. f —————————— _ BUSINESS PERSONALS 0 f WALL PAPER ROOMS papered $2.50 up. Workman • ship and material guaranteed. Largest stock of Wall Paper In city. H A. • Bodmer. "Hnrrisburg's Best Decora • tor," 813 North Third street. Bell • phone. 1 | W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piatio packing. ■ Shipments looked after at both ends - Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone | 3127 W. 1 HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, sates, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine Btreets. Bell phoue No -2603K. FOR fallln* hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 M .rket ) street, Hafrisburg, Pa. Telephone . orders given prompt attention Bell, BUSINESS PERSONALS HAKimuon FLOORS OF oil designs. Old lioors made new. : Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith 2219 1 Brookwood street, Harrlsburg. 80ll 1 phono 13'JlLk ROtlK PAINTERS I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal brings me. Maxwell H Hite. The lioof Paint Man. Box 328. Harrisburf. Pa, REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send Us your worn furniture. Our beet etYorts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck. ,120 Woodbine street. NOTICE TO HIILUERS C. HENRY. Architect and Builder will save you money Bur.galows a specialty. 701 South Twenty-fourth street Bell phone lA7&J. CARD OF THANKS MRS. SARAH PAGE AND FAMILY extend their heartfelt thanks to the neighbors nnd friends for their kind ness during their recent bereavement, MONEY TO LOAN ""MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan in amounts of SI,OOO nnd up on flrat mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or installments. Debt camel ed nnd mortgage satisfled on death of born wer. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. PHOFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share protlts of lenders. legal rates, easy terms, confidential Offices. Rooms 6-7. » North Market Square STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South St. and Penna R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, (or household goods and merchandise Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper •& Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES PENNSYLVANIA STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL. Harrisburg, Pa., April 3. 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Board of Trustees at the Hospital until 10 o'clock A M., May 5, 1914, to furnish all needed supplies to the Pennsylvania Lunatic Hos pital, for the yc*r beginning Jure 1, 1914. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished on application to H. L ORTH. M, D„ Superintendent. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT- AC COUNTS AND FINANCE. Harrlsburg. Pa., April 9, 1914. 9140,000.J0 4 PER CENT. CITY MOKDS OF THE CITY OF H ARRISBURG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the undersigned in the City of Harrlsburg, Pa., until April 20, 1914, at 3 o'clock P. M„ for the pur chase of 5140.000.00 4 per cent, coupon city bonds in the denomination of $1,000.00, 'ated March 1, 1914, consist ing of ten series from "A" to "J" inclu sive, series "A" for $50,000.00, maturing March 1, 1919, and one series maturing annually thereafter in alphabetical order for $10,000; interest payable at the oflloe of the City Treasurer on the first day of March and September In each year. Bonds will be engraved under the supervision of and certified to as to their genuiness by the United States Mortgago and Trust Company, of New York City, and the legality approved by- John G. Johnson. Esquire, of Philadel phia, Pa., whose opinion as to legality or duplicate thereof will be delivered to the purchaser. Each proposal must be accompanied by cash, or certified check, payable to the order of the Citv Treasurer of Har rlsburg, Pa., for two per cent, of the par value of the bonds wanted. Delivery of the bonds to be made at the office of the City Treasurer, Har rlsburg, Pa., on or about May 15, 1914. No bids considered for less than par and accrued interest from March 1, 1914, to date of delivery. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. For printed form of pro posal and circular of particulars, ad dress the undersigned. ' W. L. GORGAS, Superintendent Accounts and Finance. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Gregory, late of Steelton, Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrlsburg. Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make '.mmediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. AL. K. THOMAS, Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. Care of East End Bank. Or to GEO. F. LUMB. Attorney-at-Lnw, No. 1 North Third street. Speaker Clark's Daughter Gives Up Honor to Chum MISS GENEVIEVE CLARK Washington, A. C., April . —Miss Gladys Hinckley has been selected for th£ role of Pallas Athene in the May pageant that Is to be the. chief affair of the Spring for Washington. She was selected after Sidney Hirsch. author of the play, had picked Miss Genevieve Clark for the character. The Speaker's daughter appreciated the compliment, but refused the honor. Miss Hinckley is one of the most Interesting young persons In the social set. Rumor has It that Miss Clark was the first to suggest that Miss Hinckley was unusually well fr*T DOWNWARD MOVEMENT IN STOCKS OCCURS Decline Influenced Largely by Latest Turn in Mexican Situation; Bonds Were Easy By Associated Press New York, April 14. A decisive downward movement In stocks occur red to-day. Acute weakness of a few leading issues led to liquidation and short selling elsewhere, until the whole list became unsettled. The decline was influenced largely by the latest turn in the Mexican situation. Houses with Washington connections received reports regarding the possi bility of a serous crisis which were circulated through the Street, and gave the bears a plausible reason for put ting out stock on a larger scale than at any other time recently. Resump tion of trailing abroad after the Easter holidays had little influence here The rise in American stocks In Lon don strengthened the homo market at the opening, but this slight advantage was quickly lost. The decline continu ed without interruption through the morning and by noon a large number of stocks were one to two points lower. Bonds were easy. OPENING PRICES Furnished fcy H. W. SNAVELT Arcade Building New York, April 14. Open. 2.30 Alaska Gold Mines .24 24% Amal. Copper 74% 74 Amer. Beet Sugar .. 22% 22 >4 American Can 28 28 American Can, pfd.. 90% 90% Am. Car & F. C 0... 49% 49% Am. Cotton Oil .... 42 41 Am. Ice Securities.. 29 29% Amer. Loco 32% 32% Amer. Smelting .... 68% 67% American Sugar ... 100 99% Amer. Tel. & Tel. .. 121 120>A Anaconda 34% 34% Atchison 96% 96 Baltimore & Ohio ..88% 88% Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 35% Brooklyn R. T 91% 91% Cal. Petroleum .... 23 23 Canadian Pacific ... 199% 3 99% Central Leather .... - 34 ~ 34 % Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 52% Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 99% 99 Chlno Con. Copper.. 41 40% Col. Fuel & Iron ... 30 29 jCorn Products 8%. 8% Distilling Securities . 16% 16% £ r | e ; 29% 28% Erie, Ist pfd 44% 44% General Electric Co. 145 145 Goodrich, B. F 26 26% Great Northern, pfd. 122% 121% Great Nor. Ore subs. 30% 30% | Illinois Central .... 110% 110% I Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 60% [Lehigh Valley 144 143% i Louis & Nashville .. 135 135 1 Mex. Petroleum .... 63% 64 i Missouri Pacific ... 24% 24 |Nev. Consol. Copper 15 lo New York Central . 88% 88% N. Y., N. H. &H. .. 67 67 | Nor. & Western ... 103% 103% Northern Pacific .. 110% 111 Pacific Mail 23% 22% Penna. Railroad ... 110% 110 " People's Gas & Coke 121% 121% Pittsburgh Coal .... 20*... 20% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 90% 90 % Pressed Steel Car 42 42 Ray Con. Copper ..21% 20% Reading 164% 163% Rep. Iron & Steel .. 22% 22% Rep. Iron & 8. pfd. 83% 83% Rock Island 3% | Rock Island pfd .. 5"% 5 % | Southern Pacific ... 92% 92% j Southern Railway .. 25 24% I Southern Ry. pfd . 80 80 [Tennessee Copper .. 34% 34 I Texas & Pacific ... 14% 14% jTexas Company ... 140% 138 Union Pacific 137% 156% U. S. Rubber so% 594 |U. S. Steel 69 58% U. S. Steel pfd .... 109% 109 'Utah Copper 65% 64% Va, Car. Chem .... 29% 29% [Western Union Tel.. 62% 61% I Westinghouse Mfg.. 73% 72% CHICAGO ROAKD OF TRADE Furnished hy H. W. SNAVEI.Y Arcndp RulidlnK Chicago, 111., April 14. 1 Open. High. Low. Clos. 1 Wheat— [May 91% .... . lJuly 86% .. Corn— [May 67% July .... .... 66 j /4 .... •••■ Oats- May 37% July 37% CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., April 14. Hogs Re ceipts, 10.000; steady. Bulk of sales, $8.85®8.93; light, $8.75® 8.95; mixed, $8.70(3 8.95; heavy, $8.45<fi>8.92% ; rough, $8.45418.60; pigs, $7.50@8.65. Cattle Receipts, 2,500; steady. Beeves, $7.05®9.50; Texas steers. $7.23 ®8.30; stockers and feeders, $5.60® 8.05; cows and heifers, $3.75® 8.60; calves, $6.50® 9.50. Sheep —— Receipts, 24,000; weak. Native, $5.50® 7.00; yearlings, $5.90® 7.50; lambs, native, $6.30®8.25. f y. Have Your Favorite Magazines Pound in Attractive Form By lb Telegraph Bindery IMPORTANT Te The Thrifty Start your savings where they will return S per cent. Interest. We Own and Offer HAKKISBI.HR I.IGHT A POWER COJII'ASV tMt anil refunding S per rent. Gold bonds due ItiU, Interest payable February tut and Auguot tat. In $ 100-Pieces at ard interest IIARRISHf KG KAII.WAYS COMPANY'S 5 PER CENT. BONDS due 1063, Interest payable January Ist and July Int. In $ 100-Pieces at 101 and Interest 125.00 In caali, balance In monthly, quarterly or semi-annual Instnll mrntn on loan from your own bank using these bond* us collateral, or If you prefer wc will loan. We offer the above In $1,1)00 bonds at slightly lower prices. Monongabela Valley Traction Conipiioy Ist and refunding mortgage 5 per cent, bonds due 1042. Interest June Ist and December Ist. 91,000 bonds only, at 05V4 °nd Interest. Earnings available for Interest on outstanding; Monongnhela Vulley Traction bonds are -*A times Inter est charge*. • These bonds are all free of Pennsylvania State tax and also of the present Income tax. HENRY M. STINE & COMPANY Stocks and Bonds 602-605 KUNKEL BUILDING PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE fly Aisoeiated Press I Philadelphia, April 14. Wheat Steady: No. 2, red, export. 5)8 98Hc: 1. Northern, Duluth. ex port. $1.03 Si> 1.01. I Corn Steady: No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 76}<.@77c; do., kiln dried, ! local, 77® 7 Sc. | Oats Lower; No. 2, white, 46 I @45He. Bran —Market steady: winter, per ion, 129.50(0130.00; spring, per ton, i $28.50029.00. | Ketined Sugars Market steady; I powdered. 4.00 c; fine granulated. 3.90 c; J j-<M»«ectloners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone A, Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras. 26c; nearby prints, fancy, 2#c. Eggs The market Is easier; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $5.70 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.60®5.65 per cf»e: western, extras, firsts, free cases, per case; do., firsts, free cases, $0.t>00;>.65 per case. _ L've Poultry Firmer; fowls. 20 @-lc; young chickens, 14@20c; ".line tii' kt us in ig if i, c, old i.■ -*t ers. 12@13c: ducks. I7iß>l9c; spring i ducks, 17@18c; geese, lo@17c; turkeys, Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy. heavy. 20c; do., fa rto good, heavy, 17@19c; do, fair to good. heavy, 20c; do.. *J, e 'jF hts * 12® 15c; unattractive, ll @l6c; old roasters, 15c; roait* ing chickens, fancy, 18020 c; brotlt ing chickens, fancy. 24®5:>c. do„ fair, ► 19c. tapora, large. 23®26c; do,. • mall, 18 020 c; turkeys, fancy, 2103<c; to., fair. 20023 c: ducks. lialSc: gees* 1 if 1 «c Potatoes Steady; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 80@95c; Western, per bushel, 80 a 95c; Jersey, per basket, 20<q>50c-; Florida, per barrel, $3.00@7.50. Hour—The market is steady; winter, Hal. s3.»aru4lu, BU'aijslila. 1»,.u --, syLvania, $4.15®4.30; western. (4.259 4 40: patents, $4.600 4.90; Kansas •tralorht tute *sck« S4 2l>''/4 4ft: « '•ln*, ilrsts. clear, $4.00@4.20; straights, $4.20 @4.40; patents, $4.50®4.76. Hay The ma -et is Arm; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. slß.Uo<®lß 5 No. 1. medium bales. $17.505J>18.00; No. 2. $16.00@16.50: No. 3, $14.00015.00, Closer mixed: Light mixed, »16.50# 17.00; No. 1, do., $16.50016.00; No. 2, do., ; i 13.50 (fi 14.50. Suburban Property that should Interest you. Single house—9 1 } rooms—bath —gas—electric light— | 1 steam heat —large porch—slate • | roof —practically new—now vacant 1 ! —lot 30x190. This la a well built ' i property. By all means inspect It. j Price right. Bergner Building 1 ! L I PUBLIC SALE ' | Wednesday, April 15,1914 The undersigned will sell at his j stables, Seventh and Brlggs streets, J Harrisburg, Pa., 40 Head of Horses ' weighing from 1,000 to 1,600 I pounds and ranging In age from 3 ' to 9 vears. yfiis lot Includes some fine driv ers and general purpose horses, j mated team, blacks and grays; also some good cart horses. I There will also be sold at this ' sale several Carts and a lot of har ness. Sale will commence at 12 o'clock noon when terms will be made known by SIMON COOPER I Henry D. Koons, Auctioneer. I Don't forget the date, Wednesday, April 15, 1914. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers