: EASTER CANDIES CALL 1991 "ANY 'PHONE."# 7 "#="#' . Jl M—jM\ V/ 111 TLx ___ Many were not able to see this educational exhibition of Indian life, ' _ | J manners and customs. The Indians will be here until Tuesday evening, Mt M See the Indian Brave Blue Cloud, said to be the most skilled In the * i J li" £ V.. «... . _.. _' flflMfr <4ti3F iSHH art of burning leather. Chief Black Eagle, 94 years old, who officiates \nd novelties Ot lIiVfTV QSSCriDII-/Il to fllclxC St . WF at th ® ceremony of giving all who wish an Indian name. Come and see ► -lIIU uuyciuca \Jt «.W IIIIA.VV, jw Jffr J jm gf gf Mm Jjpma m the camp Are, wigwam, canoes, war clubs and many other things Just like - ~ * I MkJ jB Off Bj Jm Mm mr iS jBBr du Juy jPt in real Indian camp life. ► faster displays, uet your supplv to-day. Jffly MM &ffry Exhibition i 8.30 A. M„ to IP.H.—2P. M. to 5.30 P. M. Q„ s „. .n th. Main w—BoTO|art HARRISBURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE iZour Choice Unrestricted From Our Entire Assortment of Women's and Misses' Suits at.. «pZO ; Ihink cf it- -just as the season starts you can select from our whole stock. No mutter what the former price has J Suits from o>r regular makers and made to sell at $45.00, $42.50, $39.50, $37.50 and $35.50. All at one price, $25.00 Every new and charming style is represented and all have that Parisian touch so much sought after tSis season. The materials are fins silk ani WDD! maires, ! imported poplins, silk popjir, crepe pop'ins, gabardines, failles, cr?oe epaage; colors are black, navy, reseda, sage, tango, violet, helio, mahogany, and black and white stripe sand shepherd checks. None of these suits will be sent on approva 1 ; none will be rese/vsd. Alterations will be charged for as usual. Suite in Smart Models, SIO.OO These are stylish suits in smart models. In materials and tailoring that surprises when the price is considered. Gats are all lined with peau d'eygns. Colors are black, navy, Copenhagen, tango and reseda. | €§P L4CT\ Suits at $16.50 The materials are crepe poplin, crepe eponge, wool faille and gabardine. Colors are tango, king's blue, Copen- \ f{ iagen, reseda, sage, mahogany, violet, and helio. We show a wide range of different models. (rv SIO.OO SIO.OO vu I Large variety of styles—and a'l the latest materials and colors. Lined throughout with peau cTcygne. In black, J\\ navy, tan, mahogany, reseda and Copenhagen. Nowhere else will you find such a splendid assortment and valuesat $ 10. j BOWMAN'S Second Floor. XI '' PntTiP tn Rnwman's For Yntir Easter Sale of Art Embroidery Easter Hats Men! Last Call For ► VUillv LU UV VT Aiivill W 4. vl A. \J U1 Embroidered Dollies. Scarfs. Sham, and Centerpieces. />V YOUr F/L<;tpr Stilt y Madeira Embroidery Dollies, 6to 24-lnch sire. Also tray doilies and A VltA JJdJtV/l. WIAAV T?a«ifAr TTflt Tn-morrow (A. L JV i 1 JL tUL JL JLILXJJL JL If 36 to 54-lnch Cluny Scarfs. Saturday SI.OO to $3.50 ► li I'VVW —w— w WW Lace trimmed Scarfs and Shams 35c, 48c and 50c s&Wk j* GSSftTSt Fancy Seograss Baskets 28c, 35c. 80c and fl.oo £F |R J If you until the last minute don t worry. On the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S I I 'We have hun/i'eds of smart exclusive models trimmed T i ~ ~ ~ ► ready for you ft match any style or color of suit or gown. opting UOttSe JNeedS a ■ Exact copies </ imported models and beau- liM^^ U! 'altu'?dily" Proof Che,t "'. for ,tartn *. lfarm ' nU '. I h t TolJ Th M ™ifll'h I jrc^sipllKll^ ► tiful creation/from our own designers. I 26-lb. Japanned Flour Cans, brown and blue colors. Saturday... 39c $1.50, $1.60 and $2.00 Pfc 1 * f $1.25 Domestic Folding Ironing Tables. Saturday 98c ' f ► TT T ./• 1 m M j Y/y/lfk * Holts' Cream Whip Egg Beater and Butter Churn Combination — ——————— l|| jpgg»j(|j|jr«if| mji ► I/ri fl tyi tYI PC! tints Wml/ J\sy whlps "earn w ithout .piashin*. l-QUMt size «9 C g oys » Spring Suits and ||TT,i«M , \J !ll+ll l! * X-£ Li I/O HM. /Jm m the Reelcw For Easter at IMIf Ml ► * * 1 1 /.I 11 .1 CI 1 1 vl/Mll S ———————— $ 2. 08t ejVCH) and up to »12JJ0 fl|i llttVl l ' jl |!Mj = w2: Hi H-rnrrdli'll ww "r ~ ' / J / In all the most wanted leathers and latest styles. Genuine Morocco, I J IV /I• | /1. T ' ' Q—Ki. L„i„ //*) X / \ ■ Pin Seal, Angora Seal Grain In a variety of styles. Also high grade rri 1 lb*—-*J ► Hemo. lVlllaifiemp, L_jsere, DelSian opill nats ano ffi / / / \ leathers in closest imitation of Pin Seal. Plain and plaited fronts, gilt, I\l / >— V,—"m Inhß HP ** 1 . v j//fs. / \ nickel and oxidized frame. Fitted with mirror and purse. Prices, jf J IjHH R||] some Lrcquered straws in 1 li'lr* \ to $6.00 ywUfl/v 111 II r , /II a I Pompadour style prettily lined in leather and silk, with center _w*\\\\ \ \ (KjC / lIM DliJ t /"'fer all the wanted colors. M /I P " c " ' inse •>°<''° $5.95 /cAWjU\i? / H I ? J* ! On Sale on the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 11 | >?—^|n : Finn )pr<i MUSLIN WEAR (J Am I y *' V ,I I JL. g, * I Now Is the time to supply yourself with muslin wear for the summer tu y> this last busy day before Easter. In ► This is a flolver season Our Stock is rnmnlptp vacation—and you can surely do so at a saving if you take advantage of thls collection you will And Easter b*u w t\ • 11 ri r • • V, i-uiiipicic. the bargains we offer each week. ■ gults , n alI the j atest models I /[A f\ I Dainty small Ilovvers tormecl into mixed bunches; small Muslin Gowns, nainsook finish; regularly 98c. Saturday 67c ■ styles that show perfect good taste. ' |f\r /A I clusters; wreaths and beauty roses. Co'et Jo'vors in' Jink and'bluecrepe' with 'elastic' bandat 'wafst ' M ffl fnr's'rJes "unVn^h^ ► \ Black lacquered quills, feathers, plumes and fancies. 11 n e ' Ta S n go Vomers 'in plAkand biue'cre'p'e,'elastic' at' Waist an <i'bottom V 0 Homespuns, Thibets and Velours; In / • 1 Kibbons in the new polished eftects, Roman stripes and of drawers. Saturday 75c v blue - K re y- tan - brown, black ana ► U 1 A : r On th(» Second Floor ROWMAN't! U*"* white checks, Tartan checks—ln fact ► floral designs. On the Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. o B toe° every new color and material * mmm n - i serge with two pairs of pants, wanted. ► Your Ester Needs in Footwear Here Easter Neckwear and Ribbons Baby Carmges, $9.90, $12.50, $13.50, ► Latest h'hlßh and low shoes for all. We are showing all the Just the finishing touch for rUllmanS, 110-LartS ' fttSh Men'fA and $8.60 L sample oxfords'n black and tan. Blzes 5. M 4, C } your blouse or gown. Net and an J » U P 0 + y 6, 6 and / Speea.l for Saturday, pair Woma $3.50 oxfords and pumps, colonial and tailored bow Net and lace p'laltings, yard. _ , h rhoJsl tyle f ° r the y ° Unß rUl<!r °' and C0lOrlnK • S ' ZeS 6to " BalmaCadnS Special fopt ur ay. pa r // / \N\ Tango Flare ln° shadow SulKie* °f metal, and REEFEU TOP COATS ARB GOOD T „ ePe popular coats are handsome WomP Patent colt and gun metal pumps, colonial and tailored bow // S \ \\ lace and organdie 2r,c and 50c Reed Pullmans to J 3 ». 50 AT E\ EKV POINT ag they are usefu i _|„ every new ► ntvlen' Inf- heels. Saturday, pair ®4- lilt II I A/tf\ l \\ Venice Cuff and Collar Sets just Wood Baby Pullmans. A look at our values and prices mixture. Guaranteed shower-proof, 1 [ // \ A/ir \V l \\ tlic thing for the new Spring suit or Sioioo to $1!5.00 will convince you that Bowman's is at ........ $10.60, 912.50 and f 15.00 ► Won 8 1811 oxfords and pumps, high and low heels; sell regularly II I ff' XW / \\dress, regularly 75c and SI.OO. Collapsible Go-Carta, the place to buy. tor s3.otf= aturda y, pair I \ \\ lay $3.08, $5.00 to tviJio BOYS' WASH SUITS 'TOD CO^tS \fiJ and children's pumps. 1 and 2-strap styles, gun metal and I I I //T_ i 1 _j f\ _ii_ A new showing of wash suits In Jt * patent <r Saturday, pair, .00, $1.25, SI .49 and $1.69 j\\ // R.IDDOH FOIT tllC C/tiaiTaCX63T DOIIS bey," ne ßusslan 'sanor W and , Blouse Blnck Unflnlshed Worsted Top ► 7 \\ V //// - ■ . M Unbreakable dolls with red, green Suits. Special at 50c, 75c, 08c, 91.50 Coats, silk faced —— the Ideal coat / On the Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. \\ \ // r.'„ Jl a TTillt* and blue wigs 91.00 and *2J!B. for Spring wear, at 912.50, 915.00 ► / \/ y/r* // VJlXvilCf XXdll DUWO Collapsible D-01l Carriages, with On the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. and 918-00. y yy and without hoods .... 08c to 93J>8 • ! E#ter Neckwear and Furnishings Yp\ £=s JS« A Bicycles G'ovss For Easter To-mirrow ► / (1 ■■ 1 irfc wide, yard s°c *° ft-W A comprehensive assortment of bl- w ' * v ' "•* ► j For Men and BoVS s\ Plafds a J nd nC s y trln^ M yJ!rd . n .... e " a ioc $?oio. 925.00 Md up Suitable for your new Spring outfit, here at prices thai.mean a s«v / * If AVI* (***U UUj d Bjr \ P s()c gatin Taffeta Ribbons, all shades. Daisy Pop Guns and Air Rifles, Ing to you. There lis every sort of gloves you could possibly desire for ► / S jf\A. 6 Inches wide, yard 30e all styles ond sizes, from 10c to 93 00 Spring and early Summer wear In our large collection of the glovers' best k / Large variety of Men's and Boys' four-in- We will make your bows and girdles Indian Tents . 91.00 to 92.08 products. Values unsurpassed. I r « hand ties, embracing a wonderful ranee of free - ,f you bu y£ our rlbb ° n „j). e . r r e ; ° n the Thlrd Floor—BOWMANia Autocrat 2-clasp Pique Glove with 3 rows of self and contrasting ► I \ Id , j i , .. %*• On the Main Floor BOWMAN S. stitching on back; In black and white, pair $2.00 , / Va *" iSf handsome designs and newest colorings. At ___ _ ft > Lad'lmar & Valmy 1-clasp Kid Gloves In white, black ,tan and canary ► / '■ ><jr • up-to-date and correct styles. Also Club String % __ _ . p tlllYllV lO'lnnd with 3 rows self and contrasting stitching on back, pair, $1.65 and *1.75 . v Ties, silks and knitted 25c nnd 50c A I hTA HttV/lcnsc* n*Y hnf hicfai* * " iiw.tunn Fownes' Real Kid O'erseam Gloves with Paris point embrolderyw ► Men's Monito Silk Hall' Hose, double soles. k 1 or taster ROSE £ US HES *" , he "* d,nß ,h " d,i wl,h ,nd contr " une ,mch,nß ' ,» af dgh spliced heels, black and colors, pair, No matter how pretty the rest of your Easter atttlre „ The Empress French Kid Gloves, 2-clasp In white, black and the ► Men'. Loathe 8.i,. , "T f" BnE" 'M' M Exceptionally Good r Belts, any Initial you desire. arranged. f|3S| Varieties and tan at *I.OO ► /fMr 1 ' 'I A Switch or a Transformation deftly Intertwined JrßHk A .v T3 ~ , 16-button length Kid Gloves In all shades with Paris point and heavy Men's Suspenders, leather ends, lisle web- with your own hair undoubtedly will do the trick. Jfwtlier xlOllanfl-gTOWn embroidered pair $2.50 to $8.75 " [£:) 'ilnira. pair 25c To-morrow's offerings are unusually low puced. nlnntc hiilhc vin*»c anrl New Silk Gloves In every style and color to match your suit or gown. ► Men's Silk Lisle Half Hose, black and colors; Note the reductions: JJidUIS, VineSs dHU On the Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. iouble soles, high spliced heels; regular 17c NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES " «E DUSheS. AISO tlOWer seeds . KM iu f," ty ,' p f; ir •••■■ •; -•••; C A 1 A rt £ ri* „C _|._ * Eu fWo) Mens Dress Shirts, made of percale and 22 Inches long, reduced from 13.00 to $2.25 * Vtf ' " MEfAf ft] IJlnn^r mm" \p y madras In coat style with attached cuffs, 24 inches long, reduced from $4.00 to $2.75 ll SPECIAL FOR kJU wV. dJ LuJlVl W1 VIw * / ,|Sr *I.OO and *1.50 26 Inches long, reduced from $6.00 to $3.75 l\ f _ __ T __ , _ , , _ m W. 4 Boys' Dress shirts, new spring patterns, WAVY transformations l\ A SATURDAY 100-piece Set With Gold and Floral Decorations J mi coat styles with French cuffs 50c »nd *4.00 Reduced from , 2 . 00 to $iM \\/| Rhododendrons, each 18.50 white Porcelain Dinner seu. 100 pieces, gold decoraUon. 1 tr.i Boys Blouse Waists, made of percale or i. m trx Z„ i mHI , , n /\ Saturday only, set *5.90 J \fjT madras, with or without collars, tapeless. ,50c K «ducea rrom »5.00 to •••••• $3050 i 9) Or 3 for Jpl.OO $11.60 white Porcelain Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, floral decorations, V • Experts in attendance to Insure a perfect match. \ / Basement—BOWMAN'S with gold trimming. Saturday only, set *8.90 I On the Main I' 100r —BOWMAN S. On the Second Floor BOWMAN'S. \S wwmain a. Jn th _ Basement —BOWMAN'S FRIDAY EVENING, HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 10, 1914. 3
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