6 SUFFRAGE BOARD MAY ELECT NEW.HEAD cecutive Committee in Session Here Takes Up Campaign Plans The executive committee of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Asso ciation met at headquarters, 201-3 Ar cade Building, to-day. The nine mem bers of the committee who attended went into executive session at -0 o'clock this morning. A re cess took place from 12 to 1 and at that hour the leaders were agoin clos eted in conference. It is understood '.hat plans for the coming campaign to win the State into the suffrage column were thoroughly discussed and a new move for arousing interest in districts where the movement has made llttlo progress were formulated. The question of the election of a president to succeed Mrs. Frank M. Roossing, of Pittsburgh, who resigned early in the year, has been agitating suffrage circles for some time, and it is believed that the committee will select a head at this meeting, but up to a !ate hour this afternoon no action in this respect had been taken. During the executive vacancy Miss Hannah J. Patterson, who is chairman ot thn Woman Suffrage party fn Pennsylva nia, has been acting president of the association. Members present to-day. including Miss Patterson, were Miss Lida Stokes Adams, Philadelphia; Miss Mary E. Bakewell, Sewickley; Mrs. Ellen H. E. Price, Philadelphia; Mrs. John O. Mil ler. Pittsburgh; Mrs. Robert K. Young, Wellsboro; Miss Mary Wilisor, Haverford; Miss Louise Hall, execu tive secretary, Harrisburg; Mrs. Charles Etter, Harrisburg. Polyclinic Hospital Head and Staff Agree to Disagree on Advertising Following an agreement 'to disagree between Dr. E. I>. Shope and physicians on the staff of the Polyclinic hospital. 1700-02 North Second street. Dr. Shope has announced his determination to re sign. It is said taht the disagreement is the outcome of Dr. Shope's carrying on his private practice in the same building and advertising special treat ments along modern medical lines, which it was alleged was detrimental to the interests of the Polyclinic hospital. The Polyclinic hospital and Dr. Shope's hospital are quartered in the same building. Dr. Shope announced tot-day that ho will continue in this building and will procure soon some new equipment In cluding an \"-ray apparatus. Members of the Polyclinic staff say that Dr. Shope's action was honorable and en tirely in accord with the wishes of the staff, but that they had objected to al leged non-compliance with the staff's idea in regard to "professional ethics in tile matter of advertising.'' It is believed that the Polyclinic will be con tinued in other quarters. Masonic Funeral For Joshua W. Jones Today The funeral of the late Joshua. W. Jones, was held this afternoon. Serv ices were conducted at the late home of the deceased, 214 North Third street, at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, pastor of St. Stephens Episcopal church. Masonic services weer also held at the home and were followed with brief services at the grave. Burial was made in the Harrisburg Ceme tery. The active pallbearers wfere se lected from the official roster of Per severance Lodge, Xo. 21, F. and A. M. The honorary pallbearers were: Major Lane S. Hart, William Jen nings, Lyman D. Gilbert, W. M. Ogelsby, W. H. Metzger, James Brady, Benjamin F. Meyers, William M. Knisely, J. L. Shearer, Harry E. Hershey, E. Z. Gross, Joseph Mont gomery, Thomas M. Jones, Frank R. Leib. Theodore Calder, James Steese, William Mullen, Charles E. Dubell, C. E. Cooling, Harry C. Howell, Rob ert Crane, Dr. E. G. Eckert and W. L. Gorgas. Stilt King Feasts on Crackers, Cheese and Milk Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Pa., April B.—F. E. Wilvert again mounting his stilts after an enthusiastic reception here last night, left before dinner this morn-> ing for Mercersburg where academy boya have arranged a big greeting. Wilvert crossed the Mason and Dixon line into Maryland at Middleburg at noon yesterday. At that point he made a meal on crackers and cheese and a big crock of milk, but made up for it when he drifted into Hagerstown at 1 o'clock. lie was in line condition except for some discomfort suffered from a swollen gland which resulted from a fall while coming down the valley this side of Newville. Mrs. Wilvert and the baby greeted the stilt king when he reached the Hotel Baldwin here. "Ambition" Agent Here Planning Local Appearance Henry H. Winchell, who is associated ■With tiie producers of "Ambition" a new drama to be presented in Harris burg at the Majestic Theater, next Wednesday, afternoon and evening, spent to-day in this city. While It is thus far little known hereabouts, or anywhere, for that mat ter. because of its very recent produc tion, "Ambition" is declared to be an other "Music Master." with promises of a phenomenal run after its entrance in Broadway. The story is built around the inter esting career of a talented, but poor, musician. After leaving Harrisburg the new play goes into the Belaseo Theater, Washington, for a run, with prospects of reaching Broadway early in the Fall for a stay of the entire sea son. Underwood Will Lead Hobson by 25,000 Votes By Associated Press Birmingham, Ala., April 8. Re turns to-day from the State primary held Monday in Alabama indicated that B. B. Comer, for Governor, was leading his three opponents by a plur ality of 10.000. Oscar W. Underwood leads Rich mond P. Hobson. his opponent for th<» United States Senate, by 15,000. It seems certain that Underwood will in crease his lead to about 25,000 when Ihe tabulation is completed. Canned "Teddy" Talk to Delight Bull Moosers Canned Teddy speeches—a phono graph reproducing the words of Colonel Roos«velt —will feature an en tertainment for Washington party ad herents and their friends to be given at Washington party headquarters, 2_'S Market street, to-morrow night at v o'clock. Speeches will also lie made ,1. B. R*ed. fJ K. I.andis. J. E. smarts and others. A cordial welcome J: extended. to. all,. . WEDNESDAY EVENING Rotary Quh Will Send Delegates to Houston John S. Musser, Howard C. Fry and Dr. Samuel Z. Shope to Go DH| JH^M IS' g - -'^ni H i ilir" : Wm KfflT : ISaßffl JOHN S. MUSSER John S. Musser, president, and How ary C. Fry, secretary, were last even ins elected as delegates and national committeeman, respectively, by the Harrisburg Rotary Club to the inter national convention of Rotary clubs at Houston, Texas in June. Dr. Samuel V.. Shope. who had expressed an in tention of attending: the convention, was also vested with the powers of delegate by a unanimous vote of the club. Alternates chosen were C. Harry Kain, William M. Robison and C. M. Forney. The Rotnrians were entertained by KARRISBURG CHORAL HOLDS REREARStL Seat Sale Promises to Be Largest in History of Musical Organization The Harrisburg Choral Society held i | a big rehearsal In Fahnestock llall, j jV. 31. C. A. last night. This was the last regular rehearsal prior to the Easter Music Festival to be held in the ! 31ajestic Theater on Tuesday evening, April 11. In spite of the rain and' | dampness there was a lurge attend-; j ance. The entire work of "Elijah" j | was rehearsed, and Dr. Wolle, the con- . ductor, paid particular attention to at- i | lacks, shading and expression, i The members are most enthusiastic I about Dr. Wolle and his earnest way |of conducting, as well as the degree of efficiency to which he has brought (the society. An extra rehearsal will J Ibo held on Easter Monday evening and! the rehearsal with the orchestra and' I soloists will be held at 10 o'clock .Tuesday morning. April 14, the date | of the festival. | At lust night's rehearsal the mem-1 I bers made return of tickets to S. D.I | Sanson), treasurer, and to the assist ant treasurer, lloss H. Swope. These I officers stated that all indications | I point to the largest sale of tickets ill \ i the society's history. Not only do in l dicalons point to the largest sale for' ithe evening concert lut if the attend-I I ance can be judged by the present I sale a crowded house will greet the! ; Kussian Symphony Orchestra at the i i orchestral concert in the afternoon. At i j this concert the soloists will be Bern- i ard Altschuler, mtoloncelllst, and Mme. i Rossini at the celeste. The celeste is a new instrument so far as is known in Harrisburg and much curiosity has been aroused as to just what kind of an instrument it is. It is a musical instrument invented by Victor Mustel, of Paris, consisting of a keyboard of five octaves and ham | mers that strike on steel plates back-! led by wooden resonators. It belongs l ;to the harrgoniea class of Instruments; land the sounds which eminate from lit are something lik* the sounds of a 1 I bell. Honors For Students at Mercersburg Commencement .\pt\ial to The Telegraph .Mercersburg, Pa.. April B.—By rea- j |Hon of high scholarship the following! boys have been granted the privilege of delivering orations on commence-I I ment day at the Mercersburg Acad- j | amy: Valedictorian. Junius Parker | Fishburn, Roanoke, Va.; salutatorian, J | Thomas Clark Matthews, Sanibel, I jFla.; Schaff oration, Paul Moyer Lim-i ! bert, Mont Alto, Pa.; Nevin oration, ! | John Millington Rankin, So. Charle- ! ton, Ohio; Higbee oration, Harold; ! Augustine Butz, Littlestown, Pa. Hon-i jorary orations—Abraham Frank Lan- j [dis, Enfield, Pa.; James Gait Elder, I iPaxtang. Pa.; John Chestnut Taylor,! | Jr.. Shade Gap, Pa.; Lewis Evans j 'tlßrtman, Lancaster. Pa.: Chih Wo j jChu, Canton, China: Jose Viconte, San j Juan, Porto Rico: Halifax Carter I j Clark, Mexico City, Mexico; Paul Met icalfe Stouffer, Mercersburg, Pa.; Fred- : :eric Lexington Rouff. Binghomton, N. I j V.; Frederick Clever Bald, Mercers-1 burg, Pa.; Paul McKown, Martins- I I burg. W. Va.; Glenn Roscoo Qe Puy, J jXundu, X. V.; Richard Harley Oiler,! i Brooklyn, X. Y.; Robert Griffith! Hearne, Detroit, Mich; Joseph Went wortli Coxe, Roanoke, Va. 612 Expelled Spaniards Arrive in Juarez, Mex. By Associated Press Juarez, Mex., April B.—Six hundred and twelve men, women and children of the Spanish colony expelled from Torreon by General Villa, arrived early to-day. Huddled in th passenger cars they waited for dawn and the arrival of George C. Carothers, special agent of the United States Department of State. "Mr. Carothers came up a day ahead of us to see what he could do with General Carranza," said Joaquin Fernandez, an exile. "We are under protection of the American flag and we decided not to leave the cars until Carothers came." The refugees left Torreon yesterday morning. Every seat In the coaches was occupied. Fernandez said that there had been no sickness or great inconvenience during the trip. Carothers had another interview with General Carranza last night but it was said that the general's atti tude against the Spaniards remained unchanged. PATROLMEN SWORN IN Ex-Patrolmen l.arsen and Hicks were sworn In to-day by Mayor Ro\al The new chauffeur. Wllhelm J. Mehr ins. Jr.. and Patrolman lloagej will go oil duly April 15. lit >W ,\ Kl> c. I'KY David C. Cotterei in the Cotterel an nex in North Court street and enjoyed business talks on the development of loose leaf ledger systems, office furni ture and safe cabinets by Mr. Cot terel and Harry Lindley. "How have you benefited by Ro tary" was the topic of a series of brief talks by members. The evening closed with a smoker and concert. BE SURE 10 H YOUR CRIMSON WIG! Only Proper Thing When Sunset's on the Water to Get Best Effect Mother, mother may I go out to swim? ' Yes, my darling daughter; But be sure to wear your crimson wig, I For sunset'B on the water. Not content with springing the latest In woman's garb, the trouser-costume, an up-to-the- minute department store of this city is now exhibiting on its pretty wax models the newest craze of feminine sartorial wrinkles the wig of vivid hue. The exhibits shown here consist of: 1. A pea-green affair, closely re sembling Easter-basket grass In color; 2. A bright brown monstrosity; ;t. A very brilliant ochre, oh, you wigs! Which leads a dazed and overwhelm ed mind Into a reflection on Etiquette as she may be in, say 1920. For In stance, at that date, not so far distant, ViA - ou , r ladies' page may contain something like this: "Dearest Editor: Will you please tell mo what colors of hair Is proper to wear at all seasons of the . "DISTRESSED." Distressed Deportment of the coiffure is required acording to the academy de belles art as follows -10 a. m.—Morning costume. Wear your natural hair. It none is left wear a pale pea-green effect done a la Madam Pompadour. Runcheon Wear a speckled w,VI Ure i gray an< J brown done ferp wlsh r k not so Io »8- as inter fere with the proper navigation of the soup spoon. * r,ii'i 0r 'f'" 18 ', b , rld se parties, etc., a are tn°hp r bec °m'ng If any men are to be present wear a gold or silver spangled, or a blue stripe Officers of Bowmansdale Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Installed Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., April 8 Tuesday evening. J. W. Shutt. of Car lisle, district deputy grant master, as sisted by Jesse Robbins, of Carlisle, acting as grand marshal, A. A. Ar nold as grand secretary; George W. Hershman as grand warden and Fred V, 1 foyer as grand chaplain, all of Mechanicsburg, installed the officers of Bowmansdale Lodge, Xo. 1179, I. o. in full form. These were the officers: Past grand. O. M. Sipe noble grand, William Hyde; left supl porter to noble grand, C. D. Crom leigh; right supporter to noble grand, Jacob Lauck; vice grand, Calvin Ba ker; left supporter to vice grand, Wil liam Brousrher; right supporter to a nd' Harry C. Myers; secretary, W. G. Eckels; treasurer, Daniel N Fortney; chaplain, O. M. Stauffer: warden. D. O. Fishel; conductor, C. >\. Bullinger; right scene supporter, J. O. Hershey; left scene supporter, Guy Cocklin; Inside guardian, T. P. Kohler; outside guardian; John Rcn ord. A number of addresses were made for ihe good of the order, after which luncheon was served. The lodge was only instituted three years ago and has a membership of more than one hundred and over $1,200 in the treas ury. Bill Will Take Away Morelos' Statehood By Associated Press Mexico City, April 8. —A bill was in troduced in Congress last night to take away statehood from Morelos and divide Chihuahua into two States and one territory, the latter being in the northern district with the capital Ju arez. This would give the federals control of international questions. The [cities of Chihuahua and Parral will be the capitals of the two States. Major Arce has arrived here. He said he came from Torreon which city he left last Friday. According to Ma jor Arce at that time the federals still were in control there. He added that General Thomas Urbina, one of the rebel commanders, had been captured by the federals, paraded through the j streets of Torreon and then executed. RECORD WINTER WHEAT CROP Washington, D. C., April B.—The 1 Department of Agriculture forecasts a record-breaking crop of winter wheat. A conservative estimate issued to-day placed the Indicated yield at 551,000,- 000 bushels from an acreage of 36!- 506,000 planted last autumn. ASQITITH RETURNED London, April B.—Premier Asquith , again became a member nf the House lof Commons to-day «hnn he was re turned unopposed bj his old constitu ent nf East Fife, Scotland , HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DISCUSS CITY BILL FOR JUL PRISONERS Question Being Threshed Out by County and Municipal Le gal Authorities Ilarrisburg has not settled with Dauphin county for the latter's bill for maintenance of city prisoners in the jail for the last nine months of 1913 pending an agreement be tween the city and county legal au- thorities on vne question of cost per prisoner. When the city settled its bill a year ago the basis upon which the cost was figured was 20 cents per diem. The bill for the nine months ending De-1 cember 31, 1913, however, averages I between 32 and 33 cents per head. I The difference,'the prison authorities explain, Is due to the increased cost ol keep under the new system. The oniy way, it is held, by which the cost can be obtained is to divide the number of days during which all the prisoners served in the year into the total cost of maintenance. AYhen the pel capita cost is had this is plied by the number of city pri- For the nine months -.-stlon 5,595 prisoners were w. .I.ed to prison, it is figured, and they were in carcerated for more than 80,000 days. The- bill for quarter ending April 1, 191 4, has not yet been presented. Pros|iective Bidders Seek Informa tion.—Contracting and engineering linns from all over the country have written or applied through their rep resentatives to City Engineer Cowdon for information of various kinds that may be of value to prospective bid ders in competing for the contract for building the Front and Second street subways under the Cumberland Valley tracks April 15. County Treasurer Hal icy in Phila delphia.—County Treasurer Arthur H. | Bailey has returned from a brief busi ness trip to Philadelphia. At the Register's Ofliee.—Letters of administration were granted on the estate of Sol. J. Baer, Middletown, to Mrs. Emma Baer. Felix K. Davis, superintendent of the Harrisburg Kail ways Company, was granted letters on the estate of his father, Israel C. Davis. Realty Transfers.—Realty transfers included the following: John E. Gip ple to Leo F. Poppel, 25 North Nine teenth street, $100; Ed. Moeslein to P. F. Herr. 1013 Manada street, $1; A. K. Thomas to L. Begelfer, ulB North Second street, $5,100; J. B. Esenweiu to Harry E. Ivise, 1004 Penn street, $10; L. Fisher to Leona M. Bower, 1511 Vernon street, $1; Helen Och to Friend German Build ing and Loan Association, 1415 Wal lace street, $100; A. Kern to E. Moes lein, Highland, $1; H. D. Tschupp to C. E. Keiter, Elinabethville, $600; J. Hassinger heirs to John E. Rom berger, Mifflin, $602. To-ilay's Building Permits. —E. N. L#ebo, two 21/i-story frames, 1921-23 Swatara street, $3,600; .lohn Shelly, live 2-story bricks, 226 to 231 Seneca street, SIO,OOO. Want Possesion of Basement. —An amicable suit in ejectment with a view to obtaining possession of a portion of the basement of 221 Market street was begun to-day by Jacob and Isaac Silverman, trading as Silverman Brothers, against George Brengle Mil ler. The plaintiffs allege that the de fendant has not complied with the lease requirements relative to repairs, improvements, etc. The elevator room has been made too small, it Is set forth, and the steam pipes have been rearranged in such a way as to inter fere with the operation of the valves. Auditor S. If. Orwig "aid. —Attorney S. H. Orwig, special auditor, who re cently filed his report on the accounts of the register of wills, prothonotary and recorder of deeds, was paid to day. The warrant was for $262.50. Courthouse Visitor. George M. Kozier, Lykens, called upon Deputy Register of Wills C. W. Rubendal'l to-day. Poor Directors Raise Salaries. Salaries of some of the employes of the almshouse were raised consid erably to-day by the Poor Directors. The salary of Margaret Zimmerman, laundress, was boosted from S2O to $25 per month and the salary of David Gill, the farmer, was raised from $27.50 to $35 per month. Robert Smeltzer, who got $27.50, boarded a horse and Gill does not. Piled Committee Petition. Nomi nation petitions were filed with the County Commissioners to-day as fol lows: Republican, city, C. Alfred Hoopes, Albert J. White and John E Bart-: county, Daniel W. Brubaker, all ot the Fourth precinct of the Fifth ward; Grocer C. Buser, Hummels town. Democratic, county committee. Holiday Friday. —County and citv offices will likely be closed all day Fr day. Good Friday is a legal bank holiday and there is a movement among the Courthouse officials to have business suspended for the day. Banquet After Installation of Odd Fellows' Officers Special to Til i Telegraph New Bloomfield, Pa., April 8 Oil Monday night Past Master Warren E. Clousur, acting as district deputy Brand mastor, the officers or Mack inaw T.odge, No. 380. I. O. O. F, of Now Bloomfield were installed as 'fol lows; Noble grand, B. B. Lupper vice grand, Clarence Askins; R. S N. G., J. E. Stewart; L. S. N. G Ross Clouse; R. S. V. G., Elmer Tressler; E. S. A. G., Lawrence Gupp; warden, Phillip Clouser; conducor. Frank Fet terhoff; chaplain, Frank Keller; R S S., C. G. Weaver; L,. S. S„ Chas. Fllck inger; inside guardian, John Holman; outside guardian, Chas. Painter. After the installation the initiatory degree was conferred on candidates, After the lodge meeting, forty mem bers, including visitors from Mc- Dempsey lodge and Blain lodge en joyed a banquet at the Mansion House. Women and Children Are Taken at Tampico By Associated Press Washington, April B.—American women and children in Dona Cc ilia, a suburb of Tampico, have been brought into the city by order of Rear Admiral Mayo in that their lives may not be endangered by fighting in prog ress there. t Admiral Fletcher forwarded to the Navy Department this report he re ceived yesterday from Admiral Mayo at Tampico: "Sharp fighting during the day until six, Vera Cruz tiring all day. Do not believe this is a serious attack on Tampico, as nothing indicates rebels have artillery, but report is persistant they will have some soon. Governor Caballeros is in 'oinmund or the rebels. Some alarm in town hut not acute. Have brought American women and children from Dona Cecilia Into Tampico. Some noncom pal ants In jured." .. . . - ■ Faith, and It's the Green Will Gil the City Cops No More Must Irish Patrolm en Suffer Affront From Fiery Red Bulbs Green lights in the future will be used to call Harrisburg's Irish and other patrolmen to special duty. Or cU*rgt Issued to-day, in effect on April U>, changes the special call color on the I uslncss districts from red to green. , . This is made necessary because ot the erection of four up-to-date stand ards tn Market street next Monday. On these standards will be police and fire alarm boxes. Oil the police boxes will be lights which will Hash the green. A red light will burn day and night on IIITO LICENSES 111 MUCH GONTROVERSV Auditor General Asks New Method I of Making Payments- Hearing April 24 Auditor General Powell gave a new turn to the controversy over disposition of the income from State licenses of motor vehicles to-day when he an nounced that he would not receive the dailv payments of such revenue by the State Highway Department without a detailed statement showing to whom , each license was issued. The Highway Commissioner has mandamused the Auditor General to sow cause why he should not honor requisitions by the road department on the income from li censes for use in maintenance of high ways and the fiscal officer holds that he is prohibited from so doing by tho spe cific appropriation act of 1909 drawn after the Capitol furnishing scandal. Ex-Attorney General M. Hapton Todd came here to-day as counsel for the Auditor General and State Treasurer to prepare the answer to the mandamus papers, and arranged with Attorney General Bell for argument of the case by the Dauphin County Court on April 24. State Highway officials also saw the Attorney General about the request of the Auditor General, who refused to accept about $9,000 offered as revenue under the custom which has prevailed since departmentss were required to deposit receipts daily. About $750,000 is Involved in the controversy over pay ment of the money to the Highway De partment. that sum having been receiv ed from licensing of motor vehicles. "General" Drummond, Shouting and Struggling, Pays $lO Fine in Court By Associated Press London, April 8. Pandemonium reigned in Marlborough street police court to-day when "General" Mrs. Drummond, the militant suffragette, was brought up again and sentenced to pay a fine of $lO or go to prison for two months, for creating a dis turbance in Hyde Park during the Unionist rally on Saturday. Mrs. Drummond was so violent that three policemen had to pinion her and remove her hatpins before the magis trate found opportunity during a pause in the uproar to pronounce sen- I tencc. The "general" vehemently declared that she would never pay the fine. She was forcibly removed to a cell. All the time Mrs. Drummond was in court she kept up a fierce struggle with the police and warders and shrieked denunciation of every one present. Even a sister militant suff ragette who was in court, was the vic tim of a verbal attack because she did not storm the prisoner's enclosure and rescue the "general." Seizing a policeman's metal whistle. Mrs. Drummond flung it at the magis trate's head, but he dodged the mis sile. Taking advantage of the diversion Mrs. Drummond then sprang from the enclosure but was seized before she got far away and was carried back shouting and struggling. When Mrs. Drummond became clmer she was released, as either she or some one else had paid her tine. President Stoner to Decline Y. M. C. A. Re-election Frank K. Stoner. who for three years has been president of the Penn sylvania Railroad Young Men's Chris tian Association, last night notified the members of the board of directors that he would decline a renomination. 'The election will be held April 20. During the administration of Presi dent Stoner the railroad association has increased over 50 per cent., im provements have been made at a total cost of $15,000 and every meeting held during the week and on Sunday has had an increased attendance. Hot From the Wire By Associated t'ress Southampton. Sir Lionel Cardcn. British Minister to Mexico, sailed to ri uy on the Olympic for New York on his way to Mexico City. Before Sir Lio nel's departure the Foreign Office an nounced that he was returning to hu post in Mexico temporarily, and that lie would proceed to another post later in the year. Knnaan City, Mo. The lowest tem peratures ever recorded so late in April were registered over most of Misouri, Kansas and Oklahoma and North Texas to-day and local officers of the United States Weather Bureau predicted tem peratures several degrees lower throughout that territory to-night. Washington, D. C. Great Lakes package boat lines, independent of the railroads, are making, according to testimony submitted to-day to the In terstate Commerce Commission, good profit upon investment, although they carry less tonnage than the lines under railroad control. .. Itnbnt, Morocco. Captain Ilerve, a French military aviator and a lieuten ant he was carrying as a passenger, were hacked to death to-day by insur gent Moors, after they had escaped un injured from an aeroplane accident in the desert. llclfnirt, Ireland. Militant suf fragettes created so much confusion and noise in the police court here to day, when Dorothy Evans and Madge Muir, officials of the Belfast branch of the Women's Social and Political Union were brought up for trial, that the pro ceedings had to be adjourned. ]> n riH. —*■ Madame Vitz, a prisoner In Saint l>azare jail, was to-day sent to an insane asylum, having become ile mented in consequence of her campaign against the granting of favors by the prison authorities to Madame Calllaux, who killed Gaston Calmette. Washington, I>. C. Plans for Presi dent Wilson's Easter trip were changed to-dav. The party will go to AVhite Sulphur Springs, W. Va., instead of Hot Springs, va., as previously announced at the White House. Greenville, S, C. Little change was reported to-day in the condition of Eben S. Draper, former Governor of Massachusetts, in a critical condition here after an attack of paralysis. Phy sicians said he had an even chance of recovery. ft'ew York. Twin boys Were born to-day to Mr. an<l Mrs. Robert Living ston Gerry. Mrs. Gerry was Cornelia Harriman. daughter uf the lain K. 11. Harrlman. They have two other chil dren. APRIL 8, 1914. the top of fire alarm boxes. The standards will be located at Second and .Market, Third and Market, Fourth and .Market and Fifth and Market street*!. City Electrician Clark E. Dlehl has also been Informed by the HarrlHburK I.ltiht and Power Company that the cable for Market street will go down early next week. The Gamewoll Fire Alarm Company to-day notified City Electrician Dlehl that a force of men will-be nent.next week to Install the repeater. JOHN C. NISSLEY FDD LEGISLATURE Weil-Known Lawyer Will Be Can didate on Republican Ticket in County John C. Nissley, one of the most widely-known lawyers of tho Dauphin county bar, has announced himself as a candidate for the Legislature on the Republican ticket. Mr. Nissley is a resident of Lower Paxton township and is one of the most ardent good roads advocates in Central Pennsylvania. He has never held public office, but has frequently been heard on the stump in Republi can campaigns during the past ten years or more. He is a lawyer of abil ity and is popular throughout the farming districts of the county. His friends believe he will have no serious opposition for the nomination and that he will be elected in November. WILSON REPUDIATED ID HIS HOME STATE [Continued From First Page] of the Chicago women registered took advantage of the newly gained fran chise at yesterday's municipal elec tion none of the nine woman can didates for the city council was suc cessful, receiving only a scattered vote. Alderman John (Bath House) Coughlin, who for a score of years has represented the First ward, nearly 4,000 votes over Miss MaVon Drake, a court stenographer. He re ceived more female votes than Miss Drake. The total vote polled by the Socialist candidates was 39,900. The new council will be Democratic, as it has been for the last several years. Yotes of the women helped defeat a proposition for a comprehen sive subway system to cost $130,000,- 000. The subway proposition was lost by 90,000 votes. Another public pol icy question providing for home rule in the regulation of public, utilities was successful by a majority of 1,000. Republicans Make Big Gains in New Mexico By Associated Press Albuquerque, N. M., April B. Re publicans made gains in the city's elections In New Mexico yesterday. In this city a Democratic majority of more than 600 two years ago was re versed and W. H. Boatright, Republi can, was elected mayor over Mayor D. K. B. Sfellers, Democrat, by 143 votes. In Santa Fe, Roman L. Baca, speak er of the New Mexico House of Repre sentatives, nominated by a fusion of Democrats and Progressives for mayor was overwhelmingly defeated by State Auditor W. G. Sagent, Republican. REFORM WINS IX ST. LOUIS By Associated Press St. Louis, Mo„ April S. —Reform personified by the economy ticket of aldermanie candidate was victorious in i East St. Louis, 111., yesterday. Of a j total registration of 13,000 little more than 9,000 votes were cast. A. D. Woods, a negro, independent candi ; date for alderman in Hie Second ward. | was defeated because of ignorance of I negro women as to the method of vot ling. Scores of these women signed I their names to the ballots and wrote on them such personal notes as "Oh you Ad" and "I hope you win." GALLIVAX WINS IX BOSTOX Boston, April B.—James A. Galll van, Democrat, was eleoted to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mayor James M. Curjey as congress man from the Twelfth district. Mr. Gallivan had opposed the adminis tration policy on the tolls repeal. REPUBLICANS WIN By Associated Press i St. Joseph, Mo., April 8. Elliott Marshall, Republican, defeated David E. Curt.in, Democrat, and two other candidates for mayor of St. Joseph yesterday in the municipal election. The entire Democratic ticket, with the exception of its head, was elected, W. S. S. Borkowski winning for treasurer i by two votes. Flareback Forecasted by Washington Bureau By Associated Press Washington, D. C., April 8. An old-fashioned flareback of winter ts about to sweep the East. At the Weather Bureau to-day this special bulletin was issued: "Abnormally high pressure and low temperatures prevail over the great interior basin of the country, the line, of freezing temperature extending to the Oklahomi-Texa-s line. "These conditions will move east ward and southeastward over the ruR and Atlantic States during the next 24 to 4 8 hours and frosts may be ex pected Wednesday night to the gulf coast, with temperatures near or be low freezing ill the interior and frosts on Thursday night oter northern Florida. "In Georgia and the Carolinas freez ing temperatures are likely on Thurs day night, while to the northward they will be from ten to twenty degrees lower. Over the great central valleys and the West low temperatures will continue for another day or two." Buenon .Alr»i, .Argentine. Prince and Princess Henry or Prussia returned here to-day from their visit to Chile, i While there they went to Santiago and Valparaiso. Norfolk. A Stat® militiamen were held in readiness to-day by Gov ernor Stuart to suppress the ra> «• meet nt ,tafestown. if Attorney (i»n»ral Pel. ,'lard should rail for their aid. I too START OFF NEW UCULK BODY First Pennsylvania Threshermen and Farmers' Protective Asso ciation Organizes STATE-WIDE IN SCOPE Delegates Here From Every Coun ty—Remedial Legislation Is One Object With the election of officers lato this afternoon and the adoption of the constitution and by-laws, the first. Pennsylvania Thresher men's and Farmers' Protective Association was completed. The first enrollment will reach 000. The morning session to-day was out short because a photographer couldn't get his flashlight to work when taking a picture of the convention body and much business went over until this afternoon. Arguments showing the need for on organization between threshermen and farmers in Pennsylvania were pre sented by James Winter, national or ganizer, of Oilman City, Iowa; .1. I?. Parker, ol' the American Thresher men. of Indianapolis; William G. Eppley, Waynesboro; C. M. Kisecker, Waynesboro, and Watson Snivelv, sales manager or the Frick Company, of Waynesboro. National Organizer James Winter presided over to-day's sessions; F. H. Squires was made temporary secre tary. The following committees were appointed, with instructions to report this afternoon at 2 o'clock: Nominations—George A. Dechant, chairman, HarrisburK; Ira M. Hart, MechanicsburK; Ezra Statsfus, Tlio Gap, Lancaster county; W. L, Ho verter, Harrisburg; W. IS. Crawford, Indiana county, and J. A. Hose, Ilar rlsburg. Constitution and By-laws —P. 11. Squires, chairman, Harrisburg; Georgo Sellers, The Gap, Lancaster countv; Charles M. Kisecker, Waynesboro; P. M. Spamtler, Plalnfleld, Cumberland \ county; \Valter Snlvely, Waynesboro, and E. H. Harmon, Juniata county. Hesolutions C. T. Cook, York, chairman; Charles Yocum, Union county; George H. Toadvine, Williams, port. A mars meeting was held last night, presided over by J. A. Rose, of Har risburg. The speakers included Mavor John K. Royal, B. B. Clarke, of Wis consin. editor of ' the Thresherman: George A. Dechant, ol' Ibis city; Wil liam T. Creasy, of Catawissa, master of the State Grange, and Gabriel 11. Moyer, of Lebanon. EDWARD M. ROBIINSOX Special to The Telegraph Lancaster, Pa., April 8. Edward M. Robinson, 52 years old, a prominent businessman, died yesterday. A na tive of New York city, he came to Lancaster a young man and for many years was associated in an official ca pacity here with Milton S. Hershey, the cliocolato king, prior to the lat ter's establishment ol' his big plant at Hershey. Mr. Robinson was one ot those who then established the Stand ard Caramel Factory here. ' SIRS. BELLA H KAISER DIES Special to The Telegraph Sun bury, Pa., April 8. —Mrs. Reulalt Kaiser, 2!) years old. died at the Mary M. Packer Hospital, Sunbury, yester day, following two operations. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL FOB IHtIDGK SEAI.KD proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for fur nishing all the necessary labor and materials as called for In plant and specification prepared by Edward K. Morse, Engineer. Commonwealth Build ing. Pittsburgh, Pa., for the construc tion of a bridge (known as the Wasser Bridge) across the Shenango River, about one mile below Shenango, Mercer county, Pa. Prospective bidders may secure plans and specifications by applying to the office of Superintendent of Public I Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa. ! Bidders desiring information not con tained in tile plans and specifications I may apply either to the Engineer, Kd- I win K. Morse, or to the Superintendent 'of Public Grounds and Buildings iAk< writing. .... . . Proposals shall be In sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out ! side with the name and location of bridge and name of bidder. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent Puulic Grounds and Buildings. ORPHANS' CO I'llT SAI.E Entate of HHJIIIOIUI 1.. Steivnrl, Decenaed BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, of Dauphin County, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on Wednesday, the 29th day of April, A. I D. 1914, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon o£ I said dav, the following tract of lanu: DESCRIPTION OF I.AXIJ Beginning at stones at a point on tlio south side, of the Schuylkill and Sus- Wtuehanna Railroad, thirty (:>0) feet Ifrom the center lino of said railroad; ; thence north sixty-two degrees ami forty-nine s minutes («:' degrees, 49 min utes) east, and parallel with said rall- I road thirteen hundred twelve (l,:s I-) 1 feet to a point; thence south twenty seven degrees eleven minutes (i 7 de grees, II minutes) east, a distance ol: 'sixty -three (63) >eet to n point; thenon ' by a remaining part of tills tract, .south i eighty-four degrees eleven minutes (St degrees, 11 minutes) east four hundred | seventeen (417) feet to a point; thence jby same north seventy-seven degrees I forty-nine minutes (77 degrees, 49 min utes), east four hundred forty-nine (449 ) l'eet to a point; thence by same ; north eighty-one degrees thirty m|n j utes (81 degrees. 20 minutes) east threo (hundred fifty-five (355) feet to a point; i thence by same north sixty-six forty-five minutes (lili degrees. 15 inin ■ | utes) east six hundred two (tio2) feet to a point; thence by same north sixty four and one-fourth degrees (64 ',4 de T grees) east seven hundred forty (740) feet to a point; thence along the Ellen dale Forge Tract south twenty-six de grees fifteen minutes (20 degrees, 1.1 minutes) east six hundred forty- tw > (642) feet to stones; tlienee south fifty six degrees fourteen minutes (56 de grees, 14 minutes) west twcnty-Si>: hundred seventeen (2,617) feet to .w' hickory; thence by the John Bell tracr. fifty-nine degrees forty-five mlnut- i (59 degrees, 45 minutes) west ,sixteen hundred seventy-two (1,672) feet i*> stones; thence by the John Gayma.i tract eight degrees forty-eight minutes (8 degrees, IS minutes) west fourteen hundred fifty-four (1,454) feet to .;i white oak; thence by the same narui nine degrees twenty-three minutes <:• degrees, 23 minutes) west one hundri d seventy three (173) feet, to the plaee of beginning. Containing one hundred three (103) acres and one hundred (10n) perches. Together with the use of a private road leading from a point In the public road from Dauphin to Eliemlafu Forge, to land herein. Having thereon erected a house and barn. W Terms of sale—Ten pi r cent, of thr ' purchase money on day IT sale; 15 per cent. on the day of the confirmation u* i the sale by the Court, and the bal.m'n within ten i 10) days from the confir ! rnation of the salo by the Court, wil't power to adjourn ihe sale from tini< t<> I Ime. ELIZABETH K STEWART, Administratrix I BRADDOCK, Attorney.
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