g* ■ I, Fourth Street Window Special r i/+fv% \ Fourth Street Window Special Fancy Japan Rice, regular 7c value. On sale Tuesday % mv) \ The Smartest Suits and Coats of the Season are Presented This Week 1 * Models By Premet, Cheruit and Poiret Correctly Interpreted An Important Showing of Suits at $18.50 to $25.00 T The most attractive collection ot suits the store has ever presented in any Spring season has been gathered for this Easter week occasion. From the garish, ultra fashionable modes to the more simple, practical styles the display is a strikingly worthy one. It wil be to the interest of every woman who loves pretty things to attend this showing. Suits That Are Made I Coats of Cloth and Silk Low in Price 1 Fr ° m ° ne ? New York's best makers of modified French creations have UWil ° A AACtI rll A - /IVy b tllll V ITIUVIV . come blouses of one and two of a kind. There are rich clinging crepes, 1 * * 1 T""* • I lango and tan cloth coats with silk collars, the style has a ripple back, . , . . , , . , _ , . Moderate in rfICG $lO 00 qualities and rich styles of Geeorgette crepes and crepe de chines .. _ 1 and the more substantial nets. . Navy, tango and reseda French sersre suits; with an effective trimming Aavy, Copenhagen and tango cloth coats, drop shoulders; silk collar - r , . . . „ , , . . . , , . of silk over the collar; the skirt is a tunic model of excellent design. Alto- and cuffs »15.50 T h ei>nces are matenally lessened tor this week as th.s hst shotvs gether the most attractive inexpensive suit of the season $12.50 ij llle Krecn tailgo an(l orallge and white cordnroy go | fille coats . rope '' c 1 on ""J* cre P<! blouses in rose, tango, Nile green. Two-button cutawav suits with short front and long back, in navv blue u„i t „_j A ■ r • - ,u> maize and white. Special $4.50 • , , f , s ra belt and ngured crepe de chine lining Jfclo.OO ;rt ... . , . , , . and tango, the skirt is made with a circular flounce ° $0.50 white net blouses; hand-embroidered frills, hnish neck and short Novelty weave suits of fine quality in Copenhagen and navy blue; the 1 and nav X coa t*: P'aid collars and cuffs and silk lining throughout, sleeves Specia , 5Q collar and cuffs are of bengaline silk, and the skirt is a very charming stvle, $14.75 •*7 - n , .. * .'/: ; ;** • v . $18.50 Navy, green and Copenhagen imported novelty coats; moire silk collar . ?v ; 3 ° c,e P e dc chine blouses m white, maize, petrel with contrasting A new style ha> a coat of true Peasant style with a skirt of two tiers; and cuffs and silk lining $10.50 co a " cu . ec,a ' $4.50- ■ the colors are navv. Copenhagen, olive and black $20.00 Black moire silk coats; drop shoulders and silk lining; trimmed with s7.i>o stripe crepe de chines blouses in helio, blue and tango, net collars Shepherd check suits, with collar of black taffeta; the model is an exclu- ruffles or circular flounce $25.00 finished with black moire ribbon. Special $4.50 sive one-button style and the skirt is tiered $20.00 a qi _ • . rQ' U O'll i \T . ni $ lO -00 white taffeta bloiises with low neck and short sleeves, yoke fin- Garbardine cloth suits, in various colors. The styles are all of recent J\ OllOWing Ol rvlCll ollK and IN et DIOU.S6S ished with silk ornament* Special * s■> r 0 ' $6,50 to SIO.OO Values: $4.50 and $5.50 fancy white net blouses with contrasting collars. Special. $2.98 I Garbardine cloth suits, with trimming of bengaline silk; in various : 1 his week's collection of new Spring blouses of silk and net, represents ' ; " llte net 1'' 0 " 568 ' n bolero style over burnt orange crepe de chine, shades and several good styles $510.00 I the smartest styles that have been shown in Harrisburg.atllo r prices. Special at »...., $4.50 v An Unusual Exhibition of 3 Minutes Will Dress Your The New Nemo Kopservice W.M Baby in Vanta Vestments: Corsets With Instructive | _lpr"*lL vv No No Buttons n pnir . n Infants' Department this week, and to every 1-yt/lllUllbllullUllJ) mother who visits the showing a pattern for im i- .. ■ . * . //making the Vanta diaper will be given free. he realization of .aslnon Hopes has come at last m the Vanta garments are just the kind doctors and nature figure as it is exemplified in the new Nemo Kopservice f&f* -iv/; nurses have long advocated for infants. There Corsets—the idealized type ot corset that can be worn by all \ V* C X arc no P' ns no buttons to scratch or irritate . . , , A //\ / the body, the fastenings being made by twistless B 1 women who seek the much sought natural figure lines of to-day. //\ y tape. For baby's sake you are invited to attend « LJjJJL A Nemo exhibit of unusual interest is now in progress in the store, and it it under the direct supervision of a woman J ' I T T . T T 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Hoor. who is splendidly equipped in hygienic corset service. INCW 1 X"IITIITIGCL 118 lS V-J i q- * J Special fittings of Nemo Corsets, with valuable instruc- K 1606S 1 UfllltUr6 3.110 tions in the proper corsetting of each tvpe of figure, will be f -1 r -1 W/ T> T> i i r i ■* given daily this week and throughout next week. lUI V V GGK. DraSS BeOS Marked tO 00 Nemo Kopservice Corsets give natural lines without cans- CjT O Q£T QCT C Q C OO clearance on the Furniture floor that should interest ing the figure to become slouchy. The new styles are low -vPO.CJO, SO.Z)Oy lO many housewives because of the attractive values quoted. above the waistline, extending almost to the knees More than 100 new trimmed hats were unpacked this $29.00 Brass Bed $22.50 I $65.00 mahogany Buffet ...$30.00 11 All models of these famous corsets are on sale during this morning and added to the Easter Millinery Display, 2 lil'.oo Brass BedB*:;;: 1: :$25.00 sG9:oo maholtny Buffet :!:$i»:oo Easter exhibition. bringing the stocks up to a splendid state ot preparedness ? $25.00 IS B«f:siß.'?s siiiio fumld oak & '.'.'.llio Demon strati on on I ivinfT MnHels; • or le busiest week ot the whole year in millinery. I I $35.00 golden oak Buffet .. .$29.50j 110.95 fumed > n ill ! ■|. - ng 7° dei f.. These models show the latest stvle tendencies, notably !! '' so *° M - °' k ch "" cl °',li.o« 00 .1, S K aus, Of the Kopse ice institute, will give public the new black waxen effect in quills and foliage, evidently • s * rv ' n ' 'S&tSS cSIJSSISISS demonstrations oil living models to-morrow and Lhursdav af- 1 k 4-t "4. rI " IL J 4.1 ll 11 $19.50 golden oak Serving Table, $45.00 walnut Chiffonier ...$35.00 . . , r , . .... f . ' , inspired by the stove polish ribbon and the black lac- $10.25 $39.00 toona mahogany Bed. $19:50 ternoons at o o clock. 1 lie practicability ot Kopservice and j C|Uered hats * ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor, Three Elevators smart set corsets to all lignrcs will he shown in these talks. The , ea(Ji s |, a are WatteaU, Coolie, Bustle Back. = ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Flour C" 1 11 1 1 rr< l • I . • l ».i n oide bandeau and 1 urban styles trimmed with tlowers, . fruit and black satin and moire ribbon. Handsome Patterns in T h e new colors represented-fox glove, eco, min aret and every other hat seemingly a black model--the CottOll Ratines greatest season ever known lor black hats. Ratines are again among the style leaders for Spring dress and Included, too, are a dozen choice models from < R.awak at we are pleased to announce a complete showing, including $6.50 and $7.50. many exclusive weaves of these popular and fashionable dress Shown tor the tirst time to -morrow-- j cottons. RaUne in fancy Scotch plaids in combination colors: black, blue, I NEW FLOWERS NEW FANCIES NEW SHAPES I I green and white, red, white and blue; red, green and yellow. Yard,sl.so *"■ Thorough preparations have been made to bring this Baune in mixed and shadow checks: 42 inches wide. Yard 80c great millinery display right up to the minute of style Ratine in solid shades; 40 inches wide; light blue. Copenhagen, authenticity cadet, pink, hello, wistaria, green, brown, old rose, Nell rose, and cream. KaUne in two-toned effects and mixed shades. Yard ........ ,80c til€ GoOcis TO- WlOrfrtM) Nub check ratine, black and white, brown and white, blue artd r ~v nwr r brown, and white with white nub checks. Yard $1.59 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewnrt—Street Floor l v ' 20-TON VAULT PET j OF MECHANICS BANK New Quarters Opened This Morn ing Are Among Best Equipped in the State With a bunch of red roses on his desk from Mrs. Kunkel and a broad smile on his physiognomy, C. A. Kunkel to-day escorted visitors through the new quarters of the Mechanics' Bank, which will become a trust com pany May 1. The bank is one of the finest equipped In the State, finished throughout in white and gold, with frescoes of Roman design, and the very latest accessories In beaten brass, and with a tessalated floor and tall ceiling, the interior of the bank car ries an air of luxury and completeness hard to duplicate. The bank removed from Its tem j porary quarters this morning, when ' thousands of dollars were carried A'om the Commonwealth Trust and Dauphin Deposit banks, which have been taking care of the funds of the Mechanics' Bank while it was occupy ing its temporary and insecure quar ters down the block. But there Is no insecurity about the present and one of the pets of the Institutive is a twenty-ton circular door vault,* constructed by the York Safe and Lock Company, with 325 safe deposit, boxes within its capacious depths and. plenty of room for more. Also there are three coupon rooms for the ac commodation of patrons. The whole Interior is fitted up luxuriously. XMEDICINE OF MERIT A proprietary medicine, like every thing else that comes before the pub lie, has to prove Its merits. The of the survival of the fittest appl(jl In this field as in others. The reason for the tremendous, nucccss of Lydln E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound Is because it has been fulfilling a real human need for forty years, so that to-day thousands of American women owe their health and happiness to the marvelous power of this famoun medicine, made from roots and herbn —nature's remedy for woman's ills.— Advertisement.
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