Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Established 1831
E. J. BTACKPOLE, Prea't and Treas'r.
V. R. OYSTER, Secretary.
BUS M. BTEINMETZ. Managing Editor.
Publish** every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, 211
Federal Square.
Eastern Office. Fifth Avenue Building.
New York City, Hasbrook, Story &
Western OfTlce, 123 West Madison
street. Chicago. 111.. Allen ft Ward.
Delivered by carriers ai
six cents a week.
Mailed to eubecrlberi
M $3.00 a year lu advance.
Entered at the Post Office In Harrls
burg as second class matter.
®The Association of Amer- { 1
ieao Advertisers baa ax- 1
amined and certified to
the circulation of this pab
' i lication. The figures of circulation ■
l contained in the Association's re
! > pert only are guaranteed.
i; Association of American Advertisers ,
11 No. 2333 nviu.ii rni n T nil
Isvss Jelly average for the month of
March, 1914
Or 22,470
Average for the year 1913—21.5' T
Average for the year 1813—21,175
Average for the year 1911—18.WS1
Average for the year 191®—17,485
Prtvate Branch Exchange Ha. 9*46.
Business Office. SOS.
Sdltorlal Room SBS. Job Dent. 208.
THERE should be the strongest
and most convincing reasons to
Justify any increase of the school
\tax rate at the present time. If
the rate Is based upon any increased
expenditure which might have been
postponed or avoided altogether, then
the directors are without justification
or excuse and the decision to add a
half mill, bringing tho school tax
within one mill of the total tax for
all other city purposes, should be re
considered. At a time when indi
viduals, business firms and corporations
are retrenching In every direction It
suggests a lack of good judgment to
increase the expenditures of the school
This newspaper has always advo
cated and still advocates the intro
duction of domestic science as one of
the important branches for the schools
of the city and it has favored every
advanced step of the school district in
the way of providing facilities for the
practical education of the youth of
Harrlsburg; but under existing cir
cumstances, with business conditions
inviting the most careful thought of
conservative men, it strikes the aver
age citizen of Harrlsburg as a remark
able lack of consideration for the tax
payer to increase his burden by in
cluding Items which might have been
postponed until a more favorable
Of course, the total of the ex
penditures is made up of a number of
items, some of which are absolutely
required under the operation of the
new school code, but the purchase of
such supplies as might have been
avoided and the provision for addi
tional supervisors when the schools
have been getting along under pros
perous conditions with two such offi
cials and other Items of expense con
stitute a disregard of conditions which
has invoked a storm of criticism
For instance, is it necessary to have
three additional supervisors? Is it
necessary to make certain changes in
textbooks at tills particular time? Is
it advisable to introduce domestic
science in the course just now?
These are questions which people
are asking to-day and these are the
questions which must be answered by
the school directors. On the face of
the budget there is much that seems
desirable and necessary, but it would
seem possible to have avoided in some
legitimate way any Increase of taxation
this year.
Shades of the common people and a
host of dollar dinners' Bryan now
sports a footman. Truly the years
have wrought changes In him who was
not so very long ago the Boy Orator
of the Platte and the great Commoner,
NO one in Harrlsburg can ser
iously object to the recommen
dation of the finance committee
of the school board that $5,000
of the revenue of the school district
ba appropriated toward the mainte
nance of the new public library. The
library has been in operation just
three months and in that time over
32,500 persons have taken out books
and approximately one-third of this
number have been pupils of the pub
lic schools. Over 10,000 persons have
gone to the library to read or study.
Last year the school board gave
53,000 for the maintenance of the li
brary. • This year an increase of $2,-
000 was asked. Members of the board
visited the library, examined its sys
tem and went over its finances. The
board is represented among tho trus
tees by one of its members and the
principal of the high school is also a
much interested trustee.
The people of Harrlsburg were
riven a library building commended
by every authority on such matters
as modern, beautiful and adequate,
and funds that will yield about $4,000
annually toward operating expenses
through the benefactions of a public
spirited woman. The library was
opened in the lirst week of January
and its circulation of books has been
at a rate of almoßt 11,000 per month.
It# use by school children has been
e surprise even to those observing li
brary activities and it la a repository
for the best juvenile literature that
can be found. Everything ab6ut the
library Is free.
The finance committee of the school
authorities never provided for a bet
ter investment than by the recommen
dation of $5,000 to help keep the li
brary running for the benefit of the
people and especially of the children
who will be the men and women of
The man who once wanted "to knock
Bryan into a cocked hat" now confines
himself to kicking planks out »of the
Democratic platform.
Newspapers report that heads of the
Missouri Ice Trust are sore because
they have been fined $50,000 by the
courts. That's what the Ice prices will
do next summer —soar.
AS the result of a conference with
the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's officials, it is an
nounced that the construction
of a subway at Division street, to pro
vide an entrance to Wildwood Park, is
out of the question at this time. It
is intimated, however, that the rail
road company is willing to provide
some sort of an overhead bridge at
this point, with the understanding
that a subway come later.
Under the severe retrenchment
policy of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company it is quite likely that the
subway must wait more favorable con
ditions, but without rancorous con
troversy or any unreasonable attitude
on the part of the city, it Is manifestly
evident that provision must be made
'in the near future for this improve
We believe that the railroad com
pany owes it to the city to include
such an Item in its next budget of ex
penditures for Harrlsburg. Until re
cent years this subway was unneces
sary, but since the opening of Wild
wood Park and the rapid increase of
population northward it is absolutely
We doubt whether it is worth while
to waste funds on a makeshift bridge
of any kind, but under no circum
stances must such a makeshift be al
lowed to postpone for any consider
able time the construction of the
needed subway. We believe the people
of the western section of the city
through their civic organizations, co
operating with the Chamber of Com
merce and the City Council, should
continue their work, not with a view
to harrasslng the rpilroad company,
but simply to urge and Insist upon a
3V.bway at Division street.
The railnoad agent who was an "in
sidious lobbyist" In the early days of
the administration has become in these
times of Panama Canal disputes the
"patriotic friend of the President." But
he still draws his salary from the rail
TEMPERANCE sentiment is
aroused throughout Pennsylva
nia as it never was before. The
local option forces are arrayed
in strength that gives them every
promise of victory at the next session
of the Legislature. Practically every
legislative candidate that has so far
announced himself has made local
option one of the main planks in his
platform. The gubernatorial candi
dates of all parties are pledged to it.
It is the old, old demonstration of
the people getting what they want.
We. hear very much of "bosses" and
"boss-ridden" legislatures, but In the
end the voter gets the laws on which
his heart is set. Whenever public
sentiment is sufficiently aroused on
any subject to take a majority of the
voting populace to the polls for the
purpose of expressing their sentiments
upon It, that subject becomes a vital
issue in the elections and In the de
liberations of the legislators to follow;
and woe be to the man who betrays
the trust of his constituents.
Local option is no more desirable
to-day than it was a decade ago, but
more people now believe It to be desir
able and in that lies the present wide
spread interest, and also in that will
lie the interest of the next Legisla
ture in the matter. The action of that
Legislature along temperance lines
depends largely on how many voters
will place local option above all other
matters at the polls in November.
That the issue will be squarely
drawn is very evident from the at
-1 tendance of more than 3,000 people
of Harrlsburg and all parts of the
State here to lay plans for the coming
The Philadelphia Record says that on
account of the ravages of tree pests
"it will be necessary to strip Bosfon
Common.'' How shockingly Immodest!
AT a recent noon-day luncheon
of the Chamber of Commerce
a speaker made the assertion
that "it is not favored location
| nor fair climate that makes a city
i grow, but the fact that it has in its
I citizenship the man with the vision."
Said he:
I It is the dreamer that is back >of
all material progress. There never
was developed anything that was
not first born in the mind of a man
with a vision. What made your
town of Hershey with Its prosper
ous industries? A man with a
dream of a w>orld-market and the
strength of will and character to
make his dream come true. The
same may be said of many cities
whose marvelous growth has been
the subject of wonder for those
who have not looked back of the
circumstance for the dreamer.
Harrlsburg has gone far In the past
fifteen years. That this Is so is largely
due to the fact that It has had among
its people men and women who have
dreamed dreams—and made them
come true. We have been blessed
beyond measure in this. Recently
there has been apparent a tendency in
the other direction. In our desire to
be "practical" we are In danger of
relegating to the rear the "man with
the vision," forgetful that the builder
Is seldom an architect and that no
contractor undertakes the erection of
a building without first consulting ths
carefully designed plans of the
"dreamer"—the man who saw the fair
islon of the completed structure In
:tilati's eye ere stone was quarried
rick moulded for the making.
In all our Important municipal un
dertakings we should bear this
thought in mind, and In particular Is.
it necessary that it should be consld- j
with relation to the make-up of I
the proposed city planning commis-!
sion. Here it is that foresight and
thought for the beautiful must be
combined with the purely practical if
the Harrlsburg of to-morrow Is to be
what it is possible under careful su
pervision and proper regulation to'
make it. There is room in Ifcrrisburg,
still for the "dreamer" —not the Idle!
visionary who builds mere castles in |
the air, but the dreamer who dreams
fair dreams and makes his dreams j
come true.
People who have been watching the
progress of the work on the erection
of the addition to the federal building;
were surprise a few days ago wnen
the men excavating lor the founda
tions struck a strata of concrete and !
bricks almost ten feet below the street
level. The presence of the strata of
concrete puzzled a good many persons
because of its deptn and the solidity
with which It had been put down.
Tills strip of concrete was the foun
dation of the pressroom of the Har
rlsburg Patriot In years gone by. For
years the Patriot was located in the
Dock building at Third and Straw
berry streets, where the Hariacker
grocery used to be. In May, 1875, 13.
F. Meyers, then the proprietor, be
came State printer, and it was neces
sary to enlarge the plant. The news
paper was then established in the
new printing house at Third and Lo
cust streets, being right opposite the
site of the present temporary post
office. There the Patriot was pub
lished until .November, 1878, when the
building was bought by the United
States government and was demolished
in course of time for the present
building and its lawn. The pressroom
was very deep and located along the
Locust street side with a cement tloor.
The nwspaper press was In this press
room and the job and book presses on
the tirst floor, and that the press had
a most excellent foundation is demon
strated by the appearance of the con
crete at this late day. The concrete
was laid on bricks and stones, which
were found to have been put on top of
the slate which furnishes the bed rock.
The Patriot moved late in 1878 to
Market and Dewberry streets, where
it was published until it removed to
Markot Square In the Spring of 1906.
D. J. McDermott, secretary of the
Berks County Agricultural Society,
which was here recently, is arranging
for an event which people In Dauphin
and Cumberland could well afford to
copy. It is to be a "good roads" car
nival. during which federal experts on
road building and on practical farm
ing, Including men from the county,
will make visits and encourage good
road making. The supervisors of the
county will be invited and efforts will
bo made to boost the roads in rural
districts where improvement is needed.
State highway officials will assist
wherever possible.
Colonel James E. Barnett, former
State Treasurer and commander of
the Tenth Regiment, was here a few
days this week on business and took
occasion to look about the city.
Colonel Barnett is a descendant of
the Rev. John Elder, the famous
"fighting parson," and his own middlt>
name is Elder. He is greatly inter
ested in the preservation of the papers
of the parson, about whom so much
has been written.
Dr. J. H. Kreider, the former countj
chairman of the Bull Moosers and now
candidate for Congress, is of the
opinion that the Roosevelt movement
is not dead yet. The other evening
the doctor was walking along Third'
street with a friend when a couple of
-toys who happened to pass by rec
ognized him and yelled "Hurrah for
teddy!" The doctor smiled and told
his companion to kindly note the
words. /
The wholesale changes in the sched
ile of the Pennsylvania Railroad have
wrought havoc among some of the
old-established and well-Known trains
and among those which have dis
appeared from the time table are the
>n!y familiar Day and Main Line ex
presses. Time was when Day ex-press
was the crack afternoon train for
Philadelphia after Limited, east, and
Main Line was put on to take care of
the travel which could not be accom
modated on Day. These trains were
known far and wide and while never
very speedy or even equipped in tne
top-notch style they were popular be
cause of the time they left here and
reached Philadelphia.
"What's the reason they had a Jef
ferson day dinner in Philadelphia last
night and that they are not going to
have Jefferson day here until April
13?" asked a bewildered Democrat of
a man connected with educational
matters yesterday. The educator
thought a minute and remarked that
both sets of celebrators were right.
"It's this way," he explained. "When
Jefferson was born the old-style cal
endar was in vogue and he was born
on April 2. Before he became so
prominent, however, the change in
the calendar to make it catch up had
been made and he was born on April
13. It's the same thing with Wash
ington. if you remember. By the old
style he was born on February 11,
but by the new calendar on the *22 d."
This explanation caused the man wno
follows politics to chuckle, because,
as he said: "The wings of the Dem
ocracy are so far apart that they
cannot even agree upon a date to cele
brate the birth of their patron saint."
She was riding on an Allison Hill
car, wearing a fetching hat with a
high feather of the modern shape.
Hanging on a strap, she failed to ob
serve the bell cord swinging overhead,
and when the conductor pulled the
rope, feather, hat and all rose toward
the top of the ear. Everybody
laughed, Including the wearer of the
hat, and the Incident furnished amuse
ment for the rest of the trip.
—C. P. Byrnes, mine inspector in
the Monongahela d'strict, says that
over 6,000."00 tons floated down the
stream In 1913.
—Robert C. Hall. Pittsburgh broker,
well known here, is seriously 111.
—Fred Bartleson, postmaster of
Sharps'-ille, closed sixteen years in
that office on April 1. He expects to
go soon.
—Altha Moser, prominent Union
town man. has returned from Florida.
—Bishop Rogers Israel, of Erie, has
been spending a vacation In Maryland.
—John R. Valentine, of Philadel
phia. is on his way home after an
extended tour of Europe.
ItEFt'DUCANS comix; back
[From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.]
One »of the chief troubles with good
people Is that they have an overplus
of independence. Frequently they de
feat their dearest wishes by register
ing their dissent so emphatically that
they dissipate the power which should
he used for constructive and curative
work. The way to save a ship from
sinking is not to desert it, but to stick
to the pumps and calk the gaping
seams. The 1918 enrollment all over
the State shows the Republicans real
ized this After th* debacle of 1813.
Ryanites Start to Make Up List to
Oppose the Jersey Slate For
This State
i i
Northumberland Man Willing to Go
to Congress—Members
Filing Petitions
' ___ '
Apparently the Ryan faction of the
Stute Democracy does not propose to'
allow the reorganization factionists to
get away with the Wilson slate for the I
Democrats of Pennsylvania. Yester-j
day many of the men who gathered in
Philadelphia to attend the big dinner
for Michael J. Ryan determined to go
out and fight the McCormiek slate all
along the line. The question of a can
didate against Palmer was left in
abeyance, it being stated that several!
men are under consideration.
According to statements made in i
Philadelphia papers, Dr. Henry Sum-,
mervllle, of Cambria county, may be i
boomed for Lieutenant-Governor I
against the redoubtable "Farmer"
Creasy, who seems to have caught up |
with the McCormiek band wagon at.
State College yesterday. A. W. Bet
terly, of Luzerne, was boomed for
Secretary of Internal Affairs against
Colonel W. T. Mechling, of Butler,
suggested by the bosses some time
Charles McAvoy, of Montgomery
county, was named as chairman of a
committee to arrange for the rest of
the ticket against the machine slate.
R. M. Matson, BrookviUe, to-day filed
a petition to be a candidate for Con
gress in the Twenty-seventh Congres
sional District on the Democratic
ticket. Petitions for nomination to
the House were filed to-day as fol
lows: James Keegan. Jr., Elverson,
present member. Democrat, Second
Fayette; Nelson J. Spencer, Hones
dale, Democrat, Wayne county; J. H.
Wilson, Clarion, present member,
Democrat, Clarion county; August
Klose, Ford City, Republican, Arm
strong county; D. D. Cunningham, Ell
wood City, Republican, Lawrence
county. Representatives C. L. Schucl:,
Monessen, Second Westmoreland, and
Wesley J. Price, Monroe county, filed
papers last night for renomination.
Representative W. H. Kern, Red Hill,
filed a paper to run for Senator in
Montgomery on the Democratic ticket.
William Wilhelm, of Pottsville, one
of the bandmasters in the Bull Moose
movement, and the right bower of
Judge Charles N. Brumm
in the Washington party
Wilhelm affairs in Schuylkill, is
May Enter said to have some ambi-
Ganipaign tions to run for the Su
preme Court and yester
day a paper in his inter
est was circulated in West Philadel
phia, However, Wilhelm's boom will
hardly go very far because West Phila
delphia is the happy hunting ground
of Dean Lewis, whose campaign for
the Bull Moose nomination for Gov
ernor is being opposed by Judge
Brumm. It is believed that Wilhelm's
love of a fight will cause him to en
ter, although it is recognized that in
his own county he would have pre
cious little show against Judge Kun
kel As a matter of fact the Kunkel
campaign is going so hard that even
in Allegheny county the partisans of
Judge- Frazer are becoming alarmed,
and the neighbors of Judge Endllch
in Berks sitting up and taking notice.
Ex-Senator Fred A. Godcharles, of
Milton, is now being boomed for one
of the Republican nominations for
Congress - at - larere.
He was talked of two
years ago, but de- Godcharles
cided to keep out of Boomed For
it. Representative Washington i
John R. K. Scott, of
Philadelphia, and
Congressman John M. Morin, of Pitts
burgh. figure in the gossip as likely
candidates and friends of Colonel
Thomas S Crago, of 4 Green county,
and of ex-Auditor General A. E. Sis
son are mentioning their names. The
machine Democrats have slated Rob
ert S. Bright, of Philadelphia; Bruce
Sterling, Fayette, and Joseph O'Brien,
of Scranton, for the honors, leaving
one hole open for some peg willing to
stand the gaff.
Samuel T. Kinsinger, ex-Council
man from uptown, has decided to be
a sure-enough candidate for one of
the Democratic nomina
tions for the House in
Klnslngcr the city district, and in
Will Stay spite of the wails of the
to Finish friends of the perennial
Lybarger, he persists in
being a candidate. It Is
said that John A. Marshall and Calder
B. Shammo, who are also in the ring,
welcome the fray, but Lybarger, who
has been licked so much, does not
want to have serious opposition. Kin
singer is an uptown businessman. In
the county Pat Craven refuses to with
draw as a cadidate for the House
against H. B. Sassaman, a reorgani
zation boomer.
—Centre county is being made a
battleground this year. McCormiek
was In State College yesterday. The
Ryan men are going in there and
Dean Lewis promises to add to its
—W. W. Roper, Federal appraiser in
Philadelphia, organized a club and last
night one-third of its members voted
against endorsing the White House
—Representatives Shern and Roney,
of Philadelphia, will not return.
—lndiana county enrollment was
5,860 Republicans, 1,754 Democrats
and 1.408 Washington.
—Wonder if Ryan will do like De
walt and challenge his rival for the
Democratic nomination for a debate.
—Tioga county Democrats are said
to be spilt over the gubernatorial
—Dimmick had a great time yes
terday in Blair county.
—Joe Howley. new United States
marshal, is well knoym here. He has
always been a reorganizer of some
kind or other. This is his first office.
—Pinchot spoke yesterday at Beth
lehem on the cost of living. Anyway,
it never worried him in his life.
I NW o s P^m,^ A 7l
[From the Telegraph of April 8, 1884.]
Cavalry Stronger
Ringgold, April 1. The cavalry
force of the enemy has been augmented
within the past few days and wow
amounts to about 6,00 ft. They are en
camped in a valley at the foot of a
rocky-faced ridge from Tunnel Hill to
Varness Station and Red Clay, which
they hold.
To Aid Forrest
Memphis. March 30. ~ General Mc-
Cullough is reported en route North
with 25.000 rebels to reinforce F<orrest.
He Is reported near Jackson, Tenn.. to
day. <
I a-ume-nonaenae I ij
'' '' '' WISHED HE j
"Who Is that strange-looking man
over there, who is staring at me so t
much?" . .. '
"Oh, that is Professor Jenkins, the
famous expert on Insanity."
Br Wins Dinger
I'll tell you it's real living.
At this time of the year.
When things begin to bud and green
And songs of bird we hear.
Get up at six these morning
And stir around a bit.
Breathe In the pure ozone
And start out feeling tit-
Watch Nature at her duties
With trees and flowers, too.
You'll be a heap more cheerful
'Bout w»ork you have to do.
Take pattern after children,
Why, say, they're happiest
When watching for the bluebird
And old Robin Redbreast
They're closer to Ma Nature
Than all us older folks,
And they are living real lives,
While ours are mostly jokes.
So take a tip and get up
In morning's early hours,
And, like the kids, get pleasure
From life with birds and flowers.
Every mail carries out of Washington
thousands of letters and articles wr.l
ten by vigorous and busy newspaper
men who have been engaged to exploit I
the various departments. Enough ma- ,
terlal goes out dally to fill the space of
all the newspapers, magazines and peri
odicals In the country. Some of these
reports are real "newß" and are eag
erly utilized by the press. Others con
tinue the old conventional dullness of
Government documents.
This movement shows that Govern
ment executives are not only looking
toward a regulation of public affairs in
railroads and public utilities, but have
adopted tiie plan of commercial organi
zations in exploiting their work, real
izing that if the genius of the age .s
business, the genius of business Is ad
Singularly free from personal allu
sions, the presswork of Uncle Sam sent
out by mimeograph has been the mark
ed feature of the present administra
tion; and it is felt that through this
means public opinion may be moulded
to investigate and by those things
which it is felt are worthy of public at
tention. However much It may Inter
fere with the energetic correspondence
of the Press Associations, a policy of
valuable Ivestlgatlon and suggestion
hps been initiated In the press service
of the various departments.—"Affairs at
Washington." Joe Mitchell Chappie, In
National Magazine for January. 1914.
rF"om the Philadelphia Public Ledger. 1
How lontr can the carnival of bar
hurltv be allowed to continue In Mexico
•>nd the United States keen her self
aspect and the esteem of the vest of
the wor'd? The Monroe Doctrine was
"lire a formula accented bv hurone as
a eruarantee of neace on lh(s continent,
mow It seems to be a fet'sh for absolv
'ne ArneHen from objura
tions implied bv n-lvlloceo accorded by
other nat'ons Whpt rt'-M have we to
"oppiii Im-f'-nlH#*® and th<*n evade the
>-osr>on t ih' l 'tles that belong to them by
'be law of sequence?
Bv our att't"do of encn«r».»ement to
wa"d the revolutionists, h" our pre
""mntwnu* v»tn of va'ldltv of anv
elootlon ordered bv Huertn hi' our em
v'orTo ooliev. bv our willingness to
-*'i-e secret rneonra"omrnt to <"*arran
"a'c ban'lt eeners'lssimo Villa, and
'n a seorp of tnelt a«s»rnnt'on"> and re
'ationlshins. we are aotuallv lntervon
'nsr bv Indirection. There is a sophis
trv and casuistrv about it that we run
mot be nrond of. and all thousrhtful
stand in an anoloeretic atti
tude toward the countries of the world.
It Is refreshing In these days of bit
ter political flphts to find now and then
that srood o]d-fashloned. flat-footed re-
Metlous prlnclnie, "faith in God." which
inspired the founders of the Govern
ment. is still extant In official life. Sec
retary of State Bryan has been a con
sistent "defender of the faith." and
however people may differ with him no-
Utically, those who know him love him
for his strong, simple convictions which
he does not hesitate to express when
lie declares:
"Man needs faith In God to
strengthen him In his hours of trial,
and he needs It to give him courage to
do the work of life. How can one fiirht
for a prlnclnie unless he believes In the
tri"mnh of the rlarht?
"How can he believe In the triumph
of the rlarht If he does not b»lieve that
fiod stands back of the truth and that
fJod is ab'e to brlncr victory to truth?
The minister of faith, bellevin* that
every word spoken for truth will have
its inflnence, and that no blow struck
for rlehteousness will be struck In
vain, flsrhts on without asking whether
he Is to fall In the beginning of the
battle or live to join in the shouts of
triumph. He knows not whether he Is
to live for truth or to die for it. and If
he has the fa'th he ought to have, he Is
readv to die for It as to live for it.
"Affairs at Washington," Joe Mitchell
rhapnle, In National Magazine for
January, 1914.
IFnom the Philadelphia Public Ledger. 1
Wilson Bailey, accredited collector of
funds for the Democratic State commit
tee, Is grievously In error If he assume
that his present attitude of contempt
for the public and for public opinion
will be to'cated by the pe»oole. We
have lon«r sjto departed from the beaten
political path pursued successfullv by
men o* the Ballev type. The peonl'e
have a right to know who Is solicited
for funds In the Interests of a party,
and they have a rlarht to know the
amount of each contribution. In most
States laws bearing up»on this very
subject have been passed and thev have
nroved of wholesome effect.
j— ————————_____
The Reliable House For
YOHN BROS. Market" ffqnare
Democrats Filling the Foreigners Purse
[Editorial from the Public Ledger, Philadelphia.]
The effect of Democratic bedovllment
of business Is reflected more clearly In I
the custom house returns than any- j
where else. They show that there has >
been a falling off of $40,000,000 in duti- j
able Imports during the tlrst four |
months of the new tariff law, In com- j
parls*on with the corresponding period
a year ago. This decline is at tho rato ]
of $120,000,000 a year, In spite of the
fact that the duties have been reduced.
Tho reason for this astounding slump i
In foreign purchasing is found In the
demoralization of business. The home |
producer has not benefited by the sale ]
of his own products to take tho place i
of those usually lyought abroad, be
cause people have not been buying!
goods. They are waiting to seo what
; else Congress will do, and revenue
producing business is falling off at the
annual rate of net.
The Increase of free imports by
1 $12,000,000 Is due to the preference that
[the Democrats have shown for the for
eign producer <over the American
farmer, cattle raiser and manufacturer,
1 a preference that Abraham Lincoln
never could countenance. He did not
pretend to be a tariff expert ana did '
j not have much use for theories of any
kind; but he was gifted with enough |
plain horse sense to understand what .
going abroad for goods meant. His
Gettysburg speech is a classic, but he
did not compress In it so much as he
did when he said:
I do not know much about the
tariff, but I know this much, when
we buy manufactured goods abroad
we get the goods and the foreigner
gets tho money. When wo buy
manufactured goods at home wo
get both the goods and tho rmoney.
Protection Is epitomized In these
words In which there Is no suggestion
of a competitive tariff, or of free trade,
or of a tariff for revenue. The Repub
lican party has been striving to carry
out the admirable policy of developing
the industries of the country so that it
might produce th«» goods and get the
money for them, in Lincoln's way.
But tho Democrats, with their "latest
Inept muddling with matters with
which their Inexperience disqualifies
them to deal, have succeeded In bene
"i'PS. the foreigner by the free entry
of $12,000,000 worth of goods In the first
four months of their law In excess of
the amount entered under the old law.
And what are these goods? A consider
able amount of them is wool of various
[From the Telegraph of April 8, 1864.]
Beautiful Garden
One of the most beautifully arranged
gardens In the city, is that which sur
rounds the residence of Mr. D. D. Boas,
In Front street above Locust.
I'reaches First Sermon
Yesterday the Rev. D. A. L. Laverty
preached his introductory sermon In
the Fourth Street Bethel in the pres
ence of a large and attentive congre
[Frorn the Wilkes-Barre Record. 1
Announcement of tremendous reduc
tions In the working force of the Penn
sylvania Railroad and "of further re
ductions to be made, coupled with the
announcement that the New York Cen
tral is preparing to lay off about 25,000
men, is being met with various expla
nations In newspapers friendly to tho
administration. They are up against
the task of explaining the depression
in some way not Inimical to the ad
Sunday Schools' Rousing Parade For
Temperance Movement
Start at 7:15 P. M. at Front and Market Streets
Division 1. Hill Section, all schools east of the railroad.
Form on Chestnut street, right resting on Front street.
Division 2. Boy Scouts, brigades, etc., from city.
Form on North street.
Division 3. Schools south of Market street, and from Steelton.
Form on Pine street.
Division 4. Delegations from out of town. Form on Locu6t street.
Division o. Colored delegation. Form on South street.
Division 6. All ecliools north of Market street. Form on State street
Friday Evening,
Friday Evenini, Btoo O'clock
II Your Opp:rtunLy ) j|
|! With Saturday |Jj
With Saturday's issue the Telegraph closes its
great coupon offer enabling its readers to obtain
Thrilling tales of wonderful power and absorbing
interest by the great French master of romance.
The Few Sets
Will be distributed among the first applicants.
Clip the Coupon on Page 2
grades, wool that can be produced in
Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and Colorado
and a number of other States. Jdiore 1
than $4,700,000 worth of clothing wool ,
was admitted free In December and /
January, against only a little more f
than 12,000,000 in the same period under
the Payne-Aldrlcli law, and $!),404,0u0 s
worth of clothing, carpet and combing
wool camo in during these llrnt two
months of the free w<ool clause to
amount greater by $2,400,000 than the
amount Imported in the last flvo
months of the Payne tariff.
But neither clothing nor carpets are
I any cheaper than they used to be, and
the carpet makers and the tailors du
I not promise to reduce prices after thßv
new wiwols have been woven IntJPl
fabrics, The solo benefit of the redu<V S
tlon will be folt by the wool growera
of Uruguay and of Australia and of
Argentina and other wool-producing
countries. The Australian Imports
tions, for example. Jumped from $37,000
In October and November to $1,100.000
In December mid January, and Uru
guay. which sent almost nunc here be
fore December I, sold to the United
States more than $300,000 worth In tho
first two months «>f free wool. Tlio
I Democrnts are legislating for Soutn
j America and the islands of the bea,
I while the wool growers ol' then- own
: country may so hang for all they care,
j The wool StutCi do not go Democratic
I and deserve no consideration,
j They care no more for the manufac
turers of w*ool than for the sheep
I raisers, for they lowered tho duties on
' woolen dress sroods. and in January
i $1,217,000 worth of them were brought,
in at the lower rate, or about a third
as much in one month as had come in
during the whole previous fiscal year.
And the women have t*o pay just a*
much'for a dress made of these good 3
as they did before the tariff was re
duced. It is the foreigner who gets
the benefit, and the domestic producer
who has to suffer from foreign eom
i pe'ltion.
The Democrats planned to give the
I foreigner American money f>or his
goods, instead of buying American
goods from American producers and
keeping both goods and money at
home, in Lincoln's ,r.-ay. The only
reason they have not succeeded better
In carrying out this foolish plan lies in
the general state of uncertainty that
their whole legislative program has
ministration and Its policies. The most
popular explanation is that the rail
roads are being hard pressed becauso
| their demand for a 5 per cent, inereasa
In freight rates has not yet been grant
j ed. Consequently they are unable to
| make improvements and must econo
i mize in every way possible.
The friends of the administration are
trying to put the best face upon the
situation, but when worklngmen arolag
forced int'u Idleness after having beeulß
accustomed to steady work for years 1
they are not likely to accept any old
If the Panama Canal can separata
North and South America, it Is not suv.
prising that It should sever the Democ
racy.—Philadelphia Public Ledger.
He who does something at the
head of one regiment, surpasses
him who does nothing at the head
of a hundred.—Lincoln.