———■————— —— i—————„ —_—|—,^_■^——■——— Golden Opportunities Are Offered in These Small Advertisements ™ *J-*mmrn—m.mmmmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmmmmmm—mmm—mmmmmmmm l mmmmmmmm.mm————mmmmm—mmmm—mmmmm.—mmmmm^^———^ DIED QLENNEN On March 26, 1914, Mrs. Philip Glennen, at her late residence, 691 South Front street. Funeral on Monday morning, at 9 o'clock, from the Cathedral. Kindly omit flowers. HELP WAVTED —Male A BOY to work In bakery. One with experience. Apply 45 North Four teenth street. BE DETECTIVES Big Pay—Easy work, travel, wonderful opportunities. Experience unnecessary. Write Fidel ity Secret Service. Wheeling, • >a- BOY In jewelry store, to learn clock and watch repairing- Address G., Bt>l, care of Telegraph. BOY to run errands and to make him self useful around office. Answer In own handwriting. Address 8., 86i, care of Telegraph. , BRIGHT, honest boy, about 16 years of age, to learn manufacturing Jew eler's trade. Paid while learning. Ref erence required. Apply Mr. Abe Med nik, 331 Market street. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washington, 1 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, -Washington, D. C. HIGH-CLASS man to sell trees, nhrubs, roses, vines, berry bushes, bulbs, etc. Good wages—Permanent, Exclu sive territory. Brown Brothers Nurser ies, Rochester, New York. HONEST MAN WA.NTED in each town for special advertising work; sls a week to start; experience unneces sary; references required. Address at once McLean, Black & Co., 93 N. Bev erly street, Boston, Mass. I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvering mir rors; no capital; free instructive book let, giving of operations. G. I'. Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston. Mass. IF you are Over 25 years old and on the level we'll start you in the tree and plant business. We'll stake our monej against your time —that's fair. Rig money made by men who will work. We furnish all capital, teach you the busi ness and supply everything for starting and keeping the business going. Wot one dollar are you asked to invest vour profits commence to materialize Within a week after starting. Remem ber, we furnish everything but the "Punch"—you furnish that. Part with two conts and write for plan at once. Established 1866—48 years old. Glen Brothers, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED. Splendid income assured right man to act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail. Former experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ability, am bition and willingness to learn a lucra tive business. No soliciting or travel iug. All or spare time only. This is an . exceptional opportunity for a man in your section to get into a big paying business without capital and become independent for life. Write at once for full particulars. National Co-Operative Realty Company, L-910, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. LOOM-FIXER Wanted, experienc ed loom-fixer; good salary; steady work. Apply The Bolton Hotel, between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening, or phone. Bell, 544, Lancaster, Pa., or write 410 Fremont street, Lancaster, Pa. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; no experience necessary; fine opport-* nlty; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address K., 714, care of Telegraph. PAPERHANGERS WANTED. Good j wages. Also boy that understands something about the business, (i. Mi Moore, No. 918 Capital street SALESMEN WANTED to sell Cae<d Liquors and Specialties to the Snloon trade. Samples free. T. Fairbanks Si Co., 3110 West Lake street. Chicago. $75.00 MONTH paid Government Rail- | way Mall Clerks. Parcel Post mean* many appointments. Harrisburg exami-. nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 361-L, Rochester, N. Y. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT in Bpare tiino at home. Mail order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED—FemaIe A GIRL, or young woman, familiar with a girl's work on a farm, or willing to learn. Bell phone A 5-85. A THOROUGHLY experienced button hole operator on power machine. Steady work, good wages, at Jennings' Manu facturing Co., 414-116 State street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY', perma nent, for woman not under 25 or over 45 years of age. Address M., 854, care of Telegraph. FIFTY experienced operators for fewlng on power machines; paid while le&rnlng. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Keystone Laundry Co., corner Harris and Wallace streets. HONEST WOMEN WANTED in each town to demonstrate well-kn(jwn ar ticle; sls a week to start or 30 'cents ait hour for spare time; experience unnec essary. McLean, Black & Co., u3 N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. LADIES Sewing at home; material furnished; no canvassing; steady work; stamped envelope for particulars. Calu met Supply Co., Dept. A-73, Milwaukee, Wis. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the beat dressmaking schools In America. Make your own dreßses while learning. Night and Day classes. Work's Dress making School, 22 North Fourth street FOR RENT HOUSES 1908 Greenwood St., 3 a. f., 8 r.,..911 2141 Atlas St., -iVt s. b.. 7 r. & b., *l3 218 Mulberry St., 2 s. b, J r. ... sl3 ISOO S. 12th St., 2 s. b., S r $l« 1535 S. 13th St., 2 s. b.. 8 r $1« 326 Strawberry Ave., 3 s. b., 8 r.. 920 1623 Market St., 3 s. b., 8 r., f2T.no 1108 Green St, 3 8. b., 8 r. b 930 2014 N. 3d St., 3 s. b.. 9 r. &. b., MO 1024 S. 18th St., 2>£ s. b., 8 r. & b , 935 1527 N. Second St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r., b. & front porch, side entrance, $-13 Newport Marshall property—fur nished house, stable and 2 acres of ground. APARTMENTS 311 S. 17th St., third floor house keeping apartment 938 128 Walnut St, second floor housekeeping apartment 3 rooms and bath city steam heat. 108 X. Second St., 4th floor housekeeping apartment C rooms and bath city steam heat *.. c 950 The Donaldson —Second, near Locust street very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms (no housekeeping) STORE ROOMS AND OFFICES 408 Market St., room on 3d floor, 910 412 Market St., two rooms ... 930 325 Market 8«„ store room. 25xi60 ft 323 Broad St., 3-storv brick and basement (24x125 ft. to rear alley* 612-020 Market St., United States Hotel property lO rooms—entire or by floors. Mlddletona —• Store room on Union street $35 Miller Bros. & Neefe I.oeiMt and Court Street*. SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry. State street, rear entrance. TWENTY MORE thoroughly experi enced operators on power machines. Jennings' Manufacturing Co.. 414-416 State street. Waited-100 Girls CIGAR MAIEIS Suction Table Work, Rollers and Bunch Makers. SteaSy Work Guaranteed. Apply Royal Havaaa Ggar Mfg. Co. 107 and 109 East Saratoga St. Baltimore, Md. WOMEN CANVASSERS; Perfumes, Soaps. Toilet and Household Necessi ties: $9.00 weekly salary, or commis sion. Credit. Sample case loaned. Rebscher, Dept. A-3, Rochester, N. Y. HELP AY ANTED—MaIe and Female I. WE WILL PAY TOU $120.00 to dis tribute religious literature in your com munity. Sixty days' work. Experience not required. Man or woman. Oppor tunity for promotion. Spare time may be used. International Bible Press, Philadelphia. MEN AND WOMEN Get busy. Our rapid-selling specialty unequalled. Don't miss this opportunity. Investi gate at once. The Bower Supply Co., 107 East Simpson street, Mechanics burg, Pa. WILL pay Reliable Man or Woman $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. Ward Borax Co., 21d Institute Place, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MoIe ELEVATOR MAN wants position. Ad dress Box X, 866, care of Telegraph. GENERAL office man, experienced, thoroughly familiar with filing sys tems, rapid and accurate stenographer, desires to locate in or near Harrisburg. Address C., 870, care of Telegraph. SALESMAN AND SOLICITOR, experi enced, desires position; references. P. O. Box 271, Lykens, Pa. YOUNG man wants office work sev eral hours each day or week; thorough ly experienced; can operate typewriter and tako work to be dono at home, if necessary. Address Box 859, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe BY experienced white woman, wash ing and ironing to do at home; all work guaranteed. Call 333 South Sixteenth street. BY white woman, position at general housework. Foreign birth; can speak several languages. Fannie Kranth, 167 Christian street, Steelton, Pa. COI/3RED girl desires position as chambermaid, or cook. In hotel. Call, or address, 1210 Wallace street. COLORED girl wishes cooking, or general housework, in small family, in or out of he city; can give good refer ence. Apply 110 Mary avenue. _ DAY'S work. 1733 North Seventh street. PLAIN SEWING by day. Address Box G, 868, care of Telegraph. WHITE woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or ad dress, 1851 Swatara street. WOMAN wants washing and ironing to do at home. Call 927 Grand street. WOMAN wishes nursing during con finement or general sickness; experi enced. Call, or address 2022 Wallace street. City. AGENTS W ANTED HONEST MAN WANTED In each town to distribute free advertising; sls a week to start; experience unneces sary; references required. Address McLean, Blac.. & Co., 93 N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. AGENTS Men and Women. Sell Fertilizers. Spring season just open ing. Experience unnecessary. Write for particulars to-day. Consumers Fertilizer Co., Dept. 27, 1476 Broadway, New York. REMARKABLE proposition for good agent, male or female. No plans, print ed mater or big outfits for sale. Fine profit, magnificent premiums. Box 6, Washington Bridge Station, New York. AGENTS in every town. Best sell ing household article. Start now. Large demand for goods. Big profits. Success assured. Investigate to-day. Pulaski Specialty Co., Pulaski, Pa. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell a necessary houheold article. Every woman wants it. Agents making hig money now. Write to-day. Zercher Sales Co., Pomeroy, Pa. INVESTIGATE TO-DAY. Fast selling article. Great demand. Large profits for Live Agents. Success assured. Send for particulars. The Brumbach Special ty Co., Seldersville, Pa. EITHER sex can build permanent business. 100 per cent, profit. A sale at nearly every house. Write imme diately for particulars. Tho Ashland Co., Doylestown, Pa. OPPORTUNITY for Live Agents to handle our splendid brand new house hold specialty. Big profits. Particulars free. Le Verne Mfg. Co., 1107 Calvert Bldg.. Baltimore, Md. AGENTS niake SI.OO on every sale of article Indispensable to automobile owners; $lO per day easily made; small priced article. The Higgins Co., 42 Broadway, N. Y. WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS are coining money with our easily demonstrated specialties. Write to-day for particu lars and new catalog. Progress Supply Co., 2825 Moore avenue, Indianapolis lud. AGENTS Earn big pionev every day. Best proposition out; self-seller write to-day for particulars. Bell Spec lalty Co:, Pox 13". Elizabeth City. N. C. MALE OR FEMALE. No experience needed to earn big income. Send for our 1!»14 winner. Eastern Novelty Co Post Office Building, Phoenlxville, Pa.' HUSTLERS In e%'ery locality. House hold necessity. If making less than S3O P® r ™ s «H, wrlte to The T. C. Brewster Co., !)04 Penn street, Reading, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCE unnecessary. easv work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering oportunitles to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn Address Dept. 417, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMAN. Experienced, high-grade specialty, who has worked with Jobbinc grocery salesmen. State age. references past experience. Straight salary and expenses. Leberman Sons, 2616 Collins street, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN WANTED to sell low priced Dress Goodß, Blankets and Com forts to retail stores. Good commis sion. Desirable side line. Schuylkill Mills, Box I 1&2, Philadelphia, Pa. CIGAR SALESMAN* WANTED Ex perience not necessary. We pav s's 00 per week salary, und allow $».Oo" per day for expenses. Continental Cltar Company, Wichita, Kansas. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE New litouses Reaay nciiii-bunicaloir style kou»fi, i (irf»n and Woodbine Streets, now ready for occupancy. Excellent lo cation. Modern throughout. Indi vidual porchea Steam Heat i Hardwood Floors Open Fire place Tile Bathroom I-aundrj lu Cellar Combination Gas and Electric Fixtures excellent finish throughout. Sample house open for inspection. Representative al ways on ground. For prices and terms consult C. 1.. Lop( t Green and Woodbine streets. (72) ACRES (Home) two out build ings. abundance spring water (10) acres woodland, nearly level stil (op portunity) for poultry, fruit and truck gardens, low price (sl,oooi. ((Second Kami) joining (118) acres (20) oak (chestnut) pine valued ($ 1,400> lino painted buildings ($3,200) two choice fruit orchards ($1,200) abundance flow ing water, hot beds, strawberries (grapes) quinces, raspberry, hay. (straw) cornfodder (12) acres Winter Grain (12) hayland. possession at once. Price ($3,600). Quick Sale both to gether only ($4,000). Quarter mile to Trolley. (Ono mile) to Market (15,000) people. Photos. (Bargain) of a Life time. GEO. E. OSTRANDER, Danville. Pa. WILBUR LAND SALE House lots. $79 to $179, five and ten dollars down, 50c week; 15 per cent, discount for cash. No interest or taxes for two years. FItEE lot in case of death. Guarantee against loss on account of sickness or loss of work. TITLE GUAR ANTEED. We are OWNERS, not agents. We buy for cash. Have agencies in 71 cities. Address Agent Wilbur Land Co., P. O. Box 364, Har risburg. Make appointment, quick, to secure these lots. ONE of the finest homes in Mechan icsburg, Pa. possession can be given at once llO feet frontage 286 feet deep —ls rooms gas electric lights steam heat bath speak ing tubes hardwood floors bay windows nice, old shade. An Ideal spot can be bought at a right price. F. S. Mumma & Son. Real Estate and In surance Agents. Mechanicsburg, Pa. FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs street, between Second and Third; S rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri fice if sold this Spring. Address S. 0., No. 1001, care of Telegraph. IN CAMP HILL New Bungalow Never been occupied located on Bow man avenue 7 rooms, bath and steam heat corner property gas kitchen —open fireplace electric light lot, 40x140. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 8-ACRE FARM; all necessary build ings; water In house; Ideal place for poultry; 5 minutes' walk north of Beaver subway, beneath Reading Rail way; on Hummelstown car line. In quire T. C. Bailey, on premises. SO ACRES located one and one half miles south of Camp Hill brick house 7 rooms bank barn ll acres woodland Yellow Breeches Creek on rear. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. NEW HOUSE, Hamacher and Eschle man streets, Hlghspire Pressed brick —slate roof and hardwood finish porch —steam heat gas electric light. A bargain. Easy terms. Apply llar rtsburg Trust Co. NEW property, corner Regina and Reservoir streets—all modern improve ments yellow pressed brick 9 rooms and bath. Size, 19x86. Price $4,200. Inquire A. F. Werner. 213 Chestnut street. BUSINESS PROPERTIES and proper ties that can be remodeled for business in central locations - several corner properties. Price and all particulars at our offices. Bell Realty Co., Berg uer Building. 8 2460 N. SIXTH ST. 3-story brick— ! 8 rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porch lot, 15x135 possession at once. Price, $3,100.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets 812: CAPITAL STREET, 3-story brick i dwelling 8 rooms and bath hot' and coid water hot water heating i plant side entrance ■ — centrally lo cated. M. A. Fought. 27 2 North street. RESIDENCE on From street. Rock- : vllle; frame; 9 rooms; siate roof; paved street; one minute from trolley. Call or write, H. R. Shirk, Sixth above Dl- I vision street, Harrisburg, Pa. SEVERAL new brick houses for sale —all improvements now yielding 8 ! per cent. net. on the investment. Prices. ; sl,i 50 to $2,300. Ask for our list. Bell I Realty Co., Bergner Building. HOUSES FOR SAI.E IX E>OLt ; NOS H--147-149 COLUMBIA KOAD. 1 Most desirable location. Liberal terms i inquire C. D. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma j clay street. Harrisburg. 2140 PENN STREET 3-story brick dwelling hot and cold water—steam iieut front porch 8 rooms anu bath —side entrance. M. A. Fought 272 I North street. TWO three-story houses, one brlek aDd one frame, on Sixth street near Muench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1838 North Sixth street 2120 PENN STREET, 3-story brick dw-elllng 8 rooms and bath hot and cold water furnace front porch. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steam heated, Vapor system. Inquire 210 Pine Street. Phone 3687. COMPARATIVELY new 8-room brlek house, with bath and conveniences, 1731 East State street. Large front porch, side entrance, paved street with fiower plot in center. Price reasonable and finances arranged as desired. Ap ply I. B. Swartz, 108 North Second street. Bell phone 1826. FOR KENT BEAUTIFUL up-to-date 8-room house, 1805 State street; bath; steam heat; combination fixtures; laundry tubs; large porches; fine view; refined location. Call at 1209 North Third, Cameron building. FOR RENT MARSHALL PROPERTY furnished house, stable and 2 acres of ground— mile east of P. R. R. Station at New port, Perry County. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Harrisburg. 1841 Zarker street $20.00 1434 Berrvhill street 20.00 1348 Nortli street 18.00 Suburban homestead 25.00 1500 Walnut street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market street. 2328 GARFIELD AND DERRY STS.— Seven rooms und bath all conveni ences brand new house heat fur nished above Geo. Kichman & Son's Grocery Store. Apply above address. 1 1527 NORTH SECOND STREET desirable house lO rooms and bath— electric lights front and side porches —possession at once s4s. Miller! Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595. NEW 8-roora house, at Edgeinont. one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots are <ox 120. with stable. G. S. Hart man. gg North Twelfth street. City. , HARRISBURG TELEORSPH HEAL ESTATE FOK RENT FOR KENT 1108 GREEN ST. - 3-story brick S rooms bath steam heat front porch s3O. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court Streets. 230 PEFFER STREET, 10 rooms, with all Improvements. Rent. $25.00 por month. Inquiro Samuel Katzman, 1207 North Seventh street. 426 S. SEVENTEENTH STREET, three-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; all improvements; $20.00. Apply Back enstoss, 1425 >4 Derry street. 225 BOAS STREET 9 rooms and bath improvements hall good location rear entrance. Rent, $30.00. Apply 815 Green street. NO. 1734 MARKET STREET, new brick house with steam heat. Rent, S3O. 1251 Market street. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT AT OR FOR SALE AT $3,800 An 8-room brick house slate roof porchea steam heat all improve ments lot. 118x220 ft. Camp 11111 Heights, 8 minutes' walk from trolley. Call Bell phone 3048 L 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. APARTMENTS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED second floor; 3 rooms, bath; 20 ft. balcony; very cheer ful. Steam heat and gas for light housekeeping furnished. Apply 1409 Vernon street. FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, from April 1 to October 1, 6 rooms. S3O. References exchanged. Adults only. Address Box C, 858, care of Telegraph. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT North Second street live rooms and bath all conveniences central lo cation. A., 871, care of Telegraph. APARTMENT, 5 rooms with bath; both telephone:' all improvements; very desirable for man and wife; sl6. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. FURNISHED second floor apurtment, 3 rooms, with use of bath and front Sorch. Possession at once. Call 39 orth Seventeenth street. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO adjoining rooms, third door; very desirable for young, married couple; furnished or unfurnished; rent reasonable; South Fourteenth street. Address P., 863, care of Telegraph Office. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for light housekeeping. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phone and bath room privileges. Also janltress service. Bishop Building, 429 Broad street. FURNISHED second floor front suite, consisting of large living room, bed room and private bath, modern in every way, reference required. 218 Pine Street. ONE furnished second floor front room; all modern Improvements; suit able for married couple or two gentle men. Apply 1217 North Second street LARGE furnished front room with steam heat, all conveniences; centrally located; for gentleman only. Apply 211 Locust stret. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with every modern convenience, including steam heat, for rent. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street, Sunday or evenings. LARGE, well-furnished, second floor, side and front. Married couple pre ferred. Apply 101 South Thirteeth street. City. FURNISHED ROOM, single or en suite, all conveniences, Including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. THREE second floor furnished or un furnished rooms, single or en suite: all rooms face street. Apply 210 Muneeh street. LARGE second-story front room for I rent: all conveniences; one block from j Capitol. 410 Br.ggs street. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT? modern conveniences. 108 North Sec ond street, Harrisburg, Pa. TWO nicety furnished rooms, for gen ! tlemen. with city heat and use of bath. I Apply 272 Briggs street | TWO unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping-, on third floor. 409 Herr j street. FURNISHED rooms, desirable loca tion. Apply 719 North Sixth street. ROOMS AND BOAKD TWO nice rooms, with all conveni ences— with board use of phone also light housekeeping. Apply 1341 Vernon street. Phone 1094 J. ROOMS WANTED PERMANENTLY, near Capitol, In pri- I vate family, by man and wife, neatly furnished room on second floor, break fast and dinner; references. Address C. 869, care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED TWO gentlemen, or man and wife, to ; room and board; use of phone. Apply ! "14 Reily street, or call 750 J. j WANTED I $3,500 at 6 per cent, on lirst mort ' gag© of North Second street property. Intention being to liquidate a present niortgage at 6 per cent. A good prop ®rty will make a <iood Investment. Address C. A. M., care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALE FOR SALE THE Board of Commissioners of Pub ; lie Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale, in front of State Capitol ; Building, at entrance Fourth and State Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., at 10 o'clock A. M., April 4. 1914, the follow ing buildings and structures upon the ; premises within tho boundaries of the proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: South Street, 410, 410 (rear), 508, 509, 513, 516, 519, 521, 604. Fourth Street, 125, 129, 145, 157. 509, 511 613. North Alley, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419, 434. 436, 438. Fifth Street, 507, 509, 510, oil. 512. Filbert Street, 400, 512, 514, 531, 532. Cranberry Street. 404, 418. Cowden Street, 502, 504, 511. Walnut Street, 414, 416, 504, 818. State Street, 802, 604, 606, 608, 610, 611, 612, 613. South Alley, 612, 614. Tanners Street, 119. Short Street, 108. North Street, 709. Angle Alley, Stable (rear 504 Wal nut Street). Tho purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by certified checks or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the prop erty to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will he given tho purchaser Immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possesion will be given immediately after the prem ises arc vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Purchaser shall state at time of their FOR SALE offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by tin- Commonwealth, which In no case shall lie longer than 60 dn.vs. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissionern of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be performed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE—The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent C. P. RODGERS. JR.. Secretary. FOR SALE THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have stored upon a siding of the Penn sylvania Railroad at the Bellefonte fish hatchery, Pleasant Gap, Center County, Pa., a combination baggage car fitted for the transportation of fish. The said car having become unserviceable it is now offered for sale under the Act of Assembly of May 9, 1911, P. L 107. Persons desiring to bid for this car will please make offer in writing, ad dressed to the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings, State Capl told Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Also for sale at the same place one horse, which may be seen by applying to the Superintendent of Fish Hatch eries at Pleasant Mount. Make offer to purchase In writing to the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Bids received for purchase of the above until 12:00 o'clock noon, April 14, 1914. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. ONE five-piece mahogany parlor set, one oak sideboard, one oak extension table, six leather-bottom chairs, one electric diningroom dome, one chl fonier, one enamel bed. two dressers, one waalistand, one double-parlor Ax minster carpet, one Brussels carpet, one woolen carpet. live marble slabs, suit able for restaurant, and other things. ftpply 432 State street. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole. Larness and Strap Leather. Calfskin. Kip. Dc igola. Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Canes and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest nut streets. CAMPINGS SILVER CAMPINES (Rev. Jones); fine bred from stock Imported 1911. Few pairs at $7.50. First prize winners Harrisburg Show. Beautiful In shape, color, and prolific layers. George Hors man, Park avenue, Camp Hill, Pa. LATEST style marble-top lunch counter, from Martha Washington Res taurant; 75 yards inlaid 'linoleum, 1 electric sign with flasher; store front plate glass, complete with doors; Na tional cash register, cost $350. Call 513 Walnut street. S. Meltzer. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-tima order for a classified ad If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. RRAL BARGAIN In Chick Brooders. I have three colony houses with two heating apparatuses in each house. They are built to start and rear chicks to maturity. A. H. Ranck. Stoufter's Poultry Farm, White Hill, Pa. AN old-established business, corner Fourth and Kelker streets, doing fine business —cigars, confectionery and ice cream; also fixtures, including an elec tric motor. Apply J. F. Brown, Fourth and Kelker streets. HATCHING EGOS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain in America, SI.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per hundred. Max Lauffer, Middletown, Pa. 1913 MODEL Indian Motorcycle, twin cylinder, fully equipped. In good con dition. Only run 1,500 miles. For in formation inquire 519 Muench street, after 7 P. M., or call 414 Bell phone. LUNCH ROOM In- good section of city. Positively good business and an all night trade. Owner leaving city soon. For full particulars address Box (--16, care of Telegraph. CIGARS—For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana Blended 5c Cigars tree with each Box of 50 of our Per fecto Cigars, at $1 per Box. postpaid. fenell & Co.. Red Lion. Pa. CHEAP One 144-egg Cypher's In cubator, one No. 7 Mann green bone cutter. Both In first-class condition. Price, $16.00. Call 537 Peffer street. Bell phone 2727. | USED motorcycles; all make.; over hauled and in tine condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for deni i onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North I Third street. | EGGS for hatching from 8. C. W. Orpington prize-winning stock bred to ! lay, SI.OO for 15 eggs. Joseph Edwards, I 2149 South Third street, Steelton, Pa. j EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY. $2 ' per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon, I delivered by parcel' post. Sample, 10c. j L. K. Hostelter, Route 6, Lititz, Pa. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK 1 ton capacity large covered body good as new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co., South Cameron street. INCUBATORS Buckeye standard incubator; guaranteed to hatch every hatchable egg. Holmes Seed Co., 119 : South Second street. — ONE font of 10 pt ana one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLES, 113-15-17 South Second street, 5.000 sets new uush Bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at I (1.15 per met j ELEPHANT EARS Start these In pots indoors, now; 10c, 20e and 30c each. Holmes Seed Co., 119 South Sec ond street. POOL ROOM AND CIGAR KTuRE. No reasonable offer refused. Owner leav ing city. Address K., Si 7, care of Tele graph. POOL AND BOWLING PARLOR for sale reasonable. Best location in town of over 3.000. J. H. Hornafius, Ellza bethtown. Pa. OAKLAND "30"' coupe; line condition- I price right. Inquire Paul D. Messncr! 1118 Jamus street. J 9 INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS for sale. Good layers. Inquire 80S Green street. City. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th* relcgiapti busine»* Office. _ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOII SALE Oil EXCHANGE WIILI, LOCATED I.OTS Id the Tenth \\ iirri| some of them on paved street Will exchange for Improved proper!)' An exceptional opportunity for u builder. Cull and iu>|irct blue prlut R. Oyster, Trustee, <-■ re of Telegraph Business Office. M FOR RENT ' STORE ROOM FOR KENT on ~ the corner of Third and Cumberland streets. No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best murket bouse, two of tne best banks und many lirst-class business houses In the same ' souare. In center of population. Size of room, 33x100 ft 14-ft celling. Up to-date In every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, including heat J. S. Bible, 25C Herr street. TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. MARCH 28, 1914 FOR RENT A DESIRABLE 28-foot front business room, or convertible Into nice office rooms, on first story, with improve ments; with adjustable electric Blgn; good cellar, etc.; close to Kelker Street Market; on east corner Fourth und Kelker streets; an active business cen ter; terms moderate. Inquire of George Brlnton, 1735 North Fourth street, Har risburg. Pa. Business Location FOR RENT room, must answer quick, best location in Harrisburg, heart of city. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa. FOB KENT Desirable offices In the Teleifrnph Building, singly or en-suite. Inquire nt Business office. VERY DESIRABLE SUMMER RESI DENCE MARSHALL PROPERTY FURNISHED HOUSE stable and two acres of ground »» mile east of P. R. R. Station. Newport, Perry County. Photographs and full particulars at our office. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Har risburg. WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x66, also small room, 12x30. suitable for barber shop or small business, on West High street, Elijiabethtown, Pa. Pos session immediately. Inquire J. 11. Levenlght, Elizabethtown, Pa. FOR RENT STORE ROOM 1302 North Sixth street; kitchen In rear and room up stairs. Rent reasonable. Good loca tion for any kind of business. Apply at 1129 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS 6an \je secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED—An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Pro tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write to-day and get our free books, "Millions In Patents," "Needed Inventions" and "Patent Buy ers." Address Randolph & Co., Dept. 2210, Patent Attorneys, Washington, ■ 1 FOR SALE, AT SACRIFICE IF taken at o.nce, stole stock and fixtures of general store doing large business in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to Interested party. Moving to the West only reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A Clouser, Duncan non. Pa. STOP! THINK! Become wholesale merchant; own town; wholesaling pea nuts; Red Seal combination method. In vest SSOO make $2,500 yearly. Cash business. Secure territory now. Origi nator, 302 Broadway, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT In spare time at home. Mail order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. BRICK YARD A WELL-EQUIPPED Brick Yard for sale, cheap. Apply to E. G. Quickel, York, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS Harrisburg Paste Works 126 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 11S6L HAULING 11. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phono No. 2503 R. JOHN F. TWIGG Is prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work. Shop rear 310 North Second street. Bell phone, residence, 3014 L, or 1266 J. Reference, Mr. William E. Bui ley, 401 North Front street. FOR falling Jialr try GrosH' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell, 1960. R. H. PEPPER, LOCAL. EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone IGB4J. 1119 Mont gomery, Harrisburg. ROOP PAINTER!) I WILL, paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal brings me. Maxwell H. Hite, The Roof Paint Man, Box 328. Harrlsburg, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. HARDWOOD FLOORS OF all designs. Old floors made new. Ask for catalog. J. M. .Smith, 2219 Brookwood street, Harrlsburg. Bell phone 1391 L WE furnish music for all social events. Small combination for home parties as low as $2.50. Address Zembra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486, Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE TO BUILUKHS C. HENRY, Architect and Builder, will save you money. Bungalows a specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth street. Bell phone 167SJ. LAWN GRASS Now Is the time to sow lawn seed. We have the best none better. Holmes Seed Co.. 119 South Second street. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan in amountH of SI,OOO and up on first mortgHgo on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Debt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borrower. W. C. Howlund, Room 405, Telegraph Building. PitOPIT-SHAWING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rate*, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7. 9 North Market Square. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE 4l» Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate room* $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper it Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned Charles E. Bretz and Ira I. Wlker. carrying on business as hardware merchants at No. 109 Mar ket Street, Harrlsburg, Pa., under the name of Bretz and Wlker, has been dis solved by mutual consent, and that tho business In future will be carried on by the said Charles E. Brets and others, who will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all mo/ieys payable to the late Arm. (Signed) CHARLES E. BRETZ. (Signed) IRA I. WIKER March 28, 1814. 11 LKGATj NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR HRIUGB SEALED proposals will be received bv the Superintendent of Pnbllo Grour.ds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'oloclc noon. Tuesday. April 14, 1914, for fur nishing all the necessary labor and materials as called for In planb and specification prepared by Edward K. Morse. Engineer, Commonwealth Build ing. Pittsburgh, Pa., for the construc tion of a bridge (known as the Wasser Bridge) across the Shenango River, about one mile below Shenango, Mjrcer county. Pa. Prospective bidders may secure plana and speculations by applying to the offii e of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Builuing, Harrisburg, Pa. ladders desiring Information not con tained in the plans and specifications niav apply either to the Engineer, Ed win K. Morse, or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings In writing. , , , Proposals shall be in sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out side with the name and location of bridge and name of bidder. SAMUEL. *B. RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds and Buildings. PHOPOSAL FOR BUILDING Ofllce of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, Harris burg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv ed until 11! o clock noon, of Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for furnishing all labor and material necessary to erect a new fireproof main building on the State Arsenal Grounds, at. Eighteenth and Herr Streets. Harrisburg, Penna., as called for In specifications and draw ings prepared by the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings may be secured by prospective bidders by ap plying to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals shall bo In sealed envelope, marked "Proposals for State Arsenal Building,'' addressed. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds an J Buildings, . Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE is hereby given that The Public Service Commission of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania will hold a public hearing In Room 696. City Hall, Philadelphia, on Monday next, March 30, 1914, at 1:30 P. M., in the matter of putting into effect on April 1, 1914, changes of tariffs of Intrastate rates. All carriers, shippers and persons In terested may then and there appear an! be heard as to any petition now pend ing, or which may be tiled In the mean time, relating to the proposed effective date of such changes of tariffs, leaving for later consideration the questions of reasonableness or discriminatory or preferential character of such rates. By order of the Commission. A. B. MILLAR, Secretary. CLERK'S NOTICE NO 2621 IN* BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Louis Cohen, of Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice Is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said court at Scranton, in said District, on the 20th day of April, 1914, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHEUER, Clerk. TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation has been filed in this office, and will be presented to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Dauphin County, on Monday, April 6, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M„ for the transfer of the license to sell liquor at retail now held by B. Les lie Potter, for premises No. 524 East State street, Eighth Ward, Harrisburg, Pa., to premises at northwestern cor ner of Second and Washington streets. Second Ward, Harrisburg, Pa. HENRY F. HOLLER, Pl^rk March 14. 1914. NOTICE Letters or administration oil the Estate of Sarah A. Klllinger, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to DAUPHIN DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Administrator c. t. a.. Or Harrisburg. Pa. DANIEL S. SEITZ. Attorney. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of John B. Blosser, late of Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all person* Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to JOHN r. BLOSER, Executor, Fort Hunter. Dauphin County, Pa. PERSONAL LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA lf you or any friend afflicted wishes to learn of a successful treatment, address Room 402, 92 Broadway, Detroit, Mich. niIBBER STAMQA Jwll SEALS 4 STENCILS |#\. MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWOftMS ' || \ I 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own name*. Clieup rates, easy payments, confidMi tlal. Adams A Co., R. 304. 8 N. Market Sq. THE Harrisburg PolycTlnlo Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at 3 P. M„ at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. YOU MUST DIE someday, when that day Is we do not know. Better prepare now against the uncertainty. The Penn Mutual Issues a SIO,OOO policy which requires but ti1 5.90 at age 35. Divi dends reduce cost after first year. Write for apecl man policy. PENN MUTUAL LIFE 103 N. Second St. Isaac Miller, . Local F. O. Donaldson. I Agents. FOR RENT Riverside Apartment A very desirable apartment, lIIS North Front Street, having seven rooms and bath. Union Real Estate Investment Co. Room 403 Franklia Buildiif 212 IJOCUST STREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers