Lost LOST Party that stole bicycle from In front of 1731 North Third street, last night. Is known. If same is not return ed to above address at once they will be arrested. LOST In Steel ton, a bunch of keys and Pennsylvania Steel Company s pay cheek. Finder please return same to 805 Pine street. Steelton, and receive .reward. LOST On Thursday evening, on /•"rout. Locust, Second or Pino streets, large martin neckpiece. Reward If re turned to 214 Pine street. I I. ====== = Help Wanted —Male HOT X HAVE a permanent position for a bright, energetic boy. 1 he right boy can make from ooc to 12.00 or more a week, without interfering with his other duties. Apply to Redsecker Brinser, 102 South Second street, Harrlsburg, Pa. COLLECTOR. $lO and commission. Address H- 830, care of Telegraph. EXPERIENCED McKay machine heei uhaver; steady work; good wages. Ap ply to Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. ver uon street, City. PAINTERS WANTED at once. Call G. M. Moote, 918 Capital street. City. ~PAPERHANOERS WANTED at once Piece-work. Appiy 418 North Third utreet RELIABLE, active boy to act as mes tenger tor copy and proot. Apply at once, Auvertising Department, Harris iburg 'ieiegraph. _____ $;6.00 MON'IH paid Government Rail way Mail Clerks. Parcel Post means many appointments. Harrisbuig exami nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary, bam pie questions free. Franklin insti tute, Dept. 361-L. Rochester, A. V- Help Wanted—Female ~~RELIABLE white woman to do washing and iionniK homo, inquire 262 tfoas m BUY Madame Gazelles (French j Switcn ana Hair L)yt, safe and reliable. Givee lite, luster and color to the hair. Conceals gray hair and gives switch upueaiance and teeiing of natural hair. Can be applied in a lew minutes. Ke tail price, 6uc. Agents wanted every where. bend 25c tor full size sample. <J. & G. Distributors, 2& Church street, Kphrata, Pa. EXPERIENCED shoe cutter** on wo men's, misses' and children s outsides. Apply Harrisburg Shoe .vlanulacturing Co., Vernon street, Harrisuurg, i a. FIFTV experienced operator* tor few!rg oo power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver. Forster and Cowden streets. FORELADY for shirt factory. Must have reference. Address Box 811, care of Telegraph. HALF-GROW't girl to assist at gen eral housework. Apply 2041 North Sec ond street. LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the best dressmaking schools in America. Make your own dresses while learning Night and Day classes. Work s Dress making School, 22 North Fourth Etreet. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. :ilao learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star }-iaundry. State street, rear entrance. WANTED —2O girls. Apply Silk Mill. WOMAN AGENT for H. P. Coles In every town to handle a nice, respect able facial cream. Work spare hours. Make $2.70 on every dozen. Coles Bros., Wlconisco, Pa. Help Wanted —Male and hemal? AMBITIOUS lady or gentleman; steady employment all year 'round; a money proposition; co-operate with me; will furnish goods and divide the profits Work in the city, be your own boss. All we require is honesty and willingness to work. Address A, 831, care of Telegraph. Situation* W antt*d—Male AS driver for delivery wagon, In or around Harrlsburg, with experience; can furnish good reference. Address Diehl, 1223% North Sixth street. RELIABLE young man wishes work of any kind; experienced fireman. Call, or address, 1329 Bartine street, Harrls burg, Pa. Situation* Wanted—Female A YOUNG widow wants a position as housekeeper for young man or widower. Call 1335R, Bell phone, or address C. E. L., 925 South Twentieth-and-One-Half utreet. BY colored woman, position as cook, boardlnghouse or restaurant. Apply 3 417 Marion street, City. COLORED girl desires position at lioi .vorlt or child's nurse. Address 140. ,utnes street. COLORED girl, 18 years of age, de sires a position to assist with general housework. 1409 New Fourth street COLORED woman desires dishwash ing. Call, or address, 1404 Fulton street COLORED woman wishes position as chambermaid. Apply 131G New Fourth street EXPERIENCED typist and stenog rapher wants extra typewriting, even ing work. Prompt service; moderate •harges; references. POBt Office Box Hi. FOR RENT 1908 Greenwood St. S s. f.. 8 r„ Sll 3162 N 7th St, 3 s. b.. 8 r. b„ .. 91a 627 Briggs. 3 a. f., 8 r siu 1820 Derry St.. 2 s. f„ 6 r. b.. I*l9 326 Strawberry Ave., S s. b.. s r„ no 1627 N. Second St.. 3 sb, 10 r. b Jt front porch. Bide entrance 945 APARTMENTS 128 Wainal St., Housekeeping apart ments —second floor—S rooms and bath —city steam heat The Donaldaon—(No housekeeping! —Second, near Locust St., very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms FROM APRIL 1 409 Market St.. room on 3d floor mo 1104 S. Cameron Bt., 2% s. b.. ' Sim 1628 Market St. 3 s. b., 8 r. b., 137 no 814 S. 17th St, third floor apart ment. |ou 8014 N. Sd St.. 3 s. b., 9 r. & h no 1024 8. 18th Bt, 2% s. b.. Sr. 412 Market St.. 2 office rooms on 2d floor, (front and middle) ...... 9^5 STORE ROOMS 823 Broad St 3-str -y brick and basement 24x125 ft uiii S?5 Market 8t„ 25x160—Apply. United ltal« Hotel Property —51»_ 620 Market St. Entire or by floor* —75 rooms. y Htddletoira store room on Union street Miller Bros. & Neefe LOCUST AITD COURT STREETS L : FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRXPH MARCH 20,1914. Situations Wanted—Female 1 ' YOUNG colored girl desires position : as nurse girl or help with housework - etween school hours. Address M.. 832, I CARE^OL^TELEGRAPH^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' Wanted—lnsurance Men , SMALL as well as larger towns Penn l sylvania; all or spare time, sell our combined accident, health and NA , TURAL DEATH policy. Most liberal of , to-day. Energetic men desiring an agency, liberal commission and collest- Ing interest given. To Insure reply ad | dress, with particulars, Secretary, P. O. , Box 3456, Boston, Mass. _____ Rooms For Rent NICELY FURNISHED second floot front room, facing Capitol Park; bath; electric light; running water in room (central location); use of phone. Ap ply 410 North street. NICELY furnished room at 262 Fors ter street, In private family; use of phone and bath; reference required. Call Bell phone 1470 L or to abovs ad dress. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, If desired. Apply 1506 State street. FURNISHED ROOMS on Sylvan Ter race; private family; all conveniences. Address 0., 791, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs street TWO large furnished rooms for light housekeeping; young couple preferred. Apply 366 Herr street. SECOND FLOOR front room for rent. . with board; all Improvements. 814 'Capital street. ____ „ I TWO large unfurnished rooms, for I light housekeeping for couple. Apply ; 1428 Derry street ' I FURNISHED ROOMS, with all con .l veniences. Call 1700 North Third L jetreet FURNISHED or untumlshed room*. Apply 1601 Green street, i 1 ,11 .11 Rooms Wanted ; TWO ladles desire three unfurnished ' rooms, in private family, for light ' houseKeeping, on or near Market street lon the Hill. Audress X. T. V„ care of [ Telegraph. 1 | ROOM AND BOARD with private ' I family in central section ot the city, oy • yuung man. Kefcierices, if requested. ' Write Box 838, care of lelegrapn. Apartmenw For Rent APARTMENT, four rooms and tiled » bath; ail modern conveniences; electric > light; steam heat; locker in basement Possession April 1. Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT, four rooms and bath, 30-ft. baicony; front and slue entrance; possetsiun given April 6. Inquire 125 South Four teen.h street, SECOND FLOOR, 4 rooms and bath, centrally located. Possession April 1. Apply H. W. Miller. 2210 North Third street. Bell phone 65 SR. AN apartment of live pleasant rooms, < including kitchen and bath. Inquire on premises, 33 North second street. Wanteci TO BORROW, $5,000 on good security at 6 per cent, for one year or longer. Address C., 834, care of Xeiegraph. SMALL hand or foot power printing press, not over 6x9. Address Box 840, care of leiugiaph. business uppuriumue» FOR SALE, at sacrifice If taken be fore 26, store stocli and fixtures 01 general store ooing large business in uutiiig town. Will prove volume ot business to interested party, iviovmg to tne west oniy reason tor selling, can and examine stocg. M. C. A. Ciouser, ojuncaitiion, Pa. AN I intelligent person can earn good income corresponding lor newspapeia, expel lenue unnecessary. Send for pai ticulars. press bynuicate, 198. LOCK - port N. S. 1 1 MADE $50,000 in five years in the . man order business, oegan with 15. , aend lor true booklet. Telia now. Hea cock, iob LuckuorL N. Y. business Personals HAILING ' 11. W. LATiiu, outtru.ii* Stable and ' .\uuouui Hurler co. Movers of ! piHiios, saies, ooners and geiieni haui [ ing. ti. w . Laiite, Manager, Filth and I W uouoine sueeib. utu piloue u. 2603 R. FEATHER RENOVATING WE are now Kenovating Feathers, Making Pillows and I'OiUiug Featner Aiaiiresses at tne corner 01 xenth and Paxton street, near Cameron. B. J. ' Campuell. > FOR falling nalr try Gross' Quinine I Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the ' 1 Druggist and Apothecary, lis* Market > | street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone , orders given prompt attention. UelL • i960. R. H. PEFFER, LOCAL EXPnt.nS and ueiivery. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household goods and furniture • packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont ' gumery, Harrlsburg. ; ROOF PAINTERS I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran ! tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal ' brings me. Maxwell H. Hite, The Roof > I Paint Man, Box 328, Harrisburg, Pa. ! REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. : i Send u» your worn furniture. Our best > j efforts insure your satisfaction, a N. {Cluck. $2O Woodbine street WE furnish music for all social I! events. Small combination for house : parties as low as 12.50. Address ' | Zembra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486, ■: Harrisburg. Pa. I 4 FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113-15-17 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash 1 Bxlo, 12 light primed and glazed, at 1 sl.lo per set 1 1 jji Real Estate For Sale TWO tins homes, will be finished ' March 16. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath > room. Steam heated; large front and back porches; ornamental fixtures 1 throu-rhout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber I with south side exposure, size 16x8, 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square For further Information call P. 'Aa.nder- 1 00, Masonic Temple Building. Third and streets $l,BOO WILL BUY a frame house on Herryhlll street lot. 18V&X100. We offer also desirable suburban lots all sizes at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ' CHEAP HOUSES At Cheap Prices ON YOUR OWN TERMS 1290 to 1238 Monroe Street —Four I two-story frame houses with five rooms each. Lots 12x70 ft Now rented at eight dollars per month apiece. Will be sold separately or to- I gether. Price, eack, 9-100 1 Send for March, 1914,. edi tion of Facte and Figures— H complete catalog of real estate for sale. Miller Bros. & Neefe LOCUST AITD COURT STREETS Real Estate For Sale ' HOUSES FOR SALE Three two- i and-one-haJf-story brick houses, on Penn street. In the 2100 block, 8 rooms and bath. Nine two-and-one-half-story frame houses on Schuylkill street, near Jeffer son, 8 rooms and bath. One two-story frame bungalow, new I and all Improvements, 8 rooms and I bath. A bargain, neat design, only one left. Call on, or address, Wlttenmyer Lum ber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill streets. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, Corner j Indiana and Park Ave. two-and-one- ■ half-story frame nearly new 7 I rooms, bath and furnace granolithic walks cemented cellar front and rear porch lot, 50x130 located on the highest point in Washington Heights and commanding a magnificent view of the mountain! river and city. Brinton-Pncker Co., Second and Walnut streets. | 319 BURCHFIELD STREET, 8 rooms, laundry and bath; front porch; hot air furnace; large lot; In elegant condition. A quick buyer can make money. C. Ver- ; non Rettew Co., 1000 North Third 1 street, Harrlsburg, Pa.- I DOUBLE brick house new at 1 1811-13 Zarker street bath gas ; furnace cemented cellar rented for $36 per month 8 per cent, net In- I vestment Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building. j TWO-AND-ONE-HALF-STORY brick dwelling at Bridge street and Fourth avenue 10 rooms anil bath gas and j electricity lot, 60x175 price rea sonable. Apply J. A. Davis, New Cum berland. _ : i COTTAGE on the Susquehanna for sale plot, 76x285 within 200 yards of station frequent trains to Har- i risburg. Price, completely furnished, $1,650. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. | FURNISHED COTTAGE at Stover dale; also small fruit farm of four 1 acres witli new house and good spring ,of water two miles from city. A. W. , bwcngel, 21D South Thirteenth street. I DO you WANT a 10 per cent, net in- ! vestment after the Taxes, Water and 1 Insurance In paid? A desirable prop erty in Steelton. For further particu- i lara address 242, care of Ttsicgraph. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath, all improvements, I porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain if solo at unco. imperial { .lardwaie Co.. 1202 North Third. IN Paxtang on Walnut Bt. nearly ' new semi-bungalow 7 rooms, bath and hot water heat lot, 80x157—large chicken house. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. HOtSUI FOll SALE IN BNOLA NOS. 146-147-149 COLUMBIA KOAD. Most desirable location. Liberal terms, inquire e. u. bowman, owner, 227 Ma t-lay street. Harrlsburg. I WILL sacrifice my three-story brick dwelling, 426 South Seventeenth street. Very little cash necessary. Pos session April 1. C. O. Backenstoss, Mayor's Office. TWO three-story houses, one brick and one frame, on Sixth street near Muench. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply IS3B North Sixth street. A NICE country home right at rail road station, with all improvements; 22 minutes from city. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. 2104 NORTH FOURTH STREET; 8- room house; all conveniences; price very reasonable if sold at once. Apply 204 C Green street. NO. 1512 HUNTER STREET can be bought at an attractive price; 9 rooms; bath; alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. , SIX HOUSES In West Falrview, ail frame In one row. Address Box C., 837, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Rent Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steam heated, Vapor system. Inquire 210 Pine Street. Phone 3687. FOR REfcT 4TH FLOOR APARTMENT, No. 108 N. Second Street reception hall 6 rooms bath city steam heat gas and electricity Miller Bros. & Kleefe, Bell Phone —1595. DWELLING 1946 GREEN STREET— -10 rooms and bath; all conveniences; newly papered throughout. Rent, 830.00. Chas. Adler, Heal Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. NEW 6-ruoiu house, at Edgemont, 1 ne-nalf mile north ot Penbrook. Rent. | f 6.00, or sale price, $6OO. Lots are 30x 120, with stable. G. S. Hartman, 38 I .\orth Twelfth street. City. 319 BURCHFIELD STREET, 8 rooms, laundry and bath; front porch; hot air t heat; large yard. Rent, $20.00. C Ver non Rettew Co., 1000 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa . 1527 NORTH SECOND STREET 3- story brick front porch side en trance 10 rooms bath and furnace. Miller Bros & Neefe, Locust and Court streets. SUBURBAN property at Lawnton; 12- room brick house, with modern im provements, and two acres of land. Rent, $25. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street THREE-STORY frame dwelling at Sixteenth and Swatara 8 rooms and bath very nice rooms big yard. Rent, $lB. Apply 1822 North Sixth street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent 18S ACRES 48 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township,. Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Road, about 1 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonwealtn Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 224 Market street, Harrlsburg. Real Estate Wanted WANTED —To rent house between now and April Ist. Rental not over $25; Bor 9 rooms. Preferably above Peffer street. Address, Box 808, care of Tele graph. ' . WANTED plans to prepare for any' kind of building or residence. Want i automobile in trade. Address M., 838, care of Telegraph. For Sale 1912 '4B" Six-cylinder Packard seven passenger Touring car, repainted, me ciiamcal condition very good. Tires new, fully equipped. 1912 National Touring car, good con- ' dition. lull Cadillac Touring car. Excellent condition, tires new. 1910 "30" Packard Touring car, fair condition. Studebaker Touring car. Good condi tion. Inquire Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia, 107 Market street, Har risburg, Pa. DEALERS for Crown Car through out this territory. Standard tread, one hundred sixteen inch wheel base, four passenger car. Looks like little six. Four hundred seventy-five dollars j Write, or communicate, with Mr. Hen derson at Metropolitan Hotel. It's a [ whirlwind, investigate. FUR SALE TRUNKS. Traveling Bags, Suit Causa, i Gloves. SoK Harness and Strap i Leather. Calfskin, Kip. Do '.gula, Waxed i Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to ordor and repaired. Harrlsburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets D. COOPER & CO. will sell at public sale, at Broad Street Market House, on Saturday. March 28. for storage, the following goods, unless called for be fore that date: Buggy, Sam. K. Urioh; box of carpenter's tools. A. E. Shradley; furniture. J. Lersw; cart, R. Roy iter. | For Salt \ FINE French-plate, pier mirror; genuine sold leaf on frame, with two window brackets to match. Size mir ror, 12 ft. high. Come see It. Also some antique furniture, bale March 2d, 1 P. M. 8. M. Wagoner, Administrator, 04 W. Main street Mechantcsburg, Pa. GLASS* window SIKHS. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Koums, Rooms and j Board and Table Board, at 25c each. , One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. jif paid in advance. Inquire at Office of I Telegraph I MOTORCYCLE 1913 Harley-Da vidson twin cylinder, 8-H.-P., fully equipped, run less than 3,000 miles, I practically good as new. Cost 1337 50. Sell, $235.00. Rare' bargain. E. Li' Campbell, Irving College, Mechanics- 11 burg. Pa. I I AUTOMOBILE TIRES—For a few 'days only, some 4Vix36 straight side, rlaln Flsk new factory second cases, : 22.25 each. Speak quick. Order at , once. Myers, The Tire Man. 225 Hum , mel street. I • / ! BICYCLES 12 rebuilt bicycles In I, i fine shape. Some good as new. Special ' prices for to-day and to-morrow's *ale. , Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third ; | street | 4 | HATCHINU EGGS from vigorous, ! heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg i horns, from the best egg-laying strain In America, $l.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per hundred. Max Luuffer. Middletown, Pa. I SEVERAL good, latest model motor cycles, with free engine clutch, single 1 and double cylinders, for sale very I cheap and Iri tine condition. Call 1014 North Seventh street, Harrisburg, Pa. I ! EGGS for hatching from Single Comb j White Leghorns. Two tirst prizes at | Harrisburg s last Poultry Show. 75c i | per setting of 15. or $4 a hundred. Ap- ; ply 8. M. Benion, West Falrvtew. 1 Cl<;Alls—For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana blended 5c Cigars tree with each Box of 60 of our Per i fecto Clears, at $1 per Box, postpaid. ; Snell & Co.. Red Lion. Pa. 1 PRIZE WINNING S. C. Buff Orping ton and White Kocks hatching eggs, $l.OO per 15 straight. Thos. Roberts, iNo. 1314 South Cameron street, Harrls- Iburg, Pa. SODA FOUNTAIN, sanitary system, 1 good condition; quick sale, a bargain I Reason for selling, in other business. Address P. O. Box 132, Duncanoon, Pa. ' GREEN GROCERY, doing fine busi ness. Will sell very reasonable. Good reasons for selling, bor full details audress L, 839, care of Telegraph. ONE good Upright Piano fine con- ' dition slightly used $159 —ss , down, $4 month. W'nter Piano Store, 23 North Fourth street. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK 1 ton i capacity large covered body good as new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co., South Cameion street. 300 BLUE ftOCK clay pigeons, one hand trap and one set of boxing gloves. Will sell cheap. Apply J. R. Eberts, 1274 Juniper street. HORSES Three cheap horses. Will : sell on account of getting auto truck. Curtis Marks & Bros., Grocers, ltiOO North Sixth street. FINE lot of Plymouth Rocks, Leg horns and Wyandots, bonecutter, Incu bator and hot-air brooder. 2448 North Sixth street GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE doing good business; must sell on ac count of ill health. Address S., 829, care of Telegraph. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., , Harrisburg, Pa. CITY MILK ROUTE, averaging 60 ' f rations a day. Good reasons for sell- ' ng. Address H., 828, care of Telegraph. ONE $35 kitchen range at bargain to quick purchaser. In use one year. In quire at 1926 Wood street. A SQUARE PIANO. Cheap to quick buyer. To be seen at the Lock House, South Cameron street. „ FIVE ORGANS, $5 each. Worth from $lO to $25. Winter Piano Store, 23 North Fourth street AN Uprlfht Chlckering Piano, in tine condition. Apply 400 North Front stieet. Steel ton, Pa. 1913 CADILLAC, four-passenger, in A-l shape. A. J. Huston, Mechanics burg, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland' 1 streets. No. 1200. Show windows side ; and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest ana best market house, two of the best bunks and miuty first-class business houses in the same 'square. In center of population, size' 1 of room, 33x100 ft. 14-ft ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, including heat. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street FOR RENT Dealrnble offices In the Telefcrnpb Building, or cn-nulte. Inquire ut Business office. GARAGE, space for two automobiles. For sale, 1 rubber-tire trap (or Jump- ■ seat buggy). Inquire 110 Evergreen street, between 4 and 7 o'clock P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be 1 secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Financial _____________________ i MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate 1 security In any amounts and upon any ! terms to suit borrower. Address P, O. Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square Money Wanted WANTED TO BORROW ! | $5000.00 or any amount up to i $45,000. Market Square Real Estate Security usual rate inter est. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex- I pressly for storage Private rooms for household goods and unexcellod fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South £jt. and Penna. R. R. ( STORAGE 151 3-rtorjr brick liulliling. rear 408 Market street, i Household goodn In elenn, private rooms- Reanonuble rate-. Appi, P. G. Dlener. Jeweler. 40* Market St. STORAGE 41» Broad street, fori household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to s.i. Wagons, 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. I Legal Notices NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estnte of William Sheesley, late of i Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., de- 1 ceased, having been granted to the un- < derslgned residing in Harrisburg. Pa. all persons Indebted to said Estate are 1 requested to make Immediate payment. 1 and those having claims win present 1 them for settlement, to J. HARRY SHEESLEY, Ninth and Hemlock Streeia; EDMUND J. MILLER. ' i ESO Race Street, ( Or, Executor« t>. S. SEITZ, A t to rue J- ( I BETTER SHOWING IS MADE IN MARKETS Railroad Stocks Responded With General Advance; Morning Rise Sante a Point By Associated Prtss New York, March 20. Liquidation In low-priced railroad stocks, which has held the market in check recently, was suspended to-day. Rock Island securi ties, in particular, made a better show ing. The effect on the general list of thlß improvement was heightened by Intimations from Washington that the administration favored an Increase in freight rates for the Eastern roads. Railroad stocks responded with a general advance, and ultimately the in dustrials joined in the movement al though held back for a time by the sluggishness of United States Steel, which was affected by further reports of slackening of business in the steel Industry. The morning rise ran to a point or more In many cases. Bonds wero Irregular. I'urnUlird by H. W. SNAVBLY Arcade Hulldlnc New York. March 20. Open. 2.50 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 23% 23% Antal. Copper 70 75 % American Beet Sugar 22% 22% American Can 30% 31% Am. C. & F 51% 61% American Cotton Oil 45% 45% Am. Ice Securities. . 31% 31% Am. Locomotive ... 34% 36% American Smelting . 09% 70% American Sugar ... 101% 102% Am. T. & T. x d. 2. . 121% 122 Anaconda 35% 36 Atchison 97% 97% Baltimore & Ohio .. ' 89% 91 Bethlehem Steel ... 43% 44 Bethlehem Steel pfd 85% 85% Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% California Petroleum 28% 28% Canadian Pacific ... 206% 208 Central Leather ... 35 35% 1 Chesapeake & Ohio. 68% 64% C.. M. & St. P 98% 100 Cljino Con. Copper . 42 42 % Col. F. & 1 33% 33% Consolidated Gas ..134 134 Corn Products 11% 11% Distilling Securities . 18% 19% I Erie 28% 29% Erie Ist pfd 45 44% :Goodrich, B. F 23 23% Goddrich, B. F. pfd. x d 1%. Great Northern pfd. 127% 128% Great Nor. Ore subs. 36 37 Interboro-Met 14 %i 14% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 59% 60 Lehigh Valley 146% 147% Mex. Petroleum ... 69 69 % Mo., Kan. & Texas .17% 17% Missouri Pacific ... 24% 24% Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% N. Y. Cen. x d 1% . 89% 90% N. Y., N. H. & H. . . 69% 70 Norfolk & Western. 103% 103% Northern Pacific .. 112% 113% Pacific Mall 25 25 Penna. R. R 111% 112% Pittsburgh Coal ... 21% 21% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 92% 92% Pressed Steel Car .. 43% 43% Ray Con. Copper ... 21% 21% Reading 104% 166% Rep. Iron & Steel .26% 26% Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 89% 89% Rock Island 4% 4% Rock Island pfd ... 6 % " 6 % Southern Pacoflc .. 94% 95 Southern Railway .25% 25% Tennessee Copper .. 35 35% Texas Company ... 147 147 Union Pacific 158 159% U. S. Rubber ...... 61% 62 U. S. Steel 64 64% U. S. Steel pfd .... 110 110 Utah Copper 54% 66% Va. Car. Chem 34% 34% Western Unio . Tel.. 63% 63% Westinghouse Mfg.. 77 77% Woolworth 99 99 New Yorker to Succeed John Bassett Moore in State Department By Associated Press Washington, March 20.—Robert Lansing, of New. York, and Cone Johnson, of T.xas, will be nominated counsellor and solicitor, respectively, of the State Department, according to an announcement from the White House to-day. Mr. Lansing is an associate editor of the American Journal of Interna tional Law and the author of several works on international subjects. He will succeed John Bassett Moore. He is fifty years old, was associate coun sel for the United States in the Beh ring Sea arbitration 1892-93; counsel for the United States In the Behring Sea claims commissions 1896-97; so llicltor for the United States on the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal 1903; counsel in the arbitration at the Hague in 1909 of the North Atlantic coast fisheries case. His homo is in Watertown, N. Y. Mr. Johnson, who will succeed Jo seph W. Folk as solicitor, Is about 4 9 years old and, according to the statement Issued from the White House to-day is "one of the most bril liant lawyers In Texas." He was a candidate for the United States Sen ate once, but retired from the contest on account of ill health. B'.vww^vwvvwv^wwwO jjiEfficiency } '[ TNCREASE the profit* !']i i'i * of your business by 1', 1 Sji aiding your skilled help- <, 1 ■ 5/ era to make the liest use Vi J | 1 of their time. Use the JIJI f 1' proper blanks. blank 1 1 1 1 Cij books, stationery and nd- i!<[ Vi Terlislns: matter. Get the 1 V 1 right kind of designing, Vi ,V engraving, printing and |i]i I i" 1' binding at the rtoht pWces jj!' fro,u <ij The Telegraph j;* ij;i Printing Co. ]!]! Federal r qnare !|| MM ■A'AW.V.WV.WAVVW BV WWW hi Legal Notices In Matter of the Estate of Fannie Josephine Lee. of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, de- NOTICE is hereby given that letters 1 testamentary in the above estate have been granted by the Register of Wills 1 of Dauphin County to the undersigned ! All persons indebted to said estate 1 will make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same < will present them without delay to I HENRY C. HAMILTON, 300 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, New York Executor of Fannie J. L/oe, deceased. Or to EDWIN M. HKR9HEY. His Attorney. No. 208 Bergner Building 1 CHII'AUO BOARD OF TRADE mralabrtf by H. W. SttAVKl,*' Arced* Bnllrilng. Chicago, 111., March 20. U|iHi il in" Wheat- May 93% 94 >4 93% 93 »i July 89 S9'% 88% BS% i on— May 69% 70 69*4 69% •f"ly 69% 69% 69% 69% its— May 40% 40% 40% 40% July 40% 40% ro% 40 % PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 20. Wheat Firm; No. 2, red, export, sl.th> 1.01; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.05%@1.0«%. Corn Higher: new, No. 2, yellow, natural. local, 74®74%c; do., kiln dried, local, 75®76c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 46® 46%. Bran Market higher; winter, per ton. 130.60® 31.00; spring, per ton, $30.50 @31,00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 4.00 c; fine granulated, 3.90 c; confectioners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone A, 3.65 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints, fancy, 80c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania, anu other nearby m -ri«. free cases, *6.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.60 per case; western, extras, »irsts, free cases, $6.90 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.60 per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 18@ 18 %c; young chickens, 15® 20c; mowing rhickt us. old roust erg, 13@13c: ducks, 18(jj20c; spring ducks, 18®20c. geese, is®l7c; turkey.- [ uterine i Dressed Poultry Weak; fowls, I western, fancy, heavy, ltsroilB%c; do. medium sixes, 16®17c; do., light »\ • mill ■ ' ' 1 ' 15c. mil i oostHi j., 16c. ro.i • i ing chickens, fancy, :9@2oc; broil ing chickens, fancy, 24®36c; do., fair, »«ll<i, ia|>ul ». hi ge, tH»V. email, 18to20c; turkeys, fancy, Z'-tf 26c do., fair, 20®23c; ducks. U'a 18c; geese 11 ® 16c. Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern per bushel, 76®43c; Western. ! per bushel, 75®83c; Jersey, per basket. 20@50c; Florida, per parrel, $5.00@7.00. 1-lour—The mai'Ket is oteaiiy, winter, <lear. $3.X54;4 10, etriiiions fern sylvanla, $4.16®4.30: western, $4,250 4.4 V, patents, $4.50® 4.au. «vnn.->a< straight Jute sacks, $4.20<u>4.40; s. ring firsts, cleai. $4.10®4.30; straights. $4.3" ®4.50; patents, $4.60®4.76. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy, No. 1, large hales. slB.ou4ily.uu, 'No. 1, medium bales, slB.oo® 18.50; No 2. $16.50® 17.60; No. 3, $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, SI7.GO® 18.00; No. 1. do.. $16.60® 17.00; fco. ». do. $15.00(3)16.00. CHICAGO CATTLB By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 20. Hogs—Re ceipts, 15,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $8.70 ®8.90; light, $8.65@8.90; mixed, $8.65® 8.90; heavy, $8.46®8.90; rough, $8.45® 8.55; pigs, $7.00®8.65. Cattle Receipts, 1,000. Beeves, $7.00 @7.55: Texas steers, $7.15®8.16; west ern steers, $6.85@8.1G; stockers and feeders, $6.6508.18; cows and heifers, $3.75®8.50; calves, $6.00@9.00. Sheep Receipts, 6,000; steady. Na tive, $4.75@635; western, $4.90@6.40; yearlings, $5.80®7.00; lambs, native, $6.75@7.70; western, $6.76@7.80. A Food Chopper and a pound of Baking Powder for 50c for Saturday. See this on display in our store. Free demonstration of Sweet Ground Cocoa Saturday. Grand Union Tea Co., 20S North Second street. —Advertisement. BIG PIANO SALE Read Spangler's Important sale an nouncement on Page 7 to-day.—Ad vertisement. 1,000,000 INVESTORS NEED MOODY'S MANUAL FOR 1914 Of course you want this Edition of The Corporation Service—the one that always gives the most authoritative data on all corpora tions whose securities are of known public interest £,OOO pages of facts in two vol umes are required to give you the latest historical data, income ac counts, balance sheets, bond de scriptions and other pertinent fjicts regarding the corporations covered, about 1,000 of which have never before been recorded in any Manual. Just the Service you require for un immediate reference, and the only one with a supplement that brings you each month the important changes of the preced- I ing one—and yet the cost is so small for so much—only $2O for ! Information —Safety—lnsurance Investors, Bankers, Corpora ; tions mail, wire or phone your order today. Don't delay, the first j volume is just out—get it quick. MOODY MANUAL COMPANY 33 Broadway New York MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. I A (In in« A Co., R. 304. 8 N. Market Sq. U GX-SHGHIFF CIIAS. L. JOHN SOX'S RIG SAMS, MAHCH 23, at 0.30 A. M., SHARP, ON HIS FARM, 2V4 MII.ES OK BLOOMFIEI.D and 3 n:llrH southwest of Newport and % mile from Hofftnnn'n Station, on S. & \. VV. It. R., where trniux nrrlve itoiiitf eaxt at S a. ni.. and from Dun. cannon off the main line arriving at Hoiriunn Station on the S. & N. VV. R. It. at 0.30 a. m„ and within % in lie of sale. Train leaven In evening KOlnK eattt 4.20, and went 0 p. m. 275 HEAI) OK I.IVE STOCK—3O HORSES ANI> 4 SPANS CHOICE WEIL-MATED MIII.KS. 10 DRAFT RROOD MAltES—farm chunks. road liters, line trotters and parent (speed >, all nold on positive guarantee to lie Hound and gentle. 45 bead of cattle, 20 frexh ««« and springers. All delivered bin part of way free at risk of purchaHera. 4 choice bulla, One Holateln com and helfera entitled to registry and heavy with calf to full bull, the big framed kind Kull bred Guernseys, Dnrhanm and Craaaea. 200 head of the choicest honie-rulaed hogs on one farm found to-day In Central Pennsylvania. H«u» that had the run of my farm on the •now all winter and delivered big part of wn.v free at rlak of purchaaera, 20 brood aowra.. 20 open Berka. Sowa entitled to the papers, aa you will agree when you aee tbem. 25 full blood Cheatera open, us flue na In the laud. All clean nnd white aa In the State. 10 Hne young boara and two ■urge boara, one a Berk nnd the other a Poland, both choice and entitled to pupers. If I fool you on the condition and brooding of ray hog* I will pay your expenses to and from my big Clearance Sale. Ton of Splinter uew farm and driving harness aold first at 9,30 a. m. If I do not start this big sale nt 0.30 on the minute I will make yog a present of a full bred Berk Gilt. 150 bushels good potatoes. Farm Im plements of all deacriptlons. l.ong credit and renewals In part to those who pay If they cannot meet notes at maturity. 0 per ccat. per annum off for ensh. Come and aee aa handle this big sals at lightning siwnA All horses and mules hitched and guaranteed. EX-SHERIFF CHAS. L. JOHNSON, New BloomfleM, Pa. EASTER MONEY AT LGCAL RATES THE EQUITABLE Is the on* company which will treat you Just right at all times. When you open an account with ua you ara free from worry and regreta. No one, not even the members of your own family, need know you are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver tise wo will make you a loan of $lO or tnoro at LEGAL KATES. No references. assignments pledges, red tape or delay. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPAN\ t N. MARKET 84UAHE2 ftooni -1 4fb Floor. r" " i Horses For Sale All In flrst-class condition. Wo have more than w« need for th* winter. United Ice & Coal Co., Korster and Cowdrn St*. V Store Room For Rent No. 1213 IV. Third Mrret, btlncta Broad aiid Cuiulirrlitnil «treetia. On* of tlir be*t buM.tieNN bloekn In th* city. Would be n good location for ■ confectionery store, or would suit any bualneaa. Runs through to James street. Poaneitalon April lit. Apply to owner, Chas. C. Schriver 324'/± North St.. or 331 Maclay St. ft ' =S^ $lOO,OOO To Loan In amounts of $l,OOO or more on first mortgage on good city property, for S. 10, 15 or 20 years; repay able monthly, quarterly, or annually In Instalments like rent. Debt cancelled and mort , gage satisfied In case of death. Full Information fur nished on request. Miss E. L SHAVER ROOM 405 TELEGKAPH BUILDING FOR SALE One of the best located grocery stores in the city— good opportunity for the right man—financial require ments about $4,000. BELL REALTY CO. Bergner Building V——————____J FOR SALE No. 1348 North street, frame house with improvements, porch and side entrance S2-00 No. 116 Hoerner street, brick and frame» all Improvements, porch and side entrance $2330 No. 1837 Berryhlll street, large frame house: all Improvements; porch and side entrance $2350 NO. 177 N. Fifteenth street, 8-room brick and frame house new steam heat plant, all Improvements, |2SSO No. 230 N. Fifteenth street, 9-room •brick and frame house; all Im provements and front porch, S2ASO No. 1525 Regina street, 8-room frame house; all Improvements, and steam heat $2OOO No. 1412 Berryhlll street, 8-room brick house; all improvements, porch and side entrance, (a bar gain) $2650 No. 1729 Park street, brick house with all modern Improvements, porch and paved street $2500 No 231 N. Fourteenth street. 3- story brick; modern Improve ments $2850 No. 350 Hummel street 8-story brick house, with all improve ments $3OOO No. 1731 Regina street, 8-room brick house, all improvements, porch and side entrance' $3lOO No. 1853 Park street, new brick house, modern in every respect, $3200 No. 1821 Market street, 9-room brick house, modern improvements, porch and rental at $25 per month. fA rare bargain) A3OOO No. 1627 Derry street, large frame house; all modern improvements, porch and side entrance, drive al ley In rear $4OOO No. 25 N. Nineteenth street, new coiner brick house, steam lieatedL hardwood floors. Lot 19 V 4 feet by 9a feet $4650 No. 54 N. Seventeenth street, new corner brick house and garage; all improvements, steam heat and Idea* location $5700 J.E.GIPPLE 1251 MARKET STREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers