Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1914, Page 12, Image 13

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Last Week of the Mill and Factory Sale
Profit by the Offerings for the Closing Days
In the Sale of Bleachers' Table Demonstration of Bleached Pillow Cases Spe-
T \xriii r? i Perfection" Dress Forms cially Priced for the Last Days
Linen Damages W ill be round a «,» ~/ Kru c i
*=> the Hall Borchert Dress Form M A Ot the Mill anCl raCtOrV bale
/ 1 fil O D ++ /"M +L, Co., will be here to demonstrate x-'ifL-
' atteril V- lOtflS the usefulness of these time Bleached Pillow Cases —
O 990 I ifipn Nflr»lrir»c These forms enable WOI " e " 12^c cases > 42x36 inches, 9c
Tir. inl !|i{ f A U Lvinen INapKinS to make better fitting apparel MM Cases, 45x36 inches, 17c
JHt 667 Yards Damask 25c cases. 45x30 inches, 20c
* %\ (
'A 11 c* . mi A ' /11 TT by using one of these forms. NnKj|My| MtißlJP'l hemstitched and em
' -AJt at Savings That Average Close to a Half. broidered 1*
Bleachers' Damages mean slight imperfections in the goods sucli as aL!! pe f ,al e,gh *o S -n tion ad J ust - " ' U( '
a dropped stitch or a torn thread For many years Harrisburg house- forms a ?*a»o! jersey forms at s ! ,ee * s ' g*®® inches, 36c
wives have availed themselves of these sales to replenish their linen SB.OO, SIO.OO, $12.00. 80<? °^ c s ' lee ts, 81x90 inches, oOc
chests at substantial savings. $15.00 and SIB.OO. j d . p. & a. street Floor, Annex Shaker Flannel
We secure the season's accumulations of such linens through our foreign representatives in 10 11»• 1 ict i - fi. it
the various linen centers of Europe and the shipments arc made direct. The qualities are the best * * f Dleacned bliaker llannel, vaiu ofji
that come from the looms the patterns absolutely new and the values arc accordingly match- Men S SI.OO and $1.50 C bleached Shaker flannel, 36 inches, yard ...KM
less. Such noteworthy -\alues as there DfV=»CC Q «-* a <-».•<-> 1 „A. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor, Rear.
BREAKFAST AND LINEN $4.25 to »5.00 pattern cloths, 2& , UNEN NAPKINS LTeSS OIOV eS OpeCialat
CLOTHS ; X 2% yards. Special, $2.39 to 82.69 1 18xl8-inch linen napkins. Spe- l: X* ' rt.-. ™ lA,
Sl.oO to $2.25 breakfast cloths, $6.00 to $7.50 pattern cloths; 2x cial, each 10c DrOKeil lllieS Ot meil S ffi 1 .00 aild rol. 50 Cape T-* • . f rr~vi *
;,;zlfe| ! »™» rd ,"o rut-JT -egi£™3? kidsloves - Mm a " d Sale price. s»c Brassieres for Thursday
tern cloths, square and round de- j Special, $1.69 to $1.95 round and square designs. Special, Men's $1.50 lined cane kid and ptpv mnrhi rrloves Mill '
signs, 2x2 yards. Special, ! $2.!)5 to $5.00 pattern cloth; 2x3 each 15c «p*«~ uucu uipt kiu ana grey mocna glO\ es. Mill , - O£T
$1.39, $1.69 ami $1.95 ! yards. Special $2.39 to $2.69 ! 22 and 24-inch linen napkins and Factory Sale price sllO V Jl\ IV" FIT ZtlC
$4.50 to $5.00 pattern cloths, 2x2 $6.00 to $7.50 pattern cloths: 2x:: | Special, each ........ . 10,. ~ . ' * ' j w tJ "» vv/
yards. Special $2.39 to $2.«9 yards. Special $2.95 to $3.95 ' 24 and 26-inch double damask Mens ?J.OO lined tail kid and grev Mocha gloves. Mill |
su.so to *7.00 pattern cloths: $4.00 to SB.OO square table cloths linen napkins. Special, each. i niir i r-.rtr>r,- ' ' m, I hese Brassieres are made of good quality of cambric,
2x2 yards. Special . .$2.95 to SS.»S I with round designs,, 2V* x 2% yards. 25c 39c- to 50c actor} >ale pi ice st.,>o . , .
$2.95 pattern Cloth, yards. I Special 5t.95 to $3.95 Linen napkins, 22x22 inches- ' Monx , i I reintorced under the arm: embroidery insertion yoke trims
Special $6.00 to SIO.OO pattern cloths, value $3.00 dozen! special $" r,9 -Mens >_.?u seamless lined outseam grey mocha gloves. 1f,.,, ... , ■ , .
$3.95 pattern cloths, yards. 2' 2 x2>i yards. Special. I Oives, Pornerov & Stewart—Linen Mill and Factorv Sale nrirc ttl IrO,U dnd back ' embroidery edge trims neck and armllOleS.
s P eelal SL#5 $2.95 to $1.95 Store, Street Floor. ! , r , ' , 1 Soecial 'for Thursday onlv 'llo
Men's canvas gloves, only six pair to customer. Mill and tor i nursdaj only
Children's $1.50 Knit' CQ | NewTitlesinLate - a™—«
bweater OUItS Special at Hirtion t % ' actor - a ' e P r ' ce Open lront and cross over back styles, trimmed with lace or
ThIVP niepp crnrmpnt«l..<iWH'ltpr lpo-O-illo-Q icrion ai OUC J Men's 60c heavy wool mittens. Mill and Factory Sale price ...85c j embroidery 1 ."lOf
llllt-t piece gdiments S>\eaLei,
and cap, grey and navv,' regular $1.50 value, . tie latest reprints to 5o« Corset Covers at oOc
In thp <salp fnr t Ie , n 8 V"' 0 lamb s wot>l llncd horsehide mittens. Mill and Fac- j Nainsook corset covers; yoke trimmed with embroidery and laco
111 ine sale TOl inursaay only at .>UC. J" 1 - 1 ton-sale price ! insertion, lace edge trims neck, armholes and button pieces 50c
C.-_, j. an/A RnfVi PnK/)C ! tiction at t>oc in- Mens SI.OO lamb's wool lined mittens. Mill and Factory Sale price, j ■ Nainsook corset covers; embroidery beading and ribbon trims neck,
O W eaierS ano. Dcllll XvODeS j elude-- I embroidery edge trims armholes 50c
Men's SI.OO V-neck sweaters, plain grey or with Cft- v„„„ »r <>. m ■ J I C~^c»-n»c Black batiste corset covers; lace insertion, ribbon and laco edge
border. Mill and Factory Sale Price *> UC J "LL
Men's $3.98 Bath Robes, large shawl collar, QO . Elamstead Quarrio. Boys' 50c golf caps with inner fur band. Mill and Factory Lives, Pomeroy & Stewart Muslin Underwear, Second Floor.
Mill and Factory Sale price O | Mystery of tiic Bouie Cabinet. Sale price
.. Coming of the Law.
75c rlannelette Alg;llt Shirts, 50c The M H<£kon' \m,t lenS cordurov silk velour a »d dark Kersey cloth,
Men's 75c heavy flannelette night shirts, sizes 14 CA_ within The Ljiw." Brighton shape caps with inner fur band. Mill and Factorv I w C«JI A
to 20. Mill and Factory Sale price OUC f> Sale price tis l V®mJ\WV!f\
j v DIVeS ' lomCr ° y & St6Wttrt ' Me "' S Store ' Street Floor ' ! DIV Stre'e? f3. Dlves ' Ponieroy & Stewart ' Men ' 3 Store. Street Floor. | ijpP I % 1
"Relieved my Rheumatism '
— "Yes, and after I'd been laid up all winter, had jHEnff
doctored, and tried everything I could think of, fijHm
and was just about ready to give up the fight,
the pain was so terrible — that's what ■ i_ji .
Sloan's Liniment did for me. And it'll
penetrating —goes straight to the sore
Mrs. J. H. Bleckwedck, of Groton-on- Mr.Periso.of <M7 W.2sthSt..DcsMoines,
Hudson, Is.Y M writes: *1 had rheumatic lowa, writes: "We have used Sloan'sLini
pains in my shoulders and back so bad I ment for over six years and found it the
couia not move without screaming. We best we ever used. When my wife had
happened to get a half bottle of Sloan's sciatic rheumatism, the only thing that
Lunment from a neighbor and it worked did her any good was Sloan*■ Liniment,
like magic; the second application relieved We cannot praise it highly enough."
my suffering entirely."
U uplendid for sprains, bruises, neuralgia, lumbago, lame muscles
and stiff joints. Always keep a bottle in the house.
AL all dealers. Price 25c., 50c. and SI.OO
»"« March 4
16 Days $ 14-5. and Up
WHITE STAR LINE 9 Broadway, New York
Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Admission Made in Course of Nar
rative of Events in Manila
Baden, Germany, Feb. 25.—Admiral
Von Diederichs himself admits he in
formed the British naval commander
in Manila bay at the time of the Span
ish-American war that he would shoot
any American officer who attempted
to board a German warship "to make
inquiry and establish her identity" in
[carrying out the orders, of Admiral
[ Dewey.
This admission was made to-day in
the course of a further narrative of
events given to the Associated Press.
The controversy between Admiral
Dewey and the German admiral arose
over the visiting between the vessels
of the various powers, which, accord
ling to Admiral Diederichs, was quite
promiscuous. He admitted there was
a certain justice in Admiral Dewey's
complaint as to the German ships be
ing constantly on the move. althouKh
this was necessary and in no way
meant to be unfriendly.
Th bulk of the German squadron
was about to be withdrawn, said the
German conimnnder, when the con
flict arose over the right of visitation,
and he then decided to retain his
whole force there.
I Admiral Von Diederichs blamed Ad
! miral Dewey for the clash and inti-
Poslam is the remedy which Is mak
ing the greatest Inroads upon distress-
Ins? skin diseases, eradiating the most
baffling cases of Eczema, Acne, Tetter,
Itch, etc.
It is the remedy which merits use
whenever the skin is disordered for Its
healing powers are beyond all question.
Relief Is immediate. Itching stops. In
flamed skin l,s soothed. Improvement
may be seen every day.
By all means try Poslam, if you need
any remedy to better your skin's condi
All druggists sell Poslam. For free
sample, write to Emergency Labora
tories, 32 West 25th Street, New York.
Poslam Soap improves arid beauti
fies the skin and hair.—Advertisement.
mated that it would never have arisen
if the American commander had mere
ly protested officially about two "tri
vial incidents'* instead of firing shots
in order to stop two German pin
naces. One of them was passing the
American vessels and was held up
because her Hag was not showing
plainly and the other was approach
ing the Olympia at night with a mas
sage and was not promptly identified.
The German admiral felt that Ad
miral Dewey's action was decidedly
The American admiral retaliated
with an announcement that no ship
commercial or naval, would be allow
ed to pass his lines. He then an
nounced his intention of sending an
officer and to establish her identity."
The word "inquiry" apparently
aroused the ire of the German admi
ral, who identified it even to-day with
a claim to the right to cross-examine
any German commander.
Admiral Von Diederichs says lie dis
cussed the situation with the British
commander and told him that he
would shoot any officer attempting to
carry out this order of Admiral
Dowey. •
A substantial victory for the Ger
mans was claimed by Admiral Von
Diederichs in the final settlement by
which any arriving warship was to
report itself to the American com
mand- and afterward was required
only to show its flag.
Dr. Mullowney Delivers
Address at Hummelstown
Hummelstown, Pu., Feb. 25.—Dr.
John J. Mullowney, assistant chief
medical inspector of the State De
partment of Health, delivered an ad
dress before the High School, the Par
ents' Association and the school di
rectors at the Hummelstown High
School this morning. He took for his
subject, "The Progress o_ Civilization
Depends Largely on the Health of the
Dr. Mullowney briefly reviewed
the gradual progress of man from
primitive ages, when man built no
cities, established no industry and car
ried on no commerce, but dwelt on
peaks and rocks difficult of access,
as is seen In the remains of the cliff
dwellers found in the southwest sec
tion of this country. He showed that
in his primitive state man's life was
precarious and short; his Intellect
feeble and untrained and his sense of
moral obligation was wanting.
The speaker then pointed out that
as late as the seventeenth century the
death rate in the city of London was
as high as seventy deaths per thou
sand population, but that with im
proved sanitation, the introduction of
wholesome water, and the proper dis
posal of sewage and filth, the death
rate has gradually decreased until
now it is about 14.3 per thousand of
the population.
Dr. Mullowney closed his address
by reminding his hearers that the
death rate is still too high, and called
upon pupils and teachers to lend their
co-operation and sympathy toward
all that stood for the betterment of
the race.
Pair That Wanted to Be Mar
ried Ask For a New
Vli 'I J IT" » One more echo of
yyil <lt. lof the church fac-
Xjtlonal clash in the
elect, respect'h'e 1 'ga ve their aiJes as
21 and 22. Courthouse attaches. who
declared Anka the prettiest foreign
girl who lias turned up in the license
bureau in many a day, hardly believed
the statement. They said she doesn't
look to be more than 15.
The age problem is one of the causes
of the split between the Rev. is". I).
, Vukechevlc, former reetor of St. Nlcho
! las, and his congregation. Some time
] ago the pair got a license in North
ampton county, but were never wed.
Just as the ceremony was abuut to be
performed the rector declared he
wotidn'l marry the two/ because the
bride was younger than she had stated.
Tlie other faction said It was gecause
he didn't get a big enough fee.
Inspector Grove's First Permit. —
Building Inspector James 11. Grove to
day issued his first building permit.
This is for the erection of the new
combined Bethel A. M. JO. Church and
parsonage, at Ash and Briggs streets.
It will cost $19,000. The structure
will be of brick. The Bethel is one
of the colored churches removed by
the proposed extension of Capitol
Columbus, Ga., Feb. 25.—Two
inches of snow-fell here early to-day.
It was the first snow of consequence
in fifteen years.
Macon, Csa., Feb. 25.—Macon ex
perienced the first heavy snowfall in
several years to-day. Three inches
have already fallen and the snow con
tinues. The temperature is 30 de
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
FEBRUARY 25, 1914.
I The Behr Bros. Piano and Player. Is
: not exampled in construction. Spang
' ler, Sixth above Maclay.—Advertise
| ment.
Savannah. Ga., Pet). 25.—For the
first time in something like twenty
years Savannah is experiencing a
snowfall to-day. About two inches
Heartily endorse tne Behr Bros. Piano
and Player. Get transfer. Spangler,
Sixth above Maclay.—Advertisement.
Frank Miller, of Pittsburgh, was
held for court by Alderman Hoverter
this morning charged with assault and
battery and resisting an officer. The
information was made by James Mor
rissey, Jr., an officer for the Pennsyl
vania Kallroad. It is alleged that Mil
ler kicked the officer in the face.
srwni MISERY
Mi-o-na will put your Sour, Gassy,
Upset Stomach in Order—Try
One Dose and Prove It
If you are a stomach sufferer do not
despair—immediate, safe and sure re
liet is at hand. Mi-o-na Stomach Tab
lets, sold in fifty-cent boxes at all
drug stores, are u specific for out-of
order stomachs.
Mi-o-na is not only a quick di
gestive. but a stimulant and strengtli
ener of the stomach walls. It in
creases the flow of digestive fluids,
soothes the irritated membrane, and
puts the stomach in shape to do the
t work nature Intended.
If suffering with indigestion, dys
pepsia, gastritis or any of the various
forms of stomach misery, usually In
dicated by nervousness, distress after
eating, headache,- dizziness, bad breath,
or sour stomach, do not wait, do not
suffer needlessly—take Mi-o-na to-day.
H. C. Kennedy sells it on money back
if not satisfied plan.—Advertisement.
to enroll next Monday In
Day or Niglit School.
15 8. Market Square, Harrisbnrg, Pa.
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa,
No More Laundry ,
You can now get your laun
dry when you want it and ex
actly as you want it We know your
needs —and do our utmost to meet
When you send a skirt to us
it means that it will be thor
oughly cleaned —the fabric will In
every way bo protected—the uhlit
front will be flat—thorn will bo no ►
bulging to irrltute you. The same sat
isfactlon is four.d in everything wo
launder. Our methods and processed
are unequaled in Hurrlsburg. Our
prices are consistent. Send ub a bun
dle of laundry to-day.
Troy Laundry
Hoffman & Schooley, Props.
Both Phones.
1520-26 FULTON ST.
Direct Route
—to— "*
Savannah and Jacksonville
Through to principal points
lncludiriK meals and stateroom accom
modations on steamers. Best route to
Florida. Cuba and the South. Fine
steamers. Best service. Low faren.
Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried.
Rooms de Luxe. Baths. For booklet
rail on local ticket agent or address.
City Ticket Office. 105 S. Dth St., Phlln.
W. P. Turner, p. T. M„ Baltimore, Md.
Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and
Hoarseness. Clear tlio Voice—Fine for
Speakers and Singers. 25c,
10 X. Tliliu St, lacuna. Slatiim